Professional Health Care Therapeutic Communication: Elaine’s Pregnancy

Elaine’s case describes the situation when a young woman chooses adoption as an appropriate option to provide her child with two loving parents. The problem is in the fact that Elaine could not guarantee the proper care for herself and her baby (Tamparo & Lindh, 2016). In addition, the young woman was unable to give good shelter and the appropriate medical care to her child. Elaine found herself in a difficult situation of separation with her baby after the birth, and then, she could meet her daughter only in twenty-one years. The purpose of this paper is to discuss Elaine’s case in detail with a focus on the dilemma of adoption and the possibility of being sympathetic with Elaine.

Thus, the details of the case can make people sympathize with Elaine and her personal story. The reason is that the child-parent attachment is critical for the proper growth of a child in terms of his or her psychosocial, emotional, cognitive, and physical development, and adoption is a challenging situation that has a great impact on the child’s life. However, cases similar to Elaine’s one make parents focus on rather difficult decisions that cause a lot of pain. Still, the case indicates that Elaine’s choice was right in the given situation (Tamparo & Lindh, 2016). Therefore, it is possible to sympathize with Elaine’s story and her intention to provide her child with more opportunities in life.

One can accept adoption as a solution in situations similar to the case of Elaine. If there are no parents to provide the help, and there are no job and financial resources to guarantee the proper care for the child, the described choice can be discussed as a reasonable one (Tamparo & Lindh, 2016). While focusing on adoption, it is necessary to ensure that the child will receive the necessary nutrition, care, and love. Moreover, the adoption of newborns cannot affect the child heavily. Still, adoption can be only the last possible option available to parents in order to ensure the child’s well-being. It is also important to note that adoption using the attorney’s services allows for learning the economic and social conditions related to adoptive parents.

While discussing the case from the position of a health care professional, it is possible to advise Elaine to consider finding a job before she enters the third trimester. It is possible to refer to cases of mothers who die while giving birth or mothers whose babies died at birth. The reference to these case studies can be an important part of therapeutic communication. Thus, Elaine will be able to visualize the need to be close to her child. The building of a strong relationship with Elaine can make communication easier, and she can focus on a reasonable decision (Tamparo & Lindh, 2016). The woman should be informed regarding her potential, perspectives, and opportunities to solve the dilemma.

While referring to the case of Elaine, it is possible to state that it is the healthcare professionals’ task to communicate with mothers who accept adoption as a solution. Women should be informed regarding their rights and the consequences of their actions for the child. They should also receive the necessary support because healthcare professionals act as advocates for patients. The child-parent relationships start to develop immediately after the birth, and much attention should be paid to the atmosphere in which women give birth to a baby, and then, make a difficult decision to contact adoptive parents.


Tamparo, C. D., & Lindh, W. Q. (2016). Therapeutic communications for health care professionals. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

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