Performance-Based vs. Personal Communication: Impacts on Work Dynamics

It is challenging to imagine the modern world without communication. It is so because information sharing is essential in every life sphere, and teaching is not an exception. Various communication types differ according to the goals and situations when they occur. Performance-based and personal communication approaches are essential elements in the learning process since they imply some advantages for all the participants. That is why numerous educators draw specific attention to the two. Thus, the given paper will comment on how performance-based and personal communication are beneficial for students and how they can be used to support nondirective teaching and developing positive self-concepts.

One should say that the selected communication types are significant for learners. On the one hand, one should mention that performance-based communication relies on students’ achievements. For example, this approach helps learners identify how and whether they follow the required rubric (Chappuis & Stiggins, 2020). It means that this activity results in the fact that students can improve their performance. On the other hand, represented by many types, personal communication implies a wide variety of possible benefits.

Firstly, answering the proposed questions helps learners encourage thinking, deepen knowledge, develop reasoning skills, and others. Secondly, personal learning journals are practical means for individuals to express their misunderstanding regarding the studying materials. Thirdly, lineup discussion “teaches students to examine both sides of an issue or argument” before making a conclusion (Chappuis & Stiggins, 2020).

Finally, class and group discussion contributes to the fact that learners have an opportunity to develop their communication skills to express their thoughts logically and decisively. These issues demonstrate that it is impossible to overestimate the significance of the two communication types for students.

One can also mention that the phenomena above support nondirective teaching and developing positive self-concepts. On the one hand, nondirective teaching implies that educators do not have any specifically designed activities. According to Joyce et al. (2015), “the teacher respects the students’ ability to identify their own problems” (p. 289). With this in mind, it is evident that communication, both performance-based and personal, plays a crucial role in this teaching approach. Students use their communicative skills to express their thoughts and direct a lesson.

On the other hand, personal and performance-based communication develop positive self-concepts. For example, it refers to the idea that every student can learn how to learn, meaning that all learners are given equal opportunities for interaction and growth (Joyce et al., 2015). Furthermore, such self-concepts ensure that individuals productively interact with their environment. These self-concepts are necessary to achieve the best learning benefits. Thus, the communication types under analysis are suitable here since they help students achieve academic success and cooperate with the environment.

In conclusion, it has been demonstrated that performance-based and personal communication are significant elements of teaching. On the one hand, they are beneficial for all students. It is so because these phenomena encourage thinking, deepen learning, improve knowledge, develop reasoning skills, and others. These communication types are useful for students to become more competent and skillful.

On the other hand, the two phenomena support nondirective teaching since they allow students to express their thoughts and concerns. Finally, positive self-concepts are also developed since performance-based and personal communication contribute to the fact that learners interact with the environment productively. It means that teachers should do their best to introduce these communication types in the classroom.


Chappuis, J., & Stiggins, R. (2020). Classroom assessment for student learning: Doing it right–doing it well (3rd ed.). Pearson.

Joyce, B., Weil, M., & Calhoun, E. (2015). Models of teaching (9th ed.). Pearson.

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StudyCorgi. 2020. "Performance-Based vs. Personal Communication: Impacts on Work Dynamics." December 8, 2020.

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