Comparing Management and Leadership Functions, Strategies and Values


Management is the use of both material and human resources to achieve any set goals for an individual or an organization. It includes performing tasks such as planning, organizing, controlling, and ensuring that all the resources are put to fair use to fully reach the desired goals in the allocated time (Aquinas, 2005). Leadership is simply a person’s ability to exert influence on a group of people.

It requires one to have the ability to guide, advise, and make other people work towards achieving specified goals in such a manner that the people under him will not feel under pressure to do the work. Still, they will do it willingly due to how the leader in question communicates with them. The difference is that with management, one is expected to formulate the tasks to be done and then direct those under him to accomplish the laid down tasks. In contrast, all a leader is expected to do is offer motivation and a sense of direction for those under him so that the expected work can be fulfilled (Aquinas, 2005).

Comparisons between the functions of management and functions of leadership

Management requires one to do all the planning, budgeting, organizing, and delegating duties to workers. Still, a leader is needed to influence others to follow him after outlining the goals intended to be achieved. Usually, Managing people requires one to be authoritative, as mostly all managers give orders and directions as to how things ought to be done. At the same time, leaders are primarily motivators who inspire those working under them (Aquinas, 2005).

Management requires one to appoint new employees into the organization, train, and also assign them duties. On the other hand, leaders work with the people they already have. All a leader does is offer direction as to the way forward for those under him.

A leader acts as a representative of the organization he works in, in terms of philosophies and ideals, in the outside world. At the same time, a manager, on the other hand, is based inside the organization. He has no say when it comes to representation of the organization in the outside world.

Management leadership strategies

Management should be the act of assigning roles and duties and going around, ensuring that work is being done as it should be. Still, good managerial leadership should encompass having an interest in how an organization is going on and looking for new ways of bettering the organization. This requires one to act as a change agent instead of just giving orders to those under him. Effective communication is another strategy necessary for good leadership in management. One can communicate ideas and other issues to others, but they may not do what they are told because of how the information is relayed (Aquinas, 2005). Thus, a manager is required to be polite to ensure that the messages he passes are well received, and those under him feel enthusiastic about carrying out the tasks assigned to them.

Good management leadership also requires one to assign other people leadership positions to feel challenged and motivated to prove their worth. This shows those put in that position of power that the manager has trust in them, which goes a long way in making them better workers. Good leaders are those who also recognize other people’s worth and accord everyone the respect they deserve. By doing this, a leader shows that he has confidence in them.

Management leadership values

A leader should have the ability to look at all sides to a problem, be well informed, and be fair in judgment. One should also demonstrate a sound knowledge of the issues on the work they are supposed to undertake. Servant leadership is another critical value a leader should have. This is the willingness to do for others and requires putting other people’s needs before their own (Aquinas, 2005). A leader should show respect to all those above him and those working under him. This is because a leader is usually an opinion setter, and thus many people look at what he does so that they can copy his behavior.

A leader should also be competent. This means that all decisions he makes should be based on moral principles and proper reasoning. One should not let their emotions or other issues outside the workplace interfere with how they come up with their decisions and strategies. A leader is a person whom many people follow and sometimes aspire to be like. As a managerial leader, one should show confidence in everything that he does. He should not give up easily, even when the odds are against him. This way, he will inspire those working under him to be more motivated to put more effort into everything they do.

In conclusion, good managerial leadership is wholly based on recognizing that human resource is an essential asset in an organization. For this reason, when one learns to treat the people working under him the right way, there is no way he/she can go wrong in ensuring that an organization functions the right way.


Aquinas, P.G. (2005). Principles of management. New Delhi: Anmol Publications PVT. LTD.

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