Privatisation of the Saudi Arabia Public Health Sector

Research methodology is “a process of enquiry and investigation into a problem to find a practical solution to the problem and increase in knowledge” (Creswell 2013). Research “is a systematic, methodical and ethical process of inquiry into a problem and its solution” (Creswell 2013). This research aims to make an...

The Treatment of Oncology

Introduction The treatment of oncology in modern medical practice is the task that requires a responsible approach since cancer patients experience severe inconvenience caused by both moral depression and physical pain. The search for relevant methods of solving this issue is a current objective in most specialized healthcare facilities. Special...

The Cost of Quality

Background information The concept of Cost of Quality (COQ) has been part of the globalised business environment for more than half a century (Rasamanie & Kanapathy 2011). Nonetheless, quality has been part of human existence and has continued to evolve over time (Crandall & Julien 2010). As such, it is...

Stress Effect on Physical and Mental Health

Abstract The paper analyzes the primary effects of stress on human health. The first section of the study outlines the concept of stress as well as estimates its ultimate causes. Moreover, the introductory part of the work refers to work-related factors of anxiety arousal. The body section of this paper...

Cervical Cancer: Pathophysiological Processes

Abstract Cervical cancer is a disease that is frequently observed in women regardless of their geographical location. It is usually characterized by the presence of human papillomavirus in the cervix or genetic changes that may promote the growth of this disease. Cancer cells are not always easy to recognize at...

Math Anxiety, Its Factors and Interventions

Introduction One of the problems that may affect the classroom environment and student achievement (for age 3-6 years) negatively is math anxiety. Math anxiety strongly affects mathematic achievement in all levels of learning. The anxiety is defined as a negative cognition, avoidance behavior, and inadequate and pressured feeling that affects...

Akdar Restaurant: Basic Marketing Plan

Project Summary The society is increasingly becoming critical of foods that are processed using animals products. Some people are critical of animal products because of some of the health problems that are associated with them. Others have been avoiding these foods because they believe it is unfair to kill animals....

Childhood Obesity in the US: Factors and Challenges

Prewriting What is your narrowed topic? Be detailed in your answer. You can use any of the versions you’ve developed for prior assignments. The narrowed topic is the incidence of childhood obesity in the United States: factors determining it and measures for overcoming this challenge. Who is your primary audience...

Employee Self-Efficacy for Innovation Performance

Summary In the fields of behavioral change and psychology, self-efficacy is recognized as a significant learning theory in terms of which a person can identify personal abilities to achieve certain goals and demonstrate a high level of performance. Innovation is another important aspect of human behavior that may define the...

Millennials Influence on the Fashion Purchasing Behavior

Abstract The research study attempts to reveal new details about the generation of Millennials and their effect on the purchasing behavior of the fashion industry in the UK. In this instance, the central objectives are to not only discover the buying behavior of Millennials but also propose effective strategies to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Breastfeeding Promotion Program for American Women

Overview and context The available evidence indicates that for a baby’s first year of life, there is no better food than breast milk. The studies point out that breastfeeding is beneficial to both the child and the mother. The benefits breastfeeding provides ranges from nutritional to health, economic and even...

The Link Between Nursing Leadership and Cultural Diversity

Introduction In the sphere of nursing, nurse practitioners, supervisors, and managers are expected to demonstrate developed leadership qualities to complete their tasks, cooperate with colleagues and patients, and promote health care goals effectively. To understand what qualities are associated with good nurse leaders, it is important to focus on studying...

The City of Hialeah: Community and Its Aspects

Introduction This paper is about a Windshield Survey conducted while driving through Hialeah City. The intention was to observe the community and describe its every aspect. The areas of study include the geographical description, economy, transportation, health resources, welfare services, citizen services, and protecting services to evaluate the community. The...

Realism in Today’s International Relations

Introduction Realism is a theory that basis its principle beliefs on self-competiveness. The human nature of self-interest and egoism and lack of international government have led to sphere of power and interest in the international relations. The theory upholds the view that world politics involves sovereign states that compete to...

Transportation and Logistics Influence on Economy

Abstract Transportation and logistics projects may influence a community’s economic objectives in terms of productivity, employment, and even business activities. This study describes the negative impacts of transportation and logistics on the economy of a country. Although transport projects improve the infrastructure of a certain area, they pose negative effects...

Christian Personal Skills and Knowledge

Introduction The analysis of personal skills and knowledge is an important tool that is frequently used by several leaders. Various leadership audits help to focus on certain qualities and clarify if a person can properly develop them. In this project, the attention will be paid to seven different leadership audits...

Student with Reading Difficulty: Dynamic Assessment

Introduction The implementation of a curriculum-based dynamic assessment requires additional attention when dealing with students who have special needs. The student is experiencing issues with reading. To assist him, dynamic assessment should be utilized. It would include pre-testing, mediation in the form of teaching, and post-testing. This paper will present...

Super Nanny Middle East Business and ABCDE Model

Super Nanny Middle East The Super Nanny Middle East is a unique business that is going to transform an industry that has remained unregulated for a very long time. The idea of training nannies and making them better equipped to meet the educational, nutritional, health, physical, and wellness needs of...

Ben Jonson’s Comedy “Volpone”

Abridged Production History The history of British dramaturgy cannot be discussed without mentioning Ben Jonson’s comedy Volpone, as such that represents a particularly high dramaturgic value. In its turn, this can be partially explained by the fact that the themes and motifs, contained in this play, did not only correlate...

Human Resources Director Selection

Introduction Three candidates were referred for the Human Resources Director post. However, the best finalist for the job was Shawanda Jackson. Ms. Jackson was chosen as the qualifier using a well-planned strategy. The other two candidates, Mr. Sam Fein and Ms. Lola Vega were similarly remarkable, but they would not...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Canadian Liberal Platform’s Sustainability Assessment

Importance of a New Environmental Assessment Regime Nowadays, there are many problems and challenges people have to deal with in order to survive and provide their children and grandchildren with a safe future. People try to solve the existing political, economic, and cultural problems. Still, not many people pay enough...

The Evolution of Resistance and Tolerance to Parasites

Introduction In the study of parasitology and disease ecology, and the ability of a host to tolerate or resist parasites has been given extra attention. First, it is important to differentiate between resistance and tolerance to apply these terms in further research. Biologists recognize that both terms refer to the...

Industrial Products Plant’s Quality Assurance

Abstract Hank Kolb is a director–quality assurance at the industrial products plant. He was hired to help the organization but soon realized that the personnel do not believe the quality to be really important for the organization, as they never treat it seriously. Still, Hank wants a challenge, which requires...

Executive Coaching and Its Prototype Theory

In spite of the fact that executive coaching is the actively developed concept and practice, researchers and practitioners cannot agree on the theory that can be used to explain and support the main principles of this process. The lack of the special theory in the field of executive coaching makes...

World Trade Center Disaster and Anti-Terrorism

Introduction The 9/11 attacks in the United States led to the World Trade Center disaster, which was a major wake-up call for the authorities in the security field of the nation. The disaster influenced the development of the Department of Homeland, which was aimed at enhancing security for the major...

The Hyatt Regency Hotel in Kiev

The Hyatt Regency is a 5 star Hotel situated at the Kiev’s city center. It is adjacent to the most popular historical sites in Ukraine such as Kiev-Pecherska Lavra, Sofiyvskiy Sobor, Statue of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, and the ministry of foreign affairs. Hyatt Regency Kiev is within walking distance of Saint...

The Concept of Democracy as a Historical Fiasco

Nowadays, it represents a commonplace assumption among many people that democracy is the best form of societal governing. As Dewey pointed out, “Democratic political forms are simply the best means that human wit has devised up to a special time in history” (1937, p. 457). This assumption, however, cannot be...

Zionism as a Reaction to European Anti-Semitism

Introduction Scholars like Robert Wistrich and Joseph Massad debate over the exact cause of the Jewish Zionism in the better part of the 19th century. Initially, the Jews lived in different communities across Europe and in Palestine; they lacked a place of their own in which they could live as...

Foreign Investment in Chinese Banking Sector: HR Policies

Chinese Banking System In the case study under analysis, Chaudhuri (2014) pays much attention to the banking system of China and the development of different banking sectors in regards to the latest changes and requirements that may occur at the local or national level. Regarding the latest achievements, existing progress,...

Toyota’s vs. Coca-Cola’s Operations Management

Executive Summary The process of production is one of the most important practices in any organization. It should be managed in the most efficient way to assure the organization of production. Operations management is the process by which the production process is managed in an organization (Greasley 8). Some of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Algerian Revolution and Its Causes

Abstract The Algerian revolution is also known as the Algerian war of independence. The Algerians rebelled against the French administration after they were unable to withstand its brutality. France invaded Algeria in 1830. Before the French incursion, Algeria had been under the control of the Arabs, Turks, Romans, and Moors....

Robotic Surgery

Background on robotic surgery Robotics is a branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, and manufacture of robots and computer systems for their control, sensory feedback, and information processing. This is a rapidly growing field. New inventions have come up and new robots are being built to serve...

Smoking Cessation and Depression Problem

Introduction It is a renowned statistic that cigarette smoking is much more common among the patients with psychiatric diseases for a number of reasons which may include (but are not limited to) psychological implications and neurobiological mechanisms. The addiction to nicotine is often associated with co-occurring psychological ailments and is...

Starbucks Corporation’s Commodity Market Risk

Introduction Starbucks is a high-end roaster, marketer, and retailer of speciality coffee globally (Starbucks Corporation, 2015). The company now operates in 65 countries since its inception in 1985 (Starbucks Corporation, 2015). Besides, it also trades at the NASDAQ Global Select Market. Starbucks purchases and roasts high-quality coffee from various parts...

The Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty: Causes and Effects

Introduction The peace treaty signed at Camp David by the Egyptian and Israel leaders aimed at restoring peace between the two nations. In the run-up to the signing of the treaty in 1979, key players like the US and the UN offered different reasons for the need to have the...

Business Statistics and Sales Revenue Forecast

Introduction Forecasting future sales with certainty is impossible since the market conditions are unpredictable. The economy is always constantly changing. Despite the uncertainties, management of companies still need to prepare sales forecasts to enable them to prepare a budget for revenue and expenses. The preparation of such budgets is always...

ADMA Company’s Performance Management

Introduction Aims and Objectives The information about the performance of a firm is essential to the job seekers and investors as well as companies seeking employees. However, such basic requirements for identifying the best firms depending on their performance have not been availed in a precise manner. Therefore, this project...

Hellenic Community Trust’ Financial Analysis

Abstract This paper demonstrates the use of financial data for financial analysis. The objective is to carry out a broad financial analysis for an actual company. It explores the various techniques and tools used for financial analysis. In the analysis, we use financial data for Hellenic Community Trust for five...

Argumentative and Alternative Communication Methods

Introduction The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) and other methods of argumentative and alternative communication (AAC) have gained popularity in their usage to improve the communication capabilities of people with extreme communication impairments. An example of communication disorders is Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Individuals with ASD have challenges with speech...

Semiotics Influences in Advertisement

Introduction The purpose of the advertisement is to convince and to inform buyers in order to purchase goods and services and to interact with customers into a culture of utility. Ads have adopted the use of semiotics to offer goods and services with meaningful experiences whose main aim is to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Health Practices to Integrate Online Care

Abstract The literature concerning counseling acknowledges the importance of building rapport as a basis for enhancing a working alliance with the aim of offering excellent services. This is the foundation of working agreements, group counseling sessions, and joint conferences, mainly constructed through common face-to-face communications. Today the technology has a...

The Ethics of Moving Jobs Overseas

Introduction The global labor market has changed a lot over the years. One of the most notable developments has been outsourcing labor by companies in foreign countries (Budd & Scoville 30). Some organizations choose to take their jobs offshore in a bid to expand their market, get cheap labor, and...

Phonemic Awareness and Children Literacy

Phonemic awareness is the predisposition to the sound configuration of language. Phonemic awareness requires the capacity to spin the concentration of an individual to sounds in verbal language whilst shortly moving away from its implication. For instance, if some children are asked which one is longer between a train and...

Emirates Airline – Strategic Analysis

Introduction Emirates airline is a (relatively) new full-service network carrier in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE). Despite being a relatively new company, the airline has become among the fastest growing companies in the Gulf region (The Emirates Group 2014). In fact, globally, the airline is the most profitable aviation company....

Motivation Theories in Society

Introduction Motivation is a psychological factor that drives one to take action towards specific set goal. It ensures that individuals’ behavior is oriented towards that goal. Motivation can therefore qualify as a driving force since it propels one towards achieving the aim. It can also be referred to as an...

Justification for the Use of Military Force

Introduction Military intervention was a feasible alternative for averting external aggression in the past, and it is still the most viable option for fighting global terrorism. Potential military interventions range from defusing terrorist camps to liberating captives. According to Feaver and Gelpi, “military intervention entails launching direct strikes against targets...

University of South California’s Program Marketing

Background The University of South California (USC) intends to market the diplomacy program in China to draw more foreign students. This report presents a proposal on how the university can realize international strategic marketing. It is worth noting that educational institutions, like any other business, require financing for long term...

Company X: Improvement of Communication and Promotion

Introduction: Company X Background Company X has been operating in the environment of a retail business or quite long. After gaining the experience of five years of consistently hard work, the leaders of the entrepreneurship assumed that it had warranted an entry into the global market and the design of...

Digital Divide – Information and Communication Technologies

Introduction The most significant technological advances in the last century were made in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Due to these advances, ICT emerged as the most important tool for fostering growth and development for the global community. Through the ability of ICT to enhance information processing...

Evidence-Based Pharmacology: Major Depression

Introduction Millions of people may regularly experience a feeling of hopelessness. Today, this condition is known as major depression or unipolar depressive disorder that is usually characterized by a lack of energy and interest in something. At the end of the 20th century, several researchers and writers came to the...

Construction Company’s Staff’s Quality Performance

Executive Summary Focusing on the enhancement of the staff’s quality performance is essential for any organization, particularly, the ones that operate in the context of the global market. Promoting an increase in the performance of the employees operating in a diverse environment is especially significant as the multicultural context creates...

Jolly Ranchers Company’s Market Analysis

Executive Summary Jolly Ranchers is a confectionary firm in the United States that operates in a highly competitive industry. In this study, the researcher looked at the marketing mix elements of this company, the market penetration approach it should use, and brand analysis and recommendations. The paper looked at SWOT...

Spiritual Growth Plan: Evaluation and Strategies

Personal and Ministry Spiritual Health at the Start of the Course of Religious Studies and Theology The importance of personal and ministry spiritual health is rather high because it determines a multitude of aspects of the further spiritual development of an individual and a group. Some of the aspects that...

Science Definitions and Dunbar’s Mind Theory

Introduction Science is derived from a Latino word “Scientia”, implying acquisition of knowledge. The word science does not have a universal definition. The new Webster Collegiate Dictionary states that scientific knowledge is acquired through both studies and practice. This includes knowledge obtained through experimentation of events using scientific methods; thus,...

Event Sponsorship’s Marketing Plan

Introduction In the contemporary times, event sponsorship is an accepted powerful product promotional tool that when used in conjunction with other marketing tools enables an organisation to reach its set objectives. Event sponsorship is a more innovative marketing strategy than other endeavours such as advertisement and product promotional campaigns as...

“Out of the Past” Noir Film by Jacques Tourneur

As of today, it became a commonplace assumption among many film-critics that the era of classical Noir films extends from the year 1941, which saw the release of John Huston’s film The Maltese Falcon, to the year 1958, when Orson Welles produced his movie Touch of Evil. Nevertheless, it was...

Social Stories to Train Autistic Children

Introduction Autism is a condition that affects a number of individuals around the globe. In the past scholars downplayed the condition with the thought that was a mental issue. However, the discovery that the condition is treatable and that people suffering from the condition can live normal lives changed the...

What is Human Trafficking?

Introduction One of the most significant problems faced by the global community in modern times is human trafficking. This activity, which involves recruitment and transportation of people with the aim of exploiting them, has been condemned as “modern-day slavery”. Organizations such as the USAID denounce it as a crime against...

Weave Tech Company’s Human Resource Management

Question 1: Human Resource Management Practices and High Performance Firstly, it has to be mention that Jennings understood the importance of the HRM practices in the formation of the company’s performance and competitive advantage and devoted significant time to the maintenance of these features on a high level. Nonetheless, the...

Management and Leadership: Common and Different Features

Introduction The terms “leadership” and “management” have been interpreted differently by people around the world. Some say that the terms are interrelated while others claim that both terms refer to two different roles and can therefore not be interchangeable (Dorothy 2006). The word, leadership, can be termed as the process...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Artemisia Gentileschi: Forerunner of Feminism

Nowadays, it is often suggested that Artemisia Gentileschi (1593- 1656) should be deemed the actual forerunner of feminism in the West and there is indeed much rationale behind such a point of view. After all, Gentileschi was the first female artist/painter who succeeded in attaining a “cult-status” in Europe for...

Corporate Social Responsibility Concept Definition

Nowadays, it became a commonplace practice among many large companies in the West, to take pride in having incorporated the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) into the very core of their operational philosophy. This practice, however, cannot be deemed thoroughly justified, because the main conceptual provisions of CSR happened...

Picture Exchange Communication Systems for Autists

Introduction As our world has become more modernized, it has positively progressed in the direction of accommodating people with disabilities such as those autism disorders. In combating the impact of autism disorder (that clips the ability of an affected individual to communicate to others), there has been a common use...

Matalan and Topshop as Investment Destinations

Executive summary The aim of this research project was to critically analyse Topshop and Matalan with the view of identifying the firm that is most appropriate for investment by Caifu Investments Ltd. The analysis shows that Matalan is a small firm that is easy to control. On the other hand,...

Supply Chain in FMCG Industry in the Middle East

Introduction The traditional view of supply chain management in the FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) in the Middle East has significantly changed because of the global financial crisis (Hugos 2011). FMCG companies operating in the Middle East experience fierce competition in the production, distribution and selling of low priced fast...

Rochep Company: Market Research and SWOT Analysis

Executive summary Organizations are always looking for new ventures and opportunities that can help them succeed in competitive markets. Some of the initiatives that organizations can use to achieve their short, medium, and long-term objectives include diversification of existing products and the introduction of new products into the market. Rochep...

U.S. Mexico Border Dilemma

U.S Mexico border dilemma has been present for several years. It is apparent that the space between the countries exists almost as a separate state (Coleman, 2005). It attracts a lot of immigrants, who would like to pursue the American Dream (Heyman, 2001). Some of them cross the border illegally,...

Gestures and Signed Language Used in Cartoons

Introduction What is language? We all have a notion that a language is a tool of communication or the main purpose of language is to convey information. Arguably, any answer to this question would certainly involve the word communication. We, therefore, consider language as a tool which the main purpose...

McDonald’s Company’ Integration of Marketing Communication

Introduction Organisations deploy different methodologies to communicate their brand to the existing and potential new customers. The complexity of the marketing environment, especially for organisations that operate in a competitive market, calls for the integration of marketing communication (IMC). Keller (2009) defines IMC as the incorporation and harmonising of diverse...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Business Information Systems and Classification

Introduction Nowadays, it is hard to imagine the world of business without a properly developed information system. People find it helpful to develop such systems for several different purposes regarding the needs and objectives of the business. The types of information systems vary management information systems (also known as MIS),...

Olaudah Aquino’s Narrative Story’ Analysis

The summary of Olaudah Aquino’s story from free life in his native Africa to slavery in the Americas and acquisition of freedom has revealed that a number of issues need to be investigated based on the story and history of slavery. Quite clearly, the presence of a number of texts...

Emotional Abuse of Women by Their Intimate Partners

Abstract Emotional abuse is one type of intimate partner violence experienced mostly by women. This paper discusses the emotional abuse of women by their intimate partner with a focus on some categories of women that have received inadequate attention from researchers. It begins by defining emotional abuse as a form...

The Implication of Information Technology on Marketing Strategy of Healthcare Industry

Abstract The growth of information technology has transformed marketing strategies of most industries. In the healthcare industry, IT has changed the way marketers relate with customers. Information technology has made it easy for the healthcare industry to create brand awareness and enlighten the public on health matters. Many hospitals create...

Attention and Anxiety in Sports Performance

Introduction Sporting activities have always played a crucial role in human life. Through these events, people are able to fulfill their fitness, social, and entertainment needs. People who engage in sports often aim to achieve the highest level of performance. It is generally acknowledged that athletes need to be in...

Bio Ethics and Stem Cell Research

The advancement in technology and science has helped man over the years to come up with miraculous cures and inventions; profitable to the mankind in all ways possible. One of the major reasons of the exponential growth in population is the sharp decrease in mortality rates all over the world;...

Stakeholders Views on the Success of Social Marketing Campaigns

Abstract The marketing environment keeps on changing, just like the consumers. Marketing as a discipline and style also changes so as to be in touch with emerging trends. The dynamism of the marketing styles has seen the discipline evolve over the years, from the traditional product marketing concept to societal...

Immunology: HIV and AIDS in the African-American Community

Introduction HIV/AIDS is a major epidemic affecting a large fraction of the US population. A great percentage of this [population is blacks. These people are African American. Statistics have been carried out, and there are factors about the spread of this epidemic. It has been found out that 60% of...

The Internet and Ethical Debate on Information Privacy

Introduction The internet has become a vital tool for obtaining information, trading, learning, politics administration, socialisation, and entertainment in the world. Today, a considerable population of the world uses the internet on a daily basis. However, the issue of information privacy has continued to draw the attention of individuals, human...

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in the Fearless Film

Psychopathologies, when they occur, tend to become all-consuming and affect all stages of an individual’s life. In fact, milder and insignificant forms of various disorders and pathologic behaviors can be observed in everyone. For instance, undergoing stress some people become nervous and engage in compulsive behaviors such as nail biting,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Queer of Color: History and Theory

Introduction Gender is a socially created trait used to distinguish between males and females. It is also used to assign social roles and responsibilities. It is associated with the way society nurtures individuals with respect to their culture, expectations, and other elements. Queer, on the other hand, denotes the ‘unusual...

Mental Disorders in Infancy, Childhood, Adolescence

Abstract Statistics on mental disorders show that they tend to prevail in infants, children, and adolescents. More than 2.5 million children in the USA suffer from different kinds of mental disorders and more than 13% are in the risk group (Paul, 2007). Disorders in children and adults are not clearly...

Cognitive Neurodegeneration in the Elderly Population

Introduction The needs of the elderly are now among the key concerns for the medical practitioners and counselors. Today, the life expectancy in developed countries for all genders and races is close to 80 years, and it is projected to grow further in the next years and decades. An increase...

Social Class and Difference in Theatrical Comedies

Class difference is an inevitable constitute of literary work. A drama that reflects the social construct of time is an indispensable source to understand class and societal structure of an era. In an attempt to portray, the world dramatists demonstrated the littlest equations that set the people apart. Most prominent...

Claude McKay’ Novel “Amiable with Big Teeth”

The recently discovered manuscript of Claude McKay titled “Amiable with Big Teeth: A Novel Concerning the Love Affair between the Communists and the Black Sheep of Harlem” provides a rare framework of the ideas, events and world affairs that shaped the Harlem Renaissance after the First World War. In particular,...

Leadership, Decision-Making and Self-Managed Teams

Introduction Leadership style, the decision-making process, and self-managed teams collectively add up to the canvas making up organizations behaviour (Daft, 2007). The environment in which organizations operate is dynamic and presents a variety of threats and opportunities for the organization existence (Busemeyer & Townsend, 1993). An analysis of the efficacy...

Consumer Embarrassment Effects on Shopping Basket Size

Abstract The paper provides a critical review on a journal authored by Nichols, Raska, and Flint (2015). The authors conducted a millennial customer research on the impact of buyer humiliation on volume and worth. This journal was based on how millennial and non-millennial clients were affected by their emotional impacts...

The National Australia Bank’ Corporate Governance

Introduction Background Commonly known with its initials ‘NAB’, the National Australia Bank is the largest publicly listed financial institution in Australia. In addition, the company is ranked above 30 in the most profitable institutions in the financial sector in the world (Thompson & Jain 2008). As a financial institution and...

Gadget Products Division’s Break-Even Analysis

Introduction Break-even analysis is a managerial economic tool that is used to ascertain the number of units that generate revenue and covers the cost of production. This tool also helps to ascertain the level of sales that will generate a desired level of profit. This economical tool is often used...

Peer-Tutoring Instructional Method for Autists

Definition of the research topic The most disturbing question for educationists and trainers concerns the mechanisms used in fostering the learning abilities of children with disabilities. While it is evident that educational institutions have developed classes for children with mental disabilities, it is still challenging to enhance learning among such...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Global Consumer Culture: Theories and Approaches

Introduction Culture is defined as the total behavioral traits learned, manifested and shared among members of a society. Consumer culture in the past used to vary widely in the entire world and that called for diversity in marketing strategies and advertisement for every region. This seems to be changing. Hollensen...

Monotheistic and Polytheistic Civilizations

Introduction Religion is a vehicle that replicates ethical codes and social composition in the process of civilization, but also forms cultures and affects the growth and expansion of civilization and society as a whole. Religion has been an incredibly influential element of society and has, of course, played a vital...

“The Padding that Hurt”: Human Resource and Ethics

The case scenario The padding that hurt does appear to contain a number of ethical issues, which call to be resolved in one way or another. The main of them can be outlined as follows. Should Sue Davenport (Human Resources Director) persist with insisting that Dan Murphy (Senior Vice-President) must...

Crumbs Bakery Company’s Installing Solar Panels

Abstract On February 6th, 2014, the Board of Directors of Crumbs Bakery requested the head of the Procurement and Budgeting Board to conduct a feasibility study about alternative sources of energy that would help the company to reduce its costs. I was chosen as the best qualified applicant to prepare...

Blackberry Company’s Marketing Challenges

Introduction The contemporary world is dominated by technological innovations, which have led to introduction of sophisticated electronic goods. At present, many individuals are seeking technological solutions to their social and economic challenges. For example, there is a high demand for reliable and cheap communication systems. Indeed, many companies and individuals...

Mexican Immigrants in Texas and Their Impacts

Introduction Texas is the second-largest state in the United States of America. It is situated in the south-central part of the country and shares an international border with Mexico. Due to the geographical location and economic prospects, the region has, for a long time, attracted immigrants and other US natives....

The Arabs Conquest and the Spanish Colonization’ Comparison

Even though the Muslim rule in Iberia and the Spanish colonization of the New World may seem to have had very little in common, at least in the spatial sense of this word, this is far from being the case. After all, it is not only that a number of...

Health Care Reform: Miracle Medicine and Its Financial Chasm

Qualitative Article Analysis Overview Changing the realm of healthcare is an essential step towards improving the quality of life of the U.S. population (Romney, Brown & Fry, 2012). In their article, Scuka (1994) addresses the issue regarding the changes, which the healthcare area was supposed to undergo in the 1990s,...

The Battle of Verdun: Causes and Circumstances

Introduction The battle of Verdun was scheduled to start on 12 February 1916, but it was delayed following the bad weather that characterized the battlefield (Foley 2005, 145). The battle eventually commenced nine days later on 21 February when German soldiers invaded Verdun and launched attacks against their French counterparts...

A-Cat Corp: Company Analysis

Making changes to any department of an organization is fraught with numerous difficulties due to the links between the operations carried out in these departments. Changes, however, are a part and parcel of economic growth, which any organization must sustain to remain competitive in the environment of the global economy....

The Art of Geisha

Introduction The geisha culture in Japan is commonly referred to as the flower and the willow world or karyuaki. A geisha can be either a male or a female, whose image comprises a white face, red lips, kimono clad, glorified prostitute among others. The art of geisha requires skill and...

Apparel Company Analysis

Executive Summary The internet has brought an unprecedented level of interconnectivity on a global scale through which more and more transactions such as banking and even retail are conducted online (Crespo 2009). Sites such as, Ebay, Craigslist and numerous other online retail suppliers are able to sell items such...

When Is the Use of Military Force Justified?

Introduction The significance of negotiations can hardly be underrated in the present-day political world. No matter how smoothly the process of international operations may run, conflicts do emerge as a result of a natural evolution of states, and addressing them in a manner as expeditious as possible is essential to...

Homeland Security of the US Transportation System

Introduction The transportation system plays a critical role in the growth and development of the country. It is through this system that people and goods are able to move from one destination to the other for various reasons. The transportation system is the means through which international trade, business, and...

Tanning Booths and Skin Cancer Relationship – Medicine

Topic Overview Research has shown that many people are not aware of the dangers associated with the use of tanning booths. As a matter of fact, the effects of tanning booths are worse than sun’s exposure owing to extreme radiation. Empirical evidences have shown that over 2.5 million teenagers use...

Jeep Company’s Marketing

Introduction Jeep is an automobile company, which was established in 1941 in the US. The firm is a subsidiary of Chrysler Group Limited Liability Company, which is owned by Fiat S.P.A and it is headquartered at Toledo, Ohio. Jeep has expanded its operations into the global market by establishing outlets...

Under Armour Company’ Analysis and Strategic Alternatives

Current Situation History In 1996, Kevin Plank, a former football player from the University of Maryland, founded Under Armour (UA), to the world. Plank was disappointed because of the inability to find appropriate clothing for sportsmen under which accumulated sweat would not be a problem anymore. He used the recommendations...

The Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 (CDPA)

Introduction A copyright refers to the legal security that is entitled to the owners of an original piece of work against unlawful abuse of their work. A copyright, should serve to satisfy a society’s social goals and values. It should enhance the formation, spread and distribution of data and information...

Marketing: Social Responsibility and the Law

The new deodorant product that our company intends to introduce into the retail chain could present great opportunities for our company. This calls for proper and effective marketing of the deodorant. While doing this, we need to consider ethical and legal issues that may arise of which I have researched...

Evidence-based Practice & Applied Nursing Research

Classification of each source of evidence into either the general information resource, the filtered resource, or the unfiltered resource The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American Family of Physicians (AFP) present goods examples of filtered information resources (AAP and AFP, 2004). The sources with filtered information are generated...

College Student Life: Participation, Perceptions and Satisfaction

Introduction Global technological development increases the acceptability of education. Education significantly contributes to the growth of human capital and is directly related to the general comfort of individuals (Barfield 281). Education guarantees the achievement of information and expertise that helps people to become more productive. People’s productivity consequently has a...

Environment: Accidents and Catastrophes

Introduction Accidents refer to the events that occur without the involvement of human beings (Kunstler 28). In most cases, accidents are beyond human control and may therefore be considered to be supernatural occurrences. Such unnatural events include earthquakes, storms, landslides and tornados. Death itself is catastrophic and a fate that...

Personality and Substance Abuse

The topic of this article entitled Personality Characteristics as a function of frequency and type of substance abuse, written by Michael Wolff, and Kathleen Wolff discusses the problem of substance use and abuse and how this tendency could be associated or correlated with types of personalities or possible personality flaws....

Domestic Violence with Disabilities

Introduction It is always good to understand the meaning of what one wants to discus. It will be impossible for one to critically discuss what he or she does not understand. The key word in this discussion is domestic violence but before I get into that I will first explain...

Earthquakes: History and Studies

Summary Earthquakes are sudden and unprecedented movements of the earth’s surface that are caused by the abrupt release of energy into the earth’s crust. The accumulation of this energy and its subsequent release causes seismic waves that lead to dislodgement of underground rocks, causing faults along which earthquakes take place...