The One God: Eternal Trinitarian Nature and the Unconditional Love

Introduction God is an existing supernatural being associated with trinitarian nature and the unconditional love that He has for His people. The trinity of God consists of the Spirit, the Son and the Father. God takes all these formations since He can fulfil His wishes to people through that trinitarian...

Achilles Life as a Son, Friend, and Warrior

Introduction Achilles enjoys a legendary status in Greek mythology due to his bravery on the battlefield. His ancestry played a significant role in his development into one of the most powerful soldiers of the Trojan War. He possessed extra toughness and invulnerability alongside his demigod status since his parents were...

Americans’ Strong Support for Euthanasia Persists

Introduction The subject of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide (PAS) has seen much controversy and debate on its legality, morality and ethics in recent past. Even the definition of the term euthanasia is itself subject to debate as it is a borrowed word. The term came into use after Francis Bacon...

Humanitarian Assistance After 2010 Haiti Earthquake

The world is perceived as unfair; many people struggle daily worldwide in countries that have even never come into the minds of many. The Big Truck That Went By by Jonathan Kartz highlights these struggles, focusing on Haitians. Kartz narrates the perception of experience and survival of a massive earthquake...

Reflection on Interpersonal Skills for Nursing Practice

Brief description of the encounter I had with a client In general, communication, especially the first contact with a patient, is essential; it determines the patient’s different relationship with the medical staff. In the context of the treatment process, the nurse acts as a partner, an intermediary between the patient...

William James on ā€œThe Selfā€ Paper

William James came up with a theory of self that is considered modern, if not post-modern. The Chapter X of “The Consciousness of Self,” James explains how self-treating is of great significance in its native complexity. The chapter unfolds by discussing the most common empirical sense of self. He begins...

Discussion of LGBT Discrimination in Modern Society

Introduction All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. All rights and freedoms are universal, interdependent, indivisible and interrelated. Sexual orientation and gender identity are inherent in the dignity and identity of each person and must not be a ground for discrimination or violation. Despite the...

Mass and Social Media in Modern Politics

Introduction Following mass media has been the primary way of acquiring new information for generations. Newspapers were around and served as an influential and, more importantly, reliable source of information for generations of people across the world. In the last century, radio and TV gained popularity among the vast majority...

Drug-Resistant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Strains

A transmittable disease pertains to contagious diseases induced by various microorganisms. Moreover, minute organisms passed from one person to another, either indirectly or directly, include fungi, parasites, viruses, and bacteria (Chee, 2018). However, some of these infectious diseases are spread by insect bites, while others are triggered by swallowing contaminated...

The Role of the Registered Nurse in Intellectual Disability

Introduction Quality care metrics offer a measuring system that provides real-time reports and a standardized system to track and benchmark the quality of care. These metrics can determine and support nursesā€™ contribution to high-quality client care and many more (Health Service Executive, 2018). Person-centered communication and personal assessment are some...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Violence in Joseph Rodriguezā€™s Photographs

Introduction Joseph Rodriguezā€™s photography is considered a meditation on the different types of violence in poor communities in East Los Angeles. Being a former drug user, Rodriguez took pictures of the gang life to escape his addiction and show how hatred and cruelty can destroy families and childrenā€™s lives (Martinique)....

Ethics of Care (EOC) and Healthcare

Introduction EOC is a feminist philosophical perception that uses rational and context-bound methodology toward principles and decision-making. Caring is a universal attribute of human relationships and is the basis of many social connections. For people to forge friendships and bonds, the involved parties must feel cared for. This insinuates that...

Discussion of Prejudice: A Learned Behavior

Introduction Prejudice is a social phenomenon as humans are the only species that exhibit this behavior. It is a range of attitudes and opinions not based on experience or logical reasoning and can result in an unwarranted negative judgment of a group of people and its members (Matsuda et al.,...

The Bill of Rights: The 1st, 4th, 6th Amendments

One of the key components of the United States (US) Constitution is the Bill of Rights, which can be described as a declaration of the rights and freedoms of the citizens. Civil rights and liberties are considered a critical part of human existence. Since it was first established, the US...

Aggression in the Colombian Culture

When anyone mentions Colombian culture, what comes to my mind is the positive outlook of life that Colombians possess. I admire how Colombians often look at the glass half full, despite the rough situations that the people from Colombia have to endure sometimes. The main reason for this speech is...

Inflation: Causes, Problems, Impacts on Economy

Introduction Inflation measures how expensive a particular category of goods and services has become in a certain period, usually a year. It is a rate of increase in commodities prices over a certain period. It is usually measured broadly, such as the increase in the cost of living or the...

Godā€™s Anthropomorphism and Divinity in Homerā€™s Poem ā€œIliadā€

Introduction Homerā€™s epic poem Iliad is one of the most influential literary works in western literature, and it is a detailed description of the values, norms, and beliefs of Ancient Greece. The author depicts the Greek pantheon of gods and their multiple interactions with people. One of the major peculiarities...

Tim Oā€™Brienā€™s Memoir ā€œIf I Die in a Combat Zoneā€

Tim Oā€™Brienā€™s memoir If I Die In a Combat Zone narrates his journey months before his deployment into the Vietnam war, combat experience, and journey back to America. He started when he graduated from college in 1968 and received a summer draft notice, but he was reluctant to go due...

The Culture of Broadcasting and Participatory Culture

Audience engagement is not only crucial for increasing attendance and enhancing influence. To engage means showing respect for different positions, considering various points of view, informing with responsibility and trust, infecting with enthusiasm, and sharing meanings. Today it is seen as a strategy for the development of the media itself....

Cloud-Based Computing vs. Traditional IT Infrastructure

Introduction With the rapid development of technology today, the web hosting environment is shifting at a higher rate. Cloud computing is the new frontier of business delivery of applications and software. This web solution is quickly overtaking the traditional IT system. However, several organizations already have the traditional IT infrastructure,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Schizophrenia: Fundamentals and Possible Causes

Nowadays, humanity has made significant progress in the medical area. However, some aspects remain challenging to study. One of these aspects is mental disorders, which include many different diseases and syndromes. The complexity of the research of mental illnesses is formulated by the specific symptoms and the intricacy of the...

Body Dysmorphic Disorders: Causes and Risk Factors

Introduction Dissatisfaction with personal appearance is an issue oftentimes met throughout all generations. With the popularization of beauty and fashion industries, humans started paying special attention to their looks and body image. Sometimes, going to the gym daily leads to increased attention towards the personal figure and the bodies of...

ā€œAmerica in the Great Warā€ by Ronald Schaffer

America in the Great War: The Rise of the Welfare State is a work of non-fiction by Ronald Schaffer concerning World War I in the U.S. As Schaffer (1994) explains, while the origins of the war may have seemed distant to an average American citizen, the conflict soon became worldwide...

How the US Solves Economic Disparity and Injustice

Introduction Economic disparity has always been a hot-debated topic and relevant problem in the United States. The vast difference in wealth between the rich and poor people constantly promotes social inequality, decreases economic growth, and increases political tension (Stiglitz 4). Additionally, the relationship between economic disparity and the said complications...

Therapeutic Treating of Patients With Depressive Disorder

Introduction There are different ways in which healthcare professionals can treat people with depressive disorders. Depressive disorder is a mood that leads an individual to have a tenacious feeling of dejection or loss of attention in something, which impacts the personā€™s everyday life. The best approach to treat depressive disorders...

The Restoration: Afra Benh’s Poem Orunoko

Introduction Afra Benh poem Orunoko has become one of the most important narratives about slavery. The main line examines the story of an African prince who falls in love with a simple girl and is then sent into slavery. In the future, he is freed from it and becomes the...

ā€œAnthropology and the Bushmanā€ by Barnard: The San People of Namibia

Introduction Infinite curiosity studies about man have been known over the past centuries through anthropology. Anthropology is focused on human beings and their stages of development and brings a broader understanding of humans and their relationship with most questions that surround them. It significantly brings to understanding aspects of human...

The Criminalization of Immigration in the United States

Abrego, Leisy, et al. ā€œMaking Immigrants into Criminals: Legal Processes of Criminalization in the Post-IIRIRA Era.ā€ Journal on Migration and Human Security, vol. 5, no. 3, 2017, pp. 694ā€“715., Web. Abrego et al.’s article shows that much evidence states that immigration is not associated with increased crime rates and that...

Slavery and Racism: History and Linkage

Introduction Nowadays, slavery is widely considered one of the worst immoral forms of forced labor and economic exploitation. It is important to understand that slavery went through several development stages during human history. For instance, the institution of slavery in Greece and Rome was significantly different from slavery in the...

David Mazzucchelliā€™s ā€œAsterios Polypā€ Analysis

David Mazzucchelli had a rather exciting career in the comics industry. While in the 1970s, most artists and writers dreamed of joining the staff of industry giants, by the age of 20, Mazzucchelli was already drawing one of the most fearless characters at Marvel ā€“ Daredevil (Friedenthal 34). David collaborated...

The Song ā€œStanā€ by Eminem ft. Dido

I chose to write about Eminem’s “Stan” because I have been a musician’s fan since I was a child. When I saw the video for the first time, I thought it was a movie, and I couldn’t stop thinking about its plot. Eminem’s rap, his verses, and his voice have...

Clientele of Luxurious Vehicles: The Purchasing Decisions

Introduction and Identification of Key Economic Issues and Concepts Consumer behavior is a multidimensional phenomenon that proficiently influences business competence and productivity within a marketplace. In the research by Gokhale et al. (2021), the researchers focus on assessing significant factors that influence the purchasing decision among the clientele of luxurious...

Application of Consequentialism and Rights Approach

Introduction The Australian government has taken various actions to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the governmentā€™s actions was restricting inbound travel to reduce the rate of infection caused by the virus (McBryde et al., 2020). The two theories that can be used to analyze this action...

The Role of Social Networks in Peopleā€™s Everyday Lives and Social Movements

Social networks have an essential role for every person who uses them to keep in touch with friends and find new information for themselves, to learn about all the news from around the world. A few years ago, social networks were not that big yet, but today people can use...

The Current Health Care Cost Milieu in the US

Introduction American health care is the most expensive worldwide, and it is a widely known sad reality. The U.S.ā€™s health expenditure is twice as high as that of any other developed country (Yanushevsky, 2021). Although the U.S. has the most expensive medical care, patient outcomes are worse than in European...

The Coffee Truck: A Critique of the Business Project

Background Starting your own business always involves risks and economic threats; there is never a guarantee of success, no matter how effective the leader is. The initiation and profitable existence of a commercial project depend not only on the personality and skills of the leader but also on a combination...

Organized Crime: Russian Mafia vs. Italian Mafia

Russian Mafia vs Italian Mafia: Introduction Organized crime groups exist in many countries, but the most powerful groups are Russian and Italian mafia. There is a great difference between origins and predispositions of the Italian and Russian organized crime groups. The Russian mafia was influenced by political and economic changes,...

The Dead ā€“ James Joyce: Themes, Symbolism, and Title Significance

What is the significance of the title and the moral lesson of The Dead by James Joyce? Keep reading to find out! This essay example is here to provide you with some ideas and inspiration for your paper. The Dead James Joyce: Themes The main theme of the short story...

Symbolism in Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller

Symbols have a special significance in Death of a Salesman. Recurring images of the rubber hose, diamonds, and stockings help to convey the play’s main message. This essay studies the symbolism in Death of a Salesman and uncovers the meaning behind the imagery used by Arthur Miller. Symbolism in Death...

Blackberryā€™s Targeting Strategy in the Smartphone Market

Introduction The Smartphone market has witnessed concerted growth and competition as information technology continues to grow at a fast pace. This dynamic situation has seen Blackberry lose out its long-held global market leadership to new players, including Apple Inc. and Samsung. Blackberry continues to consistently post losses, with its share...

Popular Research Paper Topics

ā€œThe Da Vinci Codeā€: Book vs Movie

If you want to get some inspiration for your The Da Vinci Code essay, you are at the right place! Here, youā€™ll learn about the similarities and differences between The Da Vinci Code book vs movie. So, keep reading to get your essay on the next level! The Da Vinci...

Analysis of T. S Elliotā€™s ā€œThe Waste Landā€ Versus Langston Hughesā€™ Poetry

Introduction Literature serves as a mirror of society, capturing events in a fictionalized form; the purpose of literature is to inform, educate, and connect people. It enables individuals to express their emotions and thoughts; this catharsis improves individuals. Reading literature allows people to connect personally and discover meaning in life....

Ergonomics’ and Aesthetics Design

Abstract The scientific discipline of product design has evolved significantly over the years. Technology, ergonomics, and aesthetics form the major components of product design. The set guidelines for creating products advocate for the use of design for ergonomics and aesthetics. Data qualifiers for ergonomics and aesthetics enable product designers to...

History and Impacts of Nationalism

Nationalism is a divisive issue. World history has plenty of examples of positive and negative effects of nationalism, and its implications are often contradictory. This paper explores the impacts of nationalism and its origins. Introduction Nationalism is considered to be a political principle which is based on the idea of...

The Walt Disney Marketing Strategies

If you are about to conduct Disney market research, you are at the right place! Here, youā€™ll learn about Disney marketing strategies and campaigns to get inspiration for your paper. How does Disney conduct market research? What is an example of their findings? Disney has been actively conducting market research...

Has Social Media Ruined Our Culture

Introduction Social media can be described as one of the most disruptive technologies since it has caused massive revolutions in social, economic, political, and even cultural aspects of human life. Businesses have used social networking sites as tools for marketing while politicians use them as campaign platforms. From a cultural...

A Case of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Subjective Biographical Data: Name: Mr. Smith. Age: 70yrs. Race: British Male. Marital Status: Married. General Appearance: Fair general condition. Source/Reliability: Retired from the local university where he was the supervisor of the Building & Grounds department. Chief Complaint (CC): Increased frequency in urination. Incomplete bladder emptying. Hard time starting a...

Gender Roles in The Tempest

Gender Roles in The Tempest: Essay Introduction The works of William Shakespeare have received a lot of attention throughout history. His works have been analyzed by themes, line by line, or the characters he invented. His works can be interpreted one way or another, and as such, Shakespeare seems to...

Top-Down Approach in Public Policy Implementation Process

Are you about to write an essay on top-down and bottom-up approach in policy implementation? Then, you are at the right place! Get some inspiration for your top-down approach in policy implementation essay here. What are the principal lessons of the EDAā€™s Oakland Experiment for policy implementation? The economic development...

Dove Real Beauty Sketches: Marketing Campaign

An Overview of the Marketing Campaign The campaign Dove Real Beauty Sketches seeks to raise self-awareness among individuals with regards to their physical appearance. The campaign is alive to the fact that many people have low self-esteem when it comes to appreciating their beauty or physical endowment. The message transmitted...

Personal Leadership Development Plan

Personal Leadership Development Plan: Essay Introduction Managerial leaders drive an organization with the kind of decision they make; the quality of decision creates a competitive advantage to a firm. Leaders have the role of implementing strategies, entrepreneurial and mandated with the role of creating a winning team. This paper is...

Cormac McCarthy’s The Road: Essay Example

The Road Essay Introduction The Road is a chef-d’oeuvre novel by Cormac McCarthy talking about the dangers of human activities to the environment. The main characters are an unnamed boy and his father as they walk on a long road looking for food and shelter after an apocalyptic event has...

Factors Affecting iPhone Supply and Demand Curve

iPhone Supply and Demand: Introduction The iPhone has gained a lot of popularity, especially after the Forbes magazine rated its manufacturing company, Apple Inc., as the most admired smartphone producer in the world. Having been first produced in 2012, the iPhone has been sold in various markets of the world....

Raise the Red Lantern: Summary and Analysis

Chinese civilization has one of the oldest and most captivating histories worldwide. It is characterized by such factors as order, obedience, traditions, and gender inequality. Not many people can comprehend and accept the essence of China and its culture, and films turn out to be one of the possible sources...

Analysis of Michael Jacksonā€™s ā€œBlack or Whiteā€

Collection of Information and Data The song released in 1991 as the first single of an upcoming “Dangerous” album lasted for approximately three minutes, whereas the album version of the track included a one-minute introduction to the song. The introduction itself consists of a dialogue between a child and a...

The Waco Siege Event, Its Causes and Implications

Introduction Religion has always been one of the most contradictory issues in the history of human society. In the past, various movements and sects engaged in wars because of differences in their values and beliefs. The Crusades and other religious conflicts can also be considered facts proving this statement. Correctly...

Analysis of The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas: Essay Sample

The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas: Essay Introduction The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas is a short story by Ursula Le Guin. Like most of her texts, the story raises a number of issues related to the problem of obedience to authority and compliance with social conventions and...

ā€œThe Ways We Lieā€ Analysis & ā€œThe Ways We Lieā€ Summary

ā€œThe Ways We Lieā€ Analysis: Introduction Nowadays people are so obsessed with lies and use lies to cover their follies and weaknesses. Some lies are harmless and do not badly affect others. Most of the people tell lies to escape from silly problems. The lies that are told for noble...

The Christian Worldview: Gospel Essentials Essay

Introduction Gospel Essentials and the Christian Worldview Gospel essentials are the subject matter of the gospel books, whose theme is forgiveness of sin and redemption, qualified by Jesusā€™ atonement (1 Cor. 15: 1-4 New International Version). On the other hand, Valk describes the Christian worldview as the underlying philosophical structure...

The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy: Review

In the book, The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy: An Economist Examines the Markets, Power, and Politics of World Trade, Pietra Rivoli endeavors to simplify the intricacies surrounding international trade by focusing on a single product, a t-shirt. This narrowing of an otherwise broad topic allows the...

Irony in The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant

The Necklace Irony: Introduction Several types of irony were added in Maupassant’s story “The Necklace”. Each type performs its own function, but their complex application provides the greatest comedic effect. However, the irony in the story is used not only for comedic reasons. Maupassant applies this technique to show the...

Tenet Healthcare Corporation’s Intercultural Education

Abstract The paper provides a discussion of intercultural competence in the healthcare industry context to determine the gaps in the approaches followed by Tenet Healthcare Corporation while training the employees. The goal of the global training and development program is also presented in the paper to identify the targets. Also,...

Barack Obama Inauguration Speech 2009: Analysis

Barack Obama Inaugural Address: Analysis Introduction President Barack Obama made history by being Americaā€™s first African-American president. On 20th, January in the year 2009, he took an oath of office as the 44th president of America. On this icy day in Washington D. C, Barack Obama gave his inaugural speech...

The Importance of Rock Cycle

Importance of Rocks: Introduction One of the most important substances found on earth is rocks. There are different types of rocks and each one can be used to serve different kinds of purposes. Rocks can be used as a building material, to build tools, to enhance the beauty and utility...

Stream of Consciousness in Joseph Conrad and TS Eliot Literature

Stream of Consciousness Essay Introduction Stream of consciousness is a popular trope predominantly used in the twentieth century fiction. It is essentially a narrative mode that pens down the protagonistā€™s thought processes either in the form of a monologue or by connecting with his or her actions. Scholars believe that...

Philosophy: The Nature of Knowledge and Reality

Philosophy is a science that studies the most profound aspects of knowledge, reality, and understanding. The scholarship seeks to acquire significantly finite elements regarding reason, existence, values, and knowledge. As per philosophy, a truth in one perspective can become an opinion when viewed differently. The absence of a standard view...

Censorship and Cancellation in Different Spheres

As the restriction of speech and communication, censorship has always been an integral part of society. Usually, it is determined by the government, private institutions, or public foundations in order to control obscenity, child pornography, hate speech, as well as improve the level of national security. Currently, censorship is frequently...

Ascertaining Scientific Truth on Climate Change

Human activities impact the environment and change the outlook of the planet. The consequences of anthropological actions reverberate across all aspects of the Earth’s habitat. However, few have amassed as much attention and debate as global climate change has inspired in recent decades. Ranging from extremely negative perception of future...

Discussion of Legalization of Marijuana From View of Law

Introduction Issues of drug use and substance abuse have been a topic of concern and discussion throughout the recent decades. Scientific and medical data continuously shows the prominent dangers of illegal substances, and many forms of creative media advocate against peopleā€™s use of drugs, cigarettes, or alcohol. The dangers of...

Banning Violent Video Games Is a Crime Against Artistic Expression

Introduction As one of the most popular types of modern entertainment, video games have been subjected to some controversy since some of them depict extreme violence, raising alarm bells as to whether they entice cruelty in younger generations. However, the views on the issue have split, with the opponents of...

Career Development at the Sidra Medicine Facility

Introduction Sidra Medicine is a world-class health facility in Qatar providing medical and research services focused on women and children. The facility introduced a career development plan to increase employee proficiency and productivity as part of a probe by the Qatari nation at large to increase and competency of workers....

Philosophy: Aristotle’s View on Substance

Introduction Aristotle, the substance is the ultimate reality; it does not correspond to other categories of being and is the classification of being upon which all other categories of being are founded. This statement is reinforced by the quote “ā€¦ the old questionā€”always pursued from long ago till now, and...

Graphing Data: Reasons and Methods

Introduction The goal of this paper is to demonstrate the awareness of the chapter about data collection methods. Data collection is an important step any researcher should take, and several approaches exist to store information. Graphing data is one of the possible methods to communicate information visually. Graphs may be...

World War I: Battle of Hill 70

Introduction Four months after Vimy Ridge, the Battle of Hill 70 was the first major Canadian battle of the summer and Lieutenant-General Arthur Currie’s first war in his whole career. Lens, a coal-mining city, has been under German occupation since 1914. Since assuming control of the Corps, it was Currie’s...

Economic Evaluation Of The Health Care System

Introduction Health economics is a crucial aspect of the health care system, even though it is a branch of economics. Health economists often assess the quality of health by determining the effectiveness of the health policies that are put in place. Therefore, good health care should be effective and efficient,...

Similarities and Contrasts between ā€œFencesā€ and ā€œDeath of a Salesmanā€

Comparison of ā€œDeath of a Salesmanā€ by Arthur Miller and ā€œFencesā€ by August Wilson Both plays are works that question the right of the average American to be a tragic hero. The central conflict of both works is consistent with the laws of tragedy. Thus, they assert the possibility of...

The US Stock Market Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has caused destruction on the economies of multiple countries, wreaking havoc on a variety of sectors. Notably, the pandemic’s broader social impact has influenced investment behavior in the United States. As such, this study examines the effect of social activities on the US stock market concerning...

Entrepreneurship: Elon Musk as a Role Model

Introduction Gaining entrepreneurial skills is an important component of a successful self-development practice aimed at training individual attainments in assessing current market conditions and introducing adequate methods of competition. During my study of current theoretical concepts in this industry, I have identified a number of meaningful frameworks that have shaped...

ā€œSpace Is the Placeā€: Reflecting the African American Culture in Cinematography

Introduction The issues concerning ethnicity and race have been complexifying public life for centuries. Every sphere of life is touched by inequality, unfairness, and varying attitudes towards different groups of people based on their race, ethnic identity, or any other feature. However, the questions regarding the absence of racial equality...

Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness

Summary The purpose of this work is to give an idea of ā€‹ā€‹the main aspects that ensure the economic stability of PepsiCo. The impact of globalization and industrial progress is considered in relation to the activities of PepsiCo. Evaluation models will be applied: industrial organization and resource-based, each of which...

The First Amendment and Its Impact on Society

Introduction The Constitution of the United States is the core document that ensures the democratic values of the country and guarantees basic human rights regardless of age, gender, and race. Consequently, it also restricts the governmental power to mitigate the possibilities of unjustified laws and regulations. The First Amendment to...

ā€œNisei Daughterā€: Secret of Mixed Cultural Identity

Introduction The Issei, Nisei, and Sansei experienced many hardships in identity formation as being connected with two cultures: Japanese and American. One of the most popular resources reflecting the culture and problems the Japanese experienced is the Nisei Daughter memoirs. Using the biographical format, Kazuko Monica Itoi describes her own...

Kingā€™s Conceptual System Theory in Clinical Practice

Introduction Imogene M. King coined conceptual system theory to help nurses care for patients. The theory is known as the goal attainment theory and was introduced in 1968-1971 and then expanded since 1981, focusing on the nurse-patient relationship to obtain set health goals (Friend & Sieloff, 2014). The theory contains...

History and Culture of the Motorcycle

Introduction Motorcycles have become one of the most common, accessible, and affordable transport means globally. With over three decades in existence, motorcycles have gone through several phases, each with increasing complexity and improved appearance. Although they were originally developed for transport purposes, they are used for recreation purposes and have...

Emerging Technologies of Techfite

Introduction Techfite is a medical technology company based in Houston, Texas, near the Johnson Space Center. The organization partners with NASA to produce medical devices specifically for the space program. Currently, the company seeks to collaborate with international agencies, which implies the need to process, store and transfer more data....

Nursing Violence in the Workplace

Objectives Bullying in nursing is defined by the American Nurses Association (ANA) as “repeated, unwelcome unpleasant activities meant to humiliate, distress and insult the target. “Categories of bullying in nursing; Hazing, Horizontal hostility, Workplace incivility, Workplace incivility, Lateral violence, and relational aggression. Common bullying behaviors include; yelling, public belittling, Condescending...

The Biography of Duke Ellington

Ellington was a multi-talented musician and bandleader in the world of jazz. American people were happy with the music from his 50-year career, which created thousands of scores. It was not just the music he created throughout his career that made him great. He provided consistent entertainment and helped pave...

Theology and Contextualization in Latin America

In the history of Christian theology, there have always been discussions on various issues. Still, they took place within a strictly defined, approved, and regulated dogmatic framework for a long time. The influence of changing socio-cultural circumstances on the formation of theological doctrines remained beyond the limits of research interest....

Cyberethics of Social Media Platforms

Within the framework of cyberspace, active information and communication processes are taking place between persons who form self-regulating Internet communities. They exist without clearly defined national borders and allow maintaining various relations regarding the information circulating in the global infrastructure. The corresponding processes are accompanied by the development of a...

Consumer Protection and Market Regulation Laws

In the Capitalist era, the number of corporations and organizations selling numerous goods and services has risen enormously. People have access to all the kinds of items they wish and the ability to pay for the work to be done for them, such as house cleaning or babysitting. Despite all...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Epistemology. Epistemology of Perception

Throughout the history of humanity, people have been striving to comprehend the world they live in, constructing theories of various kinds to explain their observations. Some of the most fundamental philosophical problems are addressed by the branch of philosophy called epistemology, which studies the nature, origin, and limits of human...

Undefined Roles of Nurses and Doctors Lead to Conflict in Interpersonal Collaboration

Introduction The health care system faces an ever-increasing number of challenges, including a lack of resources, growing healthcare costs, and increased public expectations. Interprofessional collaboration is necessary to provide patients with comprehensive, safe and treatment. There is a broad range of misunderstandings and conflicts among healthcare team members in today’s...

Ancient Philosophers Overview

Thales Thales of Miletus is remembered for their influences on science and philosophy. Though there are no writings on Thales, his achievements are difficult to evaluate and are based on the legendary Seven Wise Men. As a practical statesman, Thales advocated the unification of Ionian cities in the Aegean region....

The African-American Culture and Tobacco Colonies

Introduction For at least two millennia, tobacco has been grown in America. European colonization, however, created the conditions for the emergence of cultivators specialized in large-scale plantation of tobacco. Conversely, tobaccoā€™s long growing season and demanding labor requirements were produced by slave labor. The distinct nature of its cultivation shaped...

Climate Change and Fall of the Western Roman Empire

Summary of the Article This article was done by Werner Max, Robin Haunschild and Lutz Bornman in 2018. The title is Climate and the Decline and Fall of the Western Roman Empire: A Bibliometric View on an Interdisciplinary Approach to Answer a Most Classic Historical Question. The workā€™s thesis is...

John Rawlsā€™s Justice-as-Fairness and Political Liberalism Theory

Introduction Unlike classical constructivism, Rawls significantly revises the concept of the social contract. It is a kind of ideal hypothetical situation in which people choose the principles of a fair social structure. Philosopher seeks to model the conditions for concluding a contract that would guarantee a fair outcome; in other...

Immigration Patterns: Risk of Disappearing

Introduction Immigration, the movement of people from their home country to another with the aim of settling, has been an inherent part of the human history. Throughout the years of human existence, there have been numerous mass migrations of small and large groups of people. Although the person entering a...

Protecting the Child at Risk of Significant Harm

Introduction If a person is in a socially dangerous situation, immediate intervention is required to ensure the safety and well-being of the child. For example, it can be physical abuse or mistreatment of a child, abandonment, or sexual violence. At the same time, the absence of the necessary basic care...

ā€œThe Silence of the Lambsā€: Characters, Storyline, and Themes

Introduction Psychology often interests people who are not scholars or students of the corresponding faculty. As such, movie directors and screenwriters find phenomena that this scientific field describes as inspirational. Obviously, mental disorders receive special attention from film creators due to the fact that people like to observe the unusual...

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Environmental Justice as Social Movement

Introduction Today, people continue making multiple attempts to create a fair and equal society and improve the conditions under which they live and develop relationships. Sometimes, it does not take much time or effort to implement a policy and consider the interests and needs of communities. In some situations, many...

The Dawn of Artificial Intelligence: Robots

Introduction Certainly, the beauty of being intelligent lies in the ability to have a creative perception of the world and the power to adjust it to one’s needs. The gift of changing reality made people vain enough to step in for God and produce creatures of metal to reflect mankind...

Politics in the Upkeep of a Sustainable Quality Environment

Introduction Humans aspire to have an adequate supply and access of resources, a clean and habitable environment, and good health. People desire to achieve a clean environment that sustains their daily needs of people. According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2016), human wellbeing is linked to the health of...

Scientific Report Draft on Osmosis Egg Experiment

Introduction to Osmosis Osmosis is one of the important ways that plants and animals achieve homeostasis (Djelti 48). It is the process of moving water through a semipermeable membrane from an area of low osmolarity to an area of high osmolarity. Osmosis plays a vital role in the body of...

Assessment of Borderline Personality Disorder Patient

Patient Isabel, 26 years-old female from Michigan, came to a social worker feeling pain and as if she was guilty; she was anxious, sleepy, and depressed. She narrated that her problem started immediately after her parents divorced when she was only three years old. For the better part of her...

The U.S. Economy: Economical Risk

There are several key risks to the U.S. economy right now that could reduce the country’s growth rate. The spread of the Omicron Coronavirus strain threatens to reduce U.S. employment and economic activity, and increased economic uncertainty will contribute to inflation. A new outbreak of the infection in the country...

Apple iOS and Microsoft Windows

Modern technology companies offer users a variety of innovative products. Among them are also hardware and software, which together ensure the operation of devices. Major technology corporations, including Microsoft, Apple, and Google, also develop operating systems for both desktop and mobile devices. Currently, iOS and Android are the main products...

Tech Data Group’s Audit Influences

Synopsis Tech Data Group is one of the companies involved in this audit. This company is a subdivision of Tech Data Corporation, and it prides itself in providing technology products and services at wholesale prices. As such, the company works with over 9,000 employees. Tech Data Corp is located in...

Using Technology in Everyday Life: Pros and Cons

Introduction Technology in the modern world is an integral part of human life. Technological progress is developing rapidly and rapidly every day. It has played a significant role in the development of almost all industries, such as business, education, healthcare, banking, transport and entertainment, etc. From the scientific point of...

Border and Migration Management

Introduction Borders play a significant role as they regulate and facilitate the trades and movement of people from one state to another. Additionally, effective border management can allow nations to achieve a more balanced approach to border management that enhances a countryā€™s security. Migration management is another essential aspect that...

Ethical Issues of UNOCALā€™s Pipeline Project in Burma

Introduction Companies, when conducting their operations, must always take into consideration the ethical aspect of their business and assess the projects they engage in from the perspective of morality. Some enterprises choose to overlook the established social norms and make profits their priority, while others avoid participating in ventures which...

ā€œUnderground Railroadā€ by Whitehead vs. ā€œSticksā€ by Saunders

Introduction The two novels talk about events that people experience in real-life. In the novel ā€œUnderground Railroadā€ by Colson Whitehead, Cora, a protagonist, flees the Georgia farm where her family has been slaves for three generations. (Whitehead 10). The story centers around a quest for freedom from slavery. On the...

Chadwickā€™s and Ureā€™s Views on the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain

Introduction In 18 century, Great Britain experienced the industrial revolution due to physicomechanical scienceā€™s advancements. In factories, employers started to launch various machines to complete the same tasks as previously but more quickly and require less involvement of workersā€™ physical power. However, such manufacturers had problems related to the sanitary...

Positive and Negative Impacts of the Industrial Revolution in England

Industrial Revolution in England The Industrial Revolution of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries is one of the most significant periods in the history of England and the whole world. This process was marked by the invention and mass distribution of steam engines as the main means of production....

The Holy Spirit as Part of the Trinity

Introduction The Holy Ghost is the infinitesimally understood person of the Trinity. In fact, many believers share many misconceptions about the Holy Spirit. Some view Him as a force, as a ghost, and a second class replacement god. He is mistaken with the manifestations themselves and has even been presented...

Population Analysis: The U.S. Versus Nigeria

Introduction The present-day global economy setting offers a variety of opportunities for developing states to improve their performance and create healthier economies, thus, gaining the status of developed ones. In turn, differences in population characteristics often serve as indications of a stateā€™s economic performance and the efficacy of its trade...

The Wilmingtonā€™s Lie Book Analysis

Introduction Wilmington city was a thriving city along the coast of North Carolina in the 1890s and by far the largest and the most populated. The city’s population primarily consisted of African Americans and Whites, who made up one-third of the total population. According to David Zucchino’s book, this city...

Social Media in Moderation

Introduction In terms of the current situation and online environment shaped by the pandemic, the online space has become the most pivotal and influential in working and educational domains. It is a valuable source of essential information to extend the public’s knowledge and help people maintain their work responsibilities remotely....

The Rise and Fall of Communism After World War II

Introduction Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, triggering World War II in Europe. The war involving Germany and the Soviet Union was one of the darkest and most massive conflicts in human history. Since they lost close relatives, possessions, and meaningful life, it had a significant impact on Jewish...

Climate Change and the Media Biases

Introduction Climate change and global warming are the two topics that have taken the lead in many social and political discussions. The impact of climate change is not limited to life; it affects economies, limits growth and development, and threatens to wipe away some of the worldā€™s most essential natural...

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ā€œA Good Man Is Hard to Findā€ by Flannery Oā€™Connor: Literary Analysis

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The Rise of American Christian Fundamentalism

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Amazon, Coca-Cola, Nescafe: Three Global Brands Analysis

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Analysis of “Under a Cruel Star”

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Comparing Lies in War Literature

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Physical Activities as Treatment for Depression

Introduction Greetings, today I would like to highlight some of my findings regarding the following topic: is it possible to reduce depression with the help of regular physical activities? There is a definite need to define the best possible method for reducing the occurrence of depression and anxiety among the...

Yahoo: Brand Name, Expansion, and Current Trends

Introduction As a global internet services provider, Yahoo can be considered one of the most widely known companies in the world. This technology company helps Internet users navigate the World Wide Web with the help of a variety of features. For instance, it offers a search engine, an email service,...

Using Music to Portray and Emphasize Identity

Background A cross-cultural universal, music permeates every community on earth in one guise or another. It is a ubiquitous activity present in every known society. Manifestly, individuals demonstrate variable musical preferences that help them portray and emphasize their identity without saying it aloud. Surprisingly, scientists know little about the underlying...