The Nurse Manager as a Coach for Better Healthcare Facility Performance


It is necessary to note that the role of coaching in healthcare facilities has been increasing over the years. A trained professional should be aware of what techniques should be applied in case the performance and knowledge of one of the nurses are not satisfactory. Nurse administrators must understand that it is their responsibility to ensure that current weaknesses are addressed, and subordinates can adapt to changes.

The issue is that higher-ups may be worried about the loss of productivity associated with training (Forsberg, Swartwout, Murphy, Danko, & Delaney, 2015). Therefore, it can be hard to justify the expenses on such activities in some cases. Peer-reviewed articles and books on this subject matter will be reviewed, and it will be possible to develop a plan that would help an employee that struggles at the position.

Coaching Model

It would be appropriate to utilize a coaching model in this case because it addresses vital areas of employee performance, and has proven to be effective. It consists of several steps that should be taken to evaluate the performance of an individual and consider the approaches that would address the areas that are most problematic (Lussier & Hendon, 2015). However, the model may be altered to fit the organizational needs. The use of this technique is justified in this situation because the facility has to deal with numerous challenges and it is necessary to come up with solutions to problems that occur.

Job Analysis

Most professionals in this area are female just like in other healthcare facilities. They have to deal with adult patients in the age group from 65 to 85 most of the time, but must be able to provide high-quality services to younger individuals. Day shifts are most common for such specialists in the organization. A nurse has a set of responsibilities, and must set priorities based on the situation. Providing assistance is crucial, and the client’s needs should be taken into consideration.

Communication with patients and their families is one of the most important aspects of this job, and the style that a professional utilizes affects satisfaction levels of client most of the time. New nurses are expected to have at least a 60% performance rating according to the assessment scale, and it needs to be improved over the time.


It is quite evident that the current level of productivity is not sufficient, and needs to be improved. The biggest problem at that moment is that a nurse is not experienced with time management and is not aware of how to set appropriate priorities. The fact that she is not proficient at some of the software programs that are commonly used within the institution is also quite problematic and needs to be addressed.

Expectations must be well-defined and compared to others to ensure that they are justified (Martin, 2014). Her performance needs to be increased at least by 10% according to the assessment tool, and she is expected to be engaged in the whole process because she will be presented with numerous opportunities for development. The lack of motivation is another issue that needs to be resolved. It is important to keep track of activities and determine the ones that cause the most problems after the process of training.

It is reasonable to explain the benefits of such training, and she must understand that such knowledge will be incredibly valuable and would help her to grow as a professional and an individual. A coach has to engage her in the implementation of projects, and it will help her to stay committed (Freire & Azevedo, 2015).

The needs of the nurse should be analyzed because the process cannot be successful if a professional is not interested and does not believe that it would improve the situation. Monitoring and assessments will be used to make sure that performance levels are not reduced in the long-term. Computerized models may be utilized in the future, and it should help to make the process much easier (Liou et al., 2016).

Action Plan and the Mission

The current organizational mission is to increase the quality of services and apply evidence-based practice concepts in the workplace. Therefore, it would be appropriate to conduct a piece of training that would teach an individual how to participate in research and look up necessary information in nursing databases. Moreover, the organization’s vision is to provide patients with high-quality services and increase the number of positive outcomes.

Furthermore, it would be reasonable to ensure that the nurse acknowledges her responsibilities as a trained professional. Clients should be treated with respect, and the most attention should be devoted to their needs. One of the organizational goals is to establish long-term relationships with patients, and it can be aligned with the action plan because an improvement in communication patterns would lead to more efficient interactions and would increase satisfaction levels of customers. Another goal is to increase the volume of clients over the year. The nurse should be explained how to treat several patients at the same time, and it is paramount to focus on time management.

Mentoring and Training

It would be reasonable to focus on such aspects as communication patterns. A new nurse will be engaged in a broad range of activities that would help her to enhance her interactions with other professionals. The level of involvement is crucial in this case, and it is expected that she will be able to participate in discussions and voice her opinions when she gains more experience. The importance of mentoring also should not be disregarded, and it is necessary to provide a new nurse with support and all the required information. Moreover, it will be possible to identify the mistakes she makes and offer valuable recommendations that would prevent such errors in the future.


In summary, it is possible to state that the employee has enormous potential, and it will be possible to turn her into an outstanding professional if all of the aspects related to current strategies are taken into account, and the process of training is successful. Overall, it is possible to state that the most attention should be devoted to efficient mentoring and appraisals (Lussier & Hendon, 2015). Also, it is important to address such areas as communication and motivation because they cause the biggest number of problems at the moment.


Forsberg, I., Swartwout, K., Murphy, M., Danko, K., & Delaney, K. R. (2015). Nurse practitioner education: Greater demand, reduced training opportunities. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 27(2), 66-71.

Freire, C., & Azevedo, R. (2015). Empowering and trustful leadership: impact on nurses’ commitment. Personnel Review, 44(5), 702-719.

Liou, S., Liu, H., Tsai, S., Cheng, S., Yu, W., & Chu, T. (2016). Development of the computerized model of performance-based measurement system to measure nurses’ clinical competence. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 34(4), 159-168.

Lussier, R. N., & Hendon, J. R. (2015). Human resource management: Functions, applications, and skill development (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.

Martin, M. J. (2014). Individualized performance measurement to improve quality, accountability, and satisfaction. Nurse Leader, 12(3), 71-75.

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