Pluto: The Status in the Galaxy

Pluto has been a topic of many arguments for scholars during the centuries and has caused numerous debates. Through the paper flows the idea of the inconstancy and the motion of the science that result in changes of astronomer’s perceptions. Therefore, the provided article observes the events and discoveries that have influenced the fate of the space object and the many statuses that were given to it.

There are different issues connected with Pluto and its status in the galaxy. One of them is that science keeps moving towards new discoveries and progress. Therefore, the theories that once have been relevant after some time can be improper due to new information and researches. For example, many astronomers started to doubt Pluto’s position as a planet in 1930 due to the creation of the new rules, because the planet’s characteristics not fit into the new standards (Associated Press, 2006). Although Pluto and other small space objects are considered the “dwarf planets,” they are still planets; thereby, Pluto should not be disqualified. Another problem is that the scholars from the very beginning of astronomy did not have specific guidelines for measuring the planets. Therefore, it led to inconsistencies in determining whether Pluto deserves to be considered planet or not. Those issues are crucial because, without evident characteristics, it is impossible to evaluate the properties and characteristics of the space objects.

Overall, several issues mainly focus on the building specific criteria for observations and classifications of the space objects. Pluto is an example of the importance of the precise measurement system for the following identification of the subject. The article correlates with my chosen field in constant changes and development of the science that revises all the old statements and facts.


Associated Press. (2006). Astronomers Vote to Strip Pluto of Planetary Status. Fox News. Web.

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