The US-Russia Ongoing Confrontation

Introduction As of today, more and more people grow to realize that the ongoing confrontation between Russia and the U.S. accounts for the most acute geopolitical problem/issue of modern times. After all, one does not have to be a genius to understand that, if allowed to continue gaining a momentum;...

Master’s Education and Advanced Nursing Roles

The objective of the proposed literature review is to identify the tools for overcoming the obstacles in the role of advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) in the US healthcare system with the help of the Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing proposed by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing...

Information Technology Project and Risk Management

Identify one technology risk and one non –technology risk an organization may encounter when outsourcing a component of an IT project to a foreign country. Develop a risk management plan to manage these risks According to Marchewka (2009), one technological risk is the shortage of indigenous information technology companies in...

Richard Taylor’s Argument for God’s Existence

Introduction Richard Taylor’s cosmological argument for God’s existence is commonly listed among the most convincing justifications of the creationist outlook on the essence/origins of the surrounding physical reality. One of the reasons for this is that the argument’s initial assessment will reveal it being thoroughly exhaustive, in the logical sense...

Child Obesity as London’s Urban Health Issue

Introduction Urban health problems bother the citizens of different countries a lot. People try to develop appropriate living conditions to decrease the level of harm. At the same time, some people demonstrate their careless attitudes to everything that is happening around. The citizens of London try to take active steps...

Poverty in “The Bottom Billion” by Paul Collier

Introduction Paul Collier’s The Bottom Billion is an in-depth study of the world’s poorest countries’ financial plight. The book provides a detailed analysis of the incidence and the remedies to the issue. Collier was a professor of economics at Oxford University and served as an economist at the World Bank....

Politics in “The National” Band’s Songs

Introduction Despite not being an explicitly political band, the New York-based indie/post-punk/alternative rock band The National frequently refer to the political issues and changes in their music, as well as use their band image, lyrics, and songs to support presidential candidates (such as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton). Some of...

Sanctions Imposed on Russia: Economic Impact

During the last several decades, Russia has been one of the leading importers of agricultural products globally. The country developed business relationships with different countries and established trade agreements in different sectors. However, the geopolitical events of 2014 created certain changes in the relationships between Russia and other countries (Liefert...

Kotler and Keller’s “Marketing Management” Fields

Market segment, Target Market, Position The major segmentation variables are – Geographic: Geographic segmentation indicates the division of the market into geographical units, for instance, countries, cities, suburban, urban, rural, or regions (Kotler & Keller, 2008). However, this approach is helpful when there are clear cultural differences in case of...

Adaptation Model-Based Patient Education

Introduction A theoretical framework is vital for every profession because it describes relevant concepts and ensures an understanding of the most critical topics, providing a background for practice. A nursing theory, in this way, discusses those concepts and assumptions that explain phenomena and interrelationships between different aims. It also consists...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Breastfeeding Mothers and Nursing Proactive Support

Overview of Selected Evidenced-Based Practice Project Evidence-based practice is an approach to health care that ensures the best possible outcomes for the patients. In its currently accepted form, the approach is founded on three core principles: the values and expectations of the patients, the clinical expertise of the provider, and...

BP Company’s Case in Texas City

Culpable decision in BP Texas city case BP explosion accident in Texas City resulted to death of 15 workers and injury of 170 people. A short time prior to the accident, James Baker the US secretary of state had published a report detailing the unprofessional mission BP was undertaking (Hopkins...

Traditional vs. Cyberbullying in Children

Abstract Cyberbullying is a relatively new concept that emerged in the light of progress associated with the development of the Internet and various online communication tools. Researchers investigated the impact of cyberbullying on children and teenagers and compared its effects with the influence of traditional bullying. It was found that...

Decision-Making in Choosing a Career

What is the best career for me? Executive Summary Choosing a career is an incredibly crucial decision in one’s life. However, it requires a lot of consideration and critical decision making to avoid poor choices that could affect one’s life. Some individuals find themselves on the wrong career paths because...

Assessment of Starting a Business in China

Summary China is positioned in Southeast Asia and is surrounded by fourteen countries which include Vietnam, Burma, India, and Korea among others. China consists of huge expanses of plains, foothills, basins, plateaus, and mountains (Hsieh and Lu, 2004). Similarly, it has a higher population than the United States (About five...

Department of Homeland Security: Bureaucratic Structure

The objective of this memorandum is to communicate the views of an analysis regarding the effectiveness of the bureaucratic structure in the DHS. The analysis is based on recent public views following the continued threats for the U.S security. Bureaucracy as a concept continues to receive criticism from both academicians...

Changing Trends in “Free TV” by Michael Newman

Introduction The article ‘Free TV: File-Sharing and the Value of Television’ by Newman (2012) focused on the changing trend in the circulation of television programs. In this article, the researcher notes that since its invention, television has always been free for the audience. The content has been delivered to the...

Thai Students’ Problems with English Grammar

Thai students often have problems with using the English grammar constructions and tenses because they do not use inflected forms of the verb in their language. Thus, much attention should be paid to the additional practice in using Past Simple constructions and verb inflections by Thai students (Swan & Smith,...

Hummingbird Effect in “A Poem to Be Read in Circuit”

Abstract The paper provides a comparative study of A Poem to Be Read in Circuit by Raquel Salas Rivera, the connection of the hummingbird effect with Eric Garner’s case, and their relation to the death of Sandra Bland. There are two major issues that make those cases similar. First of...

Duration of Antibiotic Treatment in Medical Practice

Introduction The discovery and widespread introduction of antibiotics into medical practice was seen as a revolution in medicine. Since then, these drugs have become faithful assistants to doctors in the struggle for patients’ lives. The substances of this medical group serve as a powerful weapon in the fight against dangerous...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Laundromat Laundry’s Small Business Accounting

Introduction Laura’s Laundromat is a registered laundry business that is located at Czech Road, Yukon Oklahoma. The business has been in operation for the last 3 years. Due to its location, the business is able to serve its target market that includes low-income tenants and busy career home owners due...

The First Islamic State Under Prophet Muhammad

Introduction The rise of Islam was not anticipated or planned. In fact, it had become so common within the first three years since the introduction of the religion that many scholars were shocked by the progress. It should be mentioned that the religion spread immediately after the death of Prophet...

An Thai Coffee Processing Plant’s Accounting

Introduction Thai coffee is a registered coffee processing plant that is located in Vietnam. The company is specialized in the manufacture of roasted coffee, ground coffee, instant coffee, and 3 in 1 milk coffee (Farag 34). The company was established in 1996 and is located in Tieng Hoang and employs...

Labels’ Effect in Children’s Category Learning

Summary The present article, written by three scholars specializing in psychology, is devoted to the effect, which labels have on children’s category learning. The research was supported by several grants. The central problem of the research is the nature of the label’s effect: while some argue that labeling facilitates a...

Early Childhood Program and Its Curriculum

Introduction An early childhood program entails appropriate development practices for decision and policy makers in program centers. The main reason for the creation of such programs is for the care and education of young children. The program aims at establishing quality standards in the process of delivering the needs of...

Google Inc.’s Human Resource Management and Success

Introduction Google is an international company that deals with computing, adverts technologies, and internet exploration. Its main aim is to organize all the world facts and make this information useful and available to everyone. The company has advanced so much that it has changed the way we undertake our research...

Coca-Cola Company’s Business Strategy

Executive Summary The fundamental objective of the paper is to identify the primary business strategy employed by the Coca-Cola Company. Moreover, it seems significant to evaluate the strategy in relation to strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that were identified in accordance with Porter’s Five Forces. The company uses a modern...

Religion in Marx’s and Nietzsche’s Philosophies

Introduction Religion can be defined as a set of beliefs and practices that explain the relations between people and their God. Every religion is characterized by beliefs and religious practices that all its followers observe. Each religion has its own distinct practices that distinguish it from others (Brenkert 56). The...

Anne Bradstreet’s Poem “Contemplations”

In the literary scholarship, Anne Bradstreet’s poetry is usually discussed as Puritan and feminist. Therefore, Bradstreet’s poems should be considered as unique representations of the revolutionary female vision that combines the discussion of religious ideas and the discussion of a woman’s place in the world. “Contemplations” is the most vivid...

Special Education: Class Management Plan

Introduction Education is a very important aspect of human development. An education system aims at providing people with knowledge and skills which would help them deal with daily challenges. The skills and knowledge acquired through the system should be reflected in the social-economical aspects of the people. Education should not...

Linguistic Style of Literary English

Introduction English has become a global language. It is the adopted language of many non-English speaking countries. Literary works are being produced in hundreds from places where English is still a second-language for the masses. However, the cultural influences on the language are undeniable. This influence has led to the...

Medical Errors Prevention in the Nursing Practice

Introduction The work of caring for the sick is very delicate and professionals are easily prone to making errors. Medical errors refer to an action by a nurse attributable to factors such as bad judgment, ignorance, or inattention resulting in the failure of an intended action (Armitage, 2009). They mainly...

Nucor Corporation’s Competitive Strategies

What are the primary competitive forces impacting U.S. steel producers in general and Nucor in particular? Using Porter’s Five Forces Analysis will reveal that U.S. steel producers had to contend with all of the five competitive forces in this framework and as a result, there is a real threat that...

The Legitimacy of Humanitarian Intervention

Introduction Since its establishment, humanitarian intervention has remained an actively debated topic both among political theorists and the general public. To further aggravate the subject, a series of measures has been conducted based on the concept in the twentieth century, most of which were later considered controversial to some extent....

Meth Epidemic as a Social Problem: Film Analysis

Meth epidemic as a social problem Methamphetamine (meth) is a synthetic stimulant, which affects the pleasures of the brain by making it to release dopamine (Frontline 2005). Meth has several street names, such as, “speed, chalk, ice, crystal, glass, crank, yaba, tina and tweak” (Frontline 2005). There are many ways...

Master’s Dissertation and Supervisor Expectations

Introduction Students and supervisors have different views when it comes to the feedback of the masters dissertation. This was clear through the questionnaires that were filled by the students with regards to the feedback that they get from the supervisors. Another major issue that was noted in terms of the...

How People React to the Promotion on Campus?

Introduction Promotions on campus range from consumable products such as foods and drinks to non-consumable products; which may include services and raw materials. People tend to react uniquely to different occasions and the promotions on campus are not an exception (Eagly, 2013). This is for the reason that both females...

The Small Business Relief Package in New York

The New York City Department of Consumer Affairs (NYC DCA) is a department of the Government of New York City. This particular department’s job is to enforce New York’s laws to protect the rights of consumers, to deal with consumer dissatisfactions, procedures of licensing businesses, and to promote the consumer...

Waste, Food and Transportation: Sustainable Development

Introduction Sustainability is one of the most crucial issues of the 21st century when it comes to development. In essence, countries, institutions, and individuals are seeking to engage in sustainable development practices (Mesci, Coruh & Ergun 75). Ottawa University is one of the institutions that have embraced sustainable practices. As...

Abu Dhabi Stock Exchange’s Business Model and Status

Business Model and Components Abu Dhabi Stock Exchange functions under the recurring revenue business model, which is characterized by earning revenues from hosting several companies expected to pay a commission and annual subscription fee (Oxford Business Group 23). The aim of the recurring revenue model is for Abu Dhabi Stock...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Higher Education Costs and Worthiness

The increasing cost of a college education has made students, parents, and educationists question the worthiness of college education in modern society. Students and parents view a college education as a future investment aimed at improving their lives, while educationists and instructors perceive it as a tool for equipping learners...

Marketing Management in Business Sphere

Promotional Mix In a competitive environment, product or service promotion is integral to business development. In addition to positive image branding, businesses need to execute effective promotional strategies to increase the popularity of their products. In this regard, a promotional mix can be seen as a number of communication activities...

Water Sanitation Program in Saudi Arabia

Background Summary The article by Murthy (2013) focused on water sanitation as a major concern that affects many nations around the world. The target population in this article was the poor members of the global society who are sometimes denied access to clean water because of over-privatization. The outcome of...

Russian Comeback into the International Arena

Introduction Russia’s comeback as a global player has been characterized by its determination in multi-polarity overseas and creation of an autonomous democracy at home. The Hegemonic Stability Theory (HST) argues for the cyclical transition of world leadership. It states that the superpower status keeps on changing from one country to...

Lighthouse Press Company’s Business Model

Introduction Organisations change in response to a multiplicity of external or internal environment drivers. Organisational change requires a planned approach and an effective change management to move the firm from its current situation to another. The management of change encompasses all actions meant to support teams and staff to adopt...

Family Development, Health Beliefs and Issues

Family Composition The family chosen for the assessment consists of four members: husband, wife, and their two daughters. The extended family is not large as the husband’s parents live abroad and rarely visit. Both of the grandparents from the mother’s side live in a retirement home; however, the family sees...

Falls Prevention Among Hospice Patients

Falls are defined as a situation when a person is inadvertently lying on the ground, floor, or any other place. Injuries related to falls could be fatal but most of these injuries are nonlethal in spite of the fact that they bring plenty of sufferings to the patient. This paper...

Virgin Media Company: Scientific Management

Introduction Virgin Media enjoys one of the largest shares in the fibre optic network market. Currently, it has about 4.49 million broadband subscribers and the number is set to increase due to the impressive work that its engineers are doing in relation to digital technology. The progressive growth has largely...

Southwest Organization: Integrating Culture and Diversity

Introduction This paper is a case study on an organization called Southwest which deals with protection of civil rights of minority groups. According to reliable information, the organization is faced with management challenges which have lead to a decline in demand for its services, low cohesion among employees, poor relationship...

Abortion: Reasons and Issues

Introduction The debate on abortion has taken a different shift in the recent times with many pro-choice members of the society claiming that it should be a right for every woman to determine whether to terminate a pregnancy or keep it. It is apparent that the extreme groups in this...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Fanon Frantz on Revolution Leaders and Masses

Introduction Revolutions are an integral aspect of political evolution in the society. The success or failure of such a movement is dependent on the conduct and capabilities of the leaders and the masses.1 To this end, it is important to analyze the roles of these two parties with respect to...

Human Growth and Development: the Finkleys Family Case

Abstract The process of the human development is complex and intricate. Being affected by a range of factors, it requires the support of family members and needs to be encouraged actively as both a cognitive and a social change. In the case under analysis, the life of a woman named...

Christianity and Buddhism for Terminally Ill Patient

Introduction George was recently diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and in the spinal cord, causing muscle atrophy and leading to eventual complete loss of muscle control. The median life expectancy for this diagnosis is between three and five years, but...

Vacuum-Assisted Closure in Elderly Wound Care

PICOT Question In geriatric patients with diabetic foot ulcerations, does vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) improve recovery time in wound management than moist gauze dressing? Setting/Context Diabetic foot ulcers manifest as chronic wounds, inflammation, or sepsis localized to the lower limbs in elderly people with diabetic Mellitus (DM) (Schaper, Apelqvist & Bakker,...

Electric and Hybrid Drive Systems Markets Analysis

According to Al-Alawi and Bradley (2013, p. 201), understanding the market is always the first step when developing a new product in the current competitive market. The times when firms manufactured products without understanding the needs of the consumers are long gone. The current market is very choosy because they...

Flexibility in the Workplace

Introduction Flexibility in the workplace refers to a working schedule outside the normal working pattern that allows employers and the employees to organize suitable work arrangements about working conditions. The arrangements involve changes and variation of working hours, place of work, and finding an appropriate working means for the employee....

Prescription Drugs Prices and Services in Florida

Introduction There are many citizens of the United States of America from the state of Florida that cannot afford proper medical treatment due to the high medicine prices. This factor remains one of the most significant issues in the state’s healthcare policy. The primary purpose of the following analysis is...

The Deepwater Horizon Catastrophe Analysis

Introduction The oil and gas industry is responsible for excavating and delivering roughly 60% of the world’s energy resources, making it one of the most lucrative and profitable enterprises. The construction of oil rigs on the land and far in the seas is a significant investment with an expected payoff...

Youth Addiction Prevention and Rehabilitation

Introduction Currently, the prevalence of substance abuse among the youth is quite alarming. Substance abuse has a significant influence on youth across the world. Substance use and abuse are leading to unwanted pregnancies among teens, delinquency, increased school dropout rates, poor performance, stress, and injuries among other harmful factors (Koehn...

Human Factors and Risk Management in Aviation

Abstract The current paper dwells on the core aspects inherent in aviation and human factors that are directly associated with it. Numerous dynamic factors are evaluated and several recommendations are provided. The paper gradually enumerates the features that are characteristic of a top-notch pilot. Resource Management (CRM) This particular concept...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Duality of Rene Descartes’ Provisions

It is worth noting that Rene Descartes was one of the greatest philosophers who made a great contribution to the development of science, philosophy, and the society as a whole. He was a mathematician, philosopher, physicist, physiologist, and an authoritative metaphysician. He established the foundations of analytic geometry, contemporary algebraic...

Ability to Comment on Blogs in Real Time

Introduction One of the clearest indicators that blogs are here to stay is the fact that so many famous authors, writers with published works to their names, and journalists from the old-school paper and print era have all taken up blogging to some degree. In the words of Tom Ferrick,...

Nike Inc.’s Analysis for Investment Decision

Executive Summary This report is a brief overview of the weighted average cost of capital. Its main goal is showing what the weighted average cost of capital is all about, its importance and how it can be applied in a practical example. Therefore, a case has been used to bring...

Physical Activity Program in Saudi Arabia

Background Summary The article by McCoy et al. focused on an intervention program seeking to promote physical activities among African American adults using text messaging (2). According to this article, African American adults are less likely to engage in physical exercises than an average American resident. Most of them rarely...

Historical Issues of Latin America

Problem Background Discussing the reasons that some countries have not yet achieved the success their citizens feel they deserve is a complex task. A country’s success is associated with a range of different factors that have influenced countries gradually throughout its history. In the case of Latin American countries that...

Gender Equity and Social Justice in Schoolchildren

Gender equality means that both men and women have equal opportunities to realise their potential. In the schooling environment, it means that both boys and girls are provided with the same treatment in all areas in a bid to enhance their pursuit for educational targets (Davies & Banks, 1995). Over...

President Obama’s Style of Leadership

Introduction Obama’s decision to help the community college fostered the belief that African American administrators can succeed, despite discrimination and hardships, and that they could attain higher promotions. Community colleges have helped many African Americans, Hispanics, and other minority groups in the United States that have commonly been rejected from...

System Security Types and Cyberattacks Prevention

Introduction System analysis and design are the arts of evaluating information systems and forming systems that carry on the communication within the firm. System analysis is a formal inquiry carried out to help people identify a better action to take to make better decisions in technology. Systems design is the...

Fundraising Event Project Planning at the Camden School

Overview and Scope Definition The current project deals with planning a fundraising event at the Camden School, which thematically ties to the end of their school year, with the raised money being donated to charity. A fair may be an appropriate type of event considering the educational setting, allowing both...

Technology in Health Care: Current Trends

Introduction Healthcare professionals and practitioners must be aware of emerging theories, concepts, and technologies that can be adopted to maximize patient outcomes. Most of these developments have the potential to transform care delivery and ensure the changing needs of underserved populations are met. Advancements in modern technology have led to...

Challenges With Homeless and Runaway Youth in Waianae

The Nature of the Problem The problem in question is concerned with one of the acutest burdens of young people living in the Waianae area of Hawaii: homelessness. Due to a number of factors, the rate of youths leaving homes is drastically high in this region. Domestic violence, adverse behaviors...

US Federal Government Contracting and Payment Options

Introduction The United States federal government Contracting is a strategy that is used to provide equal access to government procurements to large and small businesses. The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) system governs state procurement of goods and services. It stipulates the procedures for contracting together with the payment methods for...

Debenhams Plc: Company’s Financial Accounting

Abstract Financial statements are an accumulation of reports of a firm’s monetary outcome, money-related condition, and cash flows. Budgetary statements signify a formal record of the money-related activities of an organization. These are composed of reports that measure the financial status, execution, and liquidity of an organization. Financial statements reveal...

Healthcare Policy, Leadership and Performance

Healthcare Policy Priority I firmly believe that the major priority of any health care specialist should be patient safety. All health care institutions, no matter how well they are equipped and managed, must foster the ongoing improvement of safety policies. Each facility requires different ones that would align with its...

The Artificial Intelligence Machine AlphaGo Zero

The selected technology is an artificial intelligence (AI) machine by the name of AlphaGo Zero. It is an evolution of previous well-known machines from the company Deep Mind which focuses on self-learning to play a popular Chinese strategic board game of Go. It has far surpassed the ability of any...

Nursing Shortage Problem: New Models’ Solutions

The proposed solution to the professional nursing shortage problem is education of more nursing personnel. The solution is intended for the nursing staff of a medical facility. It aims at addressing attrition and turnover that cause nursing shortage. Obtaining peer and organizational support will be invaluable in the successful implementation...

“Pedagogy of the Oppressed” by Paulo Freire

Introduction The “Pedagogy of the Oppressed” presents concepts that guide the oppressed away from oppression. This essay presents the main concepts outlined in Freire’s book. It explains the teacher student relationship championed by Freire. In addition, it expands on the main principles of freedom, unity, and cooperation that guide the...

The Leadership of Richard Branson

Introduction Richard Branson is an English investor, entrepreneur, businessman, author and philanthropist who founded the Virgin Group, which includes more than 400 companies that operate in various economic sectors (Branson, 2014). He started his entrepreneurial journey in high school after founding a student magazine. This venture was followed by a...

Single African American Mothers’ Experiences With Sons

Background of the Study Parenting adolescents is a challenging task in the modern American society. The problem is compounded when one is forced to raise such teenagers as a single mother. According to Elliott, Powell, and Brenton (2015), recent statistics showed that about half of African American children are raised...

Eating for Pregnancy: the Essential Nutrition Guide

The period from conception to birth when a woman carries a developing fetus in her uterus is very important. Health care experts argue that pregnant women should always have proper diet that provides their body with the essential nutrients. The importance of observing the diet is the fact that it...

Community of Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers

Community Case Study Community case study of Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers allows observing the ways in which the collaboration of members of various organizations helps to deliver patient-centered care and achieve positive outcomes in a variety of health care settings. Moreover, the discussed issue of medical education is connected...

Religions of the World and Their Analysis

Introduction Religious beliefs are an intrinsic part of a vast number of cultures and therefore need to be recognized as crucial phenomena that deserve close attention. Religions shape societal standards, morals, ethics, and behaviors worldwide, often affecting not only individual development but also the evolution of an entire nation. Therefore,...

Nurse Educator’s Legal and Ethical Implications

Introduction Teaching is an essential factor in nursing, thus training a nurse educator is a tremendous achievement for nurses. A nurse educator is a professional health caregiver who has a professional qualification and meets the nursing standards. The nurse educator skills are vital because the potential or lack of potential...

Gifted Development: Social and Psychological Factors

The issue of child giftedness is a controversial one. There are many perspectives on the phenomenon in the contemporary literature. For instance, Hollingworth emphasizes the significance of the hereditary factor in the emergence of giftedness and considers that talented children are likely to be born if their parents are to...

Forecasting, Risk Management, and Decision-Making

Introduction Risk is a situation that exposes one to danger. It involves exposing a person to something that is valued to danger, loss or harm. Risk is, therefore, a threat or probability of injury, liability, damage or another negative occurrence. It is the possibility of incurring a loss or misfortune,...

Product Elimination and Service Management

The elimination decision is, beyond any doubt, one of the most ambiguous questions in the marketing field. Whereas, under particular circumstances, the necessity to delete a product from the offering range seems to be inevitable, the possible negative outcomes might prevent a manager from being decisive. As long as product...

Accor Hotel’s Marketing, Finances, Technologies

The Accor hotel is one of the leading hotels located in France and a major hotel in Europe. It also happens to be one of the third largest hotels in the world. Over the years, the hotel has been forced to align its core competencies so that it can keep...

Freedom Ideal in “The Spartans” by Paul Cartledge

Introduction The Spartans involved a society of warriors who exercised a high level of discipline, self-sacrifice, and tolerance. The Spartans: The World of the Warrior-Heroes of Ancient Greece is a chef-d’oeuvre story authored by Paul Cartledge. The author, a prominent historian, tracks the outstanding rise and fall of the Spartan...

Negritude: Aime Cesaire and Leopold Sedar Senghor Works Comparison

The issues of racial diversity and equality have been some of the most frequently discussed subjects for many centuries. The racial diversity used to be referred to as the racial “difference” meaning that the individuals of different racial backgrounds were treated based on rules and laws supporting the fact that...

The Coca-Cola Company’s Diversity Information

The Coca-Cola Company is one of the brightest examples of cultural diversity, as this corporation works, operates, and signs contracts with people of various ethnic backgrounds. Perhaps, this factor remains one of the most important reasons for their success in the global market. Moreover, Coca-Cola always develops and supports the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Jack Welch’s Leadership at General Electric

How difficult a challenge did Welch face in 1981? How effectively did he take charge? According to “GE’s Two Decades Transformation: Jack Welch’s Leadership” journal, Jack Welch became the CEO of the General Electronics company in 1981. During this era, the company had undergone a complete reorganization (Cleavenger & Munyon,...

Richard Branson’s Organic Leadership

Executive Summary Richard Branson is one of the highest-profile billionaires in the world, and his status is a function of the development of a conglomerate of companies under the Virgin brand. His leadership style and the choice of organizational structure are quite unconventional compared to other companies in the contemporary...

Modern Business World: Creativity in Marketing

Introduction The focus on business and the associated growth in revenues could be considered major concerns of the modern world. To become successful, a company should be ready to obtain a significant competitive advantage and assure that its rivals will not be able to attain the same level of success...

Capitalism in “Out of This Furnace” by Thomas Bell

Introduction Capitalism is one of the most effective forms of governing at the present moment. However, it has not been that beneficial for the first wave immigrants who moved to the United States of America to find better living standards and conditions in general. The book, written by Thomas Bell...

“Physiological Diagram” Artwork by Andy Warhol

The artwork that I selected for this assignment was created by Andy Warhol in the middle of the 1980s (1984-1985) and titled Physiological Diagram. This piece is a synthetic polymer paint on canvas. It was produced as a part of Physiological Diagram series, which presupposes that it is tightly connected...

Liberalism and Conservatism: Ideological Difference

Introduction American political discourse categorizes certain issues and stances as ‘liberal’ and the ones opposing them as ‘conservative’. This categorization remains true for a wide range of issues such as abortion, gun laws, homeland security, social issues, public spending, education, and foreign policy. It is often argued that the stances...

Government Accounting, Its Approaches and Future

Introduction All entities involved in the management and the oversight of governmental operations and all parties that work in the sphere of local or state finances need to have an understanding of governmental accounting, which is based on a specific set of principles and procedures. Thus, government accounting is defined...

Managing Cultural Diversity in the Workplace

Abstract Increasing cultural diversity at the workplace is characteristic of many companies worldwide. The right management of a diverse workforce will bring an important advantage for the company and its employees. Moreover, the effective management of cultural diversity and equal opportunities are the key aspects of a healthy climate in...

Preconception Counselling for Diabetic Women

Introduction Before a woman conceives, it is important for her to seek preconception counseling for the acquisition of professional advice regarding potential pregnancy complications. Notably, Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes poses a significant threat to the health of women during and after pregnancy (Elsinga et al., 2008). The considerable...

Type 2 Diabetes Patients Care Plan

Introduction The current paper dwells on the elaboration of a care plan for type 2 diabetes patients. This chronic illness has been chosen for the reason that mortality rates connected to type 2 diabetes grow bigger with every other year (Zinman et al., 2015). The researcher picked a sample of...

Status Structures and Its Hidden Privileges

The relationships between the members of contemporary society might seem random and convoluted, yet numerous theories claim that there is a reason for them to exist. Conventional values and traditions have been defining the choices made by people for centuries, yet the system may finally change in the wake of...

HIV/AIDS Education and Teaching Plan

There is a lot of evidence that even adolescent students can be involved in risky behavior, and many students are already infected with HIV. The prevention of HIV transmission on the base of schools is considered a tactical step of the health care and educational systems. The formation of skills...

Foreign Direct Investment in India

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to analyse foreign direct investment (FDI) in India. FDI refers to “the net inflow of investment to acquire a lasting management interest in an enterprise operating in an economy other than that of the investor” (World Bank 2015). Developing countries have focused on...

Trimodal Model of Effective Nurse Leaders

Introduction Nurse leaders in the modern society face numerous challenges in the provision of health care for they have to keep abreast with dynamic political, social, cultural, and technological changes, which have a considerable impact on patients, nurses, and healthcare organizations. For nurse leaders to overcome these numerous challenges, they...

The School of Benedictine Spirituality

Introduction People got used to the fact the scientists do not believe in the things that seem to be supernatural and lack substantial evidence. Mainly, they consider religion to be a concept created by the human beings in order to explain the things they do not understand. Still, the absence...

Personality Disorders and Interaction Ability

Abstract The current paper discusses the limitations of the current studies on the phenomenon of narcissistic personality disorder. The author dwells on the history of the disorder and how it is perceived by the researchers. The core symptoms of narcissistic personality disorders are identified and thoroughly discussed. The author also...

Teaching Students With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Introduction Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a psychiatric disorder characterized by impulsive actions that are not related proportionally to the age of the affected person (Wender, 2000). It affects children at the age of 6-12 years where the disorder causes a lack of attention and leads to poor performance in...

General Curriculum for Students with Severe Disabilities

Introduction Children with disabilities especially mental disability have continuingly been discriminated by world curriculum. Inclusive education is a curriculum that accommodates both disabled children and the non disabled in the same school environment. They are exposed to the same learning facilities. The curriculum is made to fit the needs and...

Teenage Drug and Substance Abuse

Introduction As revealed in the presented Lot in Life, truant behaviors start to be manifested as early as at the age of 14, a situation that parents expect the least from their teenage children. It is crucial to point out that several issues pave the way for teenage drug abuse....

Ethnic and Racial Diversity in the Caribbean Region

Introduction The Caribbean, a geographical collection of the island and mainland sovereignties located in the north of South America, south of North America, and east of Central America, is rich in diversity. Arranged in beautiful islands and mainland countries, the Caribbean region is recognized globally for its colorful and vibrant...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Organic Wheels: Innovative Business Venture

Introduction The nature of the fast food industry has changed over the past few decades. However, it is important to note that globalization has only changed ‘some’ aspects of the fast food industry. For instance, the taste factor remains important to producers and consumers alike although the health factor is...

Immigrant Labor Market and Wage in Canada

Introduction The aim of the paper is to study immigrant labor market in Canada. In particular, the paper aims to compare the average earnings of an immigrant group, the other immigrant groups, and the Canadian-born citizens in order to understand the wage difference between the three groups based on gender...

Culturally Competent Healthcare Native Americans

Abstract Culturally competent care is a new approach in the context of delivering healthcare services to members of minority groups. At its core, this concept espouses the need to acquire a certain level of cultural sensitivity that stems from the realization that there are certain factors and historical precedents that...

Economic Systems: Privatisation vs Government Owned Enterprises

Introduction Privatisation of the state-owned enterprises, whether understood from broad or narrow sense, has been highly advocated for particularly by the western governments and the Bretton Woods institutions. The main reason for privatisations is that the state-owned enterprises are poorly performing and inefficient particularly in services delivery. As such, privatisation...

Human Learning Formation and Development

The whole history of the formation and development of human learning as a separate area of activity indicates that the learning should be continuous and adaptive. In this connection, the paper aims at the comparing and contrasting of the most suitable conceptual models, learning theories, and motivational theories related to...

Improving Letter-Sound Fluency of Preschool Children

Abstract The purpose of the proposed study is the analysis of the difficulties experienced by preschool children when studying letters. The research problem is the identification of a viable approach to promoting young learners’ understanding of the letter-sound correlation. Given this problem, the intervention has been selected that is aimed...

King’s Theory of Goal Attainment in Care Delivery

Introduction In healthcare, issues and problems should be addressed in the most effective manners to obtain optimal outcomes, satisfaction, and positive patient perception of the quality of care. Various techniques, especially on nurse practice, are employed to optimize performance in health care systems and facilities. For instance, King’s Theory of...

LGBT Healthcare Disparity: Theoretical Framework

Introduction: Research of Literature (ROL): Steps and Strategies In the contemporary nursing environment, diversity can be viewed as the source of both numerous opportunities and major concerns. On the one hand, diversity allows for the design of new nursing strategies. On the other hand, not all healthcare experts may be...

Prejudice Power in Forster’s “A Passage to India”

Introduction E. M. Forster’s A Passage to India has been a focus of literary, historical, psychological, and anthropological arguments ever since it first was published in 1924. The novel explores the internal relationships between the English and the Indians during the colonial period. The author paints a picture of a...

Film Studies: “Dr. Strangelove” and A Clockwork Orange

Introduction Ever since the appearance of television, films have become one of the most influential and powerful ways of communication of various messages to the masses. That is why most films are made specifically as the presentations of the most relevant and important subjects that bother society. In other words,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Animal Testing in the Modern World

Abstract Studies that appear in various medical journals repeatedly demonstrate that animal testing amounts to wasting human and animal lives. Medicines and vaccines that are successfully developed and proven effective in animals such as mice and many primates fail when used in human beings. Medicines and chemicals that are effective...

Juan O’Gorman, Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera

Introduction: Juan O’Gorman, an Innovator and the Proponent of Artistic Synthesis Born in Mexico and now quite famous due to his accomplishments in architecture, Juan O’Gorman created numerous art pieces packed with symbolism. As his father was a painter, O’Gorman had been exposed to art since childhood. This artist promoted...

“Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close” by Jonathan Safran Foer

Jonathan Safran Foer’s novel Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is based around the concept of how humans imagine the world, how they dream, and how they invent. However, the story of the nine-year-old Oscar Schell is much more about the story of invention and imagination. With the setting taking place...

The Nursing Process of Culturally Competent Care

Abstract Every cultural group exhibits spectacular values, beliefs, and medical practices. The field of nursing has evolved in such a way that it can be applied in different settings depending on the needs of the target population. This discussion uses different research studies and analyses to describe the health care...

Human Resource Management Areas

Human resource (HR) is defined as an individual contribution to an organization in terms of efforts, skills, and capabilities. On the other hand, human resource management (HRM) is the division of the organization that deals with the management of human resources (Dessler 4). Human resource management can be viewed from...

Total Quality Principles for Business Success

Introduction Total quality management (TQM) calls for all people in an organization to engage in activities that aim at improving services, products, processes, and work culture to ensure a sustainable competitive advantage. The ultimate goal of TQM is to achieve success in business through enhanced customer satisfaction levels. My course...

Canada Preparing for the Trump Presidency

Economic, Environmental, and Safety Threats Associated with a Trump Presidency Within the past six decades, Canada has enjoyed a strong economic and political bond with the United States. The US has remained one of Canada’s most important trading allies. However, experts have argued that the victory of Donald Trump to...

Launch: Starting a New Church From Scratch

The first acknowledgement presented in the book “Launch: Starting a New Church from Scratch” is that the decision to begin a new church can be quite frightening. The book goes ahead to narrate the story of Thomas and Searcy who used unpredictable approaches to plant a new church successfully. According...

Virtual Water Trade of Agricultural Products

Annotated Bibliography Zhang, Yu et al. “China and Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Countries: Estimation of the Virtual Water Trade of Agricultural Products.” Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 140, no. 3, 2017, pp. 1493-1503. This article was written by a body of researchers under the organizational leadership of Yu Zhang, a professor...

Social Anxiety Disorder, Risk Factors and Symptoms

Abstract This paper focuses on the peculiarities of social anxiety disorder that prevents people from living normal lives as they cannot communicate with others. It describes its main symptoms, including physical, emotional, and behavioral ones. For instance, attention is paid to anxiety and fear of interacting with strangers and making...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Interpersonal Relationship: African-American Families

Topic Endorsement Research Topic The research topic of the proposed study is the exploration of the way African American females raised without a father describe the process of developing intimate partnerships. The participants will be adult low-income African American females (aged between 20 and 25) who were abandoned by their...

Residential Services for Intellectually Disabled

Project Idea Within recent decades, the needs of adults with intellectual disabilities become more recognized, and more effort is made to address those needs. At some point in their lives, some people may find themselves—or their loved ones may find them—no longer capable of running their homes on their own....

Miami Gardens: Community Needs Assessment

Overview Community Description History The selected community for this assessment is Miami Gardens. This city has a population of over one hundred thousand people. The community is found in the northern part of Miami-Dade (Mills & Arch, 2016). The city started to grow in the early 1960s. This occurred when...

Application of Nursing Theory Guidelines

There is no doubt that nursing remains one of the most important fields of the human activity as specialists related to the sphere help their clients to cope with their physical issues and make significant contributions allowing to maintain an appropriate level of health in the society. Obviously, it can...

Miami-Dade County: Community Needs Assessment

Overview The health problem identified in the Miami-Dade County (MDC) community is cardiovascular disease. A survey by PRC (2013) attributed the elevated cardiovascular risk to overweight (62%), sedentary lifestyle (30%), hypertension (33%), and smoking. Description of the Community History Miami-Dade County (MDC) was split from St. Johns County in 1836....

General Motors Company’s Case of Decision Making

Introduction There are a number of actions that a manager can take to achieve certain goals and objectives. The process by which people choose the cause of action they need to take from a number of other alternatives is called decision making. This is a cognitive process that involves mental...

Total Quality Management in the Oil and Gas Industry

Introduction Total quality management is essential to the success of most organizations. The course focused on three core principles of TQM: benchmarking, Six Sigma, and just-in-time (JIT). When applied in practice, these principles can assist organizations in minimizing costs and increasing the quality of their products, thus making companies more...

Value Judgment Ethics and Access to Information

Introduction The time when many people considered the Internet to be nothing more than a flash-in-the-pan fad, which is of little to no significance to the way society develops, has long gone, and now even those who are still reluctant to embrace it recognize that the technology profoundly influences everyone’s...

Leadership Styles: Then and Now

Introduction Leadership styles lie at the bedrock of any functional administrative unit. Over the years, different issues have informed the leadership styles adopted by multiple leaders around the world. Most of them revolve around the changing nature of security threats, the realignment of political alliances, and the growing importance of...

“Brown Girl Dreaming” a Novel by Jacqueline Woodson

Discussion Process and Questions “Brown Girl Dreaming,” the novel by Jacqueline Woodson, presents her life through a series of poems. During the discussion, the classmates revealed various themes and tensions that helped to understand the feelings and messages of the main character Jacqueline. Three themes the discussion was focused on...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Arizona Tourism: Socio-Cultural and Environmental Impacts

Ashworth 53 states that tourism has become one of the leading ways of sustaining Arizona’s economy. Just as other areas experiencing rapid tourism growth, there have been rapid developments of resorts as well as business opportunities which in total have strained both natural and human resources. Though the industry has...

Racial Profiling Against African-American Males

Introduction Police brutality associated with racial profiling can be viewed as an ongoing problem that African Americans try to overcome during a long period of time. Therefore, the problem of police brutality against minorities is actively discussed in the modern American society because of the public’s attention to each case...

United States-Japan Relations During World War II

Reasons behind the Outbreak of the War between the United States and Japan Primary Factors for the Aggravation of U.S.-Japan Relations From a contemporary perspective, it is clear that the development of relations between the United States and Japan, which led to the outbreak of war between the two countries,...

Law, Language, and Empire in the Roman Tradition

The book that was chosen for the review was written by Clifford Ando, a researcher who studies Roman law and religious traditions. The book under consideration is called “Law, language, and empire in the Roman tradition,” and was published in the United States by the University of Pennsylvania Press in...

Transgender Community’s Treatment in Healthcare

Introduction A transgender is an individual whose gender identity or expression does not conform to the social standards and expectations associated with the biological sex to which he was allocated at birth (UNDP, 2016). The transgender community comprises three groups: individuals denoted as males at birth and experience female characteristics...

Moral Behaviours in the Movie “Inside Job”

Moral Reasons behind Salary Differences The essay centers on the movie “Inside Job” directed by Charles Ferguson whose key message is the portrayal of moral behaviours, as presented by the director, in relation to the real-life job scenario. The movie exposes the economic flaws that the US government had perpetrated...

Google Company: Digital Media Transformation

Why Google Missed the Video Opportunity Google Strategies Having been hugely successful as a web search engine, Google Inc. decided to expand its portfolio by launching a video sharing engine known as Google Video. However, this move was not as successful as they had hoped. The failure resulted from the...

Leadership and Globalization in the US and Japan

Introduction Leadership is a social influence in which a person can motivate or influence others and acquire their support in order to work together and accomplish a certain task. A leader can be defined as a person with the ability to influence others to work as a team and directs...

Social Construction of Technologies: Tablet Computer

Abstract In the course of their development, tablet computers were supposed to become alternatives to notebooks and PCs. Their development was hindered by the deficiencies of software. The evolution of these technologies was revitalized in 2010 after several important changes in the design of these tools. At present, manufactures of...

Malcolm Gladwell’s Views on Adaptive Conscious

“Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking” (2005) is a book written by Malcolm Gladwell, one of the most renowned figures in American letter writing. It gives a logical insight on psychology and behavioral economics, primarily concentrating on the mechanisms and processes that inspire our ability to automatically make rapid...