Alzheimer’s Disease and Family Counseling Services

Problem and Purpose Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has become one of the leading death causes according to a recent report (Alzheimer’s Disease International, 2016). AD affects people on a cognitive level, causing them to lose their memory skills and reasoning abilities (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). To provide proper palliative care, it...

Co-Occurring and Substance Use Disorders

Mental disorders cause a highly dangerous state in the patient’s organism. Psychological disorders may impact people of any age or social group. While a disorder alone makes a hazardous impact on a person’s health, there are frequent cases of co-occurrence of these conditions. Substance use disorders and co-occurring disorders present...

Spirituality and Personal Worldview Inventory

Introduction It is crucial for every person to develop a single exhaustive and consistent worldview that is positive and which a person endeavors to stand by on a daily basis (Boylan, 2014). Scholars distinguish between two divisions of the personal worldview imperative: theoretical and practical. The theoretical one requires the...

Islamic Culture in America

Introduction Islam is one of the major religions in the world. It is highly controversial because of global links to terrorism. Most terrorist groups associated with the religion have taken responsibility for major terror attacks in the United States and other countries around the world. Contemporary American society is comprised...

Conflicts: Main Reasons and Resolution

Introduction Conflicts are one of the main aspects of human behavior. The human society is comprised of several individuals who appreciate various beliefs and have different points of view on the same issue. However, the ability to make a compromise and accept the existence of another point of view could...

Happiness as a Way of Living and Perceiving Reality

While discussing the topic of happiness and people’s attitudes to this concept, it is possible to speak about many individuals who view the idea of happiness differently. Thus, happiness can be defined by people in the most unexpected terms because of differences in their visions. It is even possible to...

Effective Strategies for Women with Emotional Problems

The modern world is associated with various issues people have to handle. Some of these issues are related to interpersonal relationships, emotions, and development. Some women’s inability to find solutions to these problems makes them unhappy and unhealthy (psychologically and physically). These females fail to develop proper relationships with others...

Nursing Professionalism and Staff Management

Introduction In view of a considerable increase in demand for nursing professionalism, its level can be determined by many factors. Students have to be aware of the ways the existing relation between educational preparation and nursing professionalism can be interpreted, mainly that the educational process develops the nurse as a...

Nursing Theory: Johnson’s Behavioral System Model

Introduction Approaches to caring for patients largely depend on which nursing theory is used by junior medical personnel. As the analysis of one such model, Johnson’s Behavioral System Model will be used. The application of this model in practice has a number of features, and it is necessary to consider...

Schizophrenia: Physiological Basis of a Mental Illness

Schizophrenia is mental illness with a genetic basis and its complexity is presents in form of chronic psychosis and the cognitive ability of the individual becomes impaired. The definitive cause of schizophrenia is not established yet. However, various contributors including genetics, malfunctions in the brain, and environmental factors have been...

Popular Research Paper Topics

International Audiences: Kenya, Australia, USA

Training to the international audiences requires the consideration of multiple cultural and social differences. The success of training largely depends not merely on the subject content but also on the mode of communication with the targeted audience and ability to meet their interests and cognitive needs. Kenya The logical guide...

Evidence Based Practice Related to Patient Obesity

Background Nursing theories support the importance of health promotion models. Such models focus on the health challenges affecting persons with terminal conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity. Bayles (2010) indicates that “the prevalence of obesity among young people and adults has increased significantly in recent years” (p. 323)....

The Problem of Addressing HIV in Gay Populations

Ways of Addressing the Problem of HIV at the Population Level Addressing the issue of high HIV rates among the gay population is not an easy matter. The challenges are presented by men’s unawareness of their infection, discrimination and stigma problem, and undiagnosed sexually transmitted diseases (CDC, 2016a). To solve...

Trends in the Healthcare Sector

The Healthcare sector is undergoing a constant change that has created numerous human resource challenges. These trends in the healthcare sector are discussed in this paper. As the healthcare sector moved towards a performance-based care model, certain human resource activities such as recruiting, retaining, and engaging have assumed greater importance....

Lululemon Athletica Company’s Strengths and Weaknesses

Strategic Strengths The first strategic strength of the company consists in the fact that they concentrate their efforts on the unremitting production of new male and female apparel (Thompson 331). By doing this, the company covers the majority of the sectors that are currently dominated by its rivals. The second...

Feminism in “Two Sisters” and “The Chirashi Covenant”

Thesis Statement This paper proposes to explore female characters and their contribution to modern feminism based on works by E. Pauline Johnson and Naomi Hirahara. The characters described by these authors highlight the aspiration to be respected, obtain equal opportunities with men, and express their opinions. Outlined in symbols, actions,...

Bipolar Disorder: Diagnosis and Treatment

Introduction Bipolar disorder (formerly manic depression) is a serious and common psychiatric disorder affecting a person’s mood. The moods swing from one extreme to another- feeling very low and weary and feeling very high and overactive. These moods dysfunctions i.e, melancholia and mania have been documented repeatedly in human history....

Epistemology’ and Education’ Theories

Introduction Epistemology is one of the most interesting branches of philosophy. It deals with the numerous question raised by various philosophers about education. One of the many questions raised by persons in the profession over the years is the definition of knowledge. Many philosophers believe that knowledge acquisition in education...

Betty Neuman’s Nursing Model, Concepts and Paradigms

Basic Premise A range of stressors shape the system Each final system is a unique combination Line of defense (LOD) affected by inter-related variables Normal LOD is a baseline for health assessment Health and illness are dynamic combinations of variables The model in question was introduced by Betty Neuman in...

Annie Company: New Product Strategy

Annie’s Target Market and Why Annie’s should focus on its current core consumer segment because it has proved so successful. It is most likely to consist of well educated, younger mothers who understand the benefits of consuming healthy foods among children. This consumer segment believes in progressive, healthy living derived...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Subway Restaurant Evaluation

There are several places that should certainly be visited by students attending Central Connecticut State University (CCSU). Among them, one can definitely distinguish Subway located near CCSU. This restaurant serves the needs of people who want to find a healthy alternative to conventional fast-food. In particular, clients can buy various...

War in “Maus” by Spiegelman and “Persepolis” by Satrapi

War is a term that has been used for a very long time. People have been fighting for centuries over land, resources, religion, and political expansions. It is almost a necessary evil that human beings continue to create despite their negative outcomes. Some of the infamous wars include the First...

International Law and CIA Rendition

Rendition means transferring individuals perceived to be criminals from one state to the other. In the current international system, rendition is the major cause of controversy because powerless states feel that the most powerful interfere with their sovereignty. Powerful states claim that suspects who carry out terror attacks should be...

Acoustics Experiment in Brunel’s Thames Tunnel

In this project, tunnels that exist below London streets for a variety of communications, civil defense, and military purposes will be used as the objects of the experiment. This particular site is chosen in order to test and experiment with the different aspects of human senses and in particular the...

The Issue of Missed Care in Nursing

Introduction It should be noted that nursing personnel is central to patient safety. In its turn, patient security is a fundamental principle of medical care. At every stage of assistance, some factors might affect directly or indirectly the patient’s health and lead to undesirable consequences in the event of negligence...

Railroad and Its Impact on America’s Growth of Wealth

Introduction The transcontinental railroad was build despite opposition from the Indians. They were fighting to preserve their culture. To them the railroad meant bringing more white people to their territory. They held meetings seeking counsel to protect their land. This dispute did not stop the construction of the railroad, as...

Problem of the Gun Control Laws

Introduction Many people die yearly due to handgun linked incidents in the country. The number of casualties who die from gun-related accidents, in the country, is much higher compared to other bordering countries. The difference can be attributed to the other countries having much stricter gun control laws. In addition,...

Cognitive Biases Types’ Description

Cognitive bias is a continuous pattern of deviation from what is rational. There are many types of cognitive bias. The paper would discuss the confirmation bias, representativeness heuristic, and hindsight bias. Confirmation bias It is a way or method of searching for and or interpreting information to confirm one’s prejudices....

Workplace Sexual Harassment and Legal Boundaries

Analysis of the Situation In the case at hand, a supervisor is trying to use his authority to gain sexual favors from his junior staff. Frank, the corporate sales supervisor, wants Mary, the sales associate, to have sex with him so that he can sign his expenses bill (incurred to...

Multinational Corporations’ Global Strategies

Introduction There are many multinational companies in the modern world. However, they have not always been that popular. To become global, they implemented specific strategies that made their services or products important for people from different parts of the planet. The following paper is intended to discuss and identify why...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Advertising Influence on the Society: Negative Aspects

Introduction Production of goods and services is crucial for the existence of the society, but the advertisement used to promote them has a number of negative effects on the society. In this paper, a number of these results will be discussed, and some possible ways to oppose this influence will...

Military Veterans’ Mental Health Needs

The topic of the study concerns the mental health needs of veterans who suffer different types of disorders as the result of their military service. This issue has a significant influence on my practice because this population constitutes a relatively large number of people in the USA. Many individuals encounter...

Freelance Writing Market Shifts in 2010

Because contemporary economic conditions are so unstable, self-employed individuals will need to develop some new competencies. A better understanding of the economics of their own transactions, planning for jobs in advance, and shifting their interests in accordance with a truly global marketplace, are all necessary for freelance writers. Freelancers have...

Centralized and Decentralized Nurse Staffing Policy

Staffing policy is a very important issue for the quality of nurses’ services. Centralized and decentralized staffing policy could be applied in the hospital. Each of these two systems has its advantages and disadvantages. Besides, staff schedule and regulation is very important for nurses’ work management. As it was shown...

Heart Failure Study and Human Rights Protection

Introduction Discussing ethical issues associated with the research can help to identify any gaps that need to be addressed to improve the results and conduct of the study. Dismissing ethical concerns during the planning stage can reduce the quality of the study and pose a threat to patient rights and...

People with Addiction and Substance Use Disorder

Questions and Answers How has this presentation influenced the care you will provide to this population? Why? Adult patients with opioid addiction need special care and regular monitoring by a professional healthcare provider. According to the American Society of Addiction Medicine (2016), more than 435,000 young and older adults suffer...

Trust and Inequality as Economic Influences

This involves studying the interplay between trust and inequality in a dynamic game. In this case, efficiency is increased by trust, which allows a higher experimental growth of an economy. The study is set to find out how the relationship between inequality and trust affects economic growth. In this study,...

Nursing Code of Ethics, Human Dignity and Commitment

Introduction A nurse is one of the central figures of the modern healthcare sector. Being responsible for the efficient delivery of care and communication with patients, this very specialist plays a critical role in the recovery process and its outcomes. At the same time, working with patients and engaging in...

Self-Care Health Promotion Plan

Health promotion is one of the key elements of nursing care that necessitates the identification of illness prevention opportunities during the course of care provision (Miller, 2013). The development health promotion programs by nurses can substantially improve the ability of patients to manage their conditions, thereby reducing the financial burden...

Health Promotion and Ethical Considerations

Introduction Health is an important factor to achieve the appropriate quality of life, equal opportunities, and happiness. Health promotion strategies include many approaches such as behavior change and empowerment. Still, a nurse practitioner often meets challenges when using these strategies. Sometimes, a patient is not willing to change one’s life...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Social Justice and Books: Educational Aspects

Introduction Sherman Alexie’s quote is quite harsh, but true: young adult fiction should not become milder or sweeter just because some of the critics see is as too daunting. Instead, YA literature’s aims should focus on addressing all children and being relevant to all social classes, without including or excluding...

Hispanics and African Americans in Miami Community

Issues Affecting Many Miamians Every community is characterized by people from diverse cultural groups. I have been providing support to many underserved populations in Miami. In this community, I have observed that the major issues affecting different populations include obesity, tobacco use, homelessness, and alcoholism (Murcia & Lopez, 2016). My...

Personal Nursing Philosophy’s Aspects

Introduction A nursing philosophy is a model that informs and guides caregivers to deliver high-quality care. Nurses should develop effective philosophies and use them as guidelines to achieve their career aims (Mackey & Bassendowski, 2017). This paper gives a detailed summary of my philosophy of nursing. The discussion goes further...

Situation, Institutional Norms, and Roles: The Stanford Experiment of Zimbardo

Philip Zimbardo’s Stanford Experiment brought him critical acclaim. At the same time, it accorded him a certain level of notoriety; because of the methodologies he utilized to conduct the said experiment. Nevertheless, his landmark study created shockwaves within the scientific community, when the unexpected results radically altered what people previously...

Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers’ Self-Perceptions

Results of the study, and the Impact of Different Courses on Self-Efficacy The qualitative analysis supported the quantitative data, demonstrating, that pre-service teachers felt their ability to teach mathematics improved after the mathematics methods courses. Interviews conducted with six pre-service teachers gave the following data on teachers’ self-perception: three teachers...

Payment Models in US Healthcare vs Other Industries

The background of health care financing in the United States and the similarities and differences with other types of businesses The cost of health care services is higher in the US than in any other country, which cannot help affecting the whole economic situation. Health care can be paid by...

Healthcare Barriers Eliminating within U.S. Communities

Introduction There is no doubt that people in many countries of the modern world try to do their best in order to create appropriate conditions for migrant workers and provide them with everything to have a high quality of life. Representatives of countries tend to have different attitudes to such...

Alger’s “Ragged Dick” and Gilman’s “Yellow Wallpaper”

Outline Theme: To seek the similarities between the two readings and also to illustrate the changes in contemporary American society concerning two narratives written in the late 19th century namely Horatio Alger’s “Ragged Dick” and Charlotte Gilman’s “Yellow Wall-Paper”. Introduction The contemporary American society has transformed in many aspects since...

Operational Issues Facing the United States Army

The United States Army is undoubtedly one of the most respected segments of the US Armed Forces. Currently, it is the largest recruiting group among the three branches of the Armed Forces. Accordingly, the US Army spends the biggest portion of the government budget allocation to the military. Indeed, the...

Bipolar or Manic-Depressive Disorder

Description and Symptoms Bipolar (manic-depressive) disorder is a brain illness that causes sudden changes in an individual’s mood, levels of activity, energy, as well as the ability to perform mundane tasks. It can affect both women and men to an equal extent and usually begins between ages 15 and 25,...

Legal Issues of an Advanced Practice Nurse in the Workplace

One of the major goals of the healthcare sector entails ensuring that all stakeholders, including nurses, employees, and patients, operate in a secure environment. Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) play a major role in helping to realize the above objective by assuring all interested parties of a workplace setting that is...

Leadership Dimensions for Graduate Nurses

Introduction Organizing effective leadership is of outstanding importance for any organization. However, in healthcare institutions leaders play a more vital role than anywhere else because people’s lives and well-being depend on these leaders’ decisions. At all levels of the healthcare process, there are leaders who arrange and maintain the highest...

Innovation in “Diagnosing Greatness” by Morgan Swink

Introduction Financial innovation and its impact and has become a wide range topic at all levels of management and in the society as a whole. Financial innovation outlines new measures and ideas that come into place. It is aimed at improving trading techniques, supply chain systems and access to financial...

Horse Population, Evolution, and Physiology

Horse Populations Horses belong to the Equidae taxonomic family. The majority of horses are separated into two types. The first is Equus caballus, and it represents the domestic type of horse. The second is called Equus ferus, and it is used for wild horses, which are extremely rare in the...

Strengths-Based Leadership for Nursing Managers

Strength-based leadership is integral in improving organizational productivity because it focuses on leveraging employee strengths for organizational development (Kanefield, 2011). At the same time, it focuses on harnessing employee strengths to enhance workplace dynamics (Lussier & Hendon, 2016). My key strengths as a leader include patience and strategic thinking. These...

Conflict in Nurse Work and Its Resolution

Introduction Analyzing the main challenges which a nurse might face it is impossible not to mention conflicts. The fact is that conflict is an inevitable part of nurse-patient relationships. Since the success of nursing practices and the provision of high-quality healthcare is deeply related to the quality of the relationship...

Andrew Jackson: The Man Who Made a Difference

The history of the United States has a plethora of people that stood out of the crowd in one way or another, yet all of them seem to come from the same ilk – all except one. As a rule, these amazing people share combined elements of a true leader...

Declaration of Independence and Cultural Issues Today

Introduction The National Archives provides access to various important papers. However, the set of America’s founding documents deserves special attention. The first document in the set is the Declaration of Independence. It had a significant impact on the history of the United States. The main goals of this paper are...

Statistical Process Control and Sustained Improvements

Statistical Process Control The title of the process is self-explanatory; as a rule, the statistical process control incorporates the array of statistical tools that permit monitoring the essential processes and quantify the outcomes thereof so that a detailed analysis of the changes in the product quality could be determined easily....

Import Substitution Industrialization

Introduction Import substitution industrialization (ISI) is a “trade and economic policy based on the premise that a country should reduce its dependence on imports through local production of industrial goods” (Barrett, 2008, p. 96). Countries that pursue the ISI strategy often implement trade protection policies that restrict importation of manufactured...

Conflict and Social Technologies in the Workplace

Social, Legal, and Ethical Ramifications of Social Technologies in the Workplace The use of social technologies in the healthcare environment is a relatively new area of nursing management. Therefore, it is difficult to establish the social, legal, and ethical implications of the same. However, some studies have tried to explore...

Bipolar Disorder, Its Types, Symptoms, Treatments

Introduction Angst (2013) defines bipolar disorder as “a brain condition that results in usual mood, activity, and energy shifts” (p. 2). The disorder (also given the name Manic-Depressive Illness) makes it impossible for the affected patient to perform his or her day-to-day activities. Psychologists believe that bipolar disorder is a...

Finding Article and Organizing Research Workshops

“Finding Article” Workshop The workshop under the name “Finding Article” set its prior goal to teach the students to search for the sources, such as articles in periodicals. Since looking for the necessary information is the prior concern of the students, and at times it can be hard to make...

Team-Based Approach in Project Management

Critical chain concept and why buffers are an important part of keeping the critical chain protected Critical chain is a concept that is used to manage and plan projects, which majorly emphasizes on the various resources needed in the execution of project tasks. The concept differs from other conventional techniques,...

Evidence-Based Practice: Health Needs Supporting

Introduction Registered nurses (RN) should use their skills to develop superior models for diagnosing and treating a wide range of health conditions affecting their patients. The concept of evidence-based practice (EBP) has emerged as a superior theory for improving the performance of clinicians and maximizing patients’ health outcomes. The selected...

Homosexuality as a Genetic Characteristic

The debate about whether homosexuality is an inherent or social parameter can be deemed as one of the most thoroughly discussed issues in contemporary society. Although the movement against oppression has been started, a range of statements concerning homosexuality being a social and, therefore, changeable construct have affected the lives...

Strategic Planning: Internal and External Factors

Introduction Strategic planning is used to guide an organization during times of change. The plan applies external environments like the industrial environment and the economy. It creates concepts that strive to create an environment of healthy competition. It also comes up with ways of coming up with funding for projects,...

Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Theory and Research Plan

Theory and Knowledge for Researching the Target POI Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is one of the most typical forms of cancer in adults, according to a recent study provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Tsai et al., 2014). To gain a deeper insight into the problem, one...

Nursing Care Philosophy, Assumptions and Beliefs

Defining Nursing Nursing is the practice of caring for the infirm, sick, and anyone who required care. Nursing exists to provide general care to the patient during their recovery. I chose to practice nursing after being inspired by the works of Virginia Henderson and her “Needs Theory.” The concepts she...

Kathe Kollwitz’s “Death and the Mother” Painting

Art for Art’s Sake Because of the specific aesthetics and the incredible expressivity, every single piece of art by Kathe Kollwitz breaks the well-known idea about the impersonality of art. Because of the shades of meaning and the hidden suffering which her pictures are shot through with, every single painting...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Value-Based Reimbursement in Healthcare Financing

Introduction The value-based reimbursement policy that is currently gaining momentum on the national level has rightfully garnered a lot of attention. According to the overwhelming majority of both healthcare providers and customers, the traditional volume-based approach, also known as a fee-for-service model, does not provide the necessary level of commitment....

Honda Company’s Marketing: Millennials Consumers

Analysis Millennials comprise one of the consumer bases that car manufacturers are yet to understand and exploit. In spite of many millennials getting well-paying jobs, they are reluctant to securing driving licenses, leave alone purchasing cars. In the past, most people, particularly Baby Boomers viewed owning a car as a...

BlackBerry Company’ PESTEL Analysis

Introduction BlackBerry Limited is a firm that designs and markets a wide range of wireless handheld devices in many nations across the world. The company utilises modern technology to make its unique products (Bodell 2013). Some of its recent handheld devices are the Z30, Z10 and Passport (BlackBerry 2014). “PESTEL...

Prevention and Management of Type 2 Diabetes

Problem Statement Even though type 2 diabetes is a challenging health concern affecting the quality of life and everyday activities, making some changes in one’s lifestyle may be helpful for minimizing risks of being diagnosed with it and addressing the diabetes epidemic challenge in the modern world. Hypothesis The proposed...

Patient’s Diagnosis and Treatment Plan

Summary This case study examines a 15-year-old female, who suffers from dyspnoea and non-productive nocturnal cough. The patient denies pains in her chest and other symptoms. Three differential diagnoses identified for the given patient are as follows: asthma, COPD, and pneumonia. Taking into account that COPD is more attributable to...

Patient-Oriented Care and Safety in Healthcare

Introduction Health services in many countries have been faulted for not delivering quality, effective, and reliable services to patients and their families. Patients and families have gradually lost hope in many public health facilities since they no longer believe they can get good services from there (Riley, White, Graham, &...

The Number of African Americans in Baseball

Introduction The number of African Americans in baseball has remained quite small in the United States. The issue is social in nature since it affects people in the nation differently. A detailed study will reveal the major reasons why African Americans have not been involved in this sport. This paper...

Racial Discrimination in the American History

Introduction Slavery is purely the use of human labor without proper remuneration for personal gain. In light of this, black families were for a long time accustomed to slavery by the whites in America leading to racial discrimination. Slavery tore kinship ties apart thanks to the separation of parents and...

Outdoor Orientation Programs for First-Year Students

Introduction Like many schools in the United States, Florida National University offers an orientation program to its first-year students. It is held before the beginning of actual studies. Orientation includes a greeting ceremony and instructions. New students are instructed on the university’s policies and procedures, schedule, student services, and the...

Living Legends Program for Older Adults

Background The prevailing majority of seniors prefer their own home to elderly care centers or other facilities. Due to this, it is highly important for them to maintain not only physical and mental health, which is defined by three factors: 1) evaluative wellness; 2) hedonic wellness (happiness); 3) eudemonic wellness...

Pregnant Women’s Mental Health Difficulties

Pregnant women, as well as females during a postpartum period, are vulnerable and might experience many mental health difficulties ranging from mild anxiety to depression. Mental health conditions affect the physical health which is crucial for a woman who is preparing to give birth to a child. According to research,...

Heart Failure and Cardiovascular Disorders: Learning Plan

Learning Goals and Objectives Heart failure (HF) problems, normally associated with cardiovascular disorders, appear to be the issues of general concern and discussion among clinicians and patients on a global scale. The premises for their occurrences are known to be numerous: changes in climate conditions, air and water pollution, emotional...

Advanced Practice Nurse’s Care and Responsibility

Advanced Nursing Practice Role The targeted advanced role is that of a nurse practitioner (NP). A nurse practitioner is also given the title Advance Practice Nurse (APN). This advanced role must be completed by a nurse who has the relevant skills, expertise, and competencies for effective practice. The practitioner should...

Myocardial Infarction Management System Purchase

Capital Purchase Summary The capital purchase is the ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) management system within the medical regional center. This purchase project will ensure that there is a reduced door to balloon time within the heart center in the hospital. Management goals The primary management goal of carrying out...

Data Breach Analysis: the UCLA Health System Case

Privacy and Security: Introduction The issue of personal data safety has become increasingly significant lately (Libicki, 2015). Because of the new opportunities that cybercriminals gain as technological progress continues, healthcare institutions become more vulnerable. The recent case of the UCLA Health System having been accessed by hackers shows that the...

Preterm Birth Risk Factors in Diverse Adolescents

The article developed by Thomazini, Wysocki, da Cunha, da Silva, and Ruiz (2016) is “Risk Factors Related to Premature Labor in Pregnant Adolescents: An Integrative Literature Review.” The title of this work provides an opportunity to understand both the area of the study and the targeted group. It is clear...

Geriatric Nursing Practitioner and Informaticist

In this paper, the core competencies of a nursing practitioner (adult-gerontology NP) and a nurse informaticist will be compared and contrasted. Competencies: Similarities and Differences Depending on the competencies model, nursing informaticists can have different core competencies, but they frequently consist of these three parts: basic computer competencies, information literacy,...

Urban Poor Teenagers’ Psychology and Activities

Abstract Impoverished urban areas often limit the activities that teenagers can engage in. This brings about the manifestation of psychological predilections that can influence their desired extra-curricular activities. It is based on this that this study will examine these predilections and attempt to explain how they manifest. Introduction Teenagers in...

The Late Roman Republic: Problems and Their Causes

Introduction After the government was recovered by the military, many events followed afterwards. There was looting among other major crimes that followed in the late republic. This essay seeks to discuss the problems that followed after this event. The paper will also show how the events led to the problems...

Circumcision: Ethical and Human Issues

Introduction Both male and female circumcision provokes the long-standing disputes among the members of different communities. The previous research findings reveal substantial controversies in views on the value and ethics of the procedure – some researchers suggest that circumcision provides medical benefits for both genders while others consider that it...

The Role of Music in Improving Patient Outcome

Introduction The use of music to improve patient outcomes has a long history of implementation and research. In many ways, music is preferable to other intervention methods. Music does not require intrusive actions, is easy to administer, universally appealing, and the technological progress of recent decades has made it affordable...

Mother and Newborn Contact and Its Benefits

Introduction It is a common practice in some hospitals to separate the infant from his or her mother right after birth. The mother can see her newborn after some time when the baby is already wrapped or dressed. However, many believe that an instant contact of the mother and her...

Tanglewood Company’s Employees Management Planning

Tanglewood’s staffing practices have been rather stable for years, and many stores in the state of Washington have been operating without any problems for quite a while. Since Tanglewood uses the resources of its internal labor market to fill in the openings, a certain percentage of the jobs will become...

Homeopathy’s Symptoms and Treatment

As a matter of fact, nowadays, more and more people do not trust medicine, and thus, seek for alternatives and non-traditional therapies. Homeopathy is not a new phenomenon. This term was commonly used recently. However, it is worth highlighting that homeopathy was officially recognized by a traditional medicine not long...

Women’s Healthcare: Breast Cancer Prevention & Treatment

Breast cancer is considered to be the second most common type of cancer in the US women. According to the National Cancer Institute (2018), most women diagnosed with this disease are over 50, but younger women can also have it. Signs of breast cancer include a lump or thickening in...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Readmission

Introduction Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a very common lung disease often caused by smoking, fumes, and a polluted environment. Sometimes, genetics can determine a predisposition towards COPD. Although the disease can be treated in many hospitals and the mechanisms for its diagnosis and treatment are well-known, the readmission rate...

Seasonal Influenza in Young Children and Older Adults

Introduction Seasonal influenza is a dangerous disease that causes a great number of hospitalizations and deaths worldwide. The number of deaths in the USA caused by influenza-related healthcare complications ranges from 12,000 in 2011-2012 to 56,000 in 2013-2014 (CDC, 2016). Two specific populations most vulnerable to seasonal influenza in my...

Early Sayings in a Child’s First Vocabulary

One can easily think of a few words that are likely to be found in a child’s first lexicon. Such words as “mama,” “dada,” “hi,” “bye,” and “no” are widespread early utterances. The important issue is why those words may become someone’s first. Analyzing early utterances can help gain insight...

Clinical Nurse’s Professional Capstone and Practicum

Approaches to Clinical Practice During the Professional Capstone and Practicum course, I received new knowledge and skills regarding my future profession and learned how to integrate them into practice. I discovered new practice approaches such as transformational leadership and evidence-based management. The combination of the mentioned approaches leads to the...

Chief Nursing Officer as a Leader and Representative

Comparison of the Roles Nursing directors are administrators that are working at different healthcare facilities (such as hospitals and nursing homes). Their role may revolve around the concept of supervision, but they are no strangers to administrative functions (including budgetary operations and record-keeping). To acquire this role, an individual has...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Bedtime Insulin Supplementation and Effects

Research Article The research article selected describes a quantitative study performed to assess the effect of bedtime insulin administration as a supplement in the glycemic management of hospitalized patients (Vellanki et al., 2015). The quantitative approach is appropriate in examining the corrective benefit of insulin administration at bedtime in hospitalized...

Mental Health Needs of Patients with Comorbidities

Patients with Medical Comorbidities The observation of the mental health needs of patients with comorbidities has shown the necessity of proper attention that needs to be paid to this population’s care. A lot of research has been conducted to investigate the relations between physical health issues and mental conditions (Alamri,...

Nursing Understaffing at Palmetto Hospital

Introduction The problem addressed by the present project is nursing understaffing at Palmetto Hospital that is associated with a variety of negative outcomes in the staff cooperation and teamwork that, in turn, translate into the decreasing quality and safety of care provided to the patients of the institution (Rogowski et...

Zulu Community and Its Social Responsibilities

Introduction To begin with, it is important to establish that the community’s main economic activity is hunting. People from the Zulu community are mainly hunters and gatherers. The main avenue where the community interacts is during social actives which are highly valued. The Zulus conduct festivals throughout the year and...

Problems Arising from Motor Impairment

Introduction Motor disability is a general term used to refer to disabilities that hamper an individual’s capacity to execute motor tasks like lifting objects and moving. According to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-5 standards (DSM-5), a condition is considered to be a motor disability if “it makes a person have motor...

Managing Chronic Pain in Primary Care

Introduction The problem of this study is the challenges for nurse practitioners associated with pain management in primary care settings. The topic of pain management and the difficulties associated with it are underexplored. Pain is the primary reason for individuals to seek care providers’ help. Nahin, Boineau, Khalsa, Stussman, and...

Florida National University’s Insufficient Research Funding

Introduction One of the functions of universities is to generate knowledge through research (Brennan, King, and Lebeau 11). While this function is typically assumed by research universities, other educational facilities must recognize the role of research in students’ education and teachers’ development. The lack of sufficient research funding at Florida...

Relations Between Biology and Culture

Introduction There are many thoughts on the origins of human beings. A lot of people believe that they were created by God or some other spiritual form. However, the scientific approach usually recognizes humans as one of the biological species that obey the same laws of nature. Darwin’s theory offers...

Fraud and Abuse in Health Care

Introduction The relevant article carries out a detailed examination of healthcare fraud and abuse. According to the author’s consideration, fraud is defined as an intentional and willful act of deceiving, closely connected with the misrepresentation of medical services. The word “abuse” is also widely used in this context, but unlike...

Diversity and Inclusivity as Teaching Philosophy

Being an educator is an important task, as it provides an exciting opportunity to influence others and share valuable knowledge. I believe that a good teacher should become a role model and a mentor for the students, thus impacting their future life, beliefs, and values positively. As an educator, I...

Corporal Punishment and Child Maltreatment

Problem Analysis Parents are the main people who are responsible for their children development, understanding of the world around, and promoting desirable behaviors that meet special standards and rules. Misbehavior of children is a burning topic for consideration in many countries because parents want to choose the most appropriate options...

Values and Beliefs About Care

Consider Your Values and Beliefs About Nursing, Clients, Health, and Environment It is crucial to comprehend one of the main objectives of nursing, which is assisting patients in their effort to achieve wellness. Recognizing the impact of the patient’s surroundings on this endeavor and, therefore, the influence of possible existing...

Prelude in E Minor by Frédéric Chopin

The principle of unity and variety can be applied to various musical works. This paper is aimed at discussing the way in which this principle can used to discuss Frédéric Chopin’s Prelude in E minor. It is critical to focus on such aspects as dynamics, timbre, and musical ideas included...

Locally Hosted and Cloud Electronic Health Records

Introduction Electronic health records (EHRs) have a great potential for the improvement of healthcare quality and efficiency. Given the significance and frequency of EHRs use (AbuKhousa, Mohamed, & Al-Jaroodi, 2012), the choice of EHRs appears to be an important decision; in particular, it is necessary to consider the alternatives of...

Economic Roles of the United States’ Government

In standard democratic societies, the role of the government in the economy is to ensure equitable distributions of resources without explicitly favoring any particular group. Some of the economic roles that the government plays include ensuring low-income earners are not marginalized, facilitating the adequate flow of goods and services, and...

Healthcare Policy and Pfizer’s Nigeria Scandal

Interview: Health Care Policy Development The interviewee targeted for this exercise was an administrator in a healthcare organization. The respondent indicated that the culturally diverse needs of different beneficiaries are met by involving them throughout the policy development process. Studies are done to identify the cultural differences and issues that...

Health Advocate: Veterans’ Health Problems

Health Needs The number of veterans in the United States is on the rise. These veterans and their families face a wide range of health problems. The first health need is mental support. Many returning veterans have been observed to have diverse mental health needs (Jackonis, Deyton, & Hess, 2008)....

Family-Oriented and Focused Care in Pediatrics

Differences between family-oriented and family-focused nursing care Family-oriented care directly relates to the concept of family pediatrics, the main purpose of which is extending the responsibilities of a pediatrician to a variety of areas. The responsibilities may include screening and assessment, as well as the further referral of the child...

Betty Neuman’s System Model for Patients’ Stresses

Prevention of Stress Protection of the normal line of defense Strengthening the flexible line of defense Preventing internal resistance lines from strengthening Reducing the reaction to various stress factors Increasing stress resistance qualities of the patient Note: Betty Neuman was a professional nurse that specialized in stress reduction and management....

Economics: Carbon Tax vs. Cap-and-Trade System

Statement of Thesis Over the past few years, environmental issues in general and the issue of carbon emission in particular have gained impressive significance. In order to prevent the CO2 emissions from destroying the ozone layer and slacken down the process of ozone depletion, two major methods of reducing the...

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Nazi Germany in “Swing Kids” by Kang Hyeong-Cheol

Why were the Nazis opposed to the swing music? In the movie, swing music is forbidden in Germany. This was because, according to Nazi ideology, all jazz music was regarded as offensive because its origins had links with African-Americans. Since it had linkages with blacks commonly called “negroes” and a...

Life-Work Imbalance and Related Issues

Introduction The increased number of responsibilities peculiar to modern society along with the necessity to earn money resulted in a significant shift of priorities from traditional values like family and personal life to work and career. In this regard, the issue of the life-work balance becomes extremely topical nowadays. Numerous...

Karl Marx and His Social Theory

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Concentration Issues and the Means of Managing Them

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Nurse’s Responsibility as to Disabled Patients

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Transtheoretical Model for Advanced Nursing Practice

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Business Writing Style as an Aspect of Communication

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US Financial and Banking Reforms History

Summary The article analyzed the challenges of the US financial institution in 1832. Proponents of the recharter bill believed that the president’s objections could have been reviewed. As a result, the bill was floored at the senate house on moral grounds. 1 The president rejected the decisions of the senate...

Affordable Care Act in the USA

ACA has introduced a set of policies and requirements that should be acknowledged by the U.S. citizens. First of all, all the individuals must have coverage or they will have to deal with a penalty. Subsidies are provided to people that cannot afford it. Most employers must offer insurance plans...

Practice Models Applied to Advanced Nurse Roles

The contemporary advanced practice nursing is vastly shaped by various theoretical frameworks, which are designed to improve the quality of caregiving by producing new knowledge (Butts & Rich, 2015). However, it should be mentioned that in the majority of cases theories are developed from the models of practice (Chism, 2017)....

Why Did God Ask Abraham to Sacrifice His Son Isaac

Introduction Questions about why God asked Abraham to sacrifice his own son have been raised countless times, and for a number of reasons. The most common belief is that by demanding a sacrifice from Abraham, God tested his faith, will, and loyalty in such way. Even though Abraham was committed...

Safe Medication in Intensive Care Unit

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) provides various clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) for physicians, nurses, and other parties involved in patient care. For this paper, safe medication use in intensive care units (ICUs) the CPG was selected due to its relevance to the current needs of inpatient care....

Countering Terrorist Recruitment in the United States

The ISIS and other terror groups have enhanced operations making it difficult for law enforcement agencies to monitor and thwart their activities. Today, it is easy for the groups to recruit and operate terror organizations in countries that were initially regarded as terrorist free. It is imperative to understand that...

Elementary Relationships Theory Application to Data Banks

Codd, E. F. (1970). A relational model of data for large shared data banks. Communications of the ACM, 13(6), 377-387. Design / Methodology / Approach (How are the objectives achieved? Include the main methods used for the research and the approach to the topic.): The research appears to be primary...

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Procedures

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Homeless and Rural Population’s Health in Miami-Dade

Not so long ago, Florida faced a great health issue connected with environmental pollution. The BP Deepwater Horizon was a drilling rig that exploded seven years ago. Even though the very event did not take place recently, its effects become totally understood only nowadays. Being located hundreds of miles from...

Technology in Pre-School Education Facility

Memorandum Education is a growing industry that is becoming more open to the private sector. The concept of life-long learning becomes a necessity to secure and maintain a stable income. At the same time, many parents realize the importance of pre-school education as a pre-requisite for academic success in school....

Slavery in the Novel “Satyricon” by Gaius Petronius

In the ancient Rome, slavery was common, and it was highly significant for the growth of the Roman society and its economy. Apart from participating in manual labor, slaves were also tasked with several other domestic services, with others engaging in skilled professions. However, slaves from Greek were highly educated....

Hurricane Hanna, Aftermath and Community Recovery

In the aftermath of Hurricane Hanna, the region struggles to recover. In particular, the utility companies are proceeding to restore power in the conditions of catastrophic flooding while state governments and the Federal Emergency Management Agency [FEMA] (n.d.) provide emergency supplies to the survivors. FEMA (n.d.) also reports that the...

High-Dose Ara-C Patients in Evidence-Based Practice

Dissemination Strategies The practicum project under consideration is dedicated to the evaluation of actual needs and current knowledge of the target audience. The obtained data will be used for the assessment of educational programs design. It is important to select suitable dissemination strategies to provide the relevant research data. The...

Organizational Changes and Professionalism in Nursing

Organizational changes in nursing Today, many facilities support the idea of organizational change to support employees, understand their needs, and avoid conflicts (Kossek, Hammer, Kelly, & Moen, 2014). In nursing, change can be planned and unplanned. Planned changes are easy to cope with because they pass through all important stages,...

Riverbend City Case: Conflict Management

The given case presents an intercultural conflict between Felicity Pearson from the Riverbend City Civil Liberties Union and Police Chaplain Lee Khang. The key issue is whether to allow transgender employees and officers of the police department to use any locker rooms or not. While Felicity argues for providing the...

Validity, Reliability and Veracity of the Survey

In order to guarantee that the collected data can be effectively analyzed with the help of quantitative statistical and qualitative tests to provide answers to research questions in nursing, it is necessary to apply appropriate instruments for data collection. The veracity, validity, and reliability of the survey used in the...

Four Seasons Company’s Resistance and Diversity

Event of resistance One of the notable events of resistance during the Four Season’s takeover in Paris is evidenced by the perception of the selected expatriates in its new property in the country. Some of the managers that were chosen to work in Paris understood the cultural differences between the...

Instructional Systems Development Model Implementation

Introduction The Instructional Systems Development (ISD) model is a useful tool for creating training programs aimed at addressing specific gaps in knowledge or skills in a variety of settings, including companies and organizations. In this paper, the degree to which the ISD model is followed in an organization will be...

Chisholm’s & Goldman’s Internalism and Externalism

Chisholm’s views on the alternatives to internalism In his view, Chisholm seems appears to support the externalism view that “justification of knowledge” depends on a number of factors that are “external to a person”. This argument means that the actions of a person cannot be justified only by determining the...

Hospital’s Image Recovery and Public Relations

Overview The unfavorable situation was caused by the improper actions of the administrator who failed to focus on the reasons for the downsizing and its impact on the nurses during the interview. As a result, the information was interpreted wrongly. The main facts of concern are the video showing several...

United States Constitution Ratification in 1787

Friedrich A. Hayek, The US Constitution, and institutional design (2016) The history of the composition and ratification of the Constitution gives abundant material for a deep understanding of institutional and social establishments created on its basis. The author argues that a lawmaker cannot design a constitution because the final result...

Foreign Investors in Indonesia’s Mining Sector

Introduction The need to adjust to a particular political model is the factor that can hinder business development and significantly complicate the work process. If it is about the mining industry, there are limitations and established spheres of influence. Their violation can entail a rather serious responsibility. The country of...