Nicotine as a Coping Strategy for Mental Health


Nicotine addiction is one of the most popular ones around the globe. This substance is highly addictive, and it is hard to quit. Nicotine can be a coping strategy for anxiety, stress, and depression, and it can help people make social connections. However, not everything is so explicit, and this substance will damage the brain and be harmful in a long-time perspective.


Firstly, when a person experiences long-period stress, their psyche suffers from it and searches for ways to cope and improve the situation. Unfortunately, instead of looking for a way out of the problem that causes stress, the human brain strives for short-time pain relief: nicotine. At first, this substance reduces stress and creates a sense of calmness. However, it soon gives way to withdrawal symptoms and increased cravings (Mental Health Foundation, 2021). This way, nicotine gives an illusion of helping with coping with stress and worsens the situation.

Secondly, people with depression are more likely to smoke than those without it. Nicotine stimulates the production of dopamine, which evokes positive emotions in a person. This neuromodulatory molecule is found low in depressed people, and by means of nicotine, they increase good feelings. However, when nicotine comes from the outside into the organism, it switches off its organic production in the brain (Mental Health Foundation, 2021). Thus, this way of coping will damage the brain’s work and be destructive in the long-term perspective.

Finally, some smokers state that their addiction helped them connect to new people. People in smoking rooms always have a small break from work. The atmosphere there is relaxed, and it can feel like the whole world has stopped, and people can escape from their problems. In addition, nicotine reduces the level of stress and social anxiety. Thus, due to spending some time during the day together in a safe place and good atmosphere, smokers can make more social connections.


In conclusion, nicotine can be a coping strategy for anxiety, stress, and depression, and it can help people make social connections. However, not everything is so explicit, and this substance will damage the brain and be harmful for a long-time perspective. There is an abundance of other healthy strategies to cope with mental problems and difficulties.


Smoking and mental health. (2021). Mental Health Foundation.

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