Reversing Globalization: Feasibility and Implications

Globalization is a continuous process that has been affecting states globally, in both a positive and negative manner. Some recent policies and political disagreements, such as the trade war between the United States and China, led to speculations regarding the idea that globalization can be reversed and the implications of this process. This paper aims to examine whether it is possible to move away from globalization, as well as its security and policy implications.

Globalization is a result of integration between different nations through trade, investment, and information technology, which enables better cooperation and access to information. One can argue that a process opposing globalization would be strengthening economic barriers that would affect international trade and minimization of collaboration among nations, with a focus on national development.

Some scholars and journalists believe that the political environment of the global community is currently directing its efforts at minimizing globalization. For example, the trade war between China and the United States is one example of modern-day policies that adversely affect globalization (Bercuson, 2019). Thus, the most significant impact of moving away from globalization would strengthen the internal security of the states. However, it would adversely affect global security measures.

The primary security implication of dialing globalization back would be the strengthening of national borders and the development of policies that are not unified and not tailored towards international standards. Fernandez (2018) argues that development always implies underdevelopment. From a perspective of globalization, this means that although some states benefit from the process and can prosper, others suffer because of increasing poverty and inequality (Palley, 2006). From this perspective, the re-globalization would provide these developing nations with a chance to enhance their internal policies and strengthen their national economies, without dependence on the political environment of other states.

One can argue that it is not possible to move away from globalization. The process has been an integral part of society’s development since Bercuson (2019) argues that many archeological findings suggest that trade between different nations existed for thousands of years. One example is in objects found in ancient Israel that were created on the territory of England over two thousand years ago. When considering trade as the primary driver of globalization, other aspects of it, such as policies and securities, must develop accordingly to create an environment that encourages the exchange of goods and establishes laws that are similar in different regions as well as security policies that protect all nations.

Alternatively, Pinkus, Manyika, and Ramaswamy (2017) voiced an opinion, suggesting that globalization cannot be reversed, however, the global community can dedicate efforts towards improving its consequences. This can be achieved through knowledge sharing and other practices targeting improvement.

On the other hand, the question of whether further globalization and development of the global community can deepen and how this process will affect different states arises. If globalization is deepened, it can have a beneficial impact on global security, since the nations will try to develop strategies for the protection of their cooperation. The most significant effect is the unification of policies and enhanced collaboration. Arguably, based on the example of the United States and China, one can conclude that de-globalization and deepening of this process can occur simultaneously if some states decide to holt cooperation with specific countries.

Overall, this paper suggests that globalization cannot be dialed back, it is more likely that it will deepen in the following years. The process has been an integral part of societal relationships for thousands of years. In the case of globalization is deepened, it is possible that policies will become more unified, and different nations will base their laws on common principles. From the security perspective, it is possible that globalization will strengthen global efforts towards security.


Bercuson, David. 2019. “Globalization Won’t be Stopped — It’s Too Human.” National Post. Web.

Fernández, Dídimo Castillo. 2018. “The New ‘De-Globalization’ Environment: A View from Latin America.” Critical Sociology 44 (1): 3–10.

Palley, Thomas. 2006. “Could Globalization Fail?” Global Policy Forum. Web.

Pinkus, Gary, Manyika, James, and Ramaswamy, Sree. 2017. “We Can’t Undo Globalization, but We Can Improve It.” Harvard Business Review. Web.

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