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Issues in Healthcare and Effective Communication with Organization Stakeholders

Current and Emerging Issues in the Health Care System and the Policy Environment in Which the System Operates

The realm of healthcare has experienced some notable changes over the past decade. With a surge of innovations in the IT and ICT spheres, an array of devices and systems for enhancing the quality and efficacy of healthcare have been introduced (Wager et al., 2021). Moreover, a plethora of new opportunities has been discovered (Basatneh et al., 2018). However, despite the described advancements in the quality of care and management of core public health issues, the healthcare environment still struggles with a range of issues that are yet to be addressed, both on evidence-based and policy levels (Schot et al., 2019). By focusing on quality improvement, patient-oriented strategies, the enhancement of patient education, and the increase in healthcare services accessibility, I contributed substantially to the improvement of the current healthcare system.


Healthcare System

Ensuring quality represents one of the core tasks within the healthcare system, yet the specified objective becomes nearly unattainable once the problem of medical errors is introduced into the target context. In the current healthcare system, medical errors represent some of the most troubling concerns due to their sheer number and the devastating effect that they produce (Rodziewicz et al., 2022; Nash et al., 2019). According to the official statistical data, in the U.S., medical errors are the leading cause of fatal outcomes in patients (Melnyk et al., 2019). Therefore, the problem needs to be addressed at its core with the help of relevant, innovative tools. Rodziewicz et al. (2022) state that two main types of medical errors can be discerned in the healthcare system. These are the errors of omission occurring when a required step is not taken and errors of commission happening when the action taken is wrong (Rodziewicz et al., 2019). Enhancement of interdisciplinary collaboration between nurses, the nurse-patient dialogue, and nurse communication during patient handover is expected to help in addressing these issues.

Additionally, to counteract the adverse effects of medical errors that have already occurred, the bodies shaping the current healthcare system in the U.S. must introduce appropriate reporting tools. Alongside the proposed technological innovations, the emphasis must be placed on increasing accountability among healthcare practitioners, nurses, and other members of the healthcare staff responsible for medical errors (Melnyk et al., 2019). The proposed reporting strategy will help mitigate the negative effects of medical errors due to the immediate introduction of effective measures in response to the filed data regarding the error committed (Rodziewicz et al., 2022). Furthermore, the promotion of accountability in the staff will create an environment in which they will feel responsible for sharing information about their mistakes, even in light of the repercussions and penalties that they will receive. The described change will have to be integrated into the healthcare system context on a policymaking level as an entirely indispensable part of the health management process. Thus, improvements can be expected within the current U.S. healthcare setting.

Overall, I have learned that the lack of understanding of specific populations’ needs also represents a critical concern that minimizes the effectiveness of the contemporary healthcare system. For instance, I realized that the issue of women’s health needs to be researched further since a range of information pertaining to the specifics of women’s bodies and the development of health issues in the specified population are yet to be discovered (Duff et al., 2018). Additionally, reports reveal that the effects of hysterectomy, particularly the resulting surgically induced menopause, still require profound and thorough analysis (Duff et al., 2018). Similarly, another study reports that “The effect of stress exposures and mental health sequelae on health-related outcomes is understudied among older women veterans” (Smith et al., 2022, p. 147). Thus, I recognized that there was a pressing necessity to enhance the efficacy and quality of research concerning health issues in women. In turn, the discoveries that in-depth evidence-based research into women’s health will entail should inform the development of the current healthcare system and the development of relevant standards and practices (Smith et al., 2022). However, the present state of women’s health management leaves much to be desired, which results in multiple negative health outcomes for women. Therefore, it became clear to me that the specified area was to be studied in depth in order to improve the quality of care.

In a similar fashion, the lack of studies on health risks suffered by minority groups is notorious in the modern healthcare environment. Specifically, the impact of unique factors that make particular groups exceptionally vulnerable, both regarding certain health risks and the management of health, in general, remains largely underresearched (Duff et al., 2018). Overall, the issue of health research represents one of the core concerns to be addressed.

Policy Environment

In turn, the policy environment in which the healthcare system functions also contains several issues that need to be addressed. Specifically, the standards for policymaking in relation to healthcare will have to be revisited, and the perspective from which new policies are introduced and enforced will need to be challenged (Dunn et al., 2021). There is a range of concerns related to the current healthcare policy and the specifics of its development, which is why a more detailed overview thereof is required.

A key issue to be addressed is associated with policy development and the application of evidence-based data that could inform it. Specifically, the lack of collaboration between advanced practice nurses (APNs) and authorities shaping current healthcare policies defines the presence of challenges in the applicability of the policies in question and their functionality (Yang et al., 2021). For instance, the study by Guerra et al. (2022) confirms that collaboration between APNs and healthcare authorities in developing relevant policies is central to representing vulnerable communities in healthcare and providing them with services that are tailored specifically to their needs. In turn, Yang et al. (2021) report that, while having been expanded and improved, the extent of involvement of APNs and APRNs in the design of healthcare policies is still quite low. Therefore, a substantial portion of evidence-based data, especially that on the needs and health issues of vulnerable groups and communities, fails to be included in the design of healthcare policies (Heinen et al., 2019; Wilensky & Teitelbaum, 2019). Thus, the described concern remains a core issue in the healthcare policy environment.

Additionally, there is a necessity to introduce available options for healthcare service delivery to remote and underserviced areas using the latest technological advancements. Namely, the increasing role of Telehealth in addressing vulnerable groups’ needs indicates that appropriate adjustments must be made to the current policy (Yang et al., 2021). Thus, all citizens will be able to gain quick and easy access to the required resources.

However, by far the most important discovery that I made when familiarizing myself with core readings was linked to healthcare policies and their development is the incredibly high prices for medication. Since the approach to medicine pricing is enshrined in the current legal system, it remains a major issue that needs to be revisited and updated immediately (Yesalis et al., 2012). Specifically, the high prices for a range of medications appear to be unsubstantiated; furthermore, the frequent absence or lack of cheaper substitutes limits the extent of access to healthcare that underserviced communities have (Heinen et al., 2019). As a result, healthcare services remain inaccessible for a range of populations. For this reason, the current policies for drug pricing must be reconsidered.

Admittedly, there have been attempts to address the described problem recently. The 340B program, which enables some patients to receive access to medications that require lesser costs, is to be considered by the government soon (Cole et al., 2022). It is expected that the specified solution will increase healthcare accessibility to underserviced communities (Cole et al., 2022). However, the proposed solution is still only a half-measure since drug pricing will remain an issue until appropriate regulations are introduced.

By using emergent technologies to enhance the extent of healthcare service accessibility, the level of patient education, and evidence-based research for addressing major public health concerns, I was able to introduce minor yet important improvements to the existing healthcare system. The described changes will require a chain of alterations made to the current healthcare policies and regulations. Overall, presently, the range of challenges that the healthcare system incorporates is quite large. Furthermore, these challenges appear to be tightly connected to the issues of research, health resource accessibility, and communication. Therefore, innovative tools must be introduced to address these concerns and reinforce the quality of communication, the efficacy of research, and the promotion of access to underserviced populations. Similarly, the healthcare policy issue should be managed by integrating the latest technological advances in order to increase the levels of APNs’ and APRNs’ involvement in the discussion and shaping of respective healthcare policies. Thus, positive change is expected to take place.

Communicating Effectively with Internal and External Organizational Stakeholders

The promotion of change in the healthcare environment suggests not only partaking in the shaping of policies actively but also collaborating and communicating effectively with core stakeholders. The latter include both internal and external ones since both sides provide unique pieces of information that contribute to detailing the complete picture of the present-day healthcare context. In order to converse effectively with core stakeholders, appropriate communication tools, including innovative solutions and corresponding strategies tailored to each stakeholder’s needs, must be implemented.


Internal Stakeholders

Prior to analyzing the current communication strategies for managing the needs of external and internal stakeholders and proposing reasonable improvements, I had to identify the specified types of demographic accurately. As a rule, the list of internal stakeholders within a healthcare setting is restricted to the experts employed in it. These include staff members, such as healthcare practitioners, nurses, and managers (Nash et al., 2019; Yesalis et al., 2019). Representing the participants that provide healthcare services to the target audience, the specified demographic should be seen as the core of any healthcare organization. Therefore, appropriate HR policies must be introduced to meet the needs of the specified stakeholders and ensure that they are placed in a comfortable environment. Thus, the extent of their motivation and engagement will rise, leading to an improvement in the quality of care.

External Stakeholders

Though not related directly to healthcare organizations, external stakeholders thereof also play a vital role in their performance. Currently, external stakeholders of healthcare agencies are their patients and their partners, namely, pharmaceutical and medical equipment companies, insurance companies, and investors (Wager et al., 2021). The specified stakeholders also pursue specific interests that healthcare organizations must meet promptly in order to continue delivering services to their respective customers. For this purpose, improved and enhanced communication is vital.

Key Communication Goals

The process of communicating with the specified stakeholders implies meeting several essential goals. The latter include identifying the core needs of the target audiences and detailing the strategies that should be used to build a rapport with them, creating a strong bond and the premise for continuous communication. Receiving feedback that will be later used to improve the efficacy of the offered healthcare services and address core public health issues must be recognized as another vital goal to be achieved (Wilensky& Teitelbaum, 2019). Therefore, the main objectives of altering the current framework for stakeholder communication concern improving the rapport with the specified demographic and identifying their needs more accurately while determining the strategies for satisfying these needs as effectively as possible.

Main Impediments to Communication

Unfortunately, when building a communication channel for conversing with the target population, most companies are likely to stumble across an array of complications. Among these, I should mention the lack of involvement and enthusiasm among the selected stakeholders, difficulties selecting the right tool for data collection and analysis, and the issues with processing a massive amount of information within a very short amount of time. However, with several people-oriented and innovation-based strategies for improving communication with core stakeholders, improvements can be made.

Strategies for Communication Enhancement

Stakeholder profiling: mapping and involvement techniques. The lack of awareness about the key characteristics of the main stakeholders typically represents the main problem in enhancing communication in the healthcare setting. Therefore, proper tools for communication management must be utilized. For this reason, stakeholder profiling as a means of learning more about the target demographic must be introduced (Wilensky & Teitelbaum, 2019). The specified approach implies locating all populations that may be potentially affected by a healthcare organization’s decision-making, with the following design of strategies that could increase their visibility (Dunn, 2010). The specified strategy is beneficial when having to familiarize healthcare staff members with the specifics of the target community and its members.

Embracing digital technology opportunities. Another approach that a healthcare organization should utilize when building a communication strategy to converse with the target demographic is the use of digital tools provides an array of extensive opportunities for addressing the needs of external and internal stakeholders. Specifically, by using digital tools within the healthcare facility, I was able to manage data and provide access to it for staff members easily, while also keeping it contained and secure. Furthermore, the threat of data omission or a failure to communicate specific facts, thus, leading to medical errors, will be eliminated (Kolasa & Kozinski, 2020). In turn, for external stakeholders, particularly patients, social networks should be integrated into the communication framework to promote healthcare literacy among them (Kraus et al., 2021). Finally, to converse with partners, investors, retailers, and other external entities, emails, zoom meetings, and teleconferences should be viewed as essential tools.

Feedback analysis. Furthermore, the importance of processing feedback is to be taken into account when addressing the issue of stakeholder communication. Feedback from both external and internal stakeholders can be collected by introducing surveys and questionnaires with the help of tools such as Google Forms and relevant templates (Kraus et al., 2021). Furthermore, the analysis of the feedback must be conducted by incorporating a diversity-oriented approach so that minority groups can be represented equally.

Defense, involvement, collaboration, and monitoring. When conversing with external stakeholders, healthcare organization representatives can choose from a rather broad range of strategies. Among these, the ones of defense, involvement, collaboration, and monitoring are typically listed as the most effective approaches (Chen et al., 2020). The inclusion of defense approaches is exceptionally useful in healthcare as the means to address non-cooperative stakeholders, such as patients unwilling to recognize the importance of specific healthcare interventions (Dunn, 2010). The proposed strategy suggests that reluctant stakeholders communicate their concerns and fears, therefore, contributing to the discussion and allowing a healthcare organization to improve its services. In turn, the involvement approach requires working with indifferent stakeholders and introducing ideas that will increase their motivation for participation. In turn, collaboration suggests promoting cooperation between stakeholders and healthcare organizations to increase the efficacy of services. Finally, monitoring suggests coordinating the communication process and observing it to identify d address emergent issues (Chen et al., 2020). The described set of tools will allow for building efficacy and creating premises for innovation within a healthcare facility.

Research involvement. Encouraging core stakeholders, both internal and external ones, into evidence-based research is another area of interest for most healthcare organizations. The specified approach may also prompt more effective communication between the specified parties (Wager et al., 2021). Namely, by encouraging the core stakeholders, including both external and internal ones, to take part in evidence-based research, I contributed to building a sense of confidence and motivation in the specified demographic, thus, making them feel more appreciative of the healthcare organization that has provided the necessary support (Hein et al., 2020; Yesalis et al., 2012; ). Furthermore, the enhancement of evidence-based research in the target setting will allow identifying core needs and characteristics of stakeholders, which, in turn, can inform communication strategies that can be used to further the dialogue with them.

Sustaining change. Finally, the issue of supporting the implementation of change and its active promotion within a healthcare organization must be discussed. In order to promote change, I needed to ensure that the key roles of the stakeholders in question and the related standards of behavior and decision-making are clearly communicated to them. Thus, collaboration with the specified populations will be maintained. Furthermore, the enhancement of change in the healthcare context, particularly in relation to using appropriate innovative communication tools and ensuring cross-disciplinary collaboration, monitoring techniques must be applied (Nash et al., 2019). The specified solution is needed to ensure that staff members align their actions and decision-making with the core requirements and standards. Thus, the quality of care will rise noticeably within a short period of time.

Overall, I have learned that communication represents a crucial issue in the context of the healthcare system. Moreover, it has become obvious to me that innovative solutions, including social media and similar technology, must be integrated into the patient communication framework. Thus, improved healthcare outcomes can be achieved.


Communication with external and internal stakeholders represents a vital goal for the healthcare system, which is why appropriate, stakeholder-specific strategies must be applied. The specified strategies must include both advanced technological tools for effective data collection and feedback provision, as well as strategies for prolific communication with the main stakeholders that will encourage their involvement in the process and active engagement with the healthcare-related dialogue. Thus, the needs of both internal and external; stakeholders must be accommodated by integrating effective data management tools and ensuring that the obtained feedback represents the entire extent of diversity within the specified demographics. As a result, an accurate representation of the specified stakeholders in the healthcare context will become possible, which, in turn, will improve the performance of healthcare organizations and the percentage of positive outcomes in patients.


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