Sex and Gender as a Social Phenomenon

This essay provides discussion on how the social constructionism can be comprehended in the aspect of sociology. The research explores several relevant appeals to gender and sex regarding the matter of sociology (Brickell, 2006). We will establish the differences between sex and gender; define the term of gender identity; interpret...

Master’s Education in Nursing and Leadership Skills

The last decade was a crucial time in nursing education that saw the shift towards the inclusion of leadership topics into healthcare curricula. The transformation of nursing practice has necessitated the greater focus on technology and accountability for the delivery of care; therefore, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing...

Contingency Planning Analysis: Creativity, Critical Thinking and Key Steps

Contingency plans are essential for the majority of organizations. They allow the company to have a course of action even when the original plans become obsolete due to an unforeseen problem. Natural disasters, terrorist attacks, sabotage, technical errors, and a great number of other issues may cause a company to...

The New Deal and Minorities in America

Historians and sociologists argue that the Great Depression profoundly changed American society because it made people extremely uncertain about their future. In particular, it led to the growing unemployment and homelessness; moreover, many households were brought to the brink of starvation. In turn, the New Deal was often perceived as...

Chronic Kidney Disease: Locating Resources

Introduction There are many national and community resources for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), but I will focus on the three possibly biggest ones. These are the National Kidney Foundation, the American Association of Kidney Patients, and the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. These resources...

Chronic Kidney Disease Identifying

Chronic kidney disease is a critical illness that affects mainly the population older than 50 years. Its complications are rather severe, as they include disability and may even lead to lethal outcomes (Thomas, Kanso, & Sedor, 2008). Because of the chronic kidney disease, the quality of people’s lives worsens greatly...

Universal Healthcare: Budget Benefits and Threats

Universal health care is aimed at offering an itemized health care bundle which will be of assistance to every individual of the society with the objective of making available economic risk safety, enhanced health outcomes and better-quality admittance to health facilities (Glasziou, Moynihan, Richards, & Godlee, 2013). Universal healthcare is...

Physical Exercise for Adolescents

Introduction As technology develops and ordinary lifestyles change, people tend to be less and less active. Sedentary lifestyles as well as sedentary habits spread rapidly and become an emerging trend. Moreover, current circumstances, including pandemic-related restrictions and lockdown conditions, exacerbate the fragile situation. Physical training and regular exercise may be...

Colonialism and Ethnic and Racial Divisions in UK

Introduction The British Empire was one of the largest empires of all the times. Its power, culture, and traditions stretched all over the world with unbelievable speed. It comprised lots of colonies, dominions, and other territories, which were ruled by the United Kingdom. The end of 1900s was the end...

Animal Testing and How It Should Continue

Introduction Humans have been finding new ways of exploiting animals for many centuries. Animal testing has become an integral part of the pharmaceutical, biomedical, and cosmetics industries. This process has provoked many hot debates in recent centuries, with different arguments and opinions on both sides. Some people believe that animal...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Recognition of Contract Risks and Opportunities Memo

Introduction Contracts guide dealings between two or more parties. It involves a set of promises that each party owe to each other during their dealings. Additionally, it provides for legal remedies in case of breach by either of the involved parties. The law acknowledges performance of contracts as a legal...

Job Redesigning and Crafting

Introduction In the 21st century, work can change and become attractive to employees who actively craft their tasks. The physical and cognitive alterations people make at their interpersonal work boundaries are called job crafting. The workers develop a more optimal design of their tasks by creating a wide range of...

Social and Psychological Studies of Genocides

Any genocide is a catastrophic phenomenon, the occurrence of which at first glance seems fundamentally inexplicable. The horrors of this process seem to be contrary to human nature, and reflections on human losses and the incredible cruelty of what is happening significantly destroy the idea of ​​what a person is...

Massachusetts Health Care Law

Background The famous Massachusetts health care law became a reality in the year 2006 after a long period of attempts to realize this goal. The journey towards the establishment of the law did not begin recently rather it began 27 years ago when the Uncompensated Care Trust Fund first came...

Physical Activity and the Rate of Myofibrillar Protein Synthesis

Introduction Protein metabolism is an important property of the human body and largely determines the physical condition of a person. However, the body’s ability to restore protein proportions and maintain normal muscle tone can be slowed down or even weakened by external influences. The article by Saner et al. (2020)...

“Sleep, Hunger, and Caloric Intake in Adolescents” by Landis

Abstract It has been noted that obesity is a major health problem that is increasing in both developed and developing countries. The review of Landis, Parker, Faan, and Dunbar (2009) study on Sleep, hunger, satiety, food cravings, and caloric intake in adolescents presented in the Journal of Nursing Scholarship was...

The Racial Diversity in the US Army

Race in Military The racial diversity of people in the United States affects absolutely all social institutions. The army institution is significant since this institution has mission-critical for the security of the state and its citizens. Historically, the US has been involved in coercive counterinsurgency projects since the Indian Wars...

Sampling for African American HIV Women Study

Abstract This paper is aimed at defining the appropriate sampling strategy and sample size for the study concerning relationship between HIV treatment compliance and social support among African American women with HIV. The paper consists of an introduction, the estimation of the population group, the analysis of the most appropriate...

Arab Organizational and Business Culture

Introduction The culture, beliefs, and practices of people in a given demographic or geographic description significantly impact various fundamental aspects of their organizational and business culture. People of different cultures exhibit specific protocols and perspectives dictated by their beliefs. Religion and tradition constitute most of the determinants of the laws,...

Social Security Administration Case Study

Introduction The Social Security Administration (SSA) has unique structural and cultural organization attributes for being both a typical large federal agency and social welfare. While SSA plays a central role in serving millions of people with deserving cases, it has leadership challenges given that it is a top-down bureaucracy and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

World War I: Franz Ferdinand’s Death and Alliances

The Great War caused the death of at least 8.5 million soldiers and 7 million civilians (Erlanger 1). The Great War maimed and injured 20 million people. Aside from the horrific casualties, significant economic losses deprived many people the chance to acquire a decent livelihood. In the aftermath of World...

United States’ and Kenya’s Sociopolitic Analysis

Introduction In geography and economics classes, students from all over the world are often exposed to the concepts and dynamics of developed and developing countries, particularly in terms of their socioeconomic and political endowments, governance structures, technological standing, as well as human capital development index. In the class discussions, developed...

Elderly Fall Prevention in Hospitals

Introduction Falls are considerably frequent causes of injuries and hospitalization among older adults. Inappropriately equipped hospital rooms and halls often result in fall injuries of the patients. The falls might have extremely unfortunate outcomes for a patient and may lead to legal procedures for a health care institution. Therefore, there...

Free Speech and National Security Controversy

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution states that the Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech. However, even though the freedom of speech does not directly affect national security, some argue that in times of conflict, the government should limit the freedom of speech to...

American and Spanish Healthcare Systems

Introduction The paper is aimed to contrast and compare the information and statistics related to health care systems in the United States (US) and Spain. The purpose of the discussion is the identification of differences and issues observed in the selected health systems. Health Statistics The following discussion provides information...

Australian Rugby Union’s Limited Digital Presence

Rugby is considered one of the most popular sports in Australia. Australians love rugby, whether it is playing with friends in the yard or spectating finals in a crowded sports pub. Its sheer speed, tenacity, and roughness in combination with individual and team effort are appealing to many viewers both...

Physical Functioning of Older People in Primary Care

Qualitative Article Purpose statement The development of a proactive care program which is carefully-structured program that provides physical functioning enhances the quality of life for the frail older people. Problem statement Currently, the primary care of older people has some limitations. It is reactive, fragmented, and time-consuming. There are many...

Moral Status of the Human Embryo

Introduction The moral status of the human embryo is one of the most important issues in the modern bioethics. It is the foundation stone of medical, philosophic, and legal discussions which divide the scientific community into two parts one of which ignores embryo’s right for being called a human, and...

Lucy Lurie in “Disgrace” by J. M. Coetzee

Despite the impressive improvement in recent decades, adherence to humanistic values remains uneven in different parts of the world. Even after the official adoption, they continue to be undermined by conservative social views, leading to numerous personal tragedies. In Disgrace, J.M. Coetzee creates a complex character, Lucy Lurie, who faces...

Community Windshield Survey in Miami and Its Issues

Introduction to the Community The Miami community is rarely viewed as the one with problems. However, a closer look at some of the aspects of its life will show that the economic and infrastructure-related issues demand immediate resolution. Thus, the foundation for a healthier environment and, therefore, a drop in...

Marketing Concepts for Xiaomi MI Band

Introduction Xiaomi is a relatively young Chinese startup company that specializes in highly cost-effective consumer electronics. In 2014, the company entered a rapidly growing fitness wearables market by introducing Mi Band. In one year, the company managed to become the second-biggest seller of fitness trackers, with almost 25% of global...

Art Objects of World Cultures

China This object represents Chinese culture in a way that underlies its diversity. This Bronze head was apparently used in complex worshipping rituals (Chinese National Museum, n.d.). This piece of art was chosen as it shows how the vision of their sacred figures was imbued into solid forms reflecting their...

Professional Nursing Roles at Bachelor’s Level

Introduction The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) is an organization that develops eminent standards for nursing practice and education. The institution presents evidence-based concepts to improve different health care delivery models (Anbari, 2015). AACN promotes nursing education through continuous research and inclusion of different stakeholders. The association has...

The Environmental Valuation in Economic Terms

Introduction and Context There is an increasing recognition that environmental valuation in economic terms is crucial to determine costs and hence aid in policy considerations. It is through environmental valuation that economic benefits can be realized (Health and Environment Linkages Initiative par. 1). By putting into consideration the implications of...

Multimodal Learning Preference and Other Styles

Introduction The choice of learning strategies is important since it predetermines the success of the learning process. People have diverse learning preferences. Some learn better through visual strategies, and some are more successful with reading or writing strategies. There are tests and questionnaires which help to determine learning preferences and...

Electronic Health Record System’s Life Cycle

Introduction The paper at hand is aimed at providing a detailed description of the health information technology system life cycle. The planning paper focuses on the electronic health record (EHR) system and elucidates the key phases of its lifecycle: needs assessment and analysis, system selection and design, implementation, evaluation, and...

Rio 2016: Where Refugees Are Finally Being Recognized

This essay presents the main theme, two subthemes, global connections in relation to major ideas discussed. The number of persons displaced from their home countries by conflicts and persecution in the recent past is larger than in any period since more thorough record keeping started, according to the UN refugee...

Health Reimbursement Systems in the US

The modern healthcare sector remains one of the most important aspects of the evolution of our society. The fact is that the health of the nation depends on the efficient functioning of the given sphere and its ability to provide care to all individuals who have a need for it....

Health Promotion Among Hispanic Population

The Hispanic population is becoming the largest minority group in the USA. The Latino population makes up over 16% of the US population, and it is growing at a considerable pace. Thus, it has been estimated that Hispanic people will constitute 30% of the American population by 2050 (Edelman, Mandle...

Fire and Life Safety Education Program for K-12

Introduction: A General Concept of Fire Safety Although the concept of fire safety might seem self-explanatory to an adult, young students need to be taught essential rules on the subject so that they should not expose themselves to the related dangers. Furthermore, maintaining fire safety is a challenging task that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Security Awareness in a Healthcare Facility

Security awareness is an essential constituent for developing a comprehensive and efficient security policy. Nevertheless, to make it productive, it is critical to focus on elaborating a well-thought and detailed awareness plan. Therefore, the paper at hand aims at designing a multidimensional framework aimed at raising security awareness in a...

Mohave Community College: Concept-Based Program

Research Product to Be Disseminated The research to be disseminated aims at evaluating the effectiveness of the use of a concept-based program for RN students at Mohave Community College. The major measurement will be the rate of the students who pass NCLEX. The program will be regarded as effective if...

Global Warming as a Humanity’s Fault

Abstract World leaders were forced to hold discussions in Kigali, Rwanda, in late 2016 to establish a deal addressing mechanisms to be adopted to curb global warming. Although nature is responsible for harboring harmful elements that trigger climatic changes, it is alarming that all talks seem to agree that human...

Insider Trading Situation in 2017

Insider trading as a trade of companies’ stocks by persons who have access to the corporate non-public data is usually discussed as a legal problem that affects corporate finances. However, this issue has many aspects and dimensions because not all types of insider trading are discussed as illegal, and there...

Belgium and Senegal Dispute

Summary On June 20, 2012, the UN Court made a final decision in the case related to the obligation to prosecute or extradite (Belgium v. Senegal). The Court ruled that it has jurisdiction to review the dispute between Belgium and Senegal regarding the interpretation and application of Article 6, para....

Healthcare Delivery to the Little Haiti Population

Introduction Creating the environment in which every single member of a community has access to the required healthcare services is a crucial task that lies ahead of the Little Haiti authorities. Seeing that the unavailability of efficient services, the lack of qualified experts, the increasingly high poverty rates, and the...

Melrose Hotel: Employee Participation and Engagement

Employee Engagement Strategy Three principal dimensions of employee engagement involve work, peers, and customers. Engagement with work denotes the enthusiasm and commitment displayed by the employees in performing their direct tasks and is associated with greater productivity. This aspect is the most important for the initial phase since Melrose Hotels...

American Civil War in Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address

Abstract The American Civil War occurred between 1861 and 1865. Without a doubt, it is one of the darkest political upheavals in the history of the United States. However, the remarkable war led to the collapse of the Confederacy States thus making it easier for the leaders to bring the...

Hypertension: Diagnostics, Management, Education

Introduction Based on the subjective and objective data presented in the case, it is possible to assume C.D. has hypertension (HT). It is one of the most widespread chronic disorders among adults: it affects nearly 1 billion people around the globe (Wise & Charchar, 2016). HT decreases the quality of...

How Big Data Is Used in Health Care

Description of Published Health Article For purposes of this paper, we choose to use an article by Chirowa, Atwood and Van der Putten (2013) to demonstrate the use of big data in public health. The article explores the relationship between gender inequality, health expenditure, and maternal mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Medieval History: Joan of Arc

Introduction Joan of Arc or D’arc was a celebrated French heroine most known for leading a successful conquest of the English army in the 1420s. At the time of her birth, France and England engaged in a protracted battle known as the Hundred Years War that arose over the succession...

Educational and Career Goals Analysis

Introduction The author’s current career goal is to become a nurse via the nursing program. From there, they will decide how they want to continue the career, though the current idea is to proceed to obtain a master’s degree in nursing and seek out an advanced practice nursing certification. They...

An Interview With an App Designer

Questionnaire What challenges does an app designer normally face? Are there any fears or concerns when working on a new project? How has the arrival of free Internet access changed the usual app designer’s referral tasks? What happens with mobile applications today? What is the best way to adapt to...

International Climate Change Law and National Acts

Bargués-Pedreny, Pol, and Jessica Schmidt. “Learning to be Postmodern in an All Too Modern World: “Whatever Action” in International Climate Change Imaginaries.” Global Society 33, no. 1 (2019): 45-65. The article by Bargués-Pedreny and Schmidt aims to identify the existing contradictions in climate regulation issues. In particular, the study is...

“Worlds Together, Worlds Apart” by Adelman, J et al. Analysis

Chapter 19: Global Crisis, 1910 – 1939 World War I was the first modern war, and its consequences were fundamental on a grand scale. Adelman et al. (2017) state that WWI’s aftermath expedited the trend toward mass society and hastened the debates on how to measure progress and organize people...

Alibaba Group’s Diversity and Corporate Policies

In spite of the fact that diversity in relation to human resources is a characteristic feature of Alibaba Group that operates globally and employs an international team of workers, there are still issues associated with addressing diversity by human resource management (HRM) tools. The examination of the corporate policies and...

The Painting “Procne Showing Tereus the Head of His Child”

Introduction Created by Peter Paul Rubens, Procne Showing Tereus the Head of His Child refers the audience to the myths of Ancient Greece, particularly, the one of Procne and Tereus. The myth tells the story of Tereus, who, after being married to Procne, started seeking her sister Philomela’s love and...

Family Nurse Practitioner’s Advanced Role

The selected specialty for this discussion is that of a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP). Pastor, Cunningham, and Kuiper (2015) indicate that an FNP is an advanced practice registered nurse who collaborates with other professionals to ensure quality family-focused medical services are available to the targeted clients. The purpose of this...

Early Care and Education: Health Policy Review

Introduction Childhood obesity is one of the biggest modern health problems. In the United States, more than one child in five (age 2-5 years) is overweight or obese (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2017). As stated by Cunningham, Kramer, and Venkat Narayan (2014), the number of the US...

Tuberculosis Rates and Related Issues in Miami

A nurse must make sure that the needs of all community members are met. However, in a multicultural environment, the identified task becomes increasingly difficult. To address the issues observed in Miami, FL, one will have to consider combining the local health initiatives with the Healthy People 2020 project. Illness...

Chess Girls DC: Organization’ Analysis

Introduction Chess Girls DC can be attributed to non-profit organizations that promote youth involvement in cultural development. The organization was established by Robin Floyd-Ramson in 2013 to engage girls in playing chess. The key mission of this organization that contains less than 200 members is to develop a sense of...

Facebook App Under Experiential Contextual Inquiry

Abstract In this paper, we analyze the application of the method of experiential contextual inquiry in the expert evaluation and provide the results and summary of evaluating the mobile application (Facebook) in the context of a broader perspective of the usability evaluation. General Terms Algorithms, Management, Measurement, Design, Experimentation, Human...

Nursing Standard Terminologies in Modern Hospital Settings

Standardized terminology, also known as standardized nursing language is a set of commonly used and understood terms that are used in clinical documentation such as diagnoses. The use of standardized terminology allows for a faster examination of data when multiple healthcare institutions collaborate with each other, as well as a...

Alibaba Group’s Operations and Functional Diversity

Alibaba Group is one of the global leaders in the sphere of e-commerce that is oriented to the development of new business-to-business and business-to-customer platforms. As a result, the operations management of the organization serves to address the strategic goals while controlling existing operations processes, and it is aligned with...

Nurses Work-Life Balance Improvement

Solution Nurses may choose their profession for a great number of reasons: personal values and ethics attempts to be at service for the community, self-realization, development of positive social identity, etc. (Mullen, 2015). Driven by personal motives, nurses put the needs of other people before their interests and needs. It...

Rape, Its Dynamics, Factors, and Prevention

Defining rape Rape is one of the most critical offences that have occurred throughout the history of crime. Currently, myriad definitions are provided in an attempt to explain what rape is. However, among the widely accepted definitions is the one by the Federal Bureau of Investigations. According to the agency,...

Bolivian Secondary Education and Final Exams

At the moment, the Bolivian education system is far from ideal as numerous obstacles prevent individuals from acquiring knowledge. There are four years devoted to secondary education which is a non-compulsory. It means that numerous people might refuse to study and improve their understanding of basic concepts needed for enhanced...

Miami Pediatric Population Needs Assessment

Introduction Conducting a community needs assessment is an important step for a number of actions, in particular, for developing and promoting a strategy which could be used in order to improve the standard of living in the community. This paper supplies a needs assessment for the community of Miami, Florida;...

HIV, Gonorrhea, and Tuberculosis in Miami

Introduction Every community takes action to study health priorities, identity goals, and develop strategies aimed at maintenance of the community health. Together with typical chronic diseases, certain communicable illnesses have an impact on the community and demand a set of actions aimed at the control of surveillance rates and the...

Vulnerable Population of West Miami

The city of West Miami that is situated in Florida is inhabited by many people who have particular difficulties with their orientation and balance. Such an issue leads to multiple falls among the representatives of the older generations. As people over sixty years old fall on a regular basis, they...

Family Nurse Practitioner and Other Roles

Advanced practice roles of nursing allow for specialized tasks to be fulfilled by people who are most capable of completing the tasks. The advanced practice roles include several various specializations but can be separated into four main types: administrator, informaticist, educator, and practitioner (“NP competencies,” 2017). This paper will provide...

Childhood Obesity: Prevention and Mitigation

Over the past three decades, childhood obesity has developed into an epidemic and is considered as one of the major health issues in the world. While it is important to understand the causes of childhood obesity, arguments about who is to be held responsible divert attention from the most important...

Problems of Transgender Patients in Health Care

We live in the humanistic society that is expected to be tolerant and cultivate such values as democracy, equality, etc. The results of this shift of priorities could already be seen. Depressed minorities became able to demonstrate their unique peculiarities and eliminate barriers that previously limited their lives. Moreover, we...

Nursing, Its Major Domains and Beliefs

Introduction In the last decade, nursing has undergone rapid and drastic changes to accommodate the evolving views on patients and the development of patient-oriented policies in health care. The profession is undeniably maturing, with the roles of nurses and their range of responsibilities changing and growing in response to the...

Quality and Safety Education for Nurses Competencies

QSEN Competencies include graduate, pre-licensure, and safety competencies targeted at developing skills and knowledge for future nursing graduates (QSEN, 2014). They include safety, quality improvement, patient-centered care, evidence-based practice, informatics, collaboration, and teamwork (QSEN, 2014). NLN competencies for nursing education include competencies for both nurse educators and graduates. For graduates,...

Nurse Practitioner’s Role and Misconceptions

Introduction The functions of nurses have changed in recent decades. Unlike the past, when nurses were merely helpers and sanitary workers, they now perform a wide range of duties depending on the role specification. However, there is still some confusion about the list of activities that have to be done...

Miami Infectious Diseases and Healthy People 2020

Introduction Communicable or infectious diseases are a burden of the contemporary society. Immunization stimulated substantial progress in eliminating infectious diseases but their cases are still frequent due to healthcare access disparities and many other reasons. According to Healthy People 2020 initiative (2018), the US healthcare system targets 17 infectious diseases...

Nurse’s Communication Skills Training in Practice

Abstract This paper formulates and hypothetically develops a research project for publication in the Journal of Advanced Nursing. The project that has been developed relates to how communication skills training for nursing professionals can be used to improve patient satisfaction with the quality of care provided in inpatient settings. Introduction...

Males and Females Learn: Similarities and Differences

Similarities in the Way Males and Females Learn A new wave of feminism has reintroduced the subject of gender equality in education. Supporters of inclusive academic environments, where all genders are welcome, argue that there are no distinct differences in the male and female thinking processes, which is proved by...

Use of Multiple Antimicrobial Agents Instead of a Single Solution

Introduction A pre-operative procedure in surgery is a step taken to prepare a patient for a procedure and their nature depends on the nature of disease or injury, the anatomical region involved, the urgency of the procedure, the general state of the patient among other factors (Hegner, 2004). There are...

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Researching the Consumer Decision Making Process

The author selected Samsung Galaxy S21 5G and iPhone 12 and gathered related qualitative information to understand how consumers go through the different decision-making process stages before acquiring a product. Samsung Galaxy S21 5G is a new smartphone by Samsung and the most advanced in the Samsung Galaxy S series...

Diabetic Retinopathy Among Hispanics in Miami

Introduction The community that will be addressed in this paper comprises individuals living in the city of Miami, Florida. As the windshield survey revealed, the community does not appear to be suffering from serious social problems. This paper pertains to the population of Hispanics/Latinos in Miami who have diabetes. The...

“Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl

Introduction The book Man’ Search for Meaning is one of the most influential works on the psychoanalysis of the modern time. It was written by Viktor Frankl, a former Auschwitz prisoner, and the outstanding psychoanalyst. The existential vacuum is one of the most important concepts explained by Frankl in his...

The Problem of Obesity in the USA

Introduction to the Problem Obesity is a global epidemic associated with financial burdens, and poor lifestyles. It is also a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes. The incidence of obesity is around 35 percent of the US population. This bracket includes individuals who have a body mass index...

Miami-Dade County’s Communicable Diseases

Research and present on the local, state, national, and global trends such as incidence, prevalence, and populations at risk for their communicable disease group. Good health and well-being are among the SDG goals aimed at transforming the world by the year 2030 (World Health Organization, 2015). The progress towards the...

Osteoarthrosis, Its Symptoms and Treatments

A sixty-five-year-old man by the name of MP comes to the hospital with a complaint of pain in his back, knees, and hips. He has experienced these symptoms for the last six months. To subdue the pain, he has been taking OTC Advil. MP describes the pain as stiffness and...

Core Competencies in Nursing

Introduction The health care industry has many areas that may seem unrelated to the health care services’ provision. Nurse administrators, nurse informaticists, and many other positions are not related to the provision of the health care services, and they are called indirect care providers. Direct care providers are occupied in...

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Treatment Centers

Definition of the Illness Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is a condition that occurs after a stressful or disastrous occasion. It is characterized by a feeling of fear, upset, withdrawal from other people, and denial, among other symptoms. Though similar in symptoms to Acute Stress Disorder (ASD), Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is...

Transitional Employment of Intellectually Disabled

Activities Several specific activities should be performed to enable transitional employment for adults with intellectual disabilities. First, the organisation should take care of developing a special set of rules that would allow the company to hire these adults with no limitations (Frye & Hemmer, 2012). Second, the management of the...

Miami Communicable Diseases and Action Plan

Introduction Communicable diseases are frequently more dangerous than chronic because they are characterized by a quick spread and can develop into an epidemic which is difficult to control. Some of them can be controlled and prevented with the help of vaccination according to a national schedule. In fact, global attention...

Health Medi-Cal Budget System

Review of Medi-Cal System The California Medical Assistance Program (Medi-Cal) budget system focuses on low-income populations. Its costs are usually divided between the state and the government. It is expected that the government will cover 90 percent of costs by 2020. Medi-Cal contains the two types of payment such as...

Hepatitis A, Syphilis, AIDS in Miami-Dade County

Healthy People 2020 is an initiative program created by the United States Department of Health and Human Services. It establishes guidelines and goals, which are necessary to achieving national wellness priorities and addressing critical issues in population health. States and local governments are encouraged to follow the recommendations and focus...

Equality, Freedom, and Security Rights in the US

Introduction In spite of the fact that the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) many years ago and focused on promoting the principles of humans’ freedom and dignity in different communities, human rights violations are still observed in various countries, and the United States is among...

Seasonal Influenza, AIDS, Zika Fever in Miami

Introduction The location analyzed within the frame of the given assignment is Miami, Florida. There is a range of diseases that are currently affecting the community, but the given paper pays close attention to three of them: seasonal influenza, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, and Zika fever. The ZIP code of...

Clinical Nurse Leader’s Essentials Skills in Practice

1. Clinical nurse leader education A master’s prepared nurse and clinical leader Need broader knowledge in pharmacology Progressive skills in physical assessment Prepared to work with various groups 2. The clinical nurse leader role Evidence-based practice application Depends on the environment and population Application of advanced competences The interdisciplinary approach...

Living Arts Centre’ Strategic Marketing

The Business The particular company discussed in the paper is the Living Arts Centre (LAC) which is a charitable organization operating in Canada. LAC exists for almost twenty years and provides businesspeople, instructors, and people of art with an opportunity to give open lessons and hold meetings (“History and Mission”...

Women in International Business and Leadership

Introduction Women empowerment and gender equality are a common concern for every country in the world. Women have been underrepresented in most cases when it comes to many domains, including economic matters. Areas of education, leadership, employment, and trade are among the few sectors with high levels of gender disparities....

The Properties of Ras Proteins

Introduction Cells are made in such a way that they are able to communicate with each other. This communication takes place through messages that are sent in regard to the various shapes taken by proteins. The mechanism of sending signals by various cells therefore is significant as it enhances that...

Organizational Development and Change: Appreciative Inquiry

Scenario 1: Turnover Issue in the Human Resource Department The company aims to analyze the high turnover issue that the human resource department faces and arrive at a solution that will solve the problem. As a problem-based approach confined to a specific area of the company, the safest option is...

The Poems of William Wordsworth: Depiction of Nature

Introduction William Wordsworth’s poems defined Naturalism and Romanticism since the author was known to be the poet of nature. The poet was a key figure of the Romantic Movement, especially considering his early poems. The life of the author was closely connected to nature, which is why his art was...

Drafting of the U.S. Constitution

The drafting of the U.S. Constitution is one of the most critical events in the country’s history. However, despite the admitted significance of the event, there are different perspectives on the reasons for the document’s drafting. Thus, the causes for writing the Constitution can be viewed through three lenses: social,...

Not Really Safe: Liberal Democracies and Digital Surveillance

Information technologies are all around today and provide people with possibilities that were unthinkable mere decades ago, such as near-instant communication, remote education, or online shopping. Yet this progress comes at a price because these technologies are also extremely pervasive and penetrate nearly every aspect of modern life. An important...

Healthcare Providers’ and Practitioners’ Types

Types of Health Care Providers Primary Care Providers Nursing Care Providers Specialty Care Providers Pharmacotherapy Professionals A primary care provider is a professional who specializes in minor health problems and checkups. Nursing Care Provider is a person who assists a doctor and takes care of the patients in hospitals or...

Mindfulness-Based Music Therapy in Cancer Patients

Introduction Lesiuk (2015) is a healthcare professional and scientist focused on the use of music therapy. She conducted research to discuss the advantages of this intervention for nursing practice. Her article reveals that attention and mood can be improved with this therapy in women with breast cancer. Purpose The article...

Tuberculosis, Influenza A, AIDS in Healthy People 2020

Healthy People 2020 was launched in 2010 by the Department of Health and Human Services with the aim of promoting equality in health, minimizing disparities in care delivery, and ensuring that more people attain longer. Different communities in Florida such as Miami (Zip Code: 33146) have implemented adequate initiatives to...

Social Security Programs in American Society

Nowadays, Social Security is taken for granted, whereas in the first half of the twentieth century the very concept of social security was yet to develop (Brown, 2015, p. 3). Berkowitz and DeWitt (2015) emphasize that it is the most prominent social program to date (p. 261). However, certain experts...

State Power in the Sociological Study of Deviance

The purpose of this paper is to establish the connection between the state power and the sociological studies of deviance. The objective will be achieved by several steps. Firstly, I will give the definition of the power in sociological context and the power of the state. Secondly, I will determine...

Health Promotion Among Hispanic Minority Group

Introduction The increasing diversification of the United States’ population has led to a situation where, according to the recent estimates, up to 36 percent is comprised of ethnic and racial minorities (CDC, n.d.). It has also been established that due to a wide range of health disparities, these minorities are...

Lifestyle Factors Affecting Adolescents

The objective of the interview is to comprehend young adults’ perspectives and experiences on physical activities and social influences over a specific time. The understanding is relevant when it comes to coming up with interventions needed in lifestyle promotions. Parents, guardians, and fellow age mates from different cultures play a...

Ethics of Obamacare and Trumpcare

Conflicts Between Ethics and Obamacare / Trumpcare The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was introduced by Obama to improve access to health care services and promote their quality, focusing primarily on adults aged between 19 and 64 years. It allowed more than 25 million previously uninsured persons to...

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Organizational Structure, Its Types and Influences

Introduction Every organization needs to put in place a structure for efficient operation. An organizational structure is defined as a hierarchical representation of individuals and what they do within the organization. It sheds some light on critical values an organization stands for and its character. Therefore, it is essential for...

Sociology and Education: Schooling Purposes

Introduction Education is an integral part of every society. The modern system of school aims at providing all children with equal opportunities for studying. Schools prepare children for adulthood. They teach them not only general knowledge about this world but how to become a constituent of modern society and make...

United HealthCare Services, Inc.

United Healthcare United HealthCare Services, Inc. (UHS) that was founded in 1977, is a part of UnitedHealth Group, Inc (UHG). UHS provides a wide variety of healthcare services, including “Medicare plans, Medicaid plans, medical plans, consumer-driven health plans, dental plans, vision plans, disability plans, life insurance plans, critical illness plans,...

Fall Prevention Program Proposal for Injuries

Falls are the prominent cause of injuries among adults aged 65 and older. Because more than ten thousand American citizens turn 65 every day, the prevention of injuries connected with falls is an issue that should not be ignored. The promotion of health and well-being in elderly is provided by...

External Audit: Purpose, Role and Drawbacks

External Audit and Its Role in Large Companies The purpose of external audit and its role are not well understood yet. Although it does have the drawbacks, such as confidentiality issues or audit failures, those are rare; besides, external audit brings many advantages to large corporations and their stakeholders, which...

Jung and Gardner Theories: Typology Test and Its Results

Jung and Gardner Theory The Psychological Type Theory (PTT) of Jung consists of the orientations (extraversion as opposed to introversion) and the functions of “thinking, feeling, intuition and sensation” to be defined for a person (Crellin, 2014, p. 14). Thinking is opposed to feeling; intuition and sensation form another pair...

Minimizing Prescription Drug Abuse in Oklahoma

Introduction Substance abuse is, unfortunately, quite a common phenomenon in the 21st-century reality (Holmes 17). While, for the most part, drugs are rather hard to obtain, with prescribed drug abuse, however, the situation becomes more complicated, since the doctor provides the patient with open access to the drug. As a...

Free Trade as a New Phenomenon in International Trade

The significant shifts in the development of global trade in the 20th century provoked the emergence of the new phenomena in the international trade organization. The regional free trade agreements can be regarded as one of these phenomena. The free trade concept was introduced in “Theory of Comparative Advantage” by...

Obamacare: The Solution to the Healthcare Problem

ObamaCare (The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) was signed by President Barack Obama in 2010; it is “a US healthcare reform law that expands and improves access to care and curbs spending through regulations and taxes” (ObamaCare Facts, 2015). In this way, the purpose of this reform is to...

Manual Therapy Techniques: Cases and Examples

Manual Therapy: Definition The phenomenon of manual therapy is typically defined as a method of affecting damaged tissues in a direct way (i.e., manually) so that their functions could be restored after an injury or trauma had affected them negatively and contributed to a partial loss of the functions mentioned...

ObamaCare Role in the US Healthcare System

Introduction In 2010, one of the most memorable events took place in the US healthcare system. President Obama approved the Affordable Care Act, also known as ObamaCare, in order to provide all Americans with appropriate health insurance coverage. Many Americans accepted this idea as one of the most generous governmental...

Healthcare in the United States: Timeline and Reforms

Health Care Timeline An analysis of important events, major figures and their contribution, the formation of health related organizations gives an insight into the history of U.S. health care ensuring better understanding of current health care system reforms. 1847 Foundation of American Medical Association (AMA) by Nathan S. Davis put...

Social Issues: Digital Divide in Washington

Background The term ‘digital divide’ has become popular with the recent developments in the information and technology sector. According to McGrath (2011), the term basically refers to the gap that exists between those individuals who can readily access information and communication technologies and those who are unable to do this....

Eliminating Healthcare Disparities in the LGBTQI Community

A barrier is anything that will impede progress. Each and every person in society will one day face some type of barrier in their lifetime. It could be inequality, racism or discrimination, which are among every social class, gender, religion, nationality, and sexuality. These barriers are sometimes seen in healthcare....

International Strategy McDonald Corporation

Introduction This paper requires an “International Strategy” formulation for a multi-national company to invest in a country to achieve desperately higher growth. Here the preferred company is “McDonald Corporation”, the US largest fast-food chain restaurant and famous delicious food and prime quality services. Here the target host country is India,...

Goujian, the Ruler of the Yue Kingdom in Ancient China

The Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world. According to some Chinese scientists, its age may be about five thousand years. Ancient China is known for its unique culture, which in many respects has not changed much even now. Many things of everyday life, such as paper...

Researching of Changes in Healthcare Career

Only for excellent reasons should change be adopted. Even with the best intentions, however, many change efforts fail because the strategy utilized to make the change lacks clear structure, preparation, and timing. People with baccalaureate degrees will be regarded as leaders in their respective work settings and will be able...

Discussion of Sleep and Its Influence

Sleep is a special state of consciousness, as well as a natural physiological process characterized by a reduced reaction to the surrounding world and specific brain activity. Scientists are still investigating the structure of human sleep, and the purpose of this need is not fully defined. Sleep occupies an important...

Regulation of the Pregnant Employees’ Treatment

Introduction To begin with, it is necessary to mention that the employment issues may be divided into several categories. This paper is aimed to discuss different employment issues and situations that were encountered by different people. Originally, the most troublesome issues are closely linked with the pregnancy of the employees....

Reinforcement of Sexist Stereotypes in Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”

Introduction Jane Austen’s work occupies one of the leading places in British literary history and remains relevant from the Victorian era to the present. The novel “Pride and Prejudice” describes the love story of a young lady Elizabeth Bennett and an aristocrat Mr. Darcy, developing in the complex context of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Depot Town, Ypsilanti Description

Depot Town, located in Michigan’s historic district called Ypsilanti, is a commercial and residential area with some houses set above storefronts. The town’s boundary ranges from East Cross Street to North River Street and Huron River, plus a small 300-block area on North River Street. Several surrounding blocks are also...

World War I and Its Impact on the Life of Europe

World War I, also known as the Great War, was an unprecedented military conflict. The catalyst for the dispute that primarily took place across Europe was Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s assassination in Sarajevo on June 28th, 1914 (Payk 811). However, the primary reason for the dispute was the anarchic system and...

Early Martin Heidegger on “Death”

Martin Heidegger is one of the most significant philosophers of the 20th century. He made an outstanding contribution to the development of existential theories and is a well-known representative of German philosophy. Studying death as a philosophical matter played a considerable role in the establishment of his ideas. He viewed...

Domestic Violence During COVID-19 Pandemic

Kofman, Y. B., and D. R. Garfin. “Home is not always a haven: The domestic violence crisis amid the COVID-19 pandemic.” Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, vol. 12, no. S1, 2020, pp. S199-S201. Web. The article written by Kofman and Garfin describes how the social disruption caused by...

Communication Modalities in Health Care Facilities

Introduction Technology has contributed to immense improvement in almost all areas including the health care sector. Communication is important in this sector because it provides a platform for interaction between health care providers, patients, and their families. In addition, it ensures patients understand their problems and measures that will be...

Close Reading and Analysis: Layli Long Soldier’s “38”

Layli Long Soldier’s “38” is an interesting case of writing in many respects. First and foremost, while it mostly follows the grammatical and syntactical conventions of formal English, it emphasizes these choices specifically and explains their meaning instead of leaving them “as is.” Apart from that, even though the text...

“The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man”: Book Review

Introduction The emergence of racial differences presents a scope to investigate the nineteenth-century indications of African American male liberty and citizenship. The torture and abuse of the black parties reveal the widespread hypothesis about similarities and cultural regimes. This research about The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man reviews and investigates...

American Society’s Reckoning About Race Issue

For this assignment, I engaged in discourse with a pastor at a local Baptist church located near my home. The Church is large, consisting of several buildings, including its own preschool and sports complex. It is located in a suburban part of town, middle class, and some affluent neighborhoods. The...

Analysis of Sherry Turkle Visual

Introduction Sherry Turkle is a Rockerfeller Professor within the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She is affiliated with the school of Social Studies of science and technology. She attained an AB in Social Studies and her world of knowledge was primarily based around communication and psychology. Her PhD in sociology and...

Aspects of Adidas Commercial

Semiotics studying signs unites linguistics and social sciences, which allows considering traditions, behavior patterns, and other social phenomena as sign systems. Thanks to semiotics, one can track the ways of subconscious interpretation of different messages – a process that relies on emotions. Daily routines and rituals are also full of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Question of Complete Diversity

The problem of diversity of thought has always been a topical issue for societies around the world since people always tend to have their own viewpoints. Recent years have been particularly notable for the growing divisiveness and radicalism among communities espousing different ideological perspectives. Conservatives and liberals are the two...

“Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban”: Book and Movie Comparison

In 1997, over the span of one night, Harry Potter took the world by storm when the book sold 11 million copies within 24 hours of its release: 2.7 million copies in the UK and 8.3 million in the US. And as of 2021, More than 500 million copies of...

Climate Change, Its Causes and Implications

Introduction Climate change refers to the long-term transformation of regional climatic patterns. Warming unequivocally results from the high greenhouse gas (GHG) concentration in the atmosphere (Seo, 2017). The earth’s surface has significantly warmed following the industrial revolution, although some regions have experienced increased precipitation. If these changes are not mitigated...

Brand Overview and Analysis: The Heineken

Introduction Stage The Heineken brand is an example of a product that has gone through the product life cycle over the 140 years it has been on the market. Heineken was first produced and marketed in the year 1864 In Amsterdam under the brand name “Workman’s Ale”. This marked the...

Hand Hygiene in Reducing Transient Flora

The APA Citation Kapil, R., Bhavsar, H. K., & Madan, M. (2015). Hand hygiene in reducing transient flora on the hands of healthcare workers: an educational intervention. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology, 33(1), 125. Web. Problem Statement The healthcare environment is ironically not the safest of places as may be...

Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Self-Management Behaviors

Introduction This was a study carried out to investigate the self-management habits of people suffering from chronic pulmonary disease. The study was informed by the knowledge that this disease is associated with higher levels of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Considering the increased risk factors such as smoking and the higher...

Modern American Culture vs. Traditional Societal Value

Introduction Societies develop and promote unique norms and values that all members need to follow. Those who fail to do so might be identified as outcasts and be treated indifferently by their relatives, colleagues, and even friends. Some of the current global forces, such as the wave of globalization and...

The Individual Retirement Account (IRA) and the 401k Model

Today, there are several ways to save money for retirement in order to provide funded income in the future. The two most famous methods are the 401k US private pension plan and the Individual Retirement Account (IRA). These two models imply some privileges in taxation as well as profitable accumulated...

Anarchism vs. Socialism

Governing ideologies represent a combination of ethical principles, ideals, doctrines, and symbols that would explain how society should work and be controlled. It is primarily concerned with how the government would be allocated, and to what ends it should influence a society. Because of the variety of influences from cultural,...

Determining Benchmarks for Hypertension Reduction

Introduction The purpose of this project is to review the current quality measures for the management of hypertension. The condition is prevalent throughout the United States, which is problematic because it can lead one to develop other cardiovascular diseases. To that end, the author has gathered data regarding the incidence...