Policy Changes to Control Disease Better

Concerns and inquiries about the most effective ways to prevent and control viruses are raised by the increasing trend of disease transmission. Mainly the questions became relevant during the COVID-19 pandemic and the socio-economical and health consequences of the issue. Some countries had better rates during the pandemic due to adopted policies that support the health system.

Analyzing the data from various sources, the statistics show that Spain, Italy, Germany, and France had lower rates than the United States in reported cases. At the same time, the United States had the highest numbers of fatal cases, recovered, and confirmed cases, according to reports from April 5, 2020 (Hoseinpour et al., 2020). After China, South Korea was among the first nations to report cases, and its growth trajectory for confirmed cases was identical to China’s. However, they also implemented other procedures, including social avoidance, quarantine regulations for infected people, and faster-infected case detection. Other regions appear to have benefited from Lombardy’s lockdown tactics, the outbreak’s epicenter in Italy. These policies are beneficial in reducing the number of new confirmed cases and case fatalities.

One of the best strategies for controlling the preceding pandemic disease is social distancing, which lowers mortality while decreasing human-to-human spread. However, research indicates that combining different strategies can increase effectiveness. In response to the concern over the massive population movement, the Chinese government implemented measures that were impactful in containing the disease, including extending the holiday so that it would be long enough to cover the COVID-19 incubation period, isolating confirmed cases in hospitals, placing mildly ill or asymptomatic patients under quarantine in multiple hospitals, instituting home-based quarantine for residents of Hubei Province, and—most importantly—taking steps to prevent people with asymptotic conditions.

Therefore, to control the disease, the policy must address the most dangerous transmission ways to prevent the epidemic chain and control the situation accordingly. The analysis shows that isolation and social distancing became one of the most efficient practices in several countries and helped to reduce the reported case rates. Hence, multilevel strategies, such as individual protection, and community distancing, must be implemented to prevent further disease spread.


Hoseinpour Dehkordi A, Alizadeh M, Derakhshan P, Babazadeh P, Jahandideh A. (2020). Understanding epidemic data and statistics: A case study of COVID‐19. J Med Virol, 92. 868–882. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, September 1). Policy Changes to Control Disease Better. https://studycorgi.com/policy-changes-to-control-disease-better/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Policy Changes to Control Disease Better." September 1, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/policy-changes-to-control-disease-better/.


StudyCorgi. "Policy Changes to Control Disease Better." September 1, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/policy-changes-to-control-disease-better/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Policy Changes to Control Disease Better." September 1, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/policy-changes-to-control-disease-better/.

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