Slavery and the Compromise of 1850

After gaining independence from Great Britain and the United States’ formation, a split was outlined in the American state between two economically, politically, demographic, and culturally different areas – the North and the South. The Southern states are traditionally agricultural, initially surpassing the Northern ones in terms of economic indicators....

Proposing a New Hotel: Marketing Plan

Introduction This paper aims to propose the attractiveness of a new hotel at Port Rashid, Dubai. The hotel will be 30 stories, including suites, king rooms, and double rooms. It is expected to cooperate with foreign businesses to offer customers the best food and beverage outlets, Asian and Mediterranean cuisines,...

Poem Analysis: Langston Hughes

Introduction Racial and cultural identity are among the most prominent themes of Langston Hughes’s literary works. It is important to point out that many of his poems explore different aspects of African American identity in regards to the overall culture and race as well as the intricate topics on social...

Budgeting in Multinational Companies

The definition of a multinational company A multinational company is an organization or firm which operates across borders or delivers its services in two or more countries (McDonalds, Federal Express, Pfizer, Wall-Mart, Ford Corporation). The Positive aspects of a multinational company At present, a substantial number of American or Western-European...

“The War of 1812”

If you are about to write a The War of 1812 essay, you might want to check out our sample. Read our essay on The War of 1812 to get some inspiration for your writing! Causes of The War of 1812 United States and Great Britain engaged in war in...

Law Enforcement Cameras are an Invasion of Privacy

Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy? This paper aims to answer this question. It reviews the pros and cons of law enforcement cameras in public places. It argues that benefits of surveillance cameras outweigh their negative effects. Introduction Law enforcement cameras continue to raise ethical issues, despite the...

Theories and Hypothesis of Criminal Justice

The four commonly used theories of research include deductive, inductive, grounded, and axiomatic research theories. Deductive research theory refers to the data that has been obtained or collected from a general theory that leads to the prediction of what will happen or what is going on. It deals with specific...

Financial Analysis of The University Ambulatory Care Center

Financial ratios may be clclassified into the following broad categories: Short term liquidity ratios, also known as working capital management ratios, Long term risks and capital structure ratios, also known as leverage or debt management or solvency ratios, Operating efficiency and profitability ratios, Investment ratios (Graham, J., Smart, S., Megginson,...

Homelessness Policy in California

Introduction Most of the homeless in America are concentrated in large cities. There are several cities in which the number of homeless people is so big that the situation with the growth of homelessness in them is called an epidemic. First of all, these are Los Angeles, New York, Chicago...

Economic Approach to Religion

A grade “A” is an economic good because it is desired by many students, but it is not attained by many thus creating an opportunity cost. Exams are meant to evaluate how the examinee is faring on in a specific area of study. It is the dream of every student...

Popular Research Paper Topics

History and Benefits of Artificial General Intelligence

Introduction Artificial Intelligence is a broad-based division of computer science specializing in the development of intelligent machines with the ability to perform tasks requiring human intellect. It is a science with many disciplines, approaches, and programmable functions and a capability to learn, reason, solve problems, and make decisions. This paper...

Lack of Staffing and Training in Healthcare

Introduction Inadequate staffing and training of nurses is a serious problem that causes nursing shortage in health care organizations. Most health care facilities do not meet the recommended nursing staffing levels. It therefore becomes difficult to provide quality health care as there are fewer nurses in each section or to...

Correlation Between HIV, AIDS and Kaposi Sarcoma

Summary of the Public Health Topic Kaposi Sarcoma (KS) is a rare type of skin cancer, which has a strong association with HIV, as the causative agent. The condition mainly affects the human skin, mouth, or lymph nodes. In extreme cases, it may affect vital organs, such as the liver...

The Weary of the Blues by Langston Hughes

In this The Weary Blues analysis essay, you will find plenty of information about the poem’s literary devices, metaphors, and themes. Check it out and get inspired. The Weary Blues Analysis Essay: Introduction Langston Hughes was an African American born in 1902 in Joplin, Missouri. He started writing early in...

Conflicts between Antigone and Creon

What is the conflict between Antigone and Creon? This paper has the answer. Read it to learn all about the conflict between Antigone and Creon.  Antigone Summary This story begins after banishment of Oedipus, the king of Thebes. His son Eteocles takes over the throne. Eteocles brother Polyneices refutes this...

Healthy Fast Foods: Sector Analysis

Fast foods The term fast foods refer to foods that are prepared, readily available, and served quickly in restaurants or kiosks (Vendreys, 2011). Fast foods have been in existence for a lengthy period and are most common in urban regions. Fast foods include soft drinks, doughnuts and pastry, French fries,...

Dental Radiology: Critical Review of Journal

Introduction Direct (CCD or CMOS) and indirect (storage phosphor plate) digital systems for intra-oral radiography are now commonplace not only in dental research but also across diverse research fields. A recent article investigated the image quality and radiation dose of the two systems. This paper gives a critical review of...

Information Technology Disaster Recovery Planning

Introduction A disaster is a sudden catastrophic event that occurs and hinders the normal operation of a business or organization such as efficient processing of information technology systems that support business functions. Many organizations and businesses invest a lot of resources towards various infrastructures to ensure they remain afloat in...

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Rates in Prince George’s County

Community “Prince George’s County continues to have the second-highest rate of sexually transmitted diseases in Maryland and the second-highest number of reported AIDS and HIV cases, according to the county’s top health official.” (Wiggins, 2009) As it can be understood from the above statement this paper will focus on the...

Arterial Dysfunction: The Nursing Practice

Introduction The problem of arterial dysfunction was analyzed by a great number of researchers that tried to introduce discussion of the issues relevant to the treatment, care, and importance of the nursing practice. The current paper suggests a literature review on the topic of arterial dysfunction and health care with...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Developing Relationships in the Workplace

The Needs and/or Expectations of Others Identification Stakeholders are individuals and groups that the organization impacts directly or indirectly. Therefore, businesses must identify and prioritize the needs and expectations through surveys, interviews, and feedback. My organization provides business IT solutions to individual and corporate clients locally and internationally. Customers expect...

Addiction Theories and Counseling Techniques

Addiction to substances can develop as a result of several factors, and researchers have tried to explain this occurrence via different approaches. There are several theories that explain the nature of addiction and its development. The biological perspective implies that genetics and brain chemistry alterations are predisposing people to addiction....

Public Corruption in the Field of Criminal Justice

Corrupt judicial and policing systems hinder the success of anti-corruption efforts in various states. Morally compromised justice sectors have crippled institutional frameworks for curbing deception. The extreme effects of corruption undermine the rule of law and avert sustainable development. Essentially, the act compromises the principles of integrity, independence, equality, and...

Acute Care Case Study Analysis: Differential Diagnoses

Eye Socket Fracture According to the details of the case, the patient has eye swelling. The identified information may imply that there is a possibility of an eye socket fracture. The specified type of injury is quite common in car crashes (Wang, Lim, & Teng, 2017). Therefore, the problem needs...

Risk Benchmark Program Analysis

Introduction Risk management programs play a vital role in ensuring the safety of workers, patients, and any other stakeholders in a healthcare setting. Therefore, such programs should be implemented meticulously based on the provided guidelines to ensure that maximum benefits are derived in the long run. This assertion calls for...

Healthcare: Interprofessional Collaboration

Describing the Changes of Attitude to Health Professionals The matter of quality services improvement as well as patient safety enhancement has been the major concern of health care professionals. In this respect, the introduction of interpersonal collaboration as well as nurse reforms can greatly contribute to educating nurse specialists because...

Adult Mediation in Child Development

Vygotskian Development Theory regarded social interactions as pivotal in cognitive development. Cognitive abilities are considered to be socially constructed, which means that skills like learning, attention, and memory should be developed through culture-specific tools (Karpov, 2014). Vygotsky believed that adults play a mediatorial role in child development from birth to...

Emergency Plans for Assisted Living Facilities

Residents of Assisted Living Facilities rely on their caregivers for their daily needs and can be especially vulnerable during natural disasters and emergencies. Times of crisis can lead to stock depletion, staff shortages, and stress on caregivers. When planning unforeseen events, Assisted Living Facilities of any size must assess the...

Family Involvement in Substance Abuse Cases

Introduction A genogram entails a graphical display of interpersonal relationships and interactions between individuals belonging to the same family (Genopro, 2011). Accordingly, besides a genogram representing the well-known family tree, it also allows therapists to analyze different psychological and hereditary patterns that underlie various behaviors and relationships within the family....

Cnidarian Bleaching and Effect of Two Temperature Regimes

Introduction Symbiosis between marine Cnidarians (coral reefs; Order Scleractinia) and unicellular photosynthetic dinoflagellates (algae; genus Symbiodinium) is a common feature of marine biota. While Cnidarians feed on zooplankton and supply the dinoflagellates with assimilable nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon, in turn the dinoflagellates, commonly known as zooxanthellae, derive photosynthates notably glycerol,...

Cannabis 101 for Nurses

The use of cannabis for medical purposes has gained massive attention in recent years. According to the World Health Organization, cannabis is the most widely cultivated and abused drug worldwide, with a prevalence of 2.5% of the population (as cited in Bridgeman & Abazia, 2017, p. 180). This essay will...

The Status in a Family and Society

Introduction Many people have described Delillo’s novel White Noise as one of the greatest novels on earth but to me, it’s fair to call it one of the relevant novels on the planet. The novel breaks down the ingredients of a family while depicting the distinct roles played by each...

Communication in Flannery O’Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”

Introduction Flannery O’Connor wrote probably the cruelest and piercing stories in American literature. They addressed a wide range of social topics and revealed peoples hidden tools and behavioral motivation. In “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”, the development of characters is described adequately through the prism of communication to...

Heart Disease Is a Silent Killer

Prevention of Heart Disease in Adults Heart disease and its consequences are prominent health issues, both in the United States and worldwide. People with cardiovascular conditions have to limit their physical activities due to fatigue, lightheadedness, pain, and other issues. Moreover, heart diseases are associated with heightened risks of strokes...

The Use of the Removable Partial Dentures

Introduction The use of removable partial dentures is often associated with problems of comfort, bacterial danger, and increased care. In some measure, the use of dentures is regarded to be harmful because of bacteriological and physiological factors. First, it is necessary to give the details of prosthetic procedures, to clarify...

Nurse Staffing Standards Act

Background The S.1357 also known as the Nurse Staffing Standards for Hospital Patient Safety and Quality Care Act of 2019 is a bill introduced to the 116th Congress (2019-2020) by Sen. Sherrod Brown. The primary purpose of the legislation is to amend the Public Health Service Act to establish mandates...

Risk-Based Reimbursement in Healthcare

In most cases capitation is used to cut the physicians’ compensation. However, it can be utilized as a tool for providing proper reimbursement to reduce inpatient hospital stays and specialist procedures which patients may not need (Erdek, 2018). The hospitals where the primary physician work make per diem arrangement with...

Simulation and Students’ Involvement in Mobile Clinics

The Curriculum Gap The identified needs gap in the curriculum was students’ lack of understanding of mental health outreach and crisis intervention. The literature confirms this gap since it was identified that students are often not prepared to provide mental health care to patients with alcohol withdrawal symptoms or suicidal...

The Intergovernmental Relationship Among Public Health Care Agencies

Introduction The level of influence and participation of inter-governmental agencies in the collective efforts of public health care varies profoundly with the level of the agency in question. The amount of liability and responsibility assumed by each of the agencies depends heavily on the per-capita expenditures as well as the...

The U.S. Trade Balance and China Trade War Challenges

Introduction Over the past two decades, there has been an active growth of global imbalances, manifested in the deficit of US foreign trade and, at the same time, in the large positive balance of many developing countries. Leaders of the modern world like the USA, as well as developing countries,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Healthy People 2020: Promoting Positive Outcomes

Introduction Healthy People 2020 is the US government’s prevention agenda, which aims at building a healthier nation by identifying and addressing the most significant preventable threats. According to the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP, 2020), one of the central problems in US healthcare is Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs),...

Investigating the Relation Between Law and Morality

Introduction Law and morality are two regulatory frameworks that control and manage practices in a human network to permit amicable and successful intersubjectivity between people. The two notions have a corresponding relationship in the ideas of individual self-rule and equivalent regard for everybody. There is an association between law and...

Olds’ “Sex Without Love” and Piercy’s “Barbie Doll” Poems

Introduction The two poems “Sex without Love” by Sharon Olds and “Barbie Doll” by Marge Piercy that will be investigated in this essay explore different themes. Yet, they have much in common, which allows them to be analyzed together. The first poem depicts the two lovers united in the act...

The Link Between Cultural Family and Substance Abuse

Abstract This paper identifies the prevalence, correlates, and negative implications of substance abuse among African American women. Several efforts have been devised to prevent substance abuse but family therapy has been effective especially when it is designed to be culturally sensitive. Several complex issues and limitations have also been cited...

Mass Imprisonment for Aboriginals’ Mental Health

The blindness of justice is a subject challenged by the investigation of biases and patterns found in criminal justice systems worldwide. Australia’s Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders constitute an example of how economic and social discrepancies that colonialism entails can manifest in incarceration rates. Indigenous Australians are disproportionately imprisoned...

Environmental Justice Framework and Racism

In recent times, social movements aimed at protecting the environment have been witnessed in many parts of the world. Kendall (2016) defines a social movement as a purposeful group working together towards a common goal of realizing social change. Environmental racism is not a new term in social activism, and...

Do You Need Steroids in Sports

According to (Goldman, 1984), Steroids are generally classified into corticosteroids and anabolic steroids, but the category linked with sports is that of anabolic steroids. Corticosteroids are legal drugs normally prescribed by doctors to patients with inflammation problems, while anabolic steroids are only considered legal when used under medical prescription. Anabolic...

Edinburgh Depression Screen for Treating Depression

Introduction Edinburgh Depression screen is also known as Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale which is used to screen pregnant and postnatal women for emotional distress. It has ten questions for the correspondent to answer. Women are required to rate how for last been feeling for last seven days (Klein, Dougherty &...

Isolation Precautions and Personal Protective Equipment

Abstract Isolation precautions and personal protective equipment are the two most common methods of infection control in most hospital settings. This literature review analyzes the data from 5 qualitative and quantitative articles, each dedicated to a particular part of the PICOT: effectiveness of IP and PPE in reducing HAI in...

Use of Mass Spectrometry with Gas Chromatography

Gas chromatography (GC) is a technique used to separate, identify and quantify analytes in a mixture. A gas chromatograph consists of an injector, column (packed or capillary), oven, and detector. The main manufacturers of gas chromatographs supply the following types of detectors: micro-electron capture detector (micro-ECD), flame ionization detector (FID),...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Is the World About Us?

One of the central branches of philosophy studying the nature of being is called ontology, and the question of being itself is one of the major topics in philosophy. The formation of this discipline began precisely with the study of the nature of being. Ancient Indian, Chinese, and Greek philosophy...

The UnitedHealth Group: Financial Analysis

Introduction Healthcare Organization financial planning and analysis is generally required for the proper budget planning and organization of the financial flow control system. Considering the aspects of the financial status analysis, it should be emphasized that the necessity to provide the financial analysis will be closely related with the realities...

Organizational Design of Johns Hopkins Hospital

Introduction and background Community development and welfare is a chief component of the society and healthcare and hospitals are fundamentally responsible for the development. (Lieber, 2008) The Johns Hopkins Hospital was opened in late 19th centaury, in 1889, at Baltimore, Maryland, when the medical education community of American was in...

Military Leadership Traits Migration into Business

Recently, society has been observing military people’s tendency to transition into entrepreneurs, and this phenomenon becomes increasingly popular annually. Evidently, military leadership skills and traits are applicable in the world of business today as they are in personal life. The hypothetical conclusion is that military personnel can succeed in the...

Four Learning Theories

Child development theories introduced in the twentieth century are now seen as pillars of modern psychology and education. The major frameworks are built on each other as theorists tried to address the limitations of previously created paradigms (Dastpak et al., 2017). Researchers also employed different approaches to explain central notions...

Trials and Research, Codes and Principles of Research, Consent

Introduction The discoveries that modern technologies have facilitated in the field of medicine have helped to evolve the ways and means of preventing and curing many diseases, which in turn has brought down the death rate in recent years. Inventions in medical science have paved the way for the permanent...

Smoking and Health Promotion in the UK

Introduction There is no doubt that most people in the world (especially those who live in developed countries) know that smoking is harmful to health. They know that it may lead to the development of cancer and painful death. Despite this awareness, the level of smoking remains high in many...

Origin and Course of the Cold War

Introduction The Cold War came as a consequence of conflict between capitalist and communist communities. Severe strife between non-communist and communist countries caused the Cold War. People named the war “Cold War” simply because the battle never caused hot or armed violence. During the end of the Second World War,...

Quality of Food Served to Children

Nacano, De Freitas, and Barbosa (2014) conducted a study to evaluate seasonal dietary exposures to arsenic, cadmium, and lead among Brazilian school-going children. The researchers analyzed the potential for toxic exposures through the consumption of foods served in public schools. The public health significance of the research question is the...

Illegal Immigration Issues: Threat to the Country

Introduction Illegal immigrants denote the people who unlawfully cross-national boundaries into host nations in a way that infringes immigration laws or individuals who remain in a given country beyond limitations of permitted entry. Whether legal or illegal, immigration is normally a rising move from a lower to a higher living...

Culture Impact on Effective Leadership in Criminalism

Introduction It is seen that the culture of the American Indians (AI) is very much different from other cultures prevalent in the US, especially in the urbanized sectors. Among this community words of venerable elders are revered and held in great awe and respect. Moreover, the importance attached to Indian...

Agriculture Development and Related Theories

Domestication Models Two Agricultural Theories That Oppose Each Other There are two main domestication models used to describe the development of agriculture. Some scientists strongly believe hunter-gatherers first cultivated wild plants by putting random wild seeds in the ground near their homes. The first approach supports the idea that domestication...

World View Is as Important as Language

It is mostly assumed that the most basic tool for communication is language. As such it is widely believed that meaning can only be communicated through language. However, experiences in multicultural communities prove that the meaning of concepts cannot be fully relayed through language alone. People make concrete meaning about...

Venezuela. Physical Geography. Economics Issues

Venezuela is located in the northern end of South America, with an area spanning approximately 354 thousand square miles. It has a 1,700-mile coastline bordering the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, administering a number of islands and archipelagos in those bodies of water. Venezuela is divided into three elevations...

The Issues of Public Health, Ethics, and Human Rights

Thesis Point The modern development of medicine and human rights system appeared to be under the power of state government that is why challenges in the ethical behavior of the population, caused by right violations, can result in epidemic brunt and high spread of dangerous viruses within the society. Public...

Roles That Religions Play in Appiah’s Analysis

Introduction Religion has diverse roles in society because it instills good morals and promotes appropriate behavior. It is essential to highlight that faith act as a bridge linking various people from different cultures. It is also vital to note that it gives people consolation and solutions for challenges in life....

“Walking Home in the Dark” and “An Essay on Man: Epistle I”: Poetry About Nature

Introduction Poetry about nature and its features occupies a significant part of the world’s poetic heritage. At the same time, in addition to describing the world, many poets resort to the analysis of such a phenomenon as human nature that conveys aspects of people’s characters and their outlook on life....

Data Collection Tools, Methods, and Challenges in Research

Data Collection Tools Used in Qualitative Research Qualitative researches are “useful towards revealing the perceptions and behaviours of different populations” (Garbarino & Holland, 2009, p. 7). Such studies are critical because they make it easier for researchers to construct their hypotheses. This research approach produces descriptive results. Researchers can use...

The Novels by Ignacio Aldecoa Analysis

A novel in Spain is an ancient and truly democratic literary genre, rooted in folklore. Therefore, it absorbs folk wisdom, cheerful mischief, and practical judgment. The novelistic tradition is still alive in Spain; evidence of this is the collections published annually and individual stories in newspapers and magazines. There are...

Promoting Better Health for the American Population

Introduction The official statistic shows that the United States’ life expectancy rate is significantly lower than in the majority of developed countries of the world. The health status of a country’s citizens is the basic indicator of a nation’s welfare that depends on a variety of factors, including demographics, leading...

“Google Set to Announce China Departure as Early as Today”: Trigger, Framing

The trigger of the story is the fact that Google, one of the largest search engines in the world has decided to exit the Chinese market. This fact is further compounded by the apparent urgency of the exit. The singe dominant narrative frame is the disagreement between Google and the...

Diagnosis of Aortic Dissection: D-Dimer

Abstract Acute thoracic aorta dissection can happen for many reasons and is a severe disease that needs to be diagnosed and treated very rapidly. The speed at which a diagnosis is made can make all the difference in whether a patient does or does not survive. The emergency room diagnosis...

Juvenile and Adult Correction Facilities Management

A correction facility refers to a residential amenity aimed at restricting the movement and activities of those individuals convicted of having committed an offense. The correction facilities are essential for keeping criminals out of society and are crucial centers for rehabilitating them so that they can become safe and resourceful...

Mergers and Acquisitions in the Health-Care Industry

Introduction Mergers and Acquisitions are becoming a common trend within the corporate arena and the same may be said of the health industry. However, poor strategic planning may fail these trends unless the human resource management plays its contributory role in such engagements. The paper shall look at what these...

Space and Place in the History of the American West

Introduction The United States of America is a vast country that appeared due to the expansion of its frontiers by pioneers who conquered the wilderness. Unfortunately, in the process of settling the continent, the Americans got involved in numerous Indian wars, which led to the displacement of many tribes of...

1st and 14th Amendments of Constitution in Historical Context

The Supreme Court’s interpretation of the First Amendment during the Civil Rights Movement was the greatest contribution to the success of the movement The Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s-1960s was fighting for equal rights among blacks. Representatives of various groups, organizations, and free citizens have called for social changes,...

Post-WWI America in “Soldier’s Home” by Ernest Hemingway

The history of literature has seen renowned masters of short stories, and Ernest Hemingway is one of them. “Soldier’s Home” is a classic example of such a story, as it depicts the United States of America in the fallout of the First World War (WWI) through the prism of a...

The Importance of Effective Healthcare Communication

Introduction Communication is vitally important. This is one of the major tools used by human beings to establish interpersonal relationships. This is can be seen by how a person communicates his intentions and his desires. Without the ability to communicate, interpersonal conflict can easily arise but more importantly there can...

A Branch of Medicine Description: Urology

Introduction The choice of a medical specialty is a crucial step that requires certain responsibility, knowledge, and assessment. It is not enough to know the definitions or qualities that professionals should develop. A reasonable choice includes clear definitions, equipment discussions, the description of procedures, and the work of physicians. In...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Ganamos Reciclando Target Markets and Commercial Model

Any business seeking to enter a new location would be advised to conduct market research to understand the opportunity costs for every potential decision. World Trade Organization (WTO) data is particularly useful for an export-oriented company and provides an overview of possible markets. Entering a new region also brings the...

Computer Science and Information System as Disciplines

Coy, W. (2004). Between the disciplines. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 36(2), 7–10. “Between the disciplines” was first published in the year 2004 to explain the nature and characteristics of computer science. The journal not only explains computer science in its authentic details but also analyses its usability in a future-oriented manner...

The Philosophy of Teaching Reading

Education is an important part of human’s life. People want to get a good education in order to get a good job in future. It is not a secret today that the earlier people start their learning, the bigger account of knowledge they can get. From the very childhood children...

Contemporary Islamic Art: Hojat Amani’s “Fallen Angels”

Introduction Today, Islamic art has a strong presence in the world. Contemporary artists continue to explore the line between the modern and ancient as they combine modern technology, political messages, and history. All art in the LACMA is traditional to a certain extent: it uses the Arabic alphabet and traditional...

Risk Management in Health Care

Introduction The history of risk management in health care organizations dates back to the Babylonian Code of Hammurabi. This code stipulated severe punishment for medical practitioners who through malpractice caused injuries or even death to patients. The escalated law suites occasioned by malpractices made health care providers face an unprecedented...

Rhetoric in Moore’s “Idiot Nation” and Gatto’s “Against School”

Introduction Education is a point of concern for people of all ages and backgrounds since childhood is strongly tied to the idea of discipline and learning. In the United States and many other countries, “forced” schooling is a societal standard accepted as a positive force in every human life. However,...

Dashboard Analysis and Nursing Plan

Introduction This assignment consists of a thorough analysis of the statistical information from the provided dashboard and a nursing plan to improve one of the quality indicators. The analytical part reviews each data set in conjunction with the others to find dependencies, and the nursing plan provides profound suggestions based...

An Aspect of Team Working in the Clinical Environment

Introduction In every environment or place, the need to work together as a team is essential. Whether one is working in an organization or even in a healthcare system, there is a need for teamwork, because this enables one to be able to apply what he or she knows best...

Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a genetic neuromuscular disease that affects the motor neurons of the spinal cord and leads to increasing muscle weakness. The disease is progressive in nature, weakness begins with the whole body and the muscles of the legs, and then it reaches the muscles responsible for...

DNA and the Birth of Molecular Genetics

The birth of molecular genetics has been significant in furthering the knowledge concerning the cell’s coding of information. Assuredly, the cell is responsible for carrying out specific functions in the body. Inside the cell is the nucleus, which contains the deoxyribonucleic acid accountable for carrying out the transcription and replication...

Criminal Justice Systems

Introduction Criminal justice systems denote groups of organizations and procedures embedded in countries’ constitutions to control and prevent their citizens from breaking the law. The systems also propose punishments for lawbreakers. However, a person who may be charged with breaking the law is considered to be innocent until proven guilty....

Health Care: Tort Reform “Compare and Contrast“

Introduction A tort is defined as a civil wrong committed against an individual, his or her property, or violation of personal rights (Scarrow, 2008, pp. 121). There has been a raging debate in the United States over tort reforms. Individuals from the political divide, legal practitioners, and physicians have also...

Establishing the Pain of Children With Cerebral Palsy

This was qualitative research conducted to establish the pain of children with cerebral palsy (CP). Since children who suffer from CP cannot talk for themselves, the study was carried out by interviewing the parents of those children who were suffering from CP. This study was carried out by Umea University’s...

Accountable Care Organizations

Accountable Care Organization as Described in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 Since ACOs are concerned with transforming non-financial and financial incentives as far as health care providers are concerned, it is anticipated that health care costs will gradually reduce. If ACOs use some of the provisions...

Cybersecurity Threats to the Non-Executive Director

Introduction Cybersecurity takes up an indispensable place in the security management of each company. Frequently the reasons for the system hacking become non-executive directors, who lack knowledge on the topic of cybersecurity, therefore possessing high risks to the enterprise. Luckily, many preventive and defensive strategies are created in order to...

American Telephone and Telegraph’s Weighted Average Cost of Capital

Introduction Capital budgeting is a matter of heated discussion among scholars and practitioners. Indeed, the importance of the topic is difficult to overstate, as the capital investment decision-making process is crucial for the survival and long-term success of companies regardless of their size and industry (Kengatharan, 2016). One of the...

Music as a Reflection of History Since the 1960s

Music is inextricably connected to the context within which it is produced, with the inter-relationships between music, culture, and society being studied extensively throughout the decades. In cultural customs, music is among the core features of social celebrations, such as weddings. In social life, music serves as a tool for...

American Criminal Justice System: Prison Reform

Working Thesis Statement Prison reform should be implemented through ensuring public safety, improve the circumstances of incarceration to create a constructive culture, and develop a model to incentivize behaviors, attitudes, and lifestyles conducive to personal self-control and responsibility. Working Draft The topic of prison reform has been highly debated as...

The Legalization of Organ Market

Introduction Selling human organs is unethical; they cannot be placed on par with other goods, they say. Now, is it ethical that seventeen people die every day waiting for an organ transplant? (Health Resources & Services Administration). For millions of people with serious illnesses, modern transplantation allowed prolonging life. However,...

Elon Musk: Factors Impacting Successful Entrepreneurship

The quest to crystallize qualities pertinent to renowned entrepreneurs resulted in an extensive body of popular and even scientific literature listing a number of requirements that potentially increase the likelihood of business to succeed. Yet, launching a new business is always risky, while different factors and approaches, including lean start-up,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Expansion Strategies in the 19th Century

Introduction Throughout the history of humankind, expansion has been one of the most important directions in the development of society. The relations of expansion, being a form of power relations, act as a fundamental element in the interaction between the subjects of international life: states. Functionally, all countries can be...

Blood Banana, Root and Cause of the Problem

Root and Cause of the Problem Chiquita paid terrorist groups in Columbia from 1997 until 2004. The industry problems in the case of Chiquita were connected to the increasing purchasing power of retailers, meaning that the company was in an inferior position and could not negotiate as effectively. Additionally, the...

“The Space Merchants” by Hladká

Introduction The Space Merchants extrapolates the highly capitalist world of the 22 century driven by consumerism and greed. The privileged class consists of top traders, business people, and “star class” copywriters who continuously deploy tricky advertisement campaigns to manipulate others, so-called ordinary consumers. The authors mainly show and criticize the...

Genetic Diseases: Hemophilia

Introduction Animal bodies contain chromosomes that carry DNA segments called genes. Genes are important, in that, in human beings, genes determine characterization. For example, genes determine the hair color, loftiness, and heaviness of human beings. Moreover, genes are paramount in establishing behavior patterns and personalities in human beings. Nevertheless, genes...

The Review of the Context as Content by Brian O’Doherty

Introduction A series of well-known essays by a renowned Irish writer Brian O’Doherty under the name of Inside the White Cube gives his thoughts on the art space, mainly focusing on the work of modern galleries. The design of the White Cube galleries has affected and permeated art and exhibition...

English Courts and Their Lifting the Corporate Veil

For very many years, since a precedent was set in the case of Salomon vs A Salomon & Co. LTD in 1897, it has been a fundamental tenet in the English company law that a company duly formed and registered within the law was a separate legal entity with rights...

Alternative Medicine in Nursing Practice

The integration of the concepts and approaches of complementary and alternative medicine requires proper introduction through educational and investigational teaching (Rice, 2006). Understanding the full range of theories underlying CAM therapies, their historical background, and how diverse members of the population react to them are among the critical information needed...

Personal Standards for Choosing a Spouse

Variables In comparative examination of the personal standards that students in Kuwait University and University of Kentucky employ when choosing their spouse, the research proposal will provide a conceptual definition of the variables. The research proposal hypothesizes that about 60% of the student population agrees that culture has a significant...

Transgender Care: Challenges, Implications

Introduction Differences in appearance or behavior may set forth barriers to effective communication within many spheres. In healthcare setting not putting effort into ensuring diverse patient groups being treated with professional finesse with no regard for their differences is a timely issue. Transgender patients are among those vulnerable communities who...

Using Evidence-Based Practice in the Nursing Field

Introduction Evidence-based practice (EBP) is essential in the improvement of health care quality and delivery. It involves the use of research evidence, models, and clinical expertise to inform clinical decision-making. While the ‘evidence-based practice’ is emphasized in the nursing field, the proliferation of perspectives on EBP seems to erode the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Timor-Leste: Effects of Tourism on the Economic Growth

Conceptual/Theoretical Model In most countries, particularly in developing nations, tourism is one of the significant sources of revenue and the main contributor to economic growth. Tourism also plays a vital role in promoting economic growth by contributing to the gross domestic product (GDP) (Shih and Do 2016, 371-372). East Timor...

Community Based Stress Management Programs and Interventions

Developing Stress Management Programs The effectiveness of stress management programs depends on such factors as income and poverty levels in the society, among others. Researchers have undertaken studies on stress that negatively affects the destitute rural regions of South Africa. According to Crouch (2008), incapacity confronts poor people with distressingly...

Organizational Mission, Vision, and Values in Healthcare

The differences of each of the selected organizations While there are striking similarities in the overall mission, vision, and values of the four healthcare facilities, notable differences are also present. Johns Hopkins Medicine stresses the relevance of patient-centered and family-centered healthcare, innovative research and effective treatment of childhood diseases while...

Mycobacterium Tuberculosis: Pathogenesis and Epidemiology

Introduction Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mt) is the organism that is responsible for causing tuberculosis (TB). This disease that existed as from the Neolithic era has been a quagmire to the medical field scientists even after the identification of the causative agent. This paper discusses M. tuberculosis with special focus on its...

Genie Wiley’s Struggle for Successful Socialization

Most modern humans are raised in a society where they are taught to talk, interact, and develop different skills according to the norms of the people around them. Children are expected to walk upright, learn the language, and communicate with others by a certain age. It is possible because of...

Book “Women at Work”: The Formation of Female Networks

Introduction History has been primarily written by men and about men, but for the last centuries, women have played a notable role in promoting their rights and place in the economy of the country. This fact explains the omnipresence of plentiful events associated with women activity. Dublin’s (1979) book Women...

The Protestors Cartoon by Clay Bennett: Visual Analysis

Introduction The analysis of acute social, political, and other topics through the assessment of current media resources can allow considering a specific issue from a new perspective. The cartoon by Clay Bennett, a famous columnist and cartoonist, will be used as the object of analysis (Figure 1). This image is...

Genetics: Gaucher Disease Type 1

Abstract The Gaucher disease type 1 category is a genetically related complication in which there is an automatic recession in the way lysosomes store some important gene enzymes. This abnormality is mainly caused by the slow or sometimes dormant reactivity of the genetic chemical substance called beta-glucocerebrosidase. The latter is...

Community Colleges: Making Education More Affordable

Nowadays, there are many ideas for people to get an education and have a chance to find a good job and earn a living. Among a variety of traditional ways of education, a community college seems to be one of the most preferable and the easiest options for many people....

Ending Racial Bias and Bureaucracy Within Police

The problem of racial bias within the police department has been an issue of concern both for the general public and policymakers. One of the recent and notorious deaths of an African American citizen George Floyd that was perpetrated by officer Derek Chauvin has reinvigorated public debates regarding racism and...

Communication Modalities in Health Care Systems

Introduction Everyone would probably agree that health is a priceless gift to humans. However, in the modern world, even the notion of health has a commercial background. Indeed, the health care system cannot function without selling and buying medicaments, which is an essential part of marketing. In addition, health care...

Trends Across Period 3 Oxides and Chlorides

Aim The aim of this experiment was to identify critically the trend in the chemical properties of elements and compounds of period 3. The students were required to specifically study how the chemical properties of the oxides and chlorides of period 3 elements relate to each other and how the...

COVID-19 and Aviation Labor Relations

Introduction Air transport is a small sector, but it has a significant effect on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The aviation industry, including airports and aircraft manufacturing, is a crucial enabler of many economic activities. The COVID-19 pandemic has adversely impacted various sectors of the economy because it was unexpected....

Strategy for Searching Out Key Sources

As world experience shows, in the field of scientific and technical information, the main path of science runs primarily through scientific electronic libraries. Their purpose is to aggregate and organize access to modern knowledge represented by scientific publications. The criterion of a researcher’s information culture is the ability to adequately...

Health Insurance Myth and Misconceptions in Nursing

Dear Professor, I suppose that health reform in the USA still remains one of the most discussed issues in the medical sphere. Too many changes were made that touched all spheres of medicine, and this issue will be considered until all the misunderstandings are removed and all the problems are...

Intrusion Detection in Computer Network

Goodall, J. R. & Ozok, A. A User-Centered Approach to Visualizing Network Traffic for Intrusion Detection. USA, 2005. The article is dedicated to the disclosure of the intrusion detection analysis aimed at providing integrity and safety to high-speed computer networks of the modern period. The authors managed to pay attention...

Achieving the Optimal Process. Software Development

Introduction The software development industry is fast growing as user requirements change-requiring applications that can address these requirements. As the costs of development rises in developed countries, a new source of labour market is emerging to provide labour for development of such applications at reduced costs. This is achieved through...

The Liability of Employers for References

Common law duty of care holds that, an individual is owed duty of care if he suffers any unreasonable loss or harm resulting from activities of another individual which were under his control. The person who breaches the duty of care will face legal liability to the duty-owner. He or...

White-Collar Crime Description

White-collar crime is among the subtlest, most non-evident, and most impactful types of crime, which affects the population on a scale of millions. An observant person might notice that this type of behavior is prominent in both governmental and corporate structures. It is also important to note that the cases,...

The Blind Side: Cinematic Case Study

The movie narrates about Michael Oher, the big black teenager whose drug addict mother does not know precisely how many kids she has and the names of their fathers. By chance, he enters a decent school where he finds it challenging to study, given his illiteracy, isolation, and social status....

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Trouble With Wilderness” and “Which Species Will Live”

Introduction Since the origin of humanity, humans have affected the natural environment around them. As civilization expands and its ability to harm, often unknowingly, other species and disrupt entire ecosystems grows, the question of preserving nature becomes more critical. Never has this question been more prominent than in the last...

Civil Rights Movement: Aims, Ideas, Impacts on Society

The aim of the civil rights movement in the 1960s was to resist all forms of racial oppression as well as to abolish the legacy of slavery as an institution. Outcomes of the movement included granting African-Americans basic civil rights and improving the economic, cultural, and political life of this...

Behavioral Strategies: Cognitive-Behavior Therapy

During this week, several behavioral strategies and the worth of cognitive-behavior therapy have to be discussed. Two major readings are recommended, including behavioral strategies to improve mood, increase energy, and solve problems by Wright, Basco, and Thase (2017) and the approaches to monitoring progress by Persons (2008). Although these two...

Healthcare Among the Elderly Prison Population

Increase in the elderly inmate population The number of prisoners in the United States has kept surging over the years. It is estimated that the percentage of prisoners aged 55 years and above has increased by a margin of 33 % from 2000 to 2005. Within this period the prison...

Taxpayer vs. Internal Revenue Service Legal Case

Facts The petitioners to the case, William and Randal, had a father-son relationship and operated Holdner Farm since 1977. Prior to the formation of the company, William Holdner purchased livestock to start the business. He later purchased property such as the Home place in Oregon, Chapman property for $10,000 and...

“The TrueBlue Study”: Qualitative Article Critique

Introduction Quantitative research is a fundamentally significant tool in the nursing practice since it does not only facilitate the continual development of knowledge, but also generates rigorous, objective, and controllable information which helps define the distinctive role of nursing as a contemporary profession (Burns & Grove, 2005). In this perspective,...

Basic Steam System: Warm-Up and Blowdown

Introduction The effective work of the basic steam system depends on the operations, ensuring the safety of the process and the equipment’s reliability. Since working with high temperatures and hydraulics may present certain risks for the plant personnel’s health and lives, steam line warm-up and steam trap blowdown are essential...

Cystic Fibrosis: Case Study

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a disease caused by defective chloride transportation. The defect in chloride transportation is a result of metamorphosis within the cystic fibrosis gene leading to abnormalities of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). Six categories of defects due to gene mutations include: total lack of gene synthesis; defective gene...

Guest-Host Relationships in Homer’s ‘Odyssey’

Hospitality, the relationship between a host and a guest, is one of the most important themes that Homer portrays in his epic “The Odyssey”. In particular, Homer’s work provides excellent examples of how the ancient Greek societies had institutionalized hospitality. Indeed, hospitality was one of the most effective ways of...

Feeding & Eating: Binge-Eating and Pica Disorder

Binge-Eating Disorder Definition: Binge-eating disorder is characterized by eating, in a discrete period (for example, within any 2 hours), an amount of food that is larger than what most people would eat in a similar period under similar circumstances (American Psychiatric Association, 2013, p. 350). Moreover, a person suffering from the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Drug Trafficking and Terrorism in the Middle East

Introduction Terrorism and drug trafficking are the major wars that the world has been trying to fight for several centuries. However, winning the war has not been easy because of the nature of the organizations involved in the crime. Most of these organizations are very large and they operate as...

Power, Vulnerability, and Resistance in Carol Ann Duffy’s “Circe”

Carol Ann Duffy, a staunch supporter of equality and a fighter for women’s freedom, strives to convey to the reader the idea of ​​the inadmissibility of male domination in the modern world. Her poem “Circe” is a work that carries an overt and even aggressive feminist overtone (Duffy 47). The...

Caseload in the Criminal Courts of the United States

The increased caseload of the criminal courts in the United States is a source of concern for many legislators and policy-makers. The problem is that these institutions have become too overburdened and it may be difficult for them to cope with their duties effectively. This paper is aimed at discussing...

Critique of Feasibility Study on Multidisciplinary Fall Prevention

Introduction Falling among the elderly has been on the rise among the elderly people in developed worlds like Britain and the Netherlands. The Dutch health care system adopted a system that was being used by the British health care system as the intervention measure to prevent falls among the elderly....

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

Autonomy Samples of Henrietta Lacks’ cancer cells were collected and used during diagnosis and treatment at Johns Hopkins Hospital and then transferred for research without her or her family’s informed consent, which was common practice. Scientists also began investigating Henrietta’s children, who thought they were being tested for cancer that...

Proactive Safety Management System in Aviation

Safety management has become an essential topic in aviation to better assess risks and prevent accidents. Poor risk management practices contribute mainly to aviation accidents, most of which are often catastrophic. This raises concerns about profound ways of managing risks following the established standards to make informed decisions. Pilots must...

Jig’s Final Decision in “Hills Like White Elephants”

“Hills Like White Elephants,” written in 1927, is a classic example of a short story by Ernest Hemingway. The story is just 1,469 words long and, at first glance, retells to the reader a little dialogue between Jig and the American waiting for the train. Nevertheless, the author managed to...

Learning Cognitive-Behavior Therapy

The chapter presents the data about the behavioral methods that can be utilized for managing the symptoms associated with anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OSD), and post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) (Wright, Basco, & Thase, 2017). The authors address commonly used approaches, such as exposure, cognitive restructuring, and reciprocal inhibition. The major...

Tectonic Plates as the Big Idea in Science

There are theories and ideas that are considered to be of major importance, as they provide an explanation of the way our world functions. Einstein’s Relativity, Steven Hawking’s Black Holes in Astronomy, and Darwin’s Origin of Species are a few examples of the ideas that, at some point, fundamentally changed...