Enhancing Office Efficiency with Modern Technology


Modern Technology from the Information Technology fields has really evolved the work-place configuration and operational cycle. Technology is the enhancement made in applying new design, layout and function. Beside the work-based computer operations, technology also determines the configuration of the office equipments. It involves using equipments that are more upgradable, fast and those that offer better competition or an aggressive periphery.

Common Work-Based Scenarios

According to Griscom, every organization needs to meet its working standards such as workplace configurations in order to suite other factors (2009). Due to the work-related challenges, current scenarios in the workplace indicate that various organizations have changed their working styles from the situation of working individually, to group-works that are often under shared fast and effective telecommunication equipments (Lagace, 2003).

Many organizations are therefore using IT as a tool for enhancing and retaining a productive working environment, which must appeal to the customers. Before changing the layout of the organization for maximum functionality or benefits, implementing a work philosophy is arguably a more important but remains as an underplayed aspect in most firms. Majority of these organizations hold annual meetings to enhance its work-based philosophies, which are for informing or guiding the employees on what to do and when to do it.

Virtual Offices Case Reference

Considering the discussion of two virtual offices by Tom Peters in “Liberation Management”, Oticon was the only producer of the hearing aid devices, a project propelled by the then president, Ronald Reagan (Wallace, 2000). A time came when there grew a lot of competition as Oticon embraced the new technology and introduced a highly engineered hearing device, which made the firm to rise in the market shares.

Later on, a new CEO named Lars Kolind was introduced to the company and he raised the company to higher performance levels by first cutting 15% of the work force and consolidating budget approval authority promptly, as he signed the checks in person (Wallace, 2000).

Kolind committed himself to a new process in which cross-functional teams would meet and come up with new ideas to develop a new product into the market. He was committed to the company as he prompted everyone who does not commit to the cause to step down or walk out. This boosted the morale of the company as everyone believed in his administrative plans. He therefore prevented Oticon from bankruptcy as shareholders were back on the sales market.

There have been many attempts over years to establish the paperless office. Some of the attempts nearly made it through, while major transformations relating to Information Technology became office disasters. Considering Denmark’s Oticon as a good example, few organizations have a mailroom where employees receive, read and shred the mail after scanning them through a computer database for further reference (Wallace, 2000).

Role of IT in Organization

In order to improve on information and communication technology skills, organizations opt to centre their work base on three philosophical entities. First there is need to state that the importance of a task, which must be reflected on performance of the employees.

Secondly, job ranking should depend on both individual and collective performances. Lastly, organizations should be effective and flexible enough to enhance future changes. Information technology has played a major role of seeing many offices advance to alternative ways of managing and storing data as well as processing information. Today’s offices enjoy reduced paperwork due to the ability to store files in various workstations or centralized and shared computer systems. Computers, scanners, printers and photocopying machines have replaced many outdated office equipments like the typewriter (Griscom, 2009).

Offices Transformation

The transformation of office information systems has also lead to changes of many office designs. Today, most offices are relatively small, tightly arranged, less private and more efficient in delivery. Contrary the lack of privacy also leads to distractions. The restructuring of offices to enhance levelled platforms that accommodate many workstations has also been seen to work in many countries such as the United States of American where public offices such as police centres are made of shared rooms that are partitioned with transparent glass. This advocates for transparency as cases of bribery and corruption are on the minimal in such scenarios (Griscom, 2009).

Effects of IT in Organizations

Restructuring not only support electrical, phone, lighting, heating and cooling systems in the offices, organizations now consider network and communication cables for each office. In such cases, people would not enjoy the small private workspaces that are prone to noise through attenuation and distraction. The modern effect of Information Technology to Organizations has resulted to employment of talented and educated employees, who are reliable and convenient to cater for the organization needs and be inline with the growing computer world. In order for these skilled employees to work in accordance to their duties, the office layout is clearly dictated to influence their moral ability (Lagace, 2003).


The current growth in computer technology and influence on IT is a clear indication that office layouts and designs will change in the future. Future conferences will be held through three-dimensional virtual systems and other real-time procedures. It will be possible for someone to be at their premises, but respond to a call from the office and perform various office requests through the network systems. Today it is possible to be in United Kingdom but enjoying a live NBA match being played in Los Angeles. This is a concept that is transferring to various organizations in future.


Griscom, J. (2009). How communications technology is creating a new, results-based model of work. CompuMentor. Web.

Lagace, M. (2003). Stuck in Gear: Why Managers Don’t Act. Harvard Business School. Working Knowledge. 

Wallace, M. C. (2000). Complexity of New Office Designs: Thinking Through Your Future Workplace. Associate AIA, Wallace Research Group, 8 (10). 

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1. StudyCorgi. "Enhancing Office Efficiency with Modern Technology." January 28, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/information-technology-transforming-organizations/.


StudyCorgi. "Enhancing Office Efficiency with Modern Technology." January 28, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/information-technology-transforming-organizations/.


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