Leadership Analysis of St. John the Compassionate Mission


Servant leadership is a vital concept that every person aspiring to be a captain should strive to practice for their followers. This notion is profoundly portrayed in case 8.2: St. John the Compassionate Mission. The concept depicts how organizational culture and managerial tactics can be used to develop and train supporters in the firm. Roberto Ubertino is a servant leader whose policy entails prioritizing people’s interests over personal appeal. In this case, Father Roberto optimally engages in dynamic activities, thus displaying his charismatic approaches in managing his followers (The Arbinger Institute, 2010). The case study portrays an effective governance concept that the administration should implement when treating people and organizing their needs to find an effective solution to assist them rather than punish them.

Case Summary

St. John the compassionate mission was established by father Robert. The sympathetic institution was located in Toronto, Canada. The primary purpose of implementing such an empathetic ministry was to empower the vulnerable people within the community that could not afford vital needs and assist them in building their talents. The case study portrays how father Roberto was generous by allowing individuals to develop a sense of belonging in his evangelism despite the abundant unsolved problems. Father Roberto performs both pastoral and servant leadership, making him a unique principal within our contemporary society (The Arbinger Institute, 2010). However, he experiences challenges as a captain precisely related to multitasking for the effective performance of the organization. According to the case study, Roberto deals with his problems of establishing the mission while providing adequate opportunities that will allow individuals to be successful and develop themselves. Roberto leads by example and has numerous strategies that require immediate attention. The plans include the following;

  • The expansion of the bakery.
  • Organizing the mission with funds from the government and volunteers.
  • Expanding the mission to serve more people in the community.

These strategies require Roberto to apply the relevant leadership skills and plan to restructure his mission organization despite insufficient funds from the government or volunteers.

Case Analysis

Father Roberto, the founder of St. John Compassionate Mission for more than 27 years, has contributed to the organization’s success and effectively managed the people. For 27 years, father Roberto has portrayed effective leadership skills that every leader should acquire before aspiring to lead people within the community or internationally. The case study reveals that father Roberto did not succeed easily but instead worked hard (Loritts, 2009). More so, he was determined in every journey of his life, which resulted in the gradual building of St. John’s Compassionate Mission that could utilize the community members and improve their lives. He started as a public health nurse to achieve his dreams that later came true. He never gives up, which shows the primary characteristics of an effective leader within our current society.

Father Roberto continued with his determination and spiritual faith, which later resulted in success despite the challenges. He achieved this because he was a God-trusted man who believed God kept him going through the challenges of building the mission. This implies that before father Roberto retires, he should examine vital alternatives within the current context to formulate and engage staff competency. This will enhance proper leadership from his successors after he has retired. Below are the main alternatives that future leaders of the mission should use;

  • Formulizing the mission by offering adequate financial base strategies.
  • Frequent use of media to advertise the mission may attract and retain potential volunteers and non-governmental support.
  • Implementation of effective decision criteria.
  • Educating the public on the efficient tactics of leadership styles
  • Creating awareness on the concept of Christian worldview regarding leadership development.

Personality Traits that Should be used in Decision Making

Personal traits are a crucial concept that leaders should observe when making vital decisions. It refers to how individuals think or behave within society, which will determine the kind of leaders and the approaches they will use to make proper decisions. It involves a person’s characteristics and the determination to provide better leadership practices to their followers. Significant management trait includes self-confidence, intelligence, integrity, sociability, and determination, as observed in the case study (Loritts, 2009). Father Roberto has covered some of the case study characteristics that allow him to make appropriate decisions. Overtly, Roberto depicts the characteristics of sociability and determination in relation to self-confidence, which should be used by the future leaders of the mission in their management to overcome the current challenges.

Father Roberto was determined to develop and establish St. John the Compassionate Mission without giving up despite the challenges he experienced during the growth and development of the mission (Kouzes & Posner, 2017). As a servant leader, he went through numerous trials where occasionally he relocated but ensured that his project had been accomplished and functioned properly. Therefore, father Roberto should teach his personal traits to other leaders within the mission. This may develop the qualities of potential volunteers who may become more determined to attract distinct people within the community. The leader will be able to make decisions using father Roberto’s trait, thus expanding the mission significantly (Loritts, 2009). Applying determination among the leaders will enable the mission to expand the bakery which may accumulate more people within the society. This showcases that future leaders of the mission should minimize practicing discrimination but instead favor everyone and provide equal resources to avoid unnecessary conflict.

Establishing the mission and hiring viable stakeholders within the society should focus on every community member regardless of their background. Similarly, father Roberto should encourage his beneficiaries to minimize forcing any person within the society to participate in the expansion and renovation of his project (Kouzes & Posner, 2017). This kind of behavioral practice will make them unique. This implies that decent future leaders of the mission organization should portray determination, sociability characteristics, and personal traits. This will allow them to meet the priority of their followers and create a practical understanding of spiritual leadership significantly.

Leadership Style

Innumerable individuals have different leadership styles and tactics for managing their followers. Some people within the community who aspire to be leaders practice transformational leadership, charismatic leadership, servant leadership, authoritarian leadership, and transactional leadership. Since the organization is currently experiencing a crisis in terms of a lack of funds, effective leadership tactics are expected from the successors of father Roberto. The discovery of individuals’ skills in leadership originates from personal life perspectives and the objective that they want to master in the future. This is why some leaders within contemporary society do not have the management skills and objective of leading their counterparts appropriately (Lencioni, 2012). Most of these superiors are inspired to hold governance positions with no meaning due to money and popularity. As a result, a predominance of them become poor leaders who do not promote equality among their people. It is imperative to identify countless leadership skills that will promote quality leadership among the people.

St. John the Compassionate Mission should acknowledge an appropriate leader that may take over after Roberto. The individual should have acquired effective teaching from father Roberto for the continuity of the mission. The person should accept leadership positions and have effective goals of leading the organization while accomplishing the desired strategies placed by Roberto. Such a mentality may lead to organizational development due to the effective leadership style. This is one of the reasons why father Roberto had a different perspective on leading his people expressively. It made him achieve his desired objective and fulfill the wish of others by developing their talent and improving their lifestyle within the community. The future leaders of St. John the Compassionate Mission should have an effective financial and organizational structure plan. Since the organization is experiencing a financial crisis, it is imperative for Roberto to acknowledge effective leaders to manage the organization. The leader should be capable of introducing a financing plan that may expand the desired objectives of the organization. This will only be achieved if future leaders comprehend father Roberto’s mission and objective for the foundation of the mission.

Father Roberto was organized in his plans to develop the mission and assist the people within the community, revealing how the person had a unique leadership concept portrayed as he continued to grow and develop his desired goals and objectives. Father Roberto portrayed the concept of servant leadership. Servant leaders are inspired to serve people in this context but do not need to be served. In other words, servant leaders focus on improving other individuals’ lives and empowering everyone around them. From the first point, father Roberto wanted to start a new mission. Through determination and hard work, father Roberto established and succeeded in developing the mission that assisted numerous people within the community.

Father Roberto’s establishment has contributed to numerous people within the community, assisting him in developing the mission to gain more spiritual and physical skills. His behavior in servant leadership is similar to Jesus’ case during the previous decades. Jesus used to serve every person regardless of their background. The title did not mean anything to father Roberto. Similar to others, Father Roberto offered assistance in the bakery at no cost. This proclaims how he loved his people by focusing on improving their skills which mainly resulted in the individuals prospering in their life. Another characteristic that father Roberto possessed was that he never forced anybody to be a part of his legacy (Northouse, 2021). This is why father Roberto assisted people in developing both spiritually and providing shelter for those that lacked hence maintaining equality within the community. These leadership practices are linked to a moral leader and the team leader who assists every person regardless of their background.

Guidance of Leading the People

Educating the leaders within the mission will allow them to develop respect and create an adorable environment. This will create a positive picture of the leader of the people, making them believe in leadership management. In the case study, father Roberto’s approaches to leading were desirable. As a result, he started his project of developing St. John the Compassionate Mission with a few people but later expanded due to the lure of numerous individuals across the community. These specific individuals were attracted primarily due to the positive influence that father Roberto was portraying in society. Father Roberto made sure that his project provided its intended need to the community members (Northouse, 2022). Father Roberto’s mission and vision was to empower and build the general public by providing essential needs and gifts to each person willing to join and learn everything from the mission.

Father Roberto’s leadership skills changed his prospect and allowed people to nourish and heal while others achieved their intended objectives in life through the support they got from him. The care offered in the mission by father Roberto indicated respectable leadership skills that created unity among the community members. Some of the society associates maintained the project to acquire provision, friendship, and love from fellow community members (Sanders, 2017). His hard work contributed to its support from his followers, who started volunteering and reaching out. This implies that father Roberto was loving despite being a servant leader, which made him welcome every community member.

Father Roberto continued to remind his followers to persist in building themselves positively and enhancing their lifestyles by improving their talent. In current everyday life, specific individuals typically lose track when given priority to lead others (Sanders, 2017). This is why Roberto assisted every member of the community without benefiting himself but instead enlightened other people making him acquire numerous participants and followers in building his St. John the Compassionate Mission project. The cultural perspective and leadership skill that the future St. John the Compassionate Mission leaders should improve is determination, respect and hard work. This will make them acquire followers that may support their practices and expand the mission to suit every individual in the community.

Christian Worldview

The Christian perspective believes that God anoints leaders through spiritual leadership. They believe that trusting God is a vital concept that may help someone achieve the intended objective while also working hard toward their goals (Sanders, 2017). However, most people have failed to incorporate God, which should not be the case. Acquiring Christian leadership skills is a dynamic notion that will assist countless individuals in developing leadership perception within the community (Kouzes & Posner, 2004). Christianity is used to positively influence individuals’ behaviors, providing quality solutions to specific problems. This precise role is imperative for every person since it prevents unethical practices within the community. The majority of Christians tend to realize God’s purpose for them, thus overcoming life challenges and increasing their efforts in life to achieve success.

The teaching of Christian leadership within St. John the Compassionate Mission will educate individuals on how to respect and love each other. God is taken as the prominent leader of Christians who provides services and blessings to them daily. Despite the challenges that Christians experience, they still believe that God is a loving person who requires maximum respect (Kouzes et al., 2004). As a result, Christianity explains how to respect each other despite the governance position and embrace spiritual administration. It also provides effective management skills to numerous leaders to satisfy their followers while respecting them. Notably, the Christian worldview concept will enable future leaders within St. John the Compassionate Mission to acknowledge that God is the ultimate leader. This will make them stick to their relevant strategies while making proper decisions.


The case study has portrayed effective leadership concepts that future leaders should implement when developing the mission. It provides various strategies that can be applied when finding an effective solution that will assist the community members. From the case study, St. John’s compassionate mission was established by father Robert. The compassionate mission was located in Toronto, Canada. The case study depicts how father Roberto was generous and allowed his people to develop a sense of belonging within the society and see value as they contribute to the community’s growth. This is why father Roberto had a unique leadership style that every leader should embrace to maintain appropriate interaction with their followers. The analysis has provided various leadership styles and tactics for managing their followers. For instance, some people within the community who aspire to be leaders practice transformational leadership, charismatic leadership, servant leadership, authoritarian leadership, and transactional leadership to their individuals. Therefore, becoming a leader requires a person who portrays leadership skills and has more followers. Finally, personal traits have been seen as a crucial concept that leaders should observe to achieve their intended goal. It refers to how individuals behave within society, determining the kind of leaders they may become when given the opportunity to rule a determined and friendly community.


Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (2017). The leadership challenge: how to make extraordinary things happen in organizations (6th ed.). Wiley.

Kouzes, J. M. & Posner, B. Z. (2004). Christian reflections on the leadership challenge. Jossey Bass.

Lencioni, P. M. (2012). The advantage: Why organizational health trumps everything else in the business. Jossey-Bass.

Loritts, C. (2009). Leadership as an identity: The four traits of those who wield lasting influence. Moody Publishers.

Northouse, P. G. (2021). Leadership: Theory and practice. Web.

Northouse, P. G. (2022). Leadership: Theory and practice (9th ed.). SAGE

Sanders, J. O. (2017). Spiritual leadership: Principles of excellence for every believer. Moody

The Arbinger Institute. (2010). Leadership and self-deception: Getting out of the box. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

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StudyCorgi. "Leadership Analysis of St. John the Compassionate Mission." December 19, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/leadership-analysis-of-st-john-the-compassionate-mission/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Leadership Analysis of St. John the Compassionate Mission." December 19, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/leadership-analysis-of-st-john-the-compassionate-mission/.

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