All events must have proper planning to become successful to the planners. A wedding is a sensitive occasion that must be well systematised in that it will suit the desires of both parties. When doing a wedding, individuals need knowledge and expertise to assist in putting in place each segment for the success of their celebration (Grindell, 2021). In this case, Tony and Peggy Sue have courted and are ready to marry. According to the text, Sue is from a rich family, while Tony hails from a humble background. Thus, for their wedding to be a success, planning must be undertaken to fit the event by accommodating the requirements without leaning on any side. This report presents an agile-centric project management in regards to the above matter, where occasions will be organised into sprints of activities to enable the wedding to happen without any challenges.
List of Assumptions as a Basis for the Wedding
- For the wedding to occur, it is assumed that Tony and Sue have come into a concurrence about what awaits them in marriage. They are psychologically prepared to confront issues that come along with marriage institutions (Desmond, 2017). That assumption is critical because it gives room to consider all aspects of financial and moral support required before, during and after the event.
- It is estimated that the project can be completed within three months from now with the bride and groom having agreed the date and the wedding venue including the officials, guest list and team members to participate in the event.
- As part of planning, it is important to assume that invitations will be made to family, relatives and friends hence, there is a need to put a budget that shall be sufficient towards catering for the space, public address and reception that shall be held after the wedding.
- It is important to assume that people will be willing to contribute financial resources to help the yet-to-be couple manage the heavy budget since that responsibility cannot be left alone for Tony and his family.
- That the event needs to be colourful to satisfy taste from all attendees hence, wedding colours, reception venue, food and beverage, entertainment and general décor shall be done to emphasise on the wedding eve.
- There is an assumption that the wedding shall take place in a serene environment where only invited guests shall be allowed, not the entire public.
- There should be professional engagement in the event such as photography and video shooting, catering and food service.
- The bride and groom family members shall participate in planning the event by selecting an events committee and team that shall oversee the budget, assets, among others.

Indentured List for the WBS
Desmond, C. (2017). Project management tools software tools. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 45(4), 24-25.
Grindell, S. (2021). A step-by-step guide to planning your dream wedding. Insider. Web.