“The Journey Through and Into Darkness”

The Journey into Darkness – Who is in charge? The Do Lung Bridge scene is particularly archetypal in the context of the movie Apocalypse Now and cinematography in general. The scene begins with the boat approaching the bridge, as it is the last military post on the Nung River. Meanwhile,...

International Trade Payment Forms

There are various methods of payment in international trade. Credit in any international trade transition is provided by the exporter, importer, bank, or a combination of these. Exporters who have sufficient cash flows can finance the entire trade cycle, starting with the production of the product by the exporter down...

Precision Machinery Literature Evaluation

Venkatesh, V. C. (2007). Precision Engineering. New York: Tata McGraw-Hill. The idea of precision engineering is outlined in the book due to the concepts of multi-dimensional approach when talking about the industrial growth in post-industrial society. In this respect, special attention is grabbed in the book to precision machinery, as...

Whole-Cell Bacterial Biosensor for Environmental Monitoring

Low cost and rapid performance displayed by the whole-cell biosensor technology has led to increased interest in them. In addition bacterial biosensors are highly accurate, simple and easy to manufacture. Today, the technology of bioluminescent and fluorescent biosensors can, for example, be applied in the sensing of toxic metals and...

SEITZ Corporation: Project Management

Communication in the project Project management remains one of the most pertinent business undertakings presently. Project management as an undertaking defines and distinguishes between the success or failure of many processes today. A vital inseparable element of project management is communication (Gido & Clements, 2010). Conflict in communication can be...

Florida Native Dune Systems’ Ecological Sustainability

Introduction Florida has been known as a tourist destination and the epicentre of the U.S. agricultural growth for quite a while (Hodges, Rahmani, & Stevens, 2013). However, the recent changes in the environment, particularly, the rise in the sea levels and the subsequent threat of its most attractive and useful...

Nursing as a Science and Art Combination

Nowadays, many authors of specialized articles and books focus on the discussions of nursing as a form of an art and a type of a science. Some people find it necessary to clarify if it is correct to consider nursing an art and a science at the same time. However,...

Nursing Shortage and Education Quality

Summary of the Problem The percentage of patients receiving quality medical services is quite small. This situation is attributable to the current issue of nursing shortage. MacPhee, Dahinten, & Havaei (2017) indicate that nursing shortage is a major concern making it impossible for many populations to receive desirable medical support....

The 2008 Beijing Olympics: Public Relations Issues

Analyze the reasons why the Chinese government hired a Western public relations firm to work on the 2008 Beijing Olympics There are several reasons as to why the Chinese government decided to hire a western public relations firm during the 2008 Beijing Olympics. One of the reasons stems from the challenges...

Biggest Economic Threat: Student Loan Debt

Introduction Student loan debt is not just a problem for individuals in the United States. It is equally a concern for the society as a whole. According to Bennett and Wilezol (2013), the fact that graduates have to spend most of what they earn to pay up their loans denies...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Neuman Systems Model for High-Quality Nursing Care

Introduction Nursing is a complex process that is influenced by a variety of factors related to a patient, a nurse, and an environment. To understand the impact of these factors on a nursing process and to provide high-quality care, nurses need to act upon their knowledge of nursing theory. In...

“Black Lives Matter Because America Tends to Forget”: Article Critique

Lives of all people matter to the society, but some people believe that they are treated differently. The attitude of white people towards African Americans is often questioned not only by the minorities but also by representatives of the general public. The issue of inequality starts to be discussed with...

Co-Mac Company: Business Impact Analysis

Company Overview Co-Mac is a relatively small company that provides specialized building hardware, such as fasteners, latches, construction locks, straps, supports, and more. The merchandise is imported from a variety of suppliers and distributors and is sold in a regional niche market. Being the first to arrive at this specialized...

The New Balance Company’s Analysis

Introduction With a history of over a hundred years, the New Balance Company started as the organization that produced shoes for people, who were incapable of using standard footwear due to health issues. William O’Riley founded the organization in 1906 and started expanding into the sports industry three decades later,...

Pharma Controversy: Vaccines and Autism

When was the medication introduced to the public? 1998 – infamous Andrew Wakefield’s article The MMR vaccine and autism connection 14 years later – new investigation Childhood vaccines and autism – no connection Nowadays – no legitimate evidence found 20% of people support this connection At the end of the...

Disabled Children: Intervention and Skills Teaching

Motor delays are experienced when children fail to attain a certain stage of development within a given time. Causes of motor delays can either be genetic or environmental. There are many signs which indicate that a child is experiencing motor delays. These signs are behavioral, vision, gross motor, and hearing....

Alexander McQueen-Lane Crawford Communication

Globalization provides better chances of growth and development for businesses, as it provides a wider reach of customers and more possibilities of increasing brand awareness and hopefully, patronage and loyalty. However, there also exists a likelihood of negative outcomes especially if intercultural conflicts are not resolved early. Case Study The...

Healthy Organizational Culture and Its Components

Business success and a high level of organizational performance are usually typical of the companies with a healthy internal environment and a harmonious organizational culture. At the same time, an unhealthy internal climate can lead to a variety of problems that are likely to spread to multiple levels and produce...

Tuberculosis, Its Description and Epidemiology

Description of the Communicable Disease Tuberculosis (abbreviated as TB) is one of the common communicable diseases in different parts of the world. This disease “affects the human lungs and is characterized by the growth of tubercles” (Allender, Rector, & Warner, 2013, p. 12). The cause of this communicable disease is...

Paul Rand: American Graphic Designer Biography

Introduction Born on August 15, 1914, Paul Rand is a famous corporate logo designer known for his modernistic view towards graphic design. By the time he died on November 26, 1996, he had created thousands of logos, written several books, and passed his knowledge to the next generations by teaching...

Popular Research Paper Topics

One Blue Heart at a Time: Increasing Donations

Introduction Small charities frequently encounter the problem of gaining donors or the source of regular donations to support their operations. As a result, a substantial body of literature emerged in an effort to alleviate the issue as well as organizations that gather donations for an array of charities on their...

Martin Luther King and the March on Washington

Faulkenbury, Evan. ““An Uncommon Meeting of Minds”: The Council for United Civil Rights Leadership in the Black Freedom Struggle, 1963–1967.” The Journal of African American History vol. 104, no. 3, 2019, pp. 392-414. The article examines in detail the role of Martin Luther King in the passage of the 1964...

Health and Medicine: Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy is a profession in medicine that is concerned with the promotion of health and the well-being of individuals with various limitations in life such as physical impairments. According to the American Occupational Therapy Association, occupational therapy can be defined as making use of work, self-care, and other activities...

The Concept of Sight in “Oedipus the King” by Sophocles

The concept of sight is one of the most complex metaphors used in the Greek tragic play “Oedipus the King” by Sophocles. As a metaphor, sight refers both to the literal meaning of seeing, as well as to the figurative sense of knowing and understanding. The relevance of this concept...

US Health Care: Organizational Responsibility and Ethics

Introduction The health care system of the United States of America is considered to be one of the most effective around the world, but this system also has its drawbacks and problems that serve as obstacles on the way of its development. First of all, the health care system is...

Command, Control, and Communications Subsystem

Abstract Subsystems are evidence-based models for ensuring that competent individuals complete specific functions in a timely manner. In the identified organization, the proposed command, control, and communications (C3) framework will transform operations and guide leaders to identify new or initial technologies that have the potential to deliver positive results. The...

Java Six Security Study Books

Introduction Java’s functionalities as a programming language have increased tremendously. The current version releases have enhanced the functionalities of the program by including new features. These new features enable a user to build up and set up java application programs that run on desktops and servers. The latest versions of...

The Problem of Abuse on Women and Children

Reason 1: Afraid to Report One of the reasons why abuse on women and children is rampant is the fact that the victims are afraid of reporting their experiences to the relevant authorities. Hamilton explains that the fear to report is usually based on two things (6). The first is...

Gibbs Cycle as a Reflection Scheme for a Therapist

Introduction According to Cotton (2001), reflection is to tackle and decide the contradiction between what the practitioner wants to be in the ideal world and what he actually does in the real world. The desire by the practitioners to make their minds up brings a lot of tension which is...

The Beatles’ Masterpiece: “Let It Be”

Music surrounds people from the day they are born. It triggers feelings and emotions, influencing mood, and sometimes acting as a pacifier. The lyrics accompanied by the tune are an incredible creation. Music significantly impacts peoples’ minds and sometimes represents a melody filled with lyrics and a sacred message. Such...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Increase of E-Commerce Threat in Nowadays

Introduction E-Commerce (Electronic commerce) is one of the recent and emerging internet services. E-Commerce is simply, the doing of commerce using Electronic Technology such as internet, or other computer networks. The E-Commerce comprises the activities such as selling and buying of the products through internet. Security in the E-Commerce is...

Franciscan Approach to Monasticism

Saint Francis of Assisi is one of the most significant and authoritative friars in Christianity. He was the founder of a new Catholic order, which emphasized the uselessness of material possessions in the clergy and attempted to emulate the lifestyle of Jesus Christ. This essay aims at examining the personality...

The Issue of Gun Violence and Prevention Measures

Introduction Gun violence has become a nation-wide issue that might affect any person regardless of their status or location. According to Malina, Morrissey, Campion, Hamel, and Drazen (2016), more than 33,000 fatal cases involving firearm use were reported in 2013. People throughout the country are highly concerned about possible outcomes...

Creating Customer Engagement: Marketing Strategies

Introduction The need to establish closer relations with clients has forced many companies to adopt new marketing strategies. Many of these organisations lay stress on the importance of customer engagement which is often critical for the sustainability of many firms. Some business consultants such as Richard Sedley define this concept...

Change Management at Nokia Corporation

Nokia Company was established in Finland and was renowned for being the first company to generate a cellular network making it a global leader in mobile phones. Nokia established itself as a market leader in the production of mobile phones. Nokia has its presence in over 130 nations. Initially, the...

Breasts Health Teaching For Homeless Women

Introduction A research carried out on clients of inner-city drop-in centers about women of the age between 50 to 70 years aimed at investigating the effectiveness of intervention in promoting screening mammography to women who were mentally ill and homeless. The results obtained were to be compared to the screening...

The History of Youth Style and Resistance

Introduction Once one understands fashion, it becomes easier for one to understand the complexities of relationships between the individual and society. It sums up many of the strains in the modern life experiences and particularly lays emphasis on the function of consumerism in that understanding (Miles, 1998, p. 95). At...

Athens Concert Hall and Stockholm Concert Hall

Introduction The world of architecture is magnificent and incredible. The buildings people got used to and consider common are unique and specific as there were people who put their hearts and souls into the creating of the masterpiece. Looking at the pieces of art created many years ago, many people...

Global Nursing Workforce: Nursing Shortage and Turnover

Introduction The global workforce of nurses faces a wide range of issues and tendencies in the contemporary world. Some of the most prominent trends in global nursing are the high rates of the nursing shortage and turnover, the expanding roles of nursing practitioners, and the issues of education and migration...

Coral Reef in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia

The Australian Great Barrier Reef is an ecosystem exhibiting the greatest heritage of natural resources and diversity of organisms on planet earth. The Great Barrier Reef exists along the northeastern coast of Australia and extends above the approximated distance of 2300 kilometers (Richards, p. 2). It has a wide variety...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Planting Missional Churches” by Ed Stetzer: Summary and Critique

Summary The book under analysis was written by Ed Stetzer and entitled Planting Missional Churches. The author provides valuable insights into the process of planting evangelist churches. Stetzer sheds light on various aspects of the project including finances, location, preaching, worship, spirituality, congregational formation, and so on. The book contains...

Implementation and Adoption of Health Information Technology

Currently, health information technology gains more and more popularity all over the world. The research problem of the reviewed article consists in the fact that new technologies transform the process of care and introduce large-scale changes to this area of practice. The majority of the efforts are aimed at improving...

Revolutionary Press: Arguments of Different Historians

The press involves various materials that include the media, machines and other printed items. The main aim of the press is ideally to inform the masses. History has it because most of the information we get is from the press. The press has undergone a revolution which in many aspects...

Attending Music Concerts: Musical, Jazz, Classical and Opera

Introduction Nowadays, it would prove rather impossible to find many people not appreciative of music in one way or another. The reason for this is that the activity of listening to music has always been deemed as an integral part of one’s upbringing – something that in its turn is...

Mercantile System of Britain in the World: North America

Introduction Mercantilism is a system that allows countries to control others. In this case, governments partner with the merchant from their country to suppress the foreign countries. This ensured that the countries maintained their military power. Also, it ensured that the country had a favorable balance of trade over the...

Biomedical Ethics: Saving Life vs. Christian Narrative

Introduction Matters of ethics are crucial to human living. They regulate the standard of practice and service delivery in all sectors. Without putting strict ethical standards, rogue service providers might easily exploit their unsuspecting clients. Therefore, it is, imperative for these codes and standards to be enforced and adhered to...

Christian Teachings vs. Biomedical Ethics: Illogical Decisions and Treatment Issues

Introduction Christian teachings play a huge role in informing decision-making processes when one is exposed to some critical situations whose manner of addressing seems to compromise the person’s faith. However, it sounds imperative to crosscheck or weigh the options available, including the repercussions that a Christian may end up facing...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Medical Brief on Tympanic Membrane and Thyroid Gland Concerns

First Patient: Tympanic Membrane Concern The first patient appeared to the hospital complaining of temporary hearing loss and pain in the ear. The patient is 33-years old male. He said that he noticed the problem around one week ago when he returned from his scuba diving weekends. Except for hearing...

The Way Forward in the “Sustainable Energy – Without the Hot Air” by David Mackay

Tombstone Title: “Sustainable Energy- Without the Hot Air” Author: David J. C. Mackay Publisher: UIT Cambridge, Published 1 December 2009 Book Availability: The book is available in several forms, including a free online PDF version. According to the author, the book was not meant for profit purposes because the urgency...

The Four Roles of Advanced Nursing Practice

Introduction The profession of a nurse requires constant growth and development. The completion of a master’s degree in nursing implicates that a specialist may choose an advanced practice nursing role for the further development of his or her career. Currently, there are four roles in advanced practice – the Certified...

Project Funding: Financial Sources and Conventional Methods

A project’s success is primarily determined by whether project owners are able to finance it without any disruptions. In this context, funding sources are critical because different financing methods have varying implications. This paper provides an overview of the current practices in project financial management and conventional methods of funding...

The Issue of Obesity in Youth in the U.S.

Childhood obesity is a serious public health problem in the US that is associated with significant health complications, including elevated cardiovascular risk, pediatric hypertension, and diabetes. Since children spend most of their daytime at school, school food programs are touted as effective interventions for reversing this epidemic. In this section,...

Nursing Care Delivery Models Utilized by Caregivers

Introduction The modern healthcare sector could be considered an important sphere that is focused on the improvement of the quality of peoples lives and delivering care to all individuals in need. However, the increased complexity of the challenges a health worker faces results today in the appearance of new models...

Changes in Nursing and Patient Care

Introduction The US healthcare system has experienced huge economic changes in the last few decades. However, there has not been a conclusive and consistent solution to the elementary problem of cost control. The per capita expenses on health increases at about 6% per year, with cost on health care, increasingly...

Internet Addiction Affect on Person Normal Functioning

Introduction Internet addiction refers to unusual internet-related behavior where one spends most of his or her time on the internet affecting his normal functioning. It also leads to a person feeling nervous or emotionally unstable. With the current society having access to the internet all the time, this problem has...

The Evaluation of the Miami Gardens Community

Overview Description of the Community History The targeted community in Miami Gardens. The community is located in “the northern-central part of Miami-Dade County” (Allender, Rector, & Warner, 2014, p. 21). Miami Gardens emerged in the 1960s when many middle-class West Indian and African Americans settled in the area. The region...

Diversity Management: African-Americans’ Working Integrating

Introduction Diversity management is a crucial human resource management practice that encourages mutual productivity and a socially interactive working environment for workers and managers within an organisation. The purpose of managing diversity is to optimise the work environment by acquainting employees with essential trainings that address knowledge-sharing, values, and experiences...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Hip-Hop and Commercial Culture Relationship

It is doubtless, that the present-day culture became commodified, being oriented on the mass market. It is almost impossible for the cultural workers to resist the temptation to be driven by the corporate interests only. To preserve the universal value of the hip hop generation cultural heritage, it is necessary...

Lazarus Island: Disaster Systems Analysis and Design

Interview Notes This paper aims to develop a web-based emergency management system for the government of Lazarus Island. In particular, this system will be used at the response stage of disaster management, and its key purposes will be to help coordinate the relief efforts of various governmental and non-governmental organizations....

Healthcare Reform: Evolving Nursing and Patient Care Practice

Introduction The current healthcare system in the USA is viewed to be strikingly inefficient by the majority of experts, at least when compared to other healthcare systems around the world. The pay-for-fee model is considered to be inefficient, as it facilitates exorbitant price growth, which is then expected to be...

The Magical World of Sherlock Jr.

Between the years 1920 and 1923 Buster Keaton managed to create 19 short films. His short films are characterized with comic situations that are interconnected with movement and imagery, without putting any weight on the dramatic effect. The comedy and the metaphoric background lie in the imagery, not in the...

Implementing the Practice of Eco-Friendly Packaging

Nowadays, there is a new trend in doing business – sustainability. Its popularity is stimulated by the negative human- and industry-induced changes in the natural environment, which result in the changing demand for products and manufacturing. In this way, the overall green consciousness grows and companies are forced to alter...

Communism: Theory v. Practice

Abstract The ideas of Communism appeared in the middle of the nineteenth century and were expressed in works of Carl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Communism presupposes the economic equality of all members of classless society. Marx developed a three-step algorithm of the establishment of Communism. First, revolution removes all class...

Coping With Compassion Fatigue in Caregivers

Introduction This paper is aimed at discussing the condition which is known as the compassion fatigue. This term is used to refer to the detrimental effects of continuous exposure to the suffering of other people. These emotional problems are particularly relevant if one speaks about professionals who work as caregivers,...

Psychotherapeutic Approach: Person-Centered Therapy

Introduction People from all walks of life encounter problems every day – some are trivial, and others are life-threatening or have lasting impact leaving them unable to cope with further challenges. Some people turn to psychotherapy to help them confront unresolved conflicts and deal with issues that prevent them from...

Modern Nation-State Concept and Characteristics

Introduction The modern nation-state has the following four main characteristics: self-rule, organized form of government, has territory to rule and population to govern (Foresman, 2003). Self-rule is the characteristic that shows the sovereignty and independence of a nation-state in its self-goverthe ning ability and not a colony of any external...

“Prandial Inhaled Insulin Plus Basal Insulin Glargine Versus Twice Daily Biaspart Insulin for Type 2 Diabetes: A Multicentre Randomised Trial”: Article Review

Introduction The article under consideration dwells upon effectiveness of prandial inhaled insulin and basal insulin glargine compared to biaspart insulin used for treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes. The researchers aimed at comparing efficacy of the two types of treatment. They also note that contemporary insulin therapy often has...

Analysis of Folk Costume and Its Cultural Value: Bulgarian Folk Costume

Description According to Steele (1998, 328), analysis of objects such as costumes is a sequential procedure and ought to be in the most discrete way possible. The analysis must begin from description, analysis of evidence, inference, and interpretation of findings. It is equally important for the analyst to speculate findings...

Case of Salomon v Salomon & Co. Ltd

Background Salomon v Salomon Co. Ltd case has gained importance as it was the case recognizing the corporation as a distinct entity from the persons constituting the company. Salomon was carrying on the business as a leather merchant and boot manufacturer for quite some time. At a certain point in...

The Nineteenth Amendment and Women’s Suffrage

Voting or suffrage is proclaimed to be one of the fundamental rights of a citizen of any country. However, a couple of centuries ago, this right was a privilege for many people. Multiple American citizens have been denied voting due to their race, gender, social, and economic status. Such inequality...

Qualitative vs. Quantitative Business Research Comparison

Introduction There are two main types of research design, quantitative and qualitative research designs. In the best-case scenario, quantitative and qualitative methodologies should work in tandem. The qualitative technique occurs at the beginning of a study to explore values that are to be measured in the following quantitative phase (Schmitz,...

Global Supply Chain Formal Paper

The limited supply of goods within the immediate environment has led to long distance or global transportation and logistics (Cambridge International College, n.d., p.4). According to Bowersox (2009) globalization of logistics has four dimension of approach: the distance covered in the delivery mission, compliance to the complex international rules that...

Healthcare Literacy Decreases Healthcare Costs

Sheida White, Jing Chen and Ruth Atchison, 2008. Relationship of Preventing Health Practices and Health Literacy: A National Study. American Journal of Health Behavior 2008;32(3): 227-242. This particular study has been stated as one of the first exclusive studies to assess health literacy levels among the American population. Termed as...

Hypovolaemic Shock: Term Definition

The four features Reduction in intravascular volume is classified as a hypovolaemic shock (Urden et al, 2006). Low blood pressure, hypoxemia, reduced urine output, and raised pulse rate are features of hypovolaemic shock. Hypovolemic shock “is an emergency condition in which severe blood and fluid loss makes the heart unable...

Case Study on Death and Dying

Introduction Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a serious and practically incurable disease. George understands that. He knows that what awaits him is inevitable and has to make a decision that will ease his suffering and lift a burden from his family. Euthanasia provides a swift and painless way out. However,...

North Shore Medical Center: Teaching Experience

Introduction This paper is devoted to describing and analyzing teaching experience received at North Shore Medical Center with a vulnerable social group. The two-day educational series was organized according to the previously developed teaching plan and focused on primary prevention and health promotion regarding influenza. The paper will reiterate the...

Creating and Implementing a Nurse Utilization Management Program

Introduction Managed care includes a system aimed at assessment of the costs spent in the process of providing adequate health care services to veterans. The change in the organization should be introduced to overcome difficulties related to the adequate delivery of health care services to veterans instead of utilizing the...

The Sufficiency of the Term “Stolen Generation”

The term “Stolen Generation” refers to Australian indigenous children that were forcibly taken from their biological families and were adopted by white families. The assimilation was appraised as the governmental concern about the extinction of the Aboriginal population of Australia and Torres Strait Island (Bates, D 1938). However, the child...

Ancient Poetry: Literary Study Assistance

Various literary works were published to enlarge the pool of knowledge connected to literary narrative techniques in epics. The work by Altes called Ethos and Narrative Interpretation: The Negotiation of Values in Fiction explores the interplay of ethos, character, and narrative. The book also covers literary conventions and how they...

What Makes Family Learning in Prisons Effective?

Education is the only way to make children a part of the community. Although most formal education occurs in schools, scholars increasingly insist on family education, which creates a positive intergenerational pattern. In the process of family education, parents get the opportunity to help their children improve their academic performance...

The Analyze of the Consulting Advice on the Matters of Taxation

Introduction Tax coordination, monitoring, and regulation are generally regarded as one of the most important and responsible parts of financial activity. The merger of the Inland Revenue and HM Customs and Excise into the HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) company was featured with the increased difficulties in tax monitoring and...

The Teacher and School Responsibility Issues

Introduction Modern pupils have a considerable number of tools, ways, and methods of obtaining knowledge opened for them by the new information society. However, despite this, parents are increasingly faced with children’s low academic achievement, and today this problem is particularly urgent. Moreover, society’s demands for education are growing: it...

The Review of the Artificial Hearts in the Last 20 Years

Introduction Many advances in the approaches used in the treatment of illnesses affecting the circulatory system have been achieved in the last few decades. They include cardiac transplants from donors, lifestyles changes, bypass, and artificial heart transplants. Bells and Rhoades (2008, p. 209) describe the circulatory system as “a fluid...

Caffeine and Performance of Drugs in Adolescents

Background The issue of chronic pain and the effects of different drugs on its management in various populations, including adolescents, has been explored in multiple papers. In this assessment, the qualitative articles by Andersson et al. (2017) and Skarstein et al. (2016) have been scrutinized as sources of knowledge on...

Renewable Energy: Why Do We Need It?

Every day people enjoy the convenience of electricity, heating, and transportation. Many of us cannot imagine our lives without technological inventions such as cars or smartphones. But what are the cost of the progress and the heavy consumption of energy? It is becoming obvious that our 7 billion world population...

The Canterbury Tales by G. Chaucer: The Miller’s Position about Marriage and Power

Introduction At the end of the 14th century, Geoffrey Chaucer introduced his Canterbury Tales, where several people share their stories about British history, identities, and values. Each tale has a narrator and main characters who make mistakes, develop relationships, and analyze their achievements through the prism of the already established...

Real Estate Appraisal: Single- and Multi-Family Houses

Introduction An appraisal is the opinion of an expert to estimate the value of a residence. This will definitely vary from domicile to domicile with regard to the material and subject of construction and mainly not into a great deal the beautification as compared to the fabric of the structure....

Database Design – Alternative Approaches and Advanced Techniques

Investigation of Application Development Tools Just as earlier humanity witnessed the transition to self-developed data collection platforms, it is now possible to observe the development of a whole new class of tools for self-learning and data visualization. This is not necessarily a replacement for traditional analytical software suites – the...

The American Revolution: History of the United States

Introduction The American Revolution was one of the most important events in the early history of the United States. Starting as a conflict between the colonists and the British rule, tensions slowly escalated with both sides taking more and more extreme measures each step of the way. The conflict gradually...

Crisis Incidents That May Impact an Organization

Case Study: Capay Valley Naturals This company specializes in processing and distributing fruits around North Carolina, Florida, and Georgia. The company has a fleet of 45 trucks that distribute the products to different destinations the farthest of which is 14 hours away from the central hub. It outsources the services...

High-Risk Nutritional Behaviors

Nutritional behavior is a general term that is used to refer to a system of activities aimed at satisfying a person’s need for food. Although it is associated with the satisfaction of a vital need, psychological and socio-cultural factors play an important role in its formation. Eating behavior can be...

Discrimination in White’s “Charlotte’s Web” and Levine’s “Hana’s Suitcase”

Introduction Human life is surrounded and defined by social issues that happen to people as they attend to their day-to-day activities. As such, authors seek to explore these issues through novels, movies, and other artworks with the intention of understanding or highlighting the underlying principles. Whether in fiction or non-fiction,...

Film 2000 Week 13. Analysis

Introduction Since the beginning of the 1990s, NoĂ«l Carroll has become one of the key figures in the American philosophy of art, proposing alternative answers to the dilemma of “what are movies made of?” For the film theory, this problem was closely connected with the desire to establish the status...

Strategic Analysis of Facebook

Introduction Facebook is an American-based organization that operates in the United States while it has a global market for its products and services. Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, and other colleagues decided to establish this social media company in 2004 (BrĂŒgger, 2015). As of 2012, this social networking platform...

Pre- and Post-Operative Nursing and Ethics

Pre operative nursing care The nursing admission should obtain both objective and subjective data about the patient and should assess whether the patient is eligible for treatment. Subjective data involves patients experience about the disease or condition in question, for example pain. (WHO, 2010) reveals that hernia is non tender...

The Effect of Majority Tyranny of the Liberty of Minority

Democracy and the values it promotes have become the cornerstone of modern society. The main principle of this model dictates that people must wield actual power over their nation in order to ensure that their interests are considered taken into account. At the same time, the distribution of this power...

Margaret Sanger’s Birth Control Movement

Introduction Social change and activism have been an inseparable part of modern America, with many distinct movements established throughout the years. Feminism, specifically, has come a long way since its foundation, and the efforts of many people have contributed to its development. The freedom to take the same positions as...

Creativity in Marketing: Cadbury Chocolates

Introduction Businesses need to spread the word about the services or goods offered so they attract potential customers. This process entails the use of marketing and advertising. “Marketing is the activity, set of institutions and processes for creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners...

Food Producing Company and Its Key Processes

Information System Retrieving new and topical information is especially important for a company operating within a food industry. Consequently, an appropriate information system must be used in order to feel the pulse of the food market, learn about the recent changes in its environment, etc. Particularly, the information about major...

Culturally Competent Care Delivery in Nursing

Abstract The given paper revolves around the delivery of culturally competent care to patients belonging to different ethnic groups. The work investigates the most important aspects of the given issue and delves into the analysis of the significance of the cultural aspect in terms of the healthcare sector. For this...

Freedom in American Countryside and Agriculture

Introduction The article portrays how freedom has been eliminated in the countryside by the state agriculture department. The issues discussed in this article are further enhanced by the book “The Constitution of Liberty,” which was written some years ago. This book has discussed the organization of labor, socializing, the spectrum...

US Labor Market: Deregulation vs Employee Security

Introduction The current paper pertains to the issues that exist in the modern labor market, in particular, to the problems related to labor market deregulation and workers’ social security in the USA’s labor market. Three articles from reputable media sources are summarized. After that, a critical discussion of these articles...

Trade Mark Protection in the United States Law

Introduction The great attention given to business could be considered one of the key features of the modern world. The fact is that the economy of all states rests on the incomes that are provided by numerous companies. These could belong to individuals, organizations, or government. However, the main aim...

Euthanasia from Religious Perspectives

The ethicality of euthanasia is a controversial issue in the philosophy of medicine, ethics, law, and other disciplines connected to the notions of death and the right to it. Euthanasia has divided people into two main camps – those who see it as a crime against God or some higher...

Supply Chain Management of the Sandwich Manufacturing Company

Push and Pull management philosophies The origin of the term push and pull can be traced back to supply chain and logistics management (Hugos 214). However, according to Nigel, the term is also used in marketing (76). The term describes the flow of information or products from one subject to...

Nursing: Learning Needs Assessment

Introduction The nursing profession is a very sensitive job and requires a lot of commitment on the side of the practitioners. This is because the jobs deal with life and some silly mistakes can lead to loss of life, permanent injury, or disability on the patient. As a result, many...

“Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room” by Alex Gibney

Overview Crime has been part of society for a long time. History reveals various forms of crimes from time to time and in different societies. The reason why people commit a crime has been a difficult puzzle. Various theories try to explain various forms of crime, why they occur and...

How Opioid Addiction Impact Young Kids

Research Question How does opioid addiction affect young kids today? In the United States, unintentional deaths are common, and they are caused by drug abuse, and opioids play a major role in these deaths. Young and old people in the communities are affected by opioid addiction. Young adults are overdosing...

Development of Addiction Services in County Wicklow

Promoting Drug Awareness among Young People According to a survey about ‘Drug Use, Smoking and Drinking among young people in England 2007’ (NHS, 2007), it is revealed that: 25% of students had ever taken drugs, when 29% of pupils reported that they had ever taken drugs. Students were reported to...

Importance of Metallography

Introduction Fabrication is a term common to the industrial world. It makes reference to the processes that facilitate shaping up of metals including cutting, bending and assembly among others.. The process to be used are of often guided by the material requirements for the end product desired. Modern technology has...

The Poem “Everyman”: Author’s Perception of Death

Introduction As the adage goes, ‘
two things are certain in this life: Death and Taxes.’ Although one can escape the latter, the former is like a change, it is inevitable, and inasmuch as people continue to hate it, they must encounter it anyway. Everybody has an assigned day of answering...

Bridging Cultures & Diversity in Brooklyn College

Introduction Brooklyn College has experienced massive growth over the years, and it currently admits over 15,000 undergraduate students every year. It offers a wide range of courses meant to equip its graduates with relevant skills in the job market in a wide range of industries (Iceland, 2017). This course is...

Will or Won’t: Trump’s Re-Election on November 3rd

State-Level Forecasts for the 2020 US Presidential Election: Tough Victory Ahead for Biden The article takes the opportunity to elaborate on the State-by-State Political Economy Model (2SPE) to forecast the 2020 U.S. Presidential election. According to the 2SPE, the candidate with popular votes has the power of winning the majority...

“One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” by Ken Kessy Literature Analysis

Introduction Written by Ken Kessy, One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest is a masterpiece that relates closely to Kessy’s experiences with mentally sick people. Several themes come out clearly and they expound America’s unrelenting efforts to root out communism and despotism around the globe. For instance, themes of individuation and...

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

The topics raised in the article by Shonkoff, Boyce and McEwen are very significant and important nowadays. The research of the work is focused on finding the roots of the development of common adult diseases and addressing these roots at the early stages. The researchers are examining the idea of...

Al Gore’s Speech on Global Warming

Rhetoric analysis encompasses a methodology for providing responses to texts or speeches with the chief intention of unveiling how textual work creates meanings followed by a subsequent evaluation of the factual and implied meaning thereof. The ‘how’ aspect attempts to ponder the strategies deployed by the author or the speaker,...

Feminism: Historical Perspective and Implications to Christian Understanding of the World

Introduction Feminism is the recognition that throughout history, people have been treated differently depending on their biological gender and associated norms. Society provided an unequal degree of power to men and women, while the views on gender have exacerbated wage inequality, discriminatory treatment at work and school, and unequal access...

Vendor Management: External Assessment

Introduction It is hard to disagree that the success of any company partly depends on its vendors. Their critical importance is that they ensure the ability of the organization to achieve profit goals and revenue and drive new growth within the particular industry. Therefore, vendors are at the heart of...

Pedro de La Blanca Calderon’s Drama “Life Are a Dream”

Staging plays to reinvent the ideas offered by various authors in their plays is one of the trickiest issues imaginable – not because these ideas are so hard to convey with the help of a certain visual medium, but mostly because setting a staged play based on a certain work...

On Anarchist Squints and the Sociological Imagination

Introduction At first glance, it might seem that the two concepts – the anarchist squint and the sociological imagination – have almost nothing in common. Although both concepts promise to drive humanity to a better future if implemented by people, there is a distinct difference in the main ideas: where...

Concept Comparison and Analysis across Nursing Theories

Introduction A number of nursing scholars significantly contributed to the growth of the nursing practice. They used their academic knowledge and professional experience to design incredible models, which are currently used for educational purposes. The theories have been adopted by several institutions, which include learning institutions, research centers and health...

Nutrition: Why Is Healthy Eating Important?

Looking at the world around us, we can see two opposing directions. On the one hand, there is civilization and a society that is harming itself with bad habits, where only the apparent side of such a view shows that people rarely are taking care of themselves. On the other...

Difficulties Management Faces with the Millennial Generation

Abstract As a rule, management prefers hiring experienced employees who have already worked in the sphere for many years. Still, any organization also needs to work with the most junior population of millennials who have different values, experiences, and educations. Professionals tend to notice that they are more entitled and...

Camus’ The Plague From the Perspective of COVID-19

In 2020, the world faced a new virus, which appeared to be a health threat to the population. The disease received the name “COVID-19”, and caused a catastrophic reaction of people, despite the deadly outcomes. Many sources refer to this phenomenon as the “social absurdity” (Banerjee et al., 2020, para....

“Scarface” by B. Palma and “Traffic” by S. Soderbergh Analysis

Drugs are one of the most pressing problems in the world, shown not only in the news but also in movies. In most of the paintings of the last century and the present, the theme of drugs is very common. In both these movies, it is demonstrated how using drugs...

Isolated by Genetics but Longing to Belong

Individuals are born with an identity, but they also need to belong to a group. However, people with genetic disorders have historically been isolated. Fear and stigmatization by others make their life unbearable as they struggle to fit in the society. Two of Buttler’s fiction stories reveal some critical issues...

Impacts of Globalisation on Domestic Business

Introduction Globalisation refers to process of relations and integrations among organisations, people and governments across the globe. In business world, this concept represents the free flow of data, technology, capital, goods and services between nations. In the past, Western nations viewed globalisation as an essential phenomenon, since it promoted economic...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Autonomy and Automobility” by Loren E. Lomasky

Introduction The society is transforming and adopting efficient transport and communication technology to meet the demands of modern lifestyle. People have invented efficient transport means that have transformed the world’s distant nations into global villages. To date, a person can have breakfast in America, lunch in Asia, and have dinner...

Bibliography on Criminal Justice

There is a glut of information available both in print media and internet digital content, elaborately touching on criminology and the criminal justice system. Criminology deals with the felony committed in society, its punishment, and defense for the offended. The criminal justice system seeks to bring harmony in society, to...

“The Watch” by Gerald Murphy

The work under consideration in the following paper named “Watch” (Fig. 1) is completed by Gerald Murphy in 1925. It is accomplished in oil on canvas with dimensions of 199.39 x 200.36 centimeters. Currently the picture can be found in Dallas Museum of Art. The main themes of the paper...

An Analysis of the Family Depicted in the “Room” by Lenny Abrahamson

Film Description The limited universe of the Room is shown through the eyes of Jack. He is not too traumatized by everything he has experienced since he does not know another life. It is a film about the salvific power of solipsism, which, excluding a broad and understandable context for...

Concept of Global Warming

Introduction Global warming is a term commonly used to describe the consequences of man- made pollutants overloading the naturally-occurring greenhouse gases causing an increase of the average global temperature, the subject of great debate and concern worldwide. According to all peer-reviewed scientific studies, if the amount of greenhouse gasses being...

Hobbes’ Leviathan and Austin’s The Province of Jurisprudence Determined

The similarity between Austin’s and Hobbes’ approaches is evident since both philosophers point out that the law cannot exist without a person who will establish the law and agree to execute and make it. Both Austin and Hobbes view sovereigns as the makers of the law, and subjects need to...

Gas Price Increasing and Alternative Energy Sources

The usage of gas in our everyday life is inevitable. Natural gas is one of the best alternatives to oil. It is also very much convenient for the environment. Natural gas is given the status of the cleanest of the fossil fuel (Eric & Smith 39). The united states have...

The Mix of Race, Ethnicity, and Culture in the Fiction Unit

Introduction A race is commonly portrayed as a biological subspecies, or a multiplicity of a species, entailing of more or less distinct populace with anatomical characteristics that sets it distinctively from others. Ethnicity is a term employed to refer to chosen cultural and in some instances physical attributes exploited to...

The Concept of God in Christian, Islamic and Hindu Religions

Muslim concept of God Muslims are monotheistic, they believe in one God whom they refer to as Allah. Allah is an Arabic name for God; he is One and unique in everything he had created. Allah has no gender. He is self-sufficient as His existence is not determined by anything....

The Maintenance of Solidarity in Ousmanes’ “God’s Bits of Wood”

Introduction “God’s Bits of Wood” is a book that was released in 1960 just when Senegal had achieved independence. This probably has a historical significance i.e. a strong theme that stresses on unity is emphasized probably because of its importance by then, specifically so when it come towards building the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Power Your Business Into 2011: Paddy Power

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State of the Union Analysis

Introduction Socio economic situation in the USA is caused by the range of complex processes that are closely linked with each other. On the one hand, this is the demographic crisis, when the government faces the challenge of qualified workers shortage. On the other hand, it is consumption misbalance, as...

Effects of Acute and Chronic Asthma on Patients and Families

Acute and chronic asthma in children is a growing cause of concern and attention to healthcare professionals. Statistics indicate that there are more than four million children in the United States, who are affected by asthma and this is the “most common illness affecting pediatric population (Kurnat & Murphy, 1999)....

Environmentally Friendly Concrete Products

Problem The issue of human activities’ impact on the environment has become particularly topical in the 21st century. Simultaneously, the detrimental impact of industries is on the increase, consisting of air pollution, carbon emissions, and irresponsible handling of waste. Construction is one of the areas, which demonstrate significant growth while...

The Problems of Surgical Leadership

Introduction The presented paper offers a literature review and evidence synthesis for a proposal that targets the problems of surgical leadership (SRL), team performance, and shared leadership (SL) in surgical settings. There is very little information about SRL, even though it is acknowledged as a critical element of providing high-quality...

Father-Son Relationship in Night

Introduction It is natural that the relationship between parents and their children is usually composed throughout the period of early childhood. Special attention often has to be paid to the father-son relationship because these two male figures may be both prone to covering their emotions. The deep connection between sons...

Observations of the Virtual Crown Court and the Impact of COVID-19 on Trials

Introduction Though it may seem that justice proceedings have to be conducted in person, it is possible to make several unexpected changes. Because of COVID-19, some non-urgent court hearings were temporarily postponed to reduce the burden on the judiciary. However, since there is no clear end of the crisis in...

“The Moon” by Ducan Jones

Abstract If you meet yourself today, will you like yourself? What will you say concerning yourself? That seems to be the question Ducan Jones, wants us to ask ourselves in his science fiction movie, the Moon. In this work, critical and mind bugling deductions have been made, starting from Sam’s...

The Use of Animals in Biomedical Research

Introduction Biomedical research is a wide range of discipline that looks for ways to stop and cure diseases that produces sickness and death in individuals and animals. This broad area of research embraces various fields of both the life and physical sciences (Creed, et al, 2005). With the techniques of...

Education: Introduction To Educational Computing

Introduction According to Beatty (1991), educational computing is a situation where computers are integrated into the learning curriculum of students in their learning institutions. In the modern world, the use of computers is viewed as a basic need and not a luxury since they have been found to lay a...