Nike: Advantages and Limitations for Professional Growth

Nike is one of the most competitive and fast-growing workplaces on the market of sporting goods. The work for the company seems to be a good option for further promotion, especially in the position of a department manager. However, every business has its advantages and limitations for the growth of the employees at different levels. In order to justify my selection of a company, I considered both good and bad sides of the matter and concluded that being a lower-level manager in Nike is a fine opportunity.

The primary advantages for professional growth are the active lifestyle that the company promotes among its employees. It also implies the fast pace of business and the promotion of such skills as decision-making and the ability to collaborate with people. Hence, the position of department manager in Nike would allow me to become a highly-skilled person able to adjust to the rapidly changing environment and the needs of the company. As for the drawbacks, they are related to possible overtime hours and, consequently, poor work and life balance. Nevertheless, such stressful conditions can have a negative impact on other employees while promoting the skills of a department manager as well as his or her ability to solve problems.

My previous experience with the company was purely positive, and the goods and services it provided were always of high quality. Therefore, it can be concluded that the orientation of customers is the priority of Nike, and this fact explains my desire to move to a lower management position. The task of coordinating the work of employees in order to maintain the quality of services for customers seems to be challenging. However, it only adds to the benefits in terms of professional growth one can obtain.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, April 7). Nike: Advantages and Limitations for Professional Growth.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Nike: Advantages and Limitations for Professional Growth." April 7, 2022.


StudyCorgi. "Nike: Advantages and Limitations for Professional Growth." April 7, 2022.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Nike: Advantages and Limitations for Professional Growth." April 7, 2022.

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