Capitalism and Class Division in the “Parasite” Film

Introduction Directed by Bong Joon Ho’s Parasite (2019) creatively represents social issues connected with capitalism, class division, and unemployment in modern society. Capitalism dominates most of the world’s developed and developing countries, including South Korea. Bong’s explanation of capitalism applies to any country since the topic of inequality resonates everywhere...

“The Unknown Masterpiece” and “The Beautiful Troublemaker”

Balzac’s short tale “The Unknown Masterpiece” contains several allusions to art. Porbus and Frenhofer have rationally presented two diametrically opposed concepts in the most aesthetically reflective manner imaginable. The two facets of an artist’s existence are depicted, namely love and art. Thus, this conflict is exemplified in the novel Gillette,...

“Kubla Khan” by Coleridge: Plot, Symbols, and Writing Style

Introduction ‘Kubla Khan’ is a fantasy epic authored by Coleridge, an English romantic poet in 1797. The poem revolves around the dream vision whereby a Mongolian leader called Kubla Khan orders some of his servants to build him a domed building for recreation and pleasure at the banks of river...

Social Care: Linking Social Response and Migration

Introduction It goes without saying that for smooth functioning, any society should have a social order. However, no society across the globe and through human history succeeded in forcing all members to continually behave expectedly. In general, there are two responses from people when real or seeming pressures from others...

Discourse of Fear in Local Crime News

Introduction The use of news as a resource aids in the setting of an emotional tone to the rhythm of life and reminds us of the ideals of order and disorder that threaten the cosmology of quiet regions and everyday order. On the other hand, news stories as a topic...

The Novel “The Tale of Genji” by Murasaki Shikibu

World’s literary culture contains monumental works written by authors from different regions and living in different times. Japanese literature is also an essential element of world literature, in the context of which Murasaki Shikibu and his work “The Tale of Genji” cannot be overlooked. The story is about the heir...

Literature Review: COVID-19 and Eye Diseases

The spread of coronavirus disease that originated in Wuhan, China, led to a global pandemic affecting people in different ways. COVID-19 causes pulmonary problems and impacts other systems of the human body, including cardiovascular/circulatory, digestive, immune, and sensory nervous. Various forms of ophthalmic manifestations of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2...

Sleep Paralysis: Causes and Consequences

Physical and mental health depends not only on genetic data and environmental conditions but also on how well the physiological processes in a person, which are of existential importance, take place. High-quality and sufficient sleep is an important physiological process that ensures that a person has the necessary strength to...

Researching the Homelessness Issues

Desmond, Matthew. Evicted: Poverty and profit in the American city. Crown, 2016. There are no fiction elements in this work which is broken into three parts: Rent, Out, and After. In general, Matthew Desmond investigates the struggles of eight Milwaukee households to retain their homes. The author has observed these...

E-Commerce and Digital Technology for Small Businesses

Impact of E-commerce E-commerce is increasingly shaping how small business owners conduct their activities. With proper customer value and cash flow management, E-commerce has helped small businesses incur a significant increase in revenue and better customer awareness. According to Cadden and Leuder (2012), the management should pay close attention to...

How to Start a Catering Business

The catering business is a good way to make money for those who love to cook since catering is not always about making lunch for hundreds of guests. However, the sphere is quite competitive today because more and more people consider it profitable and reliable and are trying to create...

Martin Luther King Jr.’s Impact on Civil Rights Movement

Introduction The civil rights movement began in the United States in the middle of the last century. Even though the Civil War of 1861-1865 had ended 90 years earlier, racial equality had never been established in America. White immigrants from Europe were at the root of the formation of the...

The Philosophic View on the Nature of Truth

Philosophers are interested in a variety of questions related to the idea of truth. The challenge is determining what types of matters can be considered true. Is truth the definition of words and is a linguistic entity, or is it truly an abstract and everlasting concept? The essential question remains...

Recidivism in the Criminal Justice: Prison System of America

The position of people continuously returning to prisons in the United States is alarming due to their high rates and the absence of effective mechanisms for integration in society. According to recent statistics, two out of three individuals are incarcerated within three years after their failure to meet basic needs,...

Television Impact on Children’s Development

The mental and physical development of children is dependent on their exposure to television. Before starting school, the majority of children immerse themselves in the world of television. According to Kaiser Family Foundation, the first two years of growth are critical for brain development. Exploring and communicating with people can...

Relations Between “Dover Beach” and “1984”

The poem “Dover Beach” by Matthew Arnold is about relationships and romantic aspects of life in society. The poem acknowledges the weakened stature of Christianity, which perceives as unable to oppose the swelling wave of scientific discoveries poem, which portrays a crisis of faith. Humankind’s fundamental and unique place in...

Nursing Care Plan for Left Middle Finger Tenosynovitis

Introduction The patient for the care plan is a 68-year-old female of height 162.56 centimeters ailing from left middle finger tenosynovitis. She is allergic to NKFA foods and penicillin medication and always wears glasses. The finger tenosynovitis is also referred to as trigger finger, which is a condition that occurs...

Tan’s “Mother Tongue” and King’s “Reading to Write” Works

Composing a compelling essay or speech, which immediately hooks its audience, can be a difficult task. It is vital to understand who will be reading or listening to the text, personalizing the content and delivery style accordingly. In their essays, “Mother Tongue” and “Reading to Write” Amy Tan and Stephen...

Walmart Company’s Financial Performance

Walmart Company Walmart is “the world’s largest retail chain,” which has around “11,700 stores in 28 countries” (Marr, 2017). The strategy of the company’s network includes “the maximum range and minimum prices, which tend to be wholesale” (Marr, 2017). Walmart International is a wholesale and retail trade outside the United...

Pollution and Children’s Health

Pollution can be found in the air, water, soil, and chemicals, among other places. Essentially, it exists in today’s world due to all the resources and fossil fuels that are emitted. Human exposure to air pollutants is a significant public health concern because it is a leading cause of illness...

Identifying Strategic, Tactical and Administrative Crime Analysis

Introduction Crime is a collective concept, a social phenomenon that includes a set of various acts of individual criminal behavior. It is characteristic for crime to overcome these unique traits and a sign common to all prohibited acts, the totality of which defines its concept. The success of the fight...

“Caste: The Origins of Our Discontent” by Wilkerson

Biography Isabel Wilkerson was born in 1961 in Washington DC, US. She grew up to join Howard University for a journalism course. She served as editor-in-chief for her college newspaper known as The Hilltop. While studying, she got a chance to carry out her internship in Los Angeles Times and...

Racism and Prejudice: People’s Experiences

Introduction The principal obstacle to establishing equality of all citizens in a country is people’s attitudes, which are represented by prejudice towards specific population groups and racism in the main governmental institutions. Nevertheless, this problem can be also analyzed on a personal level since the consequences of unfair treatment of...

Deterrence and Truancy Theory in Justice

One of a government’s fundamental obligations is to protect its inhabitants from crime, although crime prevention can take numerous forms. There is evidence that corruption is disproportionately concentrated in economically challenged places and that poverty reduction can help to reduce crime. Reducing crime rates can also be achieved by addressing...

Two Verdicts for Casey Anthony Murder Trial

Introduction Two parallel systems of justice coexist in the United States today, often operating at cross-purposes due to their different sets of rules. While the conventional court system is based on a strict application of laws and procedures, the court of a public opinion involves a more spontaneous use of...

The Role of Nurses in Promoting Healthy Aging

Nurses are medical professionals who closely and frequently interact with older people. They are often working as primary care providers at institutions for aged people, particularly when older individuals require medical assistance. Consequently, these representatives of healthcare organizations have a vital role in improving and enhancing their fitness (Golinowska et...

The Panama Canal. History of Creation

The Panama Canal is an artificial watercourse that forms the link between the North and South America via the Central American isthmus. The estimated length of the canal is 80.45km (Du Temple, 2003, p.4).The presence of the watercourse allows the ocean waters to pass through from either sides of Pacific...

The Nursing Tuition Reimbursement

The tuition reimbursement occurs when the employer pays for employee education expenses after he/she passes the classes. This practice used to be beneficial both for medical institutions and individuals as it increases the overall level of society’s healthcare, hospital performance, and reputation. In their turn, medical professionals use this employment-based...

The Future of Nursing in an Evolving Health Care System

Owing to the ongoing health care reform, nurses in the United States are continuously being facilitated to practice to the optimum level of their proficiencies and capabilities with the view to assuming new roles in the health care delivery and becoming the main force behind the optimization of care for...

Discussion of “Aeneid” Story by Virgil

Introduction Virgil’s “Aeneid” is the story of the Trojans who had to flee their hometown after the Greeks destroyed it. This story explains both the details of the Trojan war, the Aeneas’s journey to Carthage, their arrival to Sicily, and Aeneid’s destiny as the founder of Rome. This paper will...

Application of Intention in Law Courts

The concept of intention has proved challenging to define owing to the diversity in judicial views and the lack of definitive guidelines to identify criminal intent. There is a lack of clarity on what exactly constitutes intent and what does not. This essay alludes to six well-known past cases to...

Understanding of Technology Implicit in ‘Being and Time’

Heidegger’s technological concerns are not limited to his writings but are clearly devoted to them. Therefore, complete acceptance of his technological ideas needs some consideration on how they are incorporated into his project of philosophy and phenomenological approach. According to Heidegger, phenomenology is a mechanism that attempts to allow entities...

Environmental Problems in Today’s Belarus

Environmental problems in today’s Belarus go back to the times of the Soviet regime. An agrarian republic, Belarus suffered from one of the biggest tragedies of the 20th century: the Chernobyl disaster. Even though the accident occurred at the Ukrainian nuclear power plant, a neighboring Belarus endured the devastating effect...

Technology of Synthesis of Genetically Modified Insulin

Introduction There is no doubt that modern technologies greatly simplify human life, especially if it concerns computers and intelligent systems. Being a part of a developed digital society, the consumer integrates with existing technical solutions every day and, therefore, hardly perceives them as something fantastic. In biological technologies, the situation...

South African: Apartheid in South Africa and Other Themes

Apartheid in South Africa was a legal system of racial segregation that was implemented in between the year 1948 and 1994 by the National Party. In South Africa, racial discrimination started in the colonial times. New rules categorized residents into racial grouping (colored, black, Indian and white) and dwelling areas...

Social Media and Its Effect on Mental Health

The rapid development of technologies has led to the inability of young people to imagine life without social media. There is a whole generation of adolescents who grew up with gadgets in their hands, and this situation caused concern among their parents and teachers related to the possibility of mental...

Analysis of “Everyday Use” Story

“Everyday Use” is a well-known story from the African-American writer and human rights activist Alice Walker. It is better known for the “not every day” and “non-routine” thoughts on the issue of cultural and national identity within the framework of modern society. Despite the apparent lightness and ease of narration,...

The Problem-Solving Process in Parenting

Scenario Your child comes home from school with an assignment sheet for a school project. They are very excited about the project and begin work immediately, doing research on the Internet and gathering materials. You read over the assignment sheet and notice that your child is not including all of...

Sexual Health Literacy in Social Adaptation of Women

Introduction Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) literacy is one of the significant prerequisites of promoting the social adaptation of women. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines the concept of SRH literacy in women as the ability to have cognitive and social skills required to access, understand, and use the information...

Refugee Mental Health Issue

Introduction Many obstacles and barriers are faced by refugees who have to leave their countries to save their lives. One of the most frequent refugees health issues is mental health disorders. They may occur due to numerous factors, such as long-term stress, the experience of violence, social and economic barriers...

Martin Luther King’s Three Ways to Meet Oppression

Oppression is the state where one is subjected to cruel and unjust treatment. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., an activist, spoke largely on oppression and classified three ways in which oppressed people can deal with their oppression. These three ways include; acquiescence, violent, and nonviolent resistance. However, from his text,...

Nursing Theory and Practice

Both the theoretical framework and practical issues are significant in nursing. Newly employed nurses may have difficulties while applying their knowledge to real-life situations due to the gap between theory and practice. This challenge is thoroughly described in the present-day academic literature, but the problem remains. It is not uncommon...

Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Female 35-Year-Old Patient

Patient Information Jane Doe was a female 35-year old patient who presented to the clinic for the first time as the records indicated. She was white, stood at 172 cm in height, and weighed 57 kilograms. Jane initially came to the clinic with her husband and was assigned to a...

Nursing Discussion Questions and Issues

Importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in health care today Interdisciplinary collaboration occurs when physicians, caregivers, and nurses come together to deliver high-quality patient care. The practice is important because it creates a team that is capable of delivering evidence-based patient care. The model presents adequate concepts and resources that can transform...

Musical Impact on Learning Process

Learning is a process inherently known by every human being, it is something each person does throughout their life, regardless of their desire to do so. An ability to walk, speak, and interact with others are all kinds of behaviors people have to learn to progress, to be able to...

Mathematics and Logic. A Troublesome Inheritance

Introduction As we know, humanity has been interested in issues of nature and society from the very moment the first cultures appeared. To answer these essential topics, the best minds of civilizations have created science and many categories within it, some of which are mathematics and logic. Despite their technical...

Kafka’s “A Hunger Artist” Analysis

“A Hunger Artist” is a short story focusing on a performer who sits in a cage and refuses to eat for forty days while the viewers observe his efforts. This short story is dystopian because it shows the degradation of society’s perception of art, which should be a way of...

International Trade: Term Definition

Introduction International Trade is a very integral part of the world economy, many countries proper because of the international trade, fair trade comes under international trade and more light will be thrown upon the same in this paper. Fair trade is a practice which is predominant in developing countries; developing...

Information Technology Enabled Online Learning

Introduction Technology advancement and application has been in application in almost all fields of the economy. Technology is associated with both positive and negative effects according to a specific situation and what it is able to achieve. Information Technology – enabled online learning is utilized in learning institutions. It entails...

Housing Stability Task Force Recommendations in Texas

Texas has been known as a place where real estate is cheap, and the cost of living is lower compared to other states. However, this reputation has been deteriorated by increasing property prices, especially in large metropolitan areas, including Houston. Since a significant portion of the state population resides in...

The Film “Dune” by Denis Villeneuve

Introduction Dune is set in a far-off future in which humankind has developed in many scientific ways while also mutating in many spiritual ones. Dune was a pro-government, pro-eco-radicalism, and Islamophilic future worldwide metaphor (Alvarez and Franklin, 2017). Denis Villeneuve’s latest cinematic version of the novel, produced from a script...

Study of Concentrations Using the Beer-Lambert Spectroscopic Law

Abstract Spectroscopic methods are a natural adjunct to chemical analysis, allowing for a quantitative and qualitative investigation of substances with unknown characteristics. In this report, it was explained how the use of the Beer-Lambert spectroscopic law allows determining the concentration of the active ingredient in medicinal products, which, moreover, was...

Travel: How Travel Can Enrich Society

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.” -Mark Twain Explanation of this quote means Travel...

Gender Impact on Societies Worldwide

Gender roles determine what males and females think, interact, speak or dress within the society’s perspective. The commonly recognized gender in society is the male and female who are defined by the sex of an individual (Andersen & Witham, 2011). The reason why gender is a sensitive issue in society...

Biotechnology: the Protein Separation

Materials and Methods GST Pull Down The protein-protein interaction experiment produced the 6*His-USP elution fraction that was carefully transferred into a microfuge labeled USP7D. The labeled microfuge was then stored on ice. GST and GST-EBNA 1 peptide columns, which were initially loaded in the freezer, were obtained and allowed to...

Best of Rio de Janeiro: Brazil Tourism

City Description Rio de Janeiro is one of the largest cities in South America located in the southeastern part of Brazil on the Guanabara Bay. This is the second-largest (after SĂŁo Paulo) city in Brazil, the capital of the state of Rio de Janeiro, and the capital of the country...

Healthcare Economics in Budgeting the Limited Resources: Opioid Crisis

Introduction Healthcare economics is the application of economic principles in solving healthcare issues. The production theory of healthcare economy principles can be applied in determining the efficient use of the hospital’s resources. Determining the value of healthcare services is not an easy task because of the nature of healthcare as...

Green Teams at New Seasons Market

Building and maintaining cohesive teams requires bringing together employees to jointly pursue common goals. According to Alghamdi and Bach (2018), teamwork is defined as the process where two or more workers interdependently interact towards a common goal. Therefore, the initial step in creating a team is having a well-defined purpose...

Freedom of Expression in the Post-Apartheid South Africa

Undoubtedly, there is a direct link between democracy, freedom of speech, and the diversity of the media. Currently, according to the World Press Freedom Index, South Africa got in the second “satisfactory” category (Daniels). Indeed, the country’s constitution proclaims freedom of the press and other media; however, in reality, the...

Factors Promoting Higher Divorce Rates

Introduction Divorce has never been a desirable occurrence in American society. However, the recent reports indicate that there is a consistent rise in the rate of divorce in this country. According to the report by Hawkins and Fackrell, almost fifty percent of marriages in this country end up in divorce...

Friendship and Epistemological Viewpoints and Possible Problems From Partiality

In recent years, analytical philosophers have shown increased interest in friendship and its influence on epistemology. They mainly seek to examine friendship concerns and disputes about bias that lack clear objectives regarding morality concerns. Several fundamental ethical theories emphasize impartiality and fair treatment as essential moral and ethical goals by...

Review of Weber’s and Marx’s Theories

Weber’s Theory Certain aspects of the state were highlighted in Weber’s Politics as a Vocation and other writings. Nevertheless, he did not specifically specify the term element, which people do for clarification of discourse. In reality, the ingredients are the most crucial portions of his concept. A modern state is...

US and Canada Healthcare Systems Comparison

Introduction The U.S. healthcare system greatly differs from that of other advanced industrialized countries. This paper aims to compare the U.S. healthcare system to that of Canada. The essay will begin with a general comparison and description of the structure of healthcare systems in the two countries. The essay will...

Japanese Religion, Festivals, and National Traditions

Background Several centuries ago, particularly in the 17th century (in 1603), when a series of severe civil riots and warfare were undergone, a dynastic and military-related government (the Tokugawa shogunate) managed to stabilize the general sentiment among citizens. It was high time when the government fixed the political steadiness and...

The Significance of Emotional Intelligence

Introduction Emotional intelligence has recently become a popular topic for discussion among people, especially students and office workers. There are even enthusiastic supporters of EI who consider it to be of more value for t achieving personal goals and zest for life than intellectual faculties. Indeed, the so-called IQ seems...

The Intersectionality and Identity

Every person possesses an identity that consists of different elements and characteristics and shapes the personality of the individual. Moreover, since an identity constitutes a complex mix of different elements, it must always be assessed as a whole, taking into consideration all its categories. Yet, when living in a society,...

The Civil Rights Movement History

Introduction The American Civil War, in which more citizens died than in any other war involving the United States, freed slaves. However, being formally free, African-Americans also continued to be victims of prejudice and discrimination. In the late nineteenth century, the Jim Crow segregation laws came into force, prohibiting voting,...

Hip Hop’s Globalization and Influence of Hip-Hop Music in Japan

Introduction Globalization has affected every aspect of people’s existence, with one significant consequence being exposure to music genres previously known to only a few people. When compared to the West, Japanese society and culture differ significantly, which impacted the development of music in these parts of the world. However, 20th-century...

Resolving Mutually Conflicting Requirements

Software requirement gathering and elicitation is an essential step in software engineering. There are times when some requirements do not match with other requirements, which hinders the developers’ ability to deliver user-driven software solutions. Such challenges arise often and are responsible for poor quality software solutions delivered to clients (Gambo...

Marriage Equality and Its Constitutionality

Introduction The efforts to constitutionally allow same-sex marriage started popping up in the United States as early as the 1999’s, resulting in national and state challenges. Civil unions were advocating for same-sex marriage in several states. The federal government denied same-sex couples from accessing close to 1100 federal rights, duties...

Characteristic and Aspects of Gentrification

Introduction The environment forms a person in the same manner as a person forms the environment. This is one of the key principles and driving forces for designing better streets, housing, squares, parks, and other elements of cities. Most people enjoy comfort and strive to achieve it in places where...

Arthur Miller’s Influences in “A View from the Bridge”

Introduction A View from the Bridge, a tale of Eddie Carbone’s life, was initially heard by Arthur Miller when he was doing research in Red Hook, Brooklyn. It is interesting that Miller was collecting information for a different project that was supposed to expose the corruption that occurred in the...

Amazon Supply Chain Integration Analysis

Amazon is one of the most successful companies in the modern world, and its history is an exciting one. Initially, it was a single book store opened by Jeff Bezos. However, the business soon turned into a reputable corporation that provided its services to customers from all over the world....

Allowing Armed Teachers on Campus as Safety Measures

Gun violence is a serious and growing threat to human life and culture. Increasing rates of mass shootings and suicides on campus have opened much speculation and debate on school security policies and legislation to prevent and eliminate such a threatening situation. The safety of students and teachers has become...

SDN-IBN vs. Traditional Networking

Background SDN, software-defined networking in full, refers to a strategy in networking that utilizes software-based APIs or controllers to interact with established hardware infrastructure and direct network traffic. The approach is different from the traditional networking approach, which uses dedicated hardware gadgets to regulate network traffic (Bera et al., 2017)....

Concept of Separates Microaggression

Some people who, for whatever reason, are not completely accepted by society experience various types of pressure, such as microaggressions. Microaggressions can be defined as slights and subtle hostilities based on race, gender, sexuality, and other characteristics that people cannot control (Cho viii). Although microaggressions may seem harmless due to...

Real and Escapist Life in the Film “The Slumdog Millionaire”

The film, Slumdog Millionaire is an exciting and breathtaking story of an orphaned boy (Jamal) in Mumbai who uses his impeccable intelligence and strength to rise from rags to riches. The events of Jamal’s life are narrated in the movie through flash-forwards and flashbacks. Set in the slum, the movie...

The Issue of Gun Control in the US

For decades, the issue of gun control remains burning in the US. It is immensely challenging to find a universal solution to this problem because the attitudes to it are polar. Nonetheless, it is still possible to deprive the wrong people of access to guns. The present essay discusses the...

“Would You Kill the Fat Man?” Book by Edmonds

Introduction The purpose of the review of ‘Would you kill the fat man?’ written by David Edmonds is to discover what choices people have made, what influenced them, and how it can be evaluated philosophically. The book suggests that the unbraked train will soon destroy five people tied to the...

COVID-19 and Playing Sports During a Pandemic

COVID-19 pandemic severely hindered the entire sports industry by making it difficult or even impossible to organize competitions and matches. This halt was primarily caused by the fact that the virus spreads in close proximity, which means that many sports cannot be played or performed safely. It is important to...

Rhetorical Analysis of “The Disadvantages of an Elite Education” by Deresiewicz

Introduction A rhetorical analysis considers a text as the instrument of communication and persuasion and describes how the text accomplishes those aims. It elucidates the main ideas and claims of the article; then, it explores whether the article managed to convey them to the reader or listener. The analysis introduces...

Oil Price Regulation: A Sociological Analysis

Introduction Oil and gas prices have skyrocketed over the past few months, necessitating intervention from the government. U.S. President Joe Biden recently made a crucial move to regulate oil prices in the country. In a statement published in the New York Times, President Biden said that his government was willing...

What Happens if the Bats Extinct: The Role of Bats in the Ecosystem

Introduction There are a lot of myths and stereotypes about the minor role of bats on our planet. It is commonly argued by many people that bats are pests, the existence of which does not make any sense. However, such kind of assumptions are inherently wrong and downplay the importance...

Operation Anaconda and the War in Afghanistan: Collaboration and Coordination

Introduction Operation Anaconda was one of the most notable high-profile operations at the start of the Afghan War. Commenced in March of 2002, it exists as a culmination of previous military efforts and a product of collaboration between various parties. A coalition of forces, including the US, UK, and other...

The “One Belt, One Road” Program

The “One Belt, One Road” (OBOR) initiative is a program that opens a drastically new perspective to the global communities. The essence of this program is to form, establish, and promote international partnership and development. It is to be achieved through the strengthening of the existing regional bipartite and two-sided...

Public Health Program Planning

Introduction Healthy People 2020 health indicators can guide different agencies to identify high-priority concerns and implement adequate initiatives to deal with them. The ultimate goal of such indicators is to guide stakeholders to assess people’s health conditions and design adequate action plans. One of the leading health indicators (LHI) is...

Nigeria in “No Longer at Ease”

Chinua Achebe is one of the most popular African writers of the twentieth century, who presents the culture and traditions of early African tribes and communities in his works. Born in Ogidi, Nigeria, he depicts the life of people in Nigeria, colonialism, and its effects on their lives. His works...

Human Systems and Relationships Observations

Introduction Human relationships are never simple, and many theories can be applied to understand how people behave, make decisions, and cooperate. Due to the current COVID-19 situation, many families are challenged to spend much time in isolation and change their regular activities. Some people find it interesting to consider new...

Attribution Bias in the Intergroup Conflict

Introduction Intergroup conflict is a common occurrence in any environment and it requires a thorough approach that would allow illuminating bias and coming up with a coherent solution. However, in many cases, an attribution bias obstructs individuals from seeing the actual information and making fair judgements. This issue is illustrated...

Global Women’s Health and Rights

Introduction It is essential to ensure a woman’s general and medical rights. That is, Global Women’s Health and Rights, along with women’s right to education, freedom of movement, and fair wages, also have rights concerning their health. For example, women have the right to make decisions about their bodies and...

The Focus of Feminism Today and Current Problems

Introduction Feminism is a movement that advocates for the equality of the sexes in all spheres of public life and generally promotes personal, social, political, and economic parity. Currently, it supports a vast number of issues, including gender fluidity, sexual orientation, motherhood, body shaming, masculinity, and toxic masculinity, and the...

Analysis of Violence in “King Headley II” Book

Introduction The problem of racial disparities, discrimination, and the resulting rise in the vulnerability of the African American population has been the source of continuous concerns and discussions within a broader sociopolitical and sociocultural context; however, few results have been achieved so far. Although the phenomenon of segregation is no...

How Gender, Race, and Class Impact Criminality Levels

Introduction The level of criminality in the United States is impacted by various factors such as class, gender, and racial differences. Traditionally, the female genders have had a lower likelihood of committing violence compared to men and that pattern has remained until today (Fielding-Miller et al., 2020). There has also...

In Support of Abolishing Veil-Piercing in Law

Piercing the veil pertaining to corporate law denotes a situation in which courts dismiss the notion of limited liability and hold an organization’s shareholders and leaders personally liable for the actions or debts. Although there is a variation of the law between state legislation, there has been a generally accepted...

Environmental Justice Issues in Miami

Introduction Environmental justice is one of the major concerns of society today. It presupposes the fair distribution of environmental benefits and burdens to ensure that no communities or groups suffer from unfair attitudes or being exposed to factors threatening their lives and well-being (Abel and Stephan 320). However, regardless of...

Discussion of Food Safety Issues

Introduction No one can deny the statement that food is of vital importance for all people because a person will die in a few days without it. That is why it is reasonable to draw sufficient attention to ensuring that individuals consume healthy and nutritious products. Even though the modern...

A Plan for Internet Pedophile Investigation

Pedophile Investigation Today, children are becoming increasingly adept users of the Internet, where they are attracted to online games and social networks. With Wi-Fi and mobile Internet, access to the network is always there – day and night. Basically, they benefit from the connection: they do their homework, communicate with...

Advanced and Developing Economy Countries: Germany and Bangladesh

Research Economic disparities are generally connected to a variety of societal factors determining the conditions of the environment for promoting progress. The link between the two areas can be supported by conducting an analysis of the situations in two different countries, one of which is an advanced economy, and another...

The Importance of In-Team Communication in Primary and Emergency Healthcare

Interprofessional cooperation and collaboration are some of the key instruments of providing high-quality medical services. It ensures the safety of both doctors and patients and facilitates the job of healthcare providers at all levels and settings (Reeves et al., 2107). The quality of the communication between the medical personnel, as...

Business Ethics and Its Evolution

Introduction Business ethics is considered the standard of morality, meaning either doing wrong or right in the business environment. Ethics refers to the code of conduct at the workplace or any business, and it is an essential factor to consider as it dictates the company’s success. Misconduct at the workplace...

The Novel “The Road” by Cormac McCarthy

Introduction Although nowadays, in the 21st century, the threat of global war is insignificant, many other dangers have appeared that humanity did not worry about before, including human-made, information, and ecological catastrophes. The theme of the apocalypse, in this context, is of mounting concern to society, reflected in the development...

The Fertile Crescent Sumerian Religion

Cosmology and the Pantheon The type of society that will be living in the Sumerian pantheon is the post-human society. Post-human is a concept that mainly refers to the entity that exists in a state beyond normal human understanding. It originates from the science fields of futurology, fiction, philosophy, and...

Trauma and Addiction: Complex Treatment

Introduction Addiction is a compound issue that needs to be examined from different aspects. However, there is a lack of emphasis on the evidence that trauma and addiction are similar in terms of effects on neurochemistry. This illustrates that not addressing certain traumatic events may negatively influence people with substance...

Government Regulations of Employment Relationship

The US Gross Domestic Product (GDP), like in most other economies, is significantly dependent on the country’s workforce. Millions of people are employed in hundreds of industries in the US, contributing vehemently to various economic aspects. The link between fiscal growth and the job market is undeniable and has been...

Interpretation of “Why I Live at the P.O.,” and Its Literary Elements

Plot and Setting In Why I Live at the P.O. by Eudora Welty, a youthful anonymous lady has all the earmarks of investigating the envy and struggle in her family. The setting of the story is the family home in Mississippi at the turn of the 20th century. By bringing...

Analysis of “Brother, I’m Dying” by Edwidge Danticat

Brother, I’m Dying, a memoir by a famous Haitian-American writer Edwidge Danticat, first published in 2007, is an outstanding literary work that pushes the boundaries of the genre. The author skillfully applies various elements of the memoir, conveying the life story of her family emotionally and consistently, alternating the course...

Theme of Hope in “The Shawshank Redemption” Film

Hope is a significant subject in Frank Darabont’s movie The Shawshank Redemption. The film emphasizes the value of hope and the implications of both possessing and losing hope. It is critical that Darabont’s film addresses the issue of hope as it is critical in our everyday lives since having or...

Discussion of Epigenetics Meanings and Aspects

Introduction Epigenetics is the study of how gene expression takes place without changing the sequence of DNA. The epigenetics video is mind-opening about how our behavior can influence our health. The video sheds light on the possible differences in people with similar genetic makeup due to epigenetics. It helps individuals...

“IT Doesn’t Matter” by Nicholas Carr

In the article, “IT doesn’t matter” Nicholas Carr discusses the role of Information Technology (IT) in a business context. The invention of the microprocessor caused further technological developments, which started the buildout process. As a result, the investment in IT had increased significantly, making it more affordable and reproducible. In...

Researching of Board of Nursing in Texas

Board of Nursing In order to understand the differences between nursing professional associations and boards, it is vital to review the key features of each entity. A board of nursing (BoN) is a state agency that operates on behalf of the government. In total, there are 59 Boards of Nursing...

Home Daycare vs. Child Care Center Services

Childcare Organizations Pros and Cons for Children Children are the future of society whose active development starts from the early years of their lives. Thus, accurate and productive childcare is essential to raise a decent generation. Parents often need to choose the organization to develop kids’ social skills and prepare...

Nazis’ Persecution and Mistreatment of Jews

Introduction The Holocaust is a historic black spot that remains a memory of the dangers of dictatorship and racial ideology that tarnishes social cohesion and economic thrive. Adolf Hitler is the mastermind and infamous perpetrator of this heinous regime that stripped humanity from the Jews. With the position of Chancellor,...

ABC Motor Company Consumer Behavior Proposal

Introduction The efficiency of a marketing campaign depends on how well a company understands the values, priorities, and interests of its target audience. The present research proposal describes methods of analysis of consumer behaviors of Generations X and Y in the US and China. The paper also includes the schedule...

Fair Treatment of Both Genders and John Rawls’ Theory of Justice

The essence of most ethical theories lies within the teachings of philosophers on the obligations of people and institutions. For example, John Rawls’s theory of justice implies fairness in relation to people. Rawls assumes that people’s beliefs and values predetermine society’s structure, and ideally, in a democratic society, everybody should...

Mendelian Genetics and Chlorophyll in Plants

Abstract Several common plants and animals have shared chromosomes and are identified as diploid. Mendel’s principle of segregation states that in a heterozygote, one characteristic will hide the presence of another trait for the same feature. Rather than both alleles contributing to a phenotype, the dominant allele will be conveyed...

Themes in “Beloved” Novel by Toni Morrison

Introduction Beloved by Toni Morrison is an allegory of emotional and physical trauma caused by slavery. It is illustrated through the story of a black woman haunted by her daughter’s ghost that she murdered to save her from servantry’s fate. The genre used in this novel is called magical realism,...

“Just Like Us” by Thorpe

Introduction Helen Thorpe’s work Just like us: The true story of four American girls coming of age in America made a significant contribution to the development of literature and politics. The main problem of this book revolves around the topic of illegal immigration to the United States. This story is...

Product Differentiation in Industrial Organization

In marketing, product differentiation is generally defined as a tendency to develop a number of important characteristics for a product or a service, in order for those products to be easily distinguished from competitors’ offers. Product owners identify different features that are attractive and beneficial to the consumer, and try...

Substance Abuse Experience and Treatment

Substance abuse is a major issue that can affect an addicted person’s life profoundly. Furthermore, it has a strong impact on those around this individual and who are forced to watch them suffer. In this regard, substance abuse is a life-changing experience, but the exact outcome of this change may...

Essentials of Strategic Management: Personal Experience

Introduction Learning is a big part of life. I getting to know the world around us, other people that live in it, as well as all kinds of phenomena that exist in it, we get to better understand ourselves. Throughout my time as a person, I have managed to learn...

Communication Technologies in the Historical Context

Introduction Communication is a vital aspect of human lives because people are naturally social beings. More importantly, long-distance communication posed a greater challenge to the early man but due to technological advancements in the field of communication, the threats have been overcome. Before major inventions in communication, people relied on...

Challenges Faced by Ethnic Minorities

Summary The concept of race has always been and is likely to remain for a while one of the most complicated social issues in the American community. Taking retrospect into the era of the American community foundation, one will notice that oppression remained ubiquitous and equally horrifying for all ethnic...

Two Worlds’ Theory in the Phaedo by Gail Fine

The ‘Two Worlds’ Theory in the Phaedo by Gail Fine analyzed the work of Plato named Phaedo. In this paper, the author arranges that Plato’s work can be investigated in the context of the theory of two worlds. Thus, it is implied that some dialogues reflect the opinion that there...

Phases of Geoffrey Chaucer’s Poetic Career

Introduction Geoffrey Chaucer is considered among England’s influential poets. He was born in 1340 and lived for sixty years until 1400, when he died. He is a famous figure in English literature and is regarded as the founding father of English poetry. This is not to say that England was...

Advertisement for an Administrative Assistant

Job Description Administrative assistants offer administrative and clerical tasks to managers, workplace employees, and visitors. The administrative assistants handle all the tasks to ensure productivity and positivity of the organizations. The prospective candidates must be able to help managers, other employees, and company visitors. The candidates should provide polite and...

Unhealthy Food Culture and Obesity

Introduction Unhealthy food culture plays a significant role in developing health-related diseases, including obesity. Nutritionists advise people to eat a balanced diet meal at least once a day for a healthy outcome. However, not all people can afford or even access healthy meals. Food insecure neighborhood reports a high population...

The Turtle-Headed Sea Snake’s Habitation Areas

Introduction Also known as Emydocephalus annulatus, the turtle-headed sea snake lives in shallow coral reef waters. The snake is mainly found in Indonesia, northern Australia, and the Philippines. The name is derived from its pointed snouts that resemble a turtle. The snake has a habit of prodding cluster fish out...

Unions, Their Goals and Membership Benefits

What Are Unions? In the global environment of today, it is especially hard for people to work and earn a living. The economy is suffering from adapting to the recent events of the pandemic, and the prices for food and daily necessities and only becoming higher. Working people can often...

Nietzsche’s Philosophy and Worldview

It is necessary to raise the question of the nature of the direction of the criticism of Nietzsche against thinking. Although it is comprehensive and very radical at first glance, the study allows us to see the ambiguity of such an understanding. Uncompromising criticism is directed primarily against the absolutization...

Blue Economy in Indo-Pacific Region

Introduction Marine ecosystems are exceptionally important to the economic well-being of the Indo-Pacific region. Indeed, coastal populations and Pacific Islanders heavily rely on the oceans for food, storm protection, as well as a variety of recreational activities. Furthermore, these ecosystems are vital because of their economic benefits as they support...

Role of Effective Communication in Enhancing Nurses’ Cultural Competence

Evidence For Cultural Competence Among Healthcare Professionals Several educational initiatives and training courses have been designed to enhance the competencies required for recognizing and addressing sociocultural challenges in the clinical context (Gradellini et al., 2021). Most educational and training programs for cultural sensitivity focus on developing specific skills in healthcare...

The Effects of Forgiveness Therapy on Depression for Women

Summary An article on the effect of forgiveness therapy on anxiety and depression was written by Gayle L. Reed and Robert D. Enright in 2006. This study analyzes the impact of forgiveness therapy on the emotional state of women who have experienced emotional abuse. This study was conducted in 2006...

Expansion of Saputo Inc. into Germany, China and South Africa

Introduction Saputo Inc. is a Canadian dairy company with a history of more than 60 years. Currently, Saputo not only in Canada but also in the USA, Argentina, the UK, and Australia (Saputo, 2017). The current paper examines the profitability of Saputos expansion into Germany, China, and South Africa from...

Descartes’ Proofs of God’s Existence and Explanation of Human Errors

Introduction A famous treatise Meditations on First Philosophy, published by the French mathematician, philosopher, and scientist RenĂ© Descartes in 1641, contains several ambitious claims. First of all, Descartes attempted to prove the existence of God through logical arguments. One might say that Descartes’s philosophy viewed God as a cause for...

Pokémon Go Pop Culture Analysis

Pokémon Go became one of the most popular games in the world right after its release in 2016. For a short time, the game became part of pop culture, which influenced various areas of trade, production, and even the restaurant business. However, today Pokémon Go is no longer so popular,...

Compassion: Explorations of Its Nature & Function

The term “compassion” or its analogs exist in many religious cultures of the past. The harsh living conditions forced people to gather in social groups, increasing the chances of survival. To maintain good quality relationships and be a viable social community, people need to be compassionate and empathetic, and conversely,...

The Electronic Monitoring of Offenders Released From Jail or Prison

The paper analyzes the issue of electronic monitoring for offenders who have been released from prison or jail. It is a strategy that has been used as an alternative to imprisonment or incarceration. The study highlights what other scholars have written about the topic. This is important as it provides...

Ethical Loyalty Dilemma in Decision Making

Introduction The term ethical dilemma refers to a conflict arising from two courses of an action that are moral in nature. It implies engagement between acceptable codes of conduct and principles associated with them. There are four different ethical dilemmas: short-term versus long-term, truth versus loyalty, individual versus community, and...

Sartre’s Freedom and Existentialism Today

Sartre in his work, “Existentialism and Human Emotion” provides arguments for the existence of human freedom. He does so by deliberating on the first principle of existentialism, “man is nothing else but what he makes of himself” (Sartre, 1957/2020, p. 5). This principle encompasses the notion of existence before essence...

Domestic Violence in the African American Community

Introduction Domestic violence is emotional, physical, psychological, sexual, or economic abuse that involves family members, partners, or acquaintances. Domestic violence is widely experienced, with a larger percentage of women affected compared to men (Henry, 2018). Communities of African ancestry are said to experience several cases of domestic violence, but this...

The Discounted Do It Yourself (DIY ) Center: Hardware Store Business Proposal Plan

Business Overview The chosen name for this business is The Discounted Do It Yourself (DIY ) Center. This hardware store specializes in a wide range of construction materials. The business will be located in the city of Birmingham. The primary products that will be stocked at this store will include...

John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Speech Analysis

Introduction John Fitzgerald Kennedy became President of the United States when the nation needed a strong leader with the capacity to overcome challenges posed by the Cold War and unrest in both Europe and the U.S. In his famous inaugural speech of 1961, Kennedy reinforced himself as a firm individual...

Telemedicine and Informatics in Nursing

Introduction Telehealth is using communication and digital technologies such as mobile devices and computers to access health care services. The technologies can be used from the office or at home, and it keeps an individual in constant touch with medical practitioners. Telemedicine is a mode in which medical care is...

Benatar: Harming and Benefitting by Creating

Introduction The meaning of life is a question that has lingered in the minds of philosophers and other people alike for generations. While some take a positive approach, praising all the joys and experiences that come with existence, others maintain that it is suffering and pain that define it. In...

Problem Scenario: Workplace Bullying in Teaching

When the word “bullying” is used in the context of education, one often presumes the situation in which one student systematically mistreats another. Unfortunately, harassment, offense, and social exclusion can happen in professional relationships between teachers. For example, teachers can force their peers to utilize educational approaches which they find...

Foodborne Illness as Population Health Concern in the US

The Population Health concern selected and the factors that contribute to it Foodborne illness affects at least one in every six Americans. Food safety issues claim over 3,000 deaths per year in the US (Doe, 2017). As per the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), the approximate cost for foodborne diseases...

Consequences of Inaccurate Coding

Introduction Medical coding is how services offered in healthcare are converted into billable revenue. Every service provided corresponds to its Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) and Healthcare Common Procedural Coding System codes (Hunley et al., 2021). Claims for services offered are then submitted to Medicare, Medicaid, and insurance companies in possession...

Current Healthcare Law: Affordable Care Act

Introduction The United States healthcare landscape has undergone various reforms ever since the nation’s adoption of federalism to advance the quality of care administered to its citizens. These reforms have, in turn, significantly impacted nursing practice and roles. This paper discusses the Affordable Care Act (ACA), a legislation that has...

Organic Food Purchases Among Customers of Different Ages

Introduction This report concerns an analysis conducted by Diligent Consulting Group on behalf of the Loving Organic Food Industry. The consulting group wanted to establish the motivation behind customers’ purchasing habits. The survey targeted 200 customers within the market segment, out of which 124 gave their responses. The information included...