Opportunities of an App for Online Startups

Requirements Among the key requirements for digital application development, one must mention the need to build thorough and detailed information architecture. Thus, the essential processes related to data management will be streamlined, ensuring that the application functions impeccably. A comprehensive and meticulous market analysis will be conducted so that the...

World War I: The Brief Analysis

Introduction World War I, which was referred to as the Great War at the time, is the armed conflict that escalated in Europe but soon assumed worldwide proportions and lasted between 1914 and 1918. By its beginning, the most powerful states of the epoch had formed two coalitions that actually...

Tesla Motors Firm’s Amphibious Car Project

Introduction The amphibious car project by Tesla Motors offers several advantages to investors and the general public. Firstly, investors might capitalize on the expansion to the new branch of the market. Tesla has already established an image as a market pioneer, and another ambitious undertaking would further reinforce it. Secondly,...

Discussion of the Movie “Alex Haley’s Queen”

Introduction “Alex Haley’s Queen,” which is frequently referred to as “Queen,” is a movie by John Erman that comprises three parts, actually being a miniseries. This is an adaptation of the novel by Alex Haley, where the author traces his paternal family history four generations back. The writing serves to...

Effects of Water Pollution on Human Health

Introduction Water pollution is a major global issue in both developing and developed countries. In 2020, over half of the U.S. lakes and rivers breached the environmental standards, and American drinking water comes from 4-28% of sources that infringe the health standards (Sharma et al. 5). Annually, over 16 million...

An Introduction to Organizational Behavior: Chapter Summary

Work Attitudes A person’s attitude is one of the essential contributors to organizational success. According to Bauer and Erdogan (2020), an attitude is an individual feeling toward a certain aspect of the environment around us. The two particular concepts that are inextricably linked to employee attitudes are job satisfaction and...

Olay’s #MakeSpaceForWomen Advertisement Analysis

How Individuals and Groups are Represented? Olay unveiled its #MakeSpaceForWomen campaign at Super Bowl LIV in February 2020. Katie Couric, Taraji P. Henson, Busy Phillips, Lilly Singh, and real-life former astronaut Nicole Stott starred in the all-female Super Bowl profitable. Whenever someone tweeted using the hashtag #MakeSpaceForWomen and tagged @OlaySkin...

Alzheimer’s Disease: The Challenges Imposed on Family Members

Introduction With increasing age, the chances of developing an irreversible neurological illness, like Alzheimer’s disease, increase dramatically. Statistics say that more than 55 million people worldwide have dementia nowadays, and the number is growing by around ten million every year. The illness detrimentally affects an individual’s cognitive functions, including memory,...

How Climate Change Influenced Global Migration

Introduction The connection between climate change and migration has been an important subject for many years. Migration and conflict have become the most important reasons causing researchers’ interest in climate change. Environmental threats caused by climate change affect rural areas, creating an initiative for migration. In such circumstances, urban areas...

Analysis of Three Identical Strangers by Tim Wardle

The major debate of the triplets versus Louise Wise Services purported to highlight parenting styles. The researchers filmed the triplets from when they were adopted until they were teenagers. Although the research was allegedly aimed at studying parenting styles, the participants’ experiences prove otherwise. The experiences of the triplets suggest...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Main Benefits of the Nuclear Power

Introduction For many years, the topic of nuclear power has been approached carefully and with contention from some quarters. Arguably, the notion of nuclear power may send chills down the spines of many who are familiar with the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These incidences have created fear over...

My Haitian Heritage’s Influences on My Worldview

Culture is a factor that significantly influences people’s behavior, perspective, views, and even outcomes in life and cannot be avoided. It is usually passed from generation to generation, from parents to children, and is interrelated with the concepts of ethnicity and society. Yet, culture does not stay unchanged; instead, it...

Judaism and Christianity: History and Population

Introduction There are numerous differences between the two major religions. Nevertheless, they share the same roots and have remarkably contributed to the formation of Western Civilization. The two religions share multiple basic concepts and terms, which makes the analysis of the differences a complex undertaking. Different approaches of the Jewish...

The Indigenous Food Sovereignty Concept

Though there is no accepted description, the food sovereignty concept can be regarded as the latest and most inventive method to achieve the overall objectives of long-term food availability. Indigenous food sovereignty is a policy strategy that addresses the fundamental challenges affecting Indigenous populations and their capacity to meet their...

The World of George Orwell’s “Nineteen Eighty-Four” and the Current World

Introduction The novel 1984 by George Orwell describes a society where the authorities regularly check citizens. This essay compares the world of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four to the present world. As Orwell quotes, “Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past,” people should recognize...

The National Council for Aging Care

The United States is facing an influx in the senior population, hence the need to acquire and use available resources to maximize value and efficiency. Notably, most people in their late adulthood have physical and mental conditions that make them need assistance in daily living. The clients may not have...

Planning a One-Day Ideal Diet Using MyFitnessPal

Introduction Three-Day Typical Diet (Average Intake) One-Day Ideal Diet Intake MyFitnessPal Daily Goal Calories (kcal) 1770 1700 1720 Carbohydrates (g) 219 210 215 Fiber (g) 22 22 25 Fat (g) 57 40 57 Saturated FatFat (g) 18 10 19 Protein (g) 82 85 86 Sodium (mg) 1580 2000 2300 Potassium...

Technology in Healthcare and Care Coordination

Introduction Many caregivers rely on various technological advances for wellness diagnoses and prevention, and medical technologies are rapidly becoming a core aspect of care propagation. Preventive care among many healthcare entities, such as community programs, is critical for improving medical outcomes. Obesity is a complicated condition characterized by an overabundance...

The Effects of Homelessness on Single-Parent Families in Black Community

Introduction For several decades, the United States has been experiencing an increase in the number of homeless people across the country. Although the phenomenon is a global problem, it is more common in the U.S. compared to other first-world countries such as the U.K. and France (Ortiz-Ospina & Roser, 2017)....

Comparative Advantage: Analysis of the Concept

Summary Comparative advantage is an economic concept that some countries, states or regions are better set off in producing specific goods than others. Comparative advantage is important in world politics because it determines the countries or regions that will benefit from specializing in he production of certain goods or products...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Importance of Work-Life Balance

Introduction In the modern world, the question of how to combine intense professional activity and personal life has become very relevant. This problem has become a concern for an increasing number of enterprises and their employees. The researchers noted an increase in the need for flexible working hours, working from...

The Amos 8:1-8 Passage from the Old Testament

Introduction The Amos 8:1-8 passage is found in the book of Amos. This passage, in particular, discusses the theme of greed as the Israeli merchants have begun to treat their customers unlawfully, and the businessmen took advantage of the poor. For these actions, God has punished the Israel people. This...

Spirituality, Faith, and Placebo Effects on Health

Many factors have been proven to influence human health and well-being through research and experiments. These factors are mind-triggered, genetically inherited, or learned and believed to work. Although there is a controversy between spiritual life and its effects on health, there is no clear proof and concluded research that has...

CTE and Head Injuries in the NFL

Introduction American football is one of the sporting activities with many fans in the United States. Investors, sponsors, and professional footballers in the National Football League (NFL) make huge profits from this sport. Unfortunately, the glory and fame associated with the NFL remain questionable due to the health issues many...

World Religions: Researching of Buddhism

Introduction Oftentimes, the religion or philosophy that a person follows for spiritual purposes defines the individual’s social and cultural life. As a result, one’s religion defines values, morals, and lifestyle on multiple levels. Buddhism is one of the world’s most extensive philosophical branches originating in India and having distinct teachings,...

Bonds in the US Economy Context

Introduction The US economy is affected by bonds that determine the market’s liquidity aspects, hence determining the standards of living through consumerism metrics. Due to investment perspectives, bonds are useful in capital preservation, which can predict returns for a given enterprise. In the New York Times, Neil Irwin has articulated...

A Philadelphia Museum of Art Experience

Philadelphia Museum of Art is one of the most sophisticated museums in the US. It is also one of the most visited museums in the nation and is reported to offer satisfactory experiences. The museum, offering both historical and contemporary artworks covers the visitors with various types of experience. My...

The PepsiCo Firm’s Strategic Planning

Introduction In this contemporary environment, a strategic plan plays an integral role in the effective performance of an organization. It uses the current situation in the business environment to define the future (Jayawarna & Dissanayake, 2019). PepsiCo is among organizations that need strategic planning to increase its productivity in the...

How the US Supreme Court Affected Japanese Americans

Introduction Some Japanese Americans refused to relocate to internment camps during World War II, and they also challenged government orders to do so in court. These individuals correctly contended that the government violated their civil liberties by denying them the ability to stroll outdoors at night and reside in their...

David Hume’s Biography and Philosophical Views

The history of philosophy demonstrates that many thinkers contributed to the development of this science and demonstrated different approaches to the perception of the word. Many of them had similar views, yet their differences led to lengthy debates, criticism of each other’s work, and the formation of groups of followers....

Analysis of Age of Conflict in Viceroyalty of New Spain

The Viceroyalty of New Spain referred to one of the four viceroyalty entities upon which the Spanish Catholic Empire’s American colony was organized. The other three entities included the Viceroyalty of New Granada, the Viceroyalty of Peru, and the later Viceroyalty of Río de la Plata. The Spanish crown’s victory...

The Emergency Action Plans for Athletes

The Significance of the Topic The significance of Emergency action plans (EAPs) has become an essential topic of study among scholars and professionals responsible for athletes’ welfare. The sports industry involves not only state-of-the-art medical achievements to provide excellent performance but is complex from the organizational point of view. EAPs...

Polychrome Glazed Tomb Figurine of a Troupe of Musicians on a Camel

Introduction. Polychrome Glazed Tomb Figurine of a Troupe of Musicians on a Camel The figure of five musicians on a tall camel. The Sogdian origin of the figure. Highest level of Sancai art. Polychrome pottery of the Tang Dynasty (AD 618 908). A unique piece of art. History Placed in...

Compensation of College Athletes

Introduction The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) has been in the spotlight severally concerning paying college athletes. The debate is whether the compensation college athletes receive is fair considering how much money schools make through tickets, advertising, merchandising et cetera while some athletes only receive free tuition. Many have deemed...

The Power of Using Nuclear Energy

Introduction The majority of the world’s population cannot imagine their lives without electricity. Energy for daily consumption by individuals and organizations is produced in many ways, including nonrenewable sources (fossil fuels and gas) and renewable ones (solar and wind power). However, one type of energy production – nuclear fission –...

Philosophical Views of Confucius vs. Seneca

Introduction Human beings have formulated moral principles that guide their actions and the manner in which they relate to each other. Confucius was an ancient Chinese thinker who acknowledges that the presence of a gentleman among barbarians helps them overcome their uncouthness. Seneca believes that a virtuous life is only...

New World Slavery and Racism in Society

Introduction It is significant, to begin with, Virginia; the Africans who arrived on this land knew something of European culture and could speak Spanish or Portuguese. Their primary motivation was to settle in Virginia because there was an opportunity for freedom. However, some remained enslaved people for the rest of...

Understanding of War: The Three Eras

Introduction In its most popular and broadest sense, war denotes a conflict between political groups involving hostilities of considerable magnitude and duration. Throughout the history of global development, and especially in the second part of the twentieth century, in the aftermath of two global wars and in the shadow of...

How the Beatles Changed the American Culture

Introduction The Beatles took England by storm with their rock and roll music in the late 1950s, and by the early 1960s, their influence had reached the United States. The band comprised Paul McCartney, George Harrison, John Lennon, and Ringo Starr, commonly known as the Fab Four. The band, originally...

The Case of Human Trafficking in China

Introduction China is regarded as a major source, destination, and transit country of human trafficking. This illegal activity takes the form of marriages, sex, and labor that are done by force, including human smuggling and the sale and adoption of babies. The practice is further fueled by the undocumented immigrants’...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Depression: Diagnostics and Treatment

Introduction Depression is a crucial discussion point in this research since it is a prevalent mental condition afflicting millions. According to Stringaris (2017), it is a mental disorder that may continue for a period of time. Moreover, depression has been dubbed the “common cold” of mental diseases, and it looks...

Impact of Obesity on Healthcare System

Effect of Obesity on Quality of Care Patients suffering from obesity suffer immensely from stigma during the process of care due to avoidance. This stigma ultimately affects the quality of care they receive from the healthcare teams availed to them. Stigma is mainly due to the association of obesity with...

Race in “The Long Walk Home” Film

Introduction For this study, a film called “The Long Walk Home” was selected, which was first released in 1991. This cinematic film tells the story of two families who faced crisis times in American history. One of the wives is a decent black maid who works hard both at work...

The Struggle Against Slavery Was for All

Introduction Early American history is one filled with struggle and determination from various groups that sought to achieve certain freedoms and rights that cost them a lot. The African American community was one such particular group that fought various forms of oppression in America, including slavery and inequality. Greater introspection...

Peculiarities of Religious Belief in Theology

Introduction The study of the essence, role and functions of the phenomenon of religious belief has an enduring significance. In the modern world, on the one hand, we observe a systemic crisis of globalism and a crisis of culture; on the other, there is a search for identity, conversion to...

Organizational Structure of the Tesla Company

Introduction Tesla is one of the most costly companies in the world, but it remains the most valuable carmaker. Tesla Motors, Inc.’s operations strategy procedures meet the standards in the ten strategic options for maximum effectiveness in all areas of the vehicle and electrical solutions business. The execution of the...

The Development of the Nursing Profession over the 1800s

While the nursing profession is one of the fastest-growing in the medical field, there is still a need to bridge the gap between theory and practice and encourage clinical nurses to participate in research activities. Nurses are responsible for promoting health, preventing disease, and helping patients deal with sickness. They...

Teen Alcohol Consumption Reduction Plan in Long Island

The Need to Reduce Alcohol Consumption Excessive drinking kills nearly 90,000 Americans each year, and there are significant short and long-term health risks associated with heavy drinking. Common health risks include a weakened immune system, risky behavior, and chronic illnesses: high blood pressure, cirrhosis, and mental problems. In Long Island,...

Information Technology Project Planning

Annotated literature Aladwani, A. M. (2002). IT project uncertainty, planning and success: An empirical investigation from Kuwait. Information Technology & People, 15(3), 210-226.  Summary Information technology projects consist of many elements that contribute to their success or failure. This article focuses on planning and uncertainty dimensions like project size, diversity,...

Peritoneal Dialysis and Hemodialysis as Treatment for End Stage Renal Diseases

Introduction One of the most important aspects when conducting the treatment of patients with kidney substitution therapy is the quality of their life. This problem remains the most acute because this group of patients feels constant dependence of their health and life on the factors they have little control of....

America’s 20TH-Century Social and Political History

All of the terms in this selection are connected with the topic of America’s 20th-century social and political history. All of the terms and people discussed in their four pairs are either connected with a particular government policy or a response to the emerging social trends by the people of...

Prison Population by Ethnic Group and Sex

Introduction This presentation will try to formulate a decent research question by exploring relevant databases. Such skills are essential for future scholars interested in testing hypotheses and giving evidence-based conclusions about different acute social issues. The database for this presentation is taken from the site of the British government (Ministry...

Child Abuse and Its Impact on Society

Introduction One of the most pressing issues affecting children worldwide is child abuse, which has garnered the attention of countries internationally. Parents, teachers, clergy, neighbors, and others can all harm children. An investigation of the case of Stacy, a youngster who was molested, is the focus of this paper. During...

A Spontaneous Reporting System for Drug Safety Surveillance

Spontaneous Reporting Systems Polypharmacy refers to using multiple drugs by an individual for therapeutic reasons. Recently, the situation has been identified as a vital social problem because it induces adverse events (AEs) and increases the chances of AEs through drug-drug interactions (DDIs). Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interactions are two primary types...

General Motors Firm’s Leadership Approaches

Introduction The history of General Motors (GM) is characterized by periods of growth, stagnation, bankruptcy, and renewal. Between 2000 and 2014, GM encountered one of its worst moments when several recalls were reported. The corporation recorded unprecedented losses that set the stage for it to become bankrupt. The absence of...

Goods Declaration Procedure for Home Use

This fact sheet applies to any individual to bring goods into the country from external countries for home use. It illustrates commonly used terminology and how the import clearance system works, and other vital information required for any visitor or current country resident. This fact sheet also contains a section...

Beating Hypertension in the Race to Healthy People 2030: A Caste Study

For older adults, hypertension remains one of the main causes of many adverse cardiovascular outcomes such as stroke and death. The burden of this chronic disease is feared to escalate given the world’s aging population. Accordingly, the present study focuses on T, an elderly patient with arterial hypertension. T is...

How to Style Your Living Room Like a Designer

Modern people have quite a hectic life, especially those living in urban areas, and seem to be working 24/7, giving to the world the best of their selves. Of course, it is vital to keep something for oneself, and creating a cozy space for your body and soul is a...

US Athletes in Foreign Sports Teams

Introduction Globalization and multiculturalism are changing people’s perceptions of national boundaries, which is especially relevant for less structured phenomena. In particular, in recent times, many athletes have competed at international sports events under the flag of foreign countries, despite their citizenship. This practice is especially common in large developed countries,...

Cold War: History and Impact on Population

Introduction The Cold War is a special term used to describe the military, economic, and political confrontation between the two blocs led by the USSR and the US in the second half of the 20th century. In the literal sense, this cannot be called a war since there were no...

Corruption in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Introduction While world economies are affected by a range of problems, some have remained entrenched in countries, impending national and regional growth. Some of the challenges are political instability, poverty, disease, and corruption. These problems are inter-connected in that one leads to another, and if unchecked, may cause the collapse...

Planning for the Redevelopment of Providence, RI

Introduction Redevelopment, redesign, and renovation are key elements of municipal centers’ transformation, enabling responsible authorities to facilitate public welfare. Providence, Rhode Island, underwent physical renovation between 1960 and 2000, transforming its center through several designs and implementation programs. Although the different plans were tailored to different needs within the center,...

Translanguaging and English as a Second Language Reading Instruction

Introduction Acquisition of a native language appears as an automated process, and it is presumed that once it happens, it becomes immune to change. However, there are these individuals who routinely make use of more than one language, and or reside in a bilingual environment. Attrition research documents that in...

Fair Trade Joe: Business Opportunities

The new business venture for evaluation is the online coffee shop named Fair Trade Joe with the domain fairtradejoe.com. The client base that will be targeted includes connoisseurs and regular coffee drinkers who find it important for their coffee to be ethically sourced. For many consumers, coffee represents a crucial...

Nutrients in Different Food Groups

Background The composition of nutrients, both macronutrients and micronutrients vary significantly in different food items and food groups. When these food items are classified botanically or taxonomically, some food groups prove to have a higher concentration of certain nutrients than others. The variation in nutrients concentration in these food groups...

Pennsylvania vs. New York State Constitutions

Introduction The grounds for comparison between the constitutions of Pennsylvania and New York State are based on such categories as individual liberties, requirements for governor, and checks and balances of the three branches. Notably, the two states are both located in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern regions of the US and...

Paternity Leaves After Children’s Birth

Introduction After childbirth, some fathers, especially those not in committed relationships, barely take time off work to care for their children. On the other hand, mothers are forced to take time off work before and after the mother delivers. Fathers barely get time off, and if allowed to get time...

Mission Command Principles Employed in Operation Anaconda

Introduction One of the world’s most historical military campaigns occurred in early 2002 and involved Afghanistan forces and American troops. Working with their colleagues, Central Intelligence Agency, paramilitary officers aimed to defeat Al-Qaeda and Taliban troops in the southeast of Zormat at the Shahi-Kot Valley and Arma Mountains on a...

Leadership Interview on Job Satisfaction

Management hires suitable people with the requisite skills, training, and qualifications for diverse positions, allowing the organization to prosper in an ever-changing environment. When the market changes, the initial leadership must be modified by managers. As an outcome, the company can react to changing market needs and societal concerns. Leadership...

Taxation and Wealth Redistribution in Hong Kong

Introduction Hong Kong is a very attractive city business wise, and currently many business people are willing to invest in it due to its enticing tax policies. Taxation is a very important factor for investors who might be considering new avenues for their business. Many countries of the globe are...

Current Procedural Terminology Concept

Introduction. Steps involved in CPT Coding Current Procedural Terminology is a form of medical language. The process involves seven main steps encompassing (Landon & Mechanic, 2017). A review of the report’s header. An examination of the index in CPT codebook. A scrutiny of documented report. Development of selected preliminary code....

Can the World Have a Fair Artificial Intelligence?

Introduction The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) is rampant in modern society due to globalization which has taken root almost in all sectors. Having technology-centric aspects in place is important, but there is still a concern for better AI due to the challenges that have ensued previously. The machine learning...

Upgrading Computers in Business Organizations

Introduction The functioning of any company today critically depends on the technology it uses. The use of appropriate devices can help to attain numerous benefits. For instance, enhanced effectiveness, reduced cost, and higher client satisfaction can be achieved by integrating innovations. At the same time, it is vital to ensure...

Medical Application Critical Appraisal Guidelines

The usage of mobile phones and other electronic devices is becoming more widely recognized as an essential healthcare tool, increasing medical software application development. Data collection, patient management, monitoring, and clinical decision-making are all things that this software may assist healthcare providers with (Durfee & Iaizzo, 2019). Care staff profit...

Franklin Roosevelt: Shift of the New Deal

Introduction During the 1932 summer, Franklin Roosevelt was a New York governor before he was voted as a Democratic Party candidate. In Roosevelt’s acceptance speech, he addressed various challenges caused by depression and offered to formulate a New Deal for Americans. As a result, in the 1932 fall, Roosevelt encountered...

Coca-Cola Soft Drink’s Brand Extension

Background of Coca Cola With a 19-percent increase in perceived brand value to approximately US$36.2 billion by 2019, Coca-Cola retains its place as the world’s most successful brand. In the U.S., Coca-Cola took over Disney’s leading position, which fell to fourth place with an index score of 89.7 after its...

Antagonists in “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”: Analysis

Introduction Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the work of the unknown poet written approximately in the late 14th century, contains multiple topics for a discussion. The poem is referred to as an alliterative verse and medieval romance. Special interest of the work is the notion of the magical creature...

Nurse’s Communication Quality Improvement

Introduction Good communication skills of health practitioners are critical to providing effective patient care and can result in favorable outcomes such as decreased stress, guilt, discomfort, and illness symptoms. Furthermore, they have the potential to promote patient experience, acceptance, adherence, and collaboration with the medical team. However, poor communication happens...

Ten Commandments’ Impact on Building of the US

Introduction Ten Commandments are principles from the Bible that are believed to be given to the people by God. They lie in the basis of Christianity and also play a very important role in Judaism. Ten Commandments have influenced human culture greatly, and the United States of America are not...

Trans Fat and Sugar Containing Products’ Effects

Abstract This study is concerned with the problem of the negative influence of trans fatty acids and sugar-containing foods (sweetened beverages in particular) on the health of consumers, and with possible regulations (bans, additional taxes) that might be recommended to reduce the adverse impact of these products. A qualitative analysis...

People Living With Chronic Illness Are at Risk of Experiencing Stigma and Social Isolation

Introduction Chronic illness is a term used to describe a group of long-lasting health conditions. In the current world, chronic diseases are comprises of various types of health conditions. Even though chronic diseases such as chickenpox and cold are short-term illnesses, the majority of chronic diseases don’t go away that...

Isolation, Patriarchy, Materialism, and Mental Illness in “The Yellow Wallpaper”

Introduction “The Yellow Wallpaper” is arguably the most famous short story by the American author and feminist Charlotte Perkins Gilman. In a concise narrative evolving in a deliberately confined setting, the author paints a frightening picture of a slow descent into madness facilitated by the internalized misconceptions of mental health...

Characters in “Two Kinds” Story by Amy Tan

Introduction Literature has undergone several dynamic shifts as a field relating to how information is conveyed and structured in a written piece. Character choice is a vital step in narration as it determines the length, style, tone, and literary devices used. In essence, in any work of literature, the relationships...

“Fires of Jubilee” by Stephen B. Oates: Overview and Main Idea

Introduction Slavery in the United States has always been a controversial issue and the books which explore it help people to better understand the topic. At the same time, there are books which cover less popular themes but have a considerable significance today, and the work by Stephen B. Oates...

Business Ethics: The Case Study

Executive Summary The discussion focuses on the moral dilemma of staying or leaving an environmentally unfriendly company. It was found that Kant’s categorical imperative and ACS Code of Ethics imply that the former option is ethical. The decision-making model of Beemsterboer and Velasquez identified seven steps to come up with...

Restorative Justice in Preventing Juvenile Recidivism

Introduction The American criminal justice system (CJS) is retribution-oriented and is defined by its overreliance on punishing offenders, with imprisonment as the primary mechanism of sanctioning criminals. The sentencing philosophy drove the justice policy to its most punishing point and resulted in the country becoming the global leader in the...

Texas Revolution of 1835-1836: Causes and Key Events

Introduction The 19th century was one of territorial expansion for the United States. Starting with the Louisiana Purchase and continuing with the acquisition of new territories all the way up to the Pacific coast, the United States acquired new lands under the slogans of Manifest Destiny. Yet even in this...

The Body Film by Brian Evenson

Introduction The horror genre, which appears in film or literature form, is a form of art that aims to create a shock or startle to its readers or viewers. The main aim of the horror genre is to provoke a sense of dread experience to the audiences via scary images,...

The Effects of Technology in the American Workplace

Introduction The modern world is characterized by different levels of economic development and various places of these countries in the technological revolution. The impact of innovation on the labor market is frequently viewed through the perspective of creating or destroying jobs. At the same time, technology and digitalization also positively...

Plastic Waste and Importance of Recycling Procedures

Introduction Plastic waste is one of the most topical concerns of the modern world. This substance is known for multiple adverse effects caused on climate and environment, such as deterioration of the quality of water and soils, harm caused to animals, and human health. Moreover, the amount of plastic consumed...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Market Revolution in Building American Republic

Introduction In 1837, Lowell Female Labor Reform Association was formed to protest the several working conditions in the area. First, there were poor working conditions as managers cut costs, leading to slashed wages, and doubling the working machines per worker. Additionally, there was the restoration of only men’s wages but...

Flannery O’Connor and Her Moments of Grace

Introduction Few writers inspire as many controversial thoughts as Flannery O’Connor does. Yet, the sense of controversy is exactly what distinguished her writing. O’Connor wrote stories that were filled with violence, despair, and loss. These themes are not accidental, as she viewed violence as having the capacity to uncover the...

The Animation “Night is Short, Walk on Girl” by Masaaki Yuasa

The animation “Night is Short, Walk on Girl” is as unique as its title suggests. The film is a Japanese movie by Masaaki Yuasa that sends the audience on a psychedelic voyage focused on a single carefree night out in the city, portrayed from the views of two individuals as...

The Five Indigenous Scholars Analysis

Introduction Indigenous female scholars have played a significant role in advancing different ideologies in their communities. First, Cameron (2016) notes that Hurston played a key role in advancing religious beliefs among African American communities. Second, Murray (1974) documents how Deloria wrote about language among native Dakota community. Third, Chilisa and...

Generational Disagreements & Fake News

Introduction Considerable attention has been paid to such a phenomenon as fake news relatively recently. This issue was popularized during the elections in 2016 when even politicians everywhere began to draw the attention of voters to such news feeds (Allcott & Gentzkow, 2017). The problem of hoaxes or misleading in...

Christians Transforming Imprisoned Men

Purpose Imprisonment of fathers causes a significant effect on the development of affected children. For example, the father-child relationship and well-being of children are greatly strained when their fathers are imprisoned. The absence of fathers affects children in five main ways. It nullifies the importance of co-parenting, causes poor psychological...

Islamic Banking and Its Development Problems

Islamic banking implies a way of banking functioning that is characterized by consistency and does not contradict Muslim principles in relation to monetary settlement operations. The main rule of the Islamic religion is the rejection of future transactions and the prohibition of charging a loan interest by a banking institution....

Psychedelics in Depression and Anxiety Treatment

Summary Mental illnesses have become an essential part of health in the last few decades, with sufficient attention being devoted to interventions that resolve them. Treatment of mental diseases has involved both conventional and unconventional methods to reduce the occurrence of these conditions. Unconventional methods of treating mental illnesses are...

Nursing: The Theory of Human Caring

Introduction The role of an APN is essential on multiple different levels. While it is critical to follow all the guidelines regarding providing patients with the best care possible, it is crucial to apply an emotional aspect to the communication and relationship with the person receiving the care. The most...

Compensation Strategy and Performance Appraisal

Introduction A compensation strategy can be defined as the organization’s approach towards compensating its workers in terms of pay and benefits. A strong compensation strategy is vital for any organization within any economic sector. It is key in retaining and attracting people with appropriate skills, talents, and competencies to ensure...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Violation of the Human Right to Life: Death Penalty

The problem of the death penalty cannot be separated from the general concept of human rights as it violates the paramount right of a human to life. In particular, the death penalty is contrary to the international legal standards in the field of human rights, violating the universally recognized norms...

Space Exploration: UAE and INDIA Space Cooperation

The space sector is one of the most critical and prospective branches of any economic development. Nowadays, world governments perform significant contributions to the development of innovative programs in the relevant sphere. One would hardly argue with the fact that the successful performance within the space industry might assist considerably...

English as the Official Language of the US

Introduction Despite English being the official language of more than fifty nations globally, it is yet to become the official language of the United States of America. If English is made the official language, it means that all government operations must be carried out using the language and that no...

Comparative Advantage and Free Trade

Introduction Countries vary by many socio-economic parameters, such as population density, natural resources, climate, technological advancements that allow them to specialize in various production areas. Due to specialization, some economies create an oversupply of one product category but experience the lack of another. Thus, international trade takes place when one...

“The Cyclops in the Odyssey, Ulysses…” by Miller

In the researched source titled “The Cyclops in the Odyssey, Ulysses, and Asterias Polyp: How Allusions Affect Modern Narratives and their Hypotexts” by Dellen Miller, the author raises the topic of the use of allusions in relation to the famous Greek character Polypheus in various works. To begin with, it...

COVID-19 Pandemic: Social Media Response by the American Government

Introduction Topic: Initial Social Media Response to Covid-19 by the American Government Stakeholder: Joe Biden – the representative of the American government Disagreement within stasis: We disagree with how the government used social media, downplayed the pandemic’s dangers in its early days, and sidelined experts when WHO raised concerns about...

Individual Commercialization: Steps to Effective Commercialization

Commercialization is the process of converting an idea or a product into a cash generation or viable mercantile facet. Businesses and individuals often generate concepts worth significant commercial value. Nonetheless, it is until such thoughts are commercialized that the inventors can enjoy the results. On the other hand, the process...

“The Great Escape” Film from Project Management Perspective

Introduction Project management is one of the pillars of the modern business world as every initiative and idea is brought to life successfully if proper management instruments are utilized. The work on every project encompasses addressing its key aspects that go beyond such basic areas as budgets and timelines. The...

John Kotter’s Eight-Stage Model: Benefits for Management

Executive Summary This report explains the role of management in forming a strong team in terms of its evolution and current state. As the contemporary models of leadership suggest, successful teams operate in a spirit of unity and shared vision instead of imperative assignments from the management. One of the...

Application of Instructional Design Experience

Introduction Any educator, regardless of their background, has a specific way of approaching the design of their lessons. This approach is influenced by both the personal characteristics of this educator and by the theories and models that they use as a guide. In the contemporary environment, where classrooms are diverse...

Private Hospitals’ Health Facility Capacity

In the Australian healthcare system, private facilities are owned by companies or a collection of corporations. Private hospitals are notable from the public facilities that can offer services under the government bills at the service centers. Company-owned healthcare institutions provide a wide range of options for patients to choose the...

The Day-Age Theory as Applied to Genesis

Abstract In the Christian tradition, the dominant perspective on creation follows a commonly shared position that the world was created by God in seven days. However, this dogma remains a matter of heated debate, as conditioned by the alternative, non-traditional view. There are many different theories that surround the creation...

“On the Run” by Alice Goffman

Introduction ‘On The Run’ is a book released in 2014 by Alice Goffman; it is the most potent piece of ethnography. The narrative of how it came to be is almost as fascinating as the story at the center of the literature. This is a description of some of the...

Leadership: The Case of Hillary Clinton

Introduction Leadership is a crucial part of every society, influenced by personal attitudes, traits, and experiences. Leadership is demonstrated at various levels, with each level requiring a set quality of leadership. Some leaders are shaped by their experiences from childhood, relationships, and personal ambitions. It is also possible to find...

The Distribution of Verbal –S in Nain Inuit English in Consideration With Sex

Abstract This essay presents a case study of the variety of English spoken within Labrador and Newfoundland in Canada. Following a quantitative analysis of the data collected, I was able to monitor the frequencies of the use of the Inuit English variable, verbal –s, and develop the primary factor associated...

Disability: Social Origin and the Role of Aging, Gender, and Race

Disability Justice Modern American society is moving towards a tolerant attitude to vulnerable categories of the population, including people with disabilities. However, an intersectional perspective in this context remains insufficient. In other words, there is a scarcity of data on how the concept of disability intercrosses with various identities, such...

India’s International Trade Policy

Balance of Payments: Analyses and Implications In the first quarter of 2021-2022, India’s current account balance experienced a surplus in the balance of payment. The increment was 6.5 US billion dollars, representing 0.9% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (“Reserve Bank of India”, 2021). In the fourth quarter of...

Statistics for an IT Project Manager and in Cybersecurity

Summary The role of IT and ICT has increased extraordinarily over the past decade, with the recent environmental issues, particularly the spreading of the coronavirus, have incentivized companies to transfer most of their activities into the digital context. As a result, IT projects have become a critical aspect of any...

The Legality of the Scope of a Police Search

Introduction One afternoon in January 1998, Clinton Stoddard, a U. S. Border Patrol agent, was at a checkpoint on a highway north of Douglas in the state of Arizona. The area was known to be frequently used by smugglers and traffickers. Therefore, the roads were equipped with sensors alerting the...

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Mental Health Knowledge: Study Design & Statistics

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Human Resource Management: Healthcare

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Observational Research Proposal

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Medical Organization’s Improvement Strategies

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The Cinematic Possibilities of the Book “Outlaw Platoon” by Parnell and Bruning

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Postpartum Anxiety as Problem of Mothers

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The Use of Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioners

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High-Level Drug Trafficking in Australia

Media articles explain the problem of narcotics trafficking across the Australian border. An investigation by the Australian Federal Police began when border guards detained a man transporting heroin. The detainee was interrogated, and his phone was examined to find his accomplices. Thus, they initiated the investigation of the Victorian Joint...