Physicians and Pregnant Women Interactions


Analyzing the frequency of interactions between physicians and pregnant women is essential for assessing the level of care patients receive from their healthcare providers. The information that has to be collected includes medical records, commentary from patients, and commentary from physicians. This data is vital in illustrating how often and how much time physicians tend to spend with pregnant women during checkups and various treatments. In case the data shows a low rate of frequency and too short patient-physician interactions, doctors will be able to acknowledge the problem and make certain changes that will benefit the medical facility. The study focuses on the experiences of patients and the overview of the providers, which ensures an unbiased conclusion and a possible plan that would lead to benefits in the field of medical care.

Key Study Components

  • Data Collection Plan—Implementing a data collection plan regarding the frequency of interactions between physicians and pregnant women will suggest possible changes that need to be done for better care provision. The data will be collected from medical files, interviews with patients, and interviews with physicians, which will allow for a clear understanding of the current situation and a possible plan of improvement.
  • Data Security Plan—All the gathered raw data and the patients’ and physicians’ personal information will be stored on a platform that requires authentification and authorization since the report will contain medical records, names, and personal details. Therefore, only the designated researchers and other people who are actively contributing to the study will be able to access it by using individual passwords to avoid specific security issues that may compromise the ethical aspect of the study.
  • Benchmarking Plan—The finished research and the findings illustrated after data analysis will be published online in medical journals, which will ensure a favorable health information exchange between specialists and medical institutions. Using adequate terminology, organizing the information in an accessible way, and implementing common identifiers in the text will ensure standardized information based on the notion of interoperability.
  • Quality and Change Management Strategies—Communication with both the patients and the physicians is one of the quality and change management strategies in the medical field, which is the critical point of the research. Transparency is another policy highlighted by the personal interviews and honest feedback from both patients and providers regarding the frequency of their interactions, as well as transparency from the researchers during the interviews.


It is crucial to research the frequency of interactions between physicians and pregnant women to ensure an adequate level of care and future implementations that may have a favorable outcome for the medical facility. This will not only allow to improve patient satisfaction but also examine the physicians’ opinion on the subject matter, which is essential for approaching the subject from both sides. Lack of patient-doctor interactions may be an effect of specific issues, such as lack of trust towards the physicians, limited time for checkups, and burnout that makes the provider less interested in having follow-up meetings. According to researchers, the physician’s burnout may lead to an unfavorable patient-doctor relationship (Mathur & VanderWeele, 2020). Suppose the study illustrates the lack of such interactions. In that case, medical health providers will improve on this level and start having more checkups and meetings with pregnant women in need of advice from a specialist. This will lead to fewer pregnancy-related health issues that may occur, a better patient experience, and an overall closer relationship between pregnant women and their doctors, resulting in more frequent checkups.


Mathur, M. B., & VanderWeele, T. J. (2020). Evidence relating health care provider burnout and quality of care. Annals of Internal Medicine, 172(6), 437. 

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