Professional Accountability in Nursing: Sheraman & Cohn’s Article

The topic of the assigned reading revolves around how nursing leaders can improve care by upholding the concepts of professional accountability and ownership in their practice. This paper summarizes the assigned article. Also, it explains how the publication will impact my professional nursing work in the future.

Assigned Article Summary

Professional accountability is an important principle in nursing since it helps individuals advance, grow, improve, and adapt their work requirements. Nurses who are accountable in the workplace have relatively high chances of applying their talents and gifts to achieve better results (Sheraman & Cohn, 2019). A nurse is accountable as well as responsible for the quality of his or her practice. It should be stressed that these professionals work in teams to achieve individual and collective objectives in the short and long run. The Code of Ethics states that nursing care providers “are required to contribute to professional advancement by respecting the input of their teammates who strive to promote the quality of their patient outcomes” (Sheraman & Cohn, 2019, p. 25).

Nurses undergo rigorous training, licensure, and regulation that are founded on evidence-based information that promotes long-term quality. Notably, the failure of a teammate to change practice to handle an issue is termed as performance matter (Sheraman & Cohn, 2019). Finally, the article underpins that professionals in this industry should take ownership of their care and comprehend that appreciating EBPs implemented to improve quality is a component of professional accountability.

Impact of Assigned Article Content on Future Practice

Upon reading the article, I have realized that it would have implications for my future practice. First, I have learned that I would be required to comprehend the importance of incorporating professional accountability and ownership in nursing.

At the core of being accountable is to provide care that results in the best outcomes. Second, I should realize that individual and organizational goals would be achieved in better ways if I appreciate the significance of teamwork. It is critical to state that working together with other colleagues helps to solve complex situations because nurses share their experiences in different situations. Third, the article’s content will affect how I view the utilization of scientific evidence in my work. I will be utilizing this information to provide care whose benefits are founded on studies.


In conclusion, this paper has established that professional accountability assists nurses to advance, grow, as well as to change in their practice. The main goal of adopting responsibility in nursing is to improve the quality of care in patients. The Code of Ethics recognizes the importance of utilizing teams in the workplace; they lead to better results and achievement of both individual and organizational objectives. Nursing leaders should strive toward establishing a culture that promotes professional responsibility.


Sheraman, R. O., & Cohn, T. M. (2019). Promoting professional accountability and ownership. American Nurse Today, 14(2), 24-26.

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StudyCorgi. 2021. "Professional Accountability in Nursing: Sheraman & Cohn’s Article." July 9, 2021.

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