Disparity and Disproportionality in the Criminal System

Introduction Background of Study and Opening Statement Americans are proud of their democratic society where all people are claimed to enjoy equal rights and have equal opportunities. In reality, this equity is quite limited and the criminal justice system is an example of existing disparities. For instance, 40% of imprisoned...

Instagram: Social Media’s Negative Impact on Society

Although social networks are a reasonably new phenomenon by historical standards, they have already become an influential part of society. The problem of how social networks affect our mental and physical state is also a crucial subject of research for scientists. Perfect staged photos with travel, rest, and just a...

German Culture: Advanced Nursing Workforce Issues

Every culture has its unique rules and traditions that make it different from others. Usually, such divergences serve as a basis for learning about the peculiarities of different nations and investigative common and dissimilar aspects of cultures. It is interesting to find out about customs, body language, daily routine, and...

Culturally Sensitive Care: The Purnell’ Model for Cultural Competence

The diversity of cultures and nations raises opportunities and challenges for health care workers and policymakers to develop and deliver more culturally competent services. In this context, cultural competence may be determined as the ability of health institutions to supply clients with the healthcare services that would meet their social,...

Determination of Average Height

As part of this assignment, a survey was conducted to assess the height of 10 male students studying in Miami, Florida. The sample included males aged 20-25 who attend the University of Miami. The sampling method used for the study was convenience sampling because participants were approached on campus. A...

A Travel Management Application Targeted to the Business Travelers

When assessing marketing initiatives, Ambler (2003), cited in Ambler and Roberts (2008), argues that the main metrics for marketing performance mostly focus on net profit or cash flow, added to brand equity during the period of marketing. The argument for the use of financial metrics can be seen justified in...

Computer Geography Lessons on Earth Science Students

Introduction Every teacher has a different way of teaching certain subjects and content areas. The strategy used by the teacher can make a big difference on how the student acquires and retains the information. In the modern world teachers are looking for ways to incorporate other methods of teaching into...

How World War Two Affected Black Immigration?

Introduction The Second World War came with tremendous changes in both the social compositions of nations as well as the economic status of these countries. In as much as this war brought about disasters to nations, there were also benefits accruing from it. The black population, for example, benefited in...

Math Vocabulary Strategies in Student Achievement

What is your dissertation research project about? I have been busy researching the effects of mathematical vocabulary on students’ performance in schools. Mathematics, being a separate discipline from language, comes with its fair share of vocabulary, some of which involves the use of some words which have a different meaning...

Walt Whitman: Famous American Author

Walter “Walt” Whitman (May 31, 1819 – March 26, 1892) was one of the most famous American authors. Furthermore his legacy has been still a matter of controversy for the manner it was written in as well as for its outward sexuality. The poet was born to a carpenter who...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Character of Philoctetes

Exordium Oh, how he rages locked on his island. “I’ll be my own Troy” (Heaney 63) he cries in arrogance, not knowing that he, like the city, is destined to fall. Philoctetes has lost everything, and now only blind hatred guides him, the ghosts of the past howl at his...

Program Planning: Health and Wellness for Senior Citizens

Introduction Older people pay great attention to their health and are much more motivated to be healthy and active. The main principle of longevity is a healthy lifestyle and self-care. An increase in the standard of living is possible with a combination of the right lifestyle, work and rest balance,...

Charles Rennie Mackintosh Hillhouse Chair

The furniture design is something we view every day though not always pay attention to. It has to be said that the furniture fashion has probably emerged once people started needing the chair to sit on and the bed to sleep in, though constructed shelters from prehistory have survived only...

Approaches for Informational or Expository Reading

Introduction Classroom teachers throughout the United States face new challenges as rapidly changing demographics collide with new federal and state policies, politically charged debates on bilingual education, and limited school resources to create classrooms that are more diverse than ever. The broader objective of this lesson is to raise the...

Why Vaccination Is So Discussed Now?

Today, the number of infectious diseases is growing due to the emergence of new and the mutation of old pathogens. The resistance of microorganisms to modern antiviral medicines increases as well. Children are particularly susceptible to infections, which are facilitated by incompletely formed immunity. The main danger of infectious diseases...

Analysis of Changes in the Educational Systems of the USA

The educational system of the United States includes both school and university studies. While the first option is supported by state and federal governments, higher education differs in terms of the type of privacy and prices for the educational programs offered. Throughout the last several decades, educational systems have been...

Inflation and Unemployment in Bavaria

Expansionist fiscal policy is a series of government measures aimed at increasing aggregate demand. They involve cutting net taxes or increasing government purchases and may reduce the number of unemployed. According to the Keynesian theory, such actions should be taken only to overcome the economic recession and stabilize the country’s...

Sustainability: Definition and Understanding

One can define sustainability as the act of elongating or maintaining resources at a certain level. This means that it requires stringent planning first to understand the capacity of the resources in question. Sustainability has mainly been used in regard to maintaining the earth’s natural resources. One can argue that...

The Nonmarket Environment of McDonald’s

Abstract Despite McDonald’s success in the fast-food market, it has faced severe negative publicity, which arises from various nonmarket issues. Some of the most controversial issues surrounding the firm include obesity lawsuits and defamations, the presence of carcinogens in its French fries, and being branded a perpetrator of international animal...

Project Management Implementation Assignment: Beta Distribution

Overview The assignment involves a description of three approximating approaches, namely analogous, bottom-up, and parametric techniques. It also gives a detailed discourse of the individual method and a highlight of the circumstances which may necessitate their preference for use. Additionally, there is an introduction of the triangular distribution and the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Marketing Variables and Research for Auto Dealership

Competitors’ Strategies This is very crucial to the success of the auto dealership. It has to have competitor strategies for various activities. These include the types of products they intend to launch in the near future and their financial status. This information will help the company to plan for the...

The Death of the Department Store: ‘Very Few Are Likely to Survive” by Sapna Maheshwari and Vanessa Friedman

Microeconomics plays a crucial role when it comes to decision-making activities held by the individual units in the economic sector that affect the particular markets. Different principles microeconomist put forward; however, some tenets are highly discussed these days when pandemics changed the entire economic system. The purpose of this paper...

Age of Discovery as Age of Destruction: Expansion Cost

The era of great geographic discoveries is well-known and well-remembered for the supposed progress that it provided for Europe. However, up until recently, the massive harm caused to indigenous people, who have been severely affected by the thoughtless actions and violence of colonizers, has been neglected. Although economically, expansion into...

The Work Expectations Analysis

Introduction The recent advancements in medicine and the passage of the Patient Protection and the Affordable Care Act mean that the demand for qualified medical professionals is going to grow across the US (Hofer, Abraham, & Moscovice, 2011). As a nurse practitioner, I expect to be working in an outpatient...

The Sociological Effect of COVID-19

The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has generated an international medical crisis that has resulted in a profound influence on how we perceive daily lives and personal interrelations. This has gone a long way to creating sociological effects on individuals, families, and society. The levels of contagion, coupled with...

Lucy Lurie Character From Coetzee’s “Disgrace”

Lucy Lurie is one of the supportive characters of J. M. Coetzee’s Nobel Prize awarded novel Disgrace. Despite being a secondary character, she plays an important role in illuminating some of the key points of the novel, revealing some hidden sides of David Lurie, her father, who is the major...

Nursing History: Brief Overview

The completed interview in Phase 2 presented numerous ideas that nurse practitioners can utilize to expand their philosophies and become more proficient in medical practice. Clinicians who want to succeed in their respective fields should be aware of emerging changes and apply appropriate theories. The first section of this paper...

Is Fast Food Really Harmful and Can It Be Healthy?

Introduction The aspects of fast food, and related issues, generally entail numerous facts and considerations, and, all the research papers, which argue on the matters of fast food often touch upon the aspects of history, popularity, and harm. Originally, these are the most popular aspects of fast food research, and,...

Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Workplace

Employees should have high concentration levels while in the workplace. Therefore, companies strive to reduce the distractions to employees. Reduction in distractions increases the productivity of the employees. In addition, it increases the safety levels of the workplace. Drug use is one of the major factors that reduces the concentration...

“Heat” by Joyce Carol Oates Review

The story depicts life as a period, full of torment and fierceness, whereas death is the nonappearance of it, nearly peaceful. Death is energized and claimed in history because of the challenges in life. The depiction of Rhea and Rhonda proves of Oates’ message portraying them as lovely as dolls....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Needs Analysis Plan For Vendor Selection

The process of globalization has changed how both suppliers and vendors imagine successful manufacturing and business management in general. Nowadays, the existence and rapid expansion of the free market implies high competitiveness among business units in order to obtain the most cost-efficient and quality-assuring workers in the segment (Azadeh et...

Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases in the Case of Mrs. J

Smoking harms the heart and blood circulation, heightens the risk of coronary artery disease, stroke, peripheral vascular disease, and cerebrovascular disease (damaged arteries that supply blood to the brain) (Fowler & Landry, 2019). In Mrs. J’s case, the disease history shows that her condition is related to the unhealthy lifestyle...

Racial and Cultural Discrimination of Native Americans

Native in the Twenty-first Century In “Native in the Twenty-first Century,” Susan Power discusses challenges she faced as a Native American and emphasizes that natives cannot be silent any longer. She claims that the culture of Native Americans is being forgotten and history is being rewritten by the dominant society...

Benefits of Laughter: The Role of Humor Styles and Shared Laughter

Laughing is one of the natural reactions of a human organism on external triggers. Individuals stop talking and even breathing while laughing. However, the latter is always seen positively. Scholars keep proving its beneficial effect on the human organism. There is even a “laughter yoga”: as its creator, Madan Katarina...

Social Facilitation and Social Loafing

Social facilitation and social loafing are closely-related terms that explain the changes in performance based on the presence of others. Both of the terms are a part of group behavior. While facilitation occurs when the presence of others affects the performance of individuals in either a good or bad way,...

The Bank of America on the Verge of Substantial Changes

Introduction The Bank of America is on the verge of substantial changes, as during the 2007-2008 crisis, the organization made inadequate investments and acquisitions. The recent estimations show that the Bank lost almost $40 billion, which negatively affected the growth margins and caused loss of stakeholders’ trust. In this case,...

“Inception” by Christopher Nolan

Introduction Written and directed by the man who brought blockbuster titles like The Dark Knight (2008), The Prestige (2006), and Memento (2000), Christopher Nolan megged another memorable masterpiece. London was chosen for the premiere of Inception on July 8, 2010. The film was subsequently released to the rest of the...

“Coming of Age in Mississippi”: Inequality in a Society

Since childhood, Essie (Anne) lived with her mother Toosweet (Mama) Davis, her father Diddly (Di) Moody, younger brother Junior and younger sister Adline in a shack on a plantation. Her father left the family for another woman, which meant that Essie remained with her mother and sister. They were extremely...

“Basic Christianity” Book by John Stott

Throughout centuries, the infinite world stands upon the rules, regulations created by humans, and, most importantly, religion. The latter offered the medieval man an opportunity to reconsider life and its purpose. At its core, faith illuminates being with light and hope. Among diverse directions of faith, Christianity constitutes one of...

Cocaine as a Drug Chosen for Medical Research

The drug chosen for this project is cocaine, and it is a highly addictive substance. It is derived from the cola plant, which is mainly found in South America. This drug comes in different forms and most users snort it into their noses. This paper discusses the effects of cocaine...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Zoe Leonard Works – Analogue Photo Series

Introduction Zoe Leonard has been very creative in her photography art though her works were ignored for quite sometime before they begun gaining recognition. Her works are critical in assessing the disappearing face of the 20th century lifestyle of the urban centres. They also highlight the increased obsolescence that non-digital...

Public Relations in Organizations: Article Response

Introduction Hallahan, Holtzhausen, vanRuler, Vercic & Sriramesh (2007) explored the significance of strategic communication in fulfilling the mission of an organization. The authors indicated that communication directly affects all aspects of an organization including management, public relations, marketing, political communication, technical communication, and social marketing or information campaigns. Grunig (1990),...

Child Slavery and Sexual Trafficking

Child slavery is a business, which brings milliards of dollars to its owners, a reality of our world. Many people believe that it happens somewhere far away and not in our community. Slavery for us is just a picture from the textbook, but not the fact. The Civilized world, talking...

Meno 88-c Socrates Summary & Analysis

Introduction In this paper, I will defend Socrates’ claim that the same traits of character can be beneficial if the person is wise and could lead to misery if the person is not, against the objection that an ignorant action might lead to happiness, and a wise action might end...

Analysis of Regal Marine Products

How the Concept of product life cycle applies to Regal Marine products Product life cycle is an extremely essential strategy in the marine vessels production. The results of having a life cycle plan enables Regal Marine to organize and lay down measures that incorporate the well being of the company...

At-Will Employment: The 21st Century Form of Slavery

At-will employment is defined as such relationships between an employer and employee in which the latter could be dismissed without any warning or valid reason. The proponents of the at-will employment doctrine argue that it is beneficial for the worker to the same extent as for the employer since the...

Confidence People Had Towards Government in the USA

Introduction A survey was carried out to find out how much confidence people had in that government. A total of two thousand five hundred people were considered for the poles which were carried both orally and through the internet. The results should be considered for publication considering the reliable means...

Corporate Ethics: Creating an Ethical Workplace

Ethical behavior at the workplace seems to be one of the top topics in the world agenda, considering the number of scandals occurring in the world-known enterprises. The trend of the ethical workplace spread is still in process: the developing countries are still getting acquainted with the new ethical standards...

IPR Violations in Software Development

Reasons for IPR violations in software development Many people engage in Intellectual Property Regulation violations for different reasons. One main reason that standout is ignorance. Most organizations are unable to cope with the upward trend in technology and are lagging. However, they have to keep profitability and survival rates high....

A Business Profile for Personal Trainer

The Personal Trainer is a supercenter located in the Toronto area which offers basic services such as exercise equipment, a swimming pool, sporting goods shop, health food store, teen center, and snack bar, and special services that include child fitness programs and a computer café. The aforementioned functions will require...

Myths and Theories of Aging

Myths and theories about aging compile a big part of understanding the processes of aging. Throughout the history of science, there were different studies on interpreting the results of aging, its prevention, and consequences. However, most of the Earth’s population does not go as far as to research the topic,...

Outsourcing and Globalization as Driving Force

The costs associated with production and business performance have forced many companies to engage in outsourcing. Asatiani et al. define the concept as the process of recruiting a third-party employee or service provider to complete various tasks or manufacture goods that can eventually be marketed by the identified company (41)....

Psychology of Terrorism: Leaders and Development

Introduction The war on terror has been a losing battle because the leaders in today’s democracies fail to understand the reasons for the terrorism activities, leading to misconceptions and prejudices about the terrorist and thus affecting their judgment and the policies they make. This has led to a need for...

Kathakali Dance Theater Overview

Theatre plays a significant role in the history of humankind. It is a creative method to learn about a specific culture and the history of its people. It can grab one’s attention and bring entertainment, joy, or even sorrow. For example, India has numerous unique representations of this art, one...

The Mission as a Frontier Institution in the Spanish-American Colonies

Bolton examines how Spain was able to spread its influence across South and Central America while having its resources spent on wars in Europe. The impact was substantial to the extent that the majority of the population of the South American continent speaks Spanish and has culture inherited from Spain....

My First Day at College

Of all the enemies of people, the worst is a human itself. This is the way people think when they refuse to communicate with others, though they do not air it and maybe even don’t think of it directly in this precise form. But it is still there. And the...

Sports Strategic Planning in the UK

The study focused on determining whether UK university athletic departments engaged in strategic planning. It also wanted to investigate the key areas of focus in strategic planning. The third objective was to analyze the relationship between university size and strategic planning as well as athletic director’s background and strategic planning....

Memory Drum Theory’s Projection

The Goal of the Research The goal of the study was to look into memory drum theory’s projection that the increase in simple reaction time (SRT) was proportional to the complexity of the response to be instigated (Anson, 1982). How the Goal Relates to My Research The author hypothesized that...

Hamlet, Laertes, and Fortinbras: The Theme of Vendetta

Hamlet is an outstanding tragedy by William Shakespeare, which is considered an example of skillful language and complicated plot. The play has always drawn the attention of researchers, and even today, litterateurs still analyze its peculiarities. Through his vivid characters, Shakespeare speaks about eternal issues: the problems of doubts, love,...

Four Employees Stages in Career Development

Employees develop their knowledge, courage, and experiences through working within a profession. Essentially, the development of employees within their professions undergoes various forms of manipulations depending on the level of experiences. Researchers present four stages which employees undergo during their transformation in an organization (Noe, 2010). The four career stages...

Motivational Interviewing Case Study

Summary A motivational interview has been conducted with a 37-year-old female individual who suffers from regular overeating in the evening and at night. The female client started her speech by describing how her habit seems to ruin her health and life because she gained weight, and she constantly feels stomach...

Child Abuse, Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence

Child abuse can be identified as conduct or act impairing or endangering emotional or physical development of the child; this category of victimization covers any damage suffered by a child, which cannot be clarified or reasonably explained and providing a series of intentional or deliberate injuries. It is necessary to...

Social Prejudice Kills LGBTQ Community Representatives

The year 2020 is when diversity is speaking louder than ever: starting from Black Lives Matter spread and leading to the increased attention to the other minority representatives. It might seem like LGBTQ community members also discover greater acceptance and recognition. You can see gay students or same-sex couples in...

Civil Liberties and Civil Rights in the USA

Every country has a number of institutions to solve different problems and control the actions of citizens. Civil liberties and civil rights are the main instruments of the Constitution. These constitutional principles are presented in the Bill of Rights and are considered to be one of the main means of...

Changes in the Moment of Inertia

The Goal of the Research The goal of the study was to examine the impact of altering the moment of inertia on SRT, motor time, and premotor time (Anson, 1989). It was hypothesized that changes in the moment of inertia would affect SRT and motor time without any impact on...

Othello Versus Shakuntala: Ultimate Lessons

The importance of love and affection in literature is permanently reinforced by secondary ideas that emphasize the eternal influence of higher feelings on the human race. The idea of pure love has been investigated by many authors, and Shakespeare’s Othello and Kalidasa’s Shakuntala may be considered rather similar in terms...

Business Report vs. Academic Research Project Writing

There are many ways of presenting information about a factory or a company in the business environment. Most of the companies resort to compiling a business report, which is an evaluation of a specific issue or financial transactions that relate to the performance of a business (Gray, 2019). Others recur...

Historical Implications of Slavery and the Role of the United States in It

If Pavlich were presenting her arguments regarding slavery to me, I would want to remind her of the historical implications of slavery and the role that the United States played in it. Mainly, Pavlich argues that America does not get credit for ending slavery. However, the fight against slavery did...

Atlantic Slave Trade and Its Effect on Africa and the Americas

Introduction The high discrimination against the black people in the cause of slavery and after this slavery might bring about the idea that holding the African people into slavery started as a consequence of racism. But on the other hand, more than fifty years ago, there was a strong argument...

The Undeniable Importance of Accountability

Personal responsibility, compliance, and awareness play an essential role in any human activity. A responsible attitude has always been highly valued since it means making conscious decisions and applying behaviors that provide trustful and sincere communication. Except for the ability to communicate, the ability to respect colleagues is also a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nursing Informatics: Best Practices

Introduction Security of personal data stems from fundamental American values such as the sanctity of individual privacy. Similar to the way people in the U.S respect personal space, the healthcare system has to ensure that each person’s medical data is known only to those who are entitled to know it...

The Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge Comprehensive Conservation Plan

This CCP outlines the combined efforts of the several Maryland States, refuge neighbors, local partners, private landowners, Friends of Eastern Neck, and the local community to protect the habitat of endangered species present in the 2,286 acres Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge. It intends to achieve so by attaining several...

Strategic Plan of Arizona University Technology Office

Introduction The Arizona State University Technology Office has been making strategic plans and setting annual goals for future academic years for many years. Such initiative helps structure the educational process and have clear goals, which contributes to the development and modernization of the university itself. The strategic plan and goals...

Challenging Educational Barriers for African-American Female Students

The problem of educational barriers that African-American women face is high on the current agenda as inequalities in learning lead to adverse outcomes in overall academic accomplishment, future career, and life in general. With better educational opportunities, the target group can attain higher incomes and be capable of providing a...

School Positive Behavior Plan Analysis

Introduction This analysis is based on a three-year behavior referral plan from data collected at the Blanche Ely High School. From the analysis, it is realized that a positive behavior support system can be effective in reducing negative behavior incidences among students. A positive behavior support system is a plan...

Research of Dark Side of the Internet

The development of information technologies is generally associated with infinite opportunities for a user. Just by downloading the necessary webpage, a user accesses an enormous amount of information from different parts of the world. The Internet allowed people to stay in touch with family, friends, and colleagues, do business, shop,...

Racism in Margaret Laurence`s Story ” The Loons”

Introduction Margaret Lawrence is one of the most acclaimed Canadian writers of the twentieth century. Born in Neepawa, Manitoba, her stories mainly portray the theme of strong women in a male-dominated world. The local life, native people in her land and her life experiences reflect on most of her stories....

Frederick Taylor’s and Karl Marx’ View of Workers

Introduction Frederick Taylor and Karl Marx had the views that the worker was not getting a fair deal and thus formulated theories geared at improving their lifestyles. Frederick Taylor came up with the Scientific Management Principles theory whereas Karl Marx coined the Communist Manifesto theory with ideas on how their...

The Notion of Care as Primary in Nursing Philosophy

To develop a personal philosophy, a key element should be chosen around which a system of beliefs would be built and revolve – for my nursing philosophy this element is care. Nursing is a medical field that primarily emanates from the action of caring. The way society functions, human sociality,...

Healthcare Quality Improvement Programs and Cost Containment

Across the country, hospital systems tend to face a significant number of severe problems, including cash flow reduction, delays in patient discharge, hospital-acquired infections, preventable medical errors, and clinical variation. Moreover, some people cannot get quality medical care due to various reasons. Quality improvement projects and programs are created to...

“Houseboy” by F. Oyono and “Things Fall Apart” by C. Achebe Comparative Analysis

The European colonists dominated over the Africans by disempowering them by introducing religious ideas that openly challenged their beliefs from an outside perspective. These white settlers managed to cause conflicts between those who are learned and then plant in those new Christian ideas. They also established a government that harassed...

“The Hate U Give” by Angie Thomas Review

“The Hate U Give” by Angie Thomas tells a story of a 16-year-old black girl, Starr, who witnesses her friend being killed by a police officer after returning home from a party. As the riots spark across the community, Starr finds her voice and decides to be vocal about the...

The Principal Challenge of Creating a Blended Family

Blended families are the modern type of families that are becoming more popular due to high rates of divorce. Together with advantages for all their members, there are also many challenges the people need to overcome in order to become a real family, in which they would love and support...

Al Fiorini’s Devices That He Used to Control His Business

Case Summary In April 2002, Albert (Al) Fiorini founded Atlanta Home Loan (AHL), a mortgage lending and financing company by investing $40,000. He had impressive experience in mortgage banking, so the new company grew well. AHL had telecommuting marketers, eight loan offices, and all worked remotely as it was a...

Elementary Education as an Initial Stage of the Formal System of Education

Elementary education involves the initial stages of the formal system of education. It is also commonly referred to as primary education and is designed for pupils aged approximately between five and thirteen years. Notably, this phase of tuition is often preceded by selected learning for children below five years of...

The Middle and High School Students and Their Attitude Towards Social Studies

On consideration of the previous research that was carried out earlier and policy makers and stakeholders’ desire to understand more on the attitude of students towards social studies, need arose for further clarification of the students’ stance towards the same. The result pointed out that certain factors generally led to...

The Ways Social Media Controls Rebellion and Activism

Introduction Relationships between individuals have been greatly changed since the introduction of social media. Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have made it easy for people to pass information across the globe. Therefore, this has been made possible by considerably reducing the obstacles of communication. By just clicking a button, an individual...

Leadership and Management in the Patient-Centred Care

The terms of leadership and management are often used interchangeably within the nursing environment. Both leadership and management are crucial for high-quality delivery of health services (Francis, 2013). Though these notions are often seen in the same respect, they differ in behaviour, skills, or perspectives. Both qualities are demanded to...

Diagnostics: The Case of Mr. M.

Mr. M is an elderly man living in a facility who lately has been raising concerns among the medical staff. A few months ago, despite some difficulties with physical activities, Mr. M was able to take care of himself. He could get dressed, bathe, and feed himself without any assistants....

Capstone Project Change Proposal in Healthcare Sector

Healthcare is a sector that is the most intensively exposed to stress and emotional exhaustion or burnout. Medical workers deal with patients’ health problems that imply constant mental pressure and a high level of responsibility for a professional. The problem of low staffing in the industry depends on the emotional...

People of the Bayou Cajun Life in Lost America

This book gives the story of a vanishing culture in an affectionate way. It also tries to maintain their culture despite the influence of a pre-dominant culture. The book gives a closer look to the day to day life of this culture; you begin to feel their triumphs and challenges....

Writing Process Description and Analysis

The question “what is your writing process?” seems straightforward and simple, yet through self-reflection, a comprehensive answer reveals the often complicated process that takes place when texts come into being. Before reading chapter 4 of Writing about Writing: A College Reader, I thought that my writing process did not need...

Wonderful Widget: Procurement Outsourcing Strategies

Introduction A company has to decide on the approach to use when producing goods for the market. Functional management in an organization ensures that a business has the best option for goods and services production. The following paper indulges on various approaches that Wonderful Widget Company can use in the...

Coronavirus Outbreak Impact on the Australian Economy

The outbreak of the COVID-19 virus has started in Wuhan, China, and is currently spreading throughout other countries. It affects the nations of the world in many ways. Apart from the obvious impact on people’s health, the virus and the measures against it influence economic developments as well. China is...

“Mr. Fox” by Helen Oyeyemi: Violence Against Women

Introduction Mr. Fox is one of the many novels written by Helen Oyeyemi. Through a set of short stories, the author explores a variety of different topics; however, the subject of violence against women seems to be the most prevalent. The issue is identified in the very beginning with the...

Factors Important For Looking for a New Job

Introduction Looking for a new job can be a difficult and frustrating task. One should pay attention to a lot of moments that influence the choice. Considering a new position is a time-consuming mission. Everyone must be sure that he or she has not wasted time for vain thinking. All...

Drug and Alcohol Abuse in Organizations

The problem of using drugs and alcohol among the workers of the companies is an essential issue in the USA. It is possible to assume that the reason for this situation can be found in the historical past of the country. Before the industrial revolution the use of psychoactive substances...

Rights and Freedoms in America

Introduction Democracy is a subject that is perceived differently by different people. The most accepted definition of democracy, however, is that of ‘the rule by the people’. We will not however expand on this as different people have different understanding of what is ‘the people’, and ‘rule’ (Schaffer, 2000, p.1)....

Family Relationship in Marion Wiesel’s Book “Night”

Marion Wiesel’s book titled “Night” has done a commendable job not only in documenting historical truths about some physical events that happened during the Holocaust, but also attempting to create an emotional picture of the grotesque events experienced by individuals during that time. The book avidly demonstrates how the most...

Family Relationship in “Night” by Elie Wiesel

Introduction In the book Night by Elie Wiesel, the relationship between Eliezar and his father appears to be complex. It is shaped by harsh conditions, religion, deportation, and the interaction between the two and other people. In this essay, the author analyzes how this relationship changes throughout the novel. According...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Curriculum Outline: Classroom Planning with Groups

Introduction In accomplishing their responsibilities, educators are faced with many challenges. Among them, is teaching students whose English is their first language (Meyers, 1993). This can be encountered at any level of the educational system including grades 4-6 (Gibbons, 1994). Being a great challenge, educators are faced with problem of...

Women as Leaders in the Correction Institutions

Introduction A number of female employees are interested in occupying the positions in the corrections. The work in prison is usually considered as the male one and when women are noticed at those positions a number of questions arise. Correction establishments are presupposed for working with criminals who are prejudiced...

Laboratory Information System: Application Overview

General Description of the Information System This section provides a general description and of the information system. It documents the title, overall function, and the users of an information system and what they wish to do with the information system (or the information system does for them). General Description Laboratory...

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill 2010

The Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill 2010 is described as the worst oil disaster to have ever happened in the history of the oil industry. Also known as the Macondo Blowout, the spill continued for approximately three months unabated. The root cause of the spill was a result of an...

Objectivity in the Role Played by University Student Leaders

Abstract The need of a student leadership in universities cannot be overemphasized. Considering the university setup where students have too much freedom, and unlike school settings where there is more interaction between students and the administration, university student leadership is crucial in ensuring a working relationship between the university and...

The Movie My Family/ Mi Familia: Mise en Scene Analysis

Possible Influences of Monet and Rivera The movie My Family (Mi Familia), directed by Nava in 1995, offers many interesting visuals that showcase the view of Mexican American culture. The film starts with shots of Mexico, including some shots of nature, slowly shifting toward a town with people. Moreover, in...

Ballet Nutcracker: A Kaleidoscope

Introduction The Nutcracker is a world-renowned ballet that has been captivating the audience for more than a century. Composed by Pyotr Illyich Tchaikovsky in 1892, the ballet was originally choreographed by Lev Ivanov and Marius Petipa. It is also important to note that the libretto was adapted from “The Nutcracker...

Women’s Lib: A Feminist Counterculture Movement

Introduction Social movements many of which are grass-root based but have grown to the national and international levels exist for various reasons. They have goals and agendas that they try to promote and sell the policies and agendas to the public while others exist to preserve and maintain the very...

Ku Klux Klan Ban and Domestic Violence and Race Issues

Would anyone like to live in a country dominated by powerful racist groups desiring to control policymakers and law enforcement? Unfortunately, this is what used to occur in the early twentieth century and what some organizations are attempting to restore nowadays. Among them, the group that deserves specific attention is...

Early Childhood Development in “Born to Learn” Video

One of the most interesting, crucial, and challenging processes people can witness is the emergence of a new life – a new person. It is hard to disagree that for later health and successful development of children, the early years of their lives are of vital importance (“Early brain development...

Chronic Stable Angina in a Cocaine Addict

The presented case involves a middle-aged man, E.H., who has a long history of asthma, presumed heart attacks, and cocaine use. This individual requires to prescribe him calcium channel blockers because he complains about the pain in the chest. It is critical to conduct a thorough analysis of the pain’s...

Annotated Bibliography About Dietary Supplements

For this assignment, I have decided to take a look at various articles about dietary supplements. I think the topic is interesting and demands more attention from the public and researchers. In this paper I will focus on analyzing three articles on the issue: “Demand for dietary supplements spikes as...

Legal Awareness of the Choice of Goods and Services

Legal Background Legal awareness of the choice of goods (services) will allow consumers and businesses to avoid misunderstandings or to settle them within limits stipulated by the current legislation. The main document that regulates the relations between consumers of goods is the Consumer Protection Law (Law). According to the Law,...

The Teleological Narratives of History Books

The significance of design and purpose has been placed quite high in the study of the key historical events and their weight in the context of the global environment. Therefore, the analysis of the essential readings that contain historical accounts of the crucial changes in people’s perception of foreign cultures...

English Introduction to Literature: “Journey Into Literature” by R. Clugston

In his book “Journey into literature”, Clugston provides an engaging and informative outlook on varied aspects of the process of reading. Clugston shows reading as an interesting and inspiring journey into the world of human wisdom. In the following paper, I aim to address particular concepts from Clugston’s text to...

Deprivation of Liberty and Safeguard: Bournwood Case Study

Introductions The bournewood case was initiated in July 1997 and it concerned a 49 years old man known as HL suffering from autism, who was admitted to a Bournewood Psychiatric Hospital after a stressful day at a daycare center. Mr. and Mrs. E the man’s guardians had brought him to...

Radio-Frequency Identification in Healthcare and Agriculture

In the 1970s, barcodes seemed like the height of sophisticated product tracking. However, both technological progress and market demands have developed significantly in recent years, presenting new identification and tracking opportunities. Specifically, radio-frequency identification (RFID) has gained traction due to its ability to transmit data over distance. According to the...

Should US Public Schools Have a Longer Year?

Introduction US pubic schools should never have a longer school year. However, it is best to understand in brief about the education system of USA and then analyze the pros and cons of both sides before arriving at a conclusion in the context of having a longer school year. It...

“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” Performance: Cultural Experience

For this assignment, I have chosen to examine the 2014 York College theatre’s rendition of a classic Shakespearian piece, Midsummer Night’s Dream. The performance took place in Milton G. Bassin Performing Arts Center, in Jamaica, Queens. This particular facility is affiliated with the York College and works with the aim...

Fallouts of World War I

World War I was the conflict that resulted in unprecedented consequences taking more lives and including more countries than ever before. Moreover, it brought some considerable changes in society, culture, economy, and politics of the world structure. The broad scope of the fight and involvement of the mass destructive technologies...

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Buhny History: Show & Tell

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Orthorexia Nervosa and Eating Disorder

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Nonverbal Communication as an Essential Part of Conversation

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Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification

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Ability, Disability, and Erasure

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Analysing the Middle Age and How It Will Affect Me

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Images and Messages Patterns About Gender Given by Advertisers in Mass Media

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The European Expansion and Chinese Dynasties

The partition of Africa by Europe and its impacts Africa was the last continent to be colonized in the world. This was because of the frequent emergence of diseases such as malaria in great parts of it. However, due to its high fertility content, the Europeans reconsidered it and advanced...

Personal Worldview Inventory, Theory and Types

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The Controversy About Abortion Prohibition and Women’s Rights

The health status of American citizens is the government’s priority when it comes to politics. However, the complex nature of the issue leads to its consideration from various perspectives that can be contradictory. One such aspect is abortion, and the right to this service has been widely discussed by politicians...

Japan’s Culture, Geography, Government, Economy

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Juvenile Forensic Psychology: Contemporary Concern

The increasing socio-political and technology transformations have increased potential challenges within the juvenile rehabilitative centers. The present juvenile systems have numerous pitfalls that have immensely compromised the wellbeing and development of the young offenders admitted within these institutions. The welfare of these young offenders is an example of a potential...

Obesity Among Mexican-American School-Age Children in the US

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Abortions Through the Prism of Christianity

People all around the world often have to face different obstacles and make wise decisions based on their moral principles and fundamental values. Case Study: Fetal Abnormality provides its readers with an example of a situation in which individuals encountered a complicated life circumstance and had to make a hard...

The Managerial Duties in Business

A great manager must be effective and practical in his management. The knowledge of the “trade” is very important but the ability to use the information and apply it to practice is a skill that is just as important, if not more. They must have a friendly and fair relationship...

The Minute Manager Builds High-Performance Team

Introduction Modern literature is presented by a variety of books and magazines, which cover different topics connected with the business, technology, or science. These books are very interesting for both, from the point of view of the way of presentation and information covered. They contain a lot of issues and...

Chili con Carne and Ragu Bolognese: Comparing and Contrasting

Introduction Comparing Ragu Bolognese and Chili con Carne is unnatural only to those who have never had the good fortune to try these iconic dishes. The modern iterations of both are beefy, rich, flavorful, and enjoyed worldwide. However, they are not the same dish, and their different historical routes can...

Property Crime and Sociological Typologies: Law Study

Bubba Hurt (Suspect 1), Skeeter Redrum (Suspect 2), and Summer Breeze (Suspect 3) are charged with Theft by Taking O.C.G.A. 16-8-2 as the three persons have committed “the offense of theft by taking when they unlawfully took […] the property of another with the intention of depriving him of the...

EMI Music: Company Analysis

Introduction EMI Music is one of the largest and trusted sound recording studios in the world. In general, this is the synonym of reliable cooperation, high-quality services, and trust of the clients, hence, the reputation of the company is high enough. As for the competitive environment of the company, there...

Business Plan and All Aspects That Includes Successful Fashion Industry

Future outlook and industry trends According to recorded research, the fashion industry keeps on evolving every decade, and it is unlikely that a particular trend will spread past one decade. However, of all the trends that come and go, the urban trend and lifestyle never fade away and has remained...

Human Rights Violations in Hong Kong

The current event discussed in this paper is about a story that appeared on Human Rights Watch on March 27, 2020. The article is about the arrest of district councilor Cheng Lai-king on March 26, 2020, after being accused of seditious intent. According to the article, Cheng is a pro-democracy...

Military Service: The Obligation of the American Citizens

Introduction It is unfortunate that most of us associate the military with killing other people but it is important to look at the wider picture. The military is a very integral part of the nation and it is the best way in which one can show their patriotism and loyalty...

Living with Phobias: Types and Influences

Abstract A feeling of fear is a normal reaction to possible danger or threat yet it is important to differentiate natural fears from phobic and obsessive-compulsive disorders. Phobias are irrational and uncontrollable fears that lead to severe anxiety and cause discomfort in the daily life of an individual. Phobias do...

Geology and Formation of Lake Erie

Abstract This present paper explores the process of formation of the Lake Erie basins that were conditioned by glaciers. Glacial erosion which carved out the lake beds and the subsequent deposition of huge amounts of sediment led to the formation of the eastern, central, and western basins of Lake Erie....