Camus’ The Plague From the Perspective of COVID-19

In 2020, the world faced a new virus, which appeared to be a health threat to the population. The disease received the name “COVID-19”, and caused a catastrophic reaction of people, despite the deadly outcomes. Many sources refer to this phenomenon as the “social absurdity” (Banerjee et al., 2020, para....

“Scarface” by B. Palma and “Traffic” by S. Soderbergh Analysis

Drugs are one of the most pressing problems in the world, shown not only in the news but also in movies. In most of the paintings of the last century and the present, the theme of drugs is very common. In both these movies, it is demonstrated how using drugs...

Isolated by Genetics but Longing to Belong

Individuals are born with an identity, but they also need to belong to a group. However, people with genetic disorders have historically been isolated. Fear and stigmatization by others make their life unbearable as they struggle to fit in the society. Two of Buttler’s fiction stories reveal some critical issues...

Prayer in School and Gun Violence: Rough Draft

Introduction School-based gun violence has become a widespread occurrence in the United States. Importantly, numerous factors such as bullying, easily accessible weaponry, and a lack of conscientiousness regarding students’ mental health contribute to its growth. Prayer, as a moral guiding compass and an act of self-reflective mediation, could help school...

Impacts of Globalisation on Domestic Business

Introduction Globalisation refers to process of relations and integrations among organisations, people and governments across the globe. In business world, this concept represents the free flow of data, technology, capital, goods and services between nations. In the past, Western nations viewed globalisation as an essential phenomenon, since it promoted economic...

“Autonomy and Automobility” by Loren E. Lomasky

Introduction The society is transforming and adopting efficient transport and communication technology to meet the demands of modern lifestyle. People have invented efficient transport means that have transformed the world’s distant nations into global villages. To date, a person can have breakfast in America, lunch in Asia, and have dinner...

Bibliography on Criminal Justice

There is a glut of information available both in print media and internet digital content, elaborately touching on criminology and the criminal justice system. Criminology deals with the felony committed in society, its punishment, and defense for the offended. The criminal justice system seeks to bring harmony in society, to...

“The Watch” by Gerald Murphy

The work under consideration in the following paper named “Watch” (Fig. 1) is completed by Gerald Murphy in 1925. It is accomplished in oil on canvas with dimensions of 199.39 x 200.36 centimeters. Currently the picture can be found in Dallas Museum of Art. The main themes of the paper...

Hobbes’ Leviathan and Austin’s The Province of Jurisprudence Determined

The similarity between Austin’s and Hobbes’ approaches is evident since both philosophers point out that the law cannot exist without a person who will establish the law and agree to execute and make it. Both Austin and Hobbes view sovereigns as the makers of the law, and subjects need to...

The Mix of Race, Ethnicity, and Culture in the Fiction Unit

Introduction A race is commonly portrayed as a biological subspecies, or a multiplicity of a species, entailing of more or less distinct populace with anatomical characteristics that sets it distinctively from others. Ethnicity is a term employed to refer to chosen cultural and in some instances physical attributes exploited to...

The Concept of God in Christian, Islamic and Hindu Religions

Muslim concept of God Muslims are monotheistic, they believe in one God whom they refer to as Allah. Allah is an Arabic name for God; he is One and unique in everything he had created. Allah has no gender. He is self-sufficient as His existence is not determined by anything....

The Maintenance of Solidarity in Ousmanes’ “God’s Bits of Wood”

Introduction “God’s Bits of Wood” is a book that was released in 1960 just when Senegal had achieved independence. This probably has a historical significance i.e. a strong theme that stresses on unity is emphasized probably because of its importance by then, specifically so when it come towards building the...

Effects of Acute and Chronic Asthma on Patients and Families

Acute and chronic asthma in children is a growing cause of concern and attention to healthcare professionals. Statistics indicate that there are more than four million children in the United States, who are affected by asthma and this is the “most common illness affecting pediatric population (Kurnat & Murphy, 1999)....

Environmentally Friendly Concrete Products

Problem The issue of human activities’ impact on the environment has become particularly topical in the 21st century. Simultaneously, the detrimental impact of industries is on the increase, consisting of air pollution, carbon emissions, and irresponsible handling of waste. Construction is one of the areas, which demonstrate significant growth while...

“The Moon” by Ducan Jones

Abstract If you meet yourself today, will you like yourself? What will you say concerning yourself? That seems to be the question Ducan Jones, wants us to ask ourselves in his science fiction movie, the Moon. In this work, critical and mind bugling deductions have been made, starting from Sam’s...

The Use of Animals in Biomedical Research

Introduction Biomedical research is a wide range of discipline that looks for ways to stop and cure diseases that produces sickness and death in individuals and animals. This broad area of research embraces various fields of both the life and physical sciences (Creed, et al, 2005). With the techniques of...

Love and Madness in Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night”

The tone of drama is usually dictated by its beginning so that the reader can anticipate the ending reading the first scenes of the play. This tendency seems inapplicable to Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night”, in which the atmosphere of chaos, spontaneous love, and madness is established in the introductory scenes, which...

Curriculum Development for Higher Education

Introduction Curriculum designing is an integral part of any field of study. Maximum output can be expected if the module that is designed through collaborative work analyses key concepts of the curriculum with expert guidance, justifies the rationale for the choice of the curriculum design, critically estimating the curriculum, functioning...

Obesity Prevention: Social Media Campaign

Social Media Campaign Objective Since children’s health is a great concern of their parents, the campaign will be designed in a way that will attract both parents and children’s attention. The rates of childhood obesity in the US are alarmingly high: the prevalence of childhood obesity has grown by over...

Sustainable Energy: Without the Hot Air by MacKay

Tombstone Sustainable energy: Without the hot air David J. C. MacKay 2009 Author’s personal data: Born in 1967(MacKay, 2009a); Regius Professor of Engineering at the University of Cambridge (MacKay, 2015); Former Professor of Natural Philosophy at the Department of Physics (MacKay, 2015); Researches in the economic aspects of environmental sustainability,...

HIV/AIDS Epidemiology and Nursing

Communicable diseases are contagious because they are transferrable from one person to another. Clinicians and doctors use specific concepts of epidemiology to study these diseases. Some of the major concepts of epidemiology include “risk factors, mortality, and incidence of disease” (Rogers, Mijch, & Brotherton, 2013, p. 65). Such concepts are...

Comparison: “Strong Men” by Sterling Brown and “If We Must Die” by Claude McKay

The works which are written and performed by different African-American authors have many similarities about motives and themes discussed in them. To analyze the presentation of the problem of racism in the country, it is necessary to refer to the poems “Strong Men” written by Sterling A. Brown and “If...

The Nuclear Power Usage in the UAE

Abstract At present nearly 20% of the U.A.E’s entire oil production goes immediately towards supplying its various power plants into order to meet the energy requirements of its populace. The inherent problem with this lies with the fact that the oil reserves in the U.A.E are a finite resource and...

How Is the Meaning Constructed in Images?

Introduction In all displays and dimensions, people are surrounded by different images, paintings, billboards, advertisements, illustrations, posters, and photographs. They are depicted and conveyed in different ways and all of those methods imply the use of unique techniques and material. All this encapsulates and presents the visual culture of the...

Henry Moore: Study of the Family Through the Prism of the Artist’s Works

Henry Moore During this study, we have analyzed various artists and their works. There is a significant relationship between artists and their works. Different factors influence the works of different artists. In this study paper, we take an insight into Henry Moore’s pieces of art. Just as other artists of...

Science and Technology in Shaping of the Modern World

Introduction The impact of science and technology in the modern world can be viewed from two perspectives. Firstly, the world has largely benefited in various ways through advancements that have added value to life. On the other hand, advancements in science and technology have negative the y affected the world...

The Periods of Renaissance & Reformation, Industrial Revolution and Contemporary World

Introduction Science and technology have advanced human civilization and changed the world in many ways. The rapid development of knowledge has taken several hundred years and led to the world of modern advancements. Some of the most significant periods in history are the Renaissance and the Reformation which took place...

Embryonic Development – Anatomy & Physiology

Introduction Embryos have different stages depending on organisms for instance, in humans, it is a newly developing being up to the ninth week of development. In organisms with multiple cells, the term ’embryo’ broadly describes the life cycle or early stage of development before hatching or birth. The embryonic development...

Artworks during Early Civilizations

Art is a very interesting subject that has evolved into many stages from early civilizations to the current generation. Artwork can be categorized into two major groups which are: Auditory art and visual art. Auditory art consists of all kinds of artworks that can be heard by the human ear....

Evaluative and Relational Influences on Service Loyalty

Executive Summary Consumer behaviour clearly defines the position of the customers in the market and gives the idea that is needed in order to comprehend with the preferences of a consumer towards a specific product. Market values are important for understanding the expectations of the customers for a specific industry...

An Analysis of the movie “Crash” by Paul Haggis

In the movie “Crash,” Paul Haggis tries to show how our racial biases affect the way we interact with others. In the movie, the characters tend to assume certain socioeconomic status and behaviour with certain cultures. As a result of these prejudices, the characters feel threatened even when they are...

Sociological Issues About Social Class and Poverty, Race and Ethnicity, Gender

Social Class and Poverty Consequences of poverty in the US There are two main consequences of poverty that can be defined. The first one is food insecurity, which threatens the well-being of families (Leon-Guerrero). The inability to acquire enough food or get a varied diet negatively impacts people’s health and...

The Ketogenic Diet as an Effective Treatment Method

Introduction Nutrition is an essential part of every process and operation that the human body is a part of. While dieting is an increasingly popular practice among those who would like to get fit, changes in nutrition can be a crucial factor in a system of treatment for patients suffering...

Objective Knowledge Based on Experience and Culture

There is a great debate throughout the course of history as to what the concept of knowledge ought to refer to. A great amount of literature has been written on this controversial topic with scholars and philosophers pitting their impressive brainpower towards a possible definition of what knowledge is. However,...

Employee Motivation in Secondary and Tertiary Sectors

Introduction Employee motivation in business and industries is vital for best performance and achieving objectives. However, it is an aspect often overlooked or reliant upon outdated and traditional methods of motivation which have little consideration for social psychology, or the type of work performed. Different industries and sectors require different...

Globalization and Career of University of East London’s Students

Introduction Choosing the right career is a difficult task for any student. While in high school students are given enough lectures and advices to be able to choose the right career. Many dream of becoming doctors, pilots, and engineers but all people cannot fit in these three careers. The parent’s...

Mental Disorders in the US: Alzheimer’s Disease

Introduction S: The patient is a 49-year-old female complaining of impermanent memory losses, unreasonable mood changes, and rare vision problems. She has been teaching Math for second-grade students for the last twenty years. She likes her job, and her cooperation with children makes her happy and satisfied. She is married...

Robert Frost’s Poem “Mending Wall”

“Mending Wall” is a popular poem written by Robert Frost which attracts the reader’s attention due to the importance of the theme covered in this poem. The author touches upon one of the most important philosophical themes connecting with the nature of human existence and the relationships between people. Robert...

Picnic Scene in “Citizen Kane” Movie by Orson Welles

Introduction The film “Citizen Kane” is a 1941 drama motion picture directed by Orson Welles. The production narrates about a millionaire who seems to receive little happiness from his wealth and needs to hide his sensitive personality under the cynical mask. The present paper will analyze the Everglades Picnic scene...

Stagnation Effect on the Economy: Historical Examples

Introduction Poor wage growth has been observed over the last few years even for those employees who have an advanced or bachelor’s degree. Real hourly wages have decreased drastically in 2013-2014 for works across many spectrums with rather few exceptions. Wage stagnation is not a new story for the U.S....

Christology: Development of Christology

Introduction In no doubt, one will never understand Theology, the idea about God, without mentioning the character of Jesus. Christology then comes in, as among the many branches of Christian theology that purely addresses the mystery behind Jesus Christ: his nature, actions, and person, as it appears in the New...

Guy Debord’s “The Naked City” Analysis

The Second World War brought devastation to the world and change the thought, affecting all spheres of life. Carefully optimistic philosophic movements could no longer provide people with answers they sought, and it gradually shifted to skepticism, sarcasm, and deconstruction of everything. New philosophical and art movements began appearing, varying...

Education Policy by President Barack Obama

Introduction Barack Obama and Joe Bidden’s education policy is based on the fact that American children cannot stand any more neglect and indifference in their education system. The United States as a country is having numerous problems some of them are experienced in the education sector. Some of the problems...

Naturalism and Descriptivism: World Within Ontology

Introduction In this essay, I will argue that naturalism/descriptivism is an appropriate form of perceiving the world within ontology matters. This paper will analyze basic questions of naturalism/descriptivism and how they reveal moral realism. Moreover, it will be discussed that naturalism/descriptivism is the objective and main cause of moral disagreement...

Teenage Counseling and Family Therapy Goals

Introduction Teenage counseling often involves the teenager and their family. Adolescence is regarded as a problematic transition period because adolescents often disagree with their parents on various issues such as mode of dressing, hair length, and staying out late. Such disagreements are due to the difficulties and complexities involved during...

Biographical Studies: Alexander the Great, Greece

Events that led up to the battle The battle of the Granicus occurred in 334 BC. It was the foremost battle to occur at the River of Granicus. This was after the death of Philip II who died in 336 BC. Before his death, Philip had started a project against...

How the Brain Learns to Read

Abstract The brain constitutes the central nervous system among all the animals with backbones popularly known as the vertebrates. Also, most invertebrates have a working brain system. Small animals like starfish have nervous systems which are not central to their body functioning. The nervous system substitutes the functions of the...

“Casablanca”: Creating a Plot with the Help of Sound

Introduction Casablanca – the greatest film of all times ironically has long been just another ordinary film. Adopting the unstaged play, the screenwriters barely made it profitable to keep the production on. However, the movie has ultimately won Academy Awards and Best Picture awards. Undoubtedly, it is now known as...

Applying Social Identity Model to Emergency Behaviour

Introduction Emergency behavior and social identity aspects are not connected at the first sight. However, if a person appears in a critical situation, the flocking instinct rules the entire mass. This is explained by the complex reasons of social behavior, emergency behavior patterns, survival instinct, and social identity of the...

Human Nature in “The Scarlet Letter” and “Moby-Dick”

Introduction The books Scarlet Letter’ and ‘Moby Dick’ were the most engaging during the literature course. Both books are rich in themes concerning human nature. Although the books have been set in a different previous era, their contents are very appealing considering the similarity of human nature during that period...

Nick Anderson’s Political Cartoons: Employment and Immigration in the USA

A political cartoon is a type of illustration that enters the space of artistic, mass-media, and political discourses, while being a unique synthesis of literary creativity and fine art. On the one hand, an editorial cartoonist acts as a scriptwriter and a stage director. Whereas, on the other hand ––as...

“The Bean Trees” by Barbara Kingsolver

Barbara Kingsolver’s The Bean Trees is one of the most popular and urgent literary works nowadays. It touches upon burning issues of the modern society such as the conflict between ethical and legal, racism, adoption laws, homelessness, multiculturalism, kidnapping, depression suicide, the conflict of nature and nurture etc. We are...

Comparison of the Culture of China and Japan

The world is made of many nations, unique and mostly unknown to others. The cultures that are close by geographically are better known between themselves, as people have to communicate with each other. But if cultures are far away separate from other peoples, then very little is known about them....

UnitedHealth Group Human Resource Management

UnitedHealth Group Incorporated (UNH) is a managed healthcare company located in the United States of America. In 2019, it was ranked as the second biggest healthcare provider in the world with a revenue of 240.3 billion dollars. Certain factors most likely contributed to its high place in the industry, including...

Is Humanitarian Intervention Ever Justified?

Introduction According to Weiss (2007), Humanitarian intervention is the threat or applying force on the borders by a state or any group of states to prevent or bring to an end the spread and misuse of the available human rights of the people; who are not the citizens of that...

Aspects that Play a Role in Psychology of the Self

Introduction The psychology of the self has diverse meanings in the context of human individuality. The self represents many things depending on the context of an application. Under normal circumstances, the self is used to refer to the identity of a person. The psychology of the self therefore refers to...

Sugar Revolution in the Caribbean in the 18th Century

Introduction The Caribbean region is located southeast of North America and the Gulf of Mexico. It is in the north of South America and east of Central America the region was also referred to as the West Indies and comprised of twenty-seven territories. Historically, the region was colonized by several...

Disaster and People Behavior Changes

Disasters have continuously occurred In the world causing adverse effects not only to the physical environment and the people affected physically by that disaster but also to the future generations of the place. These disasters, whether man-induced or natural have to lead to changes in the ecosystem. The Tsunami, the...

Media Coverage on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Media coverage of the Israeli-Palestine conflict elicits mixed reactions. The West Bank barrier, for instance, is contested by both Israel and Palestine supported by their respective allies (Savigny& Marsden, p. 10). The Israeli government officially terms it “security fence” while the Palestinian authority describes it as the “Israeli apartheid wall”...

Concept of Sociology and Its Theory

Introduction When the term Division of Labour strikes the mind the first notion that is carried in the mind is economics or commerce. But this aspect befits well in the discipline of sociology. Sociology encompasses a variety of social stratification theories that try to answer many questions concerning ethical and...

Electrification of Sub-Saharan Africa: From the Bottom Up by Tenenbaum et al.

The worldview of this book aligns with the New Ecological Paradigm (Buttel 470). The book assumes that the electrification of rural Sub-Saharan Africa is required but not by construction of massive electrical grids (Knuckles, James et al. 2). Throughout the book, many points are raised about specific needs and limitations...

Advertising as a Way to Manipulate the Mind of the Target Audience

Introduction Traditionally the concept of the advertisement has been governed precisely by the factors of promotion and profits. ” However, is it more than that? The dynamism in consumer preferences and the changing techniques, ob, and values of the advertiser has remodeled the concept of advertisement. Now, I believe that...

Low-Cost Housing Shortages in the Inner City of Massachusetts

Introduction The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis (2010) argues that “the United States is in the midst of an affordable housing shortage or even worse, an affordable housing crisis”. The biggest concern now for the country is the fact that the majority of the people are living in unaffordable houses,...

Homeschooling: Way to Provide Knowledge to Learners

Introduction The paper is devoted to the investigation of homeschooling as one of the ways to provide knowledge to learners in a specific environment. Because of the increased sophistication of modern society, there are new disputes regarding the ability of this option to suffice new conditions. The work offers the...

Euthanasia & Assisted Suicide Should Not Be Legal

Introduction Euthanasia is a Greek word made up of two words. “Eu meaning good and thanatos meaning death” (“Definition of Euthanasia” 1). It is can therefore be translated loosely as good death. In the modern context, it is the practice of terminating an individual’s life whose life is considered intolerable....

Price of Goods and Services Provided by the World’s Ecosystem

Introduction The world’s ecosystem refers to the entire body of the living and the non-living things on the surface of the earth. It refers to all the organisms either living or non-living, and the interactions that they normally exemplify. For the survival of all the living organisms, they have to...

“The Promotional University” by Andrew Wernick

The problem that Wernick is discussing is the rising competition between universities for private funds (157). There is a shortage of funds and the only way out in this case is fundraising a very common method of attaining funds, but one which is becoming a lot of problems. These are...

My Definition of Leadership

The word leadership assigns and unimaginable task upon one person who has been chosen to be the head of a group. It is the act of steering a group of people who share qualities or ambitions towards a common goal. This person is called a leader. Somebody who knows how...

Can Keeping Troubled Youth in Class Make a Difference?

Introduction The future of any given nation is always dependent on the discipline and level of achievement of its young people. This is why there is always a concerted effort in ensuring that most if not all young people are given a good shot at life. Troubled young people are...

Anthropology: Hip Hop Culture in the US

Introduction The history of Hip Hop generally defines numerous social and cultural aspects of music development in the USA. The fact is that, this music style entails numerous directions, such as rapping, DJing, sampling, scratching and beatboxing, nevertheless, these genres and sub-genres do not restrict the further development, and hip...

Global Health Issues, Tuberculosis

For a long time, tuberculosis (TB) has been a disease of concern for global health. Caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis, it spreads through aerosol droplets, meaning that people breathe in the bacteria from infected persons. Tuberculosis is often latent and reveals itself when the immune system is weak. Risk...

Capital Punishment in America and Britain

Introduction The death penalty did not start yesterday. Neither did it begin ten years ago. It dates back to the ancient world where people who committed certain crimes were subjected to death. Mostly referred to as capital punishment, the death penalty is said to have gained notoriety in the Eighteenth...

Rollo May’s Personality Theory Constructs

Introduction Several philosophers as well as psychologists have conducted researches in the quest to understand human beings and be able to explain their behaviors. The 19th and 20th centuries were characterized by increased findings particularly in the field of human personality. Among the many schools of thought that emerged, especially...

Why Juveniles Should be Tried As Adults

Introduction Think tanks behind the juvenile justice systems intended to create rehabilitative mechanisms to reform juvenile offenders of minor crimes. However, it seems as if the youth perpetrate their crimes because they know that they do not stand punished by the juvenile justice system (Flesch 583). Suffice to say, the...

Southwest Airlines Co: Motivation Philosophy and Practices Company

Introduction The importance of behavior occurring in the workplace cannot be denied for both employees and employers. For the former it is especially important, being a place in which they spend almost third of their lifetime. For employers, workplace behaviors of employees are important as well, in which understanding the...

Instructional Styles in the Classroom

Introduction An instructor’s ability to deliver in class is not only gauged on his competence but by other factors that work in harmony with competence. These factors include one inherent skill in imparting whatever the information they have, proper knowledge of the topic he or she is tackling, deeper understanding...

The Walt Disney: Analysis of Mission Statement and SWOT Analysis

Introduction In the world of entertainment, the Walt Disney Company has a positioning on top because of the unique, creative, quality products that it produces. This has enabled it to be an international company that is highly valued by its customers. The worldwide spread companies are mostly found in America...

Media in Middle East

Abstract Purpose: – The purpose of this paper is to study the media coverage of the Kashmir war and the impact it created on the general population and the world at large. The materialization of blogging as a source of information and other Web 2.0 methods of reporting had not...

Apple’s Reputation Regarding Ethical and Social Responsibility

Introduction Apple has been embroiled in issues related to the company’s ethical and social responsibilities. Recent reports about inefficiencies and suppliers’ non-compliance with the ethics and social responsibility code has raised a lot of public attention (Chen, 2013). While the media has been putting Apple on the spotlight, legal experts...

Stress and Performance in the Sport

Introduction Constructive stress is necessary for good mental and physical health. This positive stress helps one to act with optimum performance in order to achieve certain goals (Burton & Raedeke, 2008, p. 328). When stress is poorly managed or becomes overwhelming it results in negative effects. This article will explain...

Desk Study Report and Organic Contamination Assessment

Introduction The federal legal framework through the “Clean Water Act and the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act 103”, provides for biological evaluations to be conducted as a way to determine suitability of dredged material. The appraisals included ascertaining biological consequences of various dimensions and levels of bio build-up that...

Media versus Women Image Crisis

The media is very influential. The messages and the images transmitted by the media have a lot of impact on the lives of human being. Television, radio and internet are very powerful tools that shape how human beings make decisions and respond to issues in their environment. There are various...

The Practice of Supply Chain Management

The supply chain incorporates processes aimed at meeting customer requirements and demands. The activities are associated with the flow of goods and transformation from the raw materials stage to point of end-use. Additionally, it entails the flow of information and funds (Terry and Hau 43). The stages involved include the...

Brief Description of the Types of Friendship

Introduction Friendship is a conception that has always got different ideologies from people. People tend to have a diverse perceptions about the issue of friendship. From a general perspective, friendship can be viewed as a relationship based on intimacy. However, the intimacy within friendship normally varies as some people may...

European Union and Europe Expansion

Introduction The European Union is a political and economic union which was created in 1958 after the Second World War to form a single market which would enhance economic growth and political stability among the members. The 27 member countries have established rules and laws that have encouraged economic growth...

Jane Jacobs: Her Contribution to the Development of Planning

Jane Jacobs is a renowned American born Canadian writer whose contribution in urban planning cannot be ignored by any stakeholder of urban related studies. Her approach to urban planning was in sharp contrast with most urban planners, a fact that made her be on a coalition path with most of...

Therapeutic Activities: Collecting Harmless Insects

Collecting Harmless Insects Participants This activity is designed for children between ages four to six years. It is a suitable activity for them since creativity and activeness is major characteristic of this age group. They enjoy active play and other invigorating activities that keep them occupied. It also provides an...

Humanistic Psychology vs. Psychoanalysis & Behaviorism

Introduction Time and again, humans have tried to explain the root causes of behavior that is unacceptable in the human society. As a result, they have come up with various schools of thought that have been developed from one stage to the other. Among the most common attempted explanations of...

E-Government and Its Challenges

Introduction E-Government is the usage of internet technology in the delivery of government services. It is not uncommon to come across tedious processes used by governments in the accomplishment of very simple tasks. The bureaucratic nature of government makes the whole undertaking a nightmare due to the long time taken...

Racial Discrimination Within the Educational Setting

Article 1: The World Outside and Inside Schools The author in this story of the world outside and inside the school is mainly based on the life of those immigrant students who come in from different countries and join the American schools which are mostly English-speaking schools. These immigrant students...

“Invisible Heart” by Robert Russel: Economic Concepts and Romantic Elements

The Invisible Heart: By Robert Russel The book combines fiction and economic realities found within society. It combines Romance and ideas of economics. The author uses the book to radiate economic polemic in the form of an imaginary tale. The whole book is about a romance story that is intertwined...

How Do Science and Technology Help Us Define the Modern World?

Introduction In the current state of the world, it can be presumed that science and technology plays part in the current problems that we face, especially those problems that result from advanced ammunition, grenades, nuclear and biochemical weapon. These weapons are used to harm fellow human beings, other than weapons,...

Automobiles’ Fuel Efficiency and the Environment

Introduction 8,970,000. This is the number of cars Toyota sold in 2008 overtaking General Motors for the first time as the number one automaker by a margin of 33 percent. In 1931, GM surpassed Ford to the largest carmaker position according to Bunkley (2009, Business section, para.1). As stated by...

Psychotherapy Treatment for Combat Veterans Suffering From PTSD

PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) is nothing but a normal reaction of the human organism to abnormal situations or experiences. It usually follows an event that makes a person feel unsafe or helpless; the most common of such events are war, assault, kidnapping, sexual abuse, rape, car accident, plane crash, and...

Cultural Pluralism in the United States History

Introduction Cultural pluralism is accepting everyone’s right to economic and political opportunity and the right of every ethnic group to maintain its own identity (Olson 155). This term is used to refer to minor cultural groups in a big society maintain their cultural unique entities and the large society accepting...

Wicca Religion: Dimensions Overview

Introduction Religion refers to the belief in a god or gods and worship of such god or gods. There are many aspects of Religion such as beliefs and practices that shape the life experiences of those who practice them. One’s religion is identifiable by the type of prayers conducted by...

American History: Ronald Reagan

The year 1911 marked the birth of the former U.S President; Ronald Reagan to his parents John and Nelle in Illinois. Reagan studied at Dixon high school and later joined Eureka College, where he studied sociology and economics. He became involved in sports such as football which formed part of...

Truths and Myths About Alzheimer’s Disease

Introduction Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is considered the most general form of dementia, occurring mainly among older people. Dementia is a brain disorder, which affects a person’s capability to carry out simple everyday tasks. Alzheimer’s affects those parts of our brain which control our thoughts, language and memory. It causes nerve...

Application, Framework and Problem of Game Theory

Introduction Game theory involves rational behavior in making decisions. It is similar to a game. A game could be interdependent and involve agents or players who try to get the best possible results from the action they choose to take. The players use a sociological or psychological viewpoint to make...

Procedure Guidelines for Hiring in the Trucking Industry

Over the last few years, there have been numerous lawsuits challenging the practices used by employers in the trucking industry. Most of these claims stem from the fact that some employers while hiring employees are negligent in making some important decisions. However, a large percentage of these claims are based...

Development of Humanities and Its Impact on World

Important works of Art and Written Text The period between 1800 to 2000 BC was characterized by great development in the world of arts. Many works of art, which included paintings and written texts, came into being at this time. However, there were three most important works of art, and...

Research Paper on “Neighbors” (1988)

Raymond Carver’s short stories pens down a world where people constantly struggle for their self-respect and meaning for existence. This rustic feel about his short fictions exemplifies his life. Born in 1938, Raymond grew up in Pacific Northwest in a rustic environment, which had an inevitable effect on his writing...

Oriental Organic Garments Company’s Marketing Plan

Executive Summary The Oriental Organic Garments is a garment manufacturing company in London. It is engaged in production of garments from 100% organically grown cotton. For exploiting the increasing trend of organic cotton garments among the consumer segments in UK, the company aims to follow appropriate marketing and financial strategies....

“Courage Under Fire” by Edward Zwick

This essay in brief discusses the movie “Courage under Fire” by giving different types of leadership and the change theory. In addition, it examines the complexity in the movie characters. For Serling, developing predestined captivating accountability for his dealings and fitting the leader he was competent of being. Walden’s award...

Water Conservation Practice in Houston

Introduction The city of Houston in Texas has a developed water conservation strategy which is fragmented into various segments. The city leadership endeavors to provide clean drinking water to all the city residents. It is against this background that a comprehensive water treatment and conservation program was incepted years back....

The Research Method ‘Case Study’

The method to be used in acquiring the data to be used in making the inferences, analysis, conclusions and recommendations within the field of education in this case; is the research methodology of using case studies to study and learn the area of focus. However other supporting research methods will...

Canadian Identity Foundation Through the Development of Communications

Diverse multicultural Canada has always been an interesting and enigmatic object for investigation of scholars, writers and researchers. It’s certainly obvious as Canada, with its so tightly interwoven variety of languages and cultures, gives rise to many questions and deep thoughts of how it can correlate and coexist on one...

Bereavement Loss and Death Practices Across Cultures

Introduction Death refers to the permanent end of all processes that sustain life in a human being. Grief and mourning are major elements of death in all societies (Khapaeva, 2017). Grief refers to intense sorrow caused by loss of a loved one. On the other hand, mourning refers to the...

The Role of Religion in the Evolution and Creation Debate

Introduction Religion is one of the most essential factors or to be very precise one of the most discussed questions in human existence. Religion has its own way of describing the origin of humankind while great scientists have given explanations on the evolution of living beings. And as it goes...

Unemployment: Types And Factors

Unemployment is one of the greatest social evils in our society today. This is because of the unfriendly impacts it has on the economy. Unemployment brings about poverty and hopelessness among individuals in society. In addition, weird behavior is also encouraged by this phenomenon. For instance, stealing and robbery cases...

Art Deco in the History of Interior Design

Academic Classical Revival also includes great variety of Late Abstract Classical substyles, whose distinctions are so fine as to warrant collective consideration under the generic title “Art Deco.” They include Art Deco proper, which stylized classical forms into straight lines, zigzags, and vertical accents; Moderne, which emphasized round shapes and...

“Touching the Void” & “Bigger, Stronger, Faster Documentaries”

The documentary films ‘Touching the Void’ and ‘Bigger Stronger and Faster’ have been revealed to match with each other on various aspects as well as contrasting in others. In this regard therefore, the developers of the films can be described to have been similar ideas on the process of developing...

Politics in Iraq: Background and Major Issues

A brief history of the modern Iraqi State Iraqi state is located on the western part of the Asian continent. The kingdom of Iraq was incepted way back in 1932. The country was invaded in 2003 with the forceful occupation of the British and American troops following the claims made...

The Profession of Technology Coordinator

Introduction The last half of twenty-first century witnessed tremendous advancements in technology that ushered in new inventions at the beginning of this millennium. Chip technology led to introduction of multiple user computers customized to suit specific demands. Similarly, the diversity of computer technology field meant creation of various professions to...

Improving Online Presence in the Professional World

Today, professional experience and qualifications determine entry into a given career. The two elements also affect the ultimate growth of one’s professional life. The rise of the internet age has brought in a third important factor. To this end, it is noted that increased digital presence improves the chances for...

Food Shortage Situation Overview

Food shortage refers to a situation in which the supplies within a region cannot provide sufficient energy and nutritional demands of the population within that particular region. Some factors have been pointed to as core to the problem of food shortage. These include the problem of production – the inability...

Involvement and Sports Brand Advertising

Introduction An advertisement has various elements. These elements, in the case of a print advertisement, are headline, text, body copy, subheadings, slogan, logo, image, seal and signature, etc. (Decrop 2007; Leonidou et al. 2006). This paper is to understand the differences in the advertisement elements depending on the degree of...

Health Disparity in Latin America

Introduction Health in Latin America can be broken into two sections, viz. healthcare for the indigenous people and for the immigrants. The indigenous are prone to diseases due to poverty and poor living standards. Latin America is one of the regions in the world where plants are used for medicinal...

Knowledge Management Definition and Role

Introduction Today, in the 21st century, the capacity to create, transfer and manage knowledge is perceived as critical in contemporary knowledge economy (Ray, 2008). Arguably, a prominent corollary of knowledge management as documented in modern management theory is that it is one of the fundamental foundations for the creation and...

Neuroscience Research and Application

Neuroscience has been described by as any science dealing with the functions, abnormalities etc of the nervous system. It is, simply put, the scientific study of the nervous system. This therefore implies that neuroscience in itself is a very broad discipline. It encompasses various other disciplines such us behavioral...

Comparative Foreign Policy of Morocco and America

Introduction The U.S. foreign policy consists of different sets of rules that guide the manner in which the nation relates with the international community. These rules which are made up of international treaties, protocols and conventions, general and specific regional agreements are aimed at addressing the various aspects of human...

Immigration: Advantages and Ways of Improving

Immigration can be described as the movement of people from one region to another either in pursuit of basic needs, better living conditions, or employment opportunities. According to the Immigration theory, it is either push factors or pulls factors that cause people to migrate. Push factors refer to the circumstances...

Role of Socialism in Contemporary Society

Has anyone ever thought of a world where only a small fraction of individuals owns the whole corporate world, but where every person, including the African American is equally treated? Can anyone think of a world where the worth of rich individuals like Bill Gates can equal that of the...

Improving the Quality of Care Delivery

Background The ultimate goal of healthcare delivery is to ensure patients receive quality, timely, and sustainable medical services. Unfortunately, this goal has been hindered by several barriers that affect many medical institutions. Statistics indicate that around 2 percent of patients admitted in hospitals will receive inadequate care or get injured...

Do Corporations Have Too Much Power?

Introduction In recent times, it has been found that corporations are enjoying too much power and with power, there are several vital problems associated. It appears that they almost enjoy the power of running a parallel government, like corporate espionage. There are several instances of issues related to ethical, environmental,...

Statistical Datas Bivariate Analysis

Introduction In research work, scholars more often than note collect more than two sets of variables. In situations where two variables are collected and used for analysis, this has been termed as bivariate analysis. Typically the aim of doing this is to establish causes or relationships between the variables (Pallant,...

Cultural Approach to Tim O’Brien’s Works

Introduction Literary theory is one of the most ambiguous aspects of discussion with regard to the definition of literature, understanding of the basic elements, and analysis of effectiveness of presentation of different events and characters. When the book is written, it is read by ordinary audience as well as by...

Love in ‘Great Expectations’ by C. Dickens

Introduction The loneliness and isolation of a person can only be redeemed by loving others and this is fully supported in the novel Great Expectations. Throughout the storyline, we find Pip, the protagonist, being encircled by love and rejection, or hate and affection. The aspect of love in this text...

A Social Identity Theory of Leadership by Michael Hogg

Introduction Hogg, M.A. (2001). A Social Identity Theory of Leadership. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 5(3), 184–200. Hogg’s article presents a vivid analysis of the social identity theory, which describes leadership as a group process rather than the role of an individual. The proponents of this theory review the meaning...

US Prisons Review and Recidivism Prevention

There will always be offenders in any given society however organized the said society could be. This necessitates the establishment of places where such individuals can be isolated from other people and helped to reform their characters and show what is wrong and what is right. This is what has...

Shakespeare as the Genius of European and World Literature

Shakespeare is the legend of all world literature and the leader among English Renaissance literature. He was a gifted man of the people who came to the capital and in a few years became the largest literary and theatrical value. He made a new impact in the knowledge of reality,...

Concept of Geriatric Dehydration

Abstract Dehydration is a common health care problem in geriatric patients. The complexity of socio-medical problems and the interaction of risk factors add to the problem. An understanding of the problem volume, pathophysiology, and diagnosis, should enable the geriatric nurse to design and implement an individualized intervention plan. The aim...

Writing About the Past

When it comes to discussing the representations of the past in the works of literature, many critics assume that how authors go about retelling their memories simply reflects the creative subtleties of their psyche. And, it goes without saying, of course, that addressing the subject matter from this perspective would...

Social Marketing Campaigns Study Evaluation

Introduction Qualitative research is a form of research that involves description. It seeks to describe and analyze the culture and behavior of humans and their groups from the point of view of those being studied. Qualitative research utilizes the natural setting, for instance a classroom and not a laboratory (Maximiano,...

Recycling of Materials: Entrepreneurship Assignment

Recycling of materials has been a very crucial part of our economic activities. It forms a part of the national income and also secures jobs for some individuals within the economy. Recycling itself involves the transformation of the already used products in other useful products that can be sold for...

Scribes and Pharisees Once Christ Was Crucified

Introduction Literary critics have often described the fact that Anthology of World Literature by Sarah Lawall restrains the world’s best-selling literature. Sarah Lawall introduces each writer and their works with a detailed biography, background description, and critical analysis. The Scribes and Pharisees in Bible have often been considered as the...

Confucian Ethics and Authority in Chinese History

The Chinese history can be traced back to several thousand years. It is known to have been entwined among various dynasties that contributed differently to the development of the Chinese political, social and cultural standards. It is during this period of ruling by the different dynasties, that there emerged a...

John Donne’s “Death Be Not Proud” Poem Analysis

John Donne is often considered as one of the most remarkable literary figures of the Elizabethan age. ‘Death Be Not Proud’ is regarded as his most widely accepted religious poem. A closer examination and analysis of his religious poems reveals that Donne broke away from the conventional Elizabethan traditions and...

Made Ground’s Characteristics

Abstract The main aim of the paper is to categorize and classify the different forms of the made grounds. As made grounds are a category of the artificial man-made ground, the paper first delineates the different areas of the artificial ground and how the made ground can further be classified....

Gender in The Great Gatsby & The Yellow Wallpaper

The focal point of the paper is to explore the Male-Female Relationships in The Great Gatsby by the noted American author of the post first world war era F. Scott Fitzgerald and The Yellow Wallpaper by American short story writer Charlotte Perkins Gilman. The complexities of men and women in...

Globalization Negative Effects on Canadian Labour Union

Like in other countries, workers in Canada formed unions that would enable them to have a uniform voice when addressing issues relating to conditions of their places of work or other issues concerning their rights. When globalization was introduced in the country, it had positive as well as negative impacts...

Intersect Investments Company’s Gap Analysis

Introduction The financial world has been in constant shock since the events of September 11, 2001. Companies have been struggling to keep their market position, or at least, not lose much of it. The company we are going to talk about, Intersect Investments, is a finance company that deals with...

Discourse in Language Teaching: The Genre of Letter

Introduction This paper suggests an example of genre analysis, which can be considered as a tool for investigating genre systems and teaching discursive competence. Genre analysis is an example of metadiscourse. “
metadiscourse provides a link between texts and cultures” (Hyland 58). Genre analysis is important for writing instructions because it...

Social Problems: Exploring the Main Types

Introduction A social problem is a condition considered by some members who live in a particular community as being undesirable. The big population generally agrees about some social problems, such as murders and robbery. Other social problems are viewed differently, dependent on the different groups of people in a society...

Bartimaeus “An Oasis” by Jonathan Strowd

The meaning of the notion “blindness” may be interpreted literary, as a physical defect of a person, but its figurative meaning is more interesting as it finds its realization in Mark 10: 46-52. The pisode narrates about the healing of the blind beggar named Bartimaeus, who was sitting “by the...

Are There Limits to What Should Be Questioned? Philosophical Questions

Questions are usually used by many people to set the base for an inquiry. Therefore, any constructive conversation must contain some questions. This piece of work therefore tries to explain whether limits should be put to what should be questioned or not. Philosophy is a discipline that is characterized by...

Ho Chi Minh: Life and Contribution to History

Introduction The independence of Vietnam could not have been possible without the great effort of Ho Chi Minh. He is regarded as a great man in Vietnam because it is through his organization, skills, dedication, effort, and the great sacrifice that the people of the Republic of Vietnam are today...

Criminal Justice in America and Its Components

Mention of the phrase criminal justice evokes the image of a violator, police, the court and prison or a crime. Criminal Justice entails a system of practices and institutions of government that prevent and act on crime by way of imposing discipline on offenders with penalties and rehabilitation efforts. The...

Gender & Politics in Post- Modernist Society

Introduction The idea of gender and politics has been taken as an important aspect for analysis in the recent past. Society has all along treated women to be apolitical, creating a scenario where men dominate the political scene, leaving little opportunity for the former. In many literary works, it has...