Chemicon Plc’s Risk Assessment in Democratic Republic of Congo

Introduction DRC, or the Democratic Republic of Congo, is the third-largest nation in the continent of Africa. Its name Congo denotes “hunter’ as it was termed by an ethnic group in Congo River Basin. The nation is widely affiliated with Southern Africa as a member of the Southern African Development...

Duke Ellington: It Don’t Mean a Thing if It Ain’t Got That Swing

Introduction Bring the subject of music to people whose prime of life happened during the 1930s to the ‘50s and he or she would immediately be reminded of the golden days of jazz. The names of Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, and countless other jazz musicians would be mentioned. The memories...

Morning and Evening Classes’ Effects on Students

Morning and evening classes have different outcomes for students who either take morning or evening classes. Most learning institutions emphasize greatly on morning classes rather than evening ones since there are more pros of morning classes than those of evening ones. This ensures that students can remain occupied most of...

Introduction to Legal Studies

Introduction A Contract is a legal binding obligation created under an agreement between two or more persons that is enforceable by law. A contract is made valid by the following factors: there must be an offer and an acceptance, there must be an intention to create legal relations, the contract...

Death of a Salesman: Imagery & Sumbolism

Introduction The Death of a Salesman was a tale of broken dreams, aspirations of the characters and unfulfilled promises. The Loman family is portrayed in the play as a dysfunctional family, each member with his or her issues. Willy Loman is sixty-three and nearing retirement, his wife, his two sons,...

Auto Magazine Advertisement Analysis

Introduction There is a well known marketing cliché that even if you have invented the best mouse trap in the world, people will not beat a path to your house to buy it. In other words, the product has to be marketed well for it to be successful. This paper...

Effects of Video Games on Players

The video game industry has grown into a multi-billion venture over the years. New games are produced by video game companies constantly. These games are in a variety of genres, ranging from violence to educational games. In recent years, there have been increased arguments about the impact of video games....

Oxide Layer in the Electrolytic In-Process Dressing

Introduction on ELID The crushing procedure of molding materials by using hard rough particles as cutting medium has been a noteworthy technique to create exactness mechanical parts (Azarhoushang & Tawakoli, 2011). The technique is used for handling optical and electronic parts. It is utilized as a last machining procedure to...

Nursing as a Science and Art

Introduction Nursing is one of the professions in the field of health. Nurse practitioners (NPs) use their skills to offer timely, high-quality, and safe care to communities, individuals, and families (Duran & Cetinkaya-Uslusoy, 2015). They provide adequate support to ensure more people maintain or attain optimal health. The wide range...

Miami Baptist Hospital’s Cultural Nursing Education

Introduction The mission and vision statements of healthcare organizations include a variety of crucial issues such as taking care of patients’ welfare, providing the medical employees with the necessary equipment, and being fair and unprejudiced to patients’ gender, age, or ethnicity. However, there is another essential component to be included...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Infidelity in Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”

Introduction The book by Scot Fitzgerald is hailed as a criticism on the period of materialism during the post-war America when people seemed to pursue relaxation and individual satisfaction. It was a time when alcohol was controlled, and through this, a plot was begun: a bootlegger becoming rich in the...

The Factual Character of Socrates & the Fictional Character of Antigone: Comparison

The dictionary typically defines philosophy as “the love of or search for wisdom or knowledge” or “as the theory or logical analysis of the principles underlying conduct, thought, knowledge and the nature of the universe” (Neufeldt, Goralnik, 1994, p. 1015). With such a general definition, one might begin to understand...

Willy Loman in Death of a Salesman: Character Analysis

Introduction The main action of Arthur Miller’s play “Death of a Salesman” is focused on the final two days in the life of an ordinary man named Willy Loman. At the opening of the play, it becomes apparent that Willy has been losing his sanity, yet he is still somewhat...

“Cowboys and Indians: The Shooting of J. J. Harper” by Gordon Sinclair Jr.

Introduction The natives of Canada are a group of people who claim to have been discriminated against for ages by white citizens. The fault appears to lie in the police force too. Winnipeg police are infamous in this aspect. They have been negligent in meeting justice to the natives. Intent...

Video and Audio Technology and Its Future

Introduction Indeed, the future of video and audio technology looks strong, more than ever before, in virtually all spheres of life. Nowhere is this upward trend for video and audio conferencing more pronounced than in businesses (Dominick 2003). More businesses are increasingly utilizing this technology to save on time and,...

Recruitment & Selection and Human Resource Management

Introduction Human Resource Management is deeply concerned with the recruitment and selection process. HRM theories spotlight is on the techniques of recruitment and selection and draws attention to the advantages of broad-spectrum assessments, interviews, and psychometric inspections within the employee selection procedures. The recruitment process could provide insights into how...

Social Work Ethics: Issues and Critical Debates

Introduction Social works represent a unique sphere based on strict ethical and moral principles and values. Working as a residential counselor in a mental health agency, I understand that social workers are faced with different ethical dilemmas and conflicts, which are difficult to resolve and avoid. Thus, professional knowledge and...

Human Resources Management and Organizational Culture

Introduction Organizational Theory and studies focus on the systematic explorations of and analysis of how people as individual and as groups function within organizational operational frameworks. Robbins, Stephen P. adds that, “In this view Human resource management is thus viewed as a strategic and coherent approach to the management of...

The American Experience Since 1945

Introduction History is shaped by people and events. The extent to which those factors can affect the pace of history is witnessed as the decades pass by and time is given to evaluate the true scale of influence. The only thing that matters is that there cannot be small and...

Depression Among Rich People Analysis

Introdaction Among the myriad differences between rich and poor people is the manner in which they are influenced by and respond to depression. From environmental to social and cultural to chemical, the divergent factors that categorize depression as having separate indicators and consequences. Among other methods, organizational therapy employs the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Importance of Testimonials Analysis

Introduction Testimonials are written or spoken statements from a public figure and sometimes from a private person, who exalt the virtue of a product. This means that a product that has been advertised using this method is highly accepted by many bearing in mind that they have a feeling of...

The Emergency of the American Independent Cinema

Introduction Independent Cinema is also known as the indie film is a film that is produced on a low budget and usually by a small film studio. In addition, the independent film refers to art films that are produced with little focus on commercial purpose and are usually distinct from...

Albrecht Durer’s “The Four Horsemen οf the Apocalypse”

Introduction In some respects, it is difficult to claim Durer as a Reformation painter. On the one hand, οf the three leading figures οf German Protestant art, Durer, Cranach, and Holbein, it was Durer who left the clearest evidence οf personal commitment to the new faith; a conversion experience as...

Corruption in Developing Countries – a Cultural Phenomenon

Introduction Corruption is a pervading phenomenon across most developing countries. It is as a matter of fact, present in developed countries too. This essay tries to analyze the way corruption has penetrated societies in developing countries. The reason for building up such a level of corruption in these countries in...

Welfare Legislation for Families

Introduction This paper will start by describing the three spheres that tie civilization jointly. The main institution of society is the relations or household which is out of order up into thousands of units. Secondly, its determination discuss the financial institution and its ties to the relations. The utilize of...

Optus Company: Organizational Public Relations Problem

Introduction In the conditions of a sharp aggravation of competition and the diminution of the influence on its outcome by the price factors, the position of the separate companies mostly depends on the efficiency and the quality of their personnel’s work. Modern management should consider comprehensively the essential growth of...

The Effects of Globalization on Sports

Introduction Many years have passed over with worlds states struggling for better ways in which they can bring about beneficial integration through the globalization of many fields. The results of such struggles have yielded numerous changes mostly in the fields of technology and communication. The introduction of such globalize ways...

In-Flight Catering: Earning Customer Satisfaction

Background The hospitality industry, in general, is one of the most competitive ones. Globalization and liberalization of the economy have further brought this industry into a sharp focus. With more low-cost airlines coming into the field, benchmarking has become an integral part of the corporate strategy. Airlines companies are now...

Homeland Security and Critical Thinking Skills

Introduction Critical thinking stands for the ability to evaluate a situation objectively, from all sides, and weighing in the available evidence before making a decision while being aware of all of the emotions, prejudices, and biases surrounding the issue at hand. The ability to think critically is necessary for making...

Port of Long Beach, California: Security Threats

Abstract This paper identifies threats and vulnerabilities to the port of Long Beach, California. The literature review section highlights key concepts relating to the research topic and outlines what other researchers have written about the research topic. This case study was undertaken using the descriptive research design and framed within...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Buyer Behavior: External Variables in Marketing

Consumer behavior is one of the most important subjects, especially in the field of marketing. It mainly deals with the study of how people choose to buy a certain product, what, when, and why they buy. In fact, it is a multidisciplinary subject that blends elements from psychology, sociology, socio-psychology,...

Abu Dhabi Ports’ Performance Problem-Solving

Introduction The ability to timely solve problems arising at different stages of work is a valuable quality that is particularly relevant in a competitive business environment. As a result of the implementation of the necessary steps and improvement mechanisms, heads of organizations can achieve not only a transition to sustainable...

Psychiatric Diagnosis of McKay on Stargate Atlantis Show

The character of Rodney McKay on the television show “Stargate Atlantis” proves to be most interesting. His behavior makes for an interesting blend of comedy and cynicism especially when he displays a blatant disregard for the feelings and needs of others. In one episode of Stargate Atlantis, he is given...

Toyota Company’s Total Quality Management

Introduction In the industry of auto manufacturing, Toyota is considered as one of the most admired and highly emulated. In Asia, Toyota ranks as the biggest car manufacturer. The cars that Toyota produced have encompassed almost all the regions in the world. Toyota has successfully competed with car companies in...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Children After Tsunami

Introduction Life is a continuous flow of events. Some of them are pleasant others are stressful. Everything that is happening around a child is leaving its imprints on the child psyche as their minds are very impressionable. It is like ponds filled with water where the ripples of events are...

The Relationship between Race and Sexuality

In order to understand the relationship between Race and sexuality, we must first have a clear understanding of the two terms and at the same time have a clear understanding of society’s views about the two issues. Sexuality is a complex issue that affects everyone. People of different communities have...

Barker’s Regeneration & Plath’s The Bell Jar: Compare & Contrast Essay

Introduction Literature is usually regarded as a guide, which leads us throughout the realities of life, impacts our conclusions, and permeates our cultural consciousness. It is in the literature that we find our characters; we find the evidence of our pasts and an expectation for our potential. It is literature...

Social Life in Canterbury Tales vs. Pride & Prejudice: Compare & Contrast Essay

Introduction Geoffrey Chaucer and Jane Austen belong to two different remarkable periods in English Literature. Chaucer was born in 1334 and Austen in 1775. The birth of the English language and literature in the fourteenth century provided a proper atmosphere in England for the growth of new trends and tendencies...

Applied Ethics: Moral Standards of Alcoholic Parents

Introduction Ethics describes how things ought to be done and not what people think is right for them to do. Ethics involves set prescriptions which people are supposed to follow. Ethics come from different ways say morality. Morality in the sense that, people ought to live as per the given...

Human Resource Management: Benefits and Key Issues

Introduction Proper management in the modern business environment is a significant criterion that largely determines the success of a particular organization and its recognition in the market. One of the aspects of heads’ work is the control over personnel, in particular, the distribution of immediate duties. The significance of this...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Tourist Satisfaction in Switzerland

Abstract This paper aims to propose a study on the level of tourist satisfaction in Switzerland. To introduce the topic, the introduction presents the theoretical background of tourism satisfaction, focusing on the key assumptions that underlie this sector. The literature review discusses the findings of the recent academic literature, mainly...

“What Goes Around Comes Around”: On the Nature of Social Exchange

Abstract The social theory seeks to describe and conceptualize social dynamics. One of the central concepts that explain various sociological, psychological, and economic phenomena is social exchange. Various researchers concur that human relationships are built upon the exchange of goods and favors, which stands true at both micro and macro...

United States Withdrawal From Iraq

The Iraq War is an ongoing conflict, which began five years ago, on 30th March 2003. The war was dubbed Operation Iraq Freedom. The United States and allied forces invaded Iraq on the ground that the country, under the leadership of saddam Hussein was producing weapons of mass destruction, WMD....

Corporate Language Training for Oman Oil Refineries and Petrochemical Industries Company

Project Introduction and Objectives Orpic is one of the largest organizations in the Sultanate of Oman and one of the fastest growing oil and petroleum companies. Partly, its success is explained by its strategic location on the axis of GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council), Asia, and Africa. Political and economic stability...

Vargas Family: Career Evaluation Case Study

Introduction Career selection is a complicated process that largely impacts a person’s entire life. Decision-making is associated with a range of factors, including relationships between its members, role models, and the system of specific values. This paper aims to explore the case of the Vargas family, in which the intention...

Mobile Phones of Consumer Choice: Market Research

Introduction Market research is the process of collecting information regarding the product of a company from the market. It gathers information about the product in terms of the customers, competitors, market and future market potentiality of the product. “Various methods of market research are used to find out information about...

China’s Crisis, Global Economy and Relations

Introduction Throughout history countries build their international relations on cooperation and confrontation in which they try to satisfy their national interests. At the present stage, the politics of geoeconomics has gradually replaced the politics of forces, and the interdependence of countries has become stronger, which affects the nature of their...

“The Incarnation of Power” by Wright Mills Critique

Abstract The present analytical paper explores power as one of the central concepts in social and political sciences. The first part of the analysis defines the notion of elites – the individuals at the top of the social hierarchy. Those belonging to the elites can escape the ordinary environments and...

Settler Colonialism and Indigenous People’s Rights

Abstract The Israeli-Palestine conflict remains one of the most inflexible upheavals in the world today. Many Palestinians have been forced to leave their ancestral lands due to the ongoing settler colonialism project promoted by the government of Israel. Using the concepts outlined by Edward Said, this paper explains why Orientalism...

Soccer and Sport: New Medium of Communication

The Review chose to focus on football. This choice can be questioned, as it is only one segment from the broad world of sports. And still more seriously, the sector parcellation of sports along with single disciplines – like football, motor race, and table tennis – may be inappropriate to...

Marriage in Pride & Prejudice: Research Paper

Outline The paper deals with the marriage as dealt with in the book by Jane Austen, The Pride, and Prejudice. The book espouses evidence of being inspired by writings of that era. Typically, there are instances when the women’s liberation as visualized by Mary Wollstonecraft and the woman as visualized...

Death of a Salesman: the Theme of a Small Man in a Big City

Introduction To some extent, the unique social and spiritual image of the United States attracts the constant attention of many people, including researchers and writers. The latter, as a rule, tend to understand and convey the originality of the American society, its past, present, and possible future scenario in their...

Veronica Vargas: Career Counseling

Introduction Career counseling, as a broad sphere of theoretical and practical frameworks aimed at helping clients make the right professional choices at different stages of their life span, deals with a variety of specific cases. In order to develop an effective intervention plan and solve the client’s problem, a counselor...

Psychological Stress and Nicotine Intake

Introduction Both the effects and aftermath of stress remain acute research topics, which may be primarily due to the subject’s prominence among various population strata. Older adults who experience stress have a lower quality of life, as their physical and mental health deteriorates under psychological duress (de Frias & Whyne,...

Corporate Gym Marketing Plan

Introduction This marketing plan is a part of a proposal for a corporate CrossFit gym. It will be used by the company’s employees but also be open to the general public and advertised to them. As a result, it will improve the overall community’s health while also generating some revenue...

Training and Implementing Change in an Organization: Google Case

Introduction Any organizational changes in firms of various sizes require preparation and appropriate planning aimed at analyzing the progress and potential outcomes of interventions. In order to implement the necessary programs, leaders, as a rule, resort to relevant strategic decisions associated with the phased reorganization of specific areas of activity....

India’s Policies to Tackle Poverty and Inequality

Introduction India is on the top list of the most populous countries in the world that has recently been gaining recognition as a major regional power. At the moment, there are many grave problems that plague India, and if unaddressed, they may set the Southeast Asian country for a looming...

Reliance on Technology and Security Staff Skills In Aviation Security

Introduction With the development of technology and continuous improvements, air transport is considered one of the safest way to travel. Still, a relatively low risk of incidents should not be taken as given, because it is a result of a complicated system that works to protect passengers from all the...

Illiberal Democracy in Hungary and Turkey

Introduction Comparative politics scholars have developed numerous theories to understand the timing and success of transitions from authoritarian rule to democracy. In recent years, however, there has been a reverse trend of democratic backsliding. In some countries, populist leaders have gained power and undermined the norms of liberal democracy that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Transport for London: Marketing Analytics

Sampling Scheme The appropriate sampling scheme that Transport for London (TfL) should use in surveying attitudes and preferences of passengers for Night Tube services is stratified method. Since TfL lacks a sampling frame, the use of the stratified sampling method would allow the categorization of passengers into distinct groups with...

Effective Workplace Negotiation Strategies & Skills

Employees and Employers Knowing how to handle and relate to a supervisor is no less important than what requirements should be made to the subordinates. Without this, it is difficult to find a common language with both the boss and subordinates. Using these or those norms, an employee can attract...

Symbolic Interactionism as a Tool for Conveying Ideas: Dissecting the Process of Communication

In a multicultural setting, communication may diverge into unintended directions due to misunderstandings occurring after misreading and misrepresenting particular notions. The application of the theory of symbolic interactionism allows dissecting the described problem and prevent the cases in question by using its theoretical tenets in the course of a multicultural...

Indigenous Cinema and Media. “A World of Our Own”

The depiction of indigenous people in mainstream art created by the people representing the majority of the population has always been a contentious topic to discuss. Due to the unavoidable biases in the perspective of those at the helm of the production, the narrative is likely to contain multiple stereotypes...

History of Cold War and International Law

As of today, the world continues to become ever more unstable, in the political sense of this world. The most recent escalation of the geopolitical tensions between the US (collective West) and China/Russia contributes to this process more than anything. At an initial glance, such a situation may appear as...

E-Tendering in the Telecommunications Sector of the Public Service

Literature Review The telecommunication sector has gone through a massive transformation over the last two decades. According to Chadli et al. (2016), emerging technologies have redefined the manner in which people communicate. The new media that is primarily based on digital technology has become central not only in the socio-economic...

Practices of Power and Black Female Epistemology

The Conceptual Practices of Power Male social universe is a social environment that only takes into account male interests. Smith suggests that up until recently, the entire sociological thought has been primarily male-centered. Men take front and center of sociology while their counterparts are never really taken seriously. Of course,...

How Science Is Demarcated from Pseudoscience

The main reason why I choose to discuss this topic is that, as time goes on, it is likely to become ever more discursively relevant. The growing popularity of different pseudoscientific ideas/pursuits amongst both the ordinary citizens and socially prominent policy-makers substantiates the validity of this suggestion. While exploring the...

Class and Family in Victorian Literature

Introduction The Victorian era in English literature coincided with great reformations in society due to changes brought upon by the Industrial Revolution. Traditional agrarian communities were dissolved, family units became smaller, and the degree of economic instability grew. The expansion of cities and the creation of factories in major English...

Operational Plan of a Toy Shop Baby Kingdom

Introduction The operational plan is a highly essential element of any business planning. It formulates the main objectives of a company within a defined period of time and describes physical necessities for their achievement. It includes the description of the organizational structure, the employees’ responsibilities, location, equipment, products or services,...

Teaching Experience in Disaster Management Among Teenage Students

Summary of Teaching Plan The significance of the role that a nurse plays in disaster management (DM) is often overlooked yet is crucial to the safety and security of community members. Particularly, the promotion of safe behaviors needs to be mentioned as the primary goal of a community nurse in...

Solar Photovoltaic Power as Advanced Technology

Over the years, the energy consumption of people all over the world has been increasing. It is predicted that by 2040, the figures will rise by more than 50% as compared to the levels recorded in 2010 (Aman et al., 2015, p. 1191). Moreover, many of the sources of energy...

Quantitative Techniques in Business to Manage Quality

Abstract Business organizations are facing quality issues concerning their operations and products. Business scenarios are rapidly changing at a time when phenomena are not only influenced by the traditional aspects of economics but also by an accumulation of data. Therefore, management teams should adopt the best techniques to handle these...

Globalization and Knowledge Management

Abstract This paper outlines the knowledge management in the context of globalization and using personal experience with virtual learning. Both the class theory of organizational knowledge management and innovational strategies are reviewed. Companies will be able to use distance learning and other applications or platforms to spread expertise and competencies...

Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services: Evidence-Based Project

The Identified Healthcare Issue One of the major goals of the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) is the elimination of the level of hospital readmissions. With this aim, the CMS has introduced the disciplinary punishment for those healthcare establishments the readmission rates in which are greater than expected....

Terroir: Preserving France’s Uniqueness

When exploring the history of French wine, the concept of terroir has been used as both a definition for a specific wine’s category within the market and a reflection on the quality of the drink. No matter how wine connoisseurs approach the definition of terroir, it cannot be separated from...

Clostridioides Difficile in Hospitalized Patients

Introduction Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) can be considered one of the central and significant problems of the majority of medical units today. In accordance with the statistics, at least one in 31 patients who receive treatment in a hospital setting face this problem (CDC, 2018). Additionally, it remains one of the...

Confucian Views on Women in Chinese Society

Introduction The teachings of Confucius have influenced all types of relationships in Chinese society, and they have also affected the social position of women, their status, and their accepted roles. In spite of the fact that Confucius did not directly write specific teachings about women, his approach to treating female...

Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank’s Online Banking Services

Online Banking Services in the UAE: Abu Dhabi Islamic BankIntroduction In 2019, most banks around the world offer online and mobile banking services. The advantages of the Internet and communication technology have immensely improved the speed and convenience of banking operations for customers and financial institutions alike. The availability of...

Immigration Laws and Social Welfare Policies

Introduction Illegal immigration remains one of the biggest concerns for the current United States government. According to Orrenius and Zavodny (2016), the majority of those who come to the United States legally have a plan on what they need to do and how they will survive in the country. On...

Violent Television and Children

Introduction Aggression among children is one of the central concerns of modern society. Despite numerous attempts to reduce its levels, there is credible evidence of the gradual deterioration of the situation (LoBue, 2018). That is why there are multiple research works focused on the investigation of this issue. For instance,...

The Importance of Religion in Understanding the History of Alcohol

The history of different addictive substances such as alcohol has been riddled with numerous events, ideas, beliefs, and notions. For many centuries, human beings have used alcoholic beverages and substances for various reasons or functions. For instance, some have consumed alcohol as a source of vital nutrients for the body....

Email Fraud and User Protection Strategies

Introduction The invention of the Internet has triggered numerous changes in human communication and interaction. Electric mail (email) has become an important method of communication by allowing the passage of information from one person to another. Communication through is becoming a necessity in the modern world, and moving into the...

Brain’s Negative Bias and Its Causes

The brain’s proclivity to be biased toward negative information, objects, and people can be explained from evolutionary, scientific, and sociological perspectives. In ancient times, human beings always faced the danger of attack from wild animals in their environment. In that regard, they were always alert and on the lookout for...

Populism in the US and Other Countries

Populism and its Perquisites Most scholars agree that populism is based on three structures, which include hostility, totalitarianism, and nativism (Brubaker 359). Populism implies different meanings to various individuals. However, researchers categorize populism with attributes such as common interest, an aversion of elites, threat towards established foundations and legislative issues,...

African American Students’ Civil Rights History

Introduction The Civil Rights movement in the United States has a long history. Starting in the 1950s, this social impetus for change implied taking direct action; it was primarily focused on the realm of education, although its proponents also addressed other areas where African American people were experiencing severe discrimination...

Poverty and Inequality Reducing Policies in China

Introduction China is one of the most populous countries in the world, with a population of approximately one billion (“National Bureau of Statistics of China” 2019). The large population has been blamed for the relatively high gap between the rich and the poor. Interestingly, even within these economic groups, inequality...

Learning Models in Early Childhood Education

Introduction The search for the perfect learning model has been continuing ever since the traditional adult-run approach was first doubted. The tendencies switched between such extremes as transmission and acquisition of knowledge. Community-of-learners model does not stand in the middle between one-sided models, as it is a completely different philosophical...

The Cuban Revolution and Relations with the USSR

Introduction The Cuban Revolution in the 1950s was one of the most significant socio-political events of the century in the Western Hemisphere. It had profound impacts not just on Cuba but on the global stage as an inherent shift in the balance of power and ideology occurred. The Cuban Revolution...

Leonardo da Vinci and Scientific Anatomy in Renaissance

Introduction Anatomy is the foundation of medicine, the basis of its theory and practice. With this science, the process of knowledge of medical disciplines begins. Its comprehension forms the beginning of clinical thinking in medical students. This was perfectly understood by outstanding scientists at the dawn of the formation of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Arthur Miller’s “Death of a Salesman” Play Analysis

Introduction Death of a Salesman is a stage play that was written in 1949 by Arthur Miller, an American playwright and literary activist who was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for Drama. The play is a famous piece of art, which is considered as one of the best theater works of...

Injustice and Lack of Sovereignty in Danticat’s “Brother, I’m Dying”

Introduction In her memoir, Brother, I’m Dying, Edwidge Danticat narrates her life experiences in Haiti and in the US without following any chronological order of events. The book’s title could be interpreted as the pain that underlines the stories it recounts. Family separation, suffering in a foreign land, becoming refugees,...

The Fundamentals of the Chinese Culture

Abstract The paper provides a thorough observation of the fundamentals of the Chinese culture that require careful attention from the participants of the study abroad program. Emphasis on family ties, respect to the elders, transitions from democracy to the republic, and rich historical heritage play a significant role in China....

Perspectives of Corporate Social Responsibility

Introduction Businesses, especially large multinational enterprises, affect the lives of communities where they operate, having the power to bring either a positive or a negative change. The idea of corporate social responsibility (CSR) implies that these companies integrate strategies that affect societies and the environment, making these elements an important...

Graphing Calculator’s History and Usage

History of calculator The electronic calculator is a vivid example of how accelerating the speed of technological change may be. The abacus, which is also called a counting frame, is known to have been used by Babylonians in 3000 BC to calculate arithmetical processes (“Chronological calculator timeline,” n.d., para. 3)....

Impact of Drinking Coffee on the Quality of Student’s Essays

Introduction Caffeine is thought to increase productivity and allow people, more specifically, students, to study for more extended periods. With the continuous stress and lack of free time, students often use coffee to stay alert and dedicate more time to completing a task. Mahoney et al. state that approximately 92%...

Zalora: Case Study

Executive Summary Entering the context of the online economic environment is fraught with multiple difficulties, mostly due to the need to reconsider an array of internal organizational processes and introducing a flexible system of change management. The case of Zalora, a company, working in the apparel industry, shows that the...

Sikhism and Christianity: A View on Life and Death

Introduction Religious beliefs have accompanied humanity since its origin. People at any stage of their development continue to believe in the existence of God, only the forms through which the divine service takes place to change. As a relatively young religion, Sikhism absorbed the concepts of Islam and Hinduism but...

Helping Others: Examining an Ethical Dilemma

Introduction As a rule, society considers helping others to be a virtuous and noble deed. If you approach anyone on the street and ask them if helping others is a good thing to do, the answer would most likely be “Yes.” However, after getting this initial affirmation, there are many...

Juvenile Crime in Modern Society

Introduction The issue of juvenile crime has an overarching influence on today’s society. Concerns about it have been widely shared not only by government officials but also by the general public. While the juvenile crime rate showed a peak at the beginning of the 1990s and subsequently decreased over the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Media Role and Coverage in Bahrain

Abstract The current paper is concerned with the topic of the media in the Kingdom of Bahrain. More specifically, the roles that the media play in delivering various types of media content, advertisement, and information are investigated. Four main categories of media are covered: television, radio, print newspapers and magazines,...

Google Company’s Human Resource Management

Abstract Human resource management/human resource (HRM/HR) refers to the practice of managing people in an organization in order to facilitate the achievement of an organization’s mission and reinforce its corporate culture. It can be implemented from either an administrative or strategic perspective. Administrative HR focuses primarily on daily processes and...

“Sense and Sensibility” and “Pride and Prejudice” Films

Watching movies based on Jane Austen’s novels is always exciting for many people. In addition to a properly developed plot with interesting characters and lines, the director and the rest of the film crew make their contributions and choose beautiful landscapes and views. The role of the cast cannot be...

“The Kite Runner” Film: History and Cinematography

Director Marc Forster was recognized as a world-renowned professional director in 2000. The reason for this recognition was his psychological horror film All Together. It is worth noting that he worked not only on the direction of this film, Forster also was a screenwriter. Marc Forster was born on January...

Near-Death Experiences and Explanatory Models

Introduction Since medicine becomes more advanced, it returns people to life from borderline states in many cases. A near-death experience (NDE) is a subjective reality in a terminal form of consciousness, which exists in conditions of gradual degradation of brain functions. It begins from the youngest (the big hemispheres) to...

Alcohol Consumption and Sale Laws in the US

Summary Alcohol consumption and sale in the U.S. are regulated by several laws, each of which may vary depending on the state. The main law governing this issue is the 21st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. It authorizes the states to determine their own regulations regarding the sale, distribution, importing,...

Airline Liability for Passenger Injury or Death

Introduction Airplane crashes result in a threatening or serious injuries and deaths. Affected individuals can suffer broken limbs, organ damage, broken limbs, and internal bleeding. Relatives of passengers who die after accidents go through traumatizing periods. They also experience pain due to the loss of their beloved persons. The paper...

Individuals With Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Neurodevelopmental disorders are particularly different to treat in young patients since the latter’s nervous system has not developed yet, which suggests additional complications appearing in the process. Due to the detrimental effects that neurological disorders have on individuals’ cognitive development, including memory, abstract and critical thinking skills, and other essential...

Detroit as a Racial Segregated City

Introduction Segregation in the USA is a policy of forced separation of any group of the population. It is usually referred to as a form of religious and racial discrimination. Spatial segregation refers to the settlement of residents in the city as a result of their economic and racial characteristics...

Single African American Parents: Literature Review

Parenting among single African American women poses serious challenges. Scholars have developed an interest in investigating the challenges to find ways of helping these parents and reducing juvenile delinquency in the country. A study by Elliott, Powell, and Brenton (2015) shows that almost 50% of all marriages in the United...

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The Translation Process and Procedures

Introduction/Thesis statement The foremost issue, within the theoretical framework of translation-paradigm, has traditionally been considered the fact that the syntactical structure and semiotic mechanisms of Source Languages (SL) often prove irreconcilable with that of Target Languages (TL). Therefore, it does not come as a particular surprise that, while addressing the...

Copyright Infringement in US Musical Industry

Having the ability to protect intellectual property is crucial for both companies and individuals. In the U.S., the Copyright Act of 1976 is the primary legislation guiding people through various aspects of using other individuals’ work (“Copyright Law of the United States”). Although at first, the topic may appear straightforward,...

ACME Fireworks Firm’s Contracts and Expansion

Legal structures and guidelines are usually put in place to govern business contracts, human resource (HR) practices, and operations. Organizational managers should be aware of such laws if they are to implement appropriate models. ACME Fireworks is a small business enterprise that is planning to expand its operations after getting...

Smartphone Innovation and Powerful Marketing Plan

Introduction Successful companies implement and upgrade their business models in order to achieve their aims. They consider numerous aspects such as the acquisition of raw materials, production of superior products or services, and logistical operations. This arrangement has made it easier for many corporations to produce quality goods for their...

Buddhism, Caring and Moral Obligations

Introduction First of all, it is essential to provide an overview of this paper’s scope to formulate the core problem along with outlining different perspectives on the issue. In this paper, I will argue that the Buddhist account of the personality and the self provides an applicable approach to caring...

Biology and Happiness Relationship

Introduction Human beings engage in numerous activities, establish appropriate relationships, and formulate decisions that can eventually make them happy. Researchers and theorists in different fields have been focusing on the most effective mechanisms to transform emotions and empower more people to achieve their potential. It is also evident that positive...

Sociological Mini-Memoir on Personality Development

Introduction In this paper, I aim to review and examine my personality and my experiences from a sociological perspective in order to understand how they have influenced my view of others. Seeing Sociology sees society from three different perspectives that, together, become a broader view that sees every aspect of...

Cytarabine Effects Course: Evaluation Methods

Student Population, Topic, and Modalities The audience for the course includes the oncology unit nurses who will be tasked with taking care of patients with Cytarabine. The audience for this lesson is synchronous since learners will be expected to attend lessons and meet face to face with their teacher producing...

UK Business Sectors and Their Value to the Economy

Executive Summary The following report consists of two parts. Part one of the report identifies three business sectors in the UK and explains their value to the UK economy. The chosen sectors are information technology, tourism, and financial services. The report details the industries which are connected to each of...

New Ontario Employment Standards Act

Introduction Global development has an increasing impact on how people work, from determining areas where the demand for employees is high to offering opportunities for international cooperation. Preparing to work in the changing world is one of the central goals of the millennials, as they are required to find a...

Tiffany & Co.’s Luxury Product Marketing Plan

Introduction Even after the near-fall of the U.S. luxury-products industry in 2009, the industry continues to exhibit positive growth. The U.S. economy, although coming out of recession, is better off than it was in 2008. Jewelry companies are fighting to return to the positions of profit they enjoyed prior to...

Steinheim’s vs. Luzzatto’s Philosophy of Religion

Salomon Ludwig Steinheim (1789-1866) was called polyhistor for him being a famous theologian, politician, and physician, a historical figure who played a crucial part in the battle of the Jewish population for its emancipation. He was the first German-Jewish scholar who attempted to start the exploration of the concept of...

Christianity in Hirsch’s and Formstecher’s Portrayals

Samuel Hirsch (1815-1889) rejected the contention that in some ways Judaism is inferior to Christianity, on the contrary, he held a view that both religions are equal in their validity. While Judaism as a religion involves the intensive religious belief and implications of a way of living, Christianity, on the...

Apple Inc.’s Organizational Behavior Management

Describe the company and what it does A company may run a great risk mostly when involved in outsourcing its business activities to the outside business world unless the person(s) involved have some knowledge in the game. Employees, whether the subordinates or management team are prone to making mistakes, and...

Wal-Mart Company’s Growth and Organizational Theory

Introduction Sweeping demographic shifts, technological advances, competition, geopolitical realignments and other related pressures are combining with security concerns, changing customer preferences, expansion urges and organizational governance to generate momentous pressure for organizational change (Kotter 96; Howard 3). A diversity of studies (Haveman 20; Kotter 97; Amburgay 55) have found that...

Leadership Philosophy and Effective Followership

Introduction Leadership is a unique and ambiguous phenomenon. The perception of this concept is greatly affected by an individual’s personal development, experience, and knowledge. More than that, leadership can be viewed from different perspectives, and they usually vary based on the area of human activities – management, education, psychology, medicine,...

The Genocide in Rwanda 1994

Introduction The genocide concept comprises two words, genes, a Greek word meaning tribe or race, and cide, a Latin word meaning the killing of pointed out by Polish Jurist Raphael Lemkin. According to the definition agreed upon on the United Nations Genocide Convention, the term means “Acts committed with intent...

Behavior Modification: Sweet Tooth

Introduction Human behavior is the subject matter of behavior modification. Behavior is what people do and say (Miltenberger, 2011). The characteristics that define behavior are as follows. Behavior involves a person’s actions. It is described with action verbs. Behavior is not a static characteristic of the person. Behaviors have one...

Gender Studies: The Queer of Color Theory

The Queer of Color Theory As a diverse field of studies that includes multiple disparate ideas and points of view, the queer theory incorporates color issues. To understand the experiences of people different from the predominant groups, one should refer to the queer of color theory that “seeks to disrupt...

Retail Inventory Control Project Management

Overview of the Project Project name: Implementation of the Retail Inventory Management Project Sponsors: JC Penny Stores Project Leader: Navio Start Date: 10th August 2012 End Date: 25th November 2012 Budget: $ 4,900,000 Project Scope The following are the expected project outcomes. The first one is that the project will...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Organisational Structure Impacts on Learning

Introduction A learning organization is an organization skilled at creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge and at modifying its behavior to reflect new knowledge and insights. This means that organizations engage in systematic problem solving, experimenting, and continuously searching for new knowledge. There must also be a tolerance for failure because...

Cultural Rift in the UAE Construction Industry

Introduction Globalization has created opportunities for employees worldwide. It has also enabled employers to recruit employees from every part of the world. However, this has come with its challenges namely cultural differences and conflict resolutions, among others. Of great concern are cultural differences, which have the propensity of causing conflict...

Brand and Product Manager: Job Analysis

My job of interest is a brand/product manager. This area lies in the field of marketing. This paper shall first describe the brand/product management and the role of a product/brand manager, before designing the program. Brand/product management is the hub of marketing. The brand/product manager is the focus of a...

Advances in Aviation at the Science Museum

Short N.2B Seaplane (1917) Short N.2B was designed and produced by Short Bros Ltd. It was planned as the improved version of those seaplanes which were used during World War I. However, Short N.2B was presented only in 1917. Short N.2B was worked out as a powerful patrol bomber seaplane...

Indonesia’s Response to the Economic Crisis of 1997

Introduction Prior to the 1997 predicament, the Indonesian market was typified by a powerful financial presentation from 1989 to 1996 with a yearly GDP intensification average of 8 percent. This was because of well-built business enterprise activities exemplified by sturdy macroeconomic rudiments. The basic monetary equilibrium was in surplus after...

Real-Estate Company’s Cultural Analysis

Introduction The modern-day organizational design is characterized by numerous complexities that determine the manner in which the organizations are run. Organizational factors such as organizational structure, culture, and the whole organizational theory set the parameters according to which the organization operates. Organizational design is concerned with the manner in which...

“Girl, Interrupted” and “The Age of Adaline” Films

Introduction Modern movies primarily utilize visuals and audio effects to communicate the idea of a story shown to a viewer. The objective of the task for the director is to apply the most appropriate techniques to ensure that a viewer is fully aware of what happens on screen. Considering the...

Hyde Park Art Center’s Organizational Analysis

A Brief Description of the Organization Founded in 1939, Hyde Park Art Center promotes contemporary visual art in Chicago. The Center brings “artists and communities together to support creativity in art” (Hyde Park Art Center, 2016, p. para. 1). Mandate “Connecting the public to Chicago art and artists while supporting...

“The African Experience” by Vincent Khapoya

Introduction Many scholars have advanced various schools of thought in their search for real reasons that could help resolve the question that has lived with us for centuries of what could be responsible for the continued economic, social and political backwardness of the African continent. Khapoya undertook to analyze the...

Human’s Aggressive Nature in Social Settings

Abstract This paper uses the discursive framework of a Rogerian argument to promote the idea that, even though humans are true ‘naturally’ predisposed towards aggression, it is thoroughly justified to discuss their predisposition, about what happened to be the affiliated social settings. Introduction The fact that people are being more...

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Social and Emotional Competence for Teachers

Case study- An interrupted Lesson It was on a Friday, November 6 2015 at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. I had visited the university for a Conference on introduction to statistics. I wanted to learn something about statistics because it would enable me to compute simple data with ease.... Company’s Strategic Analysis

What are the core values of the partners? How do those values express themselves in the current business model? Communication One of the core values of is the establishment of an effective communication between the business partners with its community which initially comprised of amateur photographers, illustrators and...

Ethics, Values, and Morals in Institutions

In the workplace, the significance of ethics and ethical decisions should be emphasized. The term ethics refers to the study of peoples’ conducts based on their behaviors with the aim of stressing on the right and wrong (Cady 4). On the other hand, the dissimilarity between ethical decision-making process and...

Math and Data Management Lesson Plan Analysis

Date of lesson 26th July 2013 The time frame of the lesson 30 minutes Number of students and age range or grade level 24 students in grade 3 Subject Math; Data Management Pre-assessment The students can be able to do simple mathematical activities. Examples of such activities include collecting and...

Crime and Delinquency Theories

Profane, sacred, social constructions ‘Profane’ is something or some reference to a person who is not respectful of Orthodox traditions, mainly in a religious context. On the other hand, ‘sacred’ refers to something that is religious and is connected to God, usually referring to or being attached to a religious...

American National Government and Its Features

Introduction The features of any government are the pillars on which it is founded and identified. The United States of America is one of the governments in the world that is identified by its features. The essay will look into various elements that make the US administration. First, the American...

West European Studies: Crises of Early Tudor Era

King Henry VIII’s reign came after the Antique social and political system when the Emperor of Western Rome was removed from power. During this time, various social changes had taken place. The Feudal and the manorialism systems were the ones in operation at the time. The feudal system was a...

Next Global Airport Security Program

Abstract The case presents a security program for Next Global Airport. These safety procedures and measures are best on approved standards, national laws and regulations, and best practices in the aviation industry. They do not aim to cause any inconvenience to airport users, but rather to improve their safety. Security...

Effective Procurement Activities’ Added Value

Introduction Procurement is an essential part of business activities because there are many benefits that are accrued from the process. The evolution of market economies has made it important for companies to focus on effective procurement activities because there has been a great need to improve the competitiveness of the...

Apple Company: Cargo Security Management

Abstract In the current competitive business environment, companies are interested in ensuring that they streamline their operations to lower the production costs and increase profitability. Apple Inc. is one of the firms, which have registered impressive success in the market over the recent past. One of the areas that this...