Mental Case Study: Agnus and Kitty

The case of Agnus and Kitty is an interesting one because the former did not have any mental health illness prior to this visit to a care provider, while the latter has had a history of treatments and therapy sessions. To properly diagnose this couple, the therapist has to collect some additional information. Also, it is necessary to analyze the history of previous illnesses and mental disorders. This paper will present an analysis of the case study of Agnus and Kitty.

Other patient information required for this case is whether Agnus has attempted suicide in the past since this is a major risk factor for this individual. The main reason why Agnus reached out for help was his suicidal thoughts, and a therapist should use an assessment of suicide risk to ensure that this patient cannot commit harm to himself. Moreover, because the patient presents some symptoms of depression, it is vital to determine how long he has experienced these problems to be able to diagnose him correctly. The duration of symptoms has a direct effect on the type of depression and, therefore, an appropriate treatment that a therapist will choose.

Major depressive disorder is frequently categorized when it is diagnosed by the severity, mainly mild, moderate, or severe, as well as the presence of psychotic elements and a seasonal pattern. Depression symptoms that can interfere with a person’s ability to carry out daily tasks are a sign of moderately severe depression. This appears to be the case with Agnus; however, it is necessary to eliminate the possibility of him having moderate or severe depression. The degree and frequency of symptoms that a person feels may be different from moderate depression (Cherry). When compared to someone with mild depression, a person with moderate depression may have symptoms that are more severe in terms of intensity and length. Additionally, they could suffer greater symptoms compared to someone with mild depression.

As a therapist, it is important to discuss with the patient the option of therapy for couples, which in some cases can help resolve the issues that partners face. Evidently, Agnus does not have a mental health disorder; instead, he is facing a challenging time, which causes a lot of stress and results in depression. He considers divorcing Kitty, but her behavior makes it difficult for him to make a move. Additionally, due to living under stress for a long time, Agnus appears to have developed depression and some symptoms of anxiety. Therapy for couples or individual therapy for Kitty can help relieve some of the problems in their marriage and therefore affect Agnuses’ well-being positively, which is why it is important to gather additional information about Kitty’s willingness to attend therapy.

Kitty has a complex history of mental health issues, substance abuse, and therapy. Hence, her long history of mental health issues and treatments complicates the diagnosis of the illness and proposal of the treatment plan. Moreover, the fact that she has tried therapy in the past may be a complicating factor for her treatment. Based on the symptoms Kitty presented in the past, she has Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Moreover, since her behavior has a negative effect on her relationship with her husband, it is recommended that Kitty continues her treatment.

TFP is a therapy option for individuals who did not benefit from other forms of therapy developed for BPD. Dr. Otto Kernberg created the psychodynamic therapy known as TFP, and it assists clients in establishing an enhanced affect regulation accomplished by the client’s rising capacity for psychological reflection and integration of ideas, emotions, and behavior as well as to create healthy interpersonal connections. Relationships with parents, siblings, friends, coworkers, managers, and even deceased parents are also included in this therapy, which is vital for Kitty.

Professionals consider that psychoanalytic thought has much to offer in terms of comprehending and treating personality problems; psychotherapy is based on modern psychoanalytic theory. To address the treatment requirements of individuals with borderline and other personality disorders, the TFP method, however, incorporates special adaptations of technique. The therapists are not mute and disengaged from the process, and neither do the patients lounge on the sofa or see their therapists four or five times each week. Therefore, the TFP approach is a way of managing the patient-therapist relationships in a way that engages both and ensures that the patient sees progress in their behavior.

To ensure that Kitty’s diagnosis is correct, it is important to eliminate other potential diagnoses. For example, bipolar disorder may cause mood swings, which may manifest as difficulty controlling emotions and require medication to control the symptoms. Extreme mood fluctuations, including emotional highs, mania or hypomania, and lows, are a symptom of bipolar illness, formerly known as manic depression. Rarely or frequently during the year, mood swing episodes might happen. While the majority of people will have some emotional symptoms in between bouts, some people might not. Although the bipolar illness is a lifelong diagnosis, by adhering to a treatment plan, you can control your mood swings and other symptoms. Psychological treatment and medication are often used to treat bipolar disorder, such as psychotherapy. Although bipolar is a serious mental health issue that has distinct stages of mania and depression, which would mean that Kitty should have been diagnosed by now, it is necessary to evaluate her state again. Moreover, bipolar is typically treated with a combination of medications and therapy, which requires ongoing monitoring from a specialist.

Works Cited

Cherry, Kendra. “What is Moderate Depression?” VeryWellMind. Web.

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