Policy Violation in a Learner’s Academic Career


Educational institutions develop and implement appropriate policies that all students, parents, and educators should follow. Such regulations are aimed at promoting the wellbeing of learners and ensuring that they develop the intended skills and knowledge. This paper gives a detailed analysis of some examples of policy violations and how they tend to undermine the true purpose of graduate schools.

My Academic Career

Learners engage in activities and practices that will ensure that they obtain high-quality basic education. The completed class discussions have identified several violations that might arise in my academic career. Such occurrences are capable of affecting my educational aims and making it impossible to achieve my potential (Velliaris 34). Firstly, I might be tempted to skip school or certain classes. This means that I will not be able to develop the intended skills or acquire the outlined information. Secondly, a given student might decide to engage in inappropriate behaviors or activities, such as crime or theft. This kind of malpractice will result in disciplinary actions and affect the individual’s academic achievements.

Thirdly, the issue of academic dishonesty is something that might occur in my academic career. This is a major violation that many individuals do not understand its implications. Those who engage in it will have increased chances of being expelled from college (Velliaris 46). Learners who qualify without being caught or punished might develop inappropriate values and make it impossible for them to achieve their future professional goals. This type of situation can arise when I plagiarize or hire people to complete my class assignments.

Academic Dishonesty

The ultimate goal of higher education is to ensure that all students finish the entire learning process and acquire adequate competencies that will support their future career objectives. Any form of academic dishonesty, such as plagiarism and cheating, undermines the true purpose of graduate schools. Individuals who enroll in various degree programs hope to obtain additional competencies that are appropriate for the intended work setting.

Such malpractice means that the affected learners might finish their courses without developing the intended skills or philosophies (Velliaris 76). This means that they will still be at their original positions even if they have diploma or degree certificates.

When individuals complete their programs without any form of dishonesty, chances are high that they will remain productive and change their workplaces. They will be equipped with evidence-based concepts for pursuing both their career and personal objectives. Students who engage in dishonesty lack the required competencies to take them to the next level. Villiers goes further to acknowledge that this kind of fraud has become pervasive in many countries, including the United States (65). All affected individuals become disillusioned and incapable of achieving their goals or solving most of the problems they face. These arguments explain why there is a need for all stakeholders to prevent any form of fraud and punish those who promote it.


The above discussion has revealed that different policy violation situations might arise in a learner’s academic career. Students should, therefore, be aware of the existing guidelines and why they are capable of supporting their professional goals. Stakeholders in this field should implement powerful initiatives to prevent any form of academic dishonesty and punish those who cheat or engage in fraud. Such a strategy will uphold the true purpose and meaning of college education.

Work Cited

Velliaris, Donna M., editor. Handbook of Research on Academic Misconduct in Higher Education. IGI Global, 2017.

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StudyCorgi. (2021) 'Policy Violation in a Learner’s Academic Career'. 4 June.

1. StudyCorgi. "Policy Violation in a Learner’s Academic Career." June 4, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/policy-violation-in-a-learners-academic-career/.


StudyCorgi. "Policy Violation in a Learner’s Academic Career." June 4, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/policy-violation-in-a-learners-academic-career/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Policy Violation in a Learner’s Academic Career." June 4, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/policy-violation-in-a-learners-academic-career/.

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