Mandatory Vaccination of Children in the USA

Introduction Mandatory vaccination of children is a controversial topic in the United States, where many people have negative preconceptions about vaccination and are unwilling to vaccinate their children. However, achieving a high percentage of vaccinated children is essential to ensuring the well-being of this population and preventing outbursts of various...

German Business Culture and Ethical Norms

Germany is one of the largest economies in Europe and the fifth-largest economy in the world; some of its largest cities (e.g., Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt-am-Main) are significant business hubs that rely on the operations and activities conducted by thousands of large and small organizations (Nedelko 5). To ensure that business...

Situational Leadership: Main Aspects

Introduction Situational leadership is an adaptive style of leadership that allows managers to make decisions based on what the organization needs in particular circumstances. According to the leadership theorist Ken Blanchard, “in the past, a leader was a boss. Today’s leaders can no longer lead solely based on positional power”...

Registered Nurse’s Online Job Search

The Best Job Openings: Description A registered nurse (RN) has a plethora of opportunities to explore as far as employment options are concerned. With a recent increase in understaffing and the resulting lack of competent nurses, a range of organizations is looking for qualified experts. Information about job vacancies is...

Disability Support in Canada

Introduction Disabled persons are among the most vulnerable groups in society. Depending on the disability type and severity, they might not be able to work or sustain their daily living. In developed societies, governments recognize the need to provide comprehensive support to disabled persons and establish policies targeting their needs....

Functional Heart Growing: Present and Future

Introduction: The Overview of the Laboratory Technology of Organs Growing The contemporary medicine provides some miraculous ways of treatment as well as the innovative types of operational interventions, which promote successful recovery in the patients. The latest medical reports overview the progress on the current tendency of organ growing, which...

Medical Terms, Abbreviations, and Spelling Errors

Introduction The use of medical terms and abbreviations is an integral part of the process of healthcare. On the one hand, the application of terminology is inevitable, and abbreviations can save time, which is essential for healthcare facilities. On the other hand, misspelling of terms and the lack of unification...

Predictive Analytics in Healthcare

Dr. Mark Khatchuturian makes a presentation about predictive analytics in healthcare to provide a brief but extensive overview of the topic. The presentation begins with a definition, which is a reasonable approach. The listeners learn that predictive analysis uses technologies to predict future health-related events with the help of data...

The Awaken Delaware Project: Business Plan

Executive Summary The Awaken Delaware Project implies providing the services of both a coach and a health practitioner. The proposed service will allow developing a unique approach toward the management of addictions, at the same time addressing their personal needs (Agres, 2015). The modified framework will focus on meeting the...

Diabetes in Adolescents, Social and Medical Issues

Introduction Diabetes in adolescents is a major global health concern and is the subject of various healthcare-related studies. As such, numerous literature materials have been published on diabetes in adolescents to help in dealing with the matter, since it affects different healthcare systems in the world. This essay identifies some...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Government in Health Information System Regulation

The present paper is devoted to a review of the role of the government in the development of healthcare legislation, and it argues that the government plays the central part in the process. Since healthcare regulations ensure the protection of health information (Brodnik, 2013), the understanding of the law and...

Florence Nightingale’s Philosophy: UN Millennium Goals

Nightingale’s Legacy The legacy left behind by Florence Nightingale was so strong that it is still relevant in the twenty-first century. My main thought related to the Millennium Goals is associated with the idea that each person on any place in the world has his or her own role. Florence...

English Language Learners: Writing Skills

Response 1 Any essay must consider its audience since its purpose is to deliver the author’s message. For second language learners, the writer’s skill to present information in a suitable format is more crucial than others. Even if a learner is able to connect the meaning of a word or...

Schizophrenia and QT Prolongation

The present paper considers the case of JD, who is a 62-year-old woman with a history of psychiatric diagnoses, which indicate her predisposition to delusions. Her major complaint is auditory hallucinations. Despite the detection of QTc prolongation (QTcP), she takes an antipsychotic drug (AD), and an increase in the dosage...

Iranian Folk Tales and Culture

The world’s beauty lies in its pluralism: it has a lot to do with cultural and traditional differences. Meanwhile, it seems ironic that the liberal idea of mutual respect of cultures is not appreciated globally. At the same time, tales are an excellent source of knowledge for the ones seeking...

Conference Types and Performance

Students participate in conferences to facilitate the knowledge acquisition process and identify themselves in the educational environment. Information transfer is a key component, with formative conferences analyzing student performance and summative conferences collecting and reporting information (Chappuis & Stiggins, 2020). Along with different purposes of conferences, several types of performances...

Asthma, Its Nature and Testing Tools

Asthma in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Demographics Asthma affects a vast number of people, with each population group being nearly as vulnerable to it as the others are. According to the World Health Organization (2016), there are 235,000,000 asthma patients. Therefore, it is crucial to create strategies that could help not only...

Advanced Nurse Practitioner Competencies

Who is an Advanced Nurse Practitioner An advanced nurse practitioner (ANP) is a professional that has a full capacity to work as an advanced generalist as well as offer help and care to patients whose social needs and healthcare needs span across a variety of types and levels. In the...

Heart Issues: Joseph Martinez’ Case

Joseph Martinez comes to the hospital complaining about his heart: it has been pounding for three weeks. Also, the patient has been feeling tired a lot before his visit and experiencing shortness of breath after doing exercises. Mr. Martinez is a 48-year-old male of 5 feet 9 inches and 165...

Work-Related Stress Management in Professional Nurses

A sufficient number of nurses in a healthcare setting presents a factor that positively impacts the effectiveness of healthcare services. With that in mind, modern researchers are expected to pay close attention to the problem of occupational burnout in nurses and other healthcare specialists. More than that, high work-related burnout...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Electronic Health Records and Digital Regulations

Nowadays, almost every hospital in the US possesses a certified electronic health records (EHR) system; in particular, in 2014, 97% of them reported to do so (Gold & McLaughlin, 2016, p. 664). Does it imply that the EHR adoption is universal or near universal? Unfortunately, not: the possession of an...

Analysis of the World War 1 and Cold War

Causes of World War I The First World War is among the most significant wars that have occurred in history. The battles took place in two tufts involving the allies and the central powers. The partners included the British and Russian empires and France, while the major powers included Germany...

New Leadership Theories: Servant, Spiritual, Authentic and Ethical Leaderships

Swanson, Territo, and Taylor (2016) cite four leadership theories that they characterize as the “new” ones. They are geared towards a more ethics-based approach to leadership and emphasize the importance of moral decision-making (Zhu, Zheng, Riggio, & Zhang, 2015). It appears that all the theories have their merits, which makes...

How Can the Negative Effects of Disasters Be Avoided?

A crisis is an event that results in a hazardous and detrimental situation that affects a group, community, country, or a region. It is considered to bring undesirable changes in the economic, political, social, security, and environmental aspects. Crises occur unplanned, and if people are not well prepared to cope...

Personal Management Plans: Managing Stress, Nutrition

Introduction One of the essential aspects in life is to ensure we live a quality life free from stress. To achieve this goal there is a need to encourage fitness, a positive and good nutrition, develop better disease prevention mechanism, and ensure better departure. It is every person’s dream to...

TechCrunch and MIT Technology Review Comparison

Introduction Communication effectiveness is crucial in the modern world, where a broad range of information is available online. Websites use various persuasive and influential strategies to attract their readers and encourage them to stay. Indeed, each material a resource publishes needs to address the primary audience’s interests and characteristics such...

5% Shareholding Rule: Case Study

Introduction My stand A 5% shareholder rule will work against the independence of the board of directors who should own the shares of Alibaba. Agency theory This law is applied to explain and resolve conflict in the relationship between the agents and their principals. It is essential to base on...

Septimius Severus Arch at Leptis Magna

Summary Two of these were done in his home back in Rome, while this famous arch was erected at Leptis Magna in Libya, where he was emperor. The arch does not have an exact day of erection; however, historians believe it was done during Severus’s tour of Africa in 203...

Global and Local Evidence in Nursing

Evidence is crucial for nursing because evidence-based nursing is an approach to healthcare that incorporates research evidence, clinical expertise, and patient values. When nurses make any decisions regarding their patients’ health and treatment, they should use different types of evidence to support their decisions. However, general evidence and nursing evidence...

Christianity and Society Interrelation

The religions are considered utterly different in their beliefs and values; however, their similarity is that they all shape society and at the same time greatly influence it. It is well known that Christianity has played a pivotal role in shaping the Western community throughout history. The churches have been...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Worlds Together Worlds Apart” by Jeremy Adelman

Worlds Together Worlds Apart is a book that provides a reader with a comprehension of history up to the fifteenth century. It discusses the pre-modern and post-modern world, evaluates the issues in different periods, and helps gain a better understanding of history in chronological order. The book is written by...

Reducing HIV Amongst Gay and Bisexual Men in Florida

The overall levels and spread of HIV infection is one of the most difficult challenges faced by global healthcare. HIV incidence remains the highest among homosexual and bisexual men compared to other groups despite the recent developments in healthcare for HIV positive patients. Almost half of the HIV positive patients...

Incorporation Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction Incorporation of a new business result in corporate ownership that is one of the three major forms of legal business ownership. The other two are partnership and proprietorship and compared to them, incorporation is a more complex arrangement that is based on the creation of a legal entity (also...

Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner in Conflict Resolution

The present paper is devoted to a case study of the Psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) involvement in conflict resolution. As a leader, a PMHNP possesses many competencies that can help to resolve a conflict. Some of these competencies include decision-making and problem-solving skills, as well as the ability to...

Communicable Disease Reporting Systems in the World

The Scenario and Its Ethical and Legal Issues The present case study considers the issue of the lack of an appropriate tracking mechanism of certain reporting processes at a tertiary-care hospital. In particular, an audit has shown that it is impossible to determine the whether the reporting of the instances...

Security Management: Security Information Incidents

Security information incident (SII) management is an aspect of security management that is aimed at tracking, reporting, investigating, and dealing with vulnerabilities, issues, and security incidents (Rhodes-Ousley, 2013, p. 59). Incident responses are a part of SII management, and they involve particular actions of a response team that consists of...

Doctors’ Treatment and Communication Process

Topic Description The topic chosen for the analysis is the care from doctors, particularly the doctors’ treatment, the communication process, the hospital environment (i.e., the cleanness of the wards, the background noises, etc.). Although often underrated, the identified aspect of healthcare services is essential to the improvement of patient outcomes....

Patient Safety Standards and Medication Errors Policy

Over the last decades, quality and safety within healthcare delivery have risen to become major concerns in health policy and research. Medical errors remain the primary cause of injuries, and the relations between nurse staffing and quality outcomes have been highlighted by several studies (World Health Organization, 2016; Waring et...

Nightingale’s Nursing Theory and Millennium Goals

Introduction By far, one of the most famous people in the history of Nursing, Florence Nightingale, inspired a countless number of people, contributing to the fast-paced progress of nursing and the development of new strategies. Helping nurses build their experience and use it successfully to address patients’ problems, Florence Nightingale...

Terrorism’s Serious Problems: Can It Be Justified?

Introduction Terrorism may be defined as an act of instilling fear in innocent people using unlawful threats and violence. By and large, terrorists use cruel strategies to realize political change, create fear, or perpetuate their political ideals. In modern-day society, terrorism is ranked at the top of the list of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Legalization of Marijuana: Reasons

Introduction Marijuana is a psychoactive substance that is classified as an illegal drug in the United States. It is commonly used for medical and recreational purposes which are leading to its widespread acceptance. Numerous US jurisdictions have considered legal options to decriminalize the drug. The legalization of marijuana is necessary...

Electronic Health Records and Nurses’ Participation

Introduction Nowadays, electronic document flow is a rather common practice that helps to save both time and money. However, despite the popularity of such a method, there is still some controversy associated with it. Therefore, the use of electronic health records (EHRs) in clinical settings needs to be investigated from...

Donald Trump: Our Unpresidential President

Nowadays, there are many people worldwide who are eager to discuss the behavior of the current US President, Donald Trump. On the one hand, some people admire the ideas and activities supported by this political figure, defining him as a real hero who is able to earn huge money and...

Behavioral Health Data and Ethical Considerations

Behavioral health (BH) presents several specific issues in the field of information technology ethics (Rinehart-Thompson & Randolph, 2015), the importance of which is highlighted by the fact that people with BH issues can be regarded as a vulnerable population (Joy, Clement, & Sisti, 2016). Because of this factor, the ethical...

Florida HB 423 and Health Coverage in the State of Florida

Introduction The Florida HB 423 – ARNP/PA Controlled Substance Prescribing is a bill that has been in place since January 2017. The law allows Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners (ARNPs) and Physician Assistants (PAs) to prescribe specific controlled substances under protocol requirements and supervision. Prescription for controlled medications should be in...

Insomnia, Its Possible Reasons and Treatment

The scenario for this paper presents ST, a 25-year-old male who comes to the clinic with a severe case of insomnia. His medication includes diazepam and alprazolam, and he says that they are helping him to go to sleep. His medical history shows that he was diagnosed with asthma at...

“Africa: The New Chapter” Talks in TED Radio Hour

All speakers at the TED-talks highlighted the major issues of the African continent that are detaining its growth and development. These issues include poor infrastructure and immature institutions, the influence of aid industry and low quality of trading relations. Nevertheless, the speakers suggest their views on possible solutions to the...

Applications, Software and System Development

How Does Understanding Various Microsoft Office Applications Enhance Productivity in Education, the Workplace, and at Home? The use of Microsoft Office applications greatly enhances productivity in educational matters, at work, and in various everyday activities at home. Microsoft Word is a program for word processing that is used to create...

John’s Cold Case: Assessment and Analysis

Would you treat this patient for his cold? Why or why not? Common colds are one of the primary reasons for physician visitation. Due to the acute viral nature of the infection, it can be severely disruptive to daily activity and symptoms may extend for as long as three weeks....

E-mail: Effective and Professional Electronic Communications

Over the past decade, the internet has revolutionized the way in which communication occurs in the workplace. One of the revolutionary communication means which has emerged is the use of emails. According to Isabelle (2009), electronic mail is now the most useful channel of communication across the globe. As such,...

Program Minitab and Its Features

Statistics are the base of any quantitative research (Wyse, 2011). They allow analyzing data gathered from numerous test samples and compiling it in a way for the researchers to see connections between them. These patterns simplify the analysis of the results of an experiment. The program Minitab is an automated...

The Lipid Panel and Its Four Parts

The human body contains varying amounts of different types of cholesterol that circulate in the blood. Carrying out a lipid profile helps clinicians to determine the amounts of every type of cholesterol in the blood, which is a significant step towards understanding the risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular diseases...

Code of Conduct in Healthcare Organizations

The code of conduct indicates the consciousness and responsibility of individuals, organizations, and communities to the society and patients, in particular; it is designed for the personnel’s understanding of the complexity and scale of the challenges that the healthcare institution can face. The code of ethics should be detailed and...

Mammary Cancer: Health Screening Initiative

Introduction It should be stressed that breast cancer is one of the dangerous conditions, which might lead to lethal consequences. This type of cancer is a malignant tumor of the glandular tissue of the breast (Oeffinger et al., 2015). Throughout the world, women suffer from this form of cancer most...

Genomic Data and Healthcare

In his presentation, Dr. Mark Blatt speaks extensively about the significance of genomic data for healthcare, the means for its application, and the issues that are related to it from the point of view of data analytics. The presenter is very well-versed on the topic, and he uses multiple examples...

Big Data in Healthcare Research

Jessica Malenfant provides a presentation on the use of information and its analysis for healthcare research. Anderson (2008) considers the possibility of a new research method that can substitute the scientific method. These two works can contribute some information to the topic of big data and its usefulness for health...

International Financial Reporting Standards

Article Discussion The article Advantages and disadvantages of IFRS compared to GAAP by Anna Jordan aims at giving a complete picture of the ongoing switch to the new reporting system in the United States. While the author does not summarize its statements or try to weight the listed arguments and...

Problem of People with Hypertension

Hypertension is one of the most common diseases that can be controlled with the appropriately chosen treatment. The earlier it is diagnosed, the better patient outcomes will be. However, in case a patient is pregnant, it is necessary to revise the medication plan so as to provide the best conditions...

VEGA Medical Center: DNP Research Proposal

Setting The proposed project is going to take place at the VEGA medical center, which is located in Miami, IL. It is a primary care center that focuses on Family Medicine and Internal Medicine provided in a variety of settings from offices to hospitals. The vision of the organization is...

Electronic Intensive Care Unit Benefits

An Electronic Intensive Care Unit (eICU) represents a type of a healthcare setting that uses the latest technologies with the purpose of providing top quality care to patients. Key goals of eICUs are making sure that care is being provided in multiple facilities, that the clinical expertise is optimized to...

Mental Health During the Pandemic: Research Design, Steps, and Approach

The mental health and well-being of people worldwide have been significantly affected by COVID-19. The pandemic led to the governments of many countries introducing strict measures to prevent the further spread of the virus. However, the imposed social distancing and bans on socializing at home and public spaces resulted in...

Cholera Issues in the Developing World

Introduction The bacterium, Vibrio cholerae is the etiological agent, causing acute and a diarrheal illness by infecting the intestine (Daniels & Shafaie, 2000). This illness is called cholera. Severe cholera cases are common with high-dose exposure, blood-group-O and low gastric acidity (Daniels & Shafaie, 2000). Its incubation period ranges between...

Review of “Anxiety” Short Film

The short film Anxiety introduces the viewers to the life of a young and beautiful girl, Madeleine, who is suffering from anxiety. It is essential to say that every person has experienced anxiety and tension at least once in their life before an exam or an important meeting. Anxiety is...

The Overall Wage Survey in the Healthcare Industry

The Industry and Geographic Area One of the most profitable and rapidly growing sectors of the United States’ economy is the healthcare industry, which provides a wide range of services in preventative, critical, curative, and other types of medical care. Despite that, it is apparent that the industry faces a...

Minimum Wage and Its Effects on Economy: Article Analysis

Introduction and Summary Introducing opportunities and creating a functional support system for those struggling to locate employment options is one of the central issues that the U.S. government must address. However, not all of the solutions that might seem effective on the surface will deliver the expected results. In his...

American Immigration History: From British Colonies to the Present

Throughout its history, the United States witnessed large-scale waves of immigration, while the policy and attitude towards non-natives repeatedly changed. This paper examines the significant episodes in the history of American immigration from the establishment of the British colonies to the present. Additionally, immigration regimes and legislation will be analyzed...

Volkswagen Company’s Sustainability Strategy

Introduction Sustainability is one of core Volkswagen’s business strategies for future growth and development. The company has set strong and measurable goals for decarbonization, responsible supply chain practices, e-mobility, and digitalization (Diess & Osteloh, 2021). The company is faced with multiple threats to its financial well-being and has incurred some...

Ethical Dilemma and Decision-Making Steps

Ethical principles exist in every profession to dictate acceptable practice and promote professionalism. Social workers are often presented with ethical dilemmas in their duties that demand competence in the ethical decision-making processes. While it may be tempting to overstep one’s mandate in ethical dilemmas, it is prudent to maintain ethical...

Classical Symphonic Music Analysis Event

History proves that classical symphonic music is almost immortal, which speaks of its significant cultural component. For this essay, I watched and analyzed four video recordings of musical performances. They are united by the classical character of compositions and features. The purpose of this paper is to review the videos...

An Assessment of the Nursing Statistical Trends

Introduction Nursing practice is very essential to a nation or state’s population in providing satisfactory services especially in the area of acute care hospital services. This makes the nurse-to-patient ratios equally important in assessing the various nursing trends. If one had to consider the general nursing practice statistics, one can...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Statistical Work in Manager Practice

The work of a statistician is closely connected with possible risks of sampling error; therefore, it is always important to approach the study of statistical data wholly and objectively. Thanks to the theory, which includes several analytical tools of sample assessment, specialists can check whether the data obtained during the...

Cultural Systems and Values in Communication

Interaction with people from various cultures is interesting because it allows for sharing and exchanging different ideas and values. Culture can be defined as a system of knowledge, meaning, and behavior that guides people in interpreting the world and acting in society (Nastasi et al., 2017). My friend Jay, who...

Depictions of Dinosaurs in Crichton’s “Jurassic Park”

Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton is one of the iconic novels of the science fiction genre and is considered Crichton’s magnum opus. The book is generous in providing detailed depictions of various dinosaur species and explaining how the park came to life in the modern world. Some of the descriptions...

Intergovernmental Global Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations

Introduction Every country in the world is part of the wider global community. Each nation’s economic strength lies in the ability to work with others. Similarly, as part of the human race, individuals can only attain maximum potential when they identify with certain groups for a common purpose. Different nations...

Economic, Democracy, and the Distribution of Capital Ownership

The “Economic, Democracy, and the Distribution of Capital Ownership” by Robert Ashford is an educative article that integrates economy, democracy, and ownership of capital in the USA. The writer majors on how democracy in the United States provided people with significant ownership of land, higher wages, and participation in politics...

“Frankie & Alice” Motion Picture: Race and Mental Care

Frankie & Alice is a Canadian motion picture by Berry, Cirrincione, DeKaric, Zaidi, and Sax (2010). It is based on a real story of an Afro-American woman with a Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Frankie is the protagonist, a go-go dancer who begins to experience violent episodes and blackouts. However, it...

Graphs, Statistical and Clinical Significance in Healthcare

There is no doubt that the use of graphs remains a very good way to illustrate quantitative data and, therefore, demonstrate certain trends related to different spheres of life of human society. can be called one of the most important sources of information for those whose areas of expertise...

The Beatles’ “Let It Be” and Youth Music Culture

Introduction The 1960s in Europe are associated with several historical and cultural changes that are often reflected in European music popular at the time. One of the most popular cultural icons of the 1960s in Europe was the band known as The Beatles. Originated in the United Kingdom, this band...

Chesterfield County Police Department Structure

The specifics of organizational structure can be beneficial or harmful depending on their appropriateness (Swanson, Territo, & Taylor, 2016). Based on the recent module, the present paper intends to analyze the structure of the Chesterfield County Police Department [CCPD] (2014). The analysis indicates that CCPD (2014) has mostly positive features,...

Impact of Economics on Health Care

Introduction It is worth noting that tax revenues form the main source of coverage for government spending. This rule applies to the healthcare system, and health expenditures are measured in percentage of gross domestic product (GDP). The level of national expenses for this area is calculated based on both public...

Florida Abortion Policies and Health Insurance

The specific provisions within The Affordable Care Act The Affordable Care Act (ACA) considerably increased the coverage of federal medical insurance programs such as Medicaid; for instance, Medicaid was expanded to cover individuals who gain up to 138% of the federal level of poverty for persons aged <65. For others,...

Communication Strategies with a Vulnerable Population

Communication during a crisis is essential for both victims and the emergency services. Often, conventional forms of communication are unavailable due to the circumstances of the crisis. In cases like these, alternative methods of communication are required. Unfortunately, not all of them apply to the vulnerable populations, such as older...

The “Poor Kids” Video by Frontline

Nowadays, many people suffer from poverty and cannot allow themselves to live in appropriate conditions all the time. They may earn big money, lose everything within the next day, and become homeless in a week. Such an idea becomes more terrible when poverty touches upon the lives of little children....

What It Takes to Be a Professional?

Introduction Today, more than ever before, hiring professionals in contemporary organizations are increasingly using social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter as screening tools for potential employees (Root & McKay 202). This predisposition is being facilitated by the proliferation of social networking sites, which has afforded individuals new means...

Patient-Centered Nursing Care Delivery Model

Nursing Care Delivery Model Patient-centered care is a model of nursing care that encompasses a patient’s values, needs, preferences, and experiences in the planning, coordination, and delivery of care. It seeks to include patients and family members as active participants in the decision-making process rather than passive recipients of treatment....

Lean Approach in Healthcare Information Technology

Introduction The lean approaches to management, including the Lean Six Sigma (LSS), is aimed at improving efficiency, which tends to have positive outcomes on healthcare. For example, in a comprehensive review of the literature on various lean approaches in healthcare, D’Andreamatteo, Ianni, Lega, and Sargiacomo (2015) demonstrate that lean methods...

Air Pollution Threats: Parent Education

Pamphlet The first few months after childbirth is the time when a newborn child is the most vulnerable to all kinds of negative outside influences. Statistics show that the majority of infant deaths occur within the first year after birth. The impact of environmental exposure is, perhaps, one of the...

Information Technology Oversight and Governance

Highlight the role that the board of directors should play in bringing oversight to IT at IVK. What’s important about the board’s role? Although IT became paramount to the business sphere, it remains the responsibility of IT departments. Nolan and McFarlan state that the majority of boards of directors remain...

Nightingale’s Influence on Millennium Development Goals

Introduction There are numerous problems that modern society faces, and that needs to be solved if humanity is to develop. However, as the life and activity of Florence Nightingale show, the solution to these problems should not be expected to be attained from politicians only, because people without particular political...

Probability Distributions: Questions and Notes

Carrying out a quantitative analysis is a crucial step toward identifying essential relationships between the variables under analysis. It should be noted, though, that the process in question can be carried out in a variety of ways, probability distribution being one of the tools that can be used for data...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Therapy

Interpretation of the Arterial Blood Gasses Results Acute respiratory acidosis; significantly lower Pao2 (norm 80-95 mm Hg); 68% Spo2 does not present high risks of a complete loss of breathing. Ventilator Settings SIMV of 12/min means that the patient is getting twelve mandatory breaths provided by the ventilator per minute;...

The Organic Market Segment: Marketing Plan

Star Endorsement To endorse the organic vision of the product, a Canadian celebrity may be invited to participate in the marketing campaign. The celebrity can either be a sports star or an individual strongly associated with a healthy lifestyle (e.g. a nutritionist). This strategy would target the customers oriented towards...

Mitosis, Meiosis, and Genetic Variation

Mitosis Mitosis is the process of cell division; as a result of it, two identical cells emerge. The cells of all types, except for sex cells, multiply via mitosis. Mitosis occurs in several phases (Dawson, 2002; The University of Arizona Biology Project, 2004): Interphase is the phase of preparation; during...

Communism and Liberalism’ Diplomacy

Communism and liberalism are two distinct ideologies that have been traditionally framed as opposing approaches. Nevertheless, certain similarities can be identified that determine their impact on the global community. The main similarity between liberalism and communism is the emphasis on equality characteristics for both ideologies. However, the specificities of the...

Cardiovascular Lab’s Quality Improvement Project

What a Senior Leader Is Looking for in an Executive Summary The interview with the director of a cardiovascular lab, Mr. B., has shed some light on the main components of a good executive summary of a quality improvement (QI) project. The first question the interviewee was asked was about...

Bedside Report vs. Handoff During Nurses’ Shift Change

The PICOT question In acute care patients (P), does the implementation of bedside report or handoff during shift change (I) for 4-6 months (T) improve the quality of care and patient safety (O) as compared to the handoffs performed away from the bedside (C)? P- (Patient, population, or problem): acute...

Advanced Practice Nurses: Key Roles

Advanced practice nurses (APNs) prepared to fulfill a variety of roles, which tend to differ in their core activities and fields of practice. However, the distinction between the roles does not appear restrictive. Moreover, all the roles are united by the same aim, which consists of providing high-quality care and...

Google Company: International Human Resources Management

Google is one of the world’s largest and most renowned corporations. Due to its massive success, Google is under a constant observation as a source of impactful practices and innovative approaches. This paper is focused on the exploration of Google’s human resources practices such as recruitment and selection. One of...

Challenges of Transgender Patients

Nowadays, people are free to make their own choices and follow the ways they find appropriate and interesting to them. Many choices and styles of life are easy to recognize and accept. Still, even regarding the progress a modern society has already achieved, not all people are ready to accept...

Miami Community’s Health Strengths and Concerns

Community Resources The findings presented in the report are based on the information retrieved from a diverse range of sources. The primary destination of the inquiry was the information databases of the local, state, and federal scope. The most relevant community resource is the Miami Matters database, an intelligence platform...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Medical Errors, Economic Effect and Patient Safety

In spite of the fact that the United States spends more on healthcare than any other developed nation, the quality of health care remains low. In order to improve the quality of care, it is necessary to consider the potential role of medical errors in the context of patient safety....

Psychological and Physiological Influences on Behavior

The mind-body problem is one of the oldest issues to which an answer was sought in Western culture. In my future paper, I will attempt to answer it by using the existing scientific data. I hope that the study I will conduct will contribute both to the current scientific knowledge...

The Role of Nurses

Discussions The article written by Scott (2013) reveals that the majority of the general public and even public health agencies do not understand that nurses are capable of improving public health in their areas significantly. The author claims that the National Health Service is going to develop a range of...

Criminal Profiling and Police Corruption

Criminal Profiling Solving murder crimes is a complex process that requires law enforcement personnel to use special techniques to narrow the list of potential suspects. One such technique is criminal profiling, which has proven to be especially effective when investigating homicides on sexual grounds (Douglas, et al., 1986, 403). Criminal...

Control Systems in Bureaucratic Organizations

Bureaucracy Bureaucracy is a system of administration based upon the hierarchy of authority that is designed to perform tasks through specific formal procedures or a routine manner. In this case, efficiency is enhanced as tasks are organized according to their complexity as well as in a formal line of control...

Nurse Engagement in the Strategic Planning Process

Strategic Planning Model All organizations that operate in the current markets need to develop an annual business plan to ensure that it will be able to reach the desired future and meet a range of goals for growth. Its key components are included in strategic planning that provides the foundation...

Memorial Hermann Healthcare System’s Health Records

Introduction Healthcare industry is witnessing a rapid implementation of programs based on the use of information and communication technologies. Adopting the Federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009 caused it. This legal act introduced the meaningful use criteria that claim that eligible hospitals and professionals should use and have...

Drugs and Substance Abuse in College: Effects and Treatments

Introduction Drugs and substance abuse have been one of the major challenges that the youth face in almost every society. This paper seeks to air opinions on how to prevent the use of alcohol and other drugs in colleges and university campuses. The paper will give a review of a...

De-Platforming as a Positive Tendency

Introduction Social media and web resources are significant sources of information and considered places where any opinion can be shared with the community. It is a widespread issue that some platforms users utilize their accounts to promote ideas that can be regarded as offensive and unacceptable or even extremism. One...

I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King

The speech was to give the Black people hope that one day there will be no discrimination, but till then, they will have to fight for their rights. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech explains America’s long history of racial injustice and invites his audience to hold...

“Nothing Like It in the World” Book by S. Ambrose

Steven E Ambrose’s Nothing Like It in the World tells the story of the first transcontinental railroad. It follows the project’s history chapter by chapter, from choosing the route for the future road to driving the last spike in Utah. Concluding with the brief assessment of the road’s importance, the...

Civil Rights Movement: Violence and Community

The Civil Rights Movement in the late 1950s and 1960s brought about a pivotal change in the race dynamics of American society. The nonviolent protesters were met with violence from the Ku Klux Klan, the police, and the private citizens. The literature on the subject focuses predominantly on the struggle’s...

Lupus: Teaching and Nursing Care Plan

Based on the symptoms, it is possible to assume that the patient has lupus. Lupus is an autoimmune, inflammatory disorder. It progresses as a result of impairments in the immune system when it starts to treat the body cells as foreign and try to destroy them (Maidhof & Hilas, 2012)....

Behavioural Exceptionality: the Case of Scott

Identification of the Study The case study chosen for this paper is presented in the ninth chapter of the “Special education in Ontario schools” and titled ‘The Case of Scott’. The case study examines a boy who is kept in custody for three months; later Scott will go to a...

2008 Financial Crisis: Effects and Countermeasures

In 2008, the global financial crisis took place. It had started with the financial meltdown in the US financial markets. It is considered that the crisis’s emergence is caused by multiple factors: the overall cyclic recurrence of the economy, the overload of the credit and the stock markets, the high...

Englishes in “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tans

Of all people, a writer is, perhaps, the person that is expected to treat their language with most care and respect. However, the idea of using a language appropriately is rather loose, mostly because the very concept of correct use of the language is quite vague (Crossley et al. 100)....

Life Saving Sport

Introduction A sport is usually an essential activity that is planned, requires mental and physical skills and competence, and has some aspects of entertainment and competition. There are usually certain rules and regulations that govern specific sports and must strictly be followed. The sports industry has developed to great heights...

Healthcare Facilities Conflict Management Plan

Conflict is an inevitable part of any professional life that involves interaction with other people. This is especially true for healthcare facilities. The hospital can be a very stressful environment for both the doctors and the patients. High levels of stress generate conflicts. Changes cause plenty of stress for all...

Vermont’s Single-Payer System Funding Structure

Rationale In the context of struggles and turbulence associated with the Adoption of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), some states across the United States decided to experiment with their own health plans and legislations. Vermont’s single-payer system was introduced under the rationale to guarantee its citizens universal insurance coverage, increase...

Community-Oriented Nursing Practice in Florida

Economics of Health Care Delivery The state ranks 6th in Health Care Expenditure. By the beginning of 2016, Florida’s State budget on Health Care was estimated at above $100 million (Florida Health, 2016). Under the proposed action plan of 2016-2017, the budget of Florida has allocated $15 million for prison...

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An Organizer Mug for Traveling and Hiking

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Shape Up Somerville Community-Based Program

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Family Nurse Practitioners: National and Global Dynamics

National Dynamics The role of nurses in the healthcare setting has greatly increased in the recent years, both due to the expansion of the range of responsibilities and in response to the changing national health care dynamics. The described impact is especially evident for family nurse practitioners (FNP). The primary...