Political Science. Canada’s Dependency on the United States

Introduction The countries of Canada and the United States are the two main countries located in Northern America. The two countries boast mutual benefiting economies, friendly alliance-based relationships as well as collateral trade unions, and friendly immigrant regulation to sustain their international relations. The truth behind the story however is...

“Europe and the People Without History” by Eric Wolf

Introduction The book “Europe and the People without History” proposes a unique understanding of history and historical development of the world. The author claims that Europe had a great impact on other parts ft he world which adopted its economic, political and cultural patterns. Due to the tumults and intensity...

What Is the Psychological Contract?

Introduction Kotter (1973) defines the psychological contract as “an implicit contract between an individual and his organization which specifies what each expects to give and receive from each other in their relationship”. Schein (1980) described it as “a set of unwritten reciprocal expectations between an individual employee and the organization”....

John Brown and the Beginning of the Civil War

The main problem that we analyse behind John Brown’s historical movements for social change was the use of violent weapons in response to the Southern aggression. This has not only been realised by the then political leaders but also by those participants who were present in the sectional conflict over...

Young Adulthood in Developmental Psychology

Dialogue I happened to meet 17 year old Ryan at one the sessions in his school. To my greeting him, he responded warmly by wishing me back and taking his seat. I: Shall we start by my asking this: What are your hobbies? Ryan: Football. I spend a lot of...

Nintendo: Market Analysis

The Environmental analysis The improvement of technology has been the cornerstone of the video game industry. The market forces demanded an innovative approach to enable an organization to remain on top of the pack. An advance in the technological advantage of any company led to the death of all other...

Interpreting Art: Term Definition

Defining art can be one of the most difficult yet enjoyable tasks that any person can ever undertake. There are so many factors to consider, and so many different methods of artistic thought. Some say that art is an expression, but not everyone agrees that an expression is art 1....

How Media Affects People’s Lives

Introduction People have always lived in a world of media communication. They can go to various places and span across centuries in the comfort of their own living rooms. Sounds of other cultures can be heard and also the perception of how other people feel about the world experienced. The...

Theory of Knowledge by Henri Poincare.

Introduction It can be said that science is a form of knowledge but one must add that it is a higher form of knowledge. This is because we can easily equate knowledge to facts and facts need not necessarily be scientific. For instance I love chocolate ice cream and that...

Management Principles in Organization

Introduction A company or an organization usually is concerned with connecting many operations to meet particular objectives or a number of them. Hence employing many or a number of employees by an organization or organizations would be justifiable considering that each employee would be expected to concentrate on particular jobs...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Personal Leadership Development in an Organization

Introduction Leadership is one of the most important concepts in organizational behavior study because it determines the main approaches of management and performance. There are numerous theories of leadership which describe the process of leading, controlling and motivating others. Each theory has its unique value as it describes personal qualities...

“What Great Managers Do” by Marcus Buckingham

Introduction In “What Great Managers Do”, Marcus Buckingham writes about how managers attain success in their organizations by working with what they have and how employee weaknesses can be turned into strengths, and how managers can save their time and company resources by not only adapting their working habits to...

Domains: Dispositional View and Social and Cultural View

Abstract This essay describes the comparisons and contrasts between the two domains of personality which are dispositional views and social/cultural views, explains in detail what the two domains are, provides three examples of each domain, offers an explanation of how each domain influences and affects human life, and finally, it...

Cross Cultural Exchanges in the World

Scientists believe that human life began in Eastern Africa within the Rift Valley. As time went by, small bands of these early humans who were mainly hunters left the rift valley and gradually migrated across Africa. Others may have gone north along the river Nile and crossed into Europe and...

Cafeteria Plan: Main Principles and Usefulness

Introduction Finance is a decisive point in the budget of every business company that aims at being successful and highly developed. When proper attention is paid to the financial affairs of a company, it develops in the right direction and uses its funds with the highest degree of efficiency. Finance...

“A Child Called ‘It'” the Book by Pelzer

Brief Summary Pelzer (1994) in his book A Child Called “It”: One Child’s Courage to Survive has related his story of the sustained horror of maternal child abuse that he underwent. Narrated in first person account, Dave Pelzer has told his story of how his alcoholic mother singled him out...

Ethical Principles as Applied to an Ethical Dilemma (Medication Compliance)

Introduction In the practice of nursing or any field in medicine, it is very difficult to follow a single principle due to the involvement of multiple variables that need to be considered. Through the practice of the nursing profession, four major principles serve as a guide that applies to most...

Exxon Mobil Corporation’s Budgets

In general, budgets are both planning and control mechanisms that, although essential to control (particularly cost control), serve as a balance between planning and control. They refer to future periods of time and translate company plans into financial resources. They furnish a guide for future expenditures, and by helping to...

Human Behavior: Netsilik Eskimo and Igbo Tribe

Introduction The human civilization, despite its being a single form of the organization of social life, is rather diverse. The major differences between peoples inhabiting the Earth are based on their genetic and ethnic peculiarities, cultural traditions, and customs as well as on the geographical regions they inhabit. Numerous variations...

“The Watchmen” by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons: Film and Comic

Art is the phenomenon that helps human beings reflect the real world, and also differentiates between human beings and other animal species on the Earth. The art of filmmaking, or cinematography, is one of the most modern and, at the same time, the most fascinating art forms. However, sometimes it...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Chanel Company’s Marketing Logistics

CHANEL is one of the most popular fashion houses in the world established as a small shop in 1908. Today, CHANEL is one of the most popular fashion brands attracting middle and high-class clients from all over the world. CHANEL developed a traditional supply chain based on the supplier- production-...

Causes and Management of Stress

Abstract Stress can be classified in three categories namely; Mechanical stress which is the average amount of force exerted per unit area, biological which can either be psychological or physiological and music stress. The paper I am writing will entirely deal with the biological stress. First the paper, defines what...

Mentally Ill Criminals Analysis

Introduction The shift of all the mentally ill criminals from the infamous institutions which resemble warehouses to prisons can be traced back to the 1950s. This decision was the result of deinstitutionalization in US. This was made in order to close the institutions (warehouses) in which these mentally ill people...

Race and Local Community

Introduction Living in this complicated world I always paid attention to people, to their inner world and personalities and I have understood that being so different and individual we all have much in common. We can feel and that is the most important feature that relates to people who live...

Impact of Technology on the Healthcare System

Introduction Over the past ten year there has been a drastic change within the health care set up a factor that has greatly influenced the trend within the health care setup. The increment in the use of technology has greatly contributed to the immense changes and influences in the patient’s...

Medical Pharmacology: The Langendorff Experiment

Introduction The heart is a vital organ in living animals due to its roles in the transport of oxygen, nutrients and hormones to the rest of the body. Other functions of the heart include the elimination of metabolic wastes such as carbon dioxide and nitrogenous waste. The heart achieves these...

Do Societies Shape State Interests or Vice Versa

Introduction The essence of this a paper is to underscore and outline the interplay or rather the relationship surmised and existent, between the state and society. The tacit position underlying the focus objectives of this paper emanates from the perception that the influence of society on the state and vice...

Symbolism in O’Neill’s Long Day’s Journey into Night

In Eugene O’Neill’s play “Long Day’s Journey into Night”, the playwright presents the inner workings of a dysfunctional family long before the term dysfunctional became a buzzword of American psychology. The play, written in 1941 but not performed until 1957, is set in 1912 in the predominantly Irish Connecticut home...

“The Peopling of British North America” by Bernard Bailyn

The book The Peopling of British North America by Bernard Bailyn presents unique facts and data, discussions and arguments which show that the Frontier has ag reta impact on American history and development of the nation. A frontier line determined lifestyle and culture, language and religious uniqueness of settlers. As...

Moral Character in “Principles of Biomedical Ethics“ by Beauchamp and Childress

The issue of moral actions can be reviewed from different perspectives. One aspect of it is the virtues of a person that guide his or her decisions and their connection to ethical behavior. The difference between norms and virtues is essential because the former is not subjected to changes due...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Current U.S. Economy: November Market

November Market The central question in the context of credit crisis of the November market is why do the creditors suddenly refuse to invest more money and its bail out plans. Actually, far from being an isolated fact, it is a part of a complex chain reaction. The lenders reel...

Medical Anthropology: Culture and Medicine

Introduction Anthropologists have demonstrated that all human cultures embrace a system of beliefs relating to the maintenance of health and illness causation, and concomitant therapeutic and preventive practices relating to these beliefs. In fact, most cultures have numerous and diverse therapeutic options. In this medical plurality, which option or options...

Language Distribution Issues in Bilingual Schooling

Introduction A great number of people argued upon the necessity of introduction of special methods which would improve the children’s achievements in class and the discussions concerning bilingual children were the most lively and vital ones. There exists the idea that if children were allowed to speak their native language...

Story Telling and America’s Reality TV Addiction

Analytical Introduction Atwan’s work was not only informative but it was also inspiring for those who love to listen to stories, love reading great classics, and dream of someday becoming skilled enough to write a decent yarn that could be enjoyed by both young and old. Even a non-writer can...

Sources of Finance Analysis

Finances are required for starting a business and for expansion and development of the business. Appropriate access to sources of finance for a business largely depends upon the type of requirements of the business. Businesses require finance for long term as well as for short term purposes. Sources of finance...

Prenatal Tobacco Exposure and Children’s Development

Purpose The issue of the impact of prenatal tobacco exposure, which refers to maternal smoking during pregnancy, on child health and development is still highly urgent and requires an appropriate governmental response. Researchers note that among “women who gave birth in Australia in 2012, 12% reported smoking during the first...

Financial Operating Changes in Healthcare System Reform in the United States

Introduction The United States has one of the unique and most complex healthcare systems in the world. Its notable features include the absence of central governance with multiple players involved, inequality in access which is based on the type of insurance coverage, and dependence on market conditions and legal issues...

Critique of Articles on Parenting, ADHD, Child Psychology, and Development

In the course of history, parenting has always been a challenging vocation. Since children are not born with “how to raise” manuals, parents usually have no choice but to figure out things for themselves with regards to rearing their offspring. Often, when children become difficult to control, parents resort to...

“Two Trains Running” by August Wilson

Introduction It is a common knowledge that African-American experience due to its being sad and this is why dramatic always attracted attention of writers and playwrights as well as other people who could disclose to the world the reasons of oppression due to racial factor, depict, describe or portray the...

Sylvia Plath: Biography Review

Poetry has a beautiful ability to pull ideas and emotions out from the depths of one’s being with only a few short lines and a well-chosen metaphor. Through various literary devices, poets are able to paint pictures for their readers that more concretely define the feelings and beliefs that remain,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Work in Nursing Profession in Australia

Introduction Australia is a very big country. The population is very high in city areas, but the population is very spread out in rural Australia. There are many villages and towns which are many hundreds of miles away from bigger cities and towns. The population of these rural towns is...

Behavior Theory in “An Officer and a Gentleman” Film

Social Influences in the film Zack Mayo is almost an orphan, having lost his mother and he now has moved in with his father, a womaniser who abandoned his wife and the child. The father Byron, works as a U.S. Navy Boatswain’s Mate and is stationed in Philippines. Coming from...

Cost and Value Management: A Comparative Analysis

Introduction Cost and value management plays a crucial role in organizational performance and successful market operations determining the allocation of financial resources and controlling spending. Cost management allows companies to control and report their earnings and provides them with continuous control of costs. To ensure proper utilization of accounting information,...

Housing Industry Affected by the Economy

Introduction Due to the increase in population all over the world, there is high demand for shelter and the housing industry is one of the most significant and growing sectors nearly in all the economies of the world. However, changes in the different economies have impacted both positively and negatively...

Educational Strategies for English Learners

Abstract The paper presents a education strategy for the teaching and learning of the English language. The learning model has been framed within conceptual and philosophical precincts of the various theoretical contributions on the related domains of education. Among other sources of influence the model has been done in cognisance...

The History of African Total Theatre

Introduction African theatre has been described by Kennedy as that of “festivals and rituals share a common dramatic experience in a communal setting through group participation. They celebrate life and examine the survival scene. And in the midst of this communion of vibrations is the use of regalia, dramatic expression,...

Car Seat Safety and Educational Awareness Programs

Introduction This research paper is about car seat safety which would highlight the safety procedures and recommendations needed to be taken care of, along with the accidents in which children have got injured due to lack of car seat safety. This research paper would also present awareness to parents regarding...

Nursing: Somali Community in Minnesota

The national and civil wars have a pervasive effect on the common life of Somali people, which tormented them to an extent. The majority of people are migrated to America, Middle East, and European countries. Civil war leads to their dreadful situation. Under the warlords, the Somali people lead a...

Parkinson’s Disease: Evaluation of Nursing Care

Introduction Nursing strategies are very influential in the management of patient care. Although the mode of their execution varies with the case, certain options need to be carefully considered as they may irk patients. Generally, patients with declined mental functions as observed in dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease may need to...

The Range of Regulations Applicable to Health and Safety in Construction

On 4th December 2000, Mr. Vincent Dooley while working for McDermott Bros Contactors Ltd (MBCL) at 280 Bishopsgate slipped through a hole that he working on on the fourteenth floor and fell four meters on the thirteenth floor and sustained serious injuries. He died later that day from the serious...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Pay-for-Performance Scheme for Teachers

Introduction Employers use different pay and reward schemes to attract, retain and motivate employees towards the attainment of organizational goals. All pay systems are intended to elicit the cooperation of employees and eliminate tensions in employment relations, but some pay systems have been found to actually contradict the basic goals...

International Politics. A More Secure World

Introduction This article is a report which was made by a High level Panel on the threats, challenges and change that the world is faced with. The High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change is a group of experts from different countries across the world established by the Secretary General...

Prioritisation and Competent Nursing Practice

The management of patient life has become a concern for today’s health care professionals. This is because of the increasing complexity of cases that rely on their association with other complications. As such, careful evaluation of the patient’s life would become the important aspect and commences from the past history,...

Analyzing Bank Performance: Risk Propositions

Introduction The banking and financial institutions are under severe pressure these days. The globalization and networking of economies have resulted in a cascade effect on the stock market, economies, and of course the financial viability of many companies and institutions. Australia too has not been far from this cascading effect...

Criminal Justice Leadership: Challenges in the Present and Improving for the Future

Introduction As fast-paced times brought in numerous technological innovations in the modern world, crime, drugs, violence, terrorism and other types of social malaise still remains to be a problem like in the past. Worse, new and modern types of misdemeanors have sprouted like cybercrime, organized crime and many more that...

Post-Modernism in Literature

The 20th-century literature in its stylistic and ideological variety is non-comparable to the literature of the 19th century, where it was possible to allocate only three or four leading movements. At the same time, modern literature has not given more great talents, than the literature of the 19th century. The...

Modern World Politics and the Cause of Human Rights

Human rights, democracy, and terrorism act as a triangle that bounds modern world politics to a certain limitation. On one hand, we talk about the advancement of human rights and how human rights organizations can address the fear and threats to civil liberty, human rights are promoted in the form...

Industrial Relations: Work and Employment

Introduction A broad concept that determines the interaction between an employer and its employees pertains to Industrial Relations. Relatively, it comprises the areas among employees, trade unions, employers, and specifically those which arise within the individual employees and their employer in the workplace (Kehoe and Maurice, 2005). The two cases...

Western Hegemony: Term Review

Striving to be the first is the essence of everybody’s life. If everything in the world was equal and a certain hierarchical structure was absent the world would be in chaos as throughout the centuries people were in need of those who would rule them. The thing is that everybody...

French Revolution and Dickens’ “A Tale of Two Cities”

Charles Dickens is believed to be one of the most prominent writers of the so-called Victorian Era. He is renowned for his style, creation of unique and unforgettable characters, but the overwhelming majority of literary critics focus attention on his social sensitivity because undoubtedly, the authors works often concentrate on...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Positive Accounting Theory in Management

Introduction This paper consists of two parts. Part A will explain statement about the accounting policy choice literature which is opportunistic policy motivated by various factors while part B will explain Foster’s accounting policy choice from two viewpoints – from an opportunistic behavior and an information and signaling perspective. Analysis...

Juvenile and Crime: The Reasons and Today’s Situation

Research reveals that Crime activities can include violence and that the whole incidence of gang activity in schools has become quite frequent in the recent years. This is just a reflection of youth crime growth for the last two decades. In many nations we find that many young people get...

Mao Zedong: A Great Leader or a Bloodthirsty Tyrant?

The realm of international politics would not have come to a full circle if socialism was not explored to promote the ideology that favors using the state as means to redistribute wealth. Socialists advocate state ownership of capital, rather than private ownership, so that the accumulation of wealth is controlled...

Postmodernism. Absence Theory by Jean Baudrillard

Introduction Opposing schools of thoughts pervade in the dichotomy of arguments and most get recycled, bundled up and re-emerge. Many are formed as single-standing theories that were consistent throughout the ages, and some are out to question the existence and validity of earlier thoughts that prevailed. This paper will try...

Child Support Issues in the USA

In the US, the non-custodial parents are supposed to pay either directly or indirectly a specified amount of money which will cater for the maintenance of the child. These children are from past relationships and were born out of wedlock or couple who have divorced. The payments are usually made...

Impacts of the ‘Century of Humiliation’ on China

The history of China over the last century and a half is engulfed with a large range of paradoxical experiences that vary from national disgrace to total chaos as also from disgrace to moments of excitement and big achievements. It is truly said that the present successes of China are,...

American Nurses Association Code of Ethics

Out of the nine provisions explained in the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics, the following two seem to be the most crucial: provision 1 and 2. Provision 1 states that nurses should practice “with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and unique attributes of every person”...

Regulatory Agencies: FDA and CMS

FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) are two agencies that regulate each nurse’s practice concerning patient advocacy and patient safety. In case a patient requests an alternative form of therapy, each of these organizations has some implications. In FDA, patient advocacy is realized...

Distinguishing the Advocacy of Nurses

Specialists in each of nursing roles, be it RNs, LPNs, licensed nurses, or unlicensed members of staff, regularly perform the function of advocates. A nurse advocate is defined as the person who provides active support to patients by defending their preferences and rights, helping them to make decisions, and guarding...

Why Are Women So Judgmental to Selves and Others?

Introduction Some people claim to perceive differences in social interactions in terms of women exhibiting more criticism toward others than men. For example, many females can recount being rudely treated by another woman, including criticism or unfair treatment based on their appearance, words, or actions. Such judgmental behavior may exist...

Healthy Food in U.S. Schools

Introduction Dining habits have a huge impact on the proper functioning of the human body and mind. Certain foods stimulate the body to function at an advanced level while others slow down thinking processes and initiate the accumulation of unhealthy fat in the body (Duyff 466). According to nutrition experts,...

The Essay on Man and Candide: Character Analysis

Introduction The literature of the Enlightenment is generally of the great interest for the philosophers, researchers and simply for people keen on literature of that period. The Alexander Pope’s “Essay on the man” and Voltaire’s “Candide, or Optimism” are regarded as the satiric literature of the eighteenth century. Both are...

Canterbury Tales: The Wife of Bath Analysis Essay

Introduction The Wife of Bath’s Tale is considered to be a disclosure of the female role in the society in the period of Late Middle Ages. The Wife of Bath starts in King Arthur’s days; this period was characterized by the great majority of elves and fairies. The story is...

Society in The Great Gatsby

Introduction The novel “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald can be called a bitter satire to the American dream, which according to the ideas of the majority implies the heap of the happiness, which is missing to many, and in reality gold outer shell is converted into the empty...

Comparing Achilles and Hector in the Iliad

The introduction deals with Greco-Roman literature and the importance of Iliad as an epic. The main points that are discussed below the introduction are: The plot of the story, character and leadership characteristics of Achilles, and the character and leadership characteristics of Hector. The conclusion includes the comparison and analysis...

The Theme of Bravery in Antigone: Research Paper

The ancient Greeks, with their pantheon of gods, had deep religious convictions that reinforced many values we continue to hold sacred today, such as honor and loyalty to family and loved ones. Bravery was typically measured by one’s performance in battle or their ability to stand up to strange mythological...

Frederick Douglass. Biography and Historical Role

Introduction Slavery in America was a far different thing than slavery as it had traditionally been known in the past. Unlike the slavery of ancient Greece or other places, for instance, slavery in America was never-ending and gave ultimate rights of life and death to the master. Slaves were forbidden...

Use of Botulinum Toxin for Cosmetic Purposes

Organism Biology Clostridium botulinum is a group of gram-positive bacteria that are capable of producing a toxin known as botulinum neurotoxin (Carter & Peck, 2014). Among the types of bacteria that are specifically responsible for the negative effects that the neurotoxin has on people, one must mention C. botulinum Groups...

South Africa as a Country with High Mortality Rate

Introduction: South Africa Regular improvements in the fields of health care, medicine, and nursing are observed in the modern world. Several years ago, the South Africa region experienced a serious Ebola outbreak and the increase in infectious diseases that resulted in 69% of death (Jimenez, 2015). Bearing about 1/4 of...

Capital Punishment: Arguments in Favor

The idea of capital punishment derives from the tribal concept of blood revenge, which was later reflected in the religious scriptures that prescribe that the deprivation of human life is appropriate as asymmetrical justice, i.e. life for a life. The idea of capital punishment derives from the tribal concept of...

Business Plan Critique: Live-e-Care

Evaluation of marketing plan & operation’s strategy Live-e-Care is a web based customer service supports venture that have planned to enter into a market of e-business by providing quality and cost-effective online customer management operation for various companies. According to the reports released by Boston Consulting group, the online sales...

Sexuality Education Among Children: Why Is It So Important Now?

There is a vital need for sexuality education among American children with nearly 1.1 million teenagers become pregnant every year and the ever-increasing rise in AIDS cases among individuals between 13 years to 24 years. Research confirms that about three million teens are infected with sexually transmitted diseases annually (Schroeder,...

Capital Punishment and Values in the United States

Introduction Listen closely to the debate about capital punishment in the United States. You will discover a disagreement about where the practice is located in a map of American values and practices. In the last century, the validity of capital punishment has become a debatable issue. Supporters of capital punishment...

Couple Counseling and Its Principles

First, it is of crucial importance to understand that such notions as couple counseling, marriage counseling, or marital therapy denote practically the same process. The only difference is which theory of psychotherapy is preferred by the psychologist, but such diversity of various terms should not create confusion because they are...

KPMG Company Annual Report Critical Analysis

Introduction KPMG is one of the most renowned and largest organizations in the world which provides professional services to its client companies and shareholders (Gostick and Elton 14). The relationship chain of KPMG exceeds over 145 countries. Its name has been set according to the four names of the partners...

Bio-Based Materials: Alternative Energy

Introduction With the world economies improving and expanding at an alarming rate, individual government are more than ever before challenged by the task of dwindling natural resources, and this has led to the questioning of exactly how sustainable such resources are. In fact, the issue of environmental sustainability transcends natural,...

Social Responsibility: Term Definition

Introduction Social responsibility is about how business aligns their values and behavior with the expectations and needs of stakeholders and not just customers and investors but also employees, suppliers and communities and other special groups and society as a whole. CSR describes a company’s commitment to be accountable to its...

Nature vs. Nurture: Raising Sons.

“A young man is so strong, so mad, so certain, and so lost. He has everything and he is able to use nothing.” — Thomas Wolfe, Of Time and the River (Kindlon & Thompson 2000 Chapter 1).  Nature has physically defined the male and female of any given species. Men have long been...

Should Schools Distribute Condoms?

Introduction A school is an institution where learners acquire moral, social, physical, and mental development. They are expected to provide education in sexuality to their members. Condom distribution is, however, to be left to other stakeholders. In most cases, the majority of the school members are found in either primary...

Components and Strategies of Implementing Social Responsibility

Introduction Social responsibility refers to the ethical theory that a business entity, whether governmental or individual, is responsible to society. The responsibility of an organization can be positive or negative. Positive responsibility means that the organization is under obligation to act while negative means that the organization has the responsibility...

Cognitive Advantages of Bilingualism

Introduction Bilingualism is a global phenomenon that has occurred basically due to migration and the choice of individuals, who are mostly parents, to move from one country to another for economic and, sometimes, political reasons. Bilingual students encounter difficulties aside from learning the usual formal lessons in school. The English...

Starbucks Corporation’s Sustainable Marketing Principles

Introduction In the modern world, it is very popular to be involved in business activity. While social and mass media proclaim new business trends, business conferences, meetings, and workshops are held by various companies in different parts of the world. The words as “businessman” or “businesswoman” become more and more...

Civil Society: The Transnational Activist Group

Introduction The term global civil society can be defined as a voluntary society that shares information or does a certain activity together. Civil society is usually referred to as the society that is doing things against the current social norms. It was more recently termed as the ‘activist groups’. This...

“8 Mile” by Curtis Hanson Review

Introduction The movie “8 Mile” vividly portrays a hip-hop culture and its manifestations in modern society. The movie describes the life of a working-class fellow Jimmy “B. Rabbit” Smith Jr., and his desire to become a hip-hop artist. This is an impressive life story portraying family violence and abuse. This...

Future in American Science Fiction Short Stories

More than any modern genre of fiction, science fiction is predominantly written with a social purpose. Such a goal is rarely to explicitly to predict the future, especially since in many cases the predictive features of science fiction are at best mediocre. While in hindsight, it is easy to select...

Birth Order and Siblings Relationships

The term ‘birth order’ is used to analyze the role of a person according to his/ her age among his siblings. Therefore it is used to determine the relationship of siblings who not only differ in age but also possess different behaviors and habits. Birth order affects one sibling’s attitude...

Terrorist Campaigns of Extremist Organizations

Introduction The spread of terrorism on a global scale has a number of prerequisites and causal factors. The demands that criminals make against the authorities, as a rule, are based on several forms, implying the ultimate goals of radical citizens. In particular, the forms of ideological, nationalist, and religious terrorism...

Marvin Gaye “What’s Going on” Album’s History

Introduction Marvin Gaye was born in Washington, D.C., on April 2, 1939 and he died on April 1, 1984 he used to sing as a child in church (Turner S, 1998 p.12). His father was a Pentecostal church minister and hence Marvin Gaye grew up listening to the music of...

Impacts of Strategic Alliances

Introduction The manufacturing industry is considered very important in the global economy at large. It faces stiff competition and has therefore undergone tremendous changes in preparation for the competition. New technologies have been developed giving rise to new products and designs. New processes and systems of manufacturing have also contributed...

Films and Their Role in Society

Introduction Films are part of the mass media and impact society in a big way through various genres. Some genres of American films are Action/Adventure, Western, Gangster, Film Noir, Combat, Screwball comedy, Romance, Drama, Children, Parody, Black Humor, Clown Comedy, Horror, Science Fiction, Musicals, and Melodrama (Gehring 1). Films are...

Macy’s Departmental Stores: Management Interview

Introduction The organization chosen is Macy’s departmental stores. The company was founded in the year 1858 by Rowland Hussey Macy in Massachusetts. It has seven divisions in forty five states within the country except five. It provides a wide range of retail products that include cosmetics, furniture, clothing, jewelry and...

Making Ethical Choices: Mill vs. Bentham

Gerald Wahr should accept the employment opportunity with Pro-Growth Pesticides despite of his opposition to usage of pesticides. As it is clear from the case, the only way to help his family is to find a job and the interview period has already passed. Of course, it would be impossible...

Deconstructing Leadership in “Gutsy” Companies

At the beginning of the 21st century, leadership still remains a complex issue involving administration, management, directing, and control mechanisms. In the business sphere, leading is the most basic of activity because it determines objectives and purposes. The unique abilities of a leader may take a person to the top...

Corporate Social Responsibility in Tourism Sector

Introduction Ethics is not something novel for people in business. Nevertheless, until recently, accountability for setting standards for the manner of business and certifying that economic wealth was impartially shared was assumed by governments acting individually or collectively through international institutions. This distribution of responsibilities, however, is speedily changing under...

North American Free Trade Agreement and Employment

Has NAFTA Resulted in Lower Employment in U.s.? The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a trading block comprising of countries that makes up North America. It mainly comprises of member states Canada, Mexico and the United states. It is claimed to be the largest trading block that exists...

Kingspan Insulated Panels Company’s Challenges

Introduction Kingspan Insulated Panels, part of the Kingspan Group Plc, has established a leading global position in design and manufacture of high quality Insulated Roof, Wall and Façade Systems for the construction industry. King span’s range of insulated panels has been successfully used across the globe on retail, distribution, commercial,...

Socioemotional Development in Adolescents

Teenagers may be the most complicated population group to understand. This hardship in communication stems from the fact that all adolescents are undergoing drastic emotional, hormonal, and physical changes, as well as social ones (Newman & Newman, 2017). It may be natural for teenagers to test the limits of their...

Becoming a Vampire Without Being Bitten by Gabriel & Young

Summary Type of Study The correlation between society and individual has always remained a prosperous field for psychological research. As for the main reasons for this fact, Rosenmann, Reese, and Cameron state that “social groups are an essential feature of human life”. Hence, the value of the groups allows researchers...

Joe’s Red Hots Company’s Business Plan

Looking at Joe’s Redhots’ turnover, we can deduce that the firm is strong and has potential for further growth. The risk in extending loan to the firm is minimal considering the tools the firm has been using. The repayment method will need to be decided and the rate of return...

Western Civilization: Beowulf as a Hero

Introduction It is believed that Beowulf can be considered the oldest existing English epic poem, that was written somewhere around the 7th or the 8th century. Beowulf is about the grand Scandinavian hero known as Beowulf’s expedition to gratis Denmark by killing the monster, Grendel. Later on Beowulf is announced...

Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House as a Tragedy

Introduction Henrik Ibsen’s play A Doll’s House uncovers many unpleasant things about family life and men’s inclination to force women into submission in marriage. However, it is more than merely one of the sad stories of females’ subjugation. In the course of the plot’s development, Ibsen demonstrates the process of...

Entering a Foreign Market: How to Remain Small?

Introduction Entering a foreign market provides several advantages for a business, such as mitigating the impact of volatility in the home state and increasing the demand for products. One path of growth for a company is entering new markets, which provides access to more consumer opportunities in regards to sales...

Necessity and Enforcement of Labor Laws in the United States

Introduction Labor laws aim to outline the practices that regulate relationships between employees and employers to ensure that both parties can achieve the best results. They describe the fundamental rights of the individuals working for a company to ensure fair working conditions for all. This paper aims to explain the...

Five Model of Entrepreneurship: Hurdless and Recommendations

Introduction Launching a new company is a challenging task and requires careful consideration of the product features, positioning strategy, and development opportunities. John and Quincy want to establish a sustainable business that offers customers an environmentally friendly option of powering their homes. The five models of entrepreneurship outline a multidisciplinary...

Managing Technology and Organizational Processes

Introduction Technology provides the management with an option to change their businesses processes in order to improve on efficiency and quality. But it’s only half of the effort that will have things done in a better, faster and easier way. Its maximum benefits are felt when business processes are improved....

Post-Soviet Resource-Abundant Economies’ Growth

Economic development is a necessary condition for a country to become a world power. That is why numerous states try to improve their economic indicators, and there are many ways to achieve it. Some countries rely on small businesses, others allure foreign investors, while a few states use their natural...

Progress Traps in the “Surviving Progress” Film

Introduction Progress – the biggest and primary ambition of human civilization throughout history. To achieve progress in technology, science, arts, philosophy and other fields is a means of driving forward and improving the very aspect of human existence. While there are obvious benefits to technological advancement, there are also complicated...

“Letter From an Unknown Woman” the Movie by Max Ophüls

Introduction Modern movies are characterized by a number of techniques and features like unpredictable camera movements or lighting that attract attention and fascinate a viewer. Several decades ago, filmmakers did not have access to such a variety of options and followed the standards, including effective camera shots and definite camera...

Aliens, Motherhood, and the Nuclear Family

Introduction James Cameron’s 1986 film Aliens is the subject of much critical praise and a prominent part of modern popular culture. Its protagonist Ellen Ripley, played by Sigourney Weaver, is often seen as one of the best examples of a capable action heroine in cinematography. She challenges the tradition of...

Portfolio Leisure Ltd.’s Human Resource Development

History Portfolio Leisure Ltd is a private company, established in 1996, to run a hotel and leisure center which was converted from a manor house by Carapace Petroleum plc. The house has been modified by providing a lot of facilities that match the requirements of a leisure center. It includes...

Organ Trafficking Problem and Policy Solution

Introduction In cases when failing vital organs resist the available types of treatment, the only option for survival may be associated with transplantation. However, there is a significant lack of organ donors who can provide enough resources to patients who need them. Because of the severe shortage, some patients may...

Film Studies. Authorship Theory in Examples

Introduction The concept of authorship has been a topic of multiple discussions in film theory during the last several decades. Its idea is to analyze the work of directors and authors, investigate their roles, and compare their contributions to a final product. In his article, Naremore says that modern motion...

Media Production and Connections in Globalization

Introduction Due to the development of communication technologies, the processes related to globalization have been happening at a high pace recently, affecting almost all areas of human life. According to Pieterse (2020), globalization is defined as “the trend of growing worldwide interconnectedness”. Media companies utilize this trend to gain extensive...

Albany Medical College: Electronic Health Record Security Management

Introduction Albany Medical College is the only northeastern New York academic health science center and is among the largest private employers in the region (Albany Medical College, 2019). Moreover, it is affiliated with Saratoga Hospital and Columbia Memorial Health to create the region’s most expansive healthcare system, that is, the...

Frederic Chopin’s Analytical Biography

Frederic Chopin was one of the renowned musicians. His composing style was very effective in the music world (Samson, 1994). Initially, he did many experiments to compose techniques of piano playing which later on brought revolutionary changes in music and well esteemed by all. He had a good-looking and polite...

How Does Perfect Competition Help Us Understand the Efficiency of Markets?

Introduction Ajefu and Barde (2015, p. 20) define a market as “a place where the prices of goods and services are determined.” Comparatively, a perfect market is characterized by the efficient or optimum allocation of resources (Djolov 2014; Maritan & Lee 2017). In this type of market structure, rivals are...

Cold War-Era’s Influence on the World

Introduction The twentieth century witnessed several major conflicts that affected the whole world. World War I and II led to the creation and destruction of entire countries, political regimes, and alliances. The events following the end of World War II (WW2) ushered the new era which gained the name of...

Five Functions of Management and Their Application

Management of a department is a complex issue because of the existence of multiple challenges that might occur during the working process. For this reason, the core responsibility of an effective leader is the implementation of the five basic functions of management with the primary goal to organize the work...

Ecofeminism: Women Against Climate Change

Ecofeminism is one of the essential trends of a coherent society that includes many ideas and concepts prevalent in the modern world. For this reason, the given course can be considered an important source of knowledge that provides learners with information that is fundamental for an enhanced understanding of this...

“Brewed in the North: A History of Labatt’s” by Bellamy

Introduction Brewing is one of the old and traditional occupations that provided people with stable income. At the same time, because of the character of this business and its relations with customers who buy certain products, it highly depends on the image of a brewery, its cooperation with clients and...

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Redfin Company’s Strategic Analysis

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Ibsen’s A Doll’s House: Reflection Paper

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Communication & Alienation in “The Rules of the Game” Film

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Applied Teamwork Plan Review

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The Practice of Strategic Marketing Planning

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Race and Ethnicity in Contemporary Art

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Marvel’s “Black Panther” and Ethnic Consumer Behavior of Moviegoers

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