“Managing Transitions” by William Bridges

Introduction Throughout a lifetime, people experience a great number of events that can change their perspective on the world. The process of transition that starts when such an event occurs can be difficult for the person, but by the end, a new way of life can begin. This transition process...

Disciple-Making Activity in the Local Church

Introduction The Great Commission sent out the apostles to make disciples, but not to build organizations1. This is a fact that the modern church needs to keep in mind in the course of its activities. Making disciples is an activity that has changed greatly since the time of the Great...

Anxiety Disorders Theory and Research

Prospectus Anxiety is a common feeling and every person happens to experience it multiple times of the course of their life. Having anxiety is normal, but when this feeling is especially intense and frequent, it may create a negative impact on social and professional life of an individual; in this...

Aspects of Cross Cultural Communication

Introduction We live in the world that is inhabited by millions of people who exist under different conditions and in different environments. We also live in the world that is characterized by the extreme diversity of landscapes and weather conditions. These facts could not but impact peoples mentality and the...

“Number 5, 1948” Painting by Jackson Pollock

Abstract In the context of the mid-20th-century culture, Number 5, 1948 is one of the most wonderful phenomena. It is often considered to be the culmination of Jackson Pollock’s oeuvre. The present paper examines two aspects that made the painting a valuable abstract expressionist pattern and inspired the next generations:...

Rapping as an Element of Hip Hop Culture

In modern society, culture is regarded as an aggregate of ideas that unite a group of people whose living conditions are similar. Speaking about those people whose quality of life is rather low, it is necessary to say that their unwillingness to live unhappy lives and readiness to discuss their...

Literature Comparison: “Lust” and “Sex Without Love”

Introduction The story ‘Lust’ by Susan Minot is very sensational and describes the carefree life of young college students who are keen to enjoy life without giving much consideration to the consequences involved. In this book, the narrator is a young college girl. She brings her audience to a world...

Gender Inequality as an International Issue

The Topic of the Presentation The presentation and the current paper are devoted to a significant international issue: gender inequality. In particular, the presentation focuses on the inequality in career progression that is still characteristic of several societies all over the world, including the US (Friedman 148-149). Apart from that,...

Primary Nursing Care vs. Relationship-Based Care

Introduction There is ample evidence pointing to the fact that different ways of organizing and providing health care vary in their impact on patient outcomes across a wide range of measures. Even though these outcomes depend on provider groups, they are, nonetheless, sensitive to nursing interventions (Finkelman, 2012). Numerous case-control...

Models of Nursing Care

Introduction The content of nursing has changed over the centuries as the demands of society, and the conditions of life have varied. Nowadays, nursing care models define the essence of relationships between a nurse and a patient. Any model focuses on a patient and his or her health problems. The...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Osteoporosis: Diagnosis, Pathology, and Medication

Introduction Osteoporosis is defined as a condition that causes the structure of bone to weaken and leads to fragile bones that have higher risks of fractures. The condition has been classified into several types based on their etiology; localized and generalized osteoporosis are the two initial classifications, which are further...

Nazi Propaganda Movies and Their Effects on Viewers

The use of cinema in the propagation of information and data analysis has been used ineffectively and effectively over time. The mass media is mandated to transfer information to the different levels and areas with various initial aims. However, the initial aims of message and information transfer may at times...

Alternative Procedures Against Returns to Court

What was Kalief arrested for and how old was he? Kalief Browder was arrested in the Bronx for supposedly stealing a backpack. During that time, Kalief was sixteen years old, and the arrest resulted in him being jailed at Rikers Island (“Kalief Browder, in His Own Words”). However, it is...

The Common Sense Realism Concept: Thomas Reid Views

Reid, a Scottish philosopher, held that common sense (sensus communis) should be the foundation of all modes of philosophical inquiry. He opposed the view of Hume on the subject (Forguson 23). The latter claimed that it was impossible for people to understand or know the external world since knowledge is...

World Vision International Organization’s Activities

Abstract The paper describes the activities of World Vision International is an international development and non-governmental organization in the context of the cooperation between globalization, individual cultures, and such organizations. The paper aims to discuss the effects of the organization’s activities on individual cultures and evaluate the effectiveness of the...

Immigration Reasons, Functions and Problems

Abstract This paper highlights the main points of the immigration process. Several immigration reasons including economical, political, religious, and others were identified. There are the primary functions of immigration that explain its purposes both from immigrants and from government sides. The paper reveals accelerative (population development due to the new...

Slavery Impact on the United States’ Development

Slavery is an alien concept to the modern citizens of the United States of America. Since late 19th century, this undemocratic institution has been abolished in the US. However, during the time the colonization of America took place, slavery was the driving force behind Europeans’ conquest of Americas. Millions of...

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children: Studies Analysis

This paper presents an analysis of five scholarly articles on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children. Article 1 The first article reviewed is based on the study of long-term effects persistently present after a 14-month treatment of ADHD children using Multimodal Treatment Study of children with ADHD (MTA) (Molina...

School Bullying and Problems in Adult Life

Introduction The problem of school bullying has been addressed on different levels, including political, economic, cultural, juridical, educational, and many others. The causes of bullying vary, but they lead to severe issues that can remain unresolved for years. Bullying is aggressive behavior that can be seen in different children, teenagers,...

National, State and Community Asset Mapping: Pennsylvania

Abstract Providing the members of a specific community with the necessary services is a challenging task unless the local infrastructure is flawless. Therefore, it is crucial to make sure that the community institutions cooperate successfully. Thus, efficient healthcare services can be provided to the target population. The Indian Creek Foundation...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Changes in the Definition of Diversity

Abstract Diversity in terms of promoting individual differences in organizations can be discussed as typical for many companies today. Diversity in organizations is usually viewed as a positive phenomenon, but the managers’ approaches to addressing diversity can be various and rather ineffective while depending on the global tendencies in this...

Biomedical Ethics in Christian Narrative

Introduction The case study of ‘Healing and Autonomy’ demonstrates how Christians can make inappropriate decisions regarding the treatment of their children. In the case study, Mike and Joanne are parents who have an ailing son, James. The parents contemplate providing the best care for their son, according to their Christian...

Causes of War: Comparative Politics and Peace Studies

Introduction A study on the causes of war and enhancing peaceful coexistence in the world has been a critical issue in international relations. Scholars and students alike have to look at the root of what makes countries go to war, as well as the modalities that can help restore and...

Human Resource Optimization: the Department of Defense

Introduction The sphere of human resource management undergoes considerable changes all the time. Various changes usually take place because of constantly changing environment and the demands which are required from different people. Each sphere of life has its own organizations, and the HR management has to correspond to the requirements...

Drones and Robotic Technology

Introduction Two things were required in transforming pre-historic man into modern man. The first requirement calls for a healthy dose of curiosity. The second requirement calls for innovative thinking. It is a good thing to know that human beings were imbued with the right amount of curiosity, because it becomes...

Reactive Hazards in the Chemical Industry

Introduction All chemical reactions involve energy changes for the reactions to take place. The energy changes are generally the activation energy that initiates the reaction, and the energy of the reaction. The energy of the reaction is the energy produced by the reaction or the energy that is consumed by...

Childhood Obesity and Health Promoting Schools Program

The proportion of school-age children in the US with obesity rose from 6% in 1980 to about 20% in 2012 (Ogden, Carroll, Kit, & Flegal, 2014). Obesity in school-age children has both immediate and lasting impacts on health and welfare. These include hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, heart diseases, stroke, osteoarthritis, type...

Malnutrition and Patient Safety Healthcare Policy

The health care policy issue that presents the greatest interest to me is patient safety. I am convinced that all aspects of this issue should be the primary concern of all the professionals working in the field. Each hospital has to develop quality standards and assessment guidelines to be able...

Interviewing Principles in Research

Introduction Research methods in social science studies are critical because they determine the legitimacy, success, and dependability of the findings. Social scientists use qualitative research methods to study human behavior. It helps to “describe the quality and nature of how people behave, experience, and comprehend things” (Alshenqeeti, 2014, p. 39)....

Cross-Cultural Interactions and Differences

Cultural Dimensions It has been postulated that the behavior of every individual is largely defined by the cultural environment in which he or she lives. Cultural traditions and values themselves are developed under the influence of various social, political, and historical contexts. Due to the uniqueness of the combination, each...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Problem of the Medical Error

The avoidance of medication error is vital to quality care and safety of the patients. Medical error denotes an avoidable, undesirable result of healthcare, whether apparent, concealed, harmful, or harmless to the patient. A medical error may entail a wrong or imperfect diagnosis or prescription of illness, parturition, syndrome, contagion,...

Executive Compensation Ethical Controversy

Introduction Business ethics can be described as the application of the moral rules that exist within a society to the practice of business. The fact that morals are highly dependent on the cultural or religious background of a person as well as his or her personal interpretation conditions the difficulty...

Central Venous Catheters Without Applying Antiseptics

Introduction Central venous catheters (also abbreviated as CVC) can be used to monitor health indicators and vitals in addition to regulating the intake of medication and blood products or important nutrients. The issue that will be reviewed within the current study revolves around the idea that CVCs are susceptible to...

Ten Philosophers Analysis: Their Lives and Contributions

Introduction There are several philosophers who have been studied for years. Their lives and contributions to several aspects of the society are both valued and acknowledged by many people. This essay looks at the contributions of ten influential philosophers of all time. The ten individuals are Karl Marx, John Locke,...

The Paint Party: Online Business Plan’ Analysis

Executive Summary Paint Party aims to provide painting opportunities, arouse aspirations, and enhance the satisfaction of amateur and intermediate painters. Analysis of the market shows that there are painting enthusiasts in college who need to hone their artistic skills. Moreover, the analysis of the market shows that amateur and intermediate...

Merrill Lynch: Evolution, Revolution, and Sale

Background Since its foundation in 1914, Merrill Lynch transformed from an investing consultant for small businesses to one of the largest firms in Wall Street. The company’s uniqueness was in its friendly, open, and trusting culture. Merrill Lynch’s past culture inculcated a culture of “backslapping”, friendly, hardworking culture that demanded...

Persuasive Business Messages for Product Marketing

Introduction Marketing a new product is often associated with significant risks as the product can be unpopular or even go unnoticed, the target audience can remain indifferent to it, and so on. However, the benefits of developing and marketing new products are also unquestionable as the ability to market them...

Cyberbullying Among University Students

Abstract Cyberbullying refers to the application of electronic media to victimize a person mostly by sending intimidating images or messages. Research indicates that low self-esteem, gender, and depression are among the factors associated with cyberbullying. Poor academic performance may also contribute to an individual engaging in cyberbullying. A majority of...

Single-Parent Family Health Assessment

Introduction The family examined is a single-parent family with two children. After getting a divorce from the children’s father, Cayden, the mother, has been taking care of her two children, an 8-year-old boy Andres and a 10-year-old girl Aneesha. Cayden is a 35-year-old African-American female who is working as a...

Personhood as a Part of Natural Order

Aristotle referred to human beings as zoon politikon; Hobbes stated that “man is a wolf to man” (De Waal 3). Throughout the course of human history, the greatest thinkers of their times argued about what human nature stands for. As seen from the statements of Hobbes and Aristotle, they were...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Water Accessibility and Quality

Introduction Environmental conditions have profound effects on the well-being of the humankind. However, despite the recognition of their importance, they remain unaddressed by many business entities. Such an approach is considered undesirable both for the corporate and individual stakeholders in the long run. The following case study explores the effect...

The Battle of Yorktown

Introduction The war of Yorktown is an important event in history of the United State since it marks a significant turnaround of events that led to independence of the nation from the British Colonialists. The war was orchestrated by the declaration of independence by the thirteen British Colonies in the...

Lockheed Company’s Unethical Behavior and Recovery

Abstract This paper attempts to analyze the case study of Lockheed Martin, a large weapon and aircraft manufacturing company that was involved in a series of unethical behaviors throughout the 1950s and 1980s. The paper follows the company’s development into a powerful domestic and international competitor forced to function in...

National Australia Bank: Corporate Social Responsibility

Abstract This paper is based on the topic of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). It explores the topic through an analysis of a company selected from the database of the world’s most ethical companies. One of the issues which are discussed is how the company behaves in a socially responsible manner...

Why Vocabulary Lessons Should Be Taught?

Learning vocabulary is a very important aspect in our growth and development of both our written and spoken language. It helps the students to understand the meaning of words and be able to use them in an appropriate way in development of factors such as oral/written use of the language;...

Pyrrhonian Scepticism: Arguments and Beliefs

The sceptic philosophy emanated from the ancient sceptics from Greece. Scepticism emanated from the Greek word scepsis, which means investigation. The sceptics saw themselves as investigators (Machuca, Pyrrhonism in Ancient 11). Sceptics did not propose any ideas or beliefs themselves, neither did they dispute the fact that knowledge could be...

Drug War Failure and Associated Problems

Introduction One of the challenges that the United States has been dealing with over the last several decades is the illegal drug business. Over the years, several illegal drugs have been used in the United States for recreational, medical, and spiritual purposes (Alexander 20). The war on illegal drugs has...

Managerial Functions at the Workplace

Introduction As a rule, people consider management to be used to supervise the workers or all kinds of junior personnel. Management is mistakenly thought to be a prerogative of the senior positions in various organizations. Nevertheless, its techniques can be used for personal managing as well. At its fundamental level,...

“Imperium in Imperio” a Book by Sutton Griggs

The main reason why the novel Imperium in Imperio (by Sutton Griggs) is now being commonly referred to as one of the most notable works of the 19th century’s Black-American literature, is that it does represent a great literary value. Among other things, this can be explained by the novel’s...

The Vision of Capitalism: Adam Smith vs Karl Marx

Comparing Smith’s vision of the impact of the capitalist economy to that of Marx, it can be claimed that the former offers a more positive evaluation of the relevant outcomes. Hence, he points out that the main consequence of the capitalist economy is the division of labor that signifies the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Kindergarten Critical Episodes Analysis

Introduction Kindergarten is one of the basic institutions that are present in any educational system. It serves to cultivate the societal values in children, developing their social integration, and most importantly forming their academic base. The main interaction in these institutions is between teachers and students, with the student-student interaction...

Nursing Interventions for Smoking Cessation

The article “Nursing Interventions for Smoking Cessation” aims to investigate the effectiveness of nursing-initiated interventions. The authors are the nursing professionals from different fields and with varying degrees of experience working in the universities of Michigan and Oxford. The research article addresses nurses’ efforts to help patients in smoking cessation....

Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?

Linda Nochlin a well-known art history scholar has written many essays on this subject, however, the essay that made the greatest impact on the field of history was “Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?” (NOCHLIN, par. I). From this idea and the profound question put up by Linda...

Military Treatment, Success, and Diverse Groups

Introduction Military organs play a pivotal role in maintaining social, economic, and political order in a given society. In the course of executing its functions, the military employs theoretical frameworks to facilitate the systematic and logical treatment of diverse groups. As such, the integration of macro and micro-sociological theories highlights...

Healthy Nutrition During Pregnancy

Introduction The type of food a woman consumes during pregnancy is very important because it is the baby’s main source of nourishment, and as a result, it determines the health of the baby. Health experts recommend that a pregnant woman chooses healthy foods that supply the necessary nutrients required for...

Quality Leadership Communication in Organizations

Effective leadership communication is essential for productive business operations. A great number of organizations and projects failed due to poor leadership and team communication. On the other hand, effective communication can be of great benefit to the firm and its employees. I would like to propose an implementation of effective...

Alzheimer’s: Evidence-Based Clinical Intervention

Introduction Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a form of dementia − an acquired progressive degradation of mental functioning that leads to a complete disintegration of the personality. Degenerative brain changes associated with AD predominantly impact the behavior and cognitive abilities of a person. However, in the later stages, the disorder also...

Lauderdale Lakes Community’s Chronic Ailments

Community Chronic Ailments Concern In the last five years, the morbidity rates for cancer and other chronic ailments have been on the rise within the Lauderdale Lakes Community. For instance, the incidence rate for cancer has risen from 22 per 1000 per year in 2004 to 28 per 1000 per...

US Politics in “Culture War” by Morris P. Fiorina

Introduction The Culture War is a chef-d’oeuvre book by Morris P. Fiorina. The book takes the reader through the political structure and organisation of the American politics with the main argument being that the United States is not polarised. The book is subdivided into 10 chapters with each exploring a...

Mammography Screening and Breast Cancer Mortality

Abstract The study has been designed to measure the effectiveness of breast cancer decision aids (DAs) in improving mammography screening intentions in African-American women 65 years and older. The importance of the project is underscored by a large body of evidence pointing to the fact that older African-American women are...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Emirates Group: Advertising and Passenger Communications

Executive summary This is a business report on the advertising at Emirates Group. It entails the Group’s strategies and activities on passenger communication, visual services, and advertising. The report discusses the activities of advertising, which include, budgeting factors based on the ROI and accountability, Information, Communications, Entertainment (ICE), flight Passenger...

Obesity Trends Among Non-Hispanic Whites and Blacks

The article, “Four decades of obesity trends among non-Hispanic whites and blacks in the United States: Analyzing the influences of educational inequalities in obesity and population improvements in education”, authored by Yu (2016) reports the findings of a study carried out to investigate the relationship between education, race, and obesity...

Educational Programs on the Research Methodology

Introduction Implementation of evidence-based practice in hospitals is increasingly becoming relevant in modern society as uniformity in offering medical services is important. Medical practitioners are expected to embrace the evidence-based practice in their places of work to ensure that their colleagues can easily understand what they have done on a...

Online Care vs. Home Visits for Older Patients

Introduction The current study focused on researching the effectiveness of telephone-based and online care versus nursing home visits in the population of post-acute care patients aged sixty-five and older. The problem is significant due to the lack of available personnel to perform nursing home duties as well as the fact...

Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory and Application

Introduction Nursing theories dictate the nature and quality of medical services available to different patients. A nursing theory is a general assumption informed by different concepts and definitions with the aim of improving care delivery. Practitioners use specific theories to explain emerging phenomena and offer adequate health support. Such models...

Workplace Discrimination: Analysis and Recommendations

Introduction Minorities that most frequently face discrimination and harassment in the workplace are usually determined by their social and gender differences rather than their professional competence. Discriminated populations typically include people of color, female and non-binary employees, as well as personnel, deemed too young or too old to be considered...

“Media, Culture, and the Meanings of Hockey” by Lorenz

Critical Analysis It should be noted that many Canadians are fond of hockey, and they consider it a symbol of their country. It is not only a kind of sports but also a lifestyle for many fans. Hockey Night is one of the most crucial events in the sports life...

Nursing Conflict Resolution Strategies

Introduction The growing diversification of nurse responsibilities can lead to the emergence of conflicts, some of which cannot be resolved with immediate intervention. Nevertheless, by analyzing the conflict it is possible to identify the strengths of the involved parties and devise strategies for further prevention of similar occurrences. Description of...

Samsung Electronics Company Sustainability Assessment

Introduction Samsung Electronics ‘has grown within the past four decades to become a leading provider of quality information and technology services’ (Samsung Electronics: Sustainability Report 2014, para. 1). The company has over 200 business subsidiaries across the globe. The firm’s sustainability strategy makes it successful. Samsung Incorporation also uses its...

Nursing Philosophy, Knowledge and Competencies

Introduction The Professional Capstone and Practicum course has equipped me with adequate competencies that will support my future practice as a healthcare worker. The course has outlined most of the attributes associated with nursing practice. The skills and knowledge gained from the course can be applied in different healthcare settings...

Hypertension Prevention, Treatment, and Education

Topic Identification and Rationale There is hardly a person who has never heard of someone complaining about high blood pressure. A periodic or continuous high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is detected in 29 percent of the US adult population, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...

Attraction-Selection-Attrition and Social Cognitive Theories

Introduction Personality determines the different forms of human behaviors and abilities; hence, it is important for success in an organization. Personality is the most important element that human resource managers consider in the recruitment process. Different roles require disparate kinds of skill sets and aptitudes, all of which are attributed...

Tympanic Membrane and Thyroid Gland

Introduction In this paper, two vital components of a human body will be discussed and assessed: the tympanic membrane and the thyroid gland. The tympanic membrane is an important segment of a human ear, also known as an eardrum (Hasso, 2012). This thin circular membrane exists between the middle ear...

Breast Cancer: Disease Screening and Diagnosis

Background Patient Information Carolyn Cross is a 41-year-old Hispanic-American woman who has come to a medical facility for her wellness visit and regular examination. The woman has two children, and she was pregnant two times overall. She does not have any particular health complaints or worrying symptoms: she came for...

Discipleship, Healthy Church, and Their Goals

Healthy Church as the Goal for Discipleship For a church to be spiritually healthy, the main ingredient is a close-knit community of believers, which has all the properties of the body of Christ. Disciples’ healthy interactions also work outside the realm of the church as individuals continue to influence nonbelievers....

Trusting Emotions in the Pursuit of Knowledge

Introduction Answering the question whether one can know when to trust our emotions in the pursuit of knowledge we are to consider the definitions each of these notions expresses. There are cases when emotions are helpful and even necessary in knowing while in another case emotions are harmful. Everything depends...

Transitional Care Model Implementation Phase

The Transitional Care Model (TCM) is an intervention aimed at the reduction of risk for negative health outcomes among older adults that move between and across health care settings (Hirshman, Shaid, McCauley, Pauly, & Naylor, 2015). Evidence-based health care management approach, which lies at the core of the model, allows...

Martin Luther King in Civil Rights Movement

My previous essay was primarily related to the problem of inequity existing in the American society. In particular, I focused on the hardships faced by young adults. Many of these individuals continuously have to struggle with poverty. In turn, one should pay more attention to the underlying causes of this...

Door-to-Balloon Time Reduction: Quality Collaborative

Nowadays, many ways could be offered to improve the health of certain groups of people and offer initiatives for particular hospitals regarding the needs and expectations of their patients and staff. A successful quality collaborative is a goal several medical centers strive for. Such organizations work to create special conditions...

The Implementation of a Fall Prevention Program

The number of patient falls has increased tremendously over the past few decades leading to high costs of healthcare. Finlayson, Peterson, and Matsuda (2014) argue that falls not only compromise the quality and inflate the cost of healthcare. Therefore, a sound program intended to reduce patient falls is needed. The...

Staffing Issues in Nursing

Short Staffing Inadequate staffing is often a problem in the nursing field and has emerged as both a personal and professional concern for practitioners in this sector. According to Harrington, Schnelle, McGregor and Simmons (2016), poor staffing is among the top reasons nurses leave their jobs and patients fail to...

“Party Politics in America” a Book by Marjorie Randon Hershey

Introduction: Title and Thesis Statement The book “Party Politics in America” by Marjorie Randon Hershey is usually regarded as a gold standard in relation to literature touching on power and influence in the country. As the title suggests, the author’s central theme in the text revolves around how politics is...

Immanuel Kant’ Views on Moral Worth

Introduction In contemporary society, morality binds all rational beings, and their actions are considered moral only if they emanate from reason and not sensual inclinations (Atwell 44). The moral quality of an action is determined by the motive or intention for its performance. Therefore, the consequences of an action have...

Regional Medical Center: Changes and Negotiations Plan

Abstract The selected practicum problem is reducing respiratory complications in patients undergoing interventional radiological procedures under conscious sedation at Kendall Regional Medical Center. The change and negotiation plan at hand describe the key aspects of the proposed change implementation process putting a particular emphasis on the need for effective communication...

Lower Canada Rebellion: The Patriots War of 1837-38

Introduction This war is also known as the Lower Canada Rebellion that took place in 1837 to 1838. This war resulted from girded conflict and rebellion from rebels in Lower Canada who opposed British colonial rulers in this part of Canada. According to history, this war broke primarily when some...

Conflict Resolution Strategies in Nursing Settings

Description of the Conflict Conflicts in healthcare settings are usually common and affect the quality of care available to targeted clients. The targeted unresolved conflict emerged from the unfair treatment of caregivers by their Nurse Manager (NM). One of the affected nurses stated clearly that the workplace was characterized by...

Patient with Fatigue: History and Physical Examination

Comprehensive History Identifying Data: Ms. J. A.; 27 years old. Chief complaint: “Debilitating fatigue accompanied by shortness of breath, dizziness, and chest pain. Cannot spend too much time on my feet because I get lightheaded. Dizziness can get worse because of sudden physical activity such as standing up too quickly...

Caucasian Family Background and Nursing Diagnosis

Family composition The outfit identified is a nuclear family with five members. The father is 38 years old and the mother 33 years old. The firstborn is 12, the second born is 8, and the last born is 5 years old. Out of the three children, only the last born...

Marijuana Social and Health Effects on Teenagers

Introduction Consumption of illegal drugs among teenagers or adolescents is a problem that has serious health and social concerns. Marijuana addiction has increased significantly in the US since the mid-2000s (Hasin et al. 602). Consuming marijuana during adolescent years may have serious consequences in adult life. Heavy use of marijuana...

Canada’s Oil Sands as Ethical Oil Sources

Introduction Oil is the most important energy source in the world and it sustains modern life as we know it. Maugeri (2006) declares that it is the most vital resource of our time and it provides the energy needed to run industries and power homes. For this reason, nations that...

Evaluation in Nursing Education and Healthcare Organization

Research peer-reviewed sources that discuss the importance of assessment and evaluation in nursing education and health care organizations as a whole Nursing education and healthcare practice are crucial and need constant quality improvement. Evaluation and assessment are key components of nursing education and healthcare practice since they are concerned with...

Behavioral and Ethical Concepts

Introduction The fundamentals of people’s behavior in society have always been of interest to sociologists and philosophers, and different approaches to the study of certain motives have been developed. Thus, as a comparative analysis, two teleological philosophies – egoism and utilitarianism, as well as two moral concepts – teleology and...

The LGBT Community Theoretical Framework

Introduction The study of social movements has evolved over time due to the frame theory. Various social movements have occurred in the past and others are expected to emerge in the future. Similarly, these changes in social movements can be attributed to the shift in theoretical frameworks, which explains the...

Soren Kierkegaard Views on Ethics, Morals and Religion

There is no use denying the fact that humanity has always been affected by such phenomena as ethics, morals, and religion. Going along with society, these notions influenced human beings and introduced some changes to their lives. It should also be said with the increase in the complexity of society....

Higher Education Role for African American Women

Abstract The mixed-methods approach is effective to be used to conduct the evaluation of the social or education program. The data analysis stage referred to the research on the role of higher education for African American women consists of such steps as the analysis of the secondary data, the analysis...

Mental Health Problems: Physical Activities Importance

Introduction Today, nurses observe that not many adult patients like to spend their time outdoors and be involved in physical activities. Thus, according to Hallal et al. (2012), about 43% of American people reported being physically inactive. Then research proves that there is a linear correlation of age and inactivity...

Procter & Gamble’s Powder Laundry Detergent Compaction

P&G CASE This recommends the implementation of the North America Compaction Roll Out. In this framework, Powder Laundry Detergent Compaction will be undertaken as well. Mainly, this initiative will lead to substantial market growth and enhanced customer loyalty, which is likely to enhanced profitability over time. It is also targeted...

Immunization, Safety Concerns, and Public Attitude

The current thinking on whether to immunize has resulted into mixed reactions that have been obtained from the importance and negative effects of immunization. It is without doubt that immunization has been vital in healthcare delivery. There are several case4s when this practice has saved lives. Perhaps, it is necessary...

Mistletoe in Pliny’s Natural History Book XVI

Description In this passage, Pliny talks about mistletoe, a parasitic plant that is mostly found growing on oak trees. The author notes that mistletoe can also grow on other trees apart from the oak such as turpentine trees and wild pears. It is noted that there are different strains of...

De Beers Company’s Digital Marketing Communication

Analysing the Brand Introduction De Beers is a jewellery brand created through a partnership between Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy (LVMH) and the De Beers Group of Companies (‘Diamonds: De Beers raises production’ 2009). It is the world’s leading diamond exploration and mining company. It is also engaged in the trading...

Florence Nightingale’s Theory

Introduction Florence Nightingale, the great humanist and the sister of charity, is one of the most prominent figures of nursing theory and practice. After attending the Deaconess Institute at Kaiserswerth, Germany, Nightingale decided to become a sister of mercy while the Crimean War made her a national heroine. The soldiers...

“The Tea Party: A Brief History” by Ronald Formisano

Introduction Formisano is an American political historian and the author of the concise book, The Tea Party: A Brief History. This compilation is one of the books that broadly talk about the Tea Party in the history of American politics. The books mainly talk about the rise of the Tea...

Patient Faith Diversity in Healthcare Practices

Nurses often encounter patients with diverse faiths when treating the sick or the injured (Burkhardt, 2007). Given this, providers in healthcare practice should know the behavioral patterns of patients, especially as concerns their faith. Several studies show that religion affects the behavioral patterns of all people involved in healthcare settings....

“The Minutemen and Their World” by Robert Gross

Introduction The history of the United States is today defined by the hardships and efforts of many heroes who stood against the wave of terror perpetrated by different colonial powers throughout the colonial period. Before different Europeans arrived in North America, the society was characterized by native people coexisted harmoniously...

Management: Hospitality Organizations Employees

Introduction This research paper will endeavor to discuss the history, career information, and positive and negative aspects of being an employee of various multinational organizations. This will cover mainly five hospitality organizations, namely Hilton Hotels & Resorts, Serena Group of Hotels, Stratosphere Las Vegas, Marriot Hotels, and Sheraton Hotels. The...

Agricultural Problems in Venezuela

Introduction Venezuela is a country in South America. It has been characterised by overreliance on petroleum exports. This has affected all the other sectors of the economy, as they receive less support from the government. One such sector is the agricultural sector. The country will be impacted greatly if no...

Natural Disasters: Rebuilding and Recovery

Natural disasters affect the lives of many people without singling out a specific cultural group or family. Human service professionals must, therefore, use adequate initiatives in order to meet the needs of diverse communities. The initiatives should support more people from diverse backgrounds and re-pattern their experiences (Hayden, Williams, Canto,...

David Emsley’s Innovation Theory

Why Emsley states that “innovation is generally regarded as an important research topic”? According to Emsley (2005), “innovation is generally regarded as an important research topic.” The author refers to the idea that innovations should help organisations in the process of adaptation to the changing business environments and survive successfully...

Free TV: File-Sharing and the Value of Television

Introduction to the Topic TV-related popular culture functions on the correlations between the customer appeal to popular shows and revenues of broadcasting networks and companies. The article ‘Free TV: File-Sharing and the Value of Television’ focuses on the popular culture of sharing television files among peers through various online platforms...

Potential Sources of Environmental Risks

Introduction First phase of the environmental assessment on the site had already been done. The investigation was done to complete a cursory assessment of the abandoned industrial site so as to determine its conditions which indicate the prospects of environmental liability. Assessment Process Objectives The purpose of the environmental risk...

Mandatory Reporting in Child Abuse and Neglect

Introduction Mandatory reporting is the responsibility given to specific individuals in different states in the United States to report cases of child abuse and neglect to the responsible governmental bodies. Different laws concerning the mandatory reporting vary in accordance with the states’ policies. However, some general specific stages and policies...

Chipotle Mexican Grill and Burgerville Chains

Chipotle’s Original Supply Chain Chipotle Mexican Grill (CMG) differentiates itself as a quick-service restaurant chain that uses natural ingredients produced in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. However, the restaurant has faced a food safety crisis following contamination incidents with “E. coli, norovirus, and Salmonella” that affected over 514 people...

Presidential Power and Executive Order

Abstract The President of the United States possesses executive powers that are bestowed by the constitution. Article II fulfills this role by defining the powers that the Executive branch of government possesses, including its duties and the scope of its powers. The clauses of Article II give the president the...

Nursing Theory of Vigilance and Its Values

Abstract The nursing theory of vigilance is grounded on the philosophical underpinning that care is the essence of nursing practice and vigilance is the essence of caring. Nurses cannot provide quality patient care without being vigilant. The theory was developed by Jeanine Carr. Professional vigilance can be defined as a...

Community Resources for Older People in South Florida

Those older adults who are aged 65 years old and over usually require the community’s support and additional care provided by nurses, physicians, and social workers. In South Florida, the number of older people is extremely high, making Florida one of the states where the proportion of older adults is...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Evidence-Based Practice

CBT and IPT EBP Interventions: Description To address the needs of crisis survivors, one will have to consider not only the events that led to the development of PTSD but also the factors that trigger the immediate recollection of the traumatizing situation and the following aggravation of the patient’s state....

Effects of Divorce on Adolescents

Introduction Adolescence is a critical developmental stage in life of a human being. The stage is marked by different psychosocial changes that define the transition period from adolescence to the young adulthood (Cohen, Kasen, Chen, Hartmark & Gordon, 2003). During the stage, the adolescents undergo emotional changes that are influenced...

The Iraq War, Its Causes and Opposition

Introduction The United States’ involvement in the Iraq war has been a matter of international attention for over the last one decade. The issue of the Iraq war has been revisited time over time in reference to the various issues it has led to globally. Recently, the war in Iraq...

Cancer Effects Management Methods

Introduction Cancer is one of the most severe diseases that may affect an individual. It is also a rather widespread illness that is usually very difficult or even impossible to cure. On the whole, there exist a wide array of types of cancer, for cancerous growth may develop from various...

Central Intelligence Agency in Vietnam War

A military confrontation between North and South Vietnam in the twentieth century took place for almost twenty years. The most important things about the discussed war include the fact that both parties to the conflict were receiving substantial support of two superpowers of the twentieth century represented by the Soviet...

Nonprofit Organizations’ Change Management

Introduction Leading change is one of the most fundamental aspects of leadership. The process of making changes in an organization is perhaps the main responsibility of leaders since it leads to the accomplishment of the goals and objectives of an organization. According to Spiro (2011), leading change is a deliberate...

Black Hat vs White Hat Hacking

Abstract This paper explores hacking from the perspective of ethics. The ethicality of hacking depends on the motive of the hacker, which also forms the basis for the definition of the different forms of hacking. White hat hackers are ethical according to utilitarianism as they bring utility to the greatest...

Obesity in African Americans: Prevention and Therapy

Due to the rapid development of technology and innovations, specialists working in the field of healthcare are provided with an opportunity to improve the quality of life of their patients and reduce the manifestation of symptoms preventing the latter from fulfilling their everyday tasks successfully. Despite the seeming progress, the...

Benner’s Model for Advanced Practice Nurse’s Development

Introduction to the Professional Development Plan Benner’s Novice to Expert model is a powerful framework that can guide advanced practice nurses (APNs) to become competent providers of evidence-based care. The theory supports the concept of continuous improvement whereby APNs embrace new skills and lifelong learning. Nurses should implement powerful professional...

Oceanic Dead Zones and Recoverement Strategies

Introduction The health of our oceans is an interesting topic for discussion. The fact that many species become extinct as a result of excessive pollution should not be disregarded. The influence of humans on the state of oceans is mostly negative, and the situation is going to worsen if necessary...

“Grief” a Poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Writing about poems is always interesting and challenging. The analysis of Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s poem is not an exception. On the one hand, it is a real challenge to understand the meaning of each word in the poem and the intentions of the writer. On the other hand, it is...

The Hmong Community’s Health Program Development

Overview The Hmong community is one that has strongly followed its cultural practice until today. The medical domain is one of the major instances where cultural values and practices are highly held. Conflict exists between the Hmong community and the healthcare providers, and in a recent tragedy, conflict emanated after...

Childhood Obesity, Social Actions and Intervention

Introduction Obesity in children is one of the major health problems affecting many communities. Stang and Loth (2011) indicate that the prevalence of obesity in young children has been on the rise within the past two decades. Scholars have been focusing on the major issues associated with obesity. For instance,...

US Employment Law and Human Resource Management

Introduction Business organizations use their human resources (HR) departments to focus on the issues affecting their employees. Organizational and motivational theories predict that positive employee-employer relations can drive performance and improve a corporation’s profitability. This means that HR managers must be keen to offer adequate support to employees throughout the...

Communication: Passion and Creative Confidence

If we just want something, and it is hard to have it, at the first obstacle, we prefer to have something else we will never achieve anything in life. We have to want something a lot and work hard to have it. The determination is a great weapon. It takes...

Popular Research Paper Topics

East Asian History in the 18th-19th Centuries

This paper explores the political, social and economic tendencies prevailing in Korea, Japan and China during the 18th and the 19th centuries. The historical happenings or domestic and international level are discussed and their impacts are followed. The paper concludes that even though the three East Asian states went through...

“The Great Debaters”

Good communicators are successful leaders and businessmen. In the movie entitled The Great Debaters, one of the characters is Samantha Booke. She had to go up against great odds in order to secure her inclusion into the debate team. Her mentor told her that a female debater was unheard of...

Watson’s Care Theory and Its Application in Nursing

Introduction Nursing as a science experienced significant development in the past 50 years. The sheer expansion of medical care efforts across the world and the overall increase in the number of active nurses solicited the development of numerous nursing frameworks to help guide them in their practice. One particular framework...

Capital Veterinarian Clinic’s Leadership Dynamics

Leadership is important in any organization because the effectiveness of leadership influences all processes, relations, and operations in a company (McCleskey, 2014; Schaubroeck et al., 2012). It is important to focus on examining the aspects of leadership in the Capital Veterinarian Clinic (CVC) because there are several issues that can...

Chickenpox Epidemiology and Community Health Nurse

Introduction Chickenpox, which is also referred to as Varicella, is a viral disease with considerably high rates of transmissibility and is caused by varicella zoster virus (VZV) (Bloch & Johnson, 2012; Lopez & Marin, 2016). It is worth noting that, in the recent past, chickenpox was almost considered global childhood...

Individualized Education Program for Student Needs

Introduction All preschool and school-age children have the right to free education in a non-restrictive environment. This right extends to disabled students within the age bracket of three to twenty-one years. Various acts have been enacted in the United States to cater to exceptional children including the Education of All...

Evaluation Process Approaches in Education

Introduction According to Neuman and Cunningham (2009), an effective curriculum must provide an ample knowledge base that mirrors an understanding of students’ development as well as the skills, knowledge and dispositions required to shape suitable learning experiences for students (p.533). There are various aspects that determine the successful development as...

Afro-Latino Family Health Assessment in Nursing

Introduction Many people in Miami benefit from various amenities and resources provided by the Florida’s state government. Family heads in this community are usually expected to provide for their children (Waters et al., 2014). The targeted family for this health assessment consists of four people. The nuclear family has two...

Representative Democracy and Its Crisis

Introduction Representative democracy is based on the principle of electing an individual or official to represent a group of people.1 The concept is often referred to as indirect democracy. The elected officials are charged with the responsibility of safeguarding the welfare of the electorate. They should be answerable to those...

Professional Nurse Transition and Development Plan

Introduction Nursing is as a profession is a calling that requires one to be committed to serving people. Some of the core responsibilities of nurses are very challenging, and in some cases, one may be called upon to work for long hours to save the lives of patients. As such,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

African-Americans in Public School Special Education Programs

Abstract The majority of public schools in the United States continue to report achievement gaps that affect students from minority groups disproportionately. On the other hand, students from ethnic minority groups are overrepresented in special education. The principal concern is that the current instructional strategies do not account for the...

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s Skills

Introduction A skills inventory is the process of listing down the characteristics that cause one to be employable. These may include the person’s qualifications, their experience, knowledge, abilities and skills. One should note that skills inventories do not just revolve around people; they can also apply to jobs. The case...

Business and Human Resource Strategies Relationship

Introduction Strategies refer to plans that detail the necessary actions for achieving an overall aim. In business, strategies entail measures, which firms put in place to gain a competitive advantage in their lines of operation (Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson 2013). On the other hand, organizations’ human resource strategies focus on...

“George Kennan: An American Life” by John Gaddis

Introduction John Lewis Gaddis provides an engaging and elegant biography of George F. Kennan. In the book, George F. Kennan: An American Life, Gaddis presents a lucid and masterfully researched account of Kennan’s life as a diplomat, policy mover, and a scholar of world history. Gaddis is a professor of...

Air Ventilation Effectiveness for Advanced Disease Patients

The appraisal of evidence from different sources is a necessary part of the evidence-based healthcare delivery process. It improves the reliability and trustworthiness of the sources and serves as a valuable tool in the process of improvement of clinical practice. The following case study aims at gathering, appraising, and ranking...

No Child Left Behind Act, Its Goals and Challenges

Introduction This child Act ensures that every child has a fair and equal opportunity to access high quality education. This act first enacted in 1965 following recertification of the secondary and elementary Act in 1964 and became a law in 2002 signed by President Bus. This law was a way...

Historical Memory in the “Barefoot Gen” Manga

Artistic expressions are part of every society’s collective memories and subsequent history. The main role of historical memory is to make a society remember what it has forgotten. Furthermore, historical memory upholds the concept that forgetting is part of remembering. This is why memories might change over time in the...

Cohabitation vs. Traditional Marriage

Abstract Cohabitation has taken an increasing trend in the young population and many people prefer it for compatibility before marriage. Living together with partners of opposite sex helps reduce financial and other unforeseen exposures because the partners equally contribute to the same while they get the sexual romance. This paper...

Nathaniel Hawthorne Short Stories Analysis

In Hawthorne’s stories, men of supposed decency sometimes do very unpleasant things, and these often affect the women in their lives. The gentlemen in these tales demonstrate is a willingness to take risks with or abuse the good will of women that today would be considered thoughtless at best, or...

Leadership: Challenges, Change and Responsibility

Introduction Leadership can be described as the art of motivating people to achieve a common goal or the process of social influence to enlist the support of others to achieve a desired goal (Bowerman and Van wart 2011, p.72). In today’s world, businesses face numerous challenges from different areas. Change...