Personal Digital (Universal Automatic) Computer

The selected product for this work is a personal digital computer. UNIVAC, the first computer to be commercially sold in 1951, was room-sized, consisted of 5200-vacuum tubes, and weighed nearly 7.6 tonnes. Its main features included calculations and other general functions. It became famous for predicting the winner of the presidential election only after a small fragment of votes was counted in. At its initial price point in 1951, it could be bought for what is now calculated as seven million dollars (History, 2022). Personal computers noticed tremendous development over the 20th century and even greater innovation in the 21st century which caused the manufacturing of computers to become less time-consuming, less costly, and smaller in space consumption. This influenced pricing as the computer supply grew, and clients were able to purchase them for more affordable prices. Additionally, the market for personal computers has observed an enormous diversification in commodities. Because PCs grew to be multi-tools that could contribute to a variety of lifestyles, professions, and technical requirements, prices can also be noted to vary greatly.

The common presence of computers in homes for personal use can be first observed in the 1980s. This is when brands manufacturing electronics became more competitive and had to provide both better products and prices for clients to choose their computers. With an increase in affordability, the supply was able to expand, and demand likely followed. Within the modern market, diverse computers and related products compete amongst all models and brands as well as within their price brackets. Demand is at an all-time high as PCs are items that can be found in all homes and are required for many work or educational spaces.


History. (2022). UNIVAC, the first commercially produced digital computer, is dedicated. History.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, June 12). Personal Digital (Universal Automatic) Computer.

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StudyCorgi. "Personal Digital (Universal Automatic) Computer." June 12, 2023.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Personal Digital (Universal Automatic) Computer." June 12, 2023.

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