Mental Health Care Program in Canada

Hiring and maintaining diverse personnel is the first step toward diversity for Ms. Dickoff. She can improve the situation by employing a variety of employment boards. As such, she can order to post job postings on diversity-focused employment boards. On the company’s website’s career page, they should emphasize diversity. Next, it is necessary to make HBI’s inclusion statement and any ongoing efforts visible on the career page and include a link to it in every job title. For new employees, the company can provide a variety of mentorships. Mentorship programs serve to guarantee that everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed while also fostering tighter employee ties (Kalache, 2019). Building an inclusive mentorship can aid in the promotion of diversity. Finally, Ms. Dickoff may provide diversity training for the executive team and other people in leadership positions. As a result, they can then use this newfound insight to develop significant culture and sensitivity initiatives.

Moreover, it might be needed to tackle the system that prevents the company from retaining its diverse staff. One of the solutions might be to reward cooperation and diverse thinking. Ms. Dickoff can request that workers send job prospects they recognize from under-represented categories to the organization and provide incentives or bonuses for proposing diverse individuals who join the company. Next, recruiters can benefit from unconscious bias training organized by the firm. Being neutral is among the most challenging problems in hiring for all but the most professional recruiters. Potential biases should be avoided by interviewers, hiring managers, and everyone involved in the employment process. HBI should Train HR personnel to spot and eliminate prejudice during the recruiting and hiring procedures, which may necessitate the use of outside experts. Diversity should be included in organizational policies and operations. Thus, it is necessary to create or modify company rules to be more tolerant and inclusive, from recruiting methods to performance evaluations, awards, and incentives.


Kalache, S. (2019). Six ways to diversify your workforce. Forbes.

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