Burnout Syndrome in Trauma Nurses: Study Insights and Implications

Background of Study The particular article that has been chosen for this assignment presents the results of qualitative research aimed at studying burnout syndrome, and the ways it is manifested in trauma nurses. The source reports the results of the study conducted by Berg, Harshbarger, Ahlers-Schmidt, and Lippoldt (2016). The...

Struggle for Gay Human Rights: Nonviolence and Harvey Milk’s Legacy

Abstract It is a struggle to achieve comprehensive gay human rights in any society. In this context, gay human rights have attracted conflicts over the years. The struggle for gay rights is traceable since 1924 and has since gained momentum due to increased public awareness and debate. This research paper...

Employee Motivation: Rewards and Incentives Role

Introduction Motivation refers to the psychological aspect that stimulates a being to action towards a desired goal; it is the activation of a purpose-orientated conduct. There are two kinds of motivation namely: intrinsic – which is driven by an enjoyment in the task itself, and lies within the individual, and...

American Society Trends: Modern-Day Segregation and Rush

Culture How is society stratified? How does this stratification affect academic services in the current society? Is racial discrimination still rife in present-day society? What are the forms of segregation today? How can these segregations be healed? The above five questions arose from the daily observation of the trends and...

Controversies in Stem Cell Research: Ethical and Scientific Perspectives

Introduction The controversy on stem cell research provides an ideal research ground to understand the views of the society on scientific developments that adopt holistic approaches. The selection of this topic was informed by the need to understand the society in terms of beliefs, norms, and views on scientific development....

Improved Patients’ Outcomes with Nurse-Led Telephone Interventions

Introduction Improved patients’ outcomes, the quality of life, and reduced readmissions is a goal that any health care system would strive to achieve. Stavrianopoulos (2016) emphasizes the need for a proper disease management program to patients with heart failure (HF) using nurse-led telephone intervention programs. Through an empirical study, the...

Challenges & Strategies for Business in Transition Economies

Potential difficulties of starting a business in a transition economy and recommendations on how they should be confronted Starting and maintaining a new business is always a challenge aggravated by adverse conditions prevalent in a transitional economy; an economy transforming from centrally planned to free-market economy. The potential difficulties faced...

Spiral Galaxy: Edwin Hubble’s Most Common Galaxy Type

A spiral galaxy is one of three types of galaxies studied and documented by Edwin Hubble. Spiral galaxies are apparently the most common in the universe and have a characteristic spiral contour; that is also the characteristic feature referred to in their name. The spiral shape is usually constituted of...

Earth in Danger

Introduction: The Concept of Global Warming The notion of global warming implies a complex environmental procedure, which evolves as a natural consequence of the harmful greenhouse gas emissions. The activity is inflicted by human activities. Specifically, the gasses are produced by the machinery and electricity processes. According to the assessment...

Drunk Driving Essay: Effects, Dangers, and Prevention of Drinking and Driving

Drinking and Driving Essay: Abstract Driving under the influence of alcohol is a common practice in all countries where alcohol consumption is legal. This behavior has emerged as an important issue affecting road safety over the past few decades. This free drinking and driving essay discusses the issue of drunk...

Social Networks in Companies: HR Practices and Challenges

Introduction The modern era of social networking has transformed the manner in which many people share information. Social networks have revolutionised both the external and internal aspects of many organisations. Social networking has also transformed the nature of communication in many firms (Wang & Kobsa, 2013). This discussion therefore identifies...

Modern Technology Transformations: Benefits and Innovations

Introduction Modern technology has undergone numerous transformations, and today people enjoy a lot of benefits derived from the use of sophisticated technologies. Therefore, scientists continue to work hard to invent new ways of doing things and making life easier (Boykoff & Yulsman, 2013, p. 1). This has pushed nations and...

Differences between the House and Senate

Introduction The Congress of the United States represents the legislative branch of the country’s government. It is bicameral and consists of the House of Representatives, the lower body, and Senate, the upper one. Both bodies are involved in the process of law-making – in order to become law, a bill...

African-American Slaves in 1776: Economy and War

Slaves in America constituted close to a fifth of the population by 1776. According to Anderson and Stewart (1), the American and European economies were vastly developed using African-American slaves who were bought and sold in well established slave markets. These slaves were mainly deployed in plantation farms to work...

79-Year-Old Sara Anderson: Coping with Loss in a New Country

Introduction The subsequent hypothetical case study aims its attention towards the 79-year-old female. She has applied for help from the agency that provides case management for low-income seniors who live at home and for whom English is a second language because of her recent loss. Sara Anderson is a Caucasian...

Samsara, Karma, and Nirvana: Understanding Life’s Cycle

Samsara is the process of birth, dying, and being reborn. Karma stands for action. It shows that every cause or activity has its consequences. It looks at humans in general (Brooke 490). Each choice made by an individual, whether good or bad, has its outcomes. Good deeds bring about happiness,...

America and the British Empire: Relations Review

Introduction Many would argue that the American Revolution actually began when the first colonists set foot on American soil. With London being some 3000 miles away, governing the colonies was a great challenge. Travel to and from England required much time and slowed required communication significantly. In the time before...

Role of Food in Moonstruck and Beauty and the Beast Films

When watching a movie, people usually enjoy and analyze the cast, settings, and plot, leaving many details without special attention. However, the worth of the film can be properly understood through the prism of trivial things like dresses, haircuts, and food. In fact, the role of food is mostly diminished...

Artificial Intelligence in Enterprise Processes

Introduction Running an enterprise involves a great number of tasks that require proper analysis and data and effort coordination, and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are widely used to facilitate process management. New technology, including artificial intelligence (AI), is increasingly implemented to make the existing ERP solutions even more effective....

Impact of Clinical Systems on Nursing Efficiency and Practice

Introduction Clinical systems are becoming essential tools for improving the procedures implemented to improve patients’ health outcomes. Informaticists, information technology (IT) specialists, and physicians collaborate to identify emerging technological models and equipment that can transform care delivery. The purpose of this paper is to offer a succinct annotation of four...

Terrorism and Associated Media’s Response

Kruglanski, A. W., Gunaratna, R., Ellenberg, M., & Speckhard, A. (2020). Terrorism in time of the pandemic: Exploiting mayhem. Global Security: Health, Science and Policy, 5(1), 121-132. Web. The threat of domestic and international terrorism continues to be prevalent despite the major difficulties the pandemic has posed on everyday lives...

Telehealth Technologies in Nursing Practice

The need to improve the delivery of quality care to patients has led to the innovation of various technological practices in the healthcare system. Following the application of devices such as computers, mobile phones, and laptops, nurses are capable of contacting sick individuals to offer required care services irrespective of...

The Problems of Substance Abuse in Homeless Veterans

The problem of homelessness often affects the most vulnerable segments of society, among them veterans. This group also experiences significant issues concerning excessive alcohol consumption and drug addiction, which entail detrimental consequences for their health and ability to return to everyday life. Several researchers have studied substance abuse among homeless...

Alzheimer’s Disease: The Challenges Imposed on Family Members

Introduction With increasing age, the chances of developing an irreversible neurological illness, like Alzheimer’s disease, increase dramatically. Statistics say that more than 55 million people worldwide have dementia nowadays, and the number is growing by around ten million every year. The illness detrimentally affects an individual’s cognitive functions, including memory,...

The Problem of Teen Dating Violence

Niolon, P. H., Vivolo-Kantor, A. M., Tracy, A. J., Latzman, N. E., Little, T. D., DeGue, S., Lang, K. M., Estefan, L. F., Ghazarian, S. R., McIntosh, W. L. K., Taylor, B., Johnson, L. L., Kuoh, H., Burton, T., Forston, B., Mumford, E. A., Nelson, S. C., Joseph, H., …...

Best Sweetener: Artificial or Natural?

Introduction The diet of many contemporary individuals incorporates many manufactured products that contain refined sugar. In recent years, however, due to public discussions regarding the negative impact of this ingredient many artificial sweeteners were developed and incorporated into products such as soda. While these sweeteners offer a sweet taste at...

Prevention and Treatment of Cholera

Cholera is an example of a clinical entity that causes a lot of panic to many people all over the world. It is an acute illness that comes about as a result of infections in the human intestines. Vibrio cholera is the bacteria responsible for the infection and spread of...

Democratic Leadership Style and Responsibilities

Leadership theories refer to the approach that a manager adopts to exercise authority in the workplace and direct staff towards meeting the organizational mandate as outlined in their job descriptions (Foti). It is the way that a manager resorts to discharge all the total responsibilities that entail management and leadership....

Computers in Education, Their Role and Importance

Importance of Computers in Education Since the advent of computer technology, the world has undergone a revolutionary change because computers perform most of the tasks that were hard to perform; for example, storage of volumes of information or took a lot of time to finish. In addition, computer technology has...

Computers History, Classification and Development

Discussion In history, computers were only used as machines that performed calculations. These changed over time with more supplicated machines which were being developed to perform more general tasks (Null L.& Lobur J., P. 34) Modern computer is a result of advances in technologies and the need to quantify record...

Comparison of Gun Laws and Gun Culture Between USA and India

Introduction The United States and India are the world’s leading countries based on the number of gun ownerships; however, the exposure, culture, regulations, and impacts differ across the two, with the US experiencing adverse events. The American gun culture is as old as the country’s Constitution, which can be traced...

Impact of Smoking Cessation on Health

Introduction In their article on smoking-related hazards, the authors refer to the measurements made by national healthcare representatives to define the benefits of smoking-cessation at various ages. The studies that have been conducted since 1980 suggest that smoking causes 25 percent of deaths among people aged from 35 to 69...

Comparing “The Egg” by Weir and “Other People” by Gaiman

The Overview In Neil Gaiman’s short story Other People, a person finds himself in Hell, and his greatest torture is to relive his life through the eyes of those he hurt. It is a circular narrative in the sense that it ends just like it began: an arrogant person enters...

Boosting Profitability: Employee Commitment Strategies for Warbings

Introduction The recommendations made to Warbings Office Systems should lead to increased profitability of the firm as a result of improved employee commitment. In summary, the recommendations include conducting an employee satisfaction survey and introducing a performance appraisal for all the staffs. They also include the development of SMART objectives...

Rebab: Two-String Fiddle in Muslim Nations

Indonesia Instruments Rebab: It is a fiddle with two strings. It’s mainly found within Muslim nations. Gambang: Is an instrument that resembles a xylophone. It’s made of wood and is commonly used in the Southern Philippines and Indonesia. Suling: A bamboo flute used by Indonesians in gamelan ensembles. Kendang: A...

Raul Healing Hospital: Holistic Patient Care

Introduction Raul Healing hospital has numerous roles that incorporate the roles of healing the mind, the body, and the spirit of a patient. A healing culture that touches on values, beliefs, and philosophies that surround a given societal background that the hospital serves is manifested. Many researchers have revealed that...

Nader & Parenti on U.S. Government: Power, Plutocracy, and Reform

Essay on Nader Book and Parenti’s Branches of Government Chapters Ralph Nader is considered a highly influential American, one who has managed to save the lives of numerous citizens due to his actions targeted at the protection of consumer rights. He has been involved in the creation of such agencies...

Examining Al-Qaeda-Inspired Radicalization

Analysis: NYPD Radicalization Report-Executive Summary The major goal of the research was to examine the al-Qaeda-inspired threat at the point where radicalization begins and to understand the specifics of the process of radicalization in order to prevent future attacks (Silber & Bhatt, 2007). Silber and Bhatt were eager to identify...

Life of Indians in the US: Racism and Challenges

Introduction The life of Indians living in the United States has never been easy due to racism that remained widespread several years after the country gained independence. In this story, the author brings out the kind of life that Indians led, the challenges they faced, their aspirations in life, and...

Factors That Influence Personal Development

Introduction Growing up is perhaps one of the hardest things in the life of any child today. The changing family settings have hurt the lives of many children. The settings that parents are subjecting their children in a bid to enhance their development affect the identity and personality of the...

Characteristics of the Information Management System

Introduction In order to improve their performance in the market, companies are introducing information management systems into their work. A management information system is a set of elements that are in relationships and connections with each other, forming unquestionable integrity and unity for collecting, processing storing, and providing information about...

Quality Improvement Meeting Plan for CAUTI Prevention at Kendall Regional

Quality improvement (QI) projects usually cut across multiple clinical disciplines. An effective QI committee should comprise of an ad hoc team made up of representatives drawn from the affected practice areas that ideally report to the facility’s CEO. The QI committee holds regular meetings to identify the practice domain for...

Respiratory Infection and Pulmonary Immunity: Impact on Lung Health

Major Points of the Article The article “Respiratory Infection and the Impact of Pulmonary Immunity on Lung Health and Disease” offers useful ideas that can improve the health of many people. According to Mizgerd (2012, p. 824), “pulmonary immunity defends the respiratory system from various diseases and microbes”. This fact...

Public Defenders vs. Private Attorneys: A Comparative Insight

According to the laywers.com (n.d.), a court is supposed to appoint a lawyer for a person who is unable to meet the expense of a lawyer. In this case, the appointed lawyer is called a public defender. Therefore, a public defender refers to a lawyer selected to represent individuals who...

Analyzing the Role of the US Employment Commission in Workplace Lawsuits

Introduction Equal employment opportunity is one of the main aspects of United States ethics. The protection of this practice is highly important to sustain the values the country expresses (Gostin, 2015). This function is performed by the United States Employment Commission also known as EEOC. Their efforts prevent discrimination against...

Aphrodite and Her Famous Nudity: Art Interpretation

Introduction The cold and emotionless nudity of Ancient Greek statues has become so common to an average viewer that the lack of clothes and the presence of numerous anatomic details on sculptures no longer warrants even a snicker. However, the perception of nakedness in ancient Greece art pieces has experienced...

Cross-Cultural Personal and Professional Development

Introduction In today’s global economy, working with people from different cultures is becoming the norm. Although this brings many rewards, it also introduces challenges for both workers and management alike. All managers know that motivating their staff is the key to a successful business. To do this, they must understand...

Most Effective Leadership Styles in Modern World

Introduction Management is a broad and controversial topic that regularly gives rise to new theories regarding effective and ineffective management styles. The essence of leadership styles is vital for the effective work of companies and the efficient management of subordinates. In management nowadays, several styles are distinguished, each of which...

Private School Education: Key Issues and Otis College’s Liberal Arts Requirements

Private school education has been one of the major topics for serious discussions these days. There are many significant issues concerning private education that deserve close scrutiny today. Otis College of Arts and Design, the most distinguished institutes of the kind in the state, has involved in one such discussion...

Healthcare Reform: Obama’s Immediate Challenges

What immediate problem did the president run into when initiating the healthcare reform and why? Having initiated the healthcare reform, President Obama met strong opposition to the insurance and pharmaceutics lobby. The reform would be disadvantageous to these industries and made them lose revenue, and for this reason, they were...

PTSD in the United States: Understanding Its Impact and Prevalence

Introduction It is necessary to mention that Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a condition that affects an enormous percentage of the population in the United States. It would be appropriate to review peer-reviewed articles on this subject matter to get a better understanding of the topic. Definition PTSD can be...

Role of Political Machines in US City Modernization

Introduction Most of the US cities were run by political machines in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century (Tuckel & Maisel 99). A political machine is an organization controlled by a powerful boss or group of people who enjoy the support of a section of the population (Tuckel...

Airline Deregulation Act: Impact on US Airlines’ Routing Systems

Introduction The airline industry in the United States has faced a number of regulations meant to increase profitability and efficiency among the airline companies. According to Bontekoning (2006), most of the United States’ airlines were forced to use the concept of point-to-point routing system where a plane has to fly...

Challenges in Pain Management: NSAIDs, Opioids, and Multidisciplinary Approaches

Summary: Managing Chronic Pain Pain management is an essential responsibility if a nurse and an important element of meeting the patients’ needs. However, creating a uniform approach toward pain management is difficult because there are countless ways of classifying and, therefore, defining pain, i.e., based on the affected area, its...

Tallest Skyscraper in Rio: Global Collaboration and Cultural Challenges

Introduction Our construction company has been tasked with the responsibility of constructing the tallest skyscraper in the globe to be based in Rio de Janeiro. Dubai will finance the project, China will provide the raw materials, and management of the project shall be from the United States. On the other...

Organizational Culture and Leadership: Impact on Innovation and Global Operations

Abstract The existing concepts have proposed that organizational culture influences the capacity of a corporation to function in the global markets. In fact, most organizations have been unable to serve clients adequately based on the prevailing culture that inhibits the propensity of the workforce to generate and effectively use new...

Increasing Treatment Costs and Reducing Life Expectancies in Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is one of the diseases the prevalence of which continues to rise all around the world. It is confirmed to be a burden for patients because of increasing treatment costs and reducing life expectancies. The approaches to the treatment of type 2 diabetes are expanding nowadays....

Old Navy’s Online Video Promotion Strategy for Young Adult Males

Marketing The concept of online video promotion has allowed companies and organizations to fulfill their marketing objectives. Until recent times, organizations have had to rely on the experiences of marketing and promotional agencies or attend their online marketing seminars to comprehend how to create, manage, and even execute simple online...

Internet Age and Its Influence on a Public Self

Introduction The Internet age has brought forth a significant change in social interactions and personal connections. As in the case of any modern tendency, this phenomenon created both numerous advantages and challenges. On the one hand, researchers note that social networking gives plenty of chances to increase one’s quantity and...

Change Management Simulation and Lessons Learnt

Organizational changes are the type of alterations in the companies’ functioning that may be driven by a variety of factors. It is not easy to achieve a change (Anderson, 2017). There are many issues to take into consideration prior to planning and implementing such adjustments. No one can guarantee that...

Nursing Share: A New Digital Platform for Nurse Communication

Purpose The proposed idea is to create in the facility an electronic platform for nurses that will allow them to share practical advice and patient information, manage their schedules, and generally coordinate their work more effectively. The proposed name for the platform is Nursing Share. It will be built as...

Nursing: The Intersection of Science and Art

Introduction Answering the question of whether nursing is a science or art has always been complex because this issue is usually perceived differently. However, the main argument for this paper will be that both perspectives on nursing usually intertwine because the main goal of this discipline is to achieve patient...

Impact of Nurse Staffing on Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia Rates: A Critical Review

Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is one of the most common nosocomial infections associated with intensive care units (ICUs) (Blot et al., 2011). The incidence rates of VAP are correlated with the risk profile of patients and the duration of their exposure to mechanical ventilation. The systematic review conducted by Blot et...

Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and Hodgkin Lymphoma Overview

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) and Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) are both types of cancers that affect the lymphocytes (white blood cells). Abnormally large lymph nodes, weight loss, and fever are the general signs of these lymphomas. Out of these two categories of lymphomas, there are more than 67 subclasses. These two categories...

The Shallows by Nicholas Carr: Internet vs. Traditional Reading

Negative Impacts of Computers One of the first negative impacts of computers and their related software that I would like to discuss can be seen in the arguments of Nicholas Carr in his book “The Shallows.” In it, Carr presents readers with the notion that the traditional method of reading...

Naomi Klein on Racism: A Critical Analysis

Introduction One of the issues that have continued to cause major rifts among the earth’s human population is the issue of racism and discrimination. In past years, ills such as apartheid, xenophobia, and intolerance, resulted in social life being disrupted and many lives being lost. In light of the degenerative...

Myasthenia Gravis: Pathogenesis, Autoimmunity, and Treatment

Introduction Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disorder that results in progressive weakness of ocular, bulbar, limb, and/ or respiratory muscles due to a defect in neuromuscular transmission and subsequent contraction of skeletal muscles. The autoantibodies target the acetylcholine receptor on the postsynaptic membrane leading to a decrease in several receptors...

Robert Spadoni and Joe Tompkins on Horror Film Psychology

Robert Spadoni and Joe Tompkins present two varied arguments for the psychological creation of horror created in horror movies. Spadoni in his article “Horror Film Atmosphere and Narrative” believes that the psychological perception of horror is generated through the atmosphere/mood in movies. He believes that the mood of the film...

Middle Eastern Artists: Abdulnasser Gharem, Imran Qureshi, Sabhan Adam

Introduction Artists generate arts, which are products of creative works that depict a given phenomena in society. Artists usually derive their creative works from their environment because arts depict or predict certain activities that people perform. A critical examination of the arts provides important information about a certain society in...

Rhetorical Questions in Literature: Capturing Readers’ Emotions

Rhetorical questions are a feature of style extensively used in literature to capture the readers’ feelings in any article. It involves asking questions in the course of narration or describing scenarios that raise such questions within the reader’s mind. More complex rhetorical questions are built using other stylistic features. Rhetorical...

Concord Hospital Cardiac Surgery Program: Medication Safety Issues

The Scenario Concord Hospital is a non-profit community hospital located in Concord, New Hampshire. This hospital has 295 beds and handles and treats approximately 250 patients annually in its cardiac surgery program. Despite the success that the facility has been enjoying, its main challenge has been issues related to medication...

Debate on Medicare: Obama vs. Romney Plans in 2012 Election

Abstract Medicare was a major issue during the 2012 American presidential campaigns. Mitt Romney and President Barrack Obama agreed that some crucial changes needed to be done on the program. Notable elements of the president’s Medicare plan included the proposals to increase premiums for seniors, the need to cut the...

Impact of Media on British Society: EU Benefits, Social Class, and Family

Introduction The media has significantly influenced the lives of the British people. On the average, Britons spend over 5 hours each day on media services such as the internet, television, and/or the mobile phone. The European Union was established in 1973 through the interventions of Edward Heath who was a...

The McLaren Health Care Facilities, Services, and Strategic Plan

Introduction McLaren Health Care is a network of healthcare facilities that provides the citizens of Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsular with high-quality medical service (“Company overview of McLaren Health Care Corporation,” 2017). It was created in 1981 and is located in Flint, Michigan. The company states its mission as...

The Domestic Sources of American Foreign Domestic Policy by McCormick

Introduction The domestic sources of American foreign domestic policy is a masterpiece book by James McCormick. The book is about the US politics and international relations policies. The author is a professor who chairs the department of political science at Iowa State University. The content of the book covers the...

Chrysler Company’s Organizational Behavior

Abstract Organizational culture is defined as the behavior of individuals at work, which determines the success of the organization. It entails all the major values that an organization drafts, the mission and vision statements, and the systems. In this paper, the organizational culture of Chrysler will be analyzed in various...

Atheism and Its Religious Analysis

Introduction Atheism entails the belief that there are no deities or supreme beings. It is the opposite of theism which is the belief in the existence of at least one Supreme Being or deity. In simple terms, it can be said to be the belief that there is no God...

Autism, Autism Spectrum Sisorder (ASD), and Theory of Mind

Introduction The tendency toward inclusivity in education implies a more significant number of children with disabilities and developmental issues included in the classroom activities. One of the most prevailing issues relevant to education is autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which predetermines children’s cognitive, social, and physical complications. Children with autism have...

Arthur Bliss: An English Composer’s Life and Work

Biography Sir Arthur Bliss was until the time of his death a well respected and prominent English composer of the queen’s music. He was born as the eldest son on 2 August, 1891 in England. His mother was British but his father was of American origin that was by then...

Ancient Art History: From Paleolithic to Ancient Rome

Introduction The artistic history of ancient cultures can be divided into five periods. In particular, one should speak about the Paleolithic period, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Aegean civilization, and Ancient Rome. This paper is aimed at discussing various works that represent these civilizations. Moreover, it is necessary to show how these artifacts...

Scholarly Papers on Using EHRs: High Possibility of Impact

Introduction Health information technology (IT) is receiving more and more interest from scholars who investigate the threats and opportunities presented to the healthcare industry by innovations. The current paper aims to analyze a current and relevant issue related to health IT and outline in what ways this topic may impact...

How Many Local Franchises Have Used the Best Ideas and Strategies for Success

Introduction Franchising is a common practice in the world of business. Franchising makes it easier for “investors to establish new distribution outlets and stores in foreign markets” (Hoffman 5). The success of investors depends on the strategies and goals of their franchisees. Many local franchises are currently expanding their businesses...

American and Icelandic Healthcare Systems

Introduction Iceland was selected in this case because its healthcare system is viewed as one of the most efficient. It would be reasonable to compare the situation in these regions to get a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, and it will be possible to identify the areas that...

Amazon Company’s Supply Chain and Influences on It

Impact of sales and operations planning in supply chain integration on the Amazon company The supply chain is critical for Amazon because it ensures connections with different bodies and provides an opportunity to receive materials or objects and transfer them to the buyers. This procedure is rather complex, and its...

The Importance of a Technologically Advanced U.S. Air Force

Introduction As it currently stands, the United States is the world Superpower boasting of the largest and best equipped military. However, this situation is slowly changing as rival nations gain more military might therefore posing a threat to the US. In the present time, the US faces multiple wars and...

Airbus A380: PESTLE and SWOT Project Analysis

Introduction The Airbus A380 was an ambitious completed project for the largest passenger airliner in the world. The aircraft was designed to serve intercontinental airlines connecting the most major hub airports in Europe, Asia, Australia, and North America. Commercial operation of the Airbus A380 began in autumn 2007 (Airbus, n.d.)....

Aggression in the Colombian Culture

When anyone mentions Colombian culture, what comes to my mind is the positive outlook of life that Colombians possess. I admire how Colombians often look at the glass half full, despite the rough situations that the people from Colombia have to endure sometimes. The main reason for this speech is...

Leadership in Medical Institutions: Resolving Workplace Conflicts

Introduction Nowadays, different medical institutions highly focus on leadership to avoid and resolve conflicts at work, as they may have a negative effect on the quality of the provided services and well-being of the patients (Finkelman, 2006). Apart from their sufficient training, they continue to arise. To understand the nature...

Kendall Regional Medical Center’s Quality Improvement Efforts

Health is one of the major concerns of every individual. Kendall Regional Medical Center has had to involve other partners to establish and offer the best medical services in the nation. The health center is also collaborating with other competitors by participating in the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers...

Kendall Regional Medical Center’s Compliance with New Discharge Planning Regulations

In October 2015, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) embarked on a major reform to review and introduce new regulations to the discharge planning requirements that all healthcare facilities, including critical care facilities, long-term care facilities, nursing home agencies, and inpatient rehabilitation hospitals, must observe in order to...

The St. Anselm’s Arguments: Understanding the Ontological Proof

Hindu ideas of Brahman, atman, and reality Karma is one of the basic notions in Hinduism, which means action or deed. Every human action has its own effect on the existing life and may last over several lifetimes. A human being passes through the series of rebirths in different forms....

Understanding Lao Tzu’s Notion of Effortless Non-Striving

Explain and evaluate the Hindu ideas of Brahman, atman and reality Karma stands for “action” that leads to a number of outcomes, as a result of man’s desire for earthly things (Moore & Bruder 489). For example, Karma suggests that a noble action leads to happiness, whereas, an evil action...

God Had Never Existed and That Human Belief Shaped History

The Samsara reveals that the human cycle is a journey. People go through a cycle of desire and suffering because of their ego and ignorance. As a result, they go through a cycle and series of rebirths until they can escape the treadmill. Karma imprisons an individual by the transmigratory...

Karma and Its Impact on Present Life Actions

Karma explains that what people become in the present life is a result of their actions in the past life. Every action is followed by another action or an event appropriate, which may last a lifetime. An individual by surrendering to God and becoming enlightened on liberation can build up...

Effect of Exercise Education on Activity Levels in Young Adults

PICOT Question In a group of participants ages 18 to 25 (P), does the provision of education regarding the importance of exercising 300 minutes per week (I), compared to a similar group that does not receive the education (C), increase their level of activity by 30% (O) by the end...

Evaluating Moral Beliefs Through Sympathy: Bennett’s Perspective

We are all people who live in a society that has its particular rules and norms. Generally, we follow them to act decently and be accepted. No one questions the principles he/she was taught starting with the early childhood. Our parents claimed that this is right, and that is bad,...

Medical Dilemma: Faith vs. Medicine in Acute Glomerulonephritis Case

The case study presents a medical dilemma. Joanne and Mike encounter a unique problem arising from their son’s health condition. James has been diagnosed with acute glomerulonephritis and is in need of a kidney transplant. James’ physician suggests that immediate dialysis is needed to address his health needs. However, the...

William Faulkner’s World Revealed in “A Rose for Emily”

Introduction William Faulkner (1897-1962) is one of America’s favorite authors. Before his death in 1962, he was able to produce 26 books and a difficult to count number of short stories. His tales were full of such character and artistry that he has become recognized as a giant in world...

“Water for Elephants” by Sara Gruen

The book Water for Elephants by Sara Gruenn is full of rich accounts and actions. The reader is attracted into the vast arena of sideshows, elephants and ringmasters. One can also get experience about the conditions of nursing homes as also about old age. Indeed the book is remarkable in...

Using Discipline in a Workforce Environment

Speaking about the topic of ethical and moral aspects it is important to mention that one should run its business in accordance with the ethical rules or standards accepted in the society. Moral attitudes and virtues are the basis in successful business operation. Therefore, a manager is responsible for quality...

The Goodwill and Impairment Project

Buying another firm or organization is typical strategy corporations use to expand. These acquisitions are frequently sizable transactions, referred to as “business combinations” in IFRS Accounting Standards. The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is investigating ways to assist investors in holding businesses accountable for acquisitions and enhancing goodwill accounting in...

The Development of Radio and the Rise of Television

The conspicuous changes experienced in the 20th century were a result of the growth in radio technology that significantly influenced how politics, sports, culture, and the economy were driven. These unpredicted alterations became more amplified through the massive consumption and the coming up of media talent that started up shows...

System Thinking Model Analysis

Introduction This paper shows the basics of a victorious counterinsurgency strategy by applying a method recognized as systems thinking. The basics of good strategic thought lie together in recognizing the mass significant interactions flanked by dissimilar players, how they authority each other in unforeseen ways, and how to gauge progress...

Stress and Emotional Management

Managing Emotions-Strategy to Control Depression and Stress By GS Virk This article begins by acknowledging that conflicting emotions, just like thoughts, are a strong limitation in our mind. It goes on to say that stress and emotional management can be achieved through a habitual practice of the awareness of positive and...

Same Song, Different Styles: Musical Elements Analysis

Throughout its entire existence, music has performed many functions in people’s lives. It is intended not only for entertainment but also for education and development. With one type of music, a person rejoices and relaxes, while with the other feels complicated emotions and reflects on both personal and general social...

Interoperability in Healthcare: A Comprehensive Overview

Introduction The adoption of digital systems in healthcare poses a number of advantages for providers and patients. However, the wide variety of solutions raises the issue of compatibility between different platforms, preventing efficient data exchange. The following paper provides an overview of a solution to the issue covered in FierceHealthIT...

Parenting in Lapine’s Play Into the Wood

Introduction Parenthood is one of the central elements of personality socialization, which lays the child’s primary skills in communication and interaction with the environment. For this reason, it is so important to provide effective and pedagogical education and training that stimulates the child’s successful and harmonious development. Otherwise, a parent...

Media Developing Stereotypes About Minorities

Abstract Social media is one of the most contradicting phenomena of the 21st century. People can create their accounts, share their thoughts, and exchange news in different ways. People think that they can control social media and gain many benefits. At the same time, social media is characterized by some...

Main Ideas and Characteristics of Service Marketing

Introduction A service is an act of doing something to an individual or something. Therefore, service marketing is considered the process of selling or offering a service to get some returns. Marketing services are different from marketing products (Marketing Teacher n.d., para 1). For example, when a consumer buys a...

“Letter L: Phonemic Awareness” Lesson Plan

TeacherReady® Weekly Lesson Plan Template Name Subject/ Grade Level Language Arts / K-1 Title of Lesson Letter L: Phonemic Awareness State Standard CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.K.1. Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print (Common Core State Standards Initiative, 2019). 30 Day Learning Goal Learn that words are represented in written...

Developing a Care Plan for the Elderly Family in Miami

The continued increase of injuries and deaths resulting from falls is alarming. The elderly need care, not just because they are old, but because they are part of the larger society. In Miami, Florida, there is the concern for how to develop a good plan that will help to salvage...

Financial and Non-Financial Performance Measures: D. Campbell’s Study

Major Points Dennis Campbell was the main proponent of the study and the author of the article. He entitled the article as Nonfinancial Performance Measures and Promotion-Based Incentives. The article was made available through the publishing arm of the Journal of Accounting Research and printed in the United States of...

How the US Supreme Court Affected Japanese Americans

Introduction Some Japanese Americans refused to relocate to internment camps during World War II, and they also challenged government orders to do so in court. These individuals correctly contended that the government violated their civil liberties by denying them the ability to stroll outdoors at night and reside in their...

Small Groups Philosophy in Disciple-Making Efforts

Introduction Small groups form the basis for any interactions that occur not only in the church, but also in all other aspects of life. For instance, subtle interrelationships in homes and at the workplace offer individuals the necessary intimacy for them to build one another. The same dynamic applies to...

Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy and Diabetes

What Does the Review Ask? Main Issue Being Researched The presented review was aimed at understanding the existing “cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy (CAN) guidelines about epidemiology, clinical impact, diagnosis, the usefulness of CAN testing, and management” (Spallone et al., 2011, p. 639). The other objective was to update the CAN guidelines...

Heartseasism: Religious Ideology of Harmony

Introduction With the development of scientific knowledge as well as technology that have given answers to many questions and provided outstanding opportunities for exploration and invention, beliefs began to outlive their usefulness. It would not be reasonable, however, to consider religion as a phenomenon obsolete; rather, it needs adapting to...

Reducing ER Visits for Childhood Fever Through Parent Education

Childhood fever is a rather common condition. However, the parents of young patients recently discharged from the Emergency Room tend to overestimate this problem and bring the patients back to the facility. Due to the lack of sufficient information, parents do not understand the possibility of safe treatment of their...

Egypt: Country Study

Introduction Egypt is regarded as one of the most ancient and principal civilizations, making an immense contribution to the development of humankind in all spheres of their activity. This Mediterranean country occupies the northeastern corner of Africa and the Nile River’s delta and the valley, bordered by Israel, the Gaza...

Obesity Solutions: Multimodal-Lifestyle Intervention

Background Obesity has become one of the most significant health problems of the modern age. According to statistics, more than 1 in 3 adults are considered overweight (Ferrer, Cruz, Burge, Bayles, & Castilla, 2014). For this reason, different approaches to solve the problem are suggested. Lifestyle intervention is one of...

Cancer Diagnosis and Staging: Crucial Processes for Effective Management

Introduction Cancer refers to any dangerous and abnormal mass of tissue caused by hysterical dissection of cells in the body. It spreads to various parts of the body through the lymphatic system or the blood stream (Borg & Rosenthal, 2006). Cancer affects the functioning of various body parts depending on...

Recognizing Alzheimer’s: Early Signs and Symptoms

Introduction Dementia is an ailment that occurs mainly as a result of brain malfunctioning. In turn, memory shortage is likely to occur as a result of ageing. However, excessive memory loss is not a normal situation and leads to the Alzheimer’s disease. Apart from Alzheimer’s dementia, there are other types...

Improving Health in the African American and Hispanic Community

Assessing the clinical situation in communities such as African American and Hispanic inevitably requires assessing their cultural situation. Culturally prerequisited Internet usage, for one, can prove a valuable asset in adopting an HIE: for instance, the overall rating of Hispanics using Internet through mobile devices is 10% bigger than that...

Human Genitals: Ethical and Medical Controversies

The issue of circumcision Human genitals is a matter that is to be treated with utmost care. Yet, history remembers many examples of genital-related surgery actions that are, today, a point of contradiction in the field of medical studies, human rights, and ethics. Genital mutilations are mainly referred to as...

The New York State Department of Financial Services: Tackling Insurance Malpractices

Insurance has a long history, which stretches back to the 3rd millennium BC. In its early history, insurance was nothing other than rudimentary risk spreading mechanisms employed by Chinese traders. They distributed their wares into many vessels so that if one or a few vessels capsized, the loss was evenly...

Ballroom Dance: History and Characteristics

Ballroom dances are performed in pairs in social gatherings as well as on competitive stages. Different types of dances are included in this ballroom dance and they are fox-trot, waltz, polka, tango, Charleston, jitterbug, and merengue (Ballroom dance, 2009) and their styles are also different. It was usually performed for...

The Staffing Ratios in Health Care Facilities Bill Analysis

Currently, there are many issues in the health care industry that directly influence the professional practice of nurses. For instance: nurse turnover, nurse staffing ratios, patient satisfaction, quality improvement and much more. One of the biggest problems nurses face today is low staffing: nurses are often forced to provide nursing...

Analysis of the Industry State of the Automotive Industry in Italy

Introduction The world automobile industry always showed a growing tendency. The invention of the car by Henry Ford in the year 1896 was a turning point in world transportation history. (Automotive Industry Analysis- GM, DaimlerChrysler, Toyota, Ford, Honda). Though the automobile industry is growing at a higher speed, there are...

Amazon Human Resources Strategy

This essay analyzes the HR strategy of Amazon. It’s focused on Amazon HR strategy practices and issues associated with them. It also studies aspects of Amazon human resources strategy, such as recruitment and retention rates. Introduction Being one of the largest and most successful companies in the world, Amazon.com constantly...

Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram: Understanding Star Luminosities and Temperatures

Hertz-sprung-Russell diagram is a disperse chart of stars correlating the stars luminosities against their spectral types and effectual temperature. Through this diagram, temperatures are measured in Kelvin’s ranging from 3000 to 30,000. Similarly, the magnitudes of the stars range from +15 to -10. The stars luminosity and effective temperature are...

Heraclitus’ Philosophy: Reality is Ceaseless Change

Heraclitus argued that reality is changing ceaselessly. According to this philosophy, there is no other reality apart from the reality of change (Moore & Bruder, 2012). The argument further states that permanence does not exist because it is only an illusion. He argued that fire is the root substance of...

Healthy People 2020: Encephalitis, Giardiasis & Donovanosis in Miami

Introduction Healthy People is known as a program on a nationwide scale aimed at health promotion and preventive measures. It is run on a regular basis. Nowadays, Healthy People 2020 is a guide for health care professionals: it sets several key goals in different areas, one of which is immunization...

Martin-Pullin Bicycle Corporation: Inventory Planning

Inventory Plan Developing the inventory plan for the Martin-Pullin Bicycle Corporation will entail estimating the economic order quantity. In this case, the forecasted demand will be used in the model. The simple economic order quantity model ignores the swings in demand. In this model, the variation in demand is reviewed...

Nursing Philosophy in Emergency Trauma Care

Introduction In their work, nurses should apply theoretical principles of nursing to their practice depending on the settings and specific needs of patients whom they serve. Much attention should be paid to identifying differences in needs and expectations typical of various groups of patients (Wetzig & Mitchell, 2017). The purpose...

Healthcare Organizations’ Revenue Sources and Management System

Introduction Health care organizations require revenue for them to offer quality services. The organizations obtain income from different sources. They include government programs, private payers, and investment. The health care organizations do not negotiate on payment rates for the government programs. However, they have an influence over the payment rates...

Health Insurance Types and Market Failures: Understanding the Issues

Introduction According to (Roemoeer, 1986), Health insurance pays for part or all bills of health care of a person. There are various types of health insurance which include individual plans, health plans for the government, health plans for groups and worker’s compensation. Health insurance is also classified into managed care...

Concepts of Healing Hospitals: Environment, Tech & Care Culture

Concepts of healing hospitals The concept of healing hospitals is based on the core principle of providing healthcare services in well-coordinated and humane manner. In this regard, the concept of healing is attributed with three major components. A healing physical environment In order to improve efficiency and quality of health...

Critique of High Protein Diet and Exercise Study in Older Adults

Background of Study Older adults are the fastest-growing population globally. Obesity occurs in 20 to 30% of this population. Obesity in this age group is a big health problem because of its connection to chronic health problems such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, which lower the quality of life (Flegal,...

Abortion in Christian and Non-Christian Ethics

Introduction Humans, on a daily basis, are faced with a never-ending battle with themselves – the voice that tells them what to do and not do. Therefore, when faced with the same ethical dilemma, the decision arrived at vary from one person to another depending on the type of ethical...

Epistemological Objection to Divine Command Theory

Morality and ethics represent the most complicated issues throughout the history of humankind. There are many ethical principles and frameworks guiding people to morality in their lives. Therefore, one should choose three ethical theories, including deontology, consequentialism, and virtue ethics, to understand how they can be applied in real contexts....

Hamilton’s Impact: Immigration Themes in the Musical’s Soundtrack

Introduction Immigration is one of the most controversial topics in American culture, mostly due to a host of political issues associated with it. Despite a significant amount of research done on the subject, the public perception of immigration remains polarized. While some U.S. residents believe that the phenomenon has severe...

Gun Control Debate: Pro-Gun vs. Anti-Gun Arguments

Introduction Different countries have different opinions about gun control whereby some countries have strict gun control laws while others are liberal. The debate surrounding gun control has two differing sides: the pro-gun control and anti-gun control. Each of these sides bases its arguments on different reasons. Gun control debate touches...

How to Obtain Phenacetin from Acetaminophen

Abstract This work aimed to obtain Phenacetin from Acetaminophen using a nucleophilic attack mechanism. Reflux, ice-bath cooling and heating, and vacuum filtration procedures were used to complete the synthesis. The simpler materials were reacted to produce complex compounds presented in later sections of the paper. Melting point values were instrumentally...

The Protestant Reformation in the History of Global Christianity

Introduction Christianity has different branches, the main ones being Protestantism and Catholicism. The tenets of the roman catholic church guide the doctrines, beliefs, and practices of Catholics. On the other hand, the results and principles of the Protestant Reformation govern the religious philosophies, creeds, and perception of Protestantism. Therefore, to...

The Concept of the New Woman in China

The new Chinese woman featured in Goddess (1934) can be seen as a manifestation of the chasm between the reality and people’s ideas on the new world that is also manifested through the difference between visual and textual documents focusing on the issue. It is necessary to note that the...

Agriculture, Water, and Food Security in Tanzania

Introduction National Security is closely connected to the economic processes within the country. Integration in the global economic dynamics stabilizes a country’s financial balance and affects the general success of international trade. Therefore, economic development contributes to the maintenance of National Security through establishing international relations and commercial success. A...

Non-Traditional Historical Research Methods

Introduction Conducting research activities requires preparing and reviewing a sufficient evidence base, which particularly concerns the field of history. Various methods and analytical tools may be utilized, as well as supporting materials, including scholarly books and peer-reviewed documents. These types of sources provide a credible background to obtain a comprehensive...

Healthcare Agencies and Regulations: Compliance and Standards Overview

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) CDC is one of the leading agencies in the prevention and control of disease in the United States. It was established in the middle twentieth century with the initial goal of controlling the global influence of several infectious diseases such as malaria and...

Street-Smart vs. Intellectual: Gerald Graff’s Perspective

It does not present a particular challenge to outline the main idea, promoted in Gerald Graff’s article. According to Graff, it is methodologically inappropriate to refer to what he defines as ‘street-smart’ activities (sports, games, fights, dating) and intellectual activities as conceptually incompatible, because just as it is the case...

“I Am” by Gospel: Religious Writing Review

Gospel is one of the most famous religious writings that shows the life of Jesus Christ and his death. According to Carson, John, who was the writer of the masterpiece, believed that people should follow Bible studies and consider the importance of their beliefs. The clear flow of text makes...