Networking Schemes in Riverside, California


Riverside is one of the fast-developing cities in the United States, and the main networking opportunities in this location can be conferences, meetups, and informational interviews, for example, Moreno Valley Regional Job Fair and Business Opportunity Meetings provide ground for career development, exchange of experience, and seeking new business partners.


The latter is hosted by PHP Agency, which works towards diversity and sustainability in business, attracting people from different socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds who are interested in starting and developing a business. The use of Niche Networking helps to create a diverse and adaptable platform that caters to the needs of a particular sphere or allows people to find jobs easily (Koksal, 2019). This organization hosts meetings twice a week on Lime Street, both in English and Spanish. Attendees usually include business and start-up owners who seek partnerships, sponsors, as well as new perspectives and solutions.

To a networking event at PHP Agency, I would take a notebook and a pen to take notes. I would also prepare business cards with my name, credentials, and contact information to exchange with others. It could also be beneficial to have a name badge to ensure that other attendees learn my name and take notice of me. Most importantly, I will work on preparing a small verbal presentation about my business/start-up: what is it about, where it is located, what services it offers, and other relevant information. Finally, I will write down my questions about others’ business experiences and possible opportunities beforehand to ask during the meeting.


I will first choose the date and time of the meeting that would fit my plans, book it on the Riverside event website, and then come to attend it. During the meeting, I will try to converse with as many different individuals as possible to expand my network and generate new acquaintances. I will exchange opinions on business solutions and opportunities with others, present my own company/startup, and collect contacts on relevant enterprises. Moreover, I will also hand out my business cards to all people interested in my company, be it as possible sponsors, investors, partners, or customers. I will also make sure to come to the meetings at least bi-weekly to become a part of the community and build relationships with other businesspeople.


Koksal, I. (2019). The rise of niche and vertical social networks. Forbes. Web.

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