Performance Improvement Plan: Logistics, Communication, and Behaviour


Logistics/supply chain requires a myriad of skills, such as green logistics, purchasing, performance measures, and order processing, which are essential for creating a substantial impact in the clothing industry. Among the functions associated with the position includes providing support in surveying, pre-staging and ordering, inventory, and projecting performance measures relative to the business’s requirements (McKinnon et al., 2017). Some of the primary functions I excel in are carrying out crating, packing, warehousing, and storage duties in readiness for site-specific shipment and programs, and I have a great sense of responsibility for tracking, receiving, and stocking every ordered item. I am passionate about ensuring my colleagues’ ability to manage and maintain inventory at operational levels, and this has played a significant role in the success of previous teams I work with. Along with overseeing consumer-based questions, previous encounters developed the capacity to plan and allocate tasks to meet configuration requirements. I am now better at planning, prioritizing, and managing my activities. In the next six months, I will engage in thirty minutes daily routine of learning about management requirements associated with the job to apply for logistics/supply chain manager.


Communication skills are essential at organizational levels since they facilitate sharing and understanding among key stakeholders, including workmates, consumers, and vendors. Communication is also critical in how organizations compose and deliver information when responding to consumer needs, attending to complicated questions, and reporting assigned tasks (McKinnon et al., 2017). In my interaction with colleagues and my everyday routine, I frequently myself sharing relevant information and updates with my peers and superiors. The practice has been a major contributor to how I perform as a team member and my success. Moreover, the frequent sharing of information benefits me by staying on track and being informed. Further, I tactfully provide difficult feedback and use compassion and skills in approaching sensitive situations. Regardless of the level of organization, I can effectively communicate by consistently maintaining contact with department heads and corporate meetings by presenting my ideas to all groups in an effective, skillful, and professional manner. In the next six months, through interactions with my colleagues, I will listen more to how people contribute to issues and ask for feedback once the contributions have been made.


Behavioral competency entails actions, attitudes, knowledge, and skills that set apart excellent employees. From an organizational level, leaders can evaluate competency by measuring how employees perform their tasks (McKinnon et al., 2017). However, the necessary tools and an internal institution that monitors and measures employee behaviors must exist. On a personal level, behavioral competency is measured by monitoring an individual’s attitude toward performance (McKinnon et al., 2017). Personally, being part of a team has enabled me to achieve success in communicating, which contributes to how I perform my tasks. Effective communication has been central in delivering information effectively and queries for unclear circumstances in various settings. That has enabled me to complete my tasks and contribute to the firm’s performance. While the human factor contributes to the level of performance and all days are never the same, I always ensure to keep a positive attitude in my job to ensure I give the best performance. In the next six months, I will model the behaviors I want to have from the leaders compared to what I have and research how best to embrace them.


McKinnon, A., Flothmann, C., Hoberg, K., & Busch, C. (2017). Logistics competencies, skills, and training: A global overview. World Bank Group.

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