Mentality of Fandom in Sports Culture

Being a part of a sports event is a more satisfying experience because it elicits the feelings of connection and belonging and evokes stronger emotions than watching or streaming the game online. When people go to the stadium, they are surrounded by fans, share the experience, and feel more involved. Regardless of whether the team wins or loses, the emotional engagement is much stronger than when watching the game elsewhere.

Wagering on a game changes the fan’s experience by involving money issues into the matters of personal preference. Fans support their teams because they feel a connection and identification, while a gambler wishes a particular team to win because their own financial interests are concerned. Wagering substitutes the implicit reasons for being a fan, fundamentally changing the manner in which spectators follow, consume, and react to sporting events (Wann et al., 2015).

When watching a game in which I have no prior rooting interest for either team, I generally find myself rooting for the team which style of play I like, regardless of whether it is winning or losing. To me, the beauty of the game matters more than any other factors, such as the popularity or reputation of the team.

Fantasy leagues changed sports fandom in a number of aspects. On the one hand, they have provided fans with a more advanced understanding of their favorite sports and changed the way they watch games (Leshko et al., 2019). On the other hand, some analytics say that fantasy leagues are killing fandom by bringing business into the game and changing the fans’ perspective on “aligned with the graying men sitting in the owner’s box rather than the athletes on the floor” (Hune-Brown, 2015, para. 13).


Hune-Brown, N. (2015). How fantasy leagues are killing fandom. Sharp. Web.

Leshko, R., Kenly, R., & Dixon, J. (2019). How fantasy sports influences fandom. The Baltimore Watchdog. Web.

Wann, D., Zapalac, R., Grieve, F., Partridge, J., & Lanter, J. (2015). An examination of sport fans’ perceptions of the impact of the legalization of sport wagering on their fan experience. UNLV Gaming Research and Review Journal, 19(2), 21–40. Web.

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