Role of CHN/PHN in Immunization and Public Health

What is the role of the CHN/PHN in addressing unimmunized and under-immunized populations with communities?

The role of the CHN/PHN in addressing unimmunized and under-immunized populations with communities cannot be ignored. Despite a number of positive achievements in the US health care and discussions about the importance of immunization and vaccination, a considerable part of the population remains unimmunized or under-immunized (Grimes, 2014). Therefore, CHNs have to take certain steps and improve the situation by focusing on population health from nursing, social, and public perspectives.

They can use their professional knowledge and skills to implement new programs and special courses in terms of which it is possible to support people, provide them with guidelines, and improve their knowledge about dangerous diseases that may be preventable. Unimmunized and under-immunized populations have to share their experiences and ask for help, and PHNs are responsible for the provision of such opportunities for all people despite their gender, age, social status, and other factors.

What are the global implications for vaccine-preventable diseases?

Special attention to the global implications for vaccine-preventable diseases should be paid. History proves that epidemics could easily destroy empires and change the development of events in unpredictable ways (Grimes, 2014). Though many eradication campaigns were already developed, and control of communicable diseases was promoted, malaria and other vector-borne diseases create a serious threat to the population around the whole world.

At this moment, global immunization helps to prevent illnesses and deaths from such diseases as hepatitis B, measles, pneumonia, and rotavirus diarrhea as these cases have been significantly reduced since the 1990s (Grimes, 2014). Another implication is closely connected to the stability of the results achieved. No significant changes in global vaccination coverage have been observed during the last several decades. The populations receive an opportunity to save children’s lives due to basic vaccines offered to every newborn.

What are some of the barriers to the implementation of successful public immunization programs?

Implementation of successful public immunization programs may be challenged worldwide. The reasons for barriers may vary. Still, Grimes (2014) admits that such factors as the impossibility to control the emergence of all new pathogens or the reemergence of all pathogens cannot be ignored. In addition, it may happen that some new pathogens turn out to be drug-resistant by their nature so that it is difficult to create appropriate vaccines in a short period of time.

Another important aspect in the development of immunization programs includes the accuracy of the information that can be gathered about a disease around the whole globe. Some populations spend much money and time to secure data. Therefore, it is not always possible to clarify the latest achievements in vaccination from a global perspective. The lack of knowledge and poor global communication creates new barriers to the implementation of effective immunization programs for the population.

Describe the three focus areas in Healthy People 2020 objectives that apply to infectious diseases?

Healthy People 2020 is a strong and effective framework to promote public health from a national point of view. There are many goals identified by Healthy People 2020, but three of them deserve special attention because they can be applied to infectious diseases. They are immunization and infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, and HIV (Grimes, 2014). These objectives are used to clarify current prevention and control efforts and identify what steps may be taken to improve the situation and reduce the number of negative outcomes related to preventable diseases. As soon as the populations recognize the importance of these objectives, it may be possible to create new programs, understand human needs, and realize what resources can be used.


Grimes, D. E. (2014). Communicable disease. In M. A. Nies & M. McEwen (Eds.), Community/public health nursing (6th ed.) (pp. 488-514). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Health Sciences.

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