Introduction The personal and professional seminar has made a great change in me. This essay deals with the changes that were made in my thought process and attitude by the ideas of personal and professional seminars. I have tried to reflect my understanding of my personal and professional sense in...
Topic: Thought
Words: 1660
Pages: 6
Introduction Human resource management (HRM) is the logical and strategic approach to the management of the most important assets (the employees working there and contribute to the fulfillment of the business’s goals individually or collectively) of an agency or organization. The term personnel management has been substituted by the terms...
Topic: Management
Words: 1745
Pages: 6
The level of control needed in a police institution is related to the capability of officers to construct an inspiring environment. On the one hand, a police organization needs to administer a certain degree of control to ensure that the goals of the organization are being met by the officers....
Topic: Motivation
Words: 1731
Pages: 6
Introduction It is common knowledge that Americans are struggling to maintain a healthier lifestyle. According to one study, “…the US has experienced a steady and steep increase in the prevalence of obesity” (Crawford & Jeffery, 2005). This may also be true in many parts of the world but America always...
Topic: Obesity
Words: 1749
Pages: 6
Introduction The topics of war and peace have been of considerable time to people from times immemorial (JCS, 2009). This paper considers and compares three scholarly articles concerned with this topic, and namely with the questions of why people start fighting, why they stop the fight, and how the peace...
Topic: Armed Hostilities
Words: 1659
Pages: 6
Hesiod’s writings are known for discussing universal truths, such as law and justice. One of such works is Works and Days which expresses the idea that labor is an essential part of human beings’ lives, and if they are diligent enough, they will be able to handle even the hardest...
Topic: Justice
Words: 1645
Pages: 6
Career goals and career opportunities Currently, I am working as an Accountant in the Finance Department of a hotel. My senior is Assistant Financial Controller and Director of Finance. I have been working here for a month only. My job duty is to do month-end closing and management reporting and...
Topic: Management
Words: 1919
Pages: 6
War… There are only three letters in this word, but how much meaning and content. Having heard this simple, from the point of view of structure, word, people’s minds create terrible pictures of blood, pain and tears. Visual art is one of the main types of art which manages to...
Topic: Armed Hostilities
Words: 1759
Pages: 6
A union (labor union) is an organization that is formed through workers coming together to achieve common goals, in very key areas such as the conditions of work. Unions are legally recognized as worker’s representatives in many companies and industries. According to John, (p24) “In most cases, unions are found...
Topic: Collective Bargaining
Words: 1911
Pages: 6
Key Concepts of Organizational Design Organizational design has a profound effect on the way work flows in an organization, it can hamper or improve decision making, communication and hence motivation. The paper shall look at various elements of organizational design and how these reflect upon a company. Importance of Organizational...
Topic: Organizational Design
Words: 1999
Pages: 6
Introduction Some people have referred to it as a pandemic that is not getting the full attention it requires. Obesity and specifically childhood obesity have been on the increase in the developed world for the last 10-15 years. Childhood obesity represents serious health consequences in the future and looking at...
Topic: Childhood Obesity
Words: 1941
Pages: 6
Introduction Pendux Incorporation is a private limited company that was established in 2000 within the coffee industry in US. The firm’s headquarters are located at New York. Pendux Incorporation deals with retailing and wholesaling of roasted coffee. The management of the firm ensures that its products are of high quality....
Topic: Business
Words: 2001
Pages: 6
Introduction Communication is the vital need of every human being. In other words, people would not differ from other species of animals if they had no ability to formulate their thoughts and communicate them. This ability allows people build certain relationships with each other within their local communities and in...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1707
Pages: 6
China is one of the oldest countries in the world and it also hosts the world’s oldest civilization. Traditionally China has been a very influential country with its cultural, technological, economic and religious sphere extending over whole of East Asia including neighbours such as Vietnam, Korea and Japan. In the...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1992
Pages: 6
Introduction Within the operation of any organization, quality management is mostly considered to comprise three basic components, namely quality control, assurance and improvement. Quality management does not only focus on product quality, but also on the ways of achieving it, hence, it incorporates quality assurance, control of processes and products...
Topic: Management
Words: 1603
Pages: 6
The Salem Witch Trials are known from the history reveal the horrible and even mysterious event of accusation of young girls for the witchcraft. The trials that took place from February 1962 up to March 1963 accused many innocent people due to the fact that the Court could not decide...
Topic: Salem Witch Trials
Words: 1650
Pages: 6
Sports, all over the world, are a very important part of most of our lives. Many people cannot finish their day if they have not played sports at least once a day. For centuries, it has been one of the most appreciated and favorable for human health activity. Many different...
Topic: Baseball
Words: 1688
Pages: 6
John Calvin due to the several aspects of his approach to philosophy can be correctly identified as Augustinian. The teachings of the Catholic Church on free will and predestination are doctrines postulated by the Doctor of Church St. Augustine. Calvin also focused on these doctrines as the center of his...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 1810
Pages: 6
Historical Background of the text of 1 Corinthians The First Epistle to the Corinthians, or 1 Corinthians was written in Greek by St. Paul of Tarsus to the fledgling Christian Community of Corinth. In the Bible, It is the seventh book of the New Testament and the second of the...
Topic: Religion
Words: 1748
Pages: 6
Introduction Collective security and its viability have been widely debated in the international relations literature. The need for security enabling alliances has been said to be absolutely necessary even in the contemporary world (Shen, 2004, p.165). The notion follows the same belief of united we rise and divided we fall...
Topic: International Relations
Words: 1785
Pages: 6
Paul Laurence Dunbar was born in Ohio in 1872, just a few years after the Civil War ended. He lived during a tremendous time of social change, not only for his people as they both hoped for a better future and struggled through more of the same, but also for...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1952
Pages: 6
Man has been in perennial search of knowledge. He has been gifted with the tools to acquire it. Theorists have come up with a variety of ways to explain how a person comes to know things. One theory is the Information Processing Theory which identifies various components that work together...
Topic: Natural Sciences
Words: 1698
Pages: 6
Introduction Creative ideas are new and useful for the progress of any organization. But creativity has been hindered at the Litmus Corporation due to time pressures that results in stressful working conditions. Analysis Colquitt, LePine, and Wesson (2009) defines stress as a psychological response to demands for which there is...
Topic: Business
Words: 1646
Pages: 6
Introduction Employee motivation has been given considerable importance in contemporary organizations in order to keep high productivity. Employee’s remuneration package affects the employee motivation and subsequently job satisfaction. Job designing determines the mechanism of the flow of tasks in consideration of employee skills and ability. Specialized jobs require extensive research...
Topic: Employee Motivation
Words: 1799
Pages: 6
Introduction Cancer is a much dreaded medical condition. The words death and cancer are sometimes closely associated with each other. Although mankind has progressed to a point that he can cure a very sick person dying of cancer, in many cases cancer can be a death sentence that comes too...
Topic: Cancer
Words: 1899
Pages: 6
Introduction To begin with, it should be stated that the matters of racism, or as it is also called “color blind racism”, are often regarded as the strong tendency in treating the immigrants from Latin America countries. Originally, the problem of immigration from Latin America is one of the burning...
Topic: Color Blindness
Words: 1928
Pages: 6
Nutrition is the diet of a human being; his intake of food and the necessary mineral and nutrients that come with it. The word nutrition is derived from nutrients, which are the essential ingredients that a human body needs to survive and be healthy. The knowledge of nutrition is extremely...
Topic: Diet & Nutrition
Words: 1697
Pages: 6
Economy In today’s world people are very interested in and curious about the things related to the World Wide Web. Some times they are over-hyped about WWW in their thought and talk. The reason for that is influence of information technology and World Wide Web is precious. It is a...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1732
Pages: 6
Introduction This report is based on a visit to a Baptist church that I attended. The report focuses on the events that took place in the church during that visit and the observations regarding the nature of the surrounding environment. It explains in details the external features that surround the...
Topic: Baptism
Words: 1632
Pages: 6
This is a report on Harrah’s Entertainment Inc. and its strategic position on the market. The company owns casinos, hotels, and golf courses. Historically, Harrah’s Entertainment Inc. sought to compete against the industry’s leaders by increasing its presence in foreign markets. The company’s mission states: “Each of our brands will...
Topic: Management
Words: 1482
Pages: 6
Introduction There is no doubt that Black slavery will go down in history as one of the most shameful periods in European and American history. Just if they were soulless animals, Black Africans used to be rounded up and shipped over to various locations throughout the world, where they would...
Topic: Literacy
Words: 1866
Pages: 6
Introduction Organizational decision-making is always a difficult task since the decisions made will affect to some extent the stakeholders, including the members of staff and the customers. There are some instances where the requirements of the customer may disagree with the organizational goals and mission. This implies that decisions need...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 1683
Pages: 6
Bipolar disorder The incidence of bipolar disorder is fairly high: more than 2 million people in America above 18 years have this illness (Bipolar disorder, 2007). It can be present at adolescence or later and may have a triggering event in the life of the patient. The one advantage of...
Topic: Bipolar Disorder
Words: 1817
Pages: 6
Introduction The current climate in the business environment has become so competitive that organizations are now competing at a global level. Local markets have also become so strained, forcing companies to move beyond borders to seek opportunities. To survive in the globally competitive market, the organization should be well endowed...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1859
Pages: 6
Introduction Employees play an integral role in the success of organizations. Organizational goals and objectives are achieved through the collaborative effort of employees. Road to organizational success is followed by the achievement level importance and effort put in by employees. In consideration of employee abilities, work is scattered over departments...
Topic: Business
Words: 1835
Pages: 6
The ISO 14000 Concept The worldwide rush of opinion leaders, captains of industry, and thoughtful hotel patrons themselves to be seen to mitigate local pollution, address the continued buildup of greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming, and in general, reduce “carbon footprint” has forced a hard look at the...
Topic: Tourism
Words: 1463
Pages: 6
Introduction There is hardly any person on this Earth whose life was not affected by the economic crisis which hit the entire world in 2008. The economy of every single country was greatly influenced by the crisis which resulted in high unemployment rates, increased prices for food, a subprime mortgage...
Topic: Economic Crisis
Words: 1749
Pages: 6
Introduction The Republic of China is a predominantly Buddhist nation thus denoting that the experiences of Muslims in Xinjiang province are an analysis of individuals living as minorities. To some extent, this religious status has brought upon the people of Xinjiang province some developments but on the other hand, it...
Topic: Islam
Words: 1828
Pages: 6
Introduction Owing to varying educational backgrounds, experiences, and certifications, there is the need to check the quality of employees on a regular basis. Organizations usually want to draw a pool of workers who are best qualified for job descriptions. Additionally, Interactions between the top organs and workers are difficult because...
Topic: HR
Words: 1678
Pages: 6
The Great War also named World War 1 or the First World War (1914) was a global military disagreement that involved mighty supremacy grouped into two opposing coalitions; Triple Entente and Triple Alliance. The war led to the death of more than 15 million people and it was branded as...
Topic: War
Words: 1638
Pages: 6
John Steinbeck’s novel The Grapes of Wrath harshly criticizes American culture during the years of the dustbowls. He suggests the hardships of the people were driven not by the environmental factors as much as it was by the capitalistic fixation on economic profit regardless of the cost to the common...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1541
Pages: 6
Introduction In accordance to Elliot, operation management is “in its essence, scientific management involves a complete revolution on the part of the working man engaged in any particular establishment or industry — a complete mental revolution on the part of these men as to their duties toward their work, toward...
Topic: Manufacturing
Words: 1783
Pages: 6
AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome), the deadly disease caused by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) has plagued the Sub-Saharan African countries more than any other region in the world. From the statistical reports of 2006, it was found that almost two-thirds of the total HIV infected population of the world and three-fourth...
Topic: AIDS
Words: 1688
Pages: 6
Introduction Late adulthood can be described as the age from sixty five years (65) and above. This age constitutes about 7 percent of the entire World’s population with 13 percent in the developed World. This percentage increase has been attributed to increase in life expectancy due to due to breakthrough...
Topic: Adulthood
Words: 1565
Pages: 6
Introduction The recent outbreak of H1N1 began on April 13 2009 in Mexico when a new strain of H1N1 influenza A was reported. Within a short period of time, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a pandemic alert that changed from level 3 to level 6. Until the first week...
Topic: Flu
Words: 1243
Pages: 6
Juvenile offenders present a vexatious problem for law enforcement authorities as to how to tackle them. Many advocate the strong-arm approach of imposing stiff punishment and incarceration while others favor rehabilitation. This essay examines the pros and cons of incarceration and rehabilitation to arrive at a way ahead to deal...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 1659
Pages: 6
Introduction The Morey unit hostage situation, considered the longest in American history, began on the 18th day of January 2004 when inmates from the Lewis prison complex in Arizona took control of the control tower at the institution and also held two officers of the same institution hostage (William, 2005)....
Topic: History
Words: 1707
Pages: 6
Introduction To begin with it is necessary to mention that it is recommended that every county and every city should have the emergency response plan in order to be prepared for the hazards, catastrophes and calamities. The emergency plan has to deal with public health emergency services and with the...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 1570
Pages: 6
Communication climate in the organization The communication climate in Katz day care centre is effective and ideal for smooth functioning of the organization. The organizer of the child care centre is considering creation of better communication environment as an essential factor for the growth of the day care business by...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1739
Pages: 6
The book ‘The Complete Pompeii’ by Joanne Berry brings to light the different archeological treasures of the city in terms of its civilization, and antiquities which have been left preserved for us to see. While many a research has been conducted on the city and the lives of the people...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1594
Pages: 6
Introduction Global Communications is under the pressure of financial and organizational problems faced in the telecommunication industry. The basic objective of the company is the profits and revenues increase. The paper lies in the analysis of tribulations and trials confronting by Global Communications; the development of a growth strategic plan...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1582
Pages: 6
Introduction Seventy percent of the earth is covered by water or oceans. A large number of pollutants by way of land runoff and direct discharge are hurled into the ocean waters (Cui et al, 2008). The sediments could be having crude oil or a mixed group of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons...
Topic: Water
Words: 1486
Pages: 6
How much reliance is to be placed on formal prescriptions and control mechanisms and degree of trust to be pinned on inner compasses of persons with public responsibilities? It is necessary that a certain degree of reliance needs to be placed on formal prescriptions and control mechanisms which, in essence,...
Topic: Accountability
Words: 1871
Pages: 6
The most important period of development and character formation in anybody’s life is his/her childhood. The school and the curriculum through which the child passes during his kindergarten years play a vital role in the development of his faculties and talents for preparing him for his future life. The Bank...
Topic: Banking
Words: 1947
Pages: 6
A hunter-gatherer society can be defined as one whose primary means of survival involves the direct gathering of plants like wild fruits and vegetables to the hunting of animals in the wild with no intention of domesticating them. (Barnard, 2004, p 23)From the basic definition given above, it is quite...
Topic: Natural Sciences
Words: 1912
Pages: 6
Introduction According to Mark (2007), colonies that formed the U.S had people who were deeply rooted in religion, which resulted in the movement across the Atlantic Ocean where they spread their beliefs freely. However, it was thought that this vigor would last for only a short period and then diminishes...
Topic: Religion
Words: 1708
Pages: 6
Introduction Social Contract theory is based on the principles of political philosophy described in a number of theories of well known thinkers, such as John Locke, Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Political philosophers managed to present the key assumption through the freedom and priority of individuals underlining the motivations of...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 1775
Pages: 6
Introduction The city of Bangkok is the largest city in Thailand and is also the primary city in that country. It was made the capital city during the year 1768 after the reign of Ayutthaya was overthrown. However, the city was formed as a small shopping center at the mouth...
Topic: Design
Words: 1868
Pages: 6
Introduction In the age-old debate regarding the relative merits of alcohol, one of the most difficult issues has been the determination of what exactly causes some people to drink to such excess that they lose their reputations, their careers, their families and even their lives in their devotion to the...
Topic: Alcohol
Words: 1897
Pages: 6
Introduction The Chinese Cultural Revolution of the 1950s, when the Communist Party of China came into force to build the socialist country based on fear, absence of freedom of speech, and the need to strictly follow all the guidelines of the Party is one of the brightest examples of usurping...
Topic: Revolution
Words: 1727
Pages: 6
The Swimmer tells the tale of Neddy Merrill, a rich socialite who has come upon hard times but has a narcissistic view of his condition and he begins to feel that he is young, athletic, and still good-looking. The real fact of the matter is that he is married with...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1661
Pages: 6
Introduction Women from various periods of time portrayed varying degree of domestic and societal influence or standing. This notion may be glimpsed on fictional literature as well as verifiable studies conducted to better understand her story. For fiction, various factors also influence the presentation on the role of women that...
Topic: Canterbury Tales
Words: 1698
Pages: 6
Introduction The Social Contract Theory is an old theory. The theory is of the view that individuals’ moral and political views depend on an agreement or a contract between them to establish a society. It is linked with the morality and politics theories. The theory has been defended by people...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 1642
Pages: 6
Introduction This research paper is designed to provide information basically on the highlighting topic of Mayan Culture. Mayan Culture has been derived from the ancient Native American culture and its description would be provided in the later topics of the paper. Apart from that, the issues which would be described...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1687
Pages: 6
Background Hobbs is a store that sells clothes and accessories and it primarily targets wealthy people. The marketing strategy that the firm wants to start for the year 2009 is aimed at raising the footfall. From the analysis from Mosaic, it is clear that Birmingham is a place that has...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 1696
Pages: 6
Introduction Transport for London or TfL is a local government agency serving Greater London in England and it is not only the present transport authority of London but is also responsible for many aspects of their transportation system. It came into effect due to the Greater London Authority Act 1999...
Topic: Management
Words: 1559
Pages: 6
Introduction Gender roles in Greek society were determined by social and cultural traditions, position of women in society and their significance as citizens. The position of women in society was determined by absence of political rights acquired by men. Many Greek plays portray women as canny and jealous. The play...
Topic: Gender
Words: 1828
Pages: 6
Introduction Being a wife and a mother at the same time can bestow a lot of stress to a woman who is just starting up to fill those shoes. Doing a balancing act of being a mother and wife is sometimes too much too handle for a woman, what more...
Topic: The Yellow Wallpaper
Words: 1650
Pages: 6
Introduction Evidence abounds to testify to the surmised and indeed existent relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament. The author of Hebrews manipulates allusions to the Old Testament scripture to reinforce his message and authorial persuasions. In Hebrews the author makes constant reference to the new covenant. The...
Topic: New Testament
Words: 1927
Pages: 6
The beauty and history associated with arts of work have in the recent past been tainted by storms of allegations of illegal ownership. Such claims have dented the reputations of both museum owners and private art collectors. Even more disturbing have been questions on how representative certain works of art...
Topic: Law
Words: 1984
Pages: 6
Introduction Public relations (PR) is one of the tools used by marketers to inform potential consumers about a product and its characteristics. The communications process is concerned with the dissemination of stimuli and their perception, impact, use, and effectiveness. Coca-Cola Light is a sugar-free, low caloricity beverage. For this product,...
Topic: Coca Cola
Words: 1528
Pages: 6
Case Description Last year, our school faced a challenge familiar to many educational institutions: how to develop a more consistent approach to discipline from classroom to classroom and in common school areas, such as hallways, cafeteria, and playground. Our school community, with the support of the administration, identified the need...
Topic: Business
Words: 1698
Pages: 6
Introduction Society is the many-sided form of existence for people. It is represented in many different ways through the life of every member of society. Political system and its conditions is the issue due to which any society of any state exists. Then comes the social obligations put both on...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 1706
Pages: 6
Leadership and gender have been seen as opposite issues for a long period of time. A leader’s opportunities to change or enlarge the unit’s domain can also be constrained by prevailing attitudes toward possible new outputs and by the attitudes of subordinates to any changes in the kind of work...
Topic: Gender
Words: 1728
Pages: 6
The research, which has been carried out, analyzes the causes and effects of drug addiction among teenagers. It focuses on this particular age group because according to statistical data, people from thirteen to nineteen are the most susceptible to this disease. It is necessary to do the following tasks: first,...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 1590
Pages: 6
Introduction Alan Greenspan’s Age of Turbulence is a personal memoir combined with the description of his role as Federal Reserve Chairman for the last 18 years. In this book, he traces his evolution from the life of an academic to the post of the Federal Reserve chairman. In this book,...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1658
Pages: 6
There were several responses form the American society towards the oppression. However, it was clear that oppression existed even before the World War 2. At that period oppression had a different dimension mainly focused on racism and growers in plantation. The blacks were discriminated against the distribution of national resources....
Topic: Oppression
Words: 1506
Pages: 6
It is a common knowledge that people always thought of something that would make their life easier. Charms and topics related with them have always attracted the attention of different writers who created stories and fairy-tales where people achieved everything they wanted by means of magic not even lifting a...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1739
Pages: 6
Abstract This paper takes the article in the New York Times “Nothing Sells Like Celebrity” by JULIE CRESWELL as a starting point to discuss the appearance of the celebrities in ads as a business, which is a pure commercial junction. The paper addresses many aspects of this business in terms...
Topic: Advertising
Words: 1747
Pages: 6
“Gasoline is going—alcohol is coming. And it’s coming to stay, too, for it’s in unlimited supply. And we might as well get ready for it now.” ~ Henry Ford, 1916. The Middle East is the proud owner of natural oil reserves, they dictate the price of the oil to the...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 1779
Pages: 6
Introduction The Free Online Dictionary defines a problem as “a situation, matter, or person that presents perplexity or difficulty”. A problem is thus a state or situation associated with difficulty and which needs a solution. When a problem does not receive an immediate solution, it creeps into a dilemma; an...
Topic: Climate Change
Words: 1655
Pages: 6
Introduction Leadership is a process of persuasion. Leaders persuade others to pursue objectives held by the leader. Thus, the primary focus of leadership is on human interaction. Leadership is ethically neutral. There are good leaders and bad ones. Great leaders have the gift for inspiring and motivating people; they have...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 1749
Pages: 6
The fact unknown to most of people is that as inspiration of Anita Amirrezvani’s first novel “Blood of Flowers” served a Persian carpet her father presented her with when she was a teenager. Looking at that carpet every day she imagines the life of a carpet maker and always wondered...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1739
Pages: 6
Introduction A monopoly is an economic situation in which only a single seller or manufacturer makes and supplies a commodity or service. In order that a monopoly is effective one of the preconditions that should exist is that there should not exist a practical substitute for the product or service...
Topic: Monopoly
Words: 1647
Pages: 6
Introduction The rapid developments in the fields of science and technology have brought about drastic changes to man’s life. The growth of information technology has accelerated information sharing and has been instrumental in better and easier global relations among people who belong to various nationalities and cultures. The world has...
Topic: Technology
Words: 1636
Pages: 6
Introduction The countries of Canada and the United States are the two main countries located in Northern America. The two countries boast mutual benefiting economies, friendly alliance-based relationships as well as collateral trade unions, and friendly immigrant regulation to sustain their international relations. The truth behind the story however is...
Topic: International Relations
Words: 1600
Pages: 6
Introduction The book “Europe and the People without History” proposes a unique understanding of history and historical development of the world. The author claims that Europe had a great impact on other parts ft he world which adopted its economic, political and cultural patterns. Due to the tumults and intensity...
Topic: History
Words: 1726
Pages: 6
Introduction Kotter (1973) defines the psychological contract as “an implicit contract between an individual and his organization which specifies what each expects to give and receive from each other in their relationship”. Schein (1980) described it as “a set of unwritten reciprocal expectations between an individual employee and the organization”....
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1626
Pages: 6
The main problem that we analyse behind John Brown’s historical movements for social change was the use of violent weapons in response to the Southern aggression. This has not only been realised by the then political leaders but also by those participants who were present in the sectional conflict over...
Topic: Civil War
Words: 1724
Pages: 6
Dialogue I happened to meet 17 year old Ryan at one the sessions in his school. To my greeting him, he responded warmly by wishing me back and taking his seat. I: Shall we start by my asking this: What are your hobbies? Ryan: Football. I spend a lot of...
Topic: Adulthood
Words: 1700
Pages: 6
Introduction Shortly after the introduction of the parent antibiotic penicillin to clinical practice, a report came for bacteria becoming insensitive. These were the earliest reports of bacterial resistance to antibiotics. These reports were not considered significant as lab studies displayed that such resistance can be overcome by increasing the dose....
Topic: Antibiotic
Words: 1738
Pages: 6
Introduction People have always lived in a world of media communication. They can go to various places and span across centuries in the comfort of their own living rooms. Sounds of other cultures can be heard and also the perception of how other people feel about the world experienced. The...
Topic: Entertainment & Media
Words: 1774
Pages: 6
Introduction It can be said that science is a form of knowledge but one must add that it is a higher form of knowledge. This is because we can easily equate knowledge to facts and facts need not necessarily be scientific. For instance I love chocolate ice cream and that...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 1647
Pages: 6
Introduction A company or an organization usually is concerned with connecting many operations to meet particular objectives or a number of them. Hence employing many or a number of employees by an organization or organizations would be justifiable considering that each employee would be expected to concentrate on particular jobs...
Topic: Management
Words: 1645
Pages: 6
Introduction Leadership is one of the most important concepts in organizational behavior study because it determines the main approaches of management and performance. There are numerous theories of leadership which describe the process of leading, controlling and motivating others. Each theory has its unique value as it describes personal qualities...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 1735
Pages: 6
Introduction In “What Great Managers Do”, Marcus Buckingham writes about how managers attain success in their organizations by working with what they have and how employee weaknesses can be turned into strengths, and how managers can save their time and company resources by not only adapting their working habits to...
Topic: Business
Words: 1569
Pages: 6
Abstract This essay describes the comparisons and contrasts between the two domains of personality which are dispositional views and social/cultural views, explains in detail what the two domains are, provides three examples of each domain, offers an explanation of how each domain influences and affects human life, and finally, it...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1857
Pages: 6
Introduction Today the analysis of forms and methods of organizing the activities of international companies is becoming a typical direction. The analysis of management in international companies is important to conduct in the stage of development, to demonstrate the various changes during the different phases. Human resources management occupies the...
Topic: Management
Words: 1579
Pages: 6
Scientists believe that human life began in Eastern Africa within the Rift Valley. As time went by, small bands of these early humans who were mainly hunters left the rift valley and gradually migrated across Africa. Others may have gone north along the river Nile and crossed into Europe and...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1761
Pages: 6
The history of the case started on February 5, 2004 when Nicholas Rotolo was engaged in a hockey tournament at a skating rink and suffered a cardiac arrest. The skating rink was owned by San Hose Sports and Entertainment. Medical aid was given by two parents witnessing the event who...
Topic: School
Words: 1617
Pages: 6
Introduction The success of a company in the highly competitive environment of today depends on many factors such as choice of customers, choice of products and services, choice of the most effective sales channels for specific products, finding ways to boost the results of marketing campaigns, improving customer loyalty, retaining...
Topic: Business Intelligence
Words: 1586
Pages: 6
Introduction Finance is a decisive point in the budget of every business company that aims at being successful and highly developed. When proper attention is paid to the financial affairs of a company, it develops in the right direction and uses its funds with the highest degree of efficiency. Finance...
Topic: Business
Words: 1850
Pages: 6
Brief Summary Pelzer (1994) in his book A Child Called “It”: One Child’s Courage to Survive has related his story of the sustained horror of maternal child abuse that he underwent. Narrated in first person account, Dave Pelzer has told his story of how his alcoholic mother singled him out...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1961
Pages: 6
Introduction In the practice of nursing or any field in medicine, it is very difficult to follow a single principle due to the involvement of multiple variables that need to be considered. Through the practice of the nursing profession, four major principles serve as a guide that applies to most...
Topic: Ethical Dilemma
Words: 1748
Pages: 6
Introduction Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder defined by behavioral problems that include social disability, communication impairment, repetitive behaviors, and restricted interests. It is a brain disorder that impairs social interaction and communication, thus causing restricted and repetitive behavior, all starting before a child is three years old. It is...
Topic: Autism
Words: 1642
Pages: 6
In general, budgets are both planning and control mechanisms that, although essential to control (particularly cost control), serve as a balance between planning and control. They refer to future periods of time and translate company plans into financial resources. They furnish a guide for future expenditures, and by helping to...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 1712
Pages: 6
Introduction The human civilization, despite its being a single form of the organization of social life, is rather diverse. The major differences between peoples inhabiting the Earth are based on their genetic and ethnic peculiarities, cultural traditions, and customs as well as on the geographical regions they inhabit. Numerous variations...
Topic: Human Behavior
Words: 1678
Pages: 6
Art is the phenomenon that helps human beings reflect the real world, and also differentiates between human beings and other animal species on the Earth. The art of filmmaking, or cinematography, is one of the most modern and, at the same time, the most fascinating art forms. However, sometimes it...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1665
Pages: 6
CHANEL is one of the most popular fashion houses in the world established as a small shop in 1908. Today, CHANEL is one of the most popular fashion brands attracting middle and high-class clients from all over the world. CHANEL developed a traditional supply chain based on the supplier- production-...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 1705
Pages: 6
Abstract Stress can be classified in three categories namely; Mechanical stress which is the average amount of force exerted per unit area, biological which can either be psychological or physiological and music stress. The paper I am writing will entirely deal with the biological stress. First the paper, defines what...
Topic: Stress
Words: 1737
Pages: 6
Introduction A smile is one of the most universally recognisable facial expressions. Besides, a smile may also help convey healthy teeth and gums and research evidence claims that gum disease may negatively affect an individual’s smiling pattern and deter someone from displaying positive emotions through a smile. (Turn that Frown...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1598
Pages: 6
Introduction Over the past ten year there has been a drastic change within the health care set up a factor that has greatly influenced the trend within the health care setup. The increment in the use of technology has greatly contributed to the immense changes and influences in the patient’s...
Topic: Health
Words: 1744
Pages: 6
Introduction The essence of this a paper is to underscore and outline the interplay or rather the relationship surmised and existent, between the state and society. The tacit position underlying the focus objectives of this paper emanates from the perception that the influence of society on the state and vice...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 1536
Pages: 6
In Eugene O’Neill’s play “Long Day’s Journey into Night”, the playwright presents the inner workings of a dysfunctional family long before the term dysfunctional became a buzzword of American psychology. The play, written in 1941 but not performed until 1957, is set in 1912 in the predominantly Irish Connecticut home...
Topic: Symbolism
Words: 1354
Pages: 6
The issue of moral actions can be reviewed from different perspectives. One aspect of it is the virtues of a person that guide his or her decisions and their connection to ethical behavior. The difference between norms and virtues is essential because the former is not subjected to changes due...
Topic: Biomedicine
Words: 1712
Pages: 6
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is more than just arthritis. Indeed, many doctors call it “rheumatoid disease” to emphasize the widespread nature of this process. The term rheumatoid arthritis is trying awkwardly to say the same thing; rheumat refers to the stiffness, body aching, and fatigue that are often termed “rheumatism.” “Rheumatoid”...
Topic: Arthritis
Words: 1557
Pages: 6
Introduction Anthropologists have demonstrated that all human cultures embrace a system of beliefs relating to the maintenance of health and illness causation, and concomitant therapeutic and preventive practices relating to these beliefs. In fact, most cultures have numerous and diverse therapeutic options. In this medical plurality, which option or options...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1489
Pages: 6
Finances are required for starting a business and for expansion and development of the business. Appropriate access to sources of finance for a business largely depends upon the type of requirements of the business. Businesses require finance for long term as well as for short term purposes. Sources of finance...
Topic: Finance
Words: 1566
Pages: 6
Purpose The issue of the impact of prenatal tobacco exposure, which refers to maternal smoking during pregnancy, on child health and development is still highly urgent and requires an appropriate governmental response. Researchers note that among “women who gave birth in Australia in 2012, 12% reported smoking during the first...
Topic: Child Development
Words: 1304
Pages: 6
Introduction A big issue before the Ford Motor Company is to frame an integrated supply chain management strategy that is in keeping with the changing trends enabled by the emerging information technologies and other high tech industries in altering the way they interacted with its suppliers. Of the different possibilities...
Topic: Ford
Words: 1601
Pages: 6
In the course of history, parenting has always been a challenging vocation. Since children are not born with “how to raise” manuals, parents usually have no choice but to figure out things for themselves with regards to rearing their offspring. Often, when children become difficult to control, parents resort to...
Topic: ADHD
Words: 1520
Pages: 6
Introduction It is a common knowledge that African-American experience due to its being sad and this is why dramatic always attracted attention of writers and playwrights as well as other people who could disclose to the world the reasons of oppression due to racial factor, depict, describe or portray the...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1662
Pages: 6
Poetry has a beautiful ability to pull ideas and emotions out from the depths of one’s being with only a few short lines and a well-chosen metaphor. Through various literary devices, poets are able to paint pictures for their readers that more concretely define the feelings and beliefs that remain,...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1921
Pages: 6
Social Influences in the film Zack Mayo is almost an orphan, having lost his mother and he now has moved in with his father, a womaniser who abandoned his wife and the child. The father Byron, works as a U.S. Navy Boatswain’s Mate and is stationed in Philippines. Coming from...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1841
Pages: 6
Abstract The paper presents a education strategy for the teaching and learning of the English language. The learning model has been framed within conceptual and philosophical precincts of the various theoretical contributions on the related domains of education. Among other sources of influence the model has been done in cognisance...
Topic: Education
Words: 1756
Pages: 6
Introduction African theatre has been described by Kennedy as that of “festivals and rituals share a common dramatic experience in a communal setting through group participation. They celebrate life and examine the survival scene. And in the midst of this communion of vibrations is the use of regalia, dramatic expression,...
Topic: Art
Words: 1926
Pages: 6
Introduction This research paper is about car seat safety which would highlight the safety procedures and recommendations needed to be taken care of, along with the accidents in which children have got injured due to lack of car seat safety. This research paper would also present awareness to parents regarding...
Topic: Safety
Words: 1957
Pages: 6
The national and civil wars have a pervasive effect on the common life of Somali people, which tormented them to an extent. The majority of people are migrated to America, Middle East, and European countries. Civil war leads to their dreadful situation. Under the warlords, the Somali people lead a...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 1790
Pages: 6
Introduction Nursing strategies are very influential in the management of patient care. Although the mode of their execution varies with the case, certain options need to be carefully considered as they may irk patients. Generally, patients with declined mental functions as observed in dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease may need to...
Topic: Disease
Words: 1782
Pages: 6
Introduction Employers use different pay and reward schemes to attract, retain and motivate employees towards the attainment of organizational goals. All pay systems are intended to elicit the cooperation of employees and eliminate tensions in employment relations, but some pay systems have been found to actually contradict the basic goals...
Topic: Performance
Words: 1796
Pages: 6
Introduction This article is a report which was made by a High level Panel on the threats, challenges and change that the world is faced with. The High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change is a group of experts from different countries across the world established by the Secretary General...
Topic: International Law
Words: 1849
Pages: 6
The management of patient life has become a concern for today’s health care professionals. This is because of the increasing complexity of cases that rely on their association with other complications. As such, careful evaluation of the patient’s life would become the important aspect and commences from the past history,...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 1788
Pages: 6
Introduction The banking and financial institutions are under severe pressure these days. The globalization and networking of economies have resulted in a cascade effect on the stock market, economies, and of course the financial viability of many companies and institutions. Australia too has not been far from this cascading effect...
Topic: Banking
Words: 1382
Pages: 6
Introduction As fast-paced times brought in numerous technological innovations in the modern world, crime, drugs, violence, terrorism and other types of social malaise still remains to be a problem like in the past. Worse, new and modern types of misdemeanors have sprouted like cybercrime, organized crime and many more that...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 1791
Pages: 6
Introduction The Brothers K is a compelling story by David James Duncan about a family living in Camas, Washington in an America rapidly approaching the revolutionary 1960s. Though Camas is a small town still settled in the conservativism of the 1950s, the family soon faces the common division of the...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1703
Pages: 6
The 20th-century literature in its stylistic and ideological variety is non-comparable to the literature of the 19th century, where it was possible to allocate only three or four leading movements. At the same time, modern literature has not given more great talents, than the literature of the 19th century. The...
Topic: Literature
Words: 2001
Pages: 6
Human rights, democracy, and terrorism act as a triangle that bounds modern world politics to a certain limitation. On one hand, we talk about the advancement of human rights and how human rights organizations can address the fear and threats to civil liberty, human rights are promoted in the form...
Topic: Human Rights
Words: 1634
Pages: 6
Introduction A broad concept that determines the interaction between an employer and its employees pertains to Industrial Relations. Relatively, it comprises the areas among employees, trade unions, employers, and specifically those which arise within the individual employees and their employer in the workplace (Kehoe and Maurice, 2005). The two cases...
Topic: Business
Words: 1674
Pages: 6
Striving to be the first is the essence of everybody’s life. If everything in the world was equal and a certain hierarchical structure was absent the world would be in chaos as throughout the centuries people were in need of those who would rule them. The thing is that everybody...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1694
Pages: 6
Charles Dickens is believed to be one of the most prominent writers of the so-called Victorian Era. He is renowned for his style, creation of unique and unforgettable characters, but the overwhelming majority of literary critics focus attention on his social sensitivity because undoubtedly, the authors works often concentrate on...
Topic: Charles Dickens
Words: 1527
Pages: 6
Introduction This paper consists of two parts. Part A will explain statement about the accounting policy choice literature which is opportunistic policy motivated by various factors while part B will explain Foster’s accounting policy choice from two viewpoints – from an opportunistic behavior and an information and signaling perspective. Analysis...
Topic: Accountancy
Words: 1997
Pages: 6
The realm of international politics would not have come to a full circle if socialism was not explored to promote the ideology that favors using the state as means to redistribute wealth. Socialists advocate state ownership of capital, rather than private ownership, so that the accumulation of wealth is controlled...
Topic: Historical Figures
Words: 1615
Pages: 6
Introduction Opposing schools of thoughts pervade in the dichotomy of arguments and most get recycled, bundled up and re-emerge. Many are formed as single-standing theories that were consistent throughout the ages, and some are out to question the existence and validity of earlier thoughts that prevailed. This paper will try...
Topic: Postmodernism
Words: 1751
Pages: 6
In the US, the non-custodial parents are supposed to pay either directly or indirectly a specified amount of money which will cater for the maintenance of the child. These children are from past relationships and were born out of wedlock or couple who have divorced. The payments are usually made...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 1736
Pages: 6
The history of China over the last century and a half is engulfed with a large range of paradoxical experiences that vary from national disgrace to total chaos as also from disgrace to moments of excitement and big achievements. It is truly said that the present successes of China are,...
Topic: History
Words: 1479
Pages: 6
Introduction Some people claim to perceive differences in social interactions in terms of women exhibiting more criticism toward others than men. For example, many females can recount being rudely treated by another woman, including criticism or unfair treatment based on their appearance, words, or actions. Such judgmental behavior may exist...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1666
Pages: 6
Introduction The literature of the Enlightenment is generally of the great interest for the philosophers, researchers and simply for people keen on literature of that period. The Alexander Pope’s “Essay on the man” and Voltaire’s “Candide, or Optimism” are regarded as the satiric literature of the eighteenth century. Both are...
Topic: Candide
Words: 1651
Pages: 6
Introduction The Wife of Bath’s Tale is considered to be a disclosure of the female role in the society in the period of Late Middle Ages. The Wife of Bath starts in King Arthur’s days; this period was characterized by the great majority of elves and fairies. The story is...
Topic: Canterbury Tales
Words: 1782
Pages: 6
Introduction The novel “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald can be called a bitter satire to the American dream, which according to the ideas of the majority implies the heap of the happiness, which is missing to many, and in reality gold outer shell is converted into the empty...
Topic: The Great Gatsby
Words: 1683
Pages: 6
The introduction deals with Greco-Roman literature and the importance of Iliad as an epic. The main points that are discussed below the introduction are: The plot of the story, character and leadership characteristics of Achilles, and the character and leadership characteristics of Hector. The conclusion includes the comparison and analysis...
Topic: Achilles
Words: 1688
Pages: 6