Is Digital Technology Making Children’s Life Better?


Through creative programs and methods, digital technology research has had the potential to support and demonstrate that innovation advances the effectiveness of skills and competencies required to perform tasks in corporations and educational institutions. The age-based description of a child used by the Convention on the Child’s Rights as an individual under 18 years includes the overwhelming bulk of teenagers (Vandenhole et al., 2019). Modern communications consist of electronic tools, structures, gadgets, and infrastructure that produce, store, or analyse information (Khin & Ho, 2018). Examples include social media, multiplayer services, interactive media, and smart applications.

Students’ utilization and data investigation must be at the heart of educational learning in the digital era. Digital learning refers to any form of learning that employs innovation and can occur in every subject area of the education system (Xu & Zhong, 2018). Some of the advantages of digital innovation for children include improved memory, increased fine and gross motor capabilities, and enhanced child critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. However, some of the disadvantages of innovative technology among children include sleep disorders, reduced attention span, and minimized social engagement. Therefore, with the above benefits and limitations of online technology, this paper provides an in-depth analysis of the pros and cons of online innovations.

Advantages of Digital Technology

First, there is an odd link between innovation and memory, which aids in enhancing brain processes. Mentally stimulating tasks, such as discovering new skills, are among the most important factors in enhancing brain and memory functioning (Messer et al., 2018). Technological tools enable children to interact with and alter materials and their thoughts. Certain digital resources can improve memory and clarify expectations, which entails brainstorming and discovery learning (Messer et al., 2018). Technology facilitates feedback, contemplation, and correction and encourages interaction inside and outside the classroom.

Children are trained for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers, making the teenage years crucial for recognizing important psychological elements. Thus, this enhances the probability of employment prospects and individual variances in career choice (Nilsen et al., 2021). The application of technology permits students to participate, investigate, and partake in logical methodology. Interactive educational contexts engage children’s activities and are associated with active, learner-engaging processing resources (Kosmas et al., 2019). These settings foster cognitive depth and lead to the proactive building of additional information.

Innovation aids children with hyperactivity disorder who face self-control, cognitive, and learning difficulties at school or home. This disorder is defined by a child’s restlessness and inability to sustain attention, which, over time, diminishes the child’s behavioral control (Fabio et al., 2019). To enhance and boost the educational process of these children, new technological applications are being developed; thus, this contributes significantly to learning. Students appreciate the use of audio and graphics in CD-ROMs and compositional software as they help improve their memory (Palmqvist & Danielsson, 2020). This innovative interactive system was designed to increase children’s memory, attention, and ability to form associations. However, students must maintain concentration despite the availability of technologically marketed games. As a result, this allows the learner to meet advanced requirements.

Second, by having children’s memory boosted, their psychomotor capabilities are enhanced. Gadgets such as wireless handheld devices are widespread among children today. Kids spend up to seven and a half hours interacting with media technology (Lin, 2019). Problematically, relatively little study has been undertaken on the effects of these advancements on children’s growth. However, the effect of digitalization on a child’s fundamental movement skills is a major concern (Lin, 2019). Gross motor abilities consist of the greater motions of the arms, legs, and feet and are utilized in athletic activity, crawling, and surfing (Webster et al., 2019). Psychomotor skills encompass wrist, hand, finger, and toe motions that are more precise, and both competencies contribute to synchronization.

Dynamic online gaming is the most recent trend in the video game industry. Autism is associated with social and cognitive impairments, concentration problems, recurrent or restricted habits, and occasionally poor performance in gross-motor abilities (Chen et al., 2019). Due to the difficulties of grasping, manipulating, and utilizing a pencil, children with deficiencies in fine-motor balance may struggle with calligraphy and learning outcomes (Chen et al., 2019). As a result, they may be unable to carry out daily tasks and perform well in school.

Children with autism participate in physical therapy, consisting of continuous fine-motor exercises, such as utilizing their thumbs to perform the pincer grasp to handle objects and put them into receptacles of varying sizes. Alternatively, games-based therapy has been proved to be equally effective and more enjoyable (Rafiei Milajerdi et al., 2021). Gesture-based computer games, electronic multiplayer games that are operated with air movements without requiring extra assistance like body identifiers, may therefore have the capacity to boost the fine-motor synchronization of children with autism (Cai et al., 2018). Therefore, through video games, digital technology can be essential in developing kids’ hands-on skills.

Finally, innovative learning and playing atmosphere boost psychomotor skills. The use of digitalization can enhance the educational experience for all children and adolescents. As a result, Sarker et al. (2019) underline that combining modern media with creative classroom environments enables more engaging hands-on inquiry and optimizes cooperative partnerships amongst children inside the educational setting. Children build rational reflection and problem-solving capabilities by analysing and assessing inquiry-based activities through browsing (Blau et al., 2020). A strategic thinker approaches challenges in novel ways while integrating knowledge across professions.

The Internet has revolutionized the framework for critical thinking, and the introduction of experiential learning enhances children learning even further. Through coding software and other programs, such as mind map apps, Desmos, Mathies, Gizmos, and mPower, innovation offers speed, magnifies, and broadens knowledge when implemented efficiently (Shatunova et al., 2019). Moreover, through interconnected education, kids can critically explore their self-preferences and curiosities via inquiry-based learning with their colleagues and employ creativity to examine situations (Shatunova et al., 2019). Across-the-curriculum instructional technology, for instance, necessitates a mental shift on the part of teachers to permit child creation through different media types, such as ePortfolios and Google Classroom (Bennison et al., 2020). Children can also engage with actual, real-world research circumstances, such as FaceTiming or Skyping (Ratheeswari, 2018; Tal et al., 2019), a researcher in Antarctica to investigate the migratory habits of penguins. Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Blogs are popular social media applications that students can use to enhance their innovativeness.

In addition, youngsters gain problem-solving skills, so increasing their technological achievements. Irie et al. (2019) insinuate that one 21st-century deployment of problem-solving competencies is Makerspaces. Makerspaces, also known as Hackerspaces, are workstations equipped with maker tools, such as 3-D printers, Legos, and robotics kits, where children can collaboratively tinker, investigate, and research as part of public inquiry-based classroom activities (Irie et al., 2019). Makerspaces enable children to create something from nothing and to explore their passions.

Disadvantages of Digital Technology

First, digital technology is associated with sleep disorders among children when excessively used for long periods. Sleep is essential for wellbeing, maturation, intelligence, and behaviour throughout childhood (Scott & Woods, 2019). Research has indicated that insufficient sleep is connected with emotional and behavioural difficulties in children and adolescents. Children with psychological or behavioural issues, such as anxiety, depression, attention deficit, or hyperactivity disorder, have poor sleep quality. Consequently, poor sleep can impair cognitive and physical performance (Scott & Woods, 2019). Exposure to electronic screens interrupts sleep, negatively affecting cognition and conduct. There is evidence that daily touchscreen use by infants and young children has a harmful influence on sleep onset, duration, and nightly awakenings.

It is unknown if seeing screens or media material interrupts sleep; nonetheless, it is well-established that the illumination spectrum affects the circadian rhythms that regulate sleep. Light-emitting diode (LED) displays on computers and mobile phones generate slow-wave blue light that disrupts circadian cycles (Scott & Woods, 2019). Contact to LED screens instead of non-LED screens has been found to affect melatonin and overall health and mental functioning. Consequently, it is crucial to understand the impacts of screen time on slumber as a regulator of various deleterious consequences on memory and cognitive ability (Scott & Woods, 2019). In addition, the activities that youngsters engage in on their digital gadgets may keep them awake by engaging their brains to remain aware and engaged.

Certainly, playing computer games induces a rush of adrenaline that renders the brain overly engaged. Even relatively innocuous actions can alert a person’s brain, such as engaging in online discussions or streaming an amusing video. Some children are not accustomed to switching off the reminders option on their phones before bed. While some individuals may sleep through the sounds, the chirps and sensations may become a nuisance and force them to awaken multiple times. There are numerous ways in which technologies can disrupt children’s bedtime (Scott & Woods, 2019). Even if they are unaware that their sleep is being disturbed, they will probably encounter some of the following consequences of insufficient quality slumber and even lead to sleep disorders.

Second, with disrupted sleep, the attention span of children is reduced. It is not surprising that, in this age of rapid-fire digital innovation, neither adults nor children can focus on tasks that take attention and cognition. Due to smart gadgets, the neurotransmitters in children’s brains essentially function on all cylinders, at maximum velocity; the brain is essentially in perpetual overdrive (Radesky, 2018). Kids are exposed to the same stimuli even though they are still developing the capacity to coordinate knowledge and pay heed. While being inundated daily with over activation and distractions, individuals should concentrate on topics that may not pique their attention as these other engaging, instant-gratification information-providing devices.

Consequently, many youngsters cannot concentrate and get overloaded or uninterested. Multiple studies have established a connection between computer use and significant screen time, such as streaming movies or online gaming, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (Radesky, 2018). Children younger than 5 who spend more than two hours per day in front of a screen are roughly eight times more likely to be diagnosed with attention-related problems such as ADHD (Radesky, 2018). Consequently, this is largely indicated that the central nervous system employs two types of attention: spontaneous and guided (Radesky, 2018). The default mode system is characterized by automatic concentration, social networking, game consoles, and television.

Directed attention is related to the task-positive network, which people use when focused on arduous and occasionally monotonous tasks such as learning, reading books, or folding clothes. Although most studies associating technology use and ADHD symptoms have focused on children and adolescents, this association has been found in adults of all ages (Radesky, 2018). Uncertainty surrounds the relationship between technology use and attention deficits. However, it may be attributable to recurrent attentional changes and juggling, compromising executive performance.

Finally, with reduced attention span among children, their social interaction is minimized. The detrimental impacts of technology on a children’s interpersonal interactions typically manifest when the kids play several videogames and become detached from reality. The youngster, who does not speak, engage, or connect with their surroundings, will fulfil these requirements in a virtual setting. For instance, adolescents can view the level of play they have reached. This stage is a legitimacy component, and they may want to increase their credibility in the company of friends. The excessive usage of screens replaces time spent participating in actual social relationships. Kids develop language, intellectual, and social abilities through interactions with parents, other grownups, and contemporaries.

To comprehend and use forms of communication, show compassion, and practice turn-taking, children demand in-person interaction. Greater technology utilization tends to isolate children from their peers, which can hinder the progress of sociocultural capabilities (Hudson et al., 2019). Research evidence shows that screen usage is adversely connected with the acquisition of social skills in pre-schoolers. Particularly, their social mobility worsens in associating and engaging with others, obedience to instructions, and willingness to aid others the more time they engage with electronics.

Excessive screen engagement can be linked to an increase in destructive behavioural patterns, such as arrogance and harassment. Consequently, this can result in feelings of disconnectedness. Hudson et al. (2019) indicated that youth who experience the least in-person engagement and the greatest screen exposure have solitude and melancholy. In addition to social growth and excessive screen time, the decline in healthy family connections is a cause for concern. Therefore, excessive technology consumption reduces quality time spent with relatives and increases parent-child confrontations.


In conclusion, children have experienced both positive and harmful effects from digital technology. There is a strange connection between creativity and memory, which helps to improve brain operations. Mentally engaging activities, such as learning new abilities, are essential variables in boosting children’s brain and memory performance. Thanks to technological instruments, individuals can engage with and modify materials and their thoughts. In addition, improving children’s memories increases their psychomotor skills. Wireless portable devices are commonplace among children in the modern world. In conclusion, creative educational and playing environments improve practical skills. All children can benefit from the usage of digital technology in the classroom.

Combining current media with imaginative classroom spaces facilitates more engaging hands-on investigation and improves collaborative connections between students within the educational context. However, prolonged excessive use of digital technology is related to sleep difficulties in youngsters. In addition, children have a limited attention level when their sleep is compromised. Lastly, the negative impact of the internet on children’s human relationship often manifest when youngsters get removed from reality after playing multiple video games. Despite the positive effects of digital media on children’s development of competencies and psychomotor skills, parents and teachers must limit the amount of time their children and pupils spend using new devices. Managing them would allow for monitoring their sleep patterns and the development of peer relationships.


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