Introduction The healthcare system is one of the essential aspects for the functioning of the country, which, among other things, demonstrates the level of economic development. It is due to the fact that the healthcare sector directly or indirectly affects all other spheres of the life of the state. Primarily,...
Topic: Health
Words: 1690
Pages: 6
Introduction In the worldwide beverage sector, PepsiCo is a top producer and retailer of non-alcoholic beverages. The significant reasons for PepsiCo’s achievement are practical marketing tactics and product diversification. PepsiCo must constantly reassess its marketing methods and product range due to the intense rivalry in the international and US beverage...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 1635
Pages: 6
Introduction Mobile learning is a relatively new study area founded effectively and efficiently integrating mobile computing and digital learning technologies. Now more than ever, learners are able to acquire knowledge at any time and from any place. Thus, mobile learning has revolutionized the era of digital learning, making it easier...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1639
Pages: 6
Bogdane, R., Gorbacovs, O., Sestakovs, V., & Arandas, I. (2019). Development of a model for assessing the level of flight safety in an airline using concept of risk. Procedia Computer Science, 149, 365-374. The authors consider the current state of the SMS in aviation, suggesting general approaches such as a...
Topic: Aviation
Words: 1515
Pages: 6
Introduction The Vietnam War was a long-running conflict involving the South Vietnamese and North Vietnamese communists. Both warring parties had their allies who intensified the war; for instance, the primary supporters for the South Vietnamese was the U.S, while the Soviet Union and China backed the North Vietnamese communist. The...
Topic: Vietnam War
Words: 1766
Pages: 6
Different Models of Family Therapy Family problems are the cause of psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression, and trauma, among others. The disorders are detrimental to an individual’s health and may affect the family and the community at large. Family therapy is one of the most effective ways of treating...
Topic: Family
Words: 1750
Pages: 6
Introduction Management is an essential sphere of knowledge that is critical nowadays. It allows specialists to organize teams’ work, establish clear goals, and ensure their achievement. However, effective management requires an enhanced understanding of the current trends and environment and the ability to work with employees to prepare them for...
Topic: Management
Words: 1681
Pages: 6
This document contains information relating to a marketing campaign aimed at increasing the market share of Facebook among young people aged between 16 and 24 years. It is informed by a declining interest of the same demographic in the online social networking site and its struggle to keep existing users...
Topic: Facebook
Words: 1661
Pages: 6
Discrimination has been the center of public attention over the past couple of years. People’s outrage fueled so many protests against police brutality and marches for equality. The United States is a country, which prides itself in the freedom its citizens enjoy and the historical background of America as a...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 1472
Pages: 6
Introduction Vaccination has become an issue of discussion for years now due to indifferences on whether or not they should be given to children and if they should be optional or mandatory. Benefits of vaccinating children are numerous considering the condition of children’s immune system at birth. However, some people...
Topic: Parenting
Words: 1754
Pages: 6
Introduction Financial crises have the potential to disorient business performances and increase chances of bankruptcy. Organizational leaders should apply appropriate strategies to meet their financial obligations and maximize profits. Challenges emerge when corporations’ assets and financial instruments lose their value. The occurrence of this predicament makes it impossible for the...
Topic: Strategic Analysis
Words: 1743
Pages: 6
Introduction The case of Hannah and Adara entails an ethical dilemma related to the appropriateness of a therapist’s breach of privacy and confidentiality when deciding the client’s best interest. In this case, the counselor will work with a student from a diverse cultural background who prefers her issues handled with...
Topic: Ethical Dilemma
Words: 1715
Pages: 6
Introduction Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) was started in 1955 by the person-centered therapist Albert Ellis. It was a pioneering cognitive-behavioral system of psychotherapy based on both cognitive and philosophical approaches. The main idea of REBT is that people suffer from self-defeating emotions and feelings because of their own irrational...
Topic: Therapy
Words: 1492
Pages: 6
Introduction Sleep is a unique state during which several critical neurophysiological and chemical processes occur in the human body, affecting a person’s physical and emotional state. There is a consensus in the scientific community regarding the benefits of healthy sleep. The consensus on the effects of sleep on humans is...
Topic: Memory
Words: 1672
Pages: 6
Apple Company is a technology organization that develops computer devices, software programs, computer tablets, smartphones, and computer peripherals. In 2011, the company emerged as the top technology company with a popular graphical user interface (GUI). In the same period, the organization introduced cloud computing services for sharing and synchronizing files...
Topic: Apple
Words: 1753
Pages: 6
Introduction The Netflix video ‘Don’t Look Up’ pays attention to two astronomers who endeavor to alert humans regarding an approaching comet that is going to destroy the entire society. The movie depicts the response to climate disaster to the government, media as well as celebrities. In addition, the impact occurrence...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1655
Pages: 6
Attrition: The Two-Factor Motivation Theory The success of a business organization depends on the HR department’s ability to establish and maintain high levels of satisfaction among the employees. If the employees’ satisfaction level declines, the business might face attrition, which affects the operations and profitability of the organization. Therefore, the...
Topic: HR
Words: 1808
Pages: 6
Introduction Territorial planning is the planning of the development of territories with the establishment of boundaries for zones of different functionality and the definition of objects in a given territory, but nevertheless, this term in a political context means precisely development. In the European spatial planning field, in the context...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 1748
Pages: 6
Overview and Background of the Social Policy Chosen Family and domestic violence is an issue that can affect people of all races, genders, religions, sexual preferences, and income levels. Economic, physical, sexual, emotional, and psychological abuse are all examples of domestic and family violence. Domestic violence results in impaired mental...
Topic: Family
Words: 1673
Pages: 6
Introduction This critical evaluation paper discusses and analyzes the 7Ps of marketing. This model allows leaders to evaluate the company’s performance and understand the significant components connected with its functioning, current state, and opportunities for subsequent growth and development. The 7Ps of the marketing model focus on discussing such elements...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 1511
Pages: 6
Hypothesis The research utilizes seven hypotheses from the big five personality traits and the behavior that people have been portraying since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. The concerns have been made regarding contracting the deadly respiratory virus, regulations enacted to prevent the spread of the...
Topic: Disease
Words: 1652
Pages: 6
Industrial marketing promotes products and solutions to other businesses, as opposed to individual consumers, and focuses on selling material and manufacturing constituents. Alibaba is a B2B online platform that fulfills the requirement of vendors and purchasers. The webpage’s main demographic is always another corporation or its personnel. Alibaba provides a...
Topic: Alibaba
Words: 1745
Pages: 6
Cultural competence is the capability of understanding, communicating, and interacting effectively with people of different cultures. In an ever-changing, diverse world, cultural competence must be an essential part of our existence. Despite the world continuing to make breakthroughs in most sectors, certain aspects of human beings at a personal level...
Topic: Cultural Competence
Words: 1854
Pages: 6
Introduction Microbiology is a field that is employed in multiple areas as it can be implemented in various processes that can improve human life. Microorganisms can be applied in the agricultural, food, medical, and waste management industries, and the development of the scientific area is promising. While currently, microbes are...
Topic: Microbiology
Words: 1711
Pages: 6
Introduction Elderly abuse is a common phenomenon in most societies, given that as people get old, they increasingly rely on others to meet their needs. Age continuously reduces physical strength with time, which in turn reduces one’s ability to meet various daily needs. Therefore, older people have to rely on...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 1770
Pages: 6
Introduction Many governments have decided that they can save lives before saving the country in response to the pandemic by announcing immediate or phased closures in their countries. A strategy such as social distancing was adopted suddenly, causing significant damage to numerous businesses around the world. The global spread of...
Topic: Aviation
Words: 1758
Pages: 6
Introduction A movie is a detailed recording that entails a series of moving images depicting a story that the directors purported. Movies have numerous themes expressed in the form of pictures in motion. Movies can be watched on the screen display by the respective audiences. Several components make a good...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1683
Pages: 6
Introduction The increase in chronic disease caused by lifestyle changes and obesity is a significant concern. Therefore, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have developed protocols to improve health and fitness. Physical fitness can be determined by an individual’s cardiovascular...
Topic: Biology
Words: 1545
Pages: 6
Company Profile Don & Associates is a financial consulting company that provides a wide range of professional and qualified services for both small- and medium-sized firms in terms of competent and correct organization of a company’s resource management. Therefore, the firm aims to maximize customer satisfaction by providing qualified assistance...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 1667
Pages: 6
Brief Description of the Program The Parent-Teacher-Youth Mediation Program is designed to build relationships between family members from different generations. It is important to note that the program has been functioning for 4 years and works on scientific principles. The implementation consists in the selection of 250 clients who need...
Topic: Parenting
Words: 1822
Pages: 6
The Coca-Cola Company is an American multinational corporation that manufactures and markets non-alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups, which are sold as finished products globally. Coca-Cola products are known for being refreshing and delicious, and they have a wide variety of options available. The company uses porter’s five forces model and...
Topic: Coca Cola
Words: 1766
Pages: 6
Introduction Many barriers limit sexual assault victims from reporting the cases to the relevant authorities. It serves as the main motivation for the increasing cases of sexual assault because the victimizers have no one to stop them. Sexual assault victims face formidable obstacles to accessing the judicial system. Many are...
Topic: Justice
Words: 1726
Pages: 6
Sexual harassment has become more prevalent over the past ten years, raising concerns on a national and global level. However, various international bodies like the ILO in the United Nations agency have made huge efforts to create awareness of its existence. Consequently, the initiatives have led to more cases of...
Topic: Sexual Harassment
Words: 1732
Pages: 6
Introduction The following paper evaluates a particular case in which an individual is experiencing physical symptoms of distress and anxiety as a result of family-centered pressure. The therapeutic method selected to address the patient’s needs includes the person centered approach. Due to the client’s diverse background and conflicting perceptions of...
Topic: Family
Words: 1722
Pages: 6
Summary Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare has influenced many generations of dramatists and filmmakers. Most of the classic works or films inspired by the play attempted to resemble the original work as closely as possible and added a little variation to the existing topics. Shakespeare’s work explored love...
Topic: Much Ado About Nothing
Words: 1665
Pages: 6
The fact that the world realizes new wisdom faster than understanding exposes generations to immeasurable danger. Nothing exemplifies this statement better than technological invention and its utilization in the information realm. Feed is a hi-tech novel by Mathew Tobin Anderson that ridicules the present and future generations that tend to...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1714
Pages: 6
Introduction Privacy rights are significant among human beings since they enhance their dignity and protect their information. Every person has the right to conceal information about themselves from the public. Privacy is essential for personal data protection, maintaining social boundaries, building trust, and protecting someone from aggressive public actions. Therefore,...
Topic: Human Rights
Words: 1649
Pages: 6
Cyber crimes are illegal activities in which conventional criminal conduct is expanded in scope or reach via the use of information and communication technology. Thus, factors associated with cyber crime entail child sexual offenses, gender discrimination, internet abuse, surveillance, theft of resources or intellectual property, and online bullying. Cyber financial...
Topic: Evolution
Words: 1734
Pages: 6
The Age of Enlightenment occurring in the 17th and 18th century England and Europe remains one of the most prominent periods of history and development in human civilization. This period was chosen along with the respective works and their authors because of the changes that occurred in the literary space...
Topic: Enlightenment
Words: 1747
Pages: 6
Background Athletes should follow current sports nutrition standards to construct a practical, periodized, and individualized feeding plan that allows them to train harder, adapt and recover optimally. They are also advised to avoid injury and illness and perform at their top during the most important races. The triathlete in this...
Topic: Sport
Words: 1409
Pages: 6
Introduction Interracial relationships and racism in the United States and worldwide are some of the most problematic and complex social issues. Critical Race Theory (CRT) is one approach that conquers racism by identifying and investigating the issues of racial injustices, institutional racism, and internalized racial oppression. This theoretical framework has...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 1659
Pages: 6
Introduction Childhood development has a remarkable impact on further personal development. Of course, no strict rules and dependencies, like in biology or chemistry. But still, based on the social and psychological theories, scholars, childcare, healthcare, and educational service providers can predict the future problems or benefits the particular child will...
Topic: Toddler
Words: 1774
Pages: 6
Background Information An organization’s enduring competitive edge in today’s hypercompetitive economic climate is predominantly generated from intangible assets: human, social, and cognitive capital. Workers with the necessary aptitude develop intangible resources. By ensuring a sufficient supply of people with the required competencies, human resource professionals support organizational effectiveness in the...
Topic: Firefighter
Words: 1734
Pages: 6
Introduction Costco Wholesale Corporation is one of the leaders in the retail store chains in many aspects. This company was established in 1983 in Seattle, Washington, expanding in 2021 to more than 800 warehouses worldwide (Costco Wholesale, 2021). The main features that define their whole business model are the membership...
Topic: Accountancy
Words: 1551
Pages: 6
Among the core insights of the Marxist theory is that the class struggle has characterized the history of societies’ development. Because art, both literature and theater, does not exist separately from society, it has become a crucial aspect of the historical process and people’s comprehension of the world. Thus, it...
Topic: King Lear
Words: 1376
Pages: 6
Introduction Personal and professional development are the two things responsible for the formation and organization of the group. Their development is necessary for each person individually since many follow the old attitudes when modern times demand modern solutions. Thus, this work aims to explore the professional and personal development plan...
Topic: Personality Development
Words: 1743
Pages: 6
The purpose of this paper is to analyze symbolic meanings behind the main characters of John Steinbeck’s novella “Of Mice and Men”. Symbolism is a common trope used in the narrative, which is done via representation of a larger idea through smaller means. Symbols are diverse and can take the...
Topic: Symbolism
Words: 1779
Pages: 6
Racism is considered a collection of beliefs, behaviors, and practices perpetuating an unequal distribution of power among ethnic and racial groups. Racial discrimination is the subjugation of certain ethnic or racial groups in order to preserve the advantages of others, hence developing and sustaining socioeconomic inequities. Discrimination may be detected...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 1848
Pages: 6
Introduction Vaccination is a process of biological preparation that gives immunity to a particular infection. A vaccine contains an agent similar to the disease that causes microorganisms, and it is made from one of its surface proteins or weakened forms of the microbe. Vaccines work with an individual’s natural immunity...
Topic: Vaccination
Words: 1669
Pages: 6
Introduction In a matter of life and death, people prefer life as the obvious answer. Death is a personal issue believed to go without other people’s interference on occasions where no one is harmed. There are circumstances where life is not the best option, a moment that leaves people wondering...
Topic: Euthanasia
Words: 1680
Pages: 6
Introduction At its core, the state represents the intersection of its political, economic, social, and cultural elements. Due to the cultural differences in world views and visions of how society should work, many diverse political ideologies were invented and implemented economically and socially. As a consequence, the economic organization was...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1278
Pages: 6
The Catcher in the Rye was a novel written by J.D Slinger. The novel’s protagonist is a young man struggling with various issues in his adolescence. Holden Caulfield, aged 16, was the name of the young man. For the fourth time, he had been kicked out of class. Salinger uses...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 1650
Pages: 6
Introduction Happiness help people develop optimism and a “take on the world” attitude. Consequently, happy people are often healthy due to effective wellness and state of mind. Every person has their own story of happiness pursuit. Family relations, including marriage and intergenerational relationships, affect someone’s state of happiness. While many...
Topic: Happiness
Words: 1762
Pages: 6
Political and Cultural Environment of Public Policy and Its Administration Decision-Making The Cherry County Human Services Department (CCHS) is a state agency of social intervention services providers involved in children’s protection, foster care, and delinquency. The CCHS employees experience continuous overload with highly stressful cases, strict court presentation requirements, and...
Topic: Public Administration
Words: 1723
Pages: 6
Introduction How a person organizes his interpersonal connections can be determined by the way they communicate. According to Urea (2013), communication styles are made up of individual traits that are visible in the communication act. This includes particular methods of message reception and decrypting, individual traits for message analysis and...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1648
Pages: 6
Introduction Wolverhampton, which is situated in the West Midlands area of England, is known for its post-industrial history, friendly citizens, and high-quality health care. The town is also referred to as Wulfrun, which means “the settlement of the wolf.” In the past, it was an important town in England and...
Topic: Health
Words: 1516
Pages: 6
Introduction Miller’s Death of a Salesman is iconic and representative since it takes place during a time of national catastrophe, the Great Depression. The author’s imagination was drawn to the seemingly insignificant lives exemplifying central themes, such as family relationships, financial wellbeing, and the shortcomings of the American dream (Churchwell...
Topic: Death of a Salesman
Words: 1665
Pages: 6
House of Cards is an American political thriller that was first aired online on the streaming service Netflix in 2013. The production of the show ended in 2018 after a total of 6 seasons, composed of 73 episodes. Producer Perspective House of Cards’ executive producer was Beau Willimon, its director...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 1718
Pages: 6
Radiology is a sought-after, profitable, and useful field in the medical industry. Progress in the development of digital methods and the development of computer and telecommunication systems and networks set the face of present and future medical technologies and medicine as a whole. In radiology, digital and telecommunication technologies demonstrate...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1666
Pages: 6
Introduction The Six-Day War, which took place in June 1967 between Israel and the Arab nations of Egypt, Syria, and Jordan, was a brief but devastating struggle. After years of diplomatic tension and clashes with its neighbors, Israel’s Defense Forces began preventative airstrikes that severely damaged Egypt’s and its allies’...
Topic: Muslim
Words: 1674
Pages: 6
Stock investment and trading are some of the most profitable yet volatile ventures in the history of economics. As a result, several factors determine what type of investments should be made in the stock market and when they should be executed. In a nutshell, the potential perforce of a company...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1760
Pages: 6
Introduction Certain demographics are more susceptible to experiencing mental health problems based on various circumstances. Gender, age, sociocultural elements, and family situations are several of the multiple factors that may have a direct or indirect effect on one’s psychological well-being. However, another perspective that is to be considered is the...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1656
Pages: 6
Introduction The Medicare and Medicaid systems are among the most important elements of the US health care system, although they are often subject to excessive criticism. The advantages of these systems are more significant than the disadvantages, and a detailed analysis of the included processes and the results and consequences...
Topic: Health
Words: 1713
Pages: 6
Early European Block Printing Woodblock printing was the first sort of printing to take place in Europe. Fabric printing and the production of transient items like playing cards both used block printing. Despite the early usage of block printing, there is only shaky evidence that books were printed with blocks...
Topic: Photography
Words: 1764
Pages: 6
Language Arts and Literacy Every student must be able to comprehend visual, oral, and written material and, more significantly, analyze and apply the given information. Oral information entails a careful examination of tone, pace, and emotions, as well as exercising various techniques and knowledge. Meanwhile, visual and written materials encourage...
Topic: Literacy
Words: 1755
Pages: 6
Introduction Professionally successful people or leaders often have patterns of behavior that are hard to find in others. It is interesting to observe such people, to follow their motivation at work and priorities. Leaders and other essential workers start their journey long before they enter a vital position: some at...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 1487
Pages: 6
Negotiation Background The current negotiation revolves around the sale of a piece of land to my cousin. Only two individuals, my cousin and I, will be involved in the process. The existing relationship is that we are relatives belonging to the same extended family. We have had a peaceful past...
Topic: Negotiation
Words: 1645
Pages: 6
Introduction The current generation of underage alcohol consumption has been on the rise. Further, the underage population has continuously been put to health risks associated with drinking habits. Although the government has stipulated several implications to control the drinking age, the stipulated age rise has not effectively curbed alcohol drinking...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 1635
Pages: 6
Introduction A big part of being a leader is anticipating and being ready to face unforeseen situations. However, what matters is the skills and creativity of people. A leader’s flexible mindset is far more important than any rigorous technique or philosophy. Leadership is a very responsible business and often means...
Topic: Apple
Words: 1665
Pages: 6
Introduction When studying philosophy, one will inevitably come across Thomas Aquinas and his five arguments for the existence of a higher being, such as God. His justifications for the existence of a higher being were developed to offer a firm basis for the conviction that a God does, in fact,...
Topic: God
Words: 1709
Pages: 6
People associate germs with a negative definition, but these parts are different. Most microbes in our body or another environment bring positive results. They help organisms to develop evenly and provide them with everything they need. Most existing microbes are part of a specific ecosystem and perform their function. With...
Topic: Natural Sciences
Words: 1774
Pages: 6
Introduction This memo concerns the analysis of the Daycare Center’s operations budget for the year 2000. An Exhibit A from the Northville Daycare Center Case Study shows the prospective expenditures that this daycare center will have in the first year of its operations. One of the most crucial aspects of...
Topic: Budget
Words: 1665
Pages: 6
Introduction Pauls is one of the leading milk brands in the Australian market. Presently, it remains an acceptable product because it delivers numerous benefits to the consumer. In terms of background, the brand name emerged in 1923 when a firm by the same name introduced it into the market. Other...
Topic: Brand
Words: 1658
Pages: 6
Ethical Frameworks Ethical frameworks are divided into three categories: deontological, virtue and teleological. There are two central principles upon which they classify various ethical frameworks. Each belief system is distinct, and many different ethical frameworks exist. Some people are more likely to identify with particular ethical frameworks, while others might...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 1716
Pages: 6
Introduction The selected person for observation is a thirteen-year-old boy with a Mexican ethnic background. The boy comes from a family of five with an unstable background as the parents are unemployed. Their culture is a blend of indigenous and Spanish customs; however, traditions vary significantly across the country. Consequently,...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1641
Pages: 6
Introduction Human development is the continuous change in humans over their lifespan from birth to death in psychological, cognitive, and physical aspects. The psychological part of human development comprises social relationships, personality, and emotions. Physical development entails growth and changes in the brain and body, health and wellness, the senses,...
Topic: Lifespan Development
Words: 1641
Pages: 6
Introduction Due to his advances in terms of nearly every field of philosophy and religion, St. Thomas Aquinas was a remarkable catholic theorist and a prolific author. Thomas Aquinas was an outstanding scholastic thinker, theologian, and political philosopher who served as a Dominican bishop and priest in Italy (Ilodigwe 19)....
Topic: Religion
Words: 1769
Pages: 6
Changing the drinking age to 18 has created a global interest and fight among young adults. Young adults are adamant about lowering the legal drinking age because 18 is when teens are no longer minors. It would allow for more safety among college students. At the same time, believers of...
Topic: Alcohol
Words: 1693
Pages: 6
Evaluation of the main approaches to personalities is essential in the context of understanding human nature and psychology. It includes reviewing existing theories and creating a personality profile that includes key behavioral and psychological traits. In addition, one should consider the chosen approaches from the perspective of a theoretical basis,...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1682
Pages: 6
Introduction Novels reflect real life and integrate different aspects of human development through figurative language that reflects human development. This paper focuses on the story I Know Why the Caged Bird Sing by Maya Angelou in general and Maya’s character in particular. Maya is the narrator and the main character...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1841
Pages: 6
Abstract In the given case study, Hannah, a school counselor, a 36-year-old African-American woman, works with the 15-year-old Muslim-American school student, Adara. Being from a Muslim family and following the religious and cultural traditions, she has to wear a headscarf, which distinguishes her from her fellow schoolmates. She feels depressed...
Topic: Counseling
Words: 1976
Pages: 6
Background Family refers to a collection of people that are united due to the ties of marriage, adoption, household, and blood in the respective social position. This is comparable to family life cycle that refers to the intellectual and emotional state that individuals experience as they develop from childhood to...
Topic: Family
Words: 1574
Pages: 6
Executive Summary The literature survey on the use of project portfolios in strategy delivery and relationships between portfolios and individual projects had the goal of drawing a list of recommendations for project management offices (PMOs). Since the organizational context of Telstra, one of the largest Australian telecommunications companies, implied an...
Topic: Management
Words: 1904
Pages: 6
Introduction The majority of children with disabilities suffer the effects of segregation and marginalization in different societies across the world. This disenfranchised cohort faces significant prejudice attributed to negative attitudes and perceptions held by society toward them. They are frequently denied opportunities that could help them understand their rights and...
Topic: Autism
Words: 1644
Pages: 6
Arthur Miller’s play, “The Crucible,” is inspired by the McCarthyism hysteria which occurred in the 1940s and 1950s due to the inconsistencies in the Salem witch trials. The play is based on extreme behavior when people had hidden agendas and dark desires (Li 116). Thus, the word McCarthyism means making...
Topic: The Crucible
Words: 1622
Pages: 6
Introduction The San Francisco Bay Area, besides being a cultural attraction and a densely populated area of the US, is a region with a vast array of wildlands. The wildlands, while not being used for cultivating and harvesting, have an essential role in the maintenance of the balance of the...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1571
Pages: 6
It should be a globally accepted concept that everyone deserves to be helped by others around them, regardless of language difficulties, religion, race, education, income, or place of birth. This should be implemented as a universal rule, with everyone having a moral responsibility to aid another person in situations like...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 1699
Pages: 6
Introduction Everyone has qualities regarding their looks and viewpoint that they might not like. It could be a misaligned nose, excessively big or tiny eyes, or even an uneven grin. Even though some people worry about their flaws, these flaws do not affect how they live their usual lives. However,...
Topic: Disorders
Words: 1673
Pages: 6
Introduction The act of purchasing a space to promote a product, service, or charitable cause is advertising. Advertisements, tactics, and procedures are used to put items, services, ideas, or causes in front of the public eye and convince them to take a certain action in response to what is marketed....
Topic: Advertising
Words: 1755
Pages: 6
Ernest Hemingway recounts to the readers of The Old Man and the Sea a story about an older man named Santiago who loves his life as a fisherman, although he lives in terrible poverty. The novel’s main event is Santiago’s lengthy fishing trip, during which he reels in one of...
Topic: Ernest Hemingway
Words: 1685
Pages: 6
Small and medium-sized family businesses, in most cases, become the basis of economic development. These forms of entrepreneurial activity are characterized by a high ability to adapt to changing market conditions. The growth in the number of family-owned enterprises, such as Ocean Group, carries antitrust potential and contributes to reducing...
Topic: Family
Words: 1746
Pages: 6
In general, empathy may be regarded as a person’s ability to feel and understand another individual’s experience, reality, and perspective from within his frame of reference. At the same time, according to Teófilo et al. (2018), there are multiple perspectives on the concept of empathy that exist in modern scientific...
Topic: Emotional Intelligence
Words: 1686
Pages: 6
Satire In literature, content creators use a lot of art to present their ideas in a specific way they desire. The ideas vary, thus necessitating more than one style to present their information to a targeted audience. Many themes can be depicted in the presentation, with many of them meant...
Topic: Satire
Words: 1749
Pages: 6
Introduction Philosophy and religion are tightly connected with the human desire to understand the world and themselves. Many different theories were proposed in order to better quantify the human condition and determine the ultimate purpose and aim of life. However, it still remains impossible to find definitive truths about living...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 1529
Pages: 6
Introduction Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a condition that affects the neurological system. People with TS experience “tics.” Tics are sudden, repetitive twitches, motions, or noises. Ticks are bodily behaviors that victims are unable to control. For instance, a person might repeatedly blink; this feeling can be disgusting. This paper explains...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1723
Pages: 6
Introduction Agricultural development is a top priority, not only to improve U.S. economic opportunities but also to improve the quality of nutrition. More and more Americans are eating low-quality food, preferring fast food and similar foods to those prepared and grown on the farm. Thus, we can note the general...
Topic: Food
Words: 1739
Pages: 6
Introduction In the life of human beings, dating and mate selection have been critical aspects that facilitate the marriage institution across different cultures in the world. Men and women of different calibers have embraced the practice to link with a future partner. However, over the decades, the dating and process...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 1378
Pages: 6
Introduction Racism is a deeply rooted phenomenon and affects many people and communities globally. The issue has been manifested in society for centuries, causing memorable tragedies and alienation of marginalized communities. Despite progressive changes such as civilization, globalization, and gender equity in the modern world, issues regarding racism seem to...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 1771
Pages: 6
Introduction Child upbringing in any society and context is a collective effort, with the immediate social environment playing a pivotal role in the child’s development. This connection and interdependence between parents, immediate caregivers and remote environments like schools is brought out even more clearly in the case of traumatic experiences....
Topic: Family
Words: 1648
Pages: 6
Introduction The polarization of American politics in recent times certainly seems to have increased. There is a growing chorus of voices warning that this optimism is just pure fantasy. Politics can no longer be held back by morals when brutality is becoming the focal point. People’s sense of good and...
Topic: Moral Values
Words: 1691
Pages: 6
An HR specialist is a person who monitors the emotional and working state of the company’s employees, collects feedback on how comfortable they are working now, and helps solve current problems in relationships within the team. For an HR specialist, it is important how comfortable each of the employees is...
Topic: Business
Words: 1664
Pages: 6
Australian public hospitals have faced many challenges during the last five years. Therefore, it is essential to mention the experience of the recent decision and its effect and designs a new strategy for the upcoming five years, namely from 2022-2027. In addition, some of the experience from hospitals worldwide can...
Topic: Hospital
Words: 1690
Pages: 6
Changes in vital macroeconomic variables demonstrate how demographic shifts significantly impact the United States economy. Many factors, including saving habits, productivity, and investment opportunities, all contribute to long- and short-term macroeconomic conditions. Older people are slowing down economic growth, which has an adverse effect on actual returns and increases inflationary...
Topic: Aging
Words: 1636
Pages: 6
Introduction The 2013 typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines and was among the most powerful ever recorded and was designated as a Category 5 typhoon. This paper aims to discuss the Haiyan Typhoon and the geographical sequences before and after the event, give suggestions to city planners, and give social and...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1761
Pages: 6
1929’s share market crash is regarded as the most disastrous occurrence in the heritage of the US financial marketplace. On October 29, a day renowned as Black Tuesday, the stock plunged 12%, sparking what would become the Great Depression (Beaudreau 631). Investment firms and senior bankers sought to calm the...
Topic: Finance
Words: 1669
Pages: 6
Alibaba Holding Group Limited, better known as, is a Chinese multinational technology business founded by Jack Ma. Since its inception in 1999, the firm has specialized in e-commerce, retail, the internet, and technology (Zhao, 2022). The company’s headquarters are in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, and it offers business-to-consumer (B2C), consumer-to-consumer (C2C),...
Topic: Alibaba
Words: 1769
Pages: 6
Introduction Greek poets set the groundwork for dramatic literature. Scholars and critics alike believe Sophocles’ tragedy Oedipus the King to be the pinnacle of his achievements as a writer in ancient Greece. A crucial and divisive issue in Sophocles’ day is explored in the play: The Gods’ will versus man’s...
Topic: Oedipus the King
Words: 1664
Pages: 6
Introduction Human life is precious, and many charitable organizations have been formed to alleviate people from suffering. Hungry for Life (HFL) is one of the international organizations that offer non-profit services to people around the world. The firm has partnered with various global organizations to offer the services and raise...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 1755
Pages: 6
A Japanese naval vessel attacked the USS Indianapolis in 1945 in the Pacific Ocean. Almost 1,000 sailors were tossed into the ocean, wherein they remained undiscovered from the Navy for approximately four days, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of men when they entered the water (Stanton 3). The sailors...
Topic: History
Words: 1403
Pages: 6
Performance evaluation is the process of assessing an employee’s performance systematically. The procedure should be productive and formal to measure the worker’s job and results based on their descriptions. It gauges the value the employee adds to a company in terms of increased business revenue compared to the set standards...
Topic: Performance
Words: 1655
Pages: 6
Introduction The purpose of this report revolves around reviewing servant leadership (SL) as it pertains to early childhood education. The document explains SL as part of the author’s personal philosophy and discusses SL’s theoretical explanations and impacts on three dimensions of management. Although SL requires further exploration in early childhood...
Topic: Childhood
Words: 1800
Pages: 6
Twitter is called a microblog for its real-time social activity on its pages. Five hundred million social network fans visit the resource daily, making it an effective marketing platform for business and brand promotion. Besides the promotion of the brand, businessmen use the platform the search for operative information, research...
Topic: Organizational Structure
Words: 1656
Pages: 6
Introduction Church is generally considered to be a place of worship for believers and people who are willing to have a conversation with God and ask different type of personal and non-personal questions. For this research paper, Queens Bible Church, which is located in Glendale, New York, the United States...
Topic: Religion
Words: 1712
Pages: 6
Introduction The medical sector is regarded as one of the most important departments across the globe. It deals with human wellness, making this docket a more sensitive field than other areas of work. Introducing new devices into the medical sector requires good research to avoid any risks associated with it....
Topic: Manufacturing
Words: 1234
Pages: 6
Executive Summary The report is under the study of the Telstra Corporation, which deals with telecommunication services. Its establishment began during the gain of independence of the Australian Government. The report explicitly outlines the main models, frameworks, and processes that can be applied in the pre-project to change. Under the...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 1951
Pages: 6
Introduction Target Audience: The paper is designed for adolescents and adults who are concerned with the issue of whether marijuana legalization is needed in the USA. Purpose: To persuade people that cannabis legalization brings more harmful than beneficial consequences. Curiosity kills a cat, and this statement is specifically true in...
Topic: Marijuana
Words: 1664
Pages: 6
The telecommunication industry is a key player in the development of a sustainable and well-equipped society. Proper communication channels are key contributors to the effective link between the message sender and the recipient. AT&T has been one of the modes by which people use to transmit information to each other...
Topic: Business
Words: 1650
Pages: 6
To increase the effectiveness of his actions, a person seeks to enter a network of relations that unites the efforts of people and makes them able to act as a single unit. Such a stable, clearly established predictable actor unity is achieved in social groups – regular, self-renewing complexes of...
Topic: Education
Words: 1664
Pages: 6
Introduction The work of any company critically depends on its ability to analyze the market and its target audience. The fact is that the modern business environment is a complex phenomenon impacted by numerous factors. It also means that companies have to work in a highly changeable environment as altering...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1500
Pages: 6
The methodological basis of the proposed study is based on a quasi-experimental approach that allows the study of causal relationships between variables. It should be recalled that the independent variables in this study are the fact of cooperation between a general educator and a paraeducator and the socio-demographic characteristics of...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 1646
Pages: 6
Professionals working in the healthcare industry, including clinicians, nurses, and managers, must implement a certain set of personal skills to ensure positive patient outcomes and improve the population’s health status. An essential part of those skills is associated with professional ethics and ethical leadership in the medical field. It is...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 1651
Pages: 6
Model Description The approach to the family as a system is reflected in the name of this therapy. The study of the structure of entities and relationships in the system always takes place under the auspices of integrity. Each person in the family is a critical part of the overall...
Topic: Family
Words: 1674
Pages: 6
Introduction American women in World War II became engaged in numerous missions that they had not previously performed. Since war encompassed global conflict on an unintended scale, a significant mobilization of the entire population rendered an expanded role for women unavoidable. Their services were recruited through various methods, including mailers...
Topic: War
Words: 1661
Pages: 6
Introduction The Allegory of the Cave is the cornerstone of objective idealism, illustrating the world of things and the world of ideas. Many researchers rightly consider the Allegory of the Cave to be Plato’s central conversation (within the great dialogue of the State) and one of the primary texts in...
Topic: Allegory of the Cave
Words: 1759
Pages: 6
Neoliberalism is an ideology that as well serves as a model in politics. The central values of neoliberalism are the free market and fair competition. Lachmann states it is characterized by massive privatization, also known as deregulation, and the reduction of trade unions (2016, p. 2). Rivalry is considered a...
Topic: Neoliberalism
Words: 1818
Pages: 6
Fences is a play by an American scriptwriter, August Wilson, written in 1985, which addresses the challenges barring Blacks from success and having a united family. Wilson uses symbolism to advance the themes and build his characters in the play. The play talks about Troy, the main character, who rose...
Topic: Fences
Words: 1741
Pages: 6
Gender roles, stereotyped or not, play a critical role in marketing and advertising campaigns. In the present day, there are traditional and nontraditional gender roles that determine how male and female models are used in commercials and affect their employment in the marketing industry. This literature review studies how gender...
Topic: Gender
Words: 1647
Pages: 6
Summary The struggle to promote and ensure the wellbeing of citizens has been continuously shifting with each decade, culminating in the present rights and freedoms the US population enjoys today. However, there have been many instances in the US history when people’s ability to enjoy their basic opportunities. A number...
Topic: History
Words: 1408
Pages: 6
Introduction Gender equality is a fundamental human right and essential for achieving peace, prosperity, and sustainable development. Providing women and girls with equal access to education, health care, decent work, and participation in political and economic decision-making is an important element of sustainable development. It is worth noting that due...
Topic: Equality
Words: 1582
Pages: 6
Introduction Evergreen Marine (UK) Limited Company is a subsidiary corporation of the renowned Evergreen Group. The firm began its official operation in 1979 under the UK flag container having its headquarters located in London. It offers shipping, leisure, and aviation services across different destinations with approximately 600 employees. The report...
Topic: Performance
Words: 1733
Pages: 6
Introduction The success of every organization depends on how effective its employees are and how properly they perform their duties. It does not matter what financial or technological resources a firm has because it is likely to have significant difficulties reaching its objectives if individual workers do not contribute appropriately....
Topic: Business
Words: 1696
Pages: 6
Blueslopes Private Hospital is one of the leading privately-operated healthcare facilities in Australia. The Sydney-based organization was started in 2010 and boasts substantial growth over the years. The facility is known for managing rare conditions such as cancer and other chronic issues affecting humanity. Blueslopes has over one thousand employees,...
Topic: Hospital
Words: 1678
Pages: 6
Background International Medical Corps was selected for healthcare innovation because healthcare advances were at the heart of the initiative. The organization’s goal is to enhance the individuals’ lives in the communities through health programs and related initiatives that build local capacity, and prevent by offering medical care, as well as...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1093
Pages: 6
Introduction The success of the company, in the majority of cases, depends on the individuals that work there. Member satisfaction and team viability usually result in high productivity and lead to great results. As a result, when it comes to the team and the members, it is vital to not...
Topic: Business
Words: 1778
Pages: 6
Two papers were chosen for the present analysis, and both are primary source articles. The difference between them is not only the time of publication — there is a 24-year difference between the two pieces — but also the method of publication: a print piece from 1995 and an online...
Topic: History
Words: 1268
Pages: 6
The Roman Empire lasted ten centuries, and the length and extent of this reign made it difficult to trace how the civilization started and ended. Since it was an ancient Rome post-republican period, the polity comprised large territorial holdings around the Mediterranean Sea in North Africa, Europe, and Western Asia...
Topic: Roman Empire
Words: 1783
Pages: 6
Introduction Strategic performance management is a necessary practice for each organization regardless of which field it operates in. It includes setting clear criteria for the employees’ professional achievements, detecting progress, and improving the principles of the job. Its main goal is to align the work with the organizational goals and...
Topic: Management
Words: 1696
Pages: 6
Introduction The world has transformed in many ways as modern technology and science advance. Despite the unprecedented success in solving pressing global problems, humans fall short of realizing most developmental goals, including poverty, inequality, increasing educated individuals, and climate change. As the world struggles to solve social problems, scholars have...
Topic: Success
Words: 1775
Pages: 6
Introduction The world today has developed in terms of social connectedness like never before in human history. Such a paramount change has been achieved due to the development of digital technologies in general and the Internet, smartphones, and social media in particular. With the advancement of social media as an...
Topic: Narcissism
Words: 1646
Pages: 6
Introduction The relationship between China and Taiwan is currently in turmoil, and there are ongoing speculations that China is seeking to unify with Taiwan to form one territory. The suppositions of reunion have been trending for some decades, but the pressure has increased late, showing the interest of the Peoples’...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 1699
Pages: 6
Introduction Elderly patients in general, and individuals aged 70 years and older in particular, face a distinctive set of risks associated with age-related changes. The issues within physiological and physical health, economic status, social and environmental well-being, and functioning are characterized by particularities that are different for the elderly in...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1656
Pages: 6
There have been many different events that changed the course of the history of the United States, among which is the Black Revolution. Moreover, it had important consequences traceable from the past to modern times. During the Black Revolution, the rights of African Americans and their attitude towards them were...
Topic: Revolution
Words: 1666
Pages: 6
Introduction Dell is one of the largest computer companies established in the 1980s. Since its inception, Dell has achieved great success as a company specializing in the PC market. Dell struggled to maintain a competitive edge during its 2013 privatization (Case Study). Investor Carl Icahn took to social media to...
Topic: Dell
Words: 1742
Pages: 6
Introduction Veterans refer to people who served in military or disciplined forces. These groups are referred to as veterans after retiring from the disciplined forces. As of 2017, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) projected that 46.6 million adults have mental illness issues (Alexander & Wynn, 2018). From the...
Topic: Health
Words: 1270
Pages: 6
Introduction The opioid epidemic has taken away several lives in the last two decades. The use of prescription opioid for chronic and acute pain management has contributed to the crisis by making the drugs readily available to the masses. Opioid use has negative consequences to its users and communities, including...
Topic: Addiction
Words: 1727
Pages: 6
Current and Recent Economic Conditions The Canadian economy is currently experiencing growth that had already surpassed, in some ways, the pre-pandemic period when there was a significant recession. It is evidenced by GDP and unemployment figures, which slightly exceed the values of January-February 2020 after a prolonged increase from May...
Topic: McDonald's
Words: 1246
Pages: 6
Introduction The fourth industrial revolution marked a period of technological development in the last half of the 18th century that has mainly changed the manufacturing, assembling, textile, and economic growth in the European and other Asian countries. Most commodities that were being crafted by hand initially have started to be...
Topic: Globalization
Words: 1728
Pages: 6
Introduction Caring for children requires the use of best practices in handling their everyday needs. Nannies have to make different decisions pertaining to the care of young children, including their health status. The decisions need to be supported by the best available evidence. The development of evidence-based practices (EBPs) in...
Topic: Evidence-Based Practice
Words: 2017
Pages: 6
Introduction While discrimination occurs in Palestine against women due to their weak state in a patriarchal culture, it also happens in Tanzania to people with albinism in ordinary people’s culture. The story of the albinism nature of Yona makes him weak in a community with ordinary people, a similar weakness...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1870
Pages: 6
Introduction Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a collection of neurological conditions in which a person’s speech, motor motions, and social interaction are disrupted. ASD is categorized as a cognitive disorder as its symptoms usually develop within the first two years of life. Autism is classified as a spectrum condition since...
Topic: Autism
Words: 1772
Pages: 6