Improving Elderly Care in Florida

Description of the Health Promotion Problem

US citizens start living longer, which leads to an increased number of older adults who require additional assistance and care. While three years ago there were only about 14% of individuals who were 65 and more years old, professionals believe that there will be almost 24% of them by 2060 (Healthy People, 2017). More than half of this population has 2 and more chronic conditions, such as heart disease or Alzheimer’s disease that is why it is not surprising that specialized care should be available for these people.

In order to improve the health condition of the elderly, the care they receive is to be enhanced as well. Even though particular interventions are already made, professionals indicate the necessity to put additional efforts to overcome existing health promotion problems. Healthy People 2020 (2017) encourage healthcare systems to make Medicare more accessible. It also suggests motivating more older adults to receive preventive services and engage in physical activities because less than 60% of them support their health in this way. Proposed interventions are also focused on healthcare providers as the number of those who have geriatric certification should increase to satisfy all clients. Injuries obtained because of falls and pressure ulcers acquired during a hospital stay are to be addressed as well.

Description of Specific Population

Improvement of elderly care is especially required in Florida because almost 26% of its population is more than 60 years old. The numbers of males and females do not differ much, but there are many representatives of racial and ethnic minorities, which means that they require specific services, based on the concept of cultural awareness and understanding. More about 10% of these individuals live below poverty guidelines and have limited English proficiency (Department of Elder Affairs, 2016). In order to minimalize the number of medically underserved individuals, the specific policy should be implemented. It can be based on the necessity to provide a policy that is focused on the necessity to develop cultural competency in geriatric nurses. With its help, more patients will have an opportunity to receive required care regardless of their personal characteristics that prevent them from obtaining proper treatment.

Policy Development and Legislators Involved

In order to implement the required change, professionals should address their considerations to Senator Kathleen Passidomo. This legislator is likely to support the discussed initiative, as she is a representative of the Committee on Health Policy, Committee on Children, Families, and Elder Affairs, and Subcommittee on Health and Human Services. Passidomo is expected to support the decision to enhance elderly care, focusing on cultural diversity because this aspect has not attracted much attention yet. With her help, additional funding needed to educate personnel will be obtained, which is significant for this change.

Policy Influence on Clinical Practice

The implementation of the policy focused on the provision of elderly care that is based on patients’ cultural diversity is likely to improve health outcomes significantly. The elderly are often not able to take care of themselves that is why it is vital to ensure that nurses provide their services meeting specific needs of this population (Truong, Paradies, & Priest, 2014). They should respect patients’ to be treated by same-sex professionals or to avoid the use of medications. Moreover, hospitals should provide patient navigator and interpreter services for immigrants who have problems with English.

Inter-Professional Team Involvement

Inter-professional teams should enhance their understanding of patients’ culture and views based on it. Their actions should be aligned with clients’ needs and desires. All members should share information about patients’ backgrounds if they acknowledge something new. They should carry out those plans that are adjusted to patients’ characteristics and ensure that their behavioral models are aligned. Being active partners in care, team members should constantly improve their cultural awareness and sensitivity.


Department of Elder Affairs. (2016). 2016 profile of older Floridians. Web.

Healthy People. (2017). Older Adults. Web.

Truong, M., Paradies, Y., & Priest, N. (2014). Interventions to improve cultural competency in healthcare: A systematic review of reviews. BMC Health Services Research, 14(1), 99-116.

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