Lean Philosophy in Airports: Personal Customer Experience


In the context of increasing global competitiveness, lean philosophy presents solutions that are appropriate for both companies and customers. The paramount idea of lean philosophy is to add more value to customer experience and avoid unnecessary waste. In their study, Al-Dhaheri and Kang (2015) examine the most important principles of the identified philosophy in terms of airport services. In particular, understanding customers’ expectations, mapping the value stream, creating the flow of processes, and striving for perfection are noted (Al-Dhaheri & Kang, 2015). I have recently visited an airport and used the remote check-in service that allowed me to avoid standing in a line and save my time.

Remote Check-In in Airports

Traditionally, check-in for the flight begins several hours before departure, but it is better to leave for the airport in advance in order not to wait in traffic congestion, especially if one goes to the airport at the weekend. During seasonal congestions of airports, there can be long queues at the primary check of passengers (Leite & Vieira, 2015). The widespread use of Internet technologies becomes one of the most impressive advances in the tourism industry.

Today, customers can check-in for a flight remotely on the websites of airlines, major airports, and air ticket sales services. At check-in, regardless of the type of the ticket, a passenger is provided with a boarding pass, which is the main document for the pre-flight inspection area and boarding the aircraft (Leite & Vieira, 2015). Most importantly, it opens before the traditional check-in, and passengers may use this service at a convenient time and place.

In my point of view, remote check-in allows customers to plan their time in airports and spending it much more effectively. By the principle of mapping the value stream, I found that the airport I have visited properly designed and implemented passenger flows. For example, I encountered no queue at the primary check and easily achieved the luggage drop point. After that, I had some time to visit a duty-free area and enjoy a cup of coffee. Since I was already registered for a flight, I had no doubts that my flight will be convenient and I will not get lost among numerous gates in a hurry.


Another principle of lean philosophy prescribes that companies should create flow while eliminating waste by progressively achieving tasks set to enhance the customer experience. For instance, in Abu Dhabi Airport, overproduction of services, waiting, unnecessary inventory, and transportation issues are regarded as waste (Al-Dhaheri & Kang, 2015). Accordingly, I also noted that the remote check-in allowed me to avoid these problems.

There was no need to arrive at my airport in three hours, and all the processes were comfortable for me as a customer. Also, it is important to state that remote check-in contributes to eco-friendly solutions as it reduces paper use and its subsequent recycling challenges. When registering a passenger on an e-ticket, it is not necessary to present documents since all the necessary information is already in the system.


Al-Dhaheri, A., & Kang, P. S. (2015) Using lean philosophy to improve passenger departure flow in Abu Dhabi Airport. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 6(7), 955-961.

Leite, H. D. R., & Vieira, G. E. (2015). Lean philosophy and its applications in the service industry: A review of the current knowledge. Production, 25(3), 529-541.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Lean Philosophy in Airports: Personal Customer Experience." April 19, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/lean-philosophy-remote-check-in-in-airports/.


StudyCorgi. "Lean Philosophy in Airports: Personal Customer Experience." April 19, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/lean-philosophy-remote-check-in-in-airports/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Lean Philosophy in Airports: Personal Customer Experience." April 19, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/lean-philosophy-remote-check-in-in-airports/.

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