Inclusive Education: School’s Tech Solutions for Disabled Students

Over the years, the school has admitted a considerable number of disabled children with various challenges. The leaders in the schools uphold the belief that having the regular students and the disabled children learning together helps the disabled children attain confidence in competing. The core value of the school is to promote confidence in all students to compete in a dynamic world where professionalism can be attained by any individual.

In May 2014, the school management introduced new technological devices that were purchased to help the disabled students to get comfortable while using the learning facilities in the school. The school introduced trackballs in the ICT laboratories, new software that has the capability to magnify text and images in the computer screens, a reading software with verbal features, adjustable chairs to accommodate the disabled, and a software that can convert verbal words into texts. The aim of the new technology was to accommodate the students with various disabilities in the technology classes.

Decisions made by the leaders

The decisions made by the leaders in the school aimed at ensuring the students in the institution have equal learning opportunities. The leaders met the parents of the disabled students to discuss the required machinery that would accommodate the students by eliminating any obstacles in their learning process. In 2013, the school invested in technology education by building a high-tech ICT lab with the necessary equipment to prepare students for a computerized employment market.

After the teachers and the students adapted to the new system, it was apparent that some of the disabled students were still having difficulties in learning through the ICT machinery. Lack of funds delayed the installation of the accommodating technology, but currently the school has the capability to accommodate any disabled student. The board of directors in the schools has further claimed that it will look into investing in other machineries to accommodate the disabled students in the classrooms.

Steps of managing change

The first step taken by the leaders involved discussions with the parents about the need to establish a better learning environment for the students with various disabilities. The leaders showed clearly that they understood that the disabled students were having a hard time in the ICT laboratories, and there was a need for the school to intervene. The parents supported the idea, and the teachers indicated that they shared similar sentiments about the issue.

The second step involved the creation of a clear vision for the board of directors of the school. The leaders of the school held several meetings with the board of directors to discuss the viability of the venture. The leaders provided a compelling case that highlighted the benefits that the investment would bring to the school, and this lured the board into supporting the idea. The third step was to build a change coalition between the leadership and the employees in the institution (Wagner & Kegan, 2006).

Prior to the installation of the latest technology, the teachers and the subordinate staff working in the ICT laboratory were taken through training programs for handling the new equipment. Safety was held paramount during the training programs. When the new equipment was installed, the members of staff involved in the training were acquainted with the practical use of the equipment to ensure they could safely help the disabled students in using the modern technology.

The leaders were also actively involved in helping the students adapt to the new technology. The active involvement of the parents and the board of directors in the change process has seen the development of a donation fund that will be used to purchase subsequent equipment that will help in accommodating other disabled children in the technology classes. The school is determined to provide equal learning opportunities to the entire group of students, regardless of their disabilities, and with the support of the community, this objective will be attained (Paton & McCalman, 2008).

Effects of the change

The change has fueled the development of cohesion between the members of the staff because they have to work together in ensuring the new systems are used safely and effectively. The changes also revealed that the leadership function is effective in identifying an issue and developing the required countermeasures (Frahm & Brown, 2007). The parents of the students in the school have high confidence in the school. The board of directors of the school has also developed high confidence in the leaders because they have demonstrated the ability to pilot the school to glory.

The human resource base in the school has adapted to the new system in technology education owing to the intensive training that was implemented through the administration office. This approach to change management has reassured the employees that the school is determined to help them achieve personal development in their careers. The organization is on the right track with respect to the shared values and cohesion. The collaboration between the parents, teachers, leaders, and the board of directors has helped disabled children overcome a big learning obstacle.


Frahm, J., & Brown, K. (2007). First steps: linking change communication to change receptivity. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 20(3), 370-387.

Paton, R. A., & McCalman, J. (2008). Change management: A guide to effective implementation. California: Sage.

Wagner, T., & Kegan, R. (2006). Change leadership: A practical guide to transforming our schools. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

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