Physical Activity and Relationship Characteristics

One is said to be engaged in physical activity if he or she makes use of energy (Donatelle2009, p.3221). Lifting weights, walking, jumping, and stretching are all forms of physical activity. Other forms of physical activity include doing household chores such as cooking and sweeping. Other activities such as carrying school bags to school and writing are all forms of physical activity. The difference in the amount of energy spent on each of these activities differs. Physical activity is beneficial to the body in several ways provided it is carried out properly.

The first benefit of physical exercise is improved cardio-respiratory fitness. In this case, one can use several muscles under high and moderate tension for longer periods. This is not possible for anyone who does not participate in physical activity. The second benefit of physical exercise is reduced chances of high blood pressure as well as fewer chances of suffering from a heart attack. Also, there is improved bone mass, reduced risk of attack by cancer, better weight control, and a longer lifespan. Then there is improved mental health and a strong immunity against diseases (Donatelle2009, p.322-324).

Apart from the benefits of physical activity, stretching is a vital component of physical exercise. The crucial guidelines to follow while stretching includes beginning with the inside of the thighs, followed by the upper arm and the side of the trunk. This is then followed by the triceps, the trunk and hip, and then the hip, the back, the thigh, and the calf. The last stretch is for the front of the thigh and the hip flexor. The major contribution of stretching as a form of physical activity is that they improve flexibility. Flexibility is a major pathway to other forms of physical exercise (Donatelle2009, p.336).

Despite the immense benefits of physical exercise listed above, it is not easy for some people to participate in this undertaking. It is therefore necessary that we come up with ways of encouraging our friends who are not ready to participate in physical activity or exercise. The first way to motivate them is by offering to do the exercise with them (Donatelle2009, pp.335-337). This way they will have company; a sure way of beating loneliness while exercising. The other form of encouragement is to show them the benefits of physical exercise. Personal testimony is ideal in this case since it is useless to tell someone to do what you cannot do or you have not done. Informing them of the fact that physical exercise improves physical attractiveness leading to healthy relationships will encourage them, even more, to participate in exercise(Thomas 2009, pp.23-24). What are the four main characteristics of intimate relationships?

Intimate relationships are characterized by behavioral interdependence, emotional availability among the people involved, and the fulfillment of each other’s needs. Intimate relationships also have an emotional attachment (Donatelle2009, p.117). It has been said that building relationships involve a degree of risk. This is true because it is not possible to get one hundred percent trust from the people we build relationships with (Chapman2009, pp.11-12). It is possible to meet people who are given trust by others only to abuse it. The presence of abusive partners points to the existence of unhealthy relationships (Krejcir 2005, pp.43-44).

What are the characteristics of healthy relationships? Healthy relationships have people who are dependable, predictable, and faithful (Donatelle2009, p.132). Being able to tell the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships will assist in avoiding unhealthy relationships as they can lead to emotional torture as well as other forms of hurt. The five common bonds found in love relationships, as well as friendships, are nurturance, enhancement of personal well-being, mutual regard, mutual trust, and security (Donatelle2009, p.119).

In conclusion, exercise, as achieved through physical activity, is beneficial. Good relationships and healthy life are its products.


Chapman, G., (2009).The One Year Love Language Minute Devotional (Kindle ed.).New York: Tyndale House Publishers.

Donatelle, R., (2009). Health: The Basics, (8th ed.).New York: Pearson Education, Inc.

Krejcir, R., (2005).The Field Guide to Healthy Relationships,New York:PublishAmerica.

Thomas, G., (2009).Pure Pleasure: Why Do Christians Feel So Bad About Feeling Good? (Kindle ed.).New York: Zondervan Publishers.

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