Logic Models in Developing Public Health Programs

Logic models can be used in different spheres or fields, and they can contribute to social services in many ways. As it is usually stated by managers, program designers, and educators, logic models are often used to improve a structure of programs to achieve the set goals (Developing a basic...

Monopolies and Workers Exploitation in the Industrial Age

Introduction During the Industrial Age, the labor sector in the U.S. market faced a lot of challenges which led to its revamping. Most of the people then were farmers, and with the introduction of machinery, many abandoned the rural areas and moved to the urban region. However, the labor market...

Racial Issues in Reality Check by Rasayon

The struggles that populations of diverse populations face in the course of their development are essential to discuss in current research. The topic of race is especially relevant due to the long and dark history of oppression, abuse, and segregation of certain groups. Race denotes a group of humans that...

Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour” Analysis

The end of the Victorian era may be viewed as a period when the movement for female equality gathered momentum. Before that, women enjoyed much fewer rights than men and occupied a lower, subordinate position in society. However, throughout the 19th century, many females aimed to oppose the established situation,...

Immigration: “Our Wall” by Charles Bowden

The present paper summarizes the contents of “Our Wall” by Charles Bowden on the impact of the wall between the United States and Mexico. Bowden opens his essay with a historical anecdote about Patrick Murphy who bombed the Mexican border town of Naco located in ten miles south of Bisbee,...

Treadway Tire Company’s Employees Management

This brief report deals with the most urgent issues that arise at the Treadway Tire Company and the methods to address them. The organization may face considerable difficulties since foremen’s job dissatisfaction can result in poor performance. The primary issues include ineffective knowledge management and low foremen’s morale. The concept...

Otto von Bismarck’s Unification of Germany

Germany first became a nation on January 18, 1871, with the official ceremony taking place at the Palace of Versailles’ Hall of Mirrors. This became possible due to the efforts of Otto von Bismarck, a notable figure in the German and European affairs of the late nineteenth century as well...

Willy Loman in “Death of a Salesman” by A. Miller

Introduction “Death of a Salesman” is one of the brightest works of Arthur Miller, and the problems enlightened in it remain actual long after the work was first published (Scheibe 26). The play describes the beauty of a dream and the impossibility of following the standards of our society regarding...

Son-Father Relationship in Elie Wiesel’s “Night”

Introduction In “Night,” which is a semi-memoir dedicated to Elie Wiesel’s harrowing experiences in concentration camps, the topic of a father-son relationship and its development is very important. Elie, along with other Jewish people of his town, falls victim to the German occupation of Hungary. In 1944, Elie and his...

Curriculum Change Plan for Jacox Elementary in Virginia

Introduction The efficiency of educational programs may differ depending on the community. It is evident that schools with higher academic performance require a more advanced curriculum than schools with lower academic achievements. Therefore, sometimes, schools’ curriculum is to be reevaluated and changed to adhere to the needs and ability of...

The Treaty of Versailles and Hitler’s Rise to Power

Introduction Back in the 1920s, Germany had to struggle with multiple political and economic issues. The Treaty of Versailles signed on June 28, 1919, placed the country at the brink of ruin due to immense taxes being imposed on the state. The Weimar Government proved to be incapable of stabilizing...

Vision Bank’s Intercultural Communication: Problems and Recommendations

Introduction Globalization is a powerful force making it possible for companies to do business in different parts of the world. Managers should implement powerful models if they want to achieve their aims much faster. This report provides detailed advice and recommendations to Vision Bank as it plans to invest in...

Social Media and Young Women’s Self-Perception

The omni-present nature of social media has captured the attention of growing generations that develop alongside with the technological progress. Social media websites and applications, such as Facebook and Instagram, have become highly incorporated in the lives of young people, with teenage girls and young women being their primary users....

Motivation Theories at the Workplace

Labor motivation is understood as the organization of the company’s work in a way that encourages everyone to fulfill professional duties. In other words, each employee receives an internal incentive that increases productivity and is aimed at achieving a common goal. To produce a competent staff incentive, a manager has...

The Terracotta Statuette of Eros Flying

The Chosen Exhibit Description For my reflection essay after visiting the Ancient Greece Architecture Gallery at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, I have chosen one of the ancient Greek pieces of art presented there, namely, the terracotta statuette of Eros flying (see Figure 1) (Karoglou, 2016). The statuette represents Eros,...

Female Artists: War Paintings

Curatorial Statement This exhibition is aimed at showing how female artists depict war, its catastrophic effects, and its futility. It is the main theme that the chosen painters explore. While selecting the images, I focused on the artists who represented different countries and historical periods. Overall, the chosen paintings may...

FIFA and Corruption

How does this unethical behavior affect FIFA? FIFA is not only one of the most famous world cups with its traditions, history, and impact on society. It is an event that unites millions of people from different parts of the world. It is a story that helps to comprehend the...

The Fourth Amendment: Privacy in the Digital Media

Introduction The 4th Amendment is one of the cornerstones of the American constitution. Its primary purpose is to protect the privacy of the citizens, stating “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and...

Turner and Owen Poets Messaging About War

War has existed with humankind for as long as humankind has existed, and it has defined many societal functions. Most people look at war from the perspective of the war winner and the loser of the war. However, war bears with it more themes than the winners and losers. The...

Pirandello’s “Six Characters in Search of an Author”

Introduction The play written by Luigi Pirandello in 1921 under the title Six Characters in Search of an Author is an example of a drama that utilizes the method of theatre-in-theatre. The author is a Nobel Prize-winning Italian writer and dramatist. As the title implies, the play concentrates around six...

Edwin Sandys’ Role in Jamestown’s Development

Introduction European settlers who came to the New World in search of a better life ended up enduring many challenges and hardships. After its founding in 1607, Jamestown eventually became home to thousands of people who tried to create a new society in a new land (Corbett et al. 56)....

Solar Energy and Its Impact on Environment

Executive Summary Solar energy is a sustainable source of energy because low levels of environmental pollution are associated with its use. The purpose of this paper is to determine the impact of solar energy on the environment. The major positive impact is the minimal emission of greenhouse gases. However, negative...

Community in O. Butler’s “Parable of the Sower”

Introduction Community is a critical aspect of Octavia Butler’s Parable of the Sower as it is vital in the struggle for existence for people in a chaotic world. The evolution and adaptation of change, which are common themes in the novel, reflect Charles Darwin’s theories in The Origin of Species....

Young Afro-American Female vs. Elderly White Male

Introduction Comparing and contrasting experiences of people from different backgrounds that include education, gender, age, race, social status, and other variables is essential for understanding the diversity as well as the range of life struggles or successes individuals face. In order to explore this, interviews with two individuals have been...

Moral Codes in O’Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”

Introduction Flannery O’Connor (1925-1964) is an American novelist and a prolific author. She developed and finessed the Southern Gothic style and went down in the history of literature for her captivating short stories. In this story, O’Connor describes a family trip from Georgia to Florida for a summer vacation. The...

“Death of a Salesman” Dramatic Tragedy by Arthur Miller

Introduction The genre of dramatic tragedy is revealed comprehensively in the play “Death of a Salesman” written by Miller. The main character of the work is Willy Loman, a salesman who is disenchanted with his life and goes through the difficult steps of an internal crisis. Miller represents American reality...

“Life Is Beautiful” Film by Roberto Benigni

Introduction Holocaust films have always attracted considerable attention from the public and the media, especially when it comes to the western world. Life Is Beautiful (1997) is one of the cinematographic works that stand out against the rest due to its use of humor, as well as an emphasis on...

Smart Glasses, Their Strengths and Weaknesses

Abstract Digital technologies seek to become more ubiquitous and portable. From bulky computers, we have moved on to laptops, tablets, and smartphones. All these devices, however, require one or two hands to operate. Smart glasses constitute the first line of technology that can be controlled by sight and voice alone....

Society During the Early Renaissance and Contemporary Europe

Introduction The advancement of advertising after some time has prompted the way that the thoughts pertinent in the Middle Ages have changed to a limited degree, and their appearance is exceptionally shallow in present-day society. Changes occurred in social, yet in addition in public activity, and the affirmation is the...

McCarthyism and Anti-Communist Campaigns

Introduction Within his speech in the State Department, Joseph McCarthy defined communist nations as a significant threat to the USA. He stated that world domination is the ultimate goal of communist leaders. Thus a global conflict between two political systems becomes inevitable. At that time, the Soviet Union was expanding...

Police Attitudes and Professionalism: Interview

Introduction The interviewee chosen for this assignment is a 34-year old white married male, currently working as a full-time police officer in the Miami Police Department. The man’s demographic characteristics successfully fulfill the required criteria, since he is eight years older than me and has Caucasian origin in contrast to...

China’s Social Credit System: Utilitarian Approach

Introduction The technological breakthrough of the 21st century resulted in the rethinking of individual privacy concepts and surveillance ethics. Governments and companies all over the world are now able to gather, store, and analyze the personal data of millions of people. It is evident that these institutions substantially benefit from...

Haitian Culture, Religion, Language, and Economics

Introduction Culture can be defined as knowledge and behaviors peculiar to people who are united territorially. As the representatives of the Caribbean region, Haitians are drastically different from the U. S. citizens in terms of habits and philosophy, which has implications to military operations. This paper reviews facts about the...

How Men and Women Are Portrayed in Magazines

Introduction Nowadays, media sources are used to shape people’s opinions about life values and differences between attractive and unattractive things. Advertisements in popular magazines often represent gender stereotypes, and this tendency is manifested in various visual means, including models’ body postures. The extent to which models in popular magazines, including...

Pride and Social Struggle in Maupassant’s “The Necklace”

Introduction Guy de Maupassant is one of the most prominent writers who enriched French literature with a plethora of brilliant short stories. One of his most famous short stories is built around the main character’s distorted self-identity. This essay will provide a brief summary of The Necklace that will cover...

Mary Cassatt’s “Mother and Child” in Modernist Light

Introduction At the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, the western world was characterized by social turmoils, technological innovations, and revolutionary scientific disciplines that contributed to shaping modernity. Inevitably, the progress of humankind influenced the artistic movements, and most of the artworks of that...

Race as a Social Construction in the US

The characteristics developed by the Census Bureau, whites include persons who belong to any people of Europe, the Near and Middle East, and North Africa by their origin. This category consists of those who, during the survey, identified their race as “white” or identified themselves as Irish, German, Italian, Poles,...

Gender Differences in Using the English Language

Introduction During the last several decades, much attention has been paid to the differences between men and women. The discussion of gender differences touches upon various fields of life, and language is not an exception. McCormick said about the differences between how men and women listen and how their brains...

Online Bullying Takes Over the World

In the context of a rapidly and highly digitized global environment, online bullying, otherwise known as cyberbullying, has become a prevalent issue. Using electronic means and online platforms to engage in harassment often under cover of anonymity, the problem is especially affecting younger populations. Cyberbullying can have significant consequences on...

Birth of Massive Black Holes in the Early Universe

In astronomy, there are a lot of investigations that are connected to the study of massive black hole sources in the universe. The present paper on astronomy offers an overview of an article entitled Birth of Massive Black Holes in the Early Universe, published on January 23, 2019, on the...

Battle of Guadalcanal: Strategic & Operational Overview

Element of Surprise After the Battle of Midway, there was a lull in the fighting in the Pacific. The military contact between the opponents remained only in the Aleutians and New Guinea, where after the cancellation of the operation “MO”, Japanese troops tried to force the Owen-Stanley Range to capture...

Political System and History in the United States

The history of any country consists of periods reflecting changes in the power structure and their impact on common people and the state’s strategy of development. The United States is among the largest countries with a two-party system, and the relationships between the two dominating movements, the Democrats and the...

Oates’ “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” and Updike’s “A&P”

Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been by Joyce Carol Oates, and A&P by John Updike are both short stories that explore the subject of rebellion. The key conflict in Oates’ text is between Connie’s freedom to explore her beauty and sexuality and the views of people around her....

Personal Educational Philosophy and Its Elements

In a contemporary society characterized by the extreme sophistication of relations and the constant emergence of new data portions that should be processed to function effectively, education plays a critical role. It provides individuals with the background, knowledge, and experiences that are needed to succeed in the future and build...

Westward Expansion of the United States

The westward expansion of the United States is the central theme of American history of the second part of the nineteenth century. During this process, millions of settlers moved to the North American West and Great Planes. It resulted in the integration of massive amounts of new land to the...

Nora’s Decision in H. Ibsen’s “The Doll’s House”

The power of classic literature and dramaturgy is in their ability to withstand the influence of time and remain relevant for society even after years since creation. This assumption might be applied to Henrik Ibsen’s play titled “The Doll’s House.” It was written at the end of the 19th century...

School Crises, Prevention and Interventions

Introduction For the most part, the great majority of our nation’s children will complete their school years without ever being touched by a violent incident. But, how realistic is this way of thinking in this time and age? Recent school attacks such as Columbine and even those in our city...

Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism: Guided Art Tour

Representing the objective reality through the lens of a particular culture and the personal vision of its author, art has always provided a plethora of topics for discussion and the methods of developing insight into a particular socio-cultural context. The transition from the Neoclassical period to Romanticism to Realism can...

Gilded Era of American History

The unification of the North and the South after the Civil War and the following period of Reconstruction determined the course of further growth of the United States. The end of slavery and the start of the westward expansion provided the potential for the development of the country. This situation...

Battle of the Bulge During World War II

Introduction World War II remains one of the most devastating conflicts in the recent history of humankind, and its effects still echo in modern society. Therefore, exploring the events of WWII will allow understanding the challenges of the contemporary political and economic choices made on the global scale better. The...

Henrik Ibsen’s Drama “An Enemy of the People”

Introduction The aim of this paper is to analyze a situation and the protagonist of a drama by Henrik Ibsen An Enemy of the People—Doctor Thomas Stockmann. In highlighting the nature of the doctor’s character and rebellion that takes place in the play, the virtue of selflessness and the role...

Difficult Childhood and Personal Development

It is universally accepted that the childhood environment influences the development of cognitive functions. Mainstream research has shown that early socioeconomic status plays a huge role in shaping the future performance of individuals. Generally, children growing within a harsh environment characterized by a low cultural level, scarce economic resources, and...

The United States’ Role in the World War I

Introduction Although starting at a local level, WWI quickly embraced the entire world, making nearly every state take sides in the military conflict. The U.S. managed to maintain neutrality for an impressive amount of time, yet even the American government had to define its position toward WWI at some point....

Julius Caesar and Czar Nicholas II of Russia: Comparison

Leaders whose names become remembered long after their death often had a great direct or indirect effect on the course of history. On first glance, Julius Caesar and Tsar Nicholas II of Russia are only superficially similar. However, at a closer examination, it is possible to see some important similarities...

Poverty from a Sociological Standpoint

Poverty is a complex phenomenon, in which many explicit and implicit factors are involved. It is important to focus on poverty as a phenomenon that individuals themselves tend not to perceive as critical. They treat their state from the position of smoothing negativism, a departure from reality. This approach can...

Maya, Their Culture and History in the US

Introduction The Mayans are peoples that lived between 1800 B.C. and 900 A.D. Their successors live in today’s Central America, the United States, and Mexico. Mayan people had a distinct culture and they are widely known for their architecture. This paper presents a brief history of the Maya and discusses...

Symbolism in “Disgrace” by John Maxwell Coetzee

Introduction People can find symbolism everywhere in their daily life and, especially, in literature. Each person can interpret symbols in their own way, depending on how they look at them. In books, symbols are utilized to make the story deeper and allow a reader to understand the author’s purposes and...

Supply Chain Management in Globalization Era

The globalization process includes an increase in the geographic scope of economic activities of international companies. In today’s marketplace, companies realize that it is important to participate in the international market. Even though supply chains have become more international, they have also become more interdependent. That is why global supply...

Train Control and Safety: Public Policy Meeting

Introduction Public policy meetings are an essential part of the legislative process in the United States. The Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee oversees matters related to technology, science, consumer affairs, transportation, communications, and more (“Senate Committee,” 2018). The Committee consists of 27 members and includes seven subcommittees in specific...

Human Trafficking and Psychological Impacts

Human trafficking refers to the sale of people for the intention of prostitution, forced labor, or profitable sexual abuse. Hernandez and Rudolph (2015) aver that human trafficking may encompass “providing a spouse in the context of forced marriage or extraction of organs or tissues including for surrogacy and ova removal”...

Racism in the “Devil in a Blue Dress” Film

Racial segregation and inequality issues have remained urgent in American society for decades. The film Devil in a Blue Dress is based on the eponymous novel written by Walter Mosley. The characteristic features of the neo-noir genre tincture the film with the elements of mystery, which creates both semantic load...

Wisdom and Identity in Films

Introduction Wisdom and identity are connected. One represents our knowledge, and the other is often shaped by it. In his play “Doubt” Shanley touches upon the idea that knowledge can lead to sorrow and distress, and how a change in identity can be unpleasant. Andrew Solomon’s presentation covers how trauma...

Working With Children and Youth

Reflection on Websites for Children Being lonely and depressed, a girl needs support. Wabano Children and Youth can provide it because the medical center indicates contacts of youth clinical support specialists – the girl may contact them freely. MindYourMind and ReachOut are valuable sources of articles on different issues to...

The St. Patrick Catholic Church

I attended a Roman Catholic Sunday Mass Celebration at the St. Patrick Catholic Church. Parishioners visit the church that is located at Miami Beach, within Miami-Date County, Florida. It was an unforgettable experience – stepping into the church area and getting ready to enter the main building. The profound experience...

Gender Discrimination in “Disgrace” by J.M Coetzee

Introduction Coetzee is regarded as the first South African novelist who had the courage to cover the miseries that people went through, particularly during the post-apartheid period. This book appeared after the country enacted a new constitution that gave people equal rights regardless of their gender or race. His novel...

Effective Logistics Network Design

Introduction Designing an effective logistics network is critical for the success of a firm. Crandall, Crandall, and Chen (2015) define logistics as “the management of the flow of items from the point of origin to the point of consumption in order to meet requirements of customers or corporations” (p. 68)....

Legal Search and Seizure in the United States

Legal Aspects The principles of search and seizure are rather basic according to U.S. legal standards. The process starts with receiving a warrant that specifies the place and reason for the legal seizure of property. The latter, in turn, includes both tangible objects and information possessed by a physical or...

Trends in HR Management Analysis

HR management is a complex and dynamic field that constantly undergoes changes and functions in a state of an ongoing flow. Since it deals with human resources and the global labor force, HR management responds to a variety of social trends that are highly changeable. In this paper, the reflections...

Skills Approach: Personal Leadership Reflection

Introduction Leadership is not a singular term as it contains within itself a variety of approaches and types of leadership. Each of them holds its own strengths and weaknesses and applies to different types of people. This paper will provide a reflection on my personal leadership approach, and how it...

Parking Improvement on College Campus

Introduction The number of vehicles on the campus ground has been increasing at an alarming speed. This has created a high demand for a parking space on the campus ground. Notably, the campus requires spacious parking for the ever-increasing number of automobiles on the compound. In addition, the existing parking...

School Bullying and Legal Responsibility

Introduction Nowadays, a plethora of American schools face the issue of bullying, and the students who offend their peers and classmates are not controlled by any governmental organization. The harm that they cause to their teachers, students, and other school attendants is tremendous. Therefore, the following paper will discuss and...

Total Compensation and Regulations in the US

Introduction Working on the creation of total compensation plans, the leaders of companies and firms need to take into account a variety of factors that may affect compensation for their particular organizations. Such regulations differ in accordance with such aspects as the sizes of organizations, their specializations, and the markets...

World War I: Causes and the United States’ Role

Introduction It could hardly be doubted that World War I, also referred to as the Great War or “the war to end all wars,” was an immensely influential event in world history. Its impact on the overall development of international relationships and the political situation in the world could not...

African American Studies: Political Socialization

Introduction Political socialization is a lifetime process whereby people develop political beliefs and opinions that ultimately shape their behavior and approach towards all issues of politics. Essentially, Gordon and Gordon (2015) refer to political socialization as a dual process because a person first forms his or her political ideas and...

World War II, Its Origins and Consequences

World War II was a global tragedy on a massive scale. That conflict lasted for six years and led to numerous losses, atrocities, and political and ideological shifts across the world. Still, like all events, it has its causes and effects, shaping the world to become the place that it...

Cyberslacking as a Business Ethical Issue

Introduction Cyberslacking is a term that is used to describe the behavior of employees using their companies’ Internet for personal needs during working hours (Lim & Chen, 2012). This issue is among the most widespread and unethical of workplace behaviors. At my workplace, I have encountered an incident that I...

War on Drugs Through a Socio-Political Framework

Drug addiction is a problem that concerns not only the health of particular members of society suffering from this disease but also the country as a whole. The US drug market is one of the most profitable in the world. Nowadays, one of the most critical tasks is to reduce...

Qualitative and Quantitative Risk Assessment Methods

Risk Categorization Risk categorization is an important aspect of the risk management framework. For organizations, a risk management framework is the procedure of recognizing and attempting to moderate risk occurrence. Risk can occur in numerous forms, which include integrity risk and competitive risk (Debono 16). Consequently, risk can be inadvertent...

“Christian Anti-Semitism” Article by Pawlikowski

Summary of the Source The article “Christian Anti-Semitism: Past History, Present Challenges: ReïŹ‚ections in Light of Mel Gibson’s the Passion of the Christ” by Pawlikowski focuses on the problem of anti-Semitism among Christians in modern society (2). The biblical account, especially in the New Testament, explains the birth, activities, and...

The Words Children Hear Picture Books and Language Learning

In the article “The Words Children Hear Picture Books and the Statistics for Language Learning”, the authors have observed the speech development benefits associated with reading picture books to children. The study hypothesis was that there is a link between the degree of a child’s vocabulary development and the quality...

Visual, Aural, Read & Write, Kinesthetic Analysis

VARK is a comprehensive approach and guide meant to analyze an individual’s learning styles. It includes visual, aural, read or write, and kinesthetic types of learning. Understanding unique methods of learning helps to improve how one goes about receiving and giving information that has tremendous applications in academic and professional...

Leadership and Personality Traits of Donald Trump

Donald Trump is one of the most remarkable participants of the presidential race. His decision to run for the presidency stirred all the mass media sources and caused numerous public debates. Whatever one’s attitude towards Donald Trump’s views is, it is undoubted that this candidate possesses exceptional leadership traits that...

Young Children Show the Bystander Effect in Helping Situations

The article “Young Children Show the Bystander Effect in Helping Situations” by Plötner et al. has discussed the patterns of children’s behavior in situations when the surrounding people need help. The researchers have come up to the conclusion that if a bystander, able to provide help instead of the child,...

The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison

Introduction The bluest eye is a mind-blowing novel written in 1970 by Toni Morrison, an American author. The issues of incest, racism, and child molestation are discussed in the book, and it focuses on the life of Pecola Breedlove. Pecola Breedlove was an 11 years old African American girl in...

Fake News and Unethical Journalism

The accuracy of information and its unbiased presentation can be listed among the most well-known principles of ethical journalism. There is no doubt that the failure to meet these requirements has a severe impact on the reputation of news agencies, online newspapers, blogs, and other sources. In spite of that,...

Social Psychology: Prejudice and Stereotypes

Define prejudice. How is it explained through the ubiquitous social phenomenon? Prejudice is a disposition towards a specific gathering, sorted with various components, for example, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious convictions, and political perspectives (Aronson, Wilson, Akert, & Sommers, 2016). A misguided judgment is that prejudice originates from the superior...

Race in Social Scientific Research in the United States

Introduction Research of diverse issues is usually guided by the corresponding associations. Thus, the study of “race” as a scholarly and social problem is provided under the statements of the American Anthropological Association (AAA) and American Sociological Association (ASA). Both organizations provide their views on social scientific research on race,...

Walmart Company’s Value Chain and Industry Analysis

Introduction Walmart’s current approach toward its value chain management can be regarded as directed at international expansion. Specifically, the inbound and outbound logistics of the company have reached the global level, the company having thousands of suppliers all over the world (Nguyen, 2017). In order to enhance its performance rates,...

“Breakfast at Tiffany’s”: Movie of Contrasts

Introduction Breakfast at Tiffany’s is one of the most famous and provocative movies in American cinematography during the 1960s. This work attracts much attention at different epochs due to its possibility to introduce several really iconic characters, prove the influence of fashion in society, and identify the inequalities that can...

Group Dynamics and Relationships in Teams

Introduction There are many things that the course in group dynamics has helped me to realize. Studying theoretical concepts discussed during this course, it becomes possible to understand the nature of relationships within any type of group. Moreover, it helps any person to comprehend his or her role in the...

Circadian Rhythm Sleep-Wake Disorder

Micic et al. (2016) argue that any job that involves ‘shifts’ can lead to a Circadian Rhythm Sleep-Wake Disorder. The fact that the said disorder relies on the breaking of the regular sleep pattern supports the premise. One of the regular jobs that involve shift-taking is nursing. Indeed, nurses often...

Lego Company’s Supply Chain Management

Introduction Lego has been a global household name for quite a while. The company has introduced a line of unique toys and has become a global brand with an easily recognizable image. However, because of some of the flaws that could be defined as inherent to the company’s current business...

Crowd Impersonation in “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

Crowd Impersonation in the Story Despite the fact that all the characters of the story in question are vivid, great attention is paid to the crowd as a single organism yielding to common ideas and influence. Decisions made by people demonstrate that the mass consciousness is largely manageable, and correctly...

Dealing With Procrastination Among Students

Abstract Procrastination is an important problem among university students, for it wastes their time, decreases their effectiveness, lowers their academic achievements, leads to stress, and might even cause mental and/or psychological problems. The current study used a survey to find out how often students of a university procrastinate, whether they...

Gender Stereotypes of the US Women

The primary research question What experiences influence the development of US women’s gender stereotypes as regards the distribution of gender roles as seen by US females? In this study, gender stereotypes related to the distribution of gender roles are beliefs concerning the place of the woman in the US society....

Environment and Development Changes in Society

Abstract The topics and theories studied in class can be used to transform every society. Some of these concepts include social stratification, deviance, and family. This essay will describe how such concepts can be used to transform the universe. The current online medical information is making it easier for more...

Parenthood as a Cause of Social Status Change

Introduction The development of a personality is greatly influenced by different events. The most significant experiences have the most impact on socialization because they cause the change in social statuses and roles. These experiences include education, employment, parenthood, etc. A person can experience role conflicts that finally shape his or...

Preston Store: Performance Management

Priority Objectives The newly-recruited manager should be able to transform the situation at the Preston store. The store is currently facing various challenges and obstacles that affect the level of performance. This situation explains why the store manager should focus on specific goals or priorities. Such priorities should be aimed...

US Budget Deficit in Political Simulation

Introduction The budget process is a crucial undertaking for every country across the world. It yields an essential economic policy tool that guides all government activities. Apparently, a government cannot raise or spend any funds without a national budget. This requirement makes the national budget pivotal in all government endeavors...

Group Therapy: Process and Practice

Group therapy refers to a situation where one or more therapist or counselor is working with a group of people at once (Finn, 2003). Group therapy operates in the form of several people meeting for two or three days a week to discuss their issues, with the help of a...

Visiting Temple Israel of Greater Miami

I am a practicing Christian, and I have never visited a temple of another religion before. For this assignment, I decided to visit Temple Israel of Greater Miami. Its peculiar facade always caught my eye, so it was an easy choice. In this paper, I will describe my visit, the...

Total Quality Management in Aviation Security

Introduction Airport security is one of the key components of aviation security, as it can prevent a variety of threats, such as terror attacks, hijackings, illegal transportation of weapons and explosives, and more. Most airports have rigorous procedures in place to promote security and safety of travel. However, it is...

Cultural Expressions in the Daily Life of Africans

Introduction Culture has a way of infiltrating into families and societies and forming bonds of engagement. They become the norms that are acceptable. The beliefs, customs, and ways of life of particular individuals or groups of families help to identify such units as being family, race, or ethnicity. The study...

Solidifying the Company’s Hiring and Promotion Process

The decision definitely has a great effect on the promotion procedure of the company. This is mainly because the enterprise’s 1800 staff comprises individuals from varied backgrounds, though the majority are United States natives. The company’s hiring and promotion processes have always been transparent and the test is mandatory during...

Domestic Violence Experienced by Psychiatric Patients

Abstract Oram et al. (2013) suggest that there is a direct linkage between the incidence of domestic violence experienced by patients with psychiatric disorders and the nature of their disorders in terms of prevalence, severity, and sociological factors such as age and gender among the control group. Introduction Oram et...

Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice

Abstract The work of a teacher is multifaceted and involves a set of very different duties, obligations, and tasks. A teacher is to promote and deliver knowledge, know how to assess and improve the learning process of the students, evaluate their own performance, and that of the children. Also, a...

“Rethinking Marketing” by Rust et al.

Main Messages, Ideas, and Implications Nowadays, there is a need to transform marketing based on the opportunity for direct interaction and customer cultivation. The formation of long-term relationships is the key message revealed in the article Rethinking Marketing by Rust et al. (96). At this point, a customer-manager-driven organization should...

Air Pressure Experiment Methods and Results

Methods The plastic mesh fabric was placed over the mouth of the Mason jar, and the metal screw band of the latter was fastened firmly over the plastic mesh sheet. Scissors were used to cut the edges of the plastic mesh to make it perfectly match the mouth of the...

Healthy Relationships in the Healthcare Workplace

Healthy Relationships in the Workplace As a former employee of Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, I am aware of a bad relationship between its nurses and laboratory personnel. Particularly, I remember an incident where the Hospital Laboratory manager and the assistant nursing manager openly disagreed about the use of...

Progress in Bread Production Technologies

Abstract Bread as a culinary product has a range of physical characteristics that are essential to rating its quality. While the outcomes depend on the wide range of factors, they are quite unpredictable, and scientists are looking for ways to control this process by using a fluorescence spectroscopy method, which...

“Critical Thinking” by Brooke Noel Moore and Richard Parker

Introduction The author of this piece commits some serious logical errors owing to the fact that he/she is trying to convince other readers to support his/her position based on a bad flow of reasoning (Andolina and Andolina, 2001). First, he goes on to assert that the murder of a young...

Becoming Effective in Dealing with Other People

Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills Conducting interview-based research helped me to realize that letting people know what you expect from them is a key to finding appropriate answers to my requests. As noted by Nachmias and Guerrero (2011), people can be really helpful and supportive, if they know others’ purposes. This...

Clinx Clinic’s Organizational Structure and Staffing

Organizational structure refers to established formal relationships among various units of an organization. The purpose is to ensure that organizations get their work done. This is made possible by having some subdivisions in form of division of labor, which bring coherence within the whole organization. In the structure, each job...

Philosophy Studies, Areas, and Theories

Explain some of the benefits a student may gain by studying philosophy The major benefit of studying philosophy is that it provokes students’ thinking on the crucial aspects of life and existence. Also, philosophy helps to analyze a variety of approaches and enriches students’ knowledge. Apart from that, learning philosophy...

Characters in the Play “Fences” by August Wilson

Introduction Fences, a play by August Wilson, was published in 1986. The play details the African-American experiences and deals with the themes of racism, infidelity, and forgiveness. This paper explores how Cory, son of Troy and Rose, has avoided following in his father’s footsteps and learned to manage his anger...

“Disgrace” by John Maxwell Coetzee: Attitudes to Rape

Introduction Disgrace is a 1999 novel by J. M. Coetzee, written from the perspective of a middle-aged white South African professor living in Cape Town, who loses his job and, consequently, his usual life after his black student files sexual harassment charges upon him. David relocates to his daughter’s farm...

Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management

CRM – Provide an example using the CSR (Corporate social responsibility ) Model Customer relationship management is a concept that, when applied properly, creates value for all stakeholders, including both suppliers and customers. However, it also harbors certain ethical issues that may complicate the outcome. The easiest way to illustrate...

Global Markets: Model to Success

Introduction Companies and enterprises have established operations beyond national borders. This condition has heightened competition in the global markets. Using Arvind Mills from India as an example, Bartlett and Ghoshal point out that companies from developed countries dominate the global markets thus making it hard for companies from developing companies...

Creating Meaning and Six Facets of Understanding

Introduction For a teacher to attain his goals in teaching or design of lessons it is always important for him to create meaningful activities for the students. Such tasks can be used by the teacher within the lesson duration to overcome the challenges experienced in the course of teaching. The...

Impact of Culture on the Learning

Introduction: Reconciling with the Changes The importance of the cultural and social environment can sometimes be critical when looking at it from the perspective of the educational process. I realize that teaching strategies should be primarily based on respect, understanding, and compassion toward their learners irrespective of their cultural, ethnic,...

Aggression Management and Coping Methods

Aggression is a perilous power as it can trigger an outburst of feelings, negative emotions and result in undesired consequences. For this reason, psychologists state that it is critical for a person to release his/her anger to preserve intellectual sobriety and avoid poor outcomes (Chester, 2017). There are different ways...

Ethical Behavior: Human Strengths and Weaknesses

Introduction The Affiliates of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), has set up its standards of work and performance. These standards and expectations of conduct at work are the ACHE’s code of ethics. The code has several specific standards of moral conduct to direct healthcare professionals through their professional...

The Unique Fashion Style: Changing Standards and Ideals

Sell Each woman tries to find her unique style in the world of fashion. Still, having completed a difficult journey in order to find the exclusive style, many women choose to follow well-known standards and images, such as ‘Femme Fatale’, ‘Ingenue’, ‘Siren’, or ‘Girl Next Door’. Moreover, they see such...

Jones-Blair Company’s SWOT Analysis

Internal Strengths SWOT Quality and experience Sales and Services Market Internal Strengths Jones-Blair Company is known for providing the best quality products. The Company follows ISO 9001:2000 quality system and has an additional lab which performs quality assurance tests (Jones-Blair, 2010). Jones-Blair company was founded in 1928 and has mastered...

Characters Analysis of Joyce Oates’ “Four Summers”

Sissy In the story, Sissy is the protagonist and the narrator. In the first summer (or the first episode of the story), Sissy is a child, accompanying her parents and brothers at a tavern near an unnamed lake. She is dependent on her parents because she is quite young. For...

General Motors Company’s Reputation Management

Introduction General Motors (GM) is an American-based company that manufactures motor-vehicles, as the name suggests. It is an international company, meaning it has manufacturing plants in various global regions and offices in a majority of the countries (General Motors). According to O’Callaghan, the company was ranked the leading carmaker in...

American Manifest Destiny and Its Implications

It is critical to notice that Manifest Destiny, the concept invented in the middle of the 19th century, caused several adverse effects. First of all, the Doctrine of Discovery affected American Indians in a profoundly negative way. The expansion of America was characterized by the belief that the white man...

“I Cross Till I am Weary” by Emily Dickinson

Introduction In this work of poetry, the persona describes the struggles that she goes through, and what awaits her as she makes her journey to the place of grace (heaven) (Stanza five). As the persona nears the end of her narration, it is not clear whether her goal (place of...

Wicked Laser Torches Branding and Product Marketing

Introduction The importance of designing the package and logo to brand a product is indisputable. The amalgamation of the three aspects, the package, design, and logo create the imagery of a brand. This paper discusses the packaging, logo, and branding of Wicked Laser torches. This will help to understand the...

Otherness in Anne Sexton’s ‘Her Kind’ Poem

Introduction Social demarcation in the population is portrayed in geographic, tribal, or ideological lines. Identifying these differentiations within us enables individuals to establish themselves based on how they perceive others. A faction may find itself superior, based on its subjective appreciation of other cultures being inferior. Othering has been used...

Google Search vs. EBSCO Information Services

Abstract The following work is devoted to the investigation of modern ways of getting information. Possibilities of a web search system are analyzed and compared with possibilities of a web library which also gives access to academic sources. Their convenience, ease of use, ability to fulfill the demands of a...

Erikson’s Psychosocial and Freudian Psychosexual Stages

Introduction Erik Erikson and Sigmund Freud are great psychologists who came up with different theories that seek to explain the formation and development of personality. Erik Erikson came up with psychosocial theories, which explains that personality development depends upon epigenetic elements and the influence of culture in a given society....

“Rivers of Blood and Money” Article by Burden

Summary of the Source The colonization and Nazi activities during the Second World War may seem separate events that took unique courses. However, Burden argues that it is possible to draw a parallel between the two. It is easy to identify commonalities in these events. When the British and German...

Bilingualism in Children: Pros and Cons

Children learning more than one language have plenty of advantages associated with their memory, cognitive skills, reading, communication, etc. Bilingualism helps a child to develop and reveal his or her abilities and develop them. Research results show that children who speak one language more than others have better preconditions for...

Philosophy: Plato’s “Five Dialogues” Analysis

In the suggested passage, the philosopher revolves around the price of freedom and whether it could be achieved by any means. If to speak about the main idea of this very text, it could be determined as the essence of the cogitations about justice, injustice, and the appropriate response to...

The US Accounts Deficit in “The Overstretch Myth”

Main points of the article In the article, Brown and Levey delve into the current furor surrounding the U.S. accounts deficit and the level of debt the U.S. finds itself in. Brown and Levey state that the problems are less dire than what analysts claim them to be. They focus...

Pepsi Company’s Talent Management System

How PepsiCo sustains its competitive advantage In today’s marketplace, performance is the key element of every organization, or company consistency is the central issue in the marketplace. PepsiCo has been able to utilize its ability to use the right people to do the right job; this is the genesis of...

Ancient Greek Tragedies: Agamemnon, Antigone and Bacchae

The Agamemnon Agamemnon, one of Aeschylus’ greatest work, is a classic Greek Tragedy. This play shows the extension of a curse that was on the house of Atreus. The time setting for this play is the end of the Trojan War, and King Agamemnon’s come back. The play entails the...

Gender Discrimination Topic for Research

Selection of the Topic Topic I have chosen gender discrimination under the family category. Description Gender discrimination is a social phenomenon based on cultural practices that set a glass ceiling to women in many aspects of life. For instance, in the workplace, women are discriminated in different ways including, recruitment,...

Triangular Trade, Its Legs and Mechanism

Introduction The transatlantic triangular trade resulted in the forced migration of more than fifteen million people from Africa to the Western Hemisphere from the 15th century to the 19th century. In the 18th century, almost all European countries were involved in the trade. However, Britain later became a leader in...

A Person I Would Like to Be: Helen Keller

Introduction My daughter Andrea was born with brown eyes and soft brown hair and from the first moment I saw her “beautiful” was the only word that came to mind to describe the light of my life. The way she curled her small hand around my finger when she was...

Is the United States of America an Empire?

Even though over a century has passed since the War of 1898, there is still much controversy surrounding the question of whether the USA should or should not be considered an empire. Many scholars, politicians, and other actors have expressed their opinions on the issue. The present paper will discuss...

The Project Management Life Cycle

Project closure procedure How can have a project closure procedure improve future projects and benefit the organizations involved? According to Brown and Hyer (2010), the project closure procedure is important for handing deliverables to the customer. It enables the consumer to provide inputs and to point out weak areas that...

Scheduling of Resource-Constrained Projects

How does the development of project software compare to other methods of scheduling. What are the benefits of using project software? What are the downfalls of using technology in this manner? According to Brown and Hyer (2010), the different project scheduling methods depend on different variables. The Critical Path Method...

Business Development Initiative for Success

Assuming that a business productivity project was done for a company, it would be first presented to the consulting company for approval before sending it to the prospective client for review. This project focused on a business development initiative that established the stages, which a prospective business person or entity...

Amazon Inc.’s Consolidation Process and Tax Benefits

Amazon, Inc. is a global company that has developed particularly as a result of acquisitions. For instance, Amazon, Inc. purchased Whole Foods Marketplace in 2017, and the company’s revenues are now part of Amazon’s consolidated financial statements. Amazon’s corporate structure allows for consolidation by using a hierarchal framework, with varying...

Group Therapy Sessions for Addicts

Compare and contrast the effectiveness of group therapy. What elements are particularly helpful for the group? What elements are potentially detrimental to group dynamics? The type of addicts best suited for the Self-Evaluation Group are learners who have to abuse drugs to perform an array of tasks as individuals or...

Sara Lee Corporation’s Strategy in 2011

Sara Lee’s corporate strategy Sara Lee changes its business strategies so that it can manage to align its operations with market demands. When the company was being formed, it acquired different industries so that it could increase its overall global market share. When this strategy became successful, the company began...

Roosevelt’s New Deal: Arguments For and Against

The thirty-second president of the USA, Franklin Roosevelt, was known for many political and historical decisions. His activity influenced not only the lives of U.S. citizens but also of other nations. However, the most widely discussed innovation offered and implemented by Roosevelt was the so-called New Deal ─ the politics...

The Lowe Art Museum: Experiencing the Unknown

The Most Beautiful Object in the Museum Understanding the Art The trip to the Lowe Art Museum was a fabulous experience in exploring new ways of artistic expression and interpretation thereof. Among the 2018 exhibitions, one should mention the one dedicated to the most influential Americans as seen by the...