The Internet’s Effects on Intelligence in Digital Age

Today, the Internet in association with mobile phones, TV, and video games is a controversial topic. Some people view these technological advances as dangerous and stupefying; however, I disagree with this view. I believe that the use of the Internet and modern devices do not make the population stupider. Instead, it is the inevitable progress of technology and science that makes people’s lives easier and more entertaining.

There are three main reasons for people to believe that the Internet makes people stupid. The first reason is that because of the Internet, people read less critically or just read less in general (, 2022). The helpful part of this view is the belief in the need for critical reading and critical thinking for developing intelligence. If I believed this view, I would notice the need to promote critical literature among Internet users instead of shaming them for not reading. This idea might be true if reading was the only activity that renders a person intelligent.

The second reason people might use to support this view is that the Internet makes life too easy. This idea is helpful to people whose lives are not burdened with various complications. If I believed this view, I would notice that people who use the Internet not daily but for their entertainment only do not apply to this idea. This view can be true if applied to people who rely only on the help of the Internet in their daily lives.

The third reason is supported by the fact that people stopped memorizing information due to it being available on the Internet. The interesting part of this view is that good memory is considered a quality of high intelligence; however, it is not always a part of it. If I believed this view, I would notice that some information is worth memorizing, and some are not; for example, birthday dates of close friends, in contrast to historical dates. This idea might be true if there was a chance of the Internet collapsing and ceasing to provide us with the needed information.

Reference (2022). Is the Internet “Making Us Stupid”? — Top 3 Pros and Cons. Web.

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