Peace in Islam and International Relations


It is important to note that Islam is one of the three Abrahamic religions, which builds its system of beliefs on the faith of monotheism. The Holy Quran is the sacred text from which the majority of teachings and core concepts are derived. The key figure is the Prophet Muhammad, who is believed to be the last messenger of Allah. Unlike Christianity, Islam believes that Jesus Christ was not a divine being but rather a prophet as many others, including Muhammad. Due to the tensions in international politics of the early 2000s, Islam acquired a bad reputation due to some extremist groups emerging from the Islamic faith. Although they are not representative of the entire religion, the latter was affected as a whole and questioned on its adherence to peace. The notion that Islam upholds fierceness contradicts Islamic culture’s ethical teaching, which emphasizes unity and peacemaking, or al-ishla (Nursita and Sahide). The tense relationship between Muslim and non-Muslim nations has contributed to the perception of Islam as a violent faith, which is far from the truth. Due to the battles in the Middle East, Karen Armstrong, a scholar, backed the concept that Islam teaches violence as a religion. Despite poor media coverage and loudness of a few Islamic radicals, Islam itself is not a violent religion because Quran outlines three levels of conceptualized peace, which include as-silmu, as-shulhu, and al-amanu.

New Ideas from the Text

According to Islamic beliefs, Islam means salvation and encourages peace, unity, and submission. Islam comes from the Arabic term as-salaamu, which means “safe” or “saved.” Phrases like shaalaha, which means reconcile, while as-shulhu means peace. Islam religion supports both positive and negative values when it teaches peace (Nursita and Sahide). Cooperation, equality, a peaceful culture, and inter-society dialogue are all examples of positive values. New ideas emerge when Islamic culture promotes peace while the electronic media, periodicals, literature, and written texts support the stereotype.

The reading of the text reveals that Islam promotes social harmony and peacemaking nationally. Internationally, Islamic teaching encourages peace, unity, and mutual respect among various populations. The virtue of making peace prevails in the Quran and hadith. According to multiple scriptures, Allah loves those who perform justly, such as al- Hujurat, who demonstrates justice in the scripture. Al-Hujurat chapter 49:9 mentions amending what is between you and Allah’s messengers to enhance peace (Nursita and Sahide). Words like al-amaanu, which means serenity, protection, and calm, are used in Islam to create security. The state has a mission to preserve safety for human survival in Prophet Ibrahim’s prayer in the Quran. The wisdom verses and lessons in the Al-Quran instruct individuals on making peace and maintaining security among themselves. Internationally, Islam fosters peace, honesty, unity, safety, and goodness. The Islamic teaching portrays virtues that make people come together, live well with joy, have a better understanding among themselves, and solve issues together.

Islam religion promotes peace in that Mohammed reconciled Muharijin and Ansar as a show of love among them as a symbol of unity in Islam teachings. It indicates conciliation and peacemaking efforts to solve the conflict in groups in society (Nursita and Sahide). There are words in the Islam teachings like as-shulhu meaning peace, al-ishlah meaning reconciliation or reformation, which divine rules promote peace in the religion. Islam religion mainly enhances peacemaking reconciliation and promotes unity among the community groups. It balances human nature on the ways of survival and living. It advocates that humans in nature do good deeds to create both positive and negative peace (Nursita and Sahide). A Muslim incorporates Islamic values in social, economic, and political life to bring mutual respect, cooperation, unity, tolerance, justice, and protect human rights (Nursita and Sahide). Islam culture creates peace to prevent and solve conflicts within the society. Religion brings better understanding among the people, which ensures people live with unity and peace.

New Words

Islam, which signifies salvation, submission, or peace, as-silmu, as-shulhu, and al-amaanu, which represents a concept of peace in Islam, are among the new vocabulary items in the reading text. Peace is as-shulhu, while reconciliation or change is al-ishlah. The phrases in Islam’s teaching imply that all Muslim believers must act nicely toward others and act as an example to other groups. Most Beneficent is Ar-Rahman, whereas Most Merciful is Al-Raheem are some of the new vocabularies in the text. The other words are as-shulh, which means building peace to prevent and resolve conflict (Nursita and Sahide). Al-amaanu means peace obtained by preserving or providing security, or peace that cannot be achieved by a single person but rather by vast groups of people, society, or the state. In Islamic teachings and culture, akhlaq refers to morality and uprightness. Wasathiyah is a man capable of comprehending, standing, and defending reality. In Islam, one needs to understand religious doctrines and protect them according to divine laws. Muslims focus more on their religion, believe in it, and follow the set guidelines according to doctrines.


Lastly, I would prefer the readers of the text to be aware that Islam promotes peacemaking, unity, and protection of all individuals’ human rights in society. It is a religion that enhances equality and cooperation and solves conflicts. The Islamic teachings endorse virtues that bring wellness and moral support to the organization, and the religious oppose any violence that attributes to conflict or disagreement in the society. It upholds and practices righteousness, honesty, and justice in the community. Islam opposes violence or wars and promotes peace within international relations. The teachings from the religion encourage individuals to continue doing good deeds and show love to all people. Islam encourages believers to have a perfect political, social, and economic life to bring peace to society. The believers also become equitable, compassionate, and loving to each other to show unity and caring.

The fact is that electronic media, famous newspapers, and other sources of information attribute Islam as a religion of violence, and my view opposes this stereotype. I understand Islam as a Godly religion that practices all virtues that bring people together and promote harmony. The various Quran quotes and verses indicate denial of evil and admit good deeds among the individuals. The Quran opposes violence rebukes terrorism, conflicts, and injustice in the religion. It protects peace, unity, and respect within the society. In the Quran, various stories show multiple individuals and groups who have demonstrated reconciliation that brings peace and love. Islamic law, both Al-Qur’an and Sunnah bring an attitude that leads people to accept peace among themselves. It directs Muslim believers to obey the faith of other religions. The faith leaders cooperate in goodness, solve disputes, and behave well towards their followers, and Islam would support equality, cooperation, unity, and justice internationally. It brings peace, prevents wars or conflicts, and ensures all stay well with harmony within their localities. The Muslims enjoy their religion to protect their rights and bring unity to their culture.

Work cited

Nursita, Rizki Dian, and Ahmad Sahide. “The Concept of Peace in Islam and Its Relevance to International Relations”. Al-Albab, vol 8, no. 2, 2019, pp. 211-224. IAIN Pontianak.

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