Hispanic, Asian-Pacific, Jewish Populations’ Health

Hispanic Population The Hispanic population is a patriarchal, collectivist social group that emphasizes religion, family, and tradition. Combining traditional practices with modernized medicine is common. However, language barriers and lack of access to insurance or primary care providers lead to deferment of seeking professional help. Religion and tradition play a...

Venereal Diseases and Sex Education in Adolescents

Clinical Question The object of our study is the issue of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among adolescents. Many scholars have researched the level of teenagers’ knowledge of the threat presented by STDs (Ezeokoli, Ayodele, & Olaleye, 2014; Trejos-Castillo, Treviño-Schafer, Brice, & McPherson, 2011). Other researchers (Kottke et al., 2015) have...

Depression and Cognitive Psychotherapy Approaches

Introduction Cognitive psychotherapy offers various techniques to cope with emotional problems. This discipline is a significant part of modern psychology. Its theories and methods are applied by multiple specialists throughout the world. The main goal of this paper is to discuss the most effective cognitive approaches. Cognitive Psychotherapy The client...

Miami County Public Health

Introduction My city is Miami, Florida, and its zip code is 33193. The information about the health condition of its population, provided services, and other related things can be found on several authoritative websites. For example, according to Florida Health (2016) and CDC (2015), the city faces several issues with...

Comparing Accounting Standards Among Accounting Regulatory Agencies in America

Abstract This paper compares and contrasts the process of accounting standard-setting and financial statement presentation among different accounting regulatory agencies in America. The key focus is on the SEC, FASB, IASB, and GASB because they are the main regulatory bodies in America. Comprehensively, this paper shows that these regulatory bodies...

Self-Esteem: Comparing and Contrasting Main Psychological Approaches

The issue of self-esteem is critical in clinical psychology and understanding the wider processes in the field of psychology. There are two types of approaches to self-esteem – cognitive and constructivist, which consider self-esteem as a product of sociocultural influences. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES), as well as the theories...

Do Increases in Hate Crime Suggest That We Have Become Less Civilized and More Violent?

Introduction When prejudices dominate society, it often leads to hate crimes that are also known as bias-motivated crimes. The offenders target their victims based on their belongingness to a particular group. Among the key biases of hate crimes, there are nationality, race, gender, age, religion, disability, and sexual orientation (D.C....

Healthcare-Associated Infection Countermeasures: Best Practices

Introduction Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are common in many hospitals. Such infections tend to affect the health outcomes of different patients. In order to deal with these infections, healthcare practitioners should embrace various behaviors and practices (Iglehart, 2013). This essay uses the ideas gained from the “Partnering To Heal” video to...

Miami Jewish Community’s Health Risk Factors

Selecting the Aggregate Location, Demographics The selected aggregate is the Jewish community of Miami, Florida. This population has been growing rapidly for the past decade (Varn, 2014). Varn (2014) states that the Jewish population has increased by approximately 10% during the past three decades. The western part of the city...

American Federal Budgeting, Actors and Strategies

Federal Budget The recent years have shown several instances of the federal government failing to approve the budget on time, which on one occasion resulted in the shutdown of government operations (Brass, 2011). The reason for that is the somewhat imperfect structure of the budgeting procedure, which was unsuccessfully addressed...

Popular Research Paper Topics

General Motors’ Operations Strategy and Value Creation

Nowadays, General Motors is a widely known corporation, which has the offices and services present in the different parts of the world. The company was established in 1908, and since then, it aims towards the constant innovation and development of the new products (Pelfey, 2006). Today, it is present in...

Evolving Practice of Nursing and Patient Care Models

Introduction The great paces of the evolution of the modern world pose a number of new challenges that society faces in its development. To be able to continue its growth, it should overcome these problems and find appropriate solutions and approaches. That is why the most important aspects of any...

Abstract Art: “Disk of Newton” by Frantisek Kupka

The picture under analysis is Disk of Newton by Frantisek Kupka. He was a famous Czech painter. His name tends to be one of the most famous among all other representatives of this country. The reason of this popularity is very simple. Frantisek Kupka is one of the founders of...

Disney Princesses: How Movies Impact Gender Roles

Introduction One of the main reasons why Disney movies can be picked as one of the examples of ever-changing gender roles and the breadth of societal influence in their approach to depicting women or female characters. The ability to mirror cultural perspectives of the given era is an instrument that...

Investment Strategy: Construction of Portfolio

Introduction Selection of market securities that would be included in a certain investment portfolio requires scanning of various instruments in diverse financial markets. The markets from which the market instruments are picked include the capital market and the money market (Jordan, Miller, & Dolvin, 2012).The capital market is involved in...

Domestic and Global Legal Terms and Implications

Domestic and Global Legal Implications Terms Comparison Term Domestic Legal Implications Global Legal Implications Intellectual Property Intellectual property protection helps ensure the security of information found, researched, and proven by scientists or specialists of the country. Often, intellectual property has specific protection only on the territory of a particular country...

The Concept of Terrorism

Introduction The concept of terrorism is well-known all around the world. Also, it is one of the most commonly mentioned problems in modern society. Terrorism has been seen as a major threat to the world’s peace and national security in many states. It currently affects a wide range of countries...

Individualized Education Program Accommodations

There are multiple ways to deliver the curriculum to students. Despite the fact that only one Ontario Curriculum is applicable at schools, the teacher can accommodate and modify it so as to respond to the existing diversity of the class and address the needs of every student so that no...

Elon Musk’s Entrepreneurial Performance

Introduction “Entrepreneurship is simply a matter of luck, being in the right place at the right time.” This quote relates to entrepreneurial performance-based on sheer luck against other ingredients of success, such as talent, education, training, hard work, and skills, among others. To this end, it is a problematic statement...

Online Counseling: Ethical and Legal Issues

Introduction The late 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century have been characterized by rapid advancement in technology. The advancements have made it possible to have a wide area of application of the technology. Some of the areas were thought to be never realistically possible. Among the most...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Cultural Ethics in Regulatory Risks Management

Masterclass 4: Current and Emerging Regulatory ‘Hot Topics’ Preamble Generali Group is interested in minimizing the regulatory risk that can substantially reduce the company’s value. Therefore, the insurance company’s governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) practitioners have to fully understand all regulatory framework components to effectively conduct regulatory risk management...

Packaging in Marketing, Food Safety, Environment

The issue of sustainability has become a major concern of businesses and consumers over the last decade. The awareness about the sociological, institutional, and economic aspects of the country’s environmental impact is a part of today’s political agenda. A broad range of measures must be taken to ensure that businesses...

Health Care Reform: Changes in the US Nursing Practice

Introduction This paper educates nurses about how the practice of nursing is expected to grow and/or change by discussing the concepts of continuity or continuum of care, Accountable Care Organizations (ACO), medical homes, and nurse-managed health clinics. Finally, it presents feedback from my three nursing colleagues, namely Mary, Nick, and...

Dell Company Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Case of Dell: Quick on Its Feet Summary Started in 1983, Dell grew to top the charts of the most successful IT companies in the 2000s (Our history, 2015). The success of the company can be attributed to the factors such as its innovative approach and the adoption of the...

Jane Austen’s Persuasion: The Power of Persuasion

It is often argued that politics in our democratic societies consists of various parties offering their ideas on the market and individual people deciding which ones of those ides they like best. However, in practice, persuasion plays an immense role in shaping people’s belief systems in a way that corresponds...

Appreciating Ancient Art from Museum Experience

Introduction Museums serve as important points where treasures are kept for public viewing especially for ancient sculptures, decorative arts, paintings among other collections. Many museums in the modern world today have included industrial arts of the 19th century especially the collection on quality industrial designs. In the museum, there is...

The Regulatory Framework in United States: Historical Developments and Present Position

Introduction The development of accounting frameworks in any country is part of its evolution process over the years. New vistas of development bring in mandatory modifications into the existing framework. As the entire economic process of a country is dependent upon its financial regulatory structures, the accounting framework is bound...

Averroes’s “Decisive Treatise”: Reflection

Introduction A Cordoba native, Averroes or Ibn Rushd, came from a family of prominent judges and jurists. Some of Averroes’s works explore the relationship between Islam and philosophy as well as the association of theology and philosophy. For example, the Decisive Treatise is a critical text for understanding legal opinions...

Fonterra Company Expanding to New Zealand

Background Fonterra is a New Zealand food producer that accounts for 30% of the world’s dairy exports; the leading consumer of Fonterra dairy products is Australia. The most exported products are whey and skimmed milk powder, their export has increased several times in recent years. The export of other dairy...

Airpower Developments and Airlift Opportunities

Abstract The global use of airpower is the result of advanced technology in the industry, and the examples of military campaigns in Iraq, Syria, Yugoslavia, and other regions prove the relevance of high-precision weapons. The purpose of this work is to compare the views of Mitchell and his peers about...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Civil Society and African Politics in the Post-Colonial Era

Civil Society has increased its dominance in politics and academic debates. It is one of the concepts termed as complex and debatable for a very long time since pre-colonial Africa. Complexities regarding the concept have led to different definitions ranging from broad perspectives to more specific terms. An analysis of...

Organ Donation, Give the Gift of Life

This organ donation essay will provide you with arguments for and against the procedure. Read it to get inspiration for your paper. Introduction Organ donation refers to giving out of a person’s body organ to somebody whose organ has malfunction and who needs a transplant. Organ transplants substantially improve the...

Confident Body Language: Body Language Exhibited by Barack Obama

Since the days of Martin Luther King Jr., the world was yet to experience the magic power of speech. Few celebrities and politician had given a moving speech that could send the crowd into frenzy. This was until the run off to the US presidential elections of 2008 where another...

Animal Testing: Evaluation, Prediction and Risk

Animal testing is a controversial issue. On the one hand, there is a necessity to use them for scientific purposes. They are helpful in the conduct of research on given products, cosmetics included, and drugs in order to examine their potential effects on human beings. However, an ethical issue forces...

Goal Line Technology and Football

Introduction Football has all the rights to be called the most compelling and engaging kind of sport ever, with its numerous challenges, the approaches that allow winning even facing the strongest rivals, and the inspiring teamwork. However, football matches are not only about the issue of teamwork but also about...

Family Roles and Their Impact on Cultural Domains

Introduction Interviewing people about their cultures and, more specifically, their effects on family life provides an insight into the intrinsic mechanisms defining the external manifestation of their particular characteristics. They primarily include gender roles, goals, traditional and alternative lifestyles, communication methods, education, and occupations correlating with spiritual and religious beliefs...

Comprehensive Care Plan for Critically Ill Patient

Introduction The patient was admitted with hypotension, hypoxia, and ventilator dependent respiratory failure. Upon initial examination, septic shock was assumed as the diagnosis, which was subsequently confirmed through the failure to maintain the patient’s blood pressure by intravenous fluid administration, which is a sign of resistance to hypotension treatment characteristic...

Analysis of The Great Gatsby (2013)

Introduction The Great Gatsby is a full-feature adaptation of a book by the same name written by Francis Scott Fitzgerald in 1925. The novel has received a number of adaptations throughout the years, with 2013 one being the most recent. Its production has been quite expensive, and the end product...

Sociological Theories for Improving Restaurant Services

Introduction Sociological theories are applicable for understanding people’s behavior in general and for an improvement of commercial services, for example, restaurant services. lhelalat, Habiballah, and Twaissi (2017) wrote an article titled ‘The impact of personal and functional aspects of restaurant employee service behavior on customer satisfaction,’ which presents the authors’...

Comparing the Archetype of Satan in The Chronicles of Narnia and His Dark Materials

Introduction It is impossible to imagine the world without literature and its advancements. It is so because all peoples create some writing pieces, meaning that this field has many universally acknowledged features. Archetypes are one of them, and Carl Jung developed this term to denote a pattern or model that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Euthanasia as a Method Against Human Suffering

Introduction The phenomenon of euthanasia and its application in the medical sphere is a vital debate topic addressed by numerous scholars worldwide. Currently, the positive aspects of euthanasia implementation have become the focus of multiple studies, questioning whether this method could be a prominent option for terminally ill patients with...

Engaging the Local Community in the Development of Cultural Tourism in China

China is currently actively developing in various areas of the economy, one of which is tourism. The state pays special attention to the maintenance of cultural tourism, which is carried out through the attraction of tourist assets to cultural heritage sites. Growth in this direction helps to ensure the creation...

“Seven Jewish Children” by Caryl Churchill

Introduction The play, which takes approximately ten minutes, was written by Caryl Churchill as a response to the tragic events that took place at Gaza in the recent past. The play, among other issues, shows the extent to which theater is capable of reacting to the global politics. The play...

Aspects of the Occupational Health

Introduction Occupational health is an area that seeks to ensure the safety, welfare and health of employees in various places of work as they carry out their duties. The health of an individual may be affected due to the work they do. Some injuries of the bone, sprains, cuts or...

High-Risk Nutritional Practices in the US and China

High-Risk Nutritional Practices Nutritional behaviors or practices refer to the plans that are put in place concerning the habitual actions by different people on food consumption. In this case, it may include unique ways in which different cultures perceive the value of some foods in terms of preparation, intake, or...

The Conflict between Russia and Chechnya

Introduction Russia which was formerly the Soviet Union (USSR) was a constituent of several republics which included Chechnya. Russia has continued to express its interest on controlling Chechnya owing to the control Chechnya has on its rich mineral land that’s famous for oil deposits and other valuable minerals like sulphur...

Pot for Pain: Medical Marijuana for Veterans

Introduction The question of legalizing marijuana is an urgent issue. The representatives of the US government, both Republicans and Democrats, have already established their positions in regards to removing barriers to scientific research and allowing marijuana to be used by veterans for medical purposes. Due to Republican behaviors and attitudes,...

Nursing Diagnosis at the HOPE Rehabilitation Center

Target Population This program targets women and children from the HOPE rehabilitation centre. A total of 30 women shall be recruited with the help of the rehab’s nurses. The women are aged between 16 and 35 years and they have small children. The targeted women hail from the local Foxford...

Segmentation Targeting and Positioning Approaches

Summary Segmentation targeting and positioning are marketing approaches that are used by marketers towards achieving positive outcomes from a certain market depending on the consumer behavior that is characterized by that market. Before comparing these 3 forms it is important first to identify and define each of them in comparison...

Hostages in the United States

Introduction The U.S. Constitution considers hostage-taking a criminal offense and it is punishable by terms of incarceration or even a life sentence. The two hostage cases that occurred in the United States late last year are indicative of the criminal aspects of hostage-taking. In the first case, a sophomore at...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Radar Site Security Analysis and Plan

The Critical Infrastructure of the Site The components of critical infrastructure include essential services and vulnerable points. On the one hand, an essential service is an ancillary process or utility that facilitates necessary role implementation according to the site requirements. Primary services include, without limitation, electricity, gas, fuel, oil, water,...

Researching of the Future of Pre-Hospital Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Summary The criteria used for the selection of the sources engulfs the determination of keywords, the targeted audience, credibility, currency, and objectivity. The process fostered the prominent determination of the analysis and investigation process. One of the approaches that increased the quality of treatment engulfs the introduction of cardiopulmonary resuscitation...

Trans Athlete Participation in Olympic Games

The Olympic Games are held after every four years with different host countries taking up the mantle for different periods. Different teams and personalities from different parts of the world are provided an opportunity to showcase their talent and uniqueness whereby the stage is perfectly set for not only fair...

Full Renewable Energy Plan Feasibility: 2030-2040

Global warming has become a pressing concern for the global community, as developed societies have reached critical levels of environmental impact. As the impact of various industries on the environment has attained a global and barely deniable level, new perspectives have been introduced. More specifically, humanity has come to realize...

Interfaith Project: Conservative Judaism Interview

Judaism The religion of Judaism envelopes several branches that are highly distinct from each other, focusing on traditional, orthodox, reformative, and other elements of this belief system. As the oldest monotheistic religion in the world, Judaism incorporates numerous traditions, practices, and sacred texts that play an important role in the...

WeWork Company: Case Study Analysis

Introduction The business strategy and business model of any company determine its development, profit, and future opportunities. At the same time, the strategy must be strengthened and adapted according to the requirements of the time and the competitive market for the company to maintain its position. This paper will examine...

General Purpose of the IT System

Introduction Cerner Ambulatory HER system is a very instrumental tool that facilitates effective delivery of services in various health institutions. This is evident since the system provides essential support incentives that contribute in minimizing clicks, promoting flexible documentation and automation of reporting processes. It also provides support incentives that enable...

Globalization of Video Games and Its Influence in the Society

Introduction The Internet plays a significant role in an individual’s daily life as it has become a cohesive component of most daily activities or routines. With the improvement in technology, digitalization has led to the developing of different types of software and applications on various electronic devices. The fame of...

How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy

Introduction The approaches to the development and execution of strategic plans are closely examined by many business administrators and scholars. This paper is aimed at discussing the issues that should be considered by a person when implementing a strategy. In this context, this notion can be described as the identification...

The Concept of Labelling Theory

Introduction Labelling theory is a sociological approach to identify and distinguish individuals based on their roles. In general, this hypothesis is applied in the criminological environment and discusses the consequences of stigmatization. For instance, the theory analyzes how deviant labels, such as a ‘criminal’ or a ‘rapist’, might affect the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Ethical Dilemma in “Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room”

Abstract The Enron Scandal was an accounting fraud perpetrated by senior executives of Enron Corporation. It comprised the extensive use of unethical practices, the breakdown of corporate governance structures, and the management’s influence on the company’s accounting firm to facilitate the concealment of the malpractices. Enron: The Smartest Guys in...

Secondary Structures in Proteins and Signaling Lipids From Arachidonic Acid

Secondary Structures in Proteins Secondary Structures in Protein entail the local folded structures forming within a polypeptide following interactions between backbone atoms. They entail the polypeptide chain, which is not part of the R groups. The most common structures are the β pleated and α helix sheets (Taechalertpaisarn, 2019). Hydrogen...

Fair Treatment of Experienced Pilots Act (The Age 65 Law)

Introduction The productivity of employees is a crucial topic in human resource management. Several bodies have had to come up with pieces of legislations to help in specifying the retirement age of certain categories of employees. These pieces of legislations have been subjected to debate by experts of labor laws....

Concepts of Privatization of State-Owned Firms

Introduction Research has shown that countries with huge dominant state-owned corporations experience low capital growth compared to states with low state-owned corporations. This is attributed to the effective investment allocation by the privately-owned companies as compared to the state-owned corporations. The current trend in the world has seen most state-owned...

Bazin’s Ontology and Approach of Daniel Morgan

Morgan looked at Andre Bazin’s key work, which has been misinterpreted and mainly dismissed due to his brilliance and skill in grappling with tough difficulties of style and ontology. A more nuanced reading of Bazin reveals components of the classical theory that are crucial for thinking about images, regardless of...

The Problem of Heritage in Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use”

Knowing, preserving, and passing on one’s cultural heritage are significant components of one’s cultural identity. In her story “Everyday Use,” Alice Walker addresses the problem of African Americans’ heritage, namely, what they considered to be their heritage and how they treated it back in the 1960s. In David Cowart’s article,...

Location of Blood Pressure Measurement

Introduction Blood pressure is essentially a product of heart output and peripheral resistance. Heart output is reflective of atrial/ventricle capacity and myocardial condition. Peripheral resistance relates to the arterial lumen and muscle. Blood pressure (BP) measurement is the most basic medical examination performed on any patient reporting to a health...

Beauty of Life: A Scientific Approach

Introduction Life is a beautiful thing. However, the beauty of life is usually analyzed in a few basic physical factors without the incorporation of our basic human form. Socially, the beauty of life is analyzed from a general point of view like human relationships, love, generosity, material enjoyment, magnificent landmarks,...

Ghedi’s Ban on Wearing Burka on Public Places

In October of 2019, a case involving a nation, Ghedi, caused a storm all over the international arena. The Ghedian parliament had just passed a bill barring individuals from concealing their faces in public areas. As the legislation applied to all Ghedians, and all forms of face covering, it became...

The Figure of Jesus in Islam and the Quran

Introduction The figure of Jesus stands prominently in Islam based on the various Islamic traditions and the many accounts of Him in the Quran. In one of the narratives, it is alleged that after Prophet Mohammed had his dream in the mountains, he ordered the cleansing of the different idols...

Understanding the U.S. Prison System

Introduction Due to the high crime rate, overcrowded prisons, and the problem of repeat offenders many are questioning the effectiveness of incarceration and what the Federal Bureau of Prison is doing to improve the operation of many U.S. prison facilities. As a result, many are also suggesting that it is...

Conflict Self-Assessment and Resolution

Conflict Resolution Approaches While summing up my conflict self-assessment score, I can note that I use avoiding and accommodating approaches less frequently than the others. This is because these methods are ineffective strategies for overcoming controversial situations in the workplace and bring few benefits to any of the conflicting parties....

Impact of the Digital Revolution on the Labor Market

Introduction Brand-new technologies have become a critical element of the labor market and its working operations. They make it feasible for organizations to automatize the production process so as to increase the level of output and overall performance. However, with the introduction of machines, manual and routine tasks previously operated...

Marketing Strategy of Starbucks in Japan

Executive Summary The Asian market is quite complex due to the large number of traditions that companies need to observe. Starbucks, in turn, is an actively developing company that should actively strive to expand its business. Therefore, it is necessary to identify essential strategies for opportunities to enter the Japanese...

Effects of Single Parenting on Children

Children have a right of being brought up by both parents who are expected to show love and affection. Kids who grew up seeing a father and mother have higher chances of becoming more stable in life. However, this is not always the case as some children find themselves in...

HIV & AIDS Among African-Americans in the United States

Introduction The African Americans are also referred to as Afro- Americans. In earlier times, they used to be known as Negroes or the Black Americans. Studies prove that this group of people who are also part of the citizens of the United States is composed of people who have some...

Prediction of Falls in Rehabilitation and Acute Care Geriatric Setting

The aim of the project is to answer the following question: “What is the effectiveness of increased patient education and participation with regular exercise-physical therapy versus current hospital fall prevention programs with limited exercise-physical therapy, in promoting balance and stability thus minimizing falls and fall-related injuries, in senior patients within...

Hypertension Prevalence and Management in African American Culture

Introduction Hypertension is a major health hazard that has been prioritized by the public health sector in many countries. All around the globe, hypertension has led to increased cardiovascular diseases and contributed to the death of many people across all races and ages. Although every race is affected by hypertension,...

The Cultural Impact of the Harlem Renaissance: Was It Positive?

Against the Odds: The Artists of the Harlem Renaissance. Directed by Amber Edwards, PBS, 1994. The documentary provides an overview of the Harlem Renaissance and emphasizes its artistic works. It offers an insight into the background of the era and describes some characteristics, mentioning the role of the progressive white...

The American Crow: A Bird Species Description

Introduction This presentation focuses on a single bird species, the American Crow. It is a common name of this bird, while its scientific name is Corvus brachyrhynchos (Townsend, Taff, et al., 2019). Its picture is present on the slide to demonstrate its appearance. American Crows typically live in the northern...

Products Liability: SUV Wrongful Death Case

Introduction (Brief History) Mitsubishi Motors Corporation is a global (multinational) manufactures of automobiles. It has its headquarters in Minato, Tokyo. Mitsubishi is part of the formerly biggest industrial group in Japan Mitsubishi keiretsu. Mitsubishi was formed in the year 1970 from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. Case Study The jury of a...

Program Evaluation and Measurement Tools for Heart Failure Patients Attending Cardiac Rehab

Introduction Heart Failure (HF) is becoming one of the leading causes of deaths in the United States today. According to American Heart Association (2012), prevalence of some of the cardiovascular diseases has reduced significantly over the years, but cases of heart failure are still on the rise. Medical practitioners are...

Criminal Justice System in America

Criminal Justice System and Police The article under consideration is called New York Times Linked to a Violent Robbery Ring and is dedicated to the case study of the crime committed by the police officer, Emmanuel Tavarez (Sulzberger, 2010, n. p). In particular, the officer was accused of conspiracy to...

Privileges of the Executive Power and the Possibilities of Its Application

Introduction Executive privilege is the right that is claimed by the American presidents as well as the other officials of the executive arm of the government to suspend or withhold from Congress or individuals or the court’s information that has been subpoenaed or, which has been requested. The invoking of...

Incidence of Blood Stream Infections Associated With the Use of Central Venous Catheters in Hemodialysis Adult Patients

Abstract This paper provides comprehensive information pertaining to the incidence of bloodstream complications that are associated with central venous catheters (CVCs) in hemodialysis adult patients. It focuses on the effects of bloodstream-related complications and central venous catheters (CVCs). The study adopted the topic since intravascular catheters complications are becoming indispensable...

Leadership, Management, and Supervision in Health Care

This paper relates to a shadowing exercise that took place in a mid-sized hospital. The hospital is about five years old and is in the process of expanding to regional markets. I spent an afternoon shadowing the nurse and at the end of the day, we sat down for a...

Intel Inc.’s Financial Performance Trends

Introduction The present report aims at assessing the financial health of Intel Inc. in 2013. The report analyzes trends in key indicators of financial performance, including total revenues, gross profit, net profit, total assets, and total equity. The report also provides an analysis of liquidity, leverage, and profitability using relevant...

Computer Forensics for Solving Cyber Crimes

Introduction Several questions are often asked when it comes to the use of information technology to commit crimes and the possibility of deploying the same technology in detecting and apprehending people who commit cyber crimes. Computer forensics is a strategic field, especially for organizations that need to protect their information...

Managing Emergencies in the Port

Introduction There have been enormous increases in emergency cases in most of our ports worldwide. This has called for efforts to come up with the most appropriate and immediate action to ensure that most of these risks are reduced if not being eliminated. For this to happen, the harbor manager...

Developing a Risk Management Culture

Introduction A proper and effective risk management culture is significant for every workplace. Researchers have studied the essentials of such a culture for centuries to provide companies with practical procedures for developing effective risk management protocols (Hofmann, Burke, and Zohar, 2017). This research focuses on answering the question: What are...

Assessment of Psychopathic Traits of Richard Kuklinski

Introduction Richard Kuklinski, otherwise known as The Iceman, was a high-profile contract and serial killer for several decades. He was renowned for his brutal killings of over 100 people. After his capture and imprisonment, he was interviewed and assessed by a psychiatrist. Kuklinski exhibited psychopathic traits in his behavior, perspectives,...

Homosexual and Heterosexual Families Are the Same

Abstract It is often argued that gay/lesbian parenting is unequal, in some aspects, to that of heterosexual parents. This argument is based on the notion that homosexual parents lack the parenting skills and practices that their heterosexual counterparts have. However, the studies reviewed in this paper indicate that parenting depends...

Cholera Infectious Disease. Disease Spread Pattern

Introduction Cholera is an infectious disease that is caused by a bacterium known as Vibrio cholerae (Raufman, 1997). It is transmitted through consumption of water or food that contains traces of fecal matter. Even though an individual might not show signs or symptoms of the disease, his fecal material may...

Impact of Market Structure on Audit Price and Quality

Background and motivation Audit is a fundamental financial activity of all business organizations. Audit determines the financial position of an organization. Companies undertake audits annually. The regulatory bodies of most countries require companies to publicize their annual financial reports. The financial reports determine the investor’s investment decision. Therefore, it is...

Flight Planning Software and Aircraft Incidents

Introduction Manual flight management was done away with as a result of high rate of accidents. Flight planning software refers to programs that are used to manage and execute flight and other processes undertaken when the plane is airborne. After the pilot has issued the requisite flight specifics, the software...

Creatine as an Ergogenic Aid

Introduction Ergogenic aids are substances that when used by an individual especially an athlete, lead to improved physiological, psychological as well as mechanical well being hence significantly improving the performance in sporting activities. Several substances can be categorized as Ergogenic aids with some being legal while others are banned for...

Nursing Assessment of Napa Community

Napa County has unmet health needs. About 13 percent lack medical insurance and pay cash. In addition, not all members of the community have Medicare or Medi-cal. Only 4% of the community is healthy while others are in low-income category. There are environmental risks from Lake Berryessa since more than...

Genetically Modified Foods: How Safe are they?

Summary Since Gregor Mendel came with the idea of genes in the 19th century, studies and technologies in biotechnology and molecular medicine have advanced significantly, producing various techniques for manipulating animal and plants genetic makeup. In the 20th century, the idea of recombinant-DNA technology emerged from genetic studies, which sought...

Civil Engineer Career: Overview

Introduction Different careers have different requirements or levels of experiences that a prospective candidate has to fulfill. Even the simplest jobs require one to have the necessary experience. For example, washing cars might seem like a very simple job but not everybody can do it. A certain level of experience...

American Serial Killer John Wayne Gacy

Introduction John Wayne Gacy was an American serial killer who killed 33 victims. He was born in 1942 and died in 1994 after injection with a lethal chemical. He was famously known as the killer clown, a name he earned from his habit of murdering people despite his generous and...

“Requiem for a Dream” by Aronofsky

Is the Mental Disorder Appropriately Portrayed? The targeted movie for this exercise is “Requiem for a Dream”. The film is directed by Darren Aronofsky. This movie narrates the story of Sara Goldfarb and the people around her life. The health issue outlined in this film is addiction. According to the...

Investing Power in Architects

Introduction For the last decades, architecture has continued to influence human life more positively. Unlike other forms of art, the architecture combines in equal proportion the two most important requirements of creativity, necessity and flair, to design and develop buildings and other structures. When compared to other forms of technical...

On the Politics of the Object in Life

Introduction Architecture has been evolving over the centuries in accordance with political, cultural, and social aspects of society. Concomitant evolution of architecture with various facets of society implies that, architecture is an integral component of political, social, and cultural spheres that have continually shaped building industry with time. Currently, historians...

The Role of Government in Market Economies in the UK

The Role of Government in Market Economies Market economy refers to an economy, whereby it is little or no interference from the government and the prices and availability of goods and services are purely dependent on the forces of demand and supply. The various assumptions in a market economy include:...

Smartphone Technology in the Society

Introduction The use of smartphones is recognized in all parts of the world. Smartphones have been advanced to higher levels due to microservices architecture that has taken the artificial intelligence field. With a smartphone, communication can be efficient and simultaneous. Nowadays phones are being used to work in various fields,...

Handwriting Analysis: History, the US Law

Introduction From the ancient days of antiquity to the present days of technological advancement crime has been part of the major social ill. It is through the development of this ill that experts have been brought on board to combat the increasing trend as well as ensure that the perpetrators...

Pluralism in Counselling and Psychotherapy

Introduction Counseling and psychotherapy is a practice historically associated with theoretical frameworks that are unitary in that they stand by singular positions or procedures. However, this is rapidly changing as training, research, and practice are increasingly adopting a combined approach. A pluralistic framework is becoming a common phenomenon as it...

Childhood Attachment and Parenting Styles

In social sciences and psychology, the term emotional attachment may refer to the process of understanding the expressive closeness and affection that binds people together. It enables caregivers to prepare children early enough for independence and parenthood. Children are naturally dependent on their parents and close relatives for personal and...

Nursing and its Ethical Issues: End-of-Life Care

Introduction Health care across the world has arguably become one of the integral departments with significant advancements in the health care delivery and nursing practice becoming more eminent and increasingly imperative. As Hebert, Moore, and Rooney (2011) note, “Throughout history, nurses have sought ways to improve the quality of life...

Programs and Needs for Homeless Veterans

Purpose of Study The research topic is “Investigating the scope and effectiveness of services for homeless veterans.” This study explores programs and services offered by different agencies in Houston, Texas area. The motivation to carry out this study is that veterans who return from missions abroad face numerous challenges. One...

Palliative Care: Trends and Issues

Introduction In the past few decades, Palliative Care (PC) has emerged as an important movement that addressed the needs of the sick in terms of relieving suffering and enhancing the quality of life. The World Health Organization defines palliative care as “an approach that improves the quality of life of...

Evidence-Based Practice to Prevent Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia

Introduction Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP) is a Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI) (Fernandez, Levine, & Restrepo, 2012). It is caused by bacterial infections that develop during mechanical ventilation using an endotracheal tube. VAP is associated with high morbidity and mortality rates (Rosenblatt, Reitzel, Jiang, Hachem, & Raad, 2014). The following is an...

Stress in Law: Reasons and Solutions

Abstract The role of stress in high divorce rates and suicides among law enforcers has been demonstrated by research. The most common causes of stress for law enforcement include; work conditions, poor relationships with family and the community, poor conflict resolution mechanisms, shift work, rigid behavior patterns, perfectionism, and trauma...

Biomedical View of Health

Introduction For many years, physicians and medical practitioners have relied on the biomedical model in the diagnosis of diseases. According to the biomedical model, health is freedom from pain, disease, or defect (De Vito 2000). This means that the normal human conditions should remain “healthy”. The biomedical model tends to...

Computer Information Systems. Computer Security

Executive summary This report gives a comprehensive analysis of several issues associated with computer security. The findings of the report reveal several limitations of software licensing as a measure of ensuring computer security. One of the major limitations that the report has focused on relates to the fact that licensing...

Evidence-Based to Reduce Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia

Assessment Evidence-based practices to reduce VAP have been known to critical care nurses for some time. Unfortunately, these widely prescribed guidelines do not all the time result in alterations in performance. The reason is that critical-care nurses are not repeatedly integrating the evidence into their practice. As a result, VAP...

Identity Theft in the Modern Age

Introduction In today’s world, technology is inseparable from people’s everyday life. Almost every person has a smartphone or a computer, and even everyday appliances are being connected to the Internet. Such technology provides new, comfortable features and makes living more convenient in many regards. However, this arrangement also creates a...

Analysis of Health Care Around the World

Introduction A health care system is the totality of people, resources, and other means that healthcare organizations provide to satisfy health needs of the target public. Each country has its own historically formed and developed way to attract economic resources for the provision of health care, preservation, and promotion of...

In Support of Robotics Use in Agriculture

Introduction Successful and effective farming has always been concerned with collecting data on the processes involved to ensure that the resources are used in the most efficient way possible. Today, it has become commonplace to use technological tools to determine whether the relevant processes are taking place smoothly. For instance,...

Taxation of International Transactions

Introduction Multinational corporations (MNC) are perceived to entail business enterprises that have their operations in several different countries. These enterprises are headquartered in their parent or home countries and run their operations in several other countries. MNCs are hailed for their immense contribution towards economic globalization. The distinctive character of...

Old Testament Lessons for National Security Council

Abstract The purpose of the paper is to offer a set of applicable recommendations regarding the National Security Council (NSC) membership and operations based on the examination of the Old Testament kings’ advisors. The Scripture offers a number of invaluable lessons related to political leadership and a ruler’s need for...

Victimology and Traditional Justice System Alternatives

Introduction Victimology as defined is a “branch of criminology that studies the relationship between an injured party and an offender by examining the causes and the nature of the consequent suffering” (Victimology, 2008). It basically focuses on identifying whether the delinquents were complete strangers, plain acquaintances, a friend or family...

Alameda Island: Community Assessment

An assessment otherwise termed as a specific way of identifying problems, strengths, and needs of a community is a means used by community developers to make decisions and set objectives. A community assessment also facilitates alignment of priorities and makes it easier to identify which course of action to take....

The Historical Evolution of the International Community

Introduction The emergence of international community is linked to the treaty of Westphalia of 1648 which was signed following the thirty year war and which created the modern states. Westphalia treaty relegated the position of the church in the society and helped in the disintegration of established European empires and...

Associated Risks and Control Measures in Cleaning

Introduction The aim of this study is to analyze the site of a cleaning company in terms of the risks the environment presents to it. Over the course of studying risks and control measures, three objectives will be covered: understanding the general risks cleaning workers experience, understanding occupation-specific hazards, studying...

San Francisco and LA Unified School Districts: Emergency Operations Plan

Introduction Emergency operations plan (EOP) is a course of action that aims at reducing the damage caused by potential incidents. If left unchecked, such occurrences may harm an organization’s population. The tool provides an organised and systematic plan to mitigate, prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from the emergencies...

Hodgkin’s & Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: A Critical Comparison

Introduction Extant literature demonstrates that lymphomas are a diverse group of lymphoproliferative malignancies with differing patterns of epidemiologic prevalence, etiology, behavior, as well as responses to clinical management (Hochberg et al., 2009). The purpose of the current paper is to critically compare and contrast the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, management, and...

The Effects of Contract Law on the Country’s Economy

Summary of the Proposed Study This study establishes the impact of contract law on the economy of the country. The economy of a country is majorly composed of trade and employment. The two economic aspects, trade and employment, are greatly affected by laws of contract. For example, every kind of...

Stalking: Probem Overview and Analysis

Introduction Safety has become the primary concern of people who spend much time surrounded by crowds long ago. However, the situation is not limited by the risk of theft, losing money, and valuable things. Nowadays, a more critical issue is stalking, which drags negative emotions into one’s life, and leads...

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