Intersex Surgeries: Is It Right to Assign Sex to a Baby?

The video suggests that gender role identification and development issues form a crucial aspect of human development (BBC News 7:56). This is because labeling a child as a boy or girl becomes a vital part of their overall identity. The video confirmed that many children have intersex traits worldwide, although this is rarely publicized. Children with intersex traits are frequently operated and assigned the sex of a boy or girl. In most cases, assigning sex to a baby has devastating consequences, as demonstrated by multiple children interviewed in the video. Based on the video, gender identification on human development serves the role of addressing the common fundamental social factors which perpetuate gender inequality (BBC News 3:58). However, such factors give rise to women’s inconsistent ill health and poor access to vital services. Ultimately, gender role identification in human development should be performed on the basis of mutual consent of the involved individuals and parties.

Laws should be implemented to govern medical procedures to surgically alter children’s sexual anatomy, particularly minors and those under 18 years. For instance, states have commitments to introduce sexual health laws to control how medical procedures are performed according to human rights standards. The laws should give parents and children the authority to choose what they desire in gender choices (BBC News 5:48). Other laws should focus on child registration to ensure that their gender is recognized and they access varied services. Evidently, from the video, medical professionals take the first step to perform surgical operations to assign sex to children even without their parents’ consent (BBC News 8:49). Even at a young age, children have rights, and this should serve as a benchmark to inform sexual health laws across the globe.

Work Cited

“Intersex Surgeries: Is it Right to Assign Sex to a Baby?” YouTube, uploaded by BBC News, 2019, Web.

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