Large Hadron Collider’s Launch and Consequences


The aim of the present paper is to argue on the matters of Large Hadron Collider launch, the probable consequences of the launch, and to compare the view on the probable consequences of the launch.

For several years, politicians and researchers alike have announced that “globalization” is the future of science. No longer would any sole nation assume ambitious tasks such as the Superconducting Super Collider, the $11 billion particle accelerator canceled by Congress in 1993. Rather, the charges of big science would by divided by states working jointly. (Economic Growth, 2007)


Actually, there are diametrically opposite points of view on the consequences of the launch. The Issues in Science and Technology Magazine provides the following expert’s meaning:

The risk of a doomsday scenario in which high-energy physics experiments trigger the destruction of the Earth has been estimated to be minuscule. But this may give a false sense of security: the fact that the Earth has survived for so long does not necessarily mean that such disasters are unlikely, because observers are, by definition, in places that have avoided destruction. Here we derive a new upper bound of one per billion years (99.9% confidence level) for the exogenous terminal-catastrophe rate that is free of such selection bias, using calculations based on the relatively late formation time of Earth. (Economic Growth, 2007)

The testing launch is planned for the 10th of September, 2008, and scientists, working at it argue, that similar processes take place in space, and the proton flows possess much more energy, than collider provides. As for the probability of wormhole appearing, it is argued, that:

The physicists are confident that any black holes they create will evaporate almost instantaneously into a shower of particles. In fact, the theories that predict that black holes can be created also predicts that black holes will evaporate. The two concepts go hand in hand. (Silber, 2008)

The other trouble is that the Large Hadron Collider will make a hypothesized material named strangelets. This “strange substance” would then be capable to contaminate other staff, turning the whole planet into a matter of strange matter. This strange matter is entirely theoretical the same hypotheses that say it might be offered in the Large Hadron Collider also exclude any dangers from it.

One of the most significant deliberations is the fact that the Moon is struck by huge energy space rays that dwarf the energy of the Large Hadron Collider. They were likely exploded out of the environment around a super massive black hole.


This actual issue has been chosen in order to reveal the diametrical opposition of the opinions even on the matters, that define the future of the whole planet, or even may be the whole Solar system. Scientists express the opinions, and the periodicals summarize them and offer the numerical data, and feed up the quarrels with subjective journalists’ viewpoints.


Economic Growth Helps Boost R&D Budgets – at Least for Now. (2007). Issues in Science and Technology, 14, 30.

Silber, K. (2008). Big Projects in Big Trouble: International Cooperation in Physics and Space Research Has Been Less Than Harmonious. Insight on the News, 12, 37.

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