Water and Soil Pollution: Effects on the Environment

In this research, we are going to explore the adverse effects of pollution on our environment. Pollution is the process of contaminating the environment (Oxford advanced learners dictionary pg 900). This causes discomfort, disorder, instability or even harm to physical features and living things of a place. It comes in...

Hurricane Katrina and the USA’s South

Introduction That racial discrimination has been a significant mark in the history of America has never been in doubt. Undoubtedly throughout the history of the American south, racial discrimination has played a significant part. There is the existence of sharp and deep differences between the predominantly white and affluent North...

Mass Communication: Types and Aspects

Dynamics of Orality, Literacy, and Electronic Society Orality is very common in Canada when it comes to communication as it is used as the primary method of communication between parties where the spoken words are decoded by the audience. Literate communication is also another form of common communication taking place...

America’s Social Problems Through the Song “Cookie Jar” by J. Johnson

This country is experiencing turmoil as never before seen in its history. This country has been engaged in numerous wars and rumors of wars are coming fresh every day. There is a threat within and without. But aside from the external threat coming from enemies in foreign lands, there are...

Infant Baptism in the First Five Centuries

Introduction Infant baptism refers to the practice of baptizing children few days after they are born. The question of necessity and purpose of baptizing infants has been of interest to theologians since the first century. Theologians have been keen to show justification for infant baptism while others especially in evangelical...

Human Ecology Description Concepts

Human ecology is defined as “a branch of sociology dealing especially with the spatial and temporal interrelationships between humans and their economic, social, and political organization” (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, 2009). This overall definition encompasses a vast body of disciplines that are becoming increasingly important in these times where natural resources...

Antonio Vivaldi and Robert Schumann: Comparison

Antonio Vivaldi Little has been documented about the childhood of the famed Baroch composer Antonio Vivaldi. It is believed that he was born to a professional violinist father on March 4, 1678. For unknown reasons, Vivaldi chose to join the clergy and be ordained as a priest in 1703. It...

The Financial Awareness of Overseas Students

Abstract The high number of foreign students studying abroad implies that these students are introduced to large sums of money without having any knowledge of personal financial management. This paper investigates the overseas students’ awareness of money management in Glasgow International College (GIC) or English as a Foreign Language Unit...

Role Played by Parents in Education

Introduction Parenting and education are two aspects of a student’s school life that cannot be separated. Going by the fact that school children come from family backyards, the role of the parent in the entire child’s school life is clearly cut out. Moreover, research findings point out that the role...

Lady Lazarus by Sylvia Plath from the book Ariel

Introduction Poems at most always appear enigmatic for ordinary readers. They remain just a puzzle of words that at most must have been written by madmen and women who had nothing better to do. But for the many who have come to understand and appreciate the importance of poems for...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Two Party System in the United States

The two-party systems have been adopted in the United States for many years, and it has been realized that the political system in the United States cannot survive without the two-party systems. Some of the main advantages that have been realized in this case are the reduction in corruption, increase...

Understanding Individual and Group Behavior in Business

Problem Statement The Superior Slate Company experienced the drastic decrease of its productivity, and the company’s CEO Mr. North and superintendent Mr. Williams connect the issue with the formerly started technological modernization of the slate mill. For Superior Slate Company, technological modernization brought the results opposite to the expected ones....

Market Analysis of Allstate Insurance Company

Introduction Allstate Insurance Company began its operations in 1931 as an Illinois Corporation which is currently licensed in over forty states to write property and casualty business. It became a public company in the year 1993 after enlisting in the New York Stock Exchange. It is the largest publicly held...

John A Garraty on Great Depression Review

Introduction John A. Garraty is considered to be an outstanding American historian who devoted his life to the presidency of the American Historians Society. He is a significant writer; Garraty is the author of several historical books disclosing the facts of American National Biography. One of the most prominent works...

Case Write Up, Enron and WorldCom

Introduction Recent years, companies pay more and more attention to business ethics and problems caused by violation of ethical and moral rules. The law is a guarantor of social stability. The law provides for collective safety and security. The ethics is a crucial element of every profession because it reflects...

How Tennessee Williams’s Life Influenced His Work

Introduction Tennessee Williams is considered one of the most successful American playwrights of the mid-1900s. Ben Brantley’s summary on ‘A Century of American Theatre’ states that “by the mid- 1950s, “the burden of American drama rested mostly on the shoulders of two men, Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller.” In the...

Curriculum as the Philosophical Consideration

Introduction Curriculum is one of the main issues, which directs the educational process all over the world. Combining the curriculum, teachers and tutors create the scheme, according to which the education is going to be led, which books are going to be investigated and which material, in general, will be...

Mike O’ Callaghan Federal Hospital and Loma Linda Medical Centre: Marketing Strategies

Introduction Marketing is one of the most important elements for the success of a firm. There are various strategies that enable a firm to conduct effective marketing. Some of these strategies relate to positioning and differentiation. In marketing effective positioning is one of the strategies that firms use to attain...

The German Ideology by Karl Marx

Introduction Karl Marx is one of the greatest contributors in the field of political ideology. His perspective of ideology was brought out clearly in the book The German Ideology in which he coauthored with Frederick Engels. Through this book, Marx gives insight in the issue of political ideology. Accordingly, this...

Challenges Faced by Managers in Social Care Services

Introduction When one takes a new responsibility as a manager in any organization, he or she is usually optimistic of steering such an organization towards achievement of its objectives. However, these hopes might be unrealistic and unachievable because of several challenges that these new managers face within the organization. For...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Martha Stewart: The Ethical and Legal Challenges With Respect to ImClone Shares

Introduction Martha Stewart is one of the most well-known women in America, an author of books, and a successful businesswoman. Coming from a middle-class family she founded one of the world’s strongest brands and built a $200 million Empire based on the ideas of domesticity. In 2002, a stock sales...

“The Fall of the House of Usher” by Edgar Alan Poe

Introduction Edgar Alan Poe is famous worldwide as a skillful writer of psychological prose dealing with the depths of the human soul. However, his works can be considered from the sociological, and especially Marxist, point of view. Depicting the lives of human beings, Edgar Alan Poe manages to describe the...

Power Theories In The Changing Family In Britain

Introduction Family life has changed in Britain and the media has not been left behind in discussing the issue. Concern has been raised about the change of typical family. There is an increase of households headed by lone parents, divorce rates, cohabitation, same-sex unions, the rise of teen pregnancies, and...

Media’s Role on Terrorism

Introduction Terrorism has been a major challenge affecting many nations all over the world. The media, on the other hand, is considered one of the factors that result in terrorism. Terrorism in respect to the media can be said to be a form of propaganda. It is a kind of...

Ibsen’s A Doll’s House: Critical Analysis

Introduction Henrik Ibsen’s play “A Doll House” is now being commonly referred to as one of the finest examples of feminist literature of 19th century. The theme of women’s liberation can be found throughout play’s entirety, even though this theme is being spared of aggressive undertones, with which we usually...

The Role of Women in “The Things They Carried”

Introduction While looking at Tim O’Brien’s book and what the author implements in it according to the role of women, one can surely guess of an unfair attitudinal background represented by men being involved in Vietnam War. This point is emphasized in many episodes where women were blamed and criticized...

How Buddhism do not believe in Gods?

Any metaphysical speculation made so far in the history of the world religions proposes two theologies. First, it forbids to discuss things for which we remain unable to show some reasonable evidence, and secondly it do not allow to discuss things that are of no good use for us. Buddhism...

The Relocation of Three-Bedroom Apartment Into a Modern Style

The main scope of this project is to relocate a three-bedroom apartment into a modern style. The present arrangement of this apartment is not excellent and there is very little space. There should be more space after the new arrangement of furniture. Also, interior designing should be done with the...

Globalized Terrorism Shall Lose Its Significance

Introduction to claims made regarding globalized terrorism The statement that the significance of the globalized terrorism will be decreased within 10 to 15 years seems to be an impossible one. Terrorism has been in the roots of politics of the states from the era of ruling empires and it would...

Death and Dying: How We Die, Reflections on Life’s Final Chapter

“Death belongs to the dying and those who love them.” This is a quote from Sherwin B. Nuland’s book How We Die, Reflections on Life’s Final Chapter. Throughout his book Nuland demonstrates this message; he takes us through the significant education he has received in his forty years as a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Lydia in Pride and Prejudice: Character Analysis

The novel “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen is considered to be a masterpiece of classical literature that has gone a long way due to the vivid presentation of the conflicts and interaction of the characters of the protagonists, Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy. These characters have been the subjects...

Review and Analysis of ‘A Good Man Is Hard To Find’

Flannery O’Connor is best known for her obscure, but thought-provoking short stories unlike most of the other 20th century American writers. She makes use of tragedy and brutality in her works to create an atmosphere of terror to deal with the subject of spirituality. The theme of ‘A Good Man...

Improving Children’s Study Skills in 30 Days

Introduction Though the world is changing fast, the education system does not change at the same rate. The majority of capable children experience frustration at school not because they lack the aptitude, but for the reason that they lack adequate study skills not offered in many schools. Due to the...

Immigrants Influx in American Society

At the onset of the 20th century, America was developing at a high rate and there was a lot of industrialization taking place. This attracted people from other continents which led to an influx of immigrants from across the globe into America with the hope of securing employment and a...

Majoritarian and Consensus Models of Democracy

Introduction There exist numerous types of democracies and each of them has its own peculiarities. The scholars managed to work out concrete distinctions between two of these types, namely majoritarian and consensus democracy. The majoritarian and consensus models of democracy are absolutely opposite to each other with their main differences...

The Formation of the American Constitution

There are few concepts as American as government by means of a written contract. While many of the traditional rights and privileges of American citizens were borrowed from the British system, the American variation was that government existed as a written contract between citizens and the government. This tradition started...

Adulthood Lifetime of a Boy Discussion

Introduction A person’s life period has different stages like childhood, adulthood, youth, and old age. At each of these periods, people show some common tendency in their character and their attitude. This essay discusses the adulthood lifetime of a boy. His name is Don, and had 17 years old. Assuming...

The case history “Little Hans”

Introduction ‘The case history ‘Little Hans’ illustrates very clearly some of Freud’s most basic theories, such as infantile sexuality, the role of transference, and the way in which the phobia is part of the cure.’ This case study is an account of the very first psychoanalytical treatment of a child....

Personal and Professional Seminar: The Changes That Made in My Thought Process

Introduction The personal and professional seminar has made a great change in me. This essay deals with the changes that were made in my thought process and attitude by the ideas of personal and professional seminars. I have tried to reflect my understanding of my personal and professional sense in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Bible: The Healing of Bartimaeus

Introduction The Bible is the literary source that may be compared with the treasury of wisdom and experience; it is not a hyperbole when a faithful person says that all the answers to all questions can be found in this holy book. The reflection on the literary merit of the...

Human Resource Management and It’s Functions

Introduction Human resource management (HRM) is the logical and strategic approach to the management of the most important assets (the employees working there and contribute to the fulfillment of the business’s goals individually or collectively) of an agency or organization. The term personnel management has been substituted by the terms...

Police Supervisor’s Dilemma: Control and Motivation

The level of control needed in a police institution is related to the capability of officers to construct an inspiring environment. On the one hand, a police organization needs to administer a certain degree of control to ensure that the goals of the organization are being met by the officers....

Eating Healthy and Its Link to Obesity

Introduction It is common knowledge that Americans are struggling to maintain a healthier lifestyle. According to one study, “…the US has experienced a steady and steep increase in the prevalence of obesity” (Crawford & Jeffery, 2005). This may also be true in many parts of the world but America always...

“Why Men Fight” by Patton Review

Introduction The topics of war and peace have been of considerable time to people from times immemorial (JCS, 2009). This paper considers and compares three scholarly articles concerned with this topic, and namely with the questions of why people start fighting, why they stop the fight, and how the peace...

Hesiod’s Idea of Justice Based on His Works

Hesiod’s writings are known for discussing universal truths, such as law and justice. One of such works is Works and Days which expresses the idea that labor is an essential part of human beings’ lives, and if they are diligent enough, they will be able to handle even the hardest...

Management Skills Learning and Development Plan

Career goals and career opportunities Currently, I am working as an Accountant in the Finance Department of a hotel. My senior is Assistant Financial Controller and Director of Finance. I have been working here for a month only. My job duty is to do month-end closing and management reporting and...

Analysis “Road Not Taken” by Robert Lee Frost

Robert Lee Frost was a Pulitzer award-winning poet who was highly regarded for his realistic depictions of rural life and his use of American colloquial speech (Encyclopedia Britanica). His works typically involve settings of rural New England life from the start of the twentieth century. His works contain complex social...

Visual Arts and Politics

War… There are only three letters in this word, but how much meaning and content. Having heard this simple, from the point of view of structure, word, people’s minds create terrible pictures of blood, pain and tears. Visual art is one of the main types of art which manages to...

Collective Bargaining in Public Sector

A union (labor union) is an organization that is formed through workers coming together to achieve common goals, in very key areas such as the conditions of work. Unions are legally recognized as worker’s representatives in many companies and industries. According to John, (p24) “In most cases, unions are found...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Organizational Design Key Concepts

Key Concepts of Organizational Design Organizational design has a profound effect on the way work flows in an organization, it can hamper or improve decision making, communication and hence motivation. The paper shall look at various elements of organizational design and how these reflect upon a company. Importance of Organizational...

Child Obesity in North America

Introduction Some people have referred to it as a pandemic that is not getting the full attention it requires. Obesity and specifically childhood obesity have been on the increase in the developed world for the last 10-15 years. Childhood obesity represents serious health consequences in the future and looking at...

Pendux Incorporation: International Business

Introduction Pendux Incorporation is a private limited company that was established in 2000 within the coffee industry in US. The firm’s headquarters are located at New York. Pendux Incorporation deals with retailing and wholesaling of roasted coffee. The management of the firm ensures that its products are of high quality....

Boston Children’s Hospital’s Communication Case

Introduction Communication is the vital need of every human being. In other words, people would not differ from other species of animals if they had no ability to formulate their thoughts and communicate them. This ability allows people build certain relationships with each other within their local communities and in...

Democracy: Strengths and Weaknesses According to Thucydides and Plato

Introduction In the period of the Peloponnesian war contribution was made to writing by a writer called Thucydides. He had surpassed Herodotus (regarded as the father of history) in the taking down of events with high accuracy and fairness. He was born from a wealthy Athenian family who was a...

The Rising Power of China

China is one of the oldest countries in the world and it also hosts the world’s oldest civilization. Traditionally China has been a very influential country with its cultural, technological, economic and religious sphere extending over whole of East Asia including neighbours such as Vietnam, Korea and Japan. In the...

Sociotechnical Ensemble and Technology Theories

Introduction Currently, technology has undergone significant development. This has resulted in an effect on various social issues of human life. This interaction has resulted in an ensemble. The ensemble could be perceived from a social perspective such as an organization or in technical terms. In addition, such an organization could...

Organization Management: Quality Management in Companies

Introduction Within the operation of any organization, quality management is mostly considered to comprise three basic components, namely quality control, assurance and improvement. Quality management does not only focus on product quality, but also on the ways of achieving it, hence, it incorporates quality assurance, control of processes and products...

Salem Witch Trials Debate

The Salem Witch Trials are known from the history reveal the horrible and even mysterious event of accusation of young girls for the witchcraft. The trials that took place from February 1962 up to March 1963 accused many innocent people due to the fact that the Court could not decide...

Sports Violations: Drug Use in Baseball

Sports, all over the world, are a very important part of most of our lives. Many people cannot finish their day if they have not played sports at least once a day. For centuries, it has been one of the most appreciated and favorable for human health activity. Many different...

Popular Research Paper Topics

John Calvin and His Approach to Religion and Philosophy

John Calvin due to the several aspects of his approach to philosophy can be correctly identified as Augustinian. The teachings of the Catholic Church on free will and predestination are doctrines postulated by the Doctor of Church St. Augustine. Calvin also focused on these doctrines as the center of his...

St. Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians

Historical Background of the text of 1 Corinthians The First Epistle to the Corinthians, or 1 Corinthians was written in Greek by St. Paul of Tarsus to the fledgling Christian Community of Corinth. In the Bible, It is the seventh book of the New Testament and the second of the...

The Main Problems That Face Collective Security Systems

Introduction Collective security and its viability have been widely debated in the international relations literature. The need for security enabling alliances has been said to be absolutely necessary even in the contemporary world (Shen, 2004, p.165). The notion follows the same belief of united we rise and divided we fall...

Paul Lawrence Dunbar. Poems of the Black Man

Paul Laurence Dunbar was born in Ohio in 1872, just a few years after the Civil War ended. He lived during a tremendous time of social change, not only for his people as they both hoped for a better future and struggled through more of the same, but also for...

How Children’s Thinking Came To Be

Man has been in perennial search of knowledge. He has been gifted with the tools to acquire it. Theorists have come up with a variety of ways to explain how a person comes to know things. One theory is the Information Processing Theory which identifies various components that work together...

Creativity Under the Gun At Litmus

Introduction Creative ideas are new and useful for the progress of any organization. But creativity has been hindered at the Litmus Corporation due to time pressures that results in stressful working conditions. Analysis Colquitt, LePine, and Wesson (2009) defines stress as a psychological response to demands for which there is...

Employee Motivation and Pay Plans

Introduction Employee motivation has been given considerable importance in contemporary organizations in order to keep high productivity. Employee’s remuneration package affects the employee motivation and subsequently job satisfaction. Job designing determines the mechanism of the flow of tasks in consideration of employee skills and ability. Specialized jobs require extensive research...

Skin Cancer, Its Causes and Preventive Measures

Introduction Cancer is a much dreaded medical condition. The words death and cancer are sometimes closely associated with each other. Although mankind has progressed to a point that he can cure a very sick person dying of cancer, in many cases cancer can be a death sentence that comes too...

The Notion of Colorblind Racism

Introduction To begin with, it should be stated that the matters of racism, or as it is also called “color blind racism”, are often regarded as the strong tendency in treating the immigrants from Latin America countries. Originally, the problem of immigration from Latin America is one of the burning...

Nutrition Labeling Meaning and Importance

Nutrition is the diet of a human being; his intake of food and the necessary mineral and nutrients that come with it. The word nutrition is derived from nutrients, which are the essential ingredients that a human body needs to survive and be healthy. The knowledge of nutrition is extremely...

Internet Communications and Media

Economy In today’s world people are very interested in and curious about the things related to the World Wide Web. Some times they are over-hyped about WWW in their thought and talk. The reason for that is influence of information technology and World Wide Web is precious. It is a...

Harrah’s Entertainment Inc.’s Strategic Management

This is a report on Harrah’s Entertainment Inc. and its strategic position on the market. The company owns casinos, hotels, and golf courses. Historically, Harrah’s Entertainment Inc. sought to compete against the industry’s leaders by increasing its presence in foreign markets. The company’s mission states: “Each of our brands will...

Slavery and Literacy. The Triumph of a Poor Slave

Introduction There is no doubt that Black slavery will go down in history as one of the most shameful periods in European and American history. Just if they were soulless animals, Black Africans used to be rounded up and shipped over to various locations throughout the world, where they would...

McDonalds’ Corporation’s System of Inquiry

Introduction Organizational decision-making is always a difficult task since the decisions made will affect to some extent the stakeholders, including the members of staff and the customers. There are some instances where the requirements of the customer may disagree with the organizational goals and mission. This implies that decisions need...

“Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament” by Christopher J.H. Wright

Introduction Dr. Christopher J.H. Wright’s Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament is a complete analysis of the roles of prophets and law had in Jesus’ experiences with self-reflection, and thus enable the reader to gain an enhanced understanding of Jesus Christ. Dr. Wright himself is an esteemed scholar who has...

The Problem of Energetic Supply in State Ohio

Introduction The conscientiousness of the United States people props up against the systematic character of all bodies of power in each state. This division is quite understandable due to the historical cut of the US, but due to the difficulties of the American state political and economic structure, undoubtedly, there...

The Interactions Between Jerry and Peter in Edward Albee’s ‘The Zoo Story’.

Over the years, society has advanced to such an extent that we all live in a multi-cultural environment that seems to have enough space for everyone. However, with the growth, certain values, beliefs, and standards that have evolved with society have led to greater alienation of individuals within the society....

Mental Health Counseling in Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder The incidence of bipolar disorder is fairly high: more than 2 million people in America above 18 years have this illness (Bipolar disorder, 2007). It can be present at adolescence or later and may have a triggering event in the life of the patient. The one advantage of...

Employee Cross-Cultural Training Program

Introduction The current climate in the business environment has become so competitive that organizations are now competing at a global level. Local markets have also become so strained, forcing companies to move beyond borders to seek opportunities. To survive in the globally competitive market, the organization should be well endowed...

Employee Job Satisfaction and Its Facets

Introduction Employees play an integral role in the success of organizations. Organizational goals and objectives are achieved through the collaborative effort of employees. Road to organizational success is followed by the achievement level importance and effort put in by employees. In consideration of employee abilities, work is scattered over departments...

Iso 14000 System in the Hospitality Industry

The ISO 14000 Concept The worldwide rush of opinion leaders, captains of industry, and thoughtful hotel patrons themselves to be seen to mitigate local pollution, address the continued buildup of greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming, and in general, reduce “carbon footprint” has forced a hard look at the...

Economic Crisis and Its Impact on People

Introduction There is hardly any person on this Earth whose life was not affected by the economic crisis which hit the entire world in 2008. The economy of every single country was greatly influenced by the crisis which resulted in high unemployment rates, increased prices for food, a subprime mortgage...

Attitudes Towards Economy’s Recession

Introduction The United States is experiencing one of the worst economic crises in a century and Americans have lost their sense of hope. Companies are closing, people are losing their jobs, the people are scared about the future, banks are not lending, the housing industry is collapsing; in short, it...

Islam and Muslims’ Life in Xinjiang Province, China

Introduction The Republic of China is a predominantly Buddhist nation thus denoting that the experiences of Muslims in Xinjiang province are an analysis of individuals living as minorities. To some extent, this religious status has brought upon the people of Xinjiang province some developments but on the other hand, it...

Churches in the Arabian Gulf – Arabian Peninsula

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is made up of the countries that constitute the Arabian Peninsula except for the Republic of Yemen. These countries are Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and the Sultan of Oman. The aim of the GCC, which is largely political, is to...

Human Resources Defines a Company in Bad Times

Introduction Owing to varying educational backgrounds, experiences, and certifications, there is the need to check the quality of employees on a regular basis. Organizations usually want to draw a pool of workers who are best qualified for job descriptions. Additionally, Interactions between the top organs and workers are difficult because...

Why Britain Entered the Great War

The Great War also named World War 1 or the First World War (1914) was a global military disagreement that involved mighty supremacy grouped into two opposing coalitions; Triple Entente and Triple Alliance. The war led to the death of more than 15 million people and it was branded as...

T-Shirt Manufacturing: 4 Important Factors

Introduction In accordance to Elliot, operation management is “in its essence, scientific management involves a complete revolution on the part of the working man engaged in any particular establishment or industry — a complete mental revolution on the part of these men as to their duties toward their work, toward...

Why HIV Has Spread So Rapidly in Sub-Saharan Africa?

AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome), the deadly disease caused by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) has plagued the Sub-Saharan African countries more than any other region in the world. From the statistical reports of 2006, it was found that almost two-thirds of the total HIV infected population of the world and three-fourth...

Mark Twain’s Argumentation in “The Damned Human Race”

One of the most outstanding writers in the history of world literature, Mark Twain, was talented in describing people’s characters and nurturing inside them the truth of life experience and values that impact a person’s mindset and keep him safe from wrong in life. A teaching approach in his works...

Sloan and Harrison: The Associate Challenge

Introduction The problem at Sloan & Harrison law firm is the high turnover among its associates. This is due to dissatisfaction caused by issues such as lack of communication, work-life balance and mentorship. Analysis The mood at the firm among the associates has changed over the last few years and...

Australian Labour Market and Workforce Trends

Synopsis This paper focuses on the Australian Labour market trends in relation to investment in human capital through higher education and vocational training. The vital importance of education in equipping the workforce to the changing technological trends cannot be ignored. The paper gives views on how Australia’s higher education is...

H1N1 Flu as a Major Threat for Human Health

Introduction The recent outbreak of H1N1 began on April 13 2009 in Mexico when a new strain of H1N1 influenza A was reported. Within a short period of time, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a pandemic alert that changed from level 3 to level 6. Until the first week...

The London Bombings and the 1995 Oklahama Bombing

The bombings of the two cities bring to fore concerns of terrorism and its global effects on the security of the nationals of any given country in the world. Such occurrences have taken several cities by surprise.One such acts on innocent citizens include that of the city of London and...

Juvenile Offenders: Incarceration or Rehabilitation?

Juvenile offenders present a vexatious problem for law enforcement authorities as to how to tackle them. Many advocate the strong-arm approach of imposing stiff punishment and incarceration while others favor rehabilitation. This essay examines the pros and cons of incarceration and rehabilitation to arrive at a way ahead to deal...

Physician Assisted Suicide Controversies

The Case for PAS About 3% of all the patients in the United States cannot have their pain or illnesses relieved, and this calls for an urgent measure to rescue them. The debate over physician-assisted suicide (PAS) has largely dwelt on the morality surrounding it and the advantages and disadvantages...

The Arizona Department of Corrections’ Morey Unit 2004

Introduction The Morey unit hostage situation, considered the longest in American history, began on the 18th day of January 2004 when inmates from the Lewis prison complex in Arizona took control of the control tower at the institution and also held two officers of the same institution hostage (William, 2005)....

Raleigh, North Carolina: Emergency Plan

Introduction To begin with it is necessary to mention that it is recommended that every county and every city should have the emergency response plan in order to be prepared for the hazards, catastrophes and calamities. The emergency plan has to deal with public health emergency services and with the...

Internal Communication Process in Organization

Communication climate in the organization The communication climate in Katz day care centre is effective and ideal for smooth functioning of the organization. The organizer of the child care centre is considering creation of better communication environment as an essential factor for the growth of the day care business by...

Adolescent Brain Development and Legal Culpability

Neuroscience has made great strides which now provide new ideas about the development of the brain. New discoveries confirm scientifically that the teen years are a period for transition (Adolescence, Brain Development and Legal Culpability, Juvenile Justice Center) Impressive changes are believed to occur in the brain in the second...

“The Sound of Music” Opera Review

Introduction The world of beautiful is larger when it is accompanied with the art of music and its implementation in opera. The concerts provide a spectator with an appropriate aesthetic pleasure maintained in the manner of singing and performing events on the scene. More efforts are made to make a...

Problem Solution: Global Communications

Introduction Global Communications is under the pressure of financial and organizational problems faced in the telecommunication industry. The basic objective of the company is the profits and revenues increase. The paper lies in the analysis of tribulations and trials confronting by Global Communications; the development of a growth strategic plan...

The Importance of Registered Nurses Being Unionized

Introduction Nurses are skilled and trained professionals who have the duty of caring for the sick and the frail. In addition to helping patients in matters of healthy wellness, they also perform procedures and treatment but only as prescribed by doctors or their assistants (Quan, 2006). Nurses are very important...

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Effect on Water

Introduction Seventy percent of the earth is covered by water or oceans. A large number of pollutants by way of land runoff and direct discharge are hurled into the ocean waters (Cui et al, 2008). The sediments could be having crude oil or a mixed group of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons...

Public Accountability and Ethical Conduct

How much reliance is to be placed on formal prescriptions and control mechanisms and degree of trust to be pinned on inner compasses of persons with public responsibilities? It is necessary that a certain degree of reliance needs to be placed on formal prescriptions and control mechanisms which, in essence,...

Progressivism in America and It’s Impact Over the World

Progressivism is a political outfit that has the objective of representing the ordinary people and advocating for their rights as consumers, employees, parents, citizens and as taxpayers. Progressivism normally aims at bringing reforms and one of their goals was the control of the business by the government. Progressivism has been...

What is the Northern Territory Intervention?

21st June 2009 is the second anniversary of the intervention of the Federal Government in the Northern Territory. Even though the intervention received widespread accreditation and media coverage, very little is known regarding the outcome of the Intervention itself. What actually is the nature of the intervention and why was...

Bank Street Curriculum: Implementation and Assessment

The most important period of development and character formation in anybody’s life is his/her childhood. The school and the curriculum through which the child passes during his kindergarten years play a vital role in the development of his faculties and talents for preparing him for his future life. The Bank...

World War I (WWI) Effects On American Society

World War I (WWI) had a lot of effects on a number of countries since some of them had put in a lot of resources in the war which led to these countries experiencing a severe economic recession after the war. When the war began, both Germany and Britain interfered...

Comparing Hunter-Gatherer Societies and Today’s Mainstream Lifestyle

A hunter-gatherer society can be defined as one whose primary means of survival involves the direct gathering of plants like wild fruits and vegetables to the hunting of animals in the wild with no intention of domesticating them. (Barnard, 2004, p 23)From the basic definition given above, it is quite...

Early American Religion History

Introduction According to Mark (2007), colonies that formed the U.S had people who were deeply rooted in religion, which resulted in the movement across the Atlantic Ocean where they spread their beliefs freely. However, it was thought that this vigor would last for only a short period and then diminishes...

Social Contract Theory: Individual-State Relations

Introduction Social Contract theory is based on the principles of political philosophy described in a number of theories of well known thinkers, such as John Locke, Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Political philosophers managed to present the key assumption through the freedom and priority of individuals underlining the motivations of...

Urban Development in Bangkok, Thailand

Introduction The city of Bangkok is the largest city in Thailand and is also the primary city in that country. It was made the capital city during the year 1768 after the reign of Ayutthaya was overthrown. However, the city was formed as a small shopping center at the mouth...

Alcoholism and Its Effects: Beyond the Influence

Introduction In the age-old debate regarding the relative merits of alcohol, one of the most difficult issues has been the determination of what exactly causes some people to drink to such excess that they lose their reputations, their careers, their families and even their lives in their devotion to the...

How Poverty Impacts on Life Chances, Experiences and Opportunities for Young People

Introduction Poverty presents many obstacles and impediments in the life of young people lives; these can be analyzed and understood through a series of social work concepts and theories. The paper shall specifically dwell on the social exclusion, class, and labeling theories to place youth poverty in its social context....

“Son of the Revolution” Memoir by Liang Heng

Introduction The Chinese Cultural Revolution of the 1950s, when the Communist Party of China came into force to build the socialist country based on fear, absence of freedom of speech, and the need to strictly follow all the guidelines of the Party is one of the brightest examples of usurping...

Women’s Status in The Canterbury Tales

Introduction Women from various periods of time portrayed varying degree of domestic and societal influence or standing. This notion may be glimpsed on fictional literature as well as verifiable studies conducted to better understand her story. For fiction, various factors also influence the presentation on the role of women that...

Social Contract Theory: Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau

Introduction The Social Contract Theory is an old theory. The theory is of the view that individuals’ moral and political views depend on an agreement or a contract between them to establish a society. It is linked with the morality and politics theories. The theory has been defended by people...

Prenatal Issues and Birth in Mayan Culture.

Introduction This research paper is designed to provide information basically on the highlighting topic of Mayan Culture. Mayan Culture has been derived from the ancient Native American culture and its description would be provided in the later topics of the paper. Apart from that, the issues which would be described...

Cosmogony: Catholic and Buddhist Approaches

Introduction Different religions have different standpoints about creation of the world. According to the Catholic Church, Bordwell and Vatican, Catholics revere creation as show of God’s power and believe that the presence of God is exhibited in the works of his creation (718). Catholics also believe that God’s creation is...

Marketing Research for Hobbs in Birmingham

Background Hobbs is a store that sells clothes and accessories and it primarily targets wealthy people. The marketing strategy that the firm wants to start for the year 2009 is aimed at raising the footfall. From the analysis from Mosaic, it is clear that Birmingham is a place that has...

Capital Punishment – Life or Death

Introduction Punishment for crimes which are deemed cruel and unusual is forbidden by the Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. This amendment is often invoked when discussing the legal merits of the death penalty. The use of the death penalty is considered by some to be the most obvious and...

Gender Roles Within Greek Society

Introduction Gender roles in Greek society were determined by social and cultural traditions, position of women in society and their significance as citizens. The position of women in society was determined by absence of political rights acquired by men. Many Greek plays portray women as canny and jealous. The play...

Old and New Testaments. Septuagint in the Epistle to the Hebrews

Introduction Evidence abounds to testify to the surmised and indeed existent relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament. The author of Hebrews manipulates allusions to the Old Testament scripture to reinforce his message and authorial persuasions. In Hebrews the author makes constant reference to the new covenant. The...

The Question of Ownership of Art

The beauty and history associated with arts of work have in the recent past been tainted by storms of allegations of illegal ownership. Such claims have dented the reputations of both museum owners and private art collectors. Even more disturbing have been questions on how representative certain works of art...

Coca-Cola Light: Public Relations and Marketing

Introduction Public relations (PR) is one of the tools used by marketers to inform potential consumers about a product and its characteristics. The communications process is concerned with the dissemination of stimuli and their perception, impact, use, and effectiveness. Coca-Cola Light is a sugar-free, low caloricity beverage. For this product,...

Wal-Mart Stores Inc.’s Financial Ratio Analysis

Introduction Wal- Mart Stores Inc., the number one out of Fortune 500 companies, is selected for this financial analysis report. The trend table herein this write-up contains calculations of ratios under all possible areas of financial assessment of a company. Comparisons with Industry have been made with leaders in specific...

The Office of Prime Minister since 1979: Basic Changes

There is no such a person who has invented the office of prime minister in Great Britain. No one can find the exact day of the deliberate creation or commencement of the office. There are no essential qualifications for the office specified, no there are any disqualifications anywhere formally laid...

Personal Touch Product: Target Audience & Competition

Introduction The product that we propose for marketing and for this project is a unique hair styling solution. Time has become a constraint in every day life. Our busy schedules do not allow us to attend to our personal needs, like getting a haircut. And when we do get time...

Reframing Organizations & Educational Institutions

Case Description Last year, our school faced a challenge familiar to many educational institutions: how to develop a more consistent approach to discipline from classroom to classroom and in common school areas, such as hallways, cafeteria, and playground. Our school community, with the support of the administration, identified the need...

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Leadership in Organization: Theories and Practices

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