Healthcare IT Specialist Role: Skills & Development Processes

Information technology (IT) has become an essential aspect of any healthcare organization, which results in the necessity to have IT specialists in these establishments. According to Wager, Frances, and Glaser (2017) the roles of them differ, as they can be engaged in activities “from customizing a software application to setting up and maintaining a wireless network to performing system backups” (p. 252).

In addition, IT employees may be required to work closely with the medical specialists. Therefore, this paper aims to present interview answers from an information technology specialist at Banner Health to determine the critical aspect of IT professional in a healthcare setting.

The person in question is engaged in analytical word and development of software for the hospital. The interviewed specialist stated that the role of business analyst of IT projects in healthcare is a complicated task on its own. However, it is essential, as an analyst is responsible for developing and inspecting various systems that help Banner Health provide their patients with the high-quality service. The position requires being both technically and business educated to understand the processes.

Moreover, because the person works in healthcare, it is crucial for him to know the underlying principles of patient care. The work has prepared this specialist for challenging tasks as in the particular setting he understands the responsibility that he has due to working on projects that are connected to how people are being taken care of in the hospital. Thus, he always approaches challenging tasks with the highest level of professionalism and strives to achieve the best results.

IT project development methodology in healthcare is a complex process which involves many participants. Firstly, the business analysts should prepare the task for the team. According to Glaser (2016) such specialists “must be leaders, develop and manage great teams, possess terrific communication skills, establish credibility and trust, be adaptable and have a deep understanding of the organization’s business as well as the IT industry” (para. 2).

The methodology for an IT project in healthcare involves generating an idea, creating a plan, developing the software, testing and implementing it. At Banner Health, the process begins with the discussion of a specific concept. Then, the team prepares a detailed plan of implementation for the project. Firstly, they engage a system analyst who examines software and hardware needs. He or she should develop the materials that the programmers then follow to design the software. Additionally, they should form a progress plan for the project and analyze the cost efficiency. Then, after the solution is ready, the team tests it to ensure that it is useful and works appropriately.

Application development skills that can be used in nursing and healthcare informatics vary and include non-technical factors. When asked about specific skills of IT professionals, the Banner Health employee stated that creativity is needed to be able to find solutions and adjust them when needed. Then, analytical capabilities are vital, as this is the skill that will ensure that you can process information and find a specific detail. He mentioned that they are looking for people who show attention to detail. A necessity that should be essential is knowledge of programming and related technical skills that are a must for an application developer.

The primary skills identified by the IT professional are creativity, analytical skills, and attention to detail, programming, and other technical capabilities. All of them can be enchased through education and practice. According to Kannry et al. (2016), “nursing informatics has worked on the formalization of education and skillsets the longest, dating back 20 years to work” (p. 170). They can be implemented into the career of a student because developing and enhancing those skills are crucial for the future career.

Programming skills and technical capabilities can be improved by attending courses. Creativity, analytical skills and attention to detail can be enhanced by researching the topics to understand the critical aspects of the process. Furthermore, a student can use those skills when performing homework.

Quality assurance process is essential in healthcare IT projects. It should be performed by a quality assurance specialist who can identify whether the developed system operates in accordance with a plan. Rijo et al. (2017), state that the process of quality assurance consists of monitoring the development of the software as well as methods that should ensure the quality of the final product. The methodology varies, thus different companies can utilize different standards.

According to Rijo et at. (2017) the software affects the patients, which is an essential factor that needs to be considered in testing. At Banner Health, the process is performed by Quality Assurance specialists who checks if the software adheres to the plan developed by the system analyst. The usability and other factors that indicate how easy to use and functional the software is being tested. Finally, an essential aspect is testing checking the security of the software. The process ensures that the health institution receives a high-quality solution.

At Banner Health, quality assurance specialist performs a variety of tests that allow them to identify the weak points of the software. Typically software is returned to programmers several times with improved specifications. The department tests the functioning, performance, usability, and security of the systems to identify whether they are going to be useful in the healthcare setting. As the IT specialist had mentioned, the end goal is to ensure that the developed software is easy to use, and corresponds to the needs of the organization.


Glaser, J. (2016). The evolution of the health care chief information officer. Web.

Kannry, J., Sengstack, P., Thyvalikakath, T. P., Poikonen, J., Middleton, B., Payne, T., & Lehmann, C. U. (2016). The chief clinical informatics officer (CCIO): AMIA task force report on CCIO knowledge, education, and skillset requirements. Applied Clinical Informatics, 7(1), 143–176. Web.

Rijo, R., Crepaldi, N. Y., Bergamini, F., Rodrigues, L. L., Lima, I., Perdóna, G., & Alves, D. (2017). Impact assessment on patients’ satisfaction and healthcare professionals’ commitment of software supporting Directly Observed Treatment Short course (DOTS): A protocol proposal. Health Informatics Journal. Web.

Wager, K. A., Frances, W. L, & Glaser, J. P. (2017). Health care information systems: A practical approach for healthcare management (4th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Wiley.

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